PSCT210 Agricultural Irrigation and Drainage-Third Sesstion

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Prof. Dr. Hossein Azadi

Department of Geography, Ghent University, Belgium
(Irrigation Methods)

1. Irrigation Methods

2. Surface Irrigation

3. Subsurface Irrigation

4. Sprinkler Irrigation System

5. Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System

6. Gated Pipe Irrigation

Irrigation Methods

 An adequate water supply is important for plant growth. When rainfall is

not sufficient, the plants must receive additional water from irrigation for
their survival. Various methods can be used to supply irrigation water to
the plants. Each method has its advantages, disadvantages and
performance efficiency, which should be taken into account when
choosing the method of application best suited to the local
 An irrigation system as a whole comprises four subsystems, namely (i)
water supply (ii) water delivery (iii) water application, and (iv) excess
water removal from soil.
 Both the irrigation and drainage are considered complementary to
each other.

Irrigation Methods

Irrigation Methods

Surface Sprinkler Drip

Basin Border Furrow Portable

Furrow-Bed Furrow-Ridges

Methods of Irrigation Application

Surface Irrigation
 Surface irrigation is the application of water by gravity flow to the
surface of the field.
 In the surface methods of irrigation, water is applied directly to the soil
surface from a channel located at the upper reach of the field.
 The driving force in such irrigation system is gravity and hence alternate
name is gravity irrigation or gravity flooding.
 Two general requirements of prime importance are to obtain high
efficiency and uniform distribution of water over the field.
 In this method, either the entire field is flooded (basin irrigation) or the
water is fed into small channels (furrows) or strips of land (borders).
 The surface irrigation is further subdivided into a number of techniques
depending on the topography, slope and surface shaping of the field
as summarized below.

Surface Irrigation
 Basin irrigation
 A basin is a flat area of land, level in all directions and surrounded by
low bunds, which prevent the water from flowing out to the adjacent
 It involves dividing the field into smaller unit areas so that each has a
nearly level surface. Bunds or ridges are constructed around the field
farming basin within which are constructed around the field forming
basin filled to the desired depth can be controlled.
 Advantages of Basin Irrigation
i. Adequate control of water, uniform distribution, high application
efficiency with proper design and operation is obtained by this
ii. It is useful for leaching of excess salts and conservation of water.
iii. It is suited to smaller flow rates and smaller land holdings.
Surface Irrigation
 Disadvantages of Basin Irrigation
i. The levees interfere with the movement of farm machinery equipment.
ii. It is sometimes difficult to drain excess water in clayey soils.
iii. Considerable land is occupied by the levees and ditches, reducing the
area available for crop production.
iv. Excessive loss of water through additional water channels and over-
irrigation practice.
v. Because of smaller units, mostly, the corners are left unplowed and
vi. Basin method utilizes greater time and energy of farm power per unit
vii. It results in lower land and water productivity.
viii. Basin irrigation requires precise land leveling, which increases cost of
Surface Irrigation

Basin Irrigation
Surface Irrigation

 Border irrigation
 This method comprises narrow and longer strips of land and makes use
of parallel ridges to guide a sheet of flowing water as it moves down
the slope.
 Thus, borders are long, sloping or level strips of land separated by
 Irrigation water can be fed to the borders in several ways such as
opening up the irrigation channel bank, using small pipe outlets or
gates or by means of siphons.
 During irrigation, a sheet of water flows down the slope of the border,
guided by the bunds.
 A border may be level or graded depending on the topographic
conditions of the field, particularly in longitudinal direction.

Surface Irrigation
 Advantages of Border Irrigation
 Border dikes can be constructed economically with simple farm
 Uniform distribution and high application efficiency are possible if
system is properly designed and managed.
 Large irrigation streams can be effectively used.
 Operation of the system is simple.
 Adequate surface drainage can be provided the down stream if
outlets are available.
 Suitable for mechanized farming.
 Saving of land and water due to reduction of water channels and
permanent dikes as compared to Basin irrigation.

Surface Irrigation
 Disadvantages of Border Irrigation
 This method requires proper land leveling and uniform gentle slope in
the direction of irrigation.
 Usually, large irrigation streams are required.
 Land is wasted under ridges. However, they are temporarily
constructed to guide flow of water.
 Time taken to irrigate increases with length of border. Therefore,
excessively long borders cannot be accommodated for smaller
stream flows.

Surface Irrigation

Border irrigation

Surface Irrigation

 Furrow Irrigation
 Furrows are small channels, which carry water down the land slope
between the crop rows. Water infiltrates into the soil as it moves along
the slope. The crop is usually grown on the ridges or raised beds
between the furrows.
 Irrigation water flows from the irrigation channel into the furrows by
opening up the bank of the channel, or by means of siphons or gated
 The furrow method of irrigation is used in the irrigation of row crops with
furrows developed between the crop rows in the planting and
cultivating processes.
 The size and slope of the furrow depends upon the crop grown,
equipment used and spacing between crop rows.

