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'Digtribution : limited Parie, november 1978 Original : Englie United Nationa Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization SUGGESTOLOGY ead SUGGESTOPEDIA ~ : = Theory and Practice (G- Lozanov, Bulgaria) Working document for the Expert Working Group (12-16 December 1978, Soria) pre! ated by the Bulgarian National Commiesion for Unesco and the Bulgarian Ministry of People Education (xD-78/i8/119) L SUGGESTOLOGY AND SUGGESTOPEDTA - THEORY AND PRACTICE G,Loganov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, arch Institute Director of the Suggestology Re Sofia jerennial aspirations has been to release man's reserve capacities and to stimlate their development. Accor- ding to the scanty literary sources, this was successfully achieved in Antiquity in a number of esoteric schools and was in conformity with their different aims. In.moderm scientific psychotherapy ,whose historical origins the derive from esoteric practic: pping and stimulating of man's regorve capacities lies mainly within the sphere of treat- ent for neurotic and psychosomatic ai: But in proceeding with the treatment, considerable additional and incidental reserve 4. This happens most often in a state of capacities may be rel hypnosis, As an example of this we can take the hypnotic supernor- mal recollection of forgotten or only vaguely perceived events, the evoked hypnotic changes in the sympathetic nervous system, in meta- bolism, nutrition, blood composition, etc, On the ground of these Phenomena some experimental laboratory research has proved that the state of hypnosis, under certain conditions, can improve not only the memory but also attention, creativity, and the self-cont- rol of a number of physiological and biochemical processes in man's organism. But hypnotic experimentation is of limited significance, It camnot be used on a large scale for the purpose of developing man's personality, The personality's subordinated position in -2- jelf-control, the »roblem of hypnosis and its weakened volitional man's susceptibility to hypnosis, the legal restrictio:: on hypne- sis, and a number of other factors make it contra-indicated,except in hospital or laboratory conditions. The attempts of some psychologists to replace paychotherapou- tical terms in the field of hypnosis with psychological ones, such as expectancy, motivation, attitude and set-up, and thus explain resoxve capaci- those cases where the tapping of the personality’ ted in a state of hypnosis, have proved very useful indeed, Laboratory experiments have shown that these psychological terms cannot completely replace the complex psychotherapoutical concepts of "hypnosis" and “suggestion”. The reserve capacities which are known in psychotherapy cannot be completely t=ppea via + making expectancy, motivation, attitude and set-up alone, witho use of emotional and double-plane stimulation. In this vay only insignificant improvements can be achieved in the control of some functions. ‘The works of T.X.Barber et al.1?7*3+4+5 are of particular in- . These authors take a cognitive-behavioural view of hypno- By giving task-motivating instructions they achieve resulta similar to those obtained in hypnosis. They do not admit. however, that by using the same means some sleeplike modifications in con= sciousness, similar to psychogenic derangements, may alse arise, Barber T.X,, Hypnotic age regression: a critical review, Psycho- som.Med., 1962,2h, 286-299. Barber T.X, & P.D.Parker, Hypnosis task-motivating instzuctions and learning performance, J.abnorm.Psychol.,1$54,69, 499-504. 3 parber T.X., The effects of "hypnosis" on learning and rocall: a methodclogical critique, J.clin.Paychol.1965-a,21, 19-25. Barber T.X., Experimental analyses of “hypnotic” behavior: a re- view of fecont empirical findings, J.abnorm.Paychol. ,1965-b,70, 132-154. 5 parver 7.X.,N.P.Spanos & J.F.Chaves, Hypnosis, Imagination and Human Potentialities, Pergamon Presa Inc., 1974. =a But already in J.Charvot's time hypnosis as a state used to be classified at the Saipétridre under the psychogenic hysterical derangements of consciousness, The question of man's reserve capacities and their accelera- ted harmonious development is of special importance. That is why we went through the literature of some ancient sources and also of some sources of historically later ages where such matters were discussed. We compared these data with data obtained in prosent- an order to see day experiments in the sphere of human reserv. whether there were any common psycho-physiological mechanisms. Be~ sides these researches, we organized a number of experiments in the Physiology Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in the Psychiatry Department of the Institute of Post-Graduate Speciali- zation of Physicians, and in the Municipal Peychoneurology Dispen- wary of Sofia, In our ci dt wae tho part of the experiments and his reserve ca- which dealt with man's unconscious activitie: pacities in hypnosis that was of importance. We had been carrying out these experiments for a period of fifteen years (before the Suggestology Research Institute was established in 1966). These experiments can be grouped as follows: 1. Graded changes in sympathetic reactivity in accordance with the "depth" of hypnosis sugee toa®, In th experiments an automatic rise and fall in blood prseure was observed, the degree of the ris. and fall depending on the suggested "depth" of nypno- sis. The same holds good for the puine rate and other vegetative factors. 