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by RashidAhmad Chaudhry

HazratNuh (peace be upon him)
by RashidAhmad Chaudhry

Firstpublishedin the UK, 2005

Secondedition publishedin the UK, 2020

© Islam International PublicationsLimited

Islam International PublicationsLtd.
Unit 3, Bourne Mill BusinessPark,
GuildfordRoad,Farnham, Surrey,UK, GU9 9PS

Printed in UK at:

tion, pleasevisit www.alislam.org

INTRODUCTION...................................................... v

HAZRAT NuH ..................... 1

Background........1 TheMightyFlood-A
Punishment ......................
ReturntoIdolWorship NunandhisFollowers ......31
AllahSavestheBelievers ....33
HazratNunConveys the
MessageoftheUnityofGod... TheArhRestsona Mountain
7 .........................................
HazratNunBuildsanArh.... GladTidingstoHazratNun
25 andhisFollowers

REFERENCES .......................................................... 45
............................................................ 49
ANSWERSTOACTIVITIES .................................. .

=--- ----

The book Hazrat Nuh is based on the scriptural

descriptionfound in the Holy Qur'an about the life
historyof the ancient ProphetNuh or Noah, peacebe
upon him. Hazrat Nuhaswas a Law-bearingProphet
sent by God Almighty to his people. The Holy
Qur'an statesthat during his time peoplehad started
worshippingidols and had fallen into the depth of
moral and spiritual darkness.Hazrat Nuhastried to
"' bring them backto Allah but only a few entered his
foldwhilemost of them rejectedthe messageof Allah
and treated Hazrat Nuhaswith contempt. They even
threatened him with stoningand expulsionfrom the

Hazrat Nuhasprayed to God Almighty to judge :

between him and his people who not only rejected
him but were bent upon his destructionand of those
who had believedin him. Respondingto his prayers,
Allah decidedto punish the wrongdoersand savethe
believers.A mighty flood came, and the non-believ-
• ers were drowned while the believerswere all saved
• in the ark Hazrat Nuhas had been guidedby Allah to
buildfor this expresspurpose.
Allah saysin the Holy Qur'an about the storiesof

Assuredly,in their narrativeis a lesson

for men of understanding.1

This book servesthis very purpose by making avail- :.

able to childrenthe story of Hazrat Nuhasin an easy ••
, to read manner that also explains some important
issuessuch as the age of Hazrat Nuhasand why his
son perisheddespitean apparentpromisethat beinga
member of the householdof Hazrat Nuhashe would
be saved.
This book is the work of the Children's Book
Committee which was established by Hazrat
Khalifatul-MasihIV (mayAllahhave mercyon him)
and had been workingunder his guidance.After his
demise in April 2003 the Committee continued its
work under the guidanceand supervisionof Hazrat
· Khalifatul-MasihV (may Allah be his Helper). We
thank the former chairman of the BookCommittee,
late RashidAhmad Chaudhry and his team namely
MansoorSaqi,MasroorAhmadand SyedMuhammad

, Arif Nasserfor the previousedition of this book. For >.

/' the 2020 edition we are indebted to Waseem Sayed,
. ~!. ~

.•/ BushraShahid, Hallah Shams,RawanMalas,Asifah \~

• ,.,,,·,jl"""'""-
• -· i;_~~;;:;

Mirza, and others. May Allah bless them for their ~ -~~
. dedication and hard work and reward them abun-
-, dantly in this world and in the Hereafter.
The readers may like to test their knowledgeby
answering questions or doing the various activities
which are given at the end. A glossaryof difficult
wordsis alsoprovided.

Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Nuh
(accordingto the Bible)
.- - -------


In ancient times, there lived a Prophet calledHazrat

Nuh or Noah, peacebe upon him. The Bibletells us
that his father's name was Lamechand that he lived
nine generationsafter Hazrat Adam, peace be upon
Hazrat Nuhaswasa Law-bearingProphetmeaning
that he brought Shariah,a Divine Law.The Lawwas
revealedto him becausein his time the human mind
had reachedsuch a stage of developmentthat it was
./ able to understand and comprehend Divine attrib-
·lg. utes. Moreover,as peoplein Hazrat Nuhas'stime laid
down the foundation of human civilization,those
evilsthat normallyappearin a civilizedsocietybegan
to appear in them. So a Divine Law was needed to
'· guidemankind to the right path.
There are two kinds of Prophets sent by God
Almighty.SomeProphetsbringa new Lawor Shariah.
• Others do not bringa new Lawbut fallowthe Lawor
Shariahof the previousLaw-bearingProphet.
The Bibletellsus that Noah was a righteousman,
blameless among the people of his time, and he
walked with God. 'Walkingwith God,' means that

~ all his acts were accordingto the Will of God. He

lived in a valley surrounded by huge mountains in
, Mesopotamiain Southern Iraq. There were a great
many springs flowing from the mountains in that .
_ ..- __ _, - TheAge ofHazrat Nuh
-· The Holy Qur'an says,

