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Sophia URBAN
An extremely gorgeous girl ,blue eyes and funny ,she's the most caring girl BY YOU
you'll ever meet loves her friends to death and will always be there for them
she's wise and selfless over all just a down chick and easy to fall in love with Define a Word

Dude1:Hey you know Sophia

Dude1:shes gorgeous
by sjeweldiaz March 18, 2017

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© 1999-2022 Urban Dictionary ®
The Sexiest you ever saw in your life with the perfect body and feet and ass help
she is so beautiful and attractive that she can make you stop what your doing bugs
and stare she could make a straight woman turn lesbian she knows how to
have fun and is funny she also a real freak that likes Dominic he makes her wet terms of service
wet so she sucks his dick or jerks him o! where ever or when ever they are data subject request
accessibility statement
together she met him in highschool

I got into a wreck stareing at this chick named Sophia today she was the
Sexiest women I have ever seen to bad she was with some short loser

Damn I wanna meet Sophia now

by Supersoaker2020 March 22, 2020

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From my perspective Sophia’s are girls who usually date multiple people at the
same time. She is o"en popular and referred to hot or cute. She has a dark side
and likes to play pretend, they may lie about themselves and say they are
single to get more guys. If you ever meet a Sophia run and hide.. Trust me it’s
like the purge movie..

“Sophia is a thot”

by GirlWhoBlogs56 July 7, 2018

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a girl who always needs to be on top and no one can be better than her in
anyway. she can be nice at times but get her mad and she'll get revenge. don't
get too attached to her otherwise she'll run o! with another friend before you
can say pepperoni.

Girl 1: Hey Girl 2, I see you have been hanging with Sophia lately.

Girl 2: Yeah, she's really nice and funny.

Girl 1: Okay, but don't make her mad otherwise she's going to get revenge.

by horsehay342 July 3, 2011

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She is one of the funniest people you will meet. But beware because she can.
Also be one of the rudest people on earth to you. Especially to her friends. But
they mostly consider it as joking around even if sometimes she can take it too
far. She can be nice sometimes and she loves to hug people. But most of the
time she can be a bitch.

Person 1: "Oh no Sophia's coming"

Person 2: "Hahaha"

by Ooferperson69 January 30, 2019

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Is not cool and only has friends because of her brothers

She is such a sophia

by erghjkl November 2, 2020

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A pick me bitch who wears fake glasses and is a fake Kpop fan and only stans
the worst group existing, BTS. Sophia wears fake ass glasses she thinks
everyone likes but everyone know they are fake asf. She wears baggy mom
jeans and swirls her shirt to tuck in which makes her look fat. Sophia thinks
that her crush which she claims is "good looking" likes her back when they
know for their heart that they hate her with all their heart and wants to kill
them. Sophia also thinks she is better than a gorgeous sexy girl named kiyana
when she isnt. Sophia has a ugly ass sister named rebecca and she thinks she
is so skinny when she is fat as hell. Sophias' are toxic bio hazards and i
recommend to stay away from them at all costs. NEVER ASK A SOPHIA FOR
THEIR # AS THEY WILL SPAM YOU NON-STOP. Sophia she thinks she is better
than everyone but she isn't and is waaaayyy below all others. She laughs so
nastyy which makes me want to throw up. Sophia also claims to be "ASIAN"
when she is literally white asf. sophia will do anything for attention. If you
have a sophia in your life and enjoy her as a friend you are destined to DIE.

Get away from Sophia, she is toxic and thinks all the boys like her!!

Ewwwww, is that Sophia? Make sure to tell a sophia to stfu.

by chompbowl December 19, 2021

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