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Tevaki Mathavan
Student’s Name

Student’s ID 111160916492 Student’s NRIC 900704-07-5670

Year/Semester Lecturer’s Name Mr. Duke

Faculty Faculty of Nursing

Program Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing (Post Registration)

LBNP 4408 Clinical Practice 4

Subject Name

Essay on career Mapping

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Date submitted Due Date 07/05/2018

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Working as a nurse is totally different feelings from working as a normal office staff who
deal with computers and not a human life. Moreover working in critical care area as a
Charge Nurse with different colleagues from other country is quite challenging
experience. It is totally a different experience from working at home, i mean our own
country. The role of the nurses working in critical care area requires a specialized skills
in order for nurses in this post to be successful. So it is possible to use SWOT for one's
advantage. 'S' stand for strength, 'W 'for weakness, 'O' for opportunities and 'T' for
threat. If a person can identify and understand their strengths and opportunities, they will
know where to tread with confidence and security. However, if one can realize the
weaknesses and threats posed to them, it's possible to focus on those areas so to
improve upon weaknesses and overcome obstacles posed by threats. To be successful
in nursing career it is absolutely essential for one to be able to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of oneself, as well as the opportunities and threats that are presented. By
using SWOT analysis . . A SWOT analysis is a tool that can provide prompts to the
managers, in charge nurse, nurse mentors and staff involved in the analysis of what is
effective and less effective in clinical systems and procedures.This SWOT analysis is
carried out as a part of my study course. I believe it will help me to identify my strength,
weakness, opportunities and threats in my role as charge nurse in critical care unit
where I am working. I made an extra effort in carrying out this swot analysis to the best
of my ability and knowledge.


From Luke Andresen (2016) strengths is a the capacity to resist force or pressure (or
be an enabler to) achieving the objectives. Nurses face new situations every day and it
is important that they can adjust their knowledge, skills and feelings accordingly. My
personal strengths generally involve my ability to critical thinking and reflection. Both are
essential skills because they can enhance nurses’ ability to solve problems and make
decisions. Critical thinking skills enable nurses to identify multiple possibilities in clinical
situations and alternatives to Interventions; weigh the consequences of alternate actions;
and make sound judgement and decisions innovative and creative, as well as keeping
an open mind. These three parts enable me to be much more efficient and effective in
my ways compared to those of my peers especially working in critical care
area.Throughout my career, I improved my leadership skills and qualities. I attended
good training and education about the leadership and management. I love to update and
improve my knowledge. So I am confident that I can effectively become charge nurse.I
believe that others view my strengths as my social skills and my ability to adapt to
situations.I agree that I do have strength in my adaptability skills, however not the social
part. Besides that, I have a pleasant nature and I am able to maintain effective working
relationships with other member of staffs. I am honest and impartial. I never show my
partiality or favouritism towards anyone while working which helps me in getting
acceptance of my colleagues and reliability. Peers always comment that I am a hard
worker and have good professional knowledge. My strengths are the key to my success
and achievements.


From Harrison (2010) weaknesses is a factors that are likely to have a negative effect
on (or be a barrier to) achieving the objectives. My weaknesses are mainly my social
skills. Other weakness that I faced lately is I am having short temper especially while
working with the Saudi nurses. I will easily get angry if I know there is Saudi nurses are
working with me because I know that they will always missing in action and if I am their
neighbour so I need to look after of their patient also. Sometime I avoid to see them and
pretending I am busy with my patient. Improving upon my weaknesses is only one way
to deal with them. Sometimes overcoming or improving upon weaknesses is impossible
and the only choice is to avoid them overall. Although avoidance is not usually the best
tactic, it can help to stay away from negative effects. “The benefit of avoidance is that it
buys time in unfolding and ambiguous situations.The weakness is that it provides only a
temporary fix and sidesteps the underlying problem” (Kinicki & Williams, 2009). Other
than that is sometimes I feel I am lack of confidence to become a Charge Nurse. I
learned management skills during nursing college and from previous hospital in Malaysia
but I don’t have enough confidence to become a charge nurse in Saudi Arabia.
Sometimes I always love to do work in an easy going way. But as a charge nurse I need
to continuous supervise and responsible with my colleagues and easy going way and
laziness is not admissible. Weakness is something that I must deal with in one way or
another, if I cannot work to strengthen my weakness, I can try to avoid it. I think that it is
best to be aware of personal weaknesses so that you can face the truth of what is going