I .
' And We certainlysent Noah to his peo-
ple, andhe dweltamongthem a thousand

Thereforehis ageis mentioned as 950yearsin the Holy

Qur'an while the Biblegiveshis age as 952years.This
doesnot mean that he actuallylivedfor 950or 952years.
It is difficultto determine his actual age. Only Allah
knows best. The period, which the Holy Qur'an or the
.;-- - -----·- Bibledescribes,is not the span of Hazrat Nuhas'sphysi-
callife.Thisperiod is the time Hazrat Nuhas'steachings
lasted. The Shariah introducedthrough him remained
in force for about one thousand years.Many Prophets
: followedthis Law until God revealeda new one. It
extended to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be
upon him, as he followed Hazrat Nuhas'sShariah.
It seems that the first fifty years of Hazrat Nuhas's
ministry were the years of spiritual progressfor his
• community after which the spiritual condition of
his followersbeganto deteriorate.This deterioration
reachedits height over nine hundred years.
PeopleReturnto Idol Worship
-· The people of Hazrat Nuhas'stime had becomecor-
rupt. Instead of worshippingthe One and Only God
they had started to worship idols made of wood or
\: stone. They had many idols. Five of these idols
were very popular. Their names were Wadd, Suwa,
Yaghuth,Yauqand Nasr. It is said that people at the
i time of Hazrat Nuh, peacebeupon him, usedto make
statues in memory of their pious people who were
long dead and place them where these pious people
usedto sit. Laterthey deviatedfrom the true path and
started worshippingthem. They were convincedthat
the idols would help them in their time of need so
.;-- - -----·- they used to beg everythingfrom the idols.They fol-
lowed the beliefsof their forefatherswho were idol
• WADDwas an idol made in the shape of a man.
This god representedmanly power.
• suwAwas in the shapeof a woman. This god rep~
They believedthat this god would res~
cue them from hardship.
• YAUQwas in the shape of a horse representing
speed. They believed that this particular god
would come quicklyto prevent their enemy from
harming them.
NASRwas in the shape of an eagle representing
long life.

God Almightysent Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him,

to bring the people backto the worshipof One God.
• He told Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, to invitehis
peopleto the way of Allahwith loveand wisdom.
Hazrat Nuh ConveystheMessageof
the Unity of God

Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, was sent to his pea~
ple with a divinelyrevealedLaw.He calledhis pea~
\: ple to God, to the path of successand salvation. He
emphasizedto them the unity of God. He said to

Jt ,,o.,\,/

c.:.>~'.)l;I ~~ ~ ,..,<,:,;'
I ;,;,,I ,~,
\.A4.Ul~~ ~~

0 my people, serveAllah. Youhave no

Godotherthan Him. Will you not then
be righteous?4

.;-- - -----·- The messagewas deliveredto them politelyand with

wisdom but they were not preparedto listen to him,
rather they ignoredhim and ran awayfrom him.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, became very
{ sad by such treatment at the hands of his people.

Addressinghis Lordhe said,

My Lord, I have called my people

night and day,But my callingthemhas
only made them fleefrom me all the
more. And every time I called them
that Thou mightestforgivethem, they
put their fingers into their ears, and
coveredup their hearts, and persisted
_ ..- __ _, ~
in theiriniquit!:1,
and were disdainfully
proud. Then, I called them to right-
-· eousnessopenly. Then I preached to
them in public,and alsospoketo them
in private. And I said, 'Seek forgive-
',,. ness of your Lord; for He is the Great
Forgiver. He will send down rain
for you in abundance, And He will
i strengthen you with wealth and with
children,and He will giveyou gardens
and He will giveyou rivers:5

The chiefs rejected Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon

him, by saying:
.;-- - -----·-

Surely,we see thee to be in manifest


\' He said,

0 my people, thereis no errorin me,

butI am a Messengerfromthe Lordof
the worlds.I deliverto you the mes-
sagesof my Lordand give you sincere
advice,and I know from Allah what
you do not know.7

He told them that he could not be in error, for he

had come from God, there£ore there was no pas~
' sibilityfor him to move away from the path that
leadsto God.
He advised them to accept the messagefrom
Allah and becomerighteous. He warned them of
'" the evil consequencesof the rejectionof the divine
message,but all his preachingand warningsfell on . ·~··:
deaf ears. They accusedhim of falsehoodand ridi- ·:~.
·, i: •

.. ·#{~~~-· ~

-· culedhim. Instead of followinghim they followed • • • ~:..

their leaders,who incited them to oppose Hazrat
Despite the bitter opposition of the chiefs,
Hazrat Nuh, peacebeupon him, continuedpreach-
ing. He was firm in his resolveand knew very well
i that he was doing everything to please his Lord.
He tried everythingto convincehis people of the
truth of his message.He repeatedlyaskedthem not
to revolt againstthe Most MercifulGod, Who had •
created them and provided them with food and
.;-- - -----·- Once, there was no rain for a long time. The
crops withered and the fruit gardens dried up.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, told his people
that Godwas displeasedwith them becauseof their
misdeeds.He told them that if they becametrue
believers,God would send down rain for them in
abundance and would grant them an increasein
wealth and bless them with children. He would
also causetheir gardensto grow and riversto flow
for them and they wouldprosperas a result.Hazrat
'. Nuhas'speople,however,rejectedhim outright.
The leadersof the disbelieverstold their people,

