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TEACHER: Mr. Quraban Ali Frugh PHONE: (+93) 744-077-787


Computing is involved in nearly every field of study. Computer Science is a four year program that is
integrated into the curriculum with Computer Science Discoveries. It is an introductory computer
science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer
science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving and fun. Building from
students’ prior knowledge and the collection of problem solving skills will result in a more active
curriculum. Students will be introduced to the behavior, language, and skills of computer scientists.
The course consists of eight semesters which each semesters are approximately 16 weeks.
Assignments and instruction are inquiry and equity based and designed to be socially relevant and
meaningful for diverse students. Units utilize a variety of tools/platforms, and culminate with
creative final projects around the following topics:

Unit 1 – Problem Solving

Unit 2 – Web Development
Unit 3 – Animations and Games
Unit 4 – The Design Process
Unit 5 – Data and Society
Unit 6 – Physical Computing


Exploring Computer Science is designed to introduce students to the breadth of the field of computer
science through an exploration of engaging and accessible topics. Rather than focusing the entire
course on learning particular software tools or programming languages, the course is designed to
focus on the conceptual ideas of computing and help students understand why certain tools or
languages might be utilized to solve particular problems.

A. Explore concepts of computers and computing by investigating computer hardware components and
a variety of internet resources.
B. Explore computer usage in a variety of circumstances and fields
C. Students will develop and apply problem solving strategies by experimenting with a variety of
mathematics solution strategies.
D. Students will learn the basics of HTML and CSS, design and build web pages based on their own
interests and/or unique experiences
E. Students will learn and apply programming skills that will transform ideas into reality

The curriculum for the integrated Exploring Computer Science / Computer Science Discoveries is
mapped to leading learning standards nationwide, including Next Generation Science and
Engineering Standards, Computer Science Teachers Association Standards, and Illinois Career
Technology Education Standards.


This course employs a new orientation from the traditional classroom. It is shaped with an
interweaving of learning foundational computer science concepts while also developing
computational practices that support an inquiry approach to solving problems and creating artifacts


A. MAJOR Presentation Projects (Individual and/or Group)
B. Journal Entries
C. Summative assessments
C. Written Assignments
D. Class Participation
E. Other


A. Point System
B. Grading Scale

Grad Scale Description

A 93-100% Exceeds Expectations; Independent learner; superior work; all work completed on time
at an exceptional level of quality and effort;
B 87-92% Meets Expectations; Semi-independent learner; above average work; all work
completed on time; did quality work with a few flaws;
C 78-86% Passing but does not meet some standards; Dependent learner; average work; most
completed on time showing average effort;
D 70-77% Passing but only meets minimum standards; Dependent learner; average work; most
completed on time showing average effort;
F <69% Failing, does not meet minimum standards; Failure; does not meet standards or
C. Components of the Grade
The following scale will determine grades:
 20% of total quarter grade is for Classroom Behaviors (Adherence to Rules and
 20% of total quarter grade is for Journal Entries and/or Bell Ringers
 30% of total quarter grade is for Assessments
 30% of total quarter grade is for Group Projects

D. Calculation of Semester Grade

1st quarter grade 40%
2 quarter grade
Semester Exam 20%
Final Semester Grade 100%
E. Re-Do Policy
1. Students will be given an opportunity to redo major course projects and
Quizzes to meet standards. The student must show that effort has been made to
improve. The redo opportunity will be rescinded if a student does not show effort or
abused redo opportunities.
2. If a student chooses to redo an assignment or quiz, the highest grade will be given.
Deadline will be given for redo work. If the student does not meet the redo deadline,
the opportunity will be rescinded.


A. Materials: Each student must bring the following to class daily:
1. Composition Book for notetaking
2. Pen and pencil
B. Daily Expectations
3. Arrive to class on time
4. Quietly take seats upon entering class
6. Sign the Tardy Documentation form when arriving late for class (points deducted
from Classroom Behavior exectations)
C. Make-Up Work Policy
All assignments MUST BE turned in on the due date assigned. A 5% point reduction will
be assessed for each day late, unless late submission was previously approved.


A. Teacher Creed
1. As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping me from
teaching for any reason whatsoever.
2. As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping another
student from learning for any reason whatsoever.
3. As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom doing anything that
is not in the best interest of this class or in your best interest.
B. Classroom Rules/Consequences
1. Respect yourself, the teacher & others.
2. Do your best work and turn it in on time.
3. Follow written and verbal instructions.
4. Pay attention, participate and ask questions.
5. Preserve a positive learning environment.
6. Take responsibility for your actions.
7. Cell phones must not be visible and must be either turned off or silenced.
8. No food or drinks are permitted in the computer lab at any time. Electronics
and water do not mix.
9. Never line up at the door before dismissal.
10. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or coy work. Academic integrity is expected at all
11. Pick up after yourself and keep the environment clean, push chairs up to table
Before leaving the classroom.
12. Use restroom facilities before or after class. Valuable learning opportunities
Are lost when away from the learning environment.
13. Use polite and appropriate language, no profanity, offensive or derogatory
Terminology will be tolerated.
14. All work submitted must be professional in appearance, neat, typewritten,
Unwrinkled, untorn, and free of markings, stains or other decorations. A 12 pt.
Font is the maximum font size on assignments other than PowerPoint
Presentations and web pages developed. Also a normal font should be used
That is easily interpreted and uses upper and lower case lettering.


Consequences for inappropriate behaviors may result in one or more of the following:
1. Verbal warning
2. Call home to parents
3. Detention
4. Referral to the Principal/Director

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