From Harrison (2010) opportunities is an external factor that are likely to have a
positive effect on achieving or exceeding the clinic’s objectives, or goals not previously
considered. Opportunities are “situations that present possibilities for exceeding existing
goals” (Kinicki & Williams, 2009). Opportunities can present themselves in many different
ways. The most common type of opportunity is one that you yourself create. Trends in
opportunities may be noticeable in some situations. Some opportunities can also be
created through the elimination of weaknesses. On my search for success in my career
path as critical care nurse there are many opportunities that I have available to me. Most
of the opportunities are ones that I must create myself. My education for one is an
opportunity that I am currently facing. It gives me the choice to either take advantage
and do well, or not take advantage of the situation and miss out on the opportunity. For
an example I may not take Post Basic Course that I could have just because I think and I
feel it is not important, and it comes down to me and one other person to get an open
spot at a job and we both have the same education background; that Post Basic Course
could have made the difference to get the job especially the requirement to work in
Saudi. Other opportunities can be found in social opportunities to make connections, or
generally any chance to gain benefit from a situation. Become a charge nurse allow me
to get opportunity to know a lot of people from various backgrounds and know their
culture and lifestyles. For example, working with other non-nursing staff like engineering,
radiology, housekeeping, and laboratory. Working in Saudi Arabia also give me
opportunity to learn various language and sharpen my communication in Arabic. A
charge nurse role brings a lot of responsibilities and discipline in my life and helps me to
lead a better social life.


From Harrison (2010) threats is an external factors and conditions that are likely to
have a negative effect on achieving the clinic’s objectives, or making the objective
redundant or un-achievable. Threats can be viewed as anything that may stand in the
way of accomplishing one's goals, including factors that negatively affect your ability to
compete with others (Kinicki& Williams, 2009).I face many obstacles in on my path to
success in my future career. The largest threats for me are probably competition with
others seeking the same success in the same field. The demand for people in my field is
changing. The new graduated Saudi Nurses who are holding Masters in Nursing are
applying to become Charge Nurse even though they are still newly graduated.Careers
as a charge nurse is in expansion and higher demand, and are expected to be even
more in the future because Cardiac Centre in my hospital will be open soon. Employers
and hospital organizations will be looking for well-educated and bright individuals to fill
the Charge Nurse position especially for local people even though they do not have
experience in management, which means I must stay unwavering and persistent in my
drive to obtain a good experience.A charge nurse is legally responsible for any errors
made by other staffs. Such situation creates a lot of stress. For instance, during
emergency situations like code blue. I need to observe especially the new hire on how
they are giving medication and what type of medication use during emergency.
Sometimes many nurses working in the unit are not interested in their work and do not
do their work properly. Such irresponsible nurses can create a lot of trouble and make
me so angry because I need to observe this kind of staff most of the time to prevent any
error happen during my duty. Now, I think I need to learn to become a patient and calm
person all the time to prevent from my face looking older than my age.


An effective SWOT analysis helps a nurses give emphasis to its strengths, improve on
weaknesses take advantage of the opportunities present and avoid threats. It is the best
tool to use for planning and improving a career. Whatever action will take, the four
cornered SWOT analysis prompts to move in a balanced way. A SWOT analysis will be
most helpful if it is use to support the vision, mission, and objectives. The SWOT will at
least provide perspective, and at best will reveal connections and areas for action.


 Harrison. P. J (2010). Excerpted from Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare.

HealthAdministration Press.
 Retrieved from
 Kinicki, A., & Williams, B. K. (2009). Management: A Practical Introduction (4th ed.).
NewYork: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
 Retrieved from

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