He is only a man like yourselves;he

seeksto makehimselfsuperiorto you.
And if Allah had so willed, He could
havesurelysent downangelswithhim.
We have never heardof such a thing
_ ..- __ _, - among our forefathers.He is only
a man strickenwith madness;wait,
-· therefore,concerninghimforawhile.8

In ancient times many people found it difficult

; to believe that a Prophet could be an ordinary
human beingin appearance.They thought that he
should have many heads or hands. So the enemies
of Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, objected to
him sayingthat if he was reallya true Prophet, his
appearanceshouldhave been differentfrom theirs.
They also accusedhim of trying to impose his
authority on them. They told him that they would •
not listen to him as his teachingswere opposedto
.;-- - -----·- the beliefsof their forefathers.They brandedhim a
liar and accusedhim of madnessand hoped that he
would soon perish.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, said to his
~ people,

So fearAllah,and obey me. And I ask

of you no rewardfor it. My rewardis
only with the Lordof the worlds.9

He said,

I saynot to you, 'I possessthe treasures

of Allah,'nor do I know the unseen,
nor sayI, 'I am an angel:10
_ ..- __ _, - He said,

.. (,9, -e(_;:,
. ,: , ;,(1',';' ,~'
-· ~~~~~t~~
0 my people! surely I am a plain
Warnerunto you,11

The arguments between Hazrat Nuh, peace be

upon him, and his people continued for a long
t time.
The chiefs of his people used to laugh at him
saying that none of the prominent people had
acceptedhim thereforehe was bound to fail. They •
asked Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, to drive
awaythose who had becomehis followers,as they
.;-- - -----·- were the people who had no status in the society
and their faith was insincere.
They said:

,,,, ,,9,,, ,,,,, , :"'1

/~ ,,.,,,,,,,.9 ,.9,,.,
<jy ~ t.,~
,;..>~I ~p I
Shall we believe thee, when it is the
meanestthat follow thee?12


• :.~~:.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, repliedthat he did

,:·. not know what his followershad been doing in the

past. Their past actions were God's concern alone.
All that matters is that they were the believersand
·~, : t~i
.'N }. -~
had submittedto the Will of Allah.He told them that
., . . "
his taskwas to keep them on the right path and away
from evil.It wasthereforenot proper for him to drive
his followers away simply because they happened
• to be of humble origin. Such an act would certainly
~ incur God'sdispleasure.He told them that they might
call the believersinsincere,weak in faith, mean and
lowly but after obeyingthe commandsof Allah they
_ ..- __ _, ....
had become the blessedpeople and respectablein
the sight of Allahwhile those who are non-believers,
-· were indeed ignorant.
The peopledid not like Hazrat Nuhas preachingto
them. They told him that if he did not stop preaching
to them, they would stone him.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, warned them
of God'spunishment. He told them to stop worship-
, ping idols.
He said,

0 my people, worshipAllah, you have

.;-- - -----·- no other God but Him. Indeed, I fear
foryouthepunishmentof thegreatday.13
They replied:

0 Noah, thou hast indeed disputedwith

us longand hast disputedwith us many
a time; bring us now that with which
thou threatenest us, if thou art of those
who speakthe truth. 14

·~Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, replied,

Allah alone will bring it to you, if He

please, and you cannot frustrate God's
_ ..- __ _, ....
purpose.And my advice will profit you
not if I desire to advise you, if Allah
-· intends to destroyyou. He is your Lord
and to Him shallyou be madeto return.15

.. Sometimeshe would sayto them,

What is the matter with you that you

.;-- - -----·- expect not wisdom and staidness from
Allah?And He has createdyou in differ-
ent farms and differentconditions.Have
you not seen how Allah has created
seven heavensin perfectharmony,And
has placedthe moon thereinas a light,
andmadethe sun as a lamp?
And Allahhas causedyou to growas
a goodgrowthfromthe earth,Thenwill
He causeyou to returnthereto,and He
will bringyoufortha newbringingforth.
And Allahhas madethe earthfor you a
wide expanseThatyou maytraversethe
open waysthereof.16

Even such arguments did not affectthem and they

continuedto ignore the Signsof Allah.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, employed all
• means to make his people listen to the divine mes-
sage,but all his effortsbecamefruitless.The chiefsof
his people deviseda mighty plan against him. They _
said to one another that they should get together
_ ..- __ _, - and opposehim with all their might. They told their

~ ,~

• I
' Forsakenot yourgodsunderany circum-
stances.And forsakeneither Waddnor
Suwanor YaghuthandYauqand Nasr.17

Theycarriedon worshippingidolsand treatedHazrat

Nuh, peace be upon him, in utter contempt. Only a
handful of peoplebelievedin him. Evenhis wifeand
son wereamong the non-believers.Naturally,Hazrat
Nuhas wasvery disappointed.
.;-- - -----·- Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, had great faith
in the truth of his mission. He must have received
assurancesfrom God Almighty that he would suc-
ceed against his enemies. He, therefore, challenged
f'.;1 ~ his opponents and told them to use all their power
~ 't~

r' and resourcesagainsthim. He said to them,

0 my people, if my station withGodand

my reminding you ofyourduty through
the Signs of Allah offend you-and in
Allah do I put my trust-muster then all
your designs, you and your 'partners';
then let not your course of action be
obscureto you;then carryoutyourdesigns
againstme and giveme no respite.18