2, Graded changes in the latent period of motor reac.ion, 6 yosauon [., Bonpocu na xunuocyrectuaza, Cespextuna mexmunna, 1955, xH.9,omp. 71. associative time and the character of the answers - changes which are in accordance with the suggested ‘deeper! or ‘shallower’ hyp- nosis’, The relations between the mean values of thé © physiologi-~ eal factors remain constant and are in accordance with the rela tions between the different grades of hypnotic ‘depth’, - 3. Searching for the optimal hypnotic ‘depth' for the sponta neous appearance of a model of schizophrenia ~ syndrom of catato- nia and stupor with stereotype behaviour (verbigeration, perseve ration, echolalia, echopraxia) and mutism, The spontancois appea- vance (as a result of the hypnotic ‘depth') of schizophrenia-like syndrome proves that A.Boatroem's clinical observations and his belief that stereotypes run nonverbally are correct®, 4. Hypnotic age regression and the possibility of a sponta- neous, reliable and non-similated manifestation of unconscious 10,14492,13 past functional levele of personality 7° On the back- ground of the hypnotic ‘play', there arise ‘moments of real regres- eion to past functional levels in some activities, New anatomo- 7 Noganop [., Bunpocu sa xunnocyrectuara, Cespemenna meauunua, 1955, un.9; czp.71. . Bostroem A., Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten, Bd.II, Allgemeine Teil II, 1936. Jioszanos [., Juccoummposannue gamxeHHA TaasHBx AONOK BO gusuon0— FMUCCKOM Ht CHNHOTYeCHOM ole d@ TeopuM cua, HiypHan weoponaronorun 4 Ucuxmatpuu um. C.C.Kopcakona, 1959,9,crp.1095. 10 josanos [., O muavomoruweckux mexaHMsMax @eHOMeHa Benza, Loxra— aux BAH, 1965,16,7, czp.751. 11 Tosanos [., 0 cymecrsosanmu p mo_xopue acconkaruaHuX cynpaHyK— Reapuwx uekcpos asuxenua Taasnux a6m0K, liokmanu BAH, 1964,17,2, erp.201. Lozanov G., Deviations from Herring's law of the movements of the eyeballs, Bulletin of the Physiology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1966,vo1.X,p.47. 13 Lezanov G., Zur Frage der experimentallen hypnotischen Regres- sion, In:"Hypaose - aktuelle Problene in Thycrme, Experiment und Klinik", VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jen, 1971, 9.133-142. 9 12 = 5 = physiological forms of activities are manifested. (Occasional unas- sociated eyeball movements with regression to the age of a new-born baby; handwriting and drawings very much resembling, when compared later, the handwriting in old letters written in childhood and old drawings). 5. A greater degree of recollection under hypnos 6. Biochemical changes in blood and urine®. 7. A lasting hypnotherapeutical effect in cases of psychceo- matic aiseas 8, Minor surgical operations per:ormed painlessly and with no bleeding while the patient ie ia a state of hypnosis. Some of these experiments corroborated tue existing literary data on the possibility of influencing man's psychological and phy- siological functions when he is in a state of hypnosis, In some of the other experiments a number of objective laws were demonstrated laws were taken into consideration in the de and afterwards the: velopment of our concept of the tapping of human reserve capacities without resorting to hypnosis. For instance, the experiments in which we were able to observe graded changes both in the vegetati- ve reactivity and the latent period of motor reaction, the associa- tive time, and the nature of the answers suggested to us that the has a tendency towards optimal algorithmization in nervous syste: and a corresponding adaptational repro- the communicative proce: gramming at every level, These experiments and those of the spon- taneously appearing medol of schizophrenia (syndrome of catatonia eomnesia in hyp- and stupor) and at times the surprisingly precis motic age regression showed that: (a) ‘nothing is lost' of past life experience; (b) not only conscious but also unconscious per~ ceptions are preserved; (c) the reproduction of past activities 1s realized by emotionally associating the entire complex of stereo- types of the past levels with the self-consciousness of the actual tame and place. This global past level ‘drawn up’ to the actual time, carries with it an enormous amount of information about its separate constituents. Attention can be subsequently focused on them; unsuspected ‘reminiscences! and manifold variants of model of future normal and pathological reactions and developments are stored in the unconscious forms of mental activity. The prospects opened up by the hypnotic experiments are, however, of significance