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Refugees are not third-class citizens, they deserve better accommodations!

With war raging at this very moment so close to us it is almost impossible not to

think about the consequences that warfare implies. Apart from the destruction of whole

cities, there is the far more important consequence which is the loss oh human life. Men,

women, and children that lose their lives every day in a war that that was thrusted upon

them. In a war they never chose but must now face. There are not many alternatives in war.

You either fight, hide or flee. With the first two options not being available to everyone,

especially women and children, people place their hopes in neighboring, and not, countries

and literally run there to save their lives. Refugees arrive every day in various specified

facilities and stay there for long periods of time until they are granted the several needed

permits in order to leave them. These facilities, camps, or access points as they are called

can be found all over Greece but are they really places that are fit to host humans? How the

proper, or not, operation of these facilities affects city space? Do these places really

accommodate those in need or do they make the situation worst for both refugees and


My paper would argue that hosting facilities are a necessity in cities where refugees

seek asylum. They need to be places specifically designed to help with the smooth

integration of these people in hosting countries. However, these facilities tend to be

examples of impoverishment that lower the standard of living and this is among the reasons

why people are against them and against refugees as well. I plan to discuss examples

showcasing the wrong and right use of these facilities and also the results each might bring,

the reaction, positive or not, that local and refugees themselves have in regard to the

centers. I will conduct research to document the extend of the problem. I will also briefly

explore, the xenophobia which might be a cause for the discomfort of the locals but also

might be an underlying cause for the low level of attention that authorities give in the


My audience will be my classmates, many of whom, I believe will have strong

opinions on the issue since is very well broadcasted topic which affects everyone, and which

was also relevant for many years up until now. I hope to write a paper that will interest

them and give strong support for my position. I plan to use sources from the ACG library, my

personal library, and the World Wide Web. I expect to come upon the difficulty of not being

able to find material that would oppose my views.







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