\ He warned them that even if they tried their utmost •

_ ..- __ _, -- to put an end to his mission,they would not succeed
becausethey were fightingagainstGod.
-· As the opposition against Hazrat Nuh, peace be
upon him, increasedtremendously,God revealedto


None of thy people will believe except
those who havealreadybelieved;grieve
not thereforeat what they have been

After receivingthis information from God Almighty

.;-- - -----·- that no more people would enter his fold, Hazrat
Nuh, peace be upon him, offered the following
prayersto GodAlmighty:
My Lord, leave not in the land a single
one of the disbelievers;For,if Thou dost
leave them, they will only lead astray
Thy servantsand will not give birth but
to a sinner anda disbeliever.

• Allah decidedto eliminatethe disbelieversfrom the

faceof the earth. He commandedHazrat Nuh, peace
• ·.;
be upon him, to build an ark, big enough, to accom-
. ;, ...... ~ ·~
.,~ • modate all the believers.
_ ..- __ _, ....
Hazrat Nuh Buildsan Ark
-· Allahsaidto Hazrat Nuhas:

,,,.,,-P ,,,, -e ,-9~

And buildthou the ArkunderOureyes
and as commanded. by Our revelation.
And addressnot Me concerning the
wrongdoers.Theyaresurelygoingto be
drowned. 21

Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, obeyed immedi-

ately and started buildingan ark of wood with the
.;-- - -----·- help of his followers.They brought wooden planks
and nails. It was not an easy task. Peoplewere sur-
prised. They could not see the reason for building
such a huge ark. Everytime the chiefsof his people
/ passedby him, they laughedat him and thought that

he had gone mad.

'Why are you making this ark?Will it float on

land?' they would say.

Hazrat Nuh, peacebeupon him, did not payany heed

to their mockery.He told them that their mockery
could do him no harm, nor could it bring him into
disgrace.It is they who would be humiliatedas they
~ were about to be overtakenby a punishment, which

wouldnot end in this lifebut wouldcontinueinto the

life to come.
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, prayed to God
• Almighty:
My Lord, my people have treated me as
a liar. Therefore judge Thou decisively
-· betweenme and them; and saveme and
the believersthat are with me.22

\: On another occasionhe prayed:

i I am overcome,socomeThou tomyhelp!23

Allah heard his prayersand he, along with his fam-

ily memberswho believedin him, and his followers
were eventually saved while the disbelieverswere
.;-- - -----·-
TheMighty Flood-APunishment

Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, lived in the part

of the country where springs and fountains were :-f-

in abundance. When Allah's command came, dark

......._J~" cloudssuddenlyappearedin the sky and rain began

~ •.to fallin torrents.Water beganto gushforth from the

depth of the earth and springsand fountainsbeganto •

'. sprout as well.There waswater everywhere.
The Holy Qur'an says:

/ 1. , , , /t 1lf J'r✓ r
)\);JV.,~ u- ~4-11
We opened the gates of heaven, with
water pouring down; And We caused
the earthto burstforth with springs,so
the two waters met for a purposethat
was decreed.24

., Some people believe that the flood came through-
j out the world. This is not true. It was not a universal
phenomenon. It overtook only the people to whom .
Hazrat Nuhas was sent.
; TheArk Floatswith Hazrat Nuh and

Allah told Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, to load f


the ark with all suchanimalsthat would be needed,a r.

ii' ~.
" , pair of each,male and femaleand bringhis familyon J

'. board, except those against whom God's judgment ~

had already been passed.He also instructed him to ~-
bring on board all those who had acceptedhim as a f..
Messengerof Allah.Hazrat Nuh, peacebeupon him, ~':

calledhis familymembers,who believedin him and f


. all his followersand told them, ,:

Embarktherein. In the name of Allah

be its courseand its mooring.My Lord
is assuredlyMostForgiving,Merciful.25
. ,r, ThusAllahtold Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, that
,. the ark would float and finishits journey.
GodAlmightytaught Hazrat Nuhas some prayers.
Hazrat Nuhas told his followersto recitethose prayers
after they had settleddown in the ark. He told them
• to say,

All praise belongs to Allah Who has

savedus fromthe unjustpeople!26

He alsotold them to say

My Lord, cause me to land a blessed

landing,for Thou art the Best of those
who bringmento land.27
_ ..- __ _, ....
Allah Savesthe Believers
-· As the water rose and the flood increasedrapidlyon
all sides,it coveredthe entire habitation. Everything
on earth was underwater while the ark floatedsafely
.. on top.

And We carried him upon that which

wasmadeof planks and nails. It floated
on under Our eyes: a reward for him
who had been rejected. And We left
.;-- - -----·- it as a Sign for the cominggenerations;
but is there anyone who would receive
admonition? 28

_~,Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, saw his son who


had joined the disbelievers.Accordingto some his

name was Yam.Hazrat Nuhassaw him driftingaway
in swirlingwaters.He calledout to him,

0 my son, embarkwith us and be not

with the disbelievers.

