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MEDICINE OR TREATMENT  Instructed to take medications at home at the proper dose, time,
frequency, and route.
 Encouraged to comply with medications to prevent further complications.
 Emphasized the importance of regular follow-up check-ups and as
instructed by physician.

ENVIRONMENT AND EXERCISE  Maintain a quiet, pleasant, environment to promote relaxation.

 Provide clean and comfortable environment.
 Encourage daily walking for to promote adequate circulation and help
return of normal bowel function.
 Avoid any strenuous activity such as lifting, pushing or pulling objects that
weight more than 10 pounds.
TREATMENT  Continue home medications
 Teach the patient about proper wound care
 Check for signs of infection each day. Check the area for swelling, red
streaks or pus.
 Wash the incision area with gentle soap and water, do not vigorously rub
the incision area, pat it dry with a clean towel.
 Avoid allowing the water spray directly on your incision, it may damage the
healing skin and increase infection.
 Do not apply any lotion, powder or cream on your incision until it has
completely healed.
 Encourage patient to take multivitamins to enhance her immunity
HEALTH TEACHING  Provide verbal and written advice on how to take medications, how to
exercise, how to eat right, how to take care of wounds, and how to
schedule follow-up appointments.
 After release, advise the patient to minimize her activity for the following
24 to 48 hours.
 Suggested to the patient to exercise by walking for at least 10 minutes
each day in the morning.
 Hug a pillow against the surgery area before sneezing or coughing. This
will prevent pain and protect the surgery area.
 Told to make dietary, pharmaceutical, and exercise changes.
 To prevent damaging the area where invasive procedures are conducted
or opening surgeries are performed, avoid hard work or vigorous activities.
Encouraged to stick to the monitoring protocol prescribed by the doctor.
 Tell the patient to clean the area surrounding the wound so that an
infection won't develop.
 Instruct the patient to maintain a clean environment as much as possible
to prevent the buildup of disease or infection that could impact the incision.
 Told the patient to take their medication as directed.
 The client received instruction on how to maintain proper hygiene.
 For dry skin, use lubricant such as lanolin.
 It is advised to get medical attention right away if you have a fever, chills,
difficulty breathing (dyspnea), body aches, shortness of breath, sputum,
severe exhaustion, or any other strange symptoms.

OUT PATIENT FOLLOW-UP  After discharge, the patient will be advised to return to the hospital on a
specific date for a follow-up check-up to check on healing progress and
assess if there are any further complications after surgery.
 Encouraged to call physician, ambulance, family member or friends to take
you to hospital if severe pain is felt.
 For any problems or complications, consult a doctor.
DIET  Instruct patients to never skip meals.
 Consume a variety of foods, as advised by your doctor, to acquire a
balanced diet of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, and fats your body
 Eat less fat by avoiding foods high in fat and using less fat when cooking.
 Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day to increase
your fiber intake.
 Eat fewer sugary foods, such as sodas, fruit-flavored drinks, and sugar-
sweetened tea or coffee. Drink more fluids to help your body flush out
 Lessen your use of salt when cooking and eating. Consume fewer
processed meats, canned and boxed soups, pickles, and other high-
sodium items. Limit your intake of junk food.
 Avoid eating rich greasy or spicy foods
 If nauseated take liquids and light meals
 Eat high fiber foods such as beans, broccoli, avocados, apples and other
green leafy vegetable.
 Drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily.

SPIRITUAL/ SEXUAL  Encouraged to keep seeking God's guidance and understanding.

 Emphasized the significance of prayer in healing
 Encouraged to seek heavenly assistance in all situations
 Encouraged to maintain a cheerful attitude in life.
 Encouraged to pursue interests and hobbies for enjoyment in the future as
an alternative to sexual desire.

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