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Section Environmental Economics



Lekt. Dr. Ramona Ciolac1

Assoc. Prof . Dr. Simona Constantinescu1
Lekt. Dr. Tabita Adamov1
Lekt. Dr. Diana Marin1
PhD. Anisoara Banda1
Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of
Romania”, Timişoara, Romania

Rural tourism has many development opportunities, mainly in the areas that still
preserve customs, traditions, craft and handicraft. Ideal for creating a tourist offer
competitive on international market would be the possibility of developing some tourist
packages with local specific, to this purpose all the natural elements, plus the traditions
and folklore, creates clear possibilities for realizing a rural tourism, at high international
standards, allowing attracting tourists. In many countries operate successful a model of
sustainable life, in witch are kept all standards of a civilized standard of living, but
witch is obtained based on some technologies and green commercial, ecological,
activities so-called ecovillage.
The localities in which runs rural tourism will become spaces where they will assemble
all the elements of local sustainable development. The benefits of creating such a village
can be multiple. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the fact that the village,
included in tourist circuit, can be - simultaneously - a component of many types of
tourist products, with multiple costs, but also benefits.

Keywords: rural tourism, ecovillage, investments, benefits

At present, local rural communities [3] do not develop sufficiently ecotourism activities,
with the exception of areas with a valuable tourist potential. Experts say that in the
global perspective, tourism and travels will be together with information and
telecommunications technology, the three industries with the highest fiscal value. This,
because, tourist services will attract permanently, despite of the conjuncture conditions
and the mutations in the tourism demand, a growing segment of the population from the
world. In this perspective, the establishment of an ecovillage is considered to be an
opportune one, through it ensuring the: optimal and sustainable exploitation of resources
and the environment; economic and social benefits for the resident population; widening
the spectrum of traditional economic activities [1,5] and creating opportunities for
optimal capitalization of tourism resources and introducing new objectives and tourist
areas into the economic circuit.

The relationship between tourism and the environment [4,10] is an obvious one, of
double influence and conditioning because: tourism is environmentally dependent 199
17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017

because it is carried out in the environment; therefore, the environment is the condition
of being of tourism: (tourism is carried out in the environment and through the
environment, the quality of the environment may favor or disadvantage tourism
activities). The natural elements of the environment (forests, lakes, mountains) are at the
same time resources and tourist destinations that favor the development of tourism for
recreation, treatment, so as more varied and unaltered are these resources, the higher is
their tourist interest responding to various motivations; tourism through its demands
represents a solution and a motivation for preservation unaltered of the environment; the
funds obtained from tourism can be used for the restoration of nature (that is why it is
also said that the protection of nature and the preservation of its qualities is a necessity
for tourism), the actions taken in this respect, competing to the protection of the tourist
Rural areas will have to define new ecological and recreational functions [2,6],
increasingly important being new development alternatives. In this context a major role it
will have the development of a multitude of tourist activities in rural areas. Many EU
governments recognize that rural tourism is an alternative that can save agriculture and that
"in the next 20 years tourism will be the main component of the economy, and rural
tourism will become the tourism of the future".
By definition, ecological concept target with priority rural area. Ecological village
represents that concept of economic, social and primarily biological life in witch all
means of subsistence, starting with food, clothing and ending with the environment
meets at the highest level the natural features. Ecological villages are the settlements
where people live, trying to create a model of sustainable living. They may be new
settlements and renovated villages. They are an example of a development model,
which combines itself several basic principles: high quality of life, preservation of
natural resources, promoting a holistic approach of life and human, which, at his turn,
implies the ecology of human habitation, attracting of all members of the settlement at
joint decisions, using of green technologies.
Ecological villages began to appear in various countries in the 60s of the 20th century,
and the world movement of ecological settlements appeared in the middle of 90's, as
response to the pressure of modern civilization on nature and human. In ecological
villages not only natural environment is clean, but also the relations between the people
and the atmosphere are welcoming.


To achieve this scientific paperwork the authors used various bibliographical sources,
and other materials and research in the discipline of tourism, on which certain
conclusions have emerged.


