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B.Sc. Semester-1II Examination, 2022-23

Course ID : 32111 Course Code: SH/MTH/301/Cc-5
Course Title: Theory of Real Functions & Introduction to
Metric Space
Time 2 Hours Full Marks 40
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
Notations and Symbols have their usual meanings.

1. Answer any five questions: 2x5=10

a) Verify that on the curve y=px+qx+r, the chord

joining the points for which x=a, x=b is parallel
to the tangent at x=-

b) Evaluate lim x|

State Caratheodory's theorem.

Find the value of c of Lagrange's MVT for the
functionf(x)=2x*+3x+4 in [1,2].

[Turn Over]
e) Let
ax +b x-If f() exists
f)lh +ax+4, x2-1
for all x, find the values of a and b.

Verify Rolle's theorem for the function

f=loa+b)*] in [a, b].

Let (X, d) be a metric space. Define p:XxX >R

by dx, Vx,
Plx, )1+d(x, yeX. Show that
P is a metric on X.

h) Let d be the discrete metric defined on the set of

real numbers R. Examine whether the metric
space (R, d) is separable or not.

Answer any four questions 5x4-20

a) i) Let f:R->R be differentiable with

s)=6 and f"()22 for 1Sxs4. What

is the minimum possible value of f(4)? 3

Find values of the constants a, b and c for

i which the graphs of the two functions

sx)=x* +ax +b and g(x)=x'-c, xER,

intersect at the point (1,2) and have the same

tangent there. 2

426/Math. (2)
b) i) Let f.g: R R be continuous. If for all
xEQ, S(x) = g(x) then prove that f = g.

xe -e *

ii) If s(x)={= x#0, then show

e +e*
0, X= 0

that fis not derivable at x = 0.


c)i) Find the maximum and minimum values of

x+sin 2x for 0<x< 277. 3

ii) Show that the function f(x)= 1+1 *E

is uniformly continuous on R, 2
State and prove Cauchy's mean value theorem.

e) fla+h =f(a)+hfa)+"l+ath)
and if f" (x) is continuous and non-zero at x =a

then prove that lim 0 = -

Let a function fbe continuous on la, b] and f"(x
exist finitely for all xe(a, b). If the line segment

joining the points P{(a, f(a)) and Q(b, s(6)

intersects the curve of f at some point R other
than P and Q, then prove that f"(c) =0 for some

ce(a, b. 5
3. Answer any one question: 10x110
a) i) Let a function f:[a, b]-> R be continuous
on [a, b] and f"(x) exist for all xe (a, b).
If fla)= f{6)=0 and a <c <b, then show

that there exists a point p e (a, b) such that

sp=5le-o(e-b)s"(r). 4

ii) Prove that sinx<x for 0<x<. 3

In metric space (X, d), show that for all

ii) a

x, x, y. yeX, |4(x, y)-d(r, v'))sd(x, r)+d(y. y'). 3

b) i) Use Taylor's theorem to prove

log(1+x) <x for x

determine the values of

ii) In Cl0,1,
d (f. 8) and d,(. s)

fx)=x'+r+1 and s(r) =x'+x+x+1,

426/Math. (4)
where d(f. s)= max|f

d0. 8)=J|/()-s) d«.

ii) Give an example of a function f:D-R,

DR, suchthat f"(x) =0 for all x eD but

fis not a constant function. 2

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