Surface Irrigation
 Advantages of Furrow Irrigation
 In this method, water directly contacts only a part of the land surface
and the remaining part of the ridge or bed receive moisture through
capillary action, reducing the opportunities of crusting and evaporation
 Earlier cultivation is possible
 More area can be irrigated with given amount of water
 No wastage of land under field ditches
 Water saving up to 30% in the case of furrow-ridge irrigation and up to
50% in the case of furrow-bed irrigation as compared to border or basin
irrigation can be achieved

Surface Irrigation

 Disadvantages of Furrow Irrigation

 It requires land grading so that water can move through the entire
length of the furrow without over spilling or ponding
 It requires continual slope by removing low and high spots
 It interferes with farming equipment during hoeing and harvesting
 It is not suited to close growing and grain crops
 It is not suited to sandy soils due to instability of ridges against water

Surface Irrigation

Furrow Irrigation
Subsurface Irrigation

 In this method of irrigation, water is applied below the ground surface by

maintaining an artificial water table at some depth depending upon the
soil texture and the depth of the plant roots.
 Water reaches the plant roots through capillary action.
 Water may be introduced through open ditches or underground pipe
lines such as tile drains or mole drains.
 The depth of open ditches or tranches vary from 30 to 100 cm and are
spread about 15 to 30 cm apart.
 It is suited to soils having reasonably uniform texture and permeable
enough for water to move rapidly both horizontally and vertically within
and for some distance below the crop root zone.

Subsurface Irrigation

 Siphon Irrigation
 The word siphon, (or syphon), is used to refer to a wide variety of devices
that involve the flow of liquids through tubes.
 In irrigation, it refers, particularly, to a tube in an inverted 'U' shape, which
causes a liquid first to flow upward i.e. above the surface of the upstream
water reservoir without any external pumping energy but powered by
the fall of the liquid to the downstream end of the tube as it flows down
the tube under the force of gravity and finally discharges at a level lower
than the surface of the reservoir, which may be a field being irrigated or
another water reservoir.

Subsurface Irrigation

 Advantages of Siphon Irrigation

 Use of siphons in applying irrigation water to the field permits water
diversion from irrigation channel to the field without cutting through
the channel bank or the field dikes. It is more suited to the application
of water to the furrows.
 Use of siphon permits measurement of the flow rate as well as the total
amount of water applied to the field.

Subsurface Irrigation
 Limitations of Siphon Irrigation
 The elevation of water at the source (reservoir or irrigation channel)
should be higher than the elevation of water at the exit of the siphon
 The upstream end (inlet) of the siphon tube must remain dipped in
water for successful operation. Once the inlet of siphon is out of water or
exposed to the atmosphere, air will enter the tube and flow of water
through the siphon will stop.
 The siphon tube must be filled completely with water before putting it to
action. The siphon will not operate if it is partially filled.

Subsurface Irrigation

 The upstream limb of the siphon tube (from inlet to the top of the
curvature) should be smaller than the lower limb (from top of the
curvature to the exit of tube).
 For manual installation of the siphon tubes to irrigate a field, the
diameter of the tube should not be greater than the palm of the
 In order to avoid over spilling of irrigation channel, a balance between
the inflow to the irrigation channel and outflow to the field must be
maintained, which requires that the siphon size, flow rate and number of
siphons must be selected to maintain a balance between the inflow
and outflow.

Subsurface Irrigation

Siphon Irrigation
Sprinkler Irrigation System

 Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water under pressure

to the crops similar to natural rainfall.
 Water is distributed through a system of pipes by pumping, which is then
sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small
water drops falling to the cropped field.
 The pumping and piping systems, sprinklers and operating conditions
must be designed to enable a uniform application of water.
 The spray is developed by flow of water under high pressure through
small orifices or nozzles.