He replied,

V-f / "·9 ,,~ \//' ,;- '/

~wl~~ ~JtG",,,~
I shallsoon betakemyselfto a mountain
whichwill shelterme fromthe water.30

• Hazrat Nuhas replied,

_ ..- __ _, -- There is no shelterfor an!:jone
this day,
from the decree of Allah, excepting
-· those to whom He showsmercy.31

Suddenlya wave came between them and took his

.. son away.Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, was natu-
rallysadto seehis son drown beforehis eyes.He cried
to GodAlmighty,

My Lord,verily,my son is of my fam-

ily, and surely,Thypromiseis true, and
Thouartthe MostJustof judges.32

.;-- - -----·- Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, thought that God
had promised to save all members of his family.In
fact,when Allahpromisedto savethe membersof his
family,He meant only those members of his family

\' who were believersand had establisheda true rela-

tionship with God through him.
In responseto Hazrat Nuhas'srequest,Allah said,

0 Noah, he is surely not of thy family;

he is indeed a man of unrighteous con-
duct. So ask not of Me that of which
thou hast no knowledge. I advise thee
lest thou becomeoneof the ignorant.33

Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, said,

My Lord,I begThee to protect me from

asking Thee that whereof I have no
_ ..- __ _, ....
andhavemercyon me, I shallbe among
-· the losers.34

Thus Hazrat Nuh, peacebeupon him, realisedthat he

• I
' had not fullyunderstoodAllah'spromise.He sought
Allah'sforgiveness.It becameclearto him that every-
one is accountablefor his actionsand that a Prophet's
, son is no exception.
As regardshis wife, she was describedas an evil
person who was bent upon rejectingthe truth. Sothe
companionship,even of a Prophet of God, did not
saveher from Allah'spunishment. The Holy Qur'an
.;-- - -----·-
Allah sets forth for those who disbe-
lieve the example of the wife of Noah
and the wife of Lot. They were under
two righteousservantsof Ours, but they
acted unfaithfully towards them. So
they availedthem naught againstAllah,
and it wassaidtothem,'Enter the Fire,ye
twain, alongwith those who enter: 35
TheArk Restson a Mountain
'?~ ~~
·,i It was a mighty flood. The ark floated on waves as ~
~ ~

·j high as mountains. Even the tops of the mountains

I: -
f ~
• were underwater. ::
God rescuedHazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, and fi

those with him in the ark, while those who rejected ~~;
·f him were drownedas a punishment.

