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Kelly_NAp…  4h
times All Mentions DISCOVER
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Deep State Bill Barr shreds Smedley…  15h
Trump indictment: @Smedl…
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Whatfinger News' Choice @Mummabear The last
Clips thing they want in that role  Federated timeline
What's on your mind? is someone smart who can
202… think independently. They PERSONAL
want someone who can
 0    make a video of a map with  Home
little dots that light up all
over Russia and Iran to  Direct messages
   CW EN 500 Sir Rogue …  4h indicate "cyber attacks"
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Toot! "28 Days Later"
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-the Rotted
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 The Bat and Cat Lady boosted your post
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Smedley…  15h

@Mummabear The last  Preferences

thing they want in that role
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is someone smart who can About · Profiles
think independently. They directory · Privacy policy
 1    want someone who can
make a video of a map with Mastodon: About · Get the app ·
Keyboard shortcuts · View source
little dots that light up all
Joel Walbert  2h  0    code · v4.1.1
over Russia and Iran to
indicate "cyber attacks"
Ringo  4h
 @ringo@…  1   

Hey Yall: If you ran into any

errors yesterday trying to  The Bat and Cat Lady
load the site or sign up, I put favourited your post
a lot of tinkering into it
Smedley…  15h
today and it should be
working now.
@Mummabear The last
I also wrote a terms of thing they want in that role
service, and kept it real is someone smart who can
simple, and added some think independently. They
examples in there, so you want someone who can
could get a better idea make a video of a map with
about it. little dots that light up all
over Russia and Iran to indicate "cyber attacks"
barter and trade ~
 0   
 1   
@cully45 Thanks for signing
Djeep  2h up!
 Angela favourited
@Djeep @Andre You next?
your post
@LeaTXlrp @RoseThistle
AI is coming!!! @LoveAlmonds
Smedley…  15h
 1+    @Smedl…
@Hollahollara @DrFell
@HeyLiberty @carolen I clearly remember the first
Joel Walbert  2h @Mummabear @Kevmo time I used Google. It was
@truthad… 1998 was an ardent user of
 0    Excite because it worked
better than Yahoo and
 Lycos. The Google results
Sir Rogue …  4h
were so much better it was
just game over for

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