Sprinkler Irrigation System
 Suitability of Sprinkler Irrigation System
 Suitability to Crops
 Sprinkler irrigation is suited for most row, field and tree crops and water
can be sprayed over or under the crop canopy. However, large sprinklers
are not recommended for irrigation of delicate crops such as lettuce
because the large water drops produced by the sprinklers may damage
the crop.
 Suitability to Topographic Slopes
 Sprinkler irrigation is adaptable to any farmable slope, whether uniform or
undulating. The lateral pipes supplying water to the sprinklers should
always be laid out along the land contour whenever possible. This will
minimize the pressure changes at the sprinklers and provide a uniform

Sprinkler Irrigation System

 Suitability to Soils
 Sprinklers are best suited to sandy soils with high infiltration rates
although they are adaptable to most soils. The average application rate
from the sprinklers (mm/h) is always chosen to be less than the basic
infiltration rate of the soil so that surface ponding and runoff can be
 Suitability to Irrigation Water
 A good clean supply of water, free of suspended sediments, is required
to avoid problems of sprinkler nozzle blockage and spoiling the crop by
coating it with sediment. The uniformity of sprinkler applications can be
affected by wind and water pressure. Spray from sprinklers is easily
blown about by even a gentle breeze and this can seriously reduce

Sprinkler Irrigation System
 Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation
 Soluble fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides can be applied in the
irrigation water more uniformly and economically. This facilitates uniform
crop stand and effective pest control.
 Sprinkling of water can be used to protect crop against frost and high
 More land is available for cropping and irrigation process does not
interfere with farm machinery, particularly with portable sprinkling system.
 Erosion of soil cover, which is common in surface irrigation, can be
 Shallow soils, land with steep slope and soils involving extensive land
preparation can be irrigated efficiently.
 This method is popular in regions of water scarcity and uneven
Sprinkler Irrigation System
 Disadvantages of Sprinkler Irrigation
 It is not useful in windy areas as the water drops get dislocated by wind.
 Ripening fruit must be protected from the spray.
 The unavoidable wetting of foliage in field crops results in increased
sensitivity to diseases.
 A sustained water supply and pumping pressure are required for
successful irrigation application, which may add to the operational cost.
 Water must be clean and free of debris, sand and large amount of
dissolved salts.
 It requires high initial investment as compared to surface methods of

Sprinkler Irrigation System

Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System

 Drip irrigation, also known as Trickle irrigation or Micro irrigation, is an

irrigation method, which saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to
drip slowly to the roots of plants, either to the soil surface or directly to
the root zone as subsurface flow, through a network of valves, pipes,
tubing, and emitters supported by pumping system
 Drip is one of the latest methods of irrigation that is becoming popular in
areas with water scarcity and coarse soils having high infiltration rate
 It minimizes conveyance and other conventional losses such as deep
percolation, runoff and subsoil water through dippers.

Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System

Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System
 Principles of Drip Irrigation
 In drip irrigation, the driving force of water movement is provided by an
external energy source such as a pump or a raised reservoir.
 Water from the source is delivered through a closed pipe system under
low pressure.
 The term trickle irrigation is generally used to describe irrigation methods
in which small quantities of water are applied at short intervals directly to
the soil.
 The uniqueness of drip irrigation is the partial wetting of the soil as water is
applied by the emitters at the plant locations only, leaving the remaining
area out of water.
 The percentage of the wetted surface area and soil volume depends on
soil properties, initial moisture level of the soil, the applied water volume,
emitter flow rate and the number of plants per acre.
Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System

Micro-spray (a), bubbler (b), and dual-drip (c) irrigation of trees and
shrubs, and the wetting patterns of drip irrigation in clayey, loamy, and
sandy soils
Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System

 Advantages
 Drip irrigation significantly increases the efficiency of water application
and improves the growing conditions of the irrigated crops.
 Application of water precisely to the crop root zone without wetting the
entire area between plants, reducing the total evaporative surface,
saves considerable amount of water.
 The germination and development of weeds is limited because a limited
soil surface is wetted.
 Fertilizers can be injected into the irrigation water, and therefore, can be
applied to the crop more efficiently.
 Drip irrigation can achieve more than 90% application efficiency, which
is the highest among known irrigation methods.

Drip or Trickle or Micro Irrigation System
 Disadvantages
 The initial cost of drip irrigation equipment is high.
 Water must be relatively clear to overcome frequent clogging of
emitters. The causes of clogging may be physical, chemical or biological
 The root development remains limited due to the lack of moisture.
 Because of limited root system, nutrient availability may be limited as
compared to gravity irrigation methods.
 There may be deposition of salts in root zone because there is no
leaching of salts due to less moisture. Excess salt accumulation may
occur at the soil surface or towards the fringes of wetted soil.

Gated Pipe Irrigation

 Traditionally, the furrow irrigation for row crops such as cotton, maize,
potato and other vegetables is carried out by diverting irrigation water
from the source to the
 furrows through unlined or earthen irrigation channels.
 Gated pipe irrigation is an improvement on furrow irrigation, in which the
conventional head ditch and siphons are replaced by pipes having
gates for delivering irrigation water to the furrows.
 Gated Pipes are efficient and advanced means of distributing water to
row crops such as cotton, maize and vegetables.

Gated Pipe Irrigation

Gated Pipe Irrigation Method

The End


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