UJ ,~, _,..,.~ ,,,,,..,., ,,,,9,,, / -f.,,,, ~,,, ,,,,,. /

G?~lu- ~~).,y,4JJl(.f& .,-:,w1~.,
And the waterwas madeto subsideand
the matterwas ended.And theArkcame
to reston Al-Judi.36

~~~,-· Accordingto the Bible:The ark came to rest on the

mountains of Ararat.37

Many people includinghistorians, geographers,and ,.-,.,. ..

'-~ .:.

researchscholarshavetried to locatethesemountains, 1·(

,;?but their researchvariedand they couldnot determine

preciselyin which country these mountains were sit-

uated. VariouscountriesincludingTurkey,Armenia,
and Iran claim that both mountains, Al-Judi and
Ararat lie in their domains.
Accordingto the Bible, when the ark stopped,
Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him, released a raven
to find out whether there was any dry land around
where the ark stopped.The raven couldnot find any
place to set its feet becausethere was water every-
• . ·~,, ,. • :\r where; so it returned to Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon
.; 'N :·ii:\ '(;\

.,~ • him, in the ark. After severalattempts, Hazrat Nuhas

sent out a dove. When the dove returned to him in
the evening, in its beak was a freshly plucked olive •
leaf. Then Hazrat Nuhas was convinced that the
water had recededcompletelyfrom the ground and
that they would be able to disembarksafely.
_ ..- __ _, - GladTidingsto Hazrat Nuh and his

The olive leaf was also a sign that Allah had blessed
Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, his peopleand their ••
future generations. They would be strong in their
faith and perfectin their sacrifices.Allah saysin the
Holy Qur'an:

:' -=::;,r,b~
~Jv..-w ~r?(~,:< 'tH~(:_~G ,~~? ~, .~ Q"; "1
., <.:)O .. ~ , .. ~IY.W(Z~l ~

We savedhim and those who were with

him in the Ark. And We made them
inheritors of Our Javours, while We
.;-- - -----·- drowned those who rejectedOur Signs.
Seethen, how was the end of those who
had been warned!38
~fAt another placein the Holy Qur'an God says:

And Noah indeed did cry unto Us, and

what an excellent answer did We give
to hispra.Mer!
And We savedhim and his
family from the great distress;And We
made his offspringthe only survivors.
And We left for him a.goodnameamong
the fallowing generations- 'Peace be
upon Noah among the peoples!' Thus
indeed do We reward those who do
good.He wassurelyoneof Our believing
_ ..- __ _, ....
Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, told his peoplethat •
God had conferred innumerable blessingson them •
-· and they could achievegreatness,a place of dignity
and respectamong the nations of the world by fal-
lowingthe teachingswhich he had brought.
• I
' It so happened that in this new land Allah
bestowedprosperityto Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon
him, and his followers.They laid the foundation of
~ human civilizationand culture and as their culture
becamestrong their numbers also beganto increase.
On the other hand, the number of lesscivilizedcom-
munities living with them in the same land or the
surrounding lands began to decrease.The descend-
ants of Hazrat Nuh, peacebe upon him, beingmore
.;-- - -----·- civilizedand having more material resourcesat their
disposalseemed to have spread to other lands and
over time absorbedsome of the lesscivilisedpeople.
Three sons of Hazrat Nuh, peace be upon him,
namely Shem, Ham, and Japeth are generally
believed to be the ancestors of the three principal
racesof mankind.
Another great blessing bestowed upon Hazrat
Nuhas'sdescendantswas that Allah promisedto con-

• ~-tinue Prophethoodin his progeny.Allah says:

And We did send Noah and Abraham,

and We placed among their seed
prophethoodand the Book. So some of
them followedthe guidance,but many
of them wererebellious.40
_ ..- __

I SurahYusuf, 12:112
2 The Bible, Genesis ( 6:9)
3 Surah al-:Ankabut,29:15
4 Surah al-Mu'minun, 23:24
5 SurahNub, 71:6-13
; 6 Surah al-A'raf,7:61
7 Surah al-A'raf,7:62-63
8 Surah al-Mu'minun, 23:25-26
9 Surah ash-Shu'ara;26:109-110
IO SurahHud, 11:32
.;-- - -----·- II SurahNub, 71:3
12 Surah ash-Shu'ara;26:112
13 Surah al-A'raf,7:60
14 Surah Hud, 11:33

15 Surah Hud, 11:34-35

16 Surah Nub, 71:14-21

17 Surah Nub, 71:24

18 Surah Yunus,10:72

19 Surah Hud, 11:37

20 Surah Nub, 71:27-28

21 Surah Hud, 11:38
22 Surah ash-Shu'ara;26:118-119
23 Surah al-Qamar, 54:11
.,, 24 Surah al-Qamar, 54:12-13
25 Surah Hud, 11:42
26 Surah al-Mu'minun, 23:29
~ 27 Surah al-Mu'minun, 23:30
28 Surah al-Qamar, 54:14-16
29 Surah Hud, 11:43
30 Surah Hud, 11:44
-· 31 Surah Hud, 11:44
32 Surah Hud, 11:46
33 Surah Hud, 11:47
34 Surah Hud, 11:48
35 Sitrahat-Tabrim,66:11
. 36 Surah Hud, 11:45
37 The Bible Genesis (8:4)
38 Sitrah Yitnus, 10:74
39 Sitrahdf-Saffet, 37: 76-82
40 Surah al-Jfadid, 57:27

.;-- - -----·-

Findthe wordslisted on the next two pagesin the word-•::~~

search.When lookingforthe words,thinkabouttheircon-
textas mentionedin this book:
M A V E G E T A T I 0 N M M E

R R C I D 0 L s I T D u A 0 K
p R B ) y ) A p E T I H M u D

u 0 w A R N E R M I s N 0 N I

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I A R H s s A N I R u s K A A

s N s I A R I< G R u T u R I p

H C H E z E D s M w E w y N p

M E I F M M F L 0 0 D A M y 0

E w p s B E L I E V E R s A I

N M E s 0 p 0 T A M I A 0 M N

