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Note: The definition of each word/phrase is to help students understand the meaning only.
1. Gesture (n) a movement that you make with your hands, your head or your face
to show a particular meaning = body movement

Ex: Communicating by gesture

2. Means (n) a way of achieving or doing something

Ex: The only means of communication was sign language.

3. Facilitate (v) to make an action or a process possible or easier
Ex: Dividing students into small groups usually
helps facilitate discussion.
4. Systematic (adj) done according to a system or plan, in a complete, efficient or
determined way
5. Myth (n) a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain
natural events or to describe the early history of a people
6. Inferior (adj) not good or not as good as somebody/something else
7. Comparative (adj) connected with studying things to find out how similar or different
they are
8. Cognition (n) the process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in
the mind
9. Quip (v) to make a quick and clever (lanh lợi) remark (nhận xét)
10. Imply (v) to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something,
without saying so directly

Ex: His criticism implied a lack of focus on my studying.

11. Classification (n) a group, class, division, etc. into which somebody or something is

Ex: The classification of goods is often done at the depot

12. Evolve (v) to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more
complicated form; to develop something in this way.

Ex: The company should evolve its product to attract customer

13. Distinction (n) the act of separating people or things into different groups.

Ex: There is a clear distinction between humans and robots.

14. Blur (v) to become or make it become difficult to recognize a clear
difference between things

15. Complexity (n) the features of a problem or situation that are difficult to understand
Ex: the complexity of vocabulary in level 5 makes it hard for me to
learn and remember.
16. Stem from (v) to be the result of something

Ex: Failing an exam stem from the laziness of the student.

17. Alternate (v) Switch

Ex: He works alternate days.
18. Fit in (v) Be accepted

Ex: I feel that I don't fit in with this work.

19. Convey (v) Express or say

Ex: I want to convey to children that learning English is very

20. Taboo (adj) Forbidden

Ex: it's taboo to cheat in an exam.

21. Utterance (n) Spoken word or language

Ex: Many reporters are always nearby to record his

every step and utterance.
22. Substandard (adj) Less than average or acceptable

Ex: This house/ presentation is substandard

23. Competence (n) Ability to do something well

Ex: I have competence with computers

24. Grasp (n) Understand well

Ex: I grasped whole the content of the reading.

25. Concede (v) To admit (recognize) that something.

26. Conduct (v) To carry out, show somebody Sth

27. Diversity (n) include many different types of people or things (uncountable)
a range of different people, things, or ideas (singular)
28. Empirical based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas

29. Intersection (n) a place where roads, lines etc cross each other, especially where two
roads meet
30. Measurable (a) Clear

31. Perception (n) the way you think, the natural ability to understand or notice things

32. Superiority (n) the quality of being better, more skilful, more powerful etc than other 

33. Bring about (phr.v) To make something happen

34. Collapse (n) A sudden failure (sự hỏng hóc) of something
35. Defect (n) A fault in something or in the way it has been made that means that
it is not perfect
36. Executive (adj) Connected with managing a business or an organization, and with
making plans and decisions
37. Implication (n) 1. a possible effect or result of an action or a decision a possible
effect or result of an action or a decision
2. something that is suggested or indirectly stated
38. Repercussion (n) Consequence
39. Retirement (n) The period of your life after you have stopped work, usually because
you have reached a particular age

40. Violation (n)  The act of going against or refusing to obey a law, an agreement,
41. Inclusive (adj) Open to everyone

42. Initiative (n) A plan or program designed to improve a situation or address a

43. Primary (adj) Most important

44. Promote (v) Help something develop or become more popular

45. Single-minded Having one aim
46. Substantial (adj) Large in amount or number

47. Supplier (n) A person or company that provides goods or services

48. Target (v) Make something (goal) have an effect on a limited group or area

49. Commitment (n) A promise to do/ support something

50. Consumption (n) The act of buying and using products
51. Dedicated (adj) Working hard at something because it is very important to you

The rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces goods,
52. Productivity (n) and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and
money is needed to produce them

The opinion that people have about what SO/Sth is like, based on
53. Reputation (n) what has happened in the past

So great, shocking or surprising that it is difficult to believe
54. Staggering (adj)
55. Turnover (n) The rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by
other people

56. Ultimately (adv) In the end, finally

57. Anomaly (n)  A thing, situation, etc. that is different from what is normal or
expected = unusual

58. Atmosphere (n) A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or a star = air

59. Cycle (n) A series of events being repeated many times, always in the same

60. Dramatically (n) Very suddenly and to a very great and often surprising degree


61. Factor (n) One of several things that cause or influence something

Ex: Money will be the key factor when we decide to buy a new

62. Variability (n) The fact of something being likely to vary
63. Absorb (v) To take in and keep heat, light, energy, sound, etc. instead of
reflecting it
64. Drive (v) To influence something or cause it to make progress
65. Emission (n) Gas, etc. that is sent out into the air
67. Emit (v) To send out something such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc.
68. Potential (n) The possibility of something happening or being developed or used
69. Retain (v) To keep something; to continue to have something