only for laboratory work. In mass prac- tice, as we have already said, hypnosis is inapplicable. Thus we have to look for ways of tapping and developing man's reserve ca- pacities with the aid of suggestion in a normal waking state, without hypnosis, Data found in some literary sources show that it is possible to obtain hypnotic phenomena without going through the phase of ted sleep. Hypnesie, nic veiling of consciousness, is an unstabie state, But suggestion 49 a communicative factor which, to some extent, controls this state and ite somewhat peculiar manifestations. From this stand- point we researched the possibilities of suggestion in a normal waking state, both in psychotherapeutical troatment and laboratory rched: experimentation. We r of provoking and curing allergic reac- + The possibilitie: tions of the antigen-antibody type with the respective changes of the histaminase activity, cholinesterase activity and neurovegeta- tive reactivity !* by suggestion in a waking state. 2. A suggestively obtained difference in the size of the two 14 Lozanov G.,M.Markey und P.Kirchev, Uber einen durch Suggestion in wachem Zustand hervorgerufenen und geheiiten. Urtikariaan- fail, Allergie und Aothes, Leipzig, 1962, Sand 6, Hert 1, oko, pupils of the eyes! >, 3. Suggestive, non-hypnotic hypermesia!®?17+18_ 4, Suggestive, non-hypnotic anaesthesia and abdominal surgi- eal operation carried out with suggestive anaesthesia and accon- plished with the additional effect of less bleeding and of a shor- tened convalescent perioa! 8519, . 5. Putting al1 psychotherapeutical methods, with concealed elements of ‘placebo’ effects in them, on a common suggestive ba- sis and heightening the peychotherapeutical effects by using "in- tegral psychotherapy" 18+20121 | 6. Common suggestive basis of the hypermestic results of hypnopeay!® us uy 7. Suggestive intellectual activation and hypercreativity’®, 8. "The eymptom of the scales" - the autosuggestive linking of two psychosomatic illnesses in a mtual-balance system - one requiring a special psychotherapeutic approach’>. 9. Suggestive control of neurovegetative, trophic, endocrine, inflammatory and other syndromes, not only in cases of psychosoma- 15 tic diseases but also in those of organic on "5 josanos T., BRYMCHNeTO, » KE."PLKOBORCTBO nO MeHxXorepansa" ,n/p B.llapanos jf Jlosazos,H.lerpos a A.Atavacos, Copua,i968, crp.47. Nosamop f., Cyrectonequara - nvr xbq xuneputesun B yuecnuA Uupogec, Hapoata npoceera, Copa, 1968,6, orp.23. Loganev G., Suggestopedia and Memory, Acta Ned.Peychosomatioa, Roma, 1967,p-535. Josasos T., Cyreeroxorua, Hayxa = usxycrs0, Copmn, 1971. ‘thetization through suggestion in a state of Acta Med.Paychosomatica, Roma, 1967,p.339+ Lozanev G., Integral Psychotherapy, Acta Med.Peychosomatica, Ro- ma, 1967, p.529. Lozanov G., A Common Curative Mechanism of Suggestion Under- lying All Psychotherapeutical Methoda, International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, Vienna, 1968, p.221. 16 17 This research under the conditions of suggestion without in- ducing a state of hypnosis has shown, as has the research of other authors, that most ‘hypnotic phenomena’ can be brought about without hypnosis. It was especially important for us to establish the fact that, under the conditions of the scientific organization of the suggestive and antisuggestive factors, control and se1f- controi of a number of peychelogical and somatic functions can be achieved. Our researching in the field of non-hypnotic suggestion con- firmed us more and more in our opinion that suggestion can be used successfully not only in medical practice but aleo in teaching. It can have its place in all spheres of activity where the highly de- veloped human personality is a decisive factor. For example a wide and still unexplored field ie the organization of production pro- cesses and labour relations in compliance with the requirements of already being industrial suggestology. In many places sportsmen ar trained on a suggestological basis. And the results are undoubtedly good, But we ourselves have directed our efforts mainly to the fi1e1d of psychotherapy and pedagogy. We had, however, first to try the objective lawa, aima of and pro- to formulate the concepts spects for this new scientific trend which we called 'Suggestolo- gy'. A detaiied description of the experimental material and our theoretical reasons for founding this science are to be found in the monography 'Suggestology'. Here we shall go only briefly into ite basic concepts, terms and aims. reserve capaci- Suggestology is the science of tapping man ties in the sphere of both mind and body, Consequently it is the science of the accelerated harmonious development of man and his manifold talents Suggestion As the science of suggestion, Suggestology is in ayunfavou- rable position, To begin with, the attempt to found a science on a phenomenon which, for more than a century, has been the subject of keon and controversial discussion, has attracted the attention of both scientists and laymen who hold preconceived