T y A u G z A L L A H I N I T

p R 0 p H E T A N I M A L s E

B I B L E p E z D R 0 w N E D

w A D D M A D N E s s Q N u s

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l VJa~ VJa.L~1ilHail J.~

_;:Just like at the time of Prophet Nuhas,many peo~
:;ple still worship idols today. Using the knowledge

•; that you have gathered from this book, write out

_a good argument that you could put forward to
someone that is convinced idol worship is okay.


Prophet Nuhassaidto his people,'O, my people,wor~
ship Allah alone, you have no God other than Him.
Will you not then fear God and becomerighteous?'
Think about this and reflectupon yourself.What
things do you do in your daily Hfe that pull you
towardsAllah and what could potentially push you
awayfrom Allah?


REVIEW: Once you have completed the above table, ask your-

self if the pull column weighs heavier than the push column?

How can you start decreasing the push column? After that

give yourself some realistic short term and long term goals for



.:. Circlethe correctanswerfor each statement:

,~ '

~~:;- QUESTION 1: Hazrat Nuhas'swife and son firmly .,' •·


-~believedin God.

: QUESTION 2: After a few attempts of preaching to ~-

his people, Hazrat Nuhasgaveup as he could see the /;~-;

<~majorityof peoplewill not believein God.


;, QUESTION 3: The non-believers ridiculed Hazrat

• Nuhas.
t- -

4: Allah told Hazrat Nuhas that the
non-believerswould be drowned.
RESPONSE: True False

s: Hazrat Nuhasdecidedon his own that

he should buildan Ark.
RESPONSE: True False

6 s
6: Allah said Hazrat Nuhas'swife would
enter the firefor disbelieving.
RESPONSE: True False

7:Although Hazrat Nuhas'sson was a dis-
believer,he was saved as Allah had promised that .;
Hazrat Nuhas'sfamilywould not be harmed.
RESPONSE: True False
Explain your answer for statement 7
using evidencefrom the book:

Explain what the followingQur'anic verse is refer~ 4

~-=-.~ ~••,, q

-.:\(-ring to in your own words, givingas much detail as ~".:_.

possible.If you need further clarification,refer to the

commentaryof the Holy Qur'an:

"' -e.,, 'f'ilf /1,..,r

JIJr VJJf u- 5-4.1 I
We opened the gates of heaven, with
water pouring down; And We caused
the earthto burstforth with springs,so
the two waters met for a purposethat
was decreed.(Ch54:12-13)
. i.
Completethe followingprayers:

• PRAYER 1- In the name of Allah, be its__ _

:~ PRAYER 2-All praisebelongsto Allah,who has

• PRAYER3-My Lord!Causeme to land __ _
EXTENSION A: Which of these prayers do we recite
when goingon a journey? Circlethe correctanswer:

EXTENSION B: After having read when Prophet

Nuhas recitedthis prayer,why do you think we recite
it whilst travelling?
~!:Write down a few of your thoughts after havingread

this book.Here are a fewquestionsthat you couldask

~ yourself:

: QUESTION 1: Thinking about Hazrat Nuhas'sstead~·

' fastnessand firm beliefin Allahagainstall odds,how .
can you use this in your dailyHfe?
2: Have you ever sufferedabuse or heard ,
of abuse, due to your faith? Did you or they, stay
strong and firm in their beliefs?Is it alwayseasy?If
I not, what can giveyou encouragementto staystrong? ·
QUESTION 3: Why is it important for us as Ahmadi ~:_<"

Muslimsto alwaysremain steadfastand loyal to our 2-


bi ◄
-:~-QUESTION 1: How many generations after Hazrat ~
·' ~

Adamasdid Hazrat Nuhas appear, accordingto the .

,, Bible?


QUESTION 2: Did Hazrat Nuhasbring a new Divine \

• Law?


-:, QUESTION 3: What name is mentioned in the Bible :

, for Hazrat Nuhas'sfather? '

QUESTION 4: The Bible says, 'Noah walked with
God.'What doesthis mean?


QUESTION s: What is the name of the native country

of Hazrat Nuhas?

QUESTION 6: Somepeople believethat Hazrat Nuhas
livedfor 950years.What is your opinion?


"• QUESTION 7: Name the five popular idols people ~

,, worshippedduring the time of Hazrat Nuhas.






:,-:~QUESTIONs: What objectionsdid the chiefsof people_•

' ~

againstHazrat Nuhas?

~~...... ~~·',:;QUESTION9: Why did peoplemock Hazrat Nuhaswhen

t they sawhim makingan ark?


YOUR RESPONSE: -----------


:~~~"-~'.£QUESTION 10: How many animals was Hazrat Nuhas


--...;;;.;;;;;;;._ '0 ;allowed to take into the ark?

11:What do you know about the charac-
. ter of Hazrat Nuhas'sson, who was not among his
~;~ followers?


12:What was the reply of Hazrat Nuhas's
•~~ son when Hazrat Nuhasaskedhim to join him in the

ark? r

QUESTION 13: What happenedto Hazrat Nuhas'sson
when the flood came?


QUESTION 14: Why did Hazrat Nuhasplead to Allah

for the safetyof his son?


QUESTION 1s: What did Allahsayin replyto the plea

of Hazrat Nuhas?


QUESTION 16: What punishment was given to the .·


QUESTION 11: How were the family members,who

•; believedin him and other followersof Hazrat Nuhas

YOURRESPONSE: __________ _
QUESTION 1s: On which mountain did the ark rest •
, accordingto the Qur'an?


QUESTION 19: On which mountain did the ark rest :_

. accordingto the Bible?


QUESTION 20: Where are these mountains situated?

QUESTION 21: What do you know of Hazrat Nuhas's;.


i QUESTION 22: Somepeoplebelievethat the floodwas :

.) universal.What is your opinion?

YOURRESPONSE: __________ _

QUESTION 23: What method, accordingto the Bible,

did Hazrat Nuhasemployto find out if the water had

