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“Drought Management: A Case Study of Bihar”



Lecturer, Dept. Of Geography Programme code: - PGDDM

Patna Women’s College Patna Course Code: - MPAP-001
Regional Centre: - Patna
Study Centre Code: - 0501
Enrollment No: - 101688654

Remarks of Evaluator

Approved/Disapproved Approved/Disapproved
(I evaluation) (II evaluation)

YEAR: - 2010

Submitted To
School of Social Science



Drought is an insidious natural hazard, characterized by deficient supply of moisture

resulting either from sub-normal rainfall, erratic rainfall distribution, higher water
need or a combination of all the factors. Droughts are the resultant of acute water
shortage due to lack of rains over extended periods of time affecting various human
activities and lead to problems like widespread crop failure, unreplenished ground
water resources, depletion in lakes/ reservoirs, shortage of drinking water and, reduced
fodder availability etc. Drought impacts mostly rainfed crops to start with and
subsequently the irrigated crops. Areas with minimum of alternative water sources to
rainfall (ground and canal water supplies); areas subjected to drastic environmental
degradation such as denuded forest lands and altered ecosystems, and areas where
livelihoods alternative to agriculture are least developed are most vulnerable to
drought. The herdsman, landless labourers, subsistence farmers, the women, children,
and farm animals are the most vulnerable groups affected by the drought conditions.
As Bihar is vulnerable to different kinds of disaster due to its geographical and
topographical location, Bihar state in India increasingly suffers from droughts. Bihar
is facing its second successive drought in 2010. The state is traditionally flood prone
so this year’s consecutive widespread drought has magnified the adverse impact. This
is particularly so in the background of the series of natural disasters over the last four
years which have brought untold miseries to the people. In 2009, along with many
other states, Bihar faced severe drought in 26 out of 38 districts. In 2010 the state
government declared 28 of its 38 districts drought-hit in view of the scanty rainfall.
The drought has affected hundreds of thousands of people for the second consecutive


The main objectives of research are:-

Through my humble effort I am trying to investigate what is the main cause of

droughts in India in special context of Bihar.

 To study the impact of drought on water supply and availability.

 To study the impact of drought on society, economy and mental health.

 To Know the Various initiatives by the government, other institutions (NGOs etc)
and communities themselves in disaster management especially under changing

 To study of the knowledge gained from previous drought experiences (e.g. use of
alternate water supplies, water reuse, water savings projects, drought awareness
programs etc.)

 While selecting this topic my major concern is relating to the socio economic
impact over the life style and livelihood of drought effected families.

 Not only this but also I am trying my level best to put forward the best possible
remedial measures for this biggest economic crisis.


The main Hypothesis of the proposed project is that Hypothesis is a vulnerable natural
disaster in India. Deficit rainfall, environmental degradation, denuded forest lands and
altered ecosystems are the main cause of drought. The areas where livelihoods
alternative to agriculture are least developed are most vulnerable to drought. The
herdsman, landless labourers, subsistence farmers, the women, children, and farm
animals are the most vulnerable groups. Effective remedial measures (e.g. use of
alternate water supplies, water reuse, water savings projects, and drought awareness
programs etc.) can minimise the vulnerability of the drought.


In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, it is essential to articulate the

manner in which it is to be conducted, i.e., the research process is to be carried-out in
a certain framework. The Research Methodology, which follows, is the backbone of
the study.

Research Design

The research will be ‘descriptive’ in nature. The study is aimed at describing the
existing phenomenon. For that matter I will consult various magazines, newspapers,
books, reference materials and interne

Primary Data Collection- Data will be collected through questionnaire survey, brain
storming, opinion poll, discussion etc.

Secondary Data Collection- Secondary data is the data, which already exists. I will use
secondary data for the purpose of study. Secondary data will be collected mainly
through internet and some help will be taken from books and articles.


- Department of Agriculture & Co - operation. Ministry of Agriculture,

Government of India, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001, India.

- Department of Agriculture & Co - operation 2010 b. Recent Disasters, Weather


- HPC (High Powered Committee). 2010 a. Disaster Management Report, New

Delhi: Department of Agriculture & Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001, India: 107.

- HPC – 2010 b. National Disaster Response Plan. New Delhi: Department of

Agriculture & Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110 001, India: 127.
- “Drought:Assessment, Monitoring,Management and Resources Conservation.”
R. Nagarajan, Capital Publishing Co, Delhi.
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 2010, Reducing Disaster
Risk: A Challenge for Development.

- Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs National Disaster Management


- Disaster Management Department, Government of Bihar.


The chapter wise categorization of the proposed project will be given under these

Chapter 1 — Introduction

Chapter 2 — Causes and impacts of of Drought

Chapter 3 — Monitoring & Drought management in India

Chapter 4 — Drought Situation in Bihar: An Overview

Chapter 5 — Recommendations

Chapter 6 — References

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