70. Shift (n) A change in opinion, mood, policy, etc.

71. Characterize (v) To describe or show the qualities of SO/Sth in a particular way

72. Equator (n) An imaginary line around the earth at an equal distance from the
North and South Poles

73. Humid (adj) Warm and slightly wet

74. Predictable (adj) If something is predictable, you know in advance that it will happen
or what it will be like
75. Reverse (v) To change something completely so that it is the opposite of what it
was before
76. Vary (v) To change or be different according to the situation
77. Abundant (adj) Existing in large quantities
78. Account for (v) To make up a particular amount or part of something
79. Decay (n) The natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of
80. Excess (n) Larger amount of something than is suitable
81. Potency (n) The strength of something

82. Trap (v) To prevent from escaping

83. Cue (n) An action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something
84. Enable (v) To make it possible for somebody/something to do something
85. Ensure (v) To make sure that something happens or is definite

86. Input (n) Time, knowledge, ideas, etc. that you put into work, a project, etc. in
order to make it succeed; the act of putting something in

87. Nonsense (n) Spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense

88. Prior to Before

89. Subtle (adj) Not very obvious or easy to notice

90. Adherent (n) A person who supports a particular set of ideas

82. Arbitrary (adj) Not seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan and sometimes
seeming unfair = random

83. Draw (v) To attract or interest somebody

84. Innate (adj) Inborn

85. Mainstream (adj) Considered normal because it reflects what is done or accepted by
most people = trend
86. Sweeping (adj) Having an important effect on a large part of something

87. Take it from there To continue something that was begun by someone else
88. Universal (adj) Done by or involving all the people in the world or in a particular
89. Boundary (n) A dividing line
90. Cognitive (adj) Connected with mental processes of understanding

91. Complementary Two people or things that are complementary are different but

(adj) together form a useful or attractive combination of skills, qualities or
physical features
92. Constraint (n) A thing that limits something, or limits your freedom to do

93. Empirical (adj) Based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories
94. Iffy (adj) Not certain

95. In isolation Separately; alone

96. Presume (v) To assume

97. Apparent (adj) Obvious

98. Dimension (n) An aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about something

99. Expectation (n) A belief that something will happen because it is likely
100. Invisible (adj) That cannot be seen

101. Perspective (n) Viewpoint

102. Punctuality (n) The fact of happening or doing something at the agreed or correct
time and not being late
103. Underlying (adj) Important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated
104. Derive (v) To get something from something else
105. Feminine (adj) Relating to women or girls
106. Masculine (adj) Relating to men or boys
107. Sexist (adj) Unfair or unequal treatment of people based on their being male or
108. Stereotype (n) An often untrue and overly general belief about all members of a
109. Tendency (n) The chance that something will happen or that a person will behave
in certain way
110. Tough (adj) Very strict or determined
111. Traits (n) Characteristics or qualities of a person
112. Ambiguity (n) The state of being difficult to understand or explain because of
involving many different aspects
113. Aversion (n) A strong feeling of not liking somebody/something
114. Bureaucracy (n) The system of official rules and ways of doing things that a
government or an organization has, especially when these seem to
be too complicated
115. Innovative (adj) Introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc.
116. Stability (n) The quality or state of being steady and not changing or being upset
in any way
117. Uncertainty (n) The state of being uncertain
118. Spectrum (n) A complete range of something, going from one extreme to the
119. Optimism (n) A belief that good things will happen
120. Destiny (n) The things that will happen to someone in the future, especially
those that cannot be changed or controlled
121. Pessimistic (adj) Expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that a situation
will have a bad result
122. Pursue (v) Go or chase after something that someone wants
123. Strict (adj) Used to describe a rule that must be followed
124. Block (v) To stop something from moving or flowing
125. Concentration (n) The amount of a substance in a liquid or in another substance /focus
126. Fluctuate (v) To change frequently in size, amount, quality, etc., especially from
one extreme to another
127. Massive (adj) Very large, heavy and solid
128. Model (n)  A copy of something, usually smaller than the original object
129. Output (n) The amount of something that a person, a machine, etc. produces
130. Tissue (n) A collection of cells that form the different parts of humans,
animals, and plants
131. Accelerate (v) To happen faster or earlier; to make something happen faster or
132. Displacement (n) The act of forcing somebody/something away from their home or
133. Expand (v) To become greater in size, number or importance
134. Relocate (v) To move or to move somebody/something to a new place to work or
135. Thaw (v) Melt
136. Thermal (adj) Connected with heat
137. Volume (n) The amount of something

138. Biodiversity (n) The existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and
plants which make a balanced environment
139. Consequential Happening as a result or an effect of something
140. Decline (n) A continuous decrease in the number, value, quality, etc. of
141. Extinction (n) A situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops
142. Intense (adj) Very great; very strong
143. Mammal (n) Any animal that gives birth to live young, not eggs, and feeds its
young on milk. Cows, humans and whales are all mammals
144. Relevant (adj) The fact of being valuable and useful to people in their lives and
145. Uninhabitable Not fit to live in; impossible to live in
146. Adverse (adj) Negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a good result
147. Capacity (n) The number of things or people that a container or space can hold
148. Evaporation (n) The process of a liquid changing or being changed into a gas
149. Exacerbate (v) To make something worse, especially a disease or problem
150. Saturate (v) To fill something/somebody completely with something so that it is
impossible or useless to add any more
151. Trigger (v) To make something happen suddenly
152. Vulnerable (adj) Weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally

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