bi ◄

-~ QUESTION 24: What is the greatestblessingAllah has -~

.. '

I~bestowed on the descendentsof Hazrat Nuh as and ••

1·, •

f Hazrat Ibrahimas?

r4[N$Wlt~$ 1fV
ti <C1f
iVi1f ilt $

M A V T 0 N M M E

R R C T D u A 0 K

A R N E R M s
C M A w F E p J

R H s s A N R u s
s A R K G R u
E z E D s M w E

F M M F L 0 0 D

-- ~ - ;.-.~IA
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- -- -_ t



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~~- '.'.PRAYER
1-In the name of Allah be its course and ljlJIJIJ/j,
.' its mooring. My Lord is assuredly Most Forgiving, '_! , I'. }
.-.;;;...:,---_-:i::,~T PRAYER2-All praisebelongsto Allah,Who has saved
us from the unjust people!
~ '
~>-PRAYER 3- My Lord,causeme to land a blessedland- :
l ~ I

• ,:·"ing, for Thou art the Bestof those who bring mento ''.
~~-:-•:_-:-· ~•·,:.-_, :
~ ~-

( land.
1. Accordingto the Bible,Hazrat Nuhas appeared9
generationsafter Hazrat Adamas.
2. Yes,Hazrat Nuhasbrought a new Divine Law
sincehe was a Law-bearingProphet.
3. The name of Hazrat Nuhas'sfather mentioned
in the Bibleis Lamech.
4. 'Walkingwith God' means that Hazrat Nuhas's
actswere accordingto the will of God.
5. Hazrat Nuhas lived in Mesopotamia or pres-
ent-dayIraq. r

6. The actual physical age of Hazrat Nuhas is

unknown. However,the age of 950 years men-
tioned in the Biblerefersto the period that his
7. The 5 popular idolsworshippedduring the time

of Hazrat Nuhaswere: Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth,
Yauq,and Nasr.
8. The objectionsraised against Hazrat Nuhasby
chiefsof the peoplewere:
1: He wasa man likethem and strickenwith
11: He was labeleda liar and thought to be in
111: He was accusedof imposinghis authority

on the people.
1v:He only had mean and lowlyfollowers.
v: He did not immediatelybringthe punish-
ment he warned them about.
9. The people mocked Hazrat Nuhasbecausethey
couldnot seeany reasonfor buildinga largeark
at a time when there was no sign of rain or a

10.A pair, male and female, of each animal was
allowedon the ark.
11. Hazrat Nuhas'sson was a man of unrighteous
12.The responseof Hazrat Nuhas'sson when asked
to climb on the ark was, ' I shall soon betake
myself to a mountain, which will shelter me
from the water.'
13.When the floodcame,a wavetook his son away
and he drowned.
' 14.Hazrat Nuhaspleaded to Allah for the safetyof
his son becauseAllah had promisedto savethe
members of his family. However, by 'family'
Allah meant the believerswho had a relation~
ship with God through him.
15. In responseto Hazrat Nuhas'splea, Allah said;
' 0 Noah, he is surely not of thy family; he is
indeed a man of unrighteous conduct. So ask
not of Me that of which thou hast no knowl-
edge. I advisethee lest thou becomeone of the
16.The punishment given to the non-believerswas
that of drowningin a flood.
17.The followersof Hazrat Nuhasand his family
memberswho believedin him were savedin the
ark that he had built under Divine command.
18.Accordingto the Holy Qur'an, the ark restedon
a mountain calledAl-Judi.
19.Accordingto the Bible,the ark came to rest on
the mountains of Ararat.
20. The precise location of these mountains is
unknown. However,Turkey,Armenia,and Iran
claimthat the mountains lie in their domain.
·;21.Hazrat Nuhas'swife is describedas an evil person ,.;'
" '

who rejectedthe truth.

·P 22.The flood was not universal.It was a punishment r •
,w ~
for the peoplewho rejectedHazrat Nuhas.
. 23.Accordingto the Bible, Hazrat Nuhasreleased a
raven to find out if there was any dry land around

but it returned to him everytime. He then sent out } ~

a dove,which returned to him in the eveningwith ·!
a freshlypluckedoliveleaf.This convincedHazrat \ -':'l't

Nuhasthat the water had recededcompletely.

24.The greatest blessingAllah has bestowedon the ;_
descendantsof Hazrat Nuhas and Hazrat Ibrahimas
is Prophethoodand the Book.

:-Admonish-to warn

· Ark-the wooden vessel,Hazrat Nuhasmade.

f Arrogance-haughty

\ Consequences-the resultsof an action.


"'?.Conferred-give to

: Deterioration-decline

Devised-plan or invent

'. Disembark-get offfrom the ark

Dwellers-residents,peoplewho livedthere

Domains-the land controlledby a country


,. Eliminate-to expel,to get rid of


; Enormous-very large


: Forsake-give up

T Frustrate-renounce,prevent


Handful-small number

-~Hazrat-a term of respectused for a person of estab- ·_

lishedrighteousnessand piety
Hereafter-the next world

. Humiliated-humbled

1 Incur-to bring down upon oneself

· Innumerable-countless

Insincere-not loyal

-. Inheritor-someone who receivespropertyafter the '~

death of a person

• Impose-force somethingto be put in place


{~Incite-to stir up bad behaviour

- Prominent-well-known

~ Staidness-properor serious

Salutations are recited out of respect when men-

tioning the names of Prophetsand holy personages.
Thesesalutationshave been abbreviatedand inserted
into the text where applicable.

., sas sallallaahu'alaihiwasallam,meaning'peaceand
blessingsof Allah be upon him', is written after
the name of the Holy ProphetMuhammadsas.

as 'alaihis-salaam,
meaning 'peace be on him', is :·.

written after the names of Prophetsother than : ,

the Holy ProphetMuhammadsas.
l • /



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