Ecologic villages are the settlements in which people live, trying to create a sustainable
life model. These can be new settlements as well as renewed villages. These are an
example of a development model (figure 1), which combines in itself a few specific
issues (figure 2) and basic principles: high quality of life, conservation of natural

Section Environmental Economics

resources, promotion of the holistic approach of life and man, which, in turn, involves
the ecology of the human house, attracting all the members of the settlement to the
adoption of common decisions, the use of ecological technologies.

The contribution of
ecovillage to the

a constant instrument of supports the sustainable

social progress development of rural
communities by:

conserving and the use of local human educational character, the minimal negative
protecting nature resources respect for nature impact on the natural and
Figure 1. Ecovillage’s contribution to sustainable development of rural
Specific issues of ecologic village

The constitution of ecologic villages lead to:

creating jobs in a healthy environment

production of fresh and healthy food

provides recreational activities

ensure a better quality of life

Represents an exemple of sustainable

high quality of life

conservation of natural resource

promoting the holistic approach of life

using green 'technologies

Advantages of an ecologic village:

produce a greatest possible quantity of bio food

support the production of organic food

built houses starting from adapted local materials

use integrated renewable energy systems

encourages the principles of green trade

protect the nature

Figure 2. Ecologic village-features

Minimum conditions that a village must accomplish to become ecovillage, in terms of
resources held:
-to be located in a natural landscape, with an attractive landscape, without pollution
sources; 201
17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017

-to be easily accessible, through the existence of river and air, rails, roads;
-development of general infrastructure (water, electricity, heating, sanitation,
communication channels);
-the presence of traditions and folk values (architecture, crafts and handicrafts, folklore,
ethnographic museum, folk traditions and customs) representative for the area where it
is situated;
-the presence of some rich tourist resources and the ability to their capitalization
through a variety of holiday activities: rest, sunshine, clean air, swimming, water sports,
climbing, cultural activities, and the integration in traditional economic activities;
-equipment of households at a simple or complex level, that to correspond to the
existing classification rules and to ensure a minimum level of comfort.
A certain proposal of a possible market of tourist products offered by ecovillage would
include as "consumption segments" those mentioned in the table below, the foundation
being the travel reason and the product’s potential offered by the ecovillage. [7,8,9,11]
Table 1
Target-segments for ecovillage-proposals
Target segments Range of specific services Distribution Potential
channels market
High school students Curricular and extracurricular - teachers of High school
trips on hikers trails to deepen biology, geography students
the knowledge at various - class teachers
Students of faculties - themed tours - students Students
with ecotouristic - practice for license - deans of year specialized in
profile - events of the group biology,
(Ending of year of ecology,
studies, graduate prom) forestry, soil
Ecologists - special trips - specialized
- studying the nature and magazines
management practices of - ecotourist NGOs
natural areas
Source: author's proposals based on many materials

Arranging an ecological tourist village is possible in many new settlements, the

essential condition being the existence of a minimum basic infrastructure. Values
promoted could be; faith in own strength to keep the community united between the
traditional specific and challenges of the present; the confidence in the economic,
educational and spiritual value of local traditions; the creativity in identifying the
alternative methods of area’s development. Still remains the problem of costs for this
proposal. So in the table below (table 2) we have made a simple calculation of the
possible costs for creating an ecovillage, with 20 rooms, taking into consideration the

Section Environmental Economics

prices on the market. We also underline some financing possibilities of ecovillage

(figure 3).

