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Mathematics Department

MYP 5 Time: 2 hours

First Semester Exam


 Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
 Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
 Unless otherwise stated in the question, all numerical answers must be given exactly
or to three significant figures.
 Use blue pens to answer questions and pencils for diagrams
 Show all your work. Marks may be given for working which shows your
understanding to the subject, even if you get a wrong answer.
 Your work will be assessed based on criteria A and D.

Criteria Name of Criteria Maxi. Level
A Knowing and Understanding 8
Applying Mathematics in
D 8
Real life context

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Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
Maximum: 8
At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
i. select appropriate mathematics when solving problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving problems
iii. solve problems correctly in a variety of contexts.

Achievement Level descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of
0 the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

i. select appropriate mathematics when solving simple
problems in familiar situations
1–2 ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving
these problems
iii. generally solve these problems correctly in a variety of

The student is able to:

i. select appropriate mathematics when solving more complex
problems in familiar situations
3–4 ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving
these problems
iii. generally solve these problems correctly in a variety of
The student is able to:
i. select appropriate mathematics when solving challenging
problems in familiar situations
5–6 ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving
these problems
iii. generally solve these problems correctly in a variety of
The student is able to:
i. select appropriate mathematics when solving challenging
problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations
7–8 ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving
these problems
iii. generally solve these problems correctly in a variety of

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Criterion D: Applying mathematics in real-life
Maximum: 8
At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
i. identify relevant elements of authentic real-life situations
ii. select appropriate mathematical strategies when solving authentic real-life situations
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies successfully to reach a solution
iv. justify the degree of accuracy of a solution
v. justify whether a solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation.

Achievement Level descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of
0 the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

i. identify some of the elements of the authentic real-life situation
ii. apply mathematical strategies to find a solution to the authentic
1–2 real‑life situation, with limited success.

The student is able to:

i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life
3–4 ii. select, with some success, adequate mathematical strategies
to model the authentic real-life situation
iii. apply mathematical strategies to reach a solution to the
authentic reallife situation
iv. discuss whether the solution makes sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.
The student is able to:
i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation
ii. select adequate mathematical strategies to model the authentic real
5–6 life situation
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies to reach a valid solution
to the authentic real-life situation
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of the solution
v. explain whether the solution makes sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

The student is able to:

i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation
ii. select appropriate mathematical strategies to model the authentic
7–8 real life situation
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies to reach a correct
solution to the authentic real-life situation
iv. justify the degree of accuracy of the solution
v. justify whether the solution makes sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

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Level (1-2)
1) Calculate the missing variables





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2) A tree casts a shadow of 12.4 m when the angle of
elevation to the sun is 52°. Calculate the height of the
tree to the nearest meter.

Level (3-4)
3) Neung is at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport watching the planes take off. He observes
a plane that is at an angle of elevation of 25o from where he is standing at point N. The
plane is at a height of 390 metres as can be seen in the following diagram (not to scale).

a) Calculate the horizontal distance, NH, of the plane from Neung. Give your answer
to the nearest metre.

4) The plane took off from a point T, which is 230 metres from where Neung is standing,
as shown in the following diagram (not to scale).

b) Calculate the angle ATH, the take-off angle of the plane to the nearest degree.

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5) Gina is flying a kite that makes a 50° angle with the ground. Determine how high the
kite is above the ground when she has let out 150 m of string.

6) A train must climb a constant gradient of 5.5 m for every 200 m of track. Calculate the
angle of incline

Level (5-6)
7) ABCD is a square, where AP = 5 cm, QC = 7
cm and PB = 12 cm.
a) the size of the angle marked x
b) the length of AB
c) the length of DQ
d) the length of PD
e) the size of ∠BQD

MYP 5 |Page 6 of 9
8) An orienteering competitor travels 3 km in the direction 024˚ and then 2 km in the
direction 114˚. Calculate the distance and the bearing of the finishing point from the
starting point.

9) The great Pyramid of Giza is a square-based pyramid. The base of the pyramid has side
length 230.4 m and the vertical height is 146.5 m. the great Pyramid is represented in
the diagram below as ABCDE. The vertex E is directly above the center O of the base.
M is the midpoint of BC.
a) Calculate EM.
b) Show that the angle between the EM and the base of the pyramid is 52˚ correct to 2
significant figures.
c) Calculate the angle between an edge and the base.

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Level (7-8)
10) A circular clock has dots on its boundary which indicate the numbers 1 to 12. The dots
representing 10 and 2 are 24 cm apart. Determine the radius of the clock.

11) A new feature at the botanical gardens will be a regular pentagonal flower bed with
sides of length 20 m.
Calculate the width of land d m required for the flower bed.

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12) In a house that is being renovated, two corridors meet at right angles, as shown in the
diagram. Workmen attempting to take a ladder around the corner get the ladder stuck
when it is at an angle of 45° to each wall.

a) Determine the length of the ladder.

b) Determine the length of a 2nd ladder that got stuck when it was at an angle of 60°
with the wall of the 1m corridor.

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