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l n English, we use Lhc vc1 b ''to be" to show age: "I am twenty-ninc ycars old:' In Spanish, howevcr,
one lra.s ycars: Tcugo vcintłnucve afios.
When asking the age of someone or somcthing, you literally ask how many years a person or
thing has.
iOiantos a.nos tiencs tu? How old are you?
iOiantos a.nos ticne Juan? How old Is Juan?
!Cumlos a.flos licnc el coche? How old is t1ie car?
iOiintos an.os ticnęn ellos? How old are they?


1. / am __ years old [state how old you are]. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. You are fifteen years o/d. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

3. SanJa is forty-sixyears old. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - -

4. My car is four years old. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
5. Howold are you? ___________ ____ _ __

6. How ofd ,s the pre5ide!lt?

7. Those boys are fifceen years o/ i. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8. Hi!r cat is eight years old. ___________ _____ __
9. Dur house i:, one hundredyears ofd. _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
10. Howoldarethey? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Idiomatic expressions with tener

Tuere are severa! phrases in Spanish that use tener where we use the verb "to be'' in English
to ex:press the same meaning. For example, instead of the English "being hungry" ("to be" +
ADJECTIVE), one "has hunger" ("to have" + NOUN) in Spanish. Below is a list of the most common
of these idiomatic expressions. Note that in the examples, mucho or mucha indicates whether a
noun is masculine or feminine.
tener (mucha) hambre to be (very) hungry
tf'ner (me.dla) sed to be (very) thirsty
tener (mucho) frio to be (very) cold (b,11cho) calor to be (very) warm
te,.cr <ruttcho) miedo to be (very) afraid
:en · {mucho) orgullo to be (very) proud
t-e i~r (mucha) suerte to be (very) lucky
tener (mucha) prisa to be in a (big) hurry
tener(mucho)sueńo to be (very) sleepy
tenerrazón to be right
no tener razón to bewrong

Tener 37

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