Table 2
Initial investments for the creation an ecologic village
Objective Detailed actions for the target proposed Nr. Cost / Total
units unit cost
(euro) (euro)
Arranging the Reception and reception hall, (m2) 20 350 7000
playgrounds for Space for storage the available equipments for rent, 2 500 1000
administration (m2)
Storage for storage linen and maintenance materials, 2 200 400
First aid station, (m2) 4 450 1800
Making a own parking, (m2) 55 10 550
Arrangement of some space for waste disposal, 1 450 450
Arranging and 10 rural guesthouses of 80 m2 each. Each rural 800 400 315000
modernize the guesthouse is equipped with 2 rooms, 2 beds in
accommodations room-4 accommodation placers/pension
places Beds with mattresses, number 40+40 200 16000
Bed linen, sets 80 30 2400
Furniture, sets 20 300 6000
Accessories (TV), units 20 150 3000
Equipment of the Shower cabin, sets 10 300 3000
bathroom WC, sets 10 80 800
(one bathroom on Sink, sets 10 30 300
each rural Accessory, sets 10 30 300
Arranging and Electric and wood hob, units 3 250 750
modernize the Refrigerator, units 3 450 1350
kitchen Pots and kitchen utensils 1500
Recreation Creation of commercial spaces, (m2) 30 350 10500
facilities Arranging a sports field 1 500 500
Arranging a pool 1 2000 2000
Sauna 1 5000 5000
Bar, Cafe, (m2) 30 350 10500
Creating the grass and arranging green spaces, 35 40 1400
Marketing actions Making a billboard with the scheme of holiday 1 100 100
village at the entrance in the locality
Plaque representing the category 1 100 100
Flyers with village scheme and the products offered 500 0,10 50
Making a Web page (enter at cost the acquisition of 85000
3 computers and the costs for website creation)
TOTAL 476750
Source: Own calculations based on Romanian market prices, for the year 2015 203
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Local, regional Sources from

budgets local business
Ministry sectors
Structural funds

Financial resources

Figure 3. Financing possibilities of ecovillage

The benefits of creating such a village can be multiple. An example of maximum

revenue generated by the projected tourist village (figure 4), with an average tariff of
12,17 EURO per night would reach to the amount of 53304,6 euro/year, representing
revenues, possible to be realized at an employment rate of 60%.
The benefits of creating such a village

Number of rooms 20

Number of rooms leased at an

employment rate of 60%

365 x 20 = 7300 (100% occupancy rate)

(7300 x 60) / 100 = 4380

Optimal tariff per room 12,17 EURO

Maximum income generated by rural

guesthouse per year

4380 x 12,17 EUR = 53304,6


Figure 4. The benefits of creating an ecovillage

The effects of creating such an ecovillage can not be immediately known, but globally
are individualized directly by their influence on two major plans:

Section Environmental Economics

- economically, through the fact that tourist activities can contribute to the following:
maintaining the existing jobs in other sectors of activity; supplementing real income by
providing complementary profits;
- social, with reference to: increasing the employment degree, especially among young
people; enhancing vocational training.

Nowadays, there is a strong crisis between the human environment and the natural one,
a crisis that has materialized in the continuous degradation of the natural environment,
the only alternative in overcoming it is being the realization of a viable, sustainable
human society, based on the compatibility of the environment created by man with the
natural one, as well as the adoption of regulations that meet the requirements of
ensuring the ecological balance in the conditions of the human society, both
economically and culturally or politically point of view.
Starting from the above-mentioned aspect, creation of such an ecovillage, where general
conditions can support this proposal, it is a requirement of the modern world with
sustainable contributions to the development of local communities. The local
community is often an integral part of the ecovillage.
Implementation of this proposal should ensure a reduction of the negative impact on the
local community and their lifestyle, providing in the same time constructive
contributions on long-term to these communities. The localities in which runs rural
tourism with ecological character will become spaces where they will assemble all the
elements of local sustainable development. It will appear the interest to improve the
infrastructure, for the establishment of a spiritual life of the localities; all this will create
the support for improving the life in rural area, through: Reactivation of handicrafts and
development of services in a wide range; Stimulating the ecotourism as an alternative
activity; Promoting and stimulating local economies, of processing food and non-food
products; Creating of an institutional local structure and of "public-private" partnership;
Protection of ecotourist resources.
To implement such a proposal, with ecological valences it is necessary to involve more
decision-making factors, one of which being the state, through its economic
development policy. For best results, there is a need for close cooperation between
different departments (agriculture, forestry, water management, land planning, etc.).

The publication of this study is supported through the project “Internal competition of
research projects of Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timişoara“, 2015 sesion.

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