GR Mare Engleza

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The early morning mitting

The activity begins with a group meeting between children and teachers, through the morning
The greeting between children will be achieved using the cooperative learning strategy “inner
circle, outer circle” combined with the method “mix, freeze, form pairs”
The teacher salutes the children then shares colored cards saying: “Morning has come, / all
the children have arrived, / in the circle to gather, / all of us to greet each other.! .
The teacher divides the children into two groups by offering them to choose colored cards.
Children, depending on the color of the card chosen, form two concentric circles. At the
“mix” signal given by the teachers, the children rotate in a circle reciting the rhythmic lyrics
“good morning” (Annex 1), stop at the “freeze” signal, and at the “form pairs” signal, the
children in the inner circle turn face to those in the outer circle, form a pair with the one in
front of it, saluting and sharing feelings. The commands will be repeated several times, thus
allowing the formation of as many pairs and greeting between as many children as possible.
The children will then greet the teachers present at the activity. The missing children will be
identified by the badges left in the specially designed place for them.
They will complete the “Calendar of nature”.
On a table, children will discover several images, representing different professions.
A dialog is being held about the trades represented in images and about the trades they would
like to practice when they grow up, arguing their choice.
In the Art area will be prepared sheets of colored paper, colored pencils, crayons, scissors,
glue and various decorative materials that will be used in the accomplishment of the task -
task: "Create and decorate clothes for the doll"
In the Construction area, different building materials will be prepared to realize the proposed
theme – task: “Build different buildings to build a new neighborhood in your city!”
In the role-playing area will be prepared materials necessary for the accomplishment of the
proposed task – task: “Heal the patient!”
In the library area will be prepared necessary materials, images and tokens of crafts, tools and
products of crafts that they will use to relate a book of crafts – task: “Make up the Book of
The transition from freely chosen activities to those on experiential domains will be done
with the help of the game with text and sing “the Zidarul”, by C.. Lungu.

THE SCHOOL: The kindergarten extended program “Traian Demeterscu”, Craiova

GROUP: Large
ACTIVITY: Freely chosen activities
THEME: “Fashion designers” – art.
“A new neighborhood in the city” – construction
“At the Medical Office” – role playing
“The Book of Messengers” – the Library
TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Repetition, fixation, relaxation
FORM OF ACHIEVEMENT: Small group activity
THE PURPOSE OF THE ACTIVITY: Socialization of children through semi-directed
activities, which fix the previously acquired knowledge and prepare the activities next.
-to intuit the materials existing at the three centers of interest;
-cut and decorate doll clothes using tools and work stages specific to the designer profession;
-to build different buildings to give birth to a new neighborhood in his city, with the help of
different materials from the construction sector: cubes, construction parts;
play the work that doctors do.
-to associate tools and products specific to certain trades by sticking them on sections for the
-To communicate verbally with the partners at the working table.
METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Conversation, explanation, exercise, role play
DIDACTIC MATERIAL USED: Colored pencils, carioci, scissors, glue, sheets of colored
paper, decorative materials, construction parts, cubes, white robe, medical bonnet, white page
book, images of crafts, tokens with specific products crafts, medallions with tools.
1 Organising the The children enter
work The group room is the group room in
ventilated order.
The educational
space is arranged.
The necessary
teaching materials
are prepared.
The children enter
the group room in
2 Introduction to It is possible to intuit conversation Children can see the
work the materials from work materials
the three centers of
interest: Art,
construction, role
play and library.
3 Announcement of Children repeat the
the theme The teacher The conversation themes at each
announces the center
children’s Explanation
homework from the
three prepared
“Fashion designers”
– art.
“A new
neighborhood in the
city” – construction
“At the Medical
Office” – role
“The Book of
Crafts” – Library
4 Conduct of activity The teacher asks the exercise Children verbalize
children to choose and motivate the
the center they actions performed
prefer to work at,
then she will present The teacher observes
the way of achieving the way the children
each theme: work
- children cut, cut
and decorate as
beautiful as possible
doll clothes.
- children perform
actions imitating the
work of doctors
(consulting, giving
medicine, writing
recipes, etc.).
- children build
buildings using the
materials located at
this center
The teacher
carefully supervises
the activity of
children in the three
centers of interest,
will give directions,
suggestions and help
them where needed.
Children can change
the center initially
chosen if they have
managed to
accomplish the
required task.
-children sort and
associate images
between humelts,
products and crafts,
paste them in the
prepared book,
making one page for
each job.
5 Analysis of the Each one will go to Tour of the gallery Children are looking
products of the the other three at the work
activity centers to observe objectively
and appreciate the
work they do.
Children appreciate
the way in which the
theme was realized:
The quality of the
work, the
observance of the
6 The end of the The teacher makes conversation
activity general and
The works are
placed at the


“Good morning,” the song


The bears woke up, good morning!
The rabbits are awake, good morning!
The rats woke up, good morning.
And the kids got up, good morning!

The pace of revival

He covered everyone
After they made their bed
Then followed the washing.
In the ears, on the subsides
On the eyes and on the teeth.
It is good to be clean.
Groomed and combed.

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