ideas about sugges- tion, Besides that, our standpoint that suggestion ie a aniversal communicative factor vhich plays ite part in every moment of our life, though not always in an organized manner, indicates its uig- nificance, That is why it 1s extremely important that any experi- mental work on the subject should be based on theoretical clarity and the exact meanings of the terus with which it is operated should be precisely defined, There are meny definitions of the ‘imbibition of torm ‘suggestion’ (‘hypnosie', ‘light hypnosis personality', ‘the conditioning and manipulation of personality', ‘influence’, ‘the means of inducing hypnosis’, etc.). The word sug- gestion derives from the Latin word suggerc. sugge. suggestua - to place or bring, to prompt, to hint. This word has acquired a more or less negative meaning in many languages, But in English = shade of meaning has been given to the word which is close to our understanding of it: to offer, to propose. Thus, according to our understanding of the word, suggestion is a communicative factor which is expressed in ‘proposing! that the personality should make ite choice, and should choose, in accordance with ite structure and disposition, from among a wide of sti- 4. Th come from outside onality iteelf not only within the limited sphere of consciousness but al- so in the various and numerous levels of paraconsciousness, In fact the utilization of the conscious-paraconscious stimuli, well orga- nized and harmonized with the personality, is suggestion in its mout manifest and positive form, Such utilization can reveal the personality's universal zesorve vapacities and stimulate ite crea- tivity. a visual representution of suggestion is art. For ie art not the greatest form of suggeetion? Reserve Capaciti Suggestion in ite most positive manifestation and when well organized can reveal the personslity's reserve capacities. By ro- servo capacities we understand the unmanifested capacities dwelling 8 and surpassing the normal ones ae- mainly in the , araconsciousn veral timos over. ‘The laws governing these capacities are, to a cortain oxtent, different from the ordinary psychophysiological. ews. Among the many examples of suggestively tapped reserve capa- cities wo can mention the following: (a) Hypermesia - supermemory (4n long-term memory). This supermemory surparses the possibili- tien of ordinary momory several times over. It can be observed sometimes after traumas or when people are in some other state: Sometimes it occurs in psychotherapy - in hypnosis and when apply- + Hypermnesia underlies the methods ing tha methods of catharsis of catharsis as one of their curative mechanisms, Mass hyperme- sia can be brought about under the conditions of suggestopedic inetruction with both healthy and sick people when the educational- curative process is carried out properly, Hypermnesia as an impor- ‘tant reserve capacity is characterized by tho following specific paychuphysiological laws: (1) it io manifested by one of the fol- lowing two mechanisms - either after a latent period and without any conscious effort, or suddenly and spontaneously; (44) inerea- sing recollection without reinforcement (reminiscent curve); (444) amnestic covering and sinking of the basic sense bearing nucleus ef the complex stimulus into paraconsciousness until it is ae into consciousness; (iv) making 'radsed' out of paraconsciousn yy under the conditions of emotional im- the firet recollection «. petus, of the associative connections of the peripheral perceptions and of concentrative psychorelaxation; (v) great durability of the reproduced memory traces; (vi) decreased susceptibility to tired- ness and (vii) a considerable peychotherapeutic, peychohygienic and psychoprophglactic effect. (b) Provoked hypercreativity - sue- gested or autosuggested creative superproductivity, Intuition 1s similar to inspiration arise. These are out- activated and stat wardly expressed in a decidedly greater creative manifestation of personality. A number of experiments have shown that the manifes- tation of artistic, musical and even mathematical abilities (in accordance with any given person's manifested and potential abili- ties) increases considerably both quantitatively and qualitative- Ability of ac- ly. Suggestological experinents have shown the po: ceolorated creative selfdevelopment. Here again we find the paychophysiological laws as are characteristic of hypermesia (‘s0- me absolutely the same and others with certain modifications ac- cording to the nature of the reserve phenomena). (c) Suggestive gontrol and selfcontrol of pain, bleeding, the functions of the nutrition, metabolism, ete. ve capacities can be achieved only sympathetic nervous syste: re The tapping of man* under the conditions of excellent suggestive organization and har- monization of the conscious-paraconscious functions. Though inser Parably connected with consciousness, yet the basic ‘store! of the reserve capacities is paraconsciousness. 01 we understand more or less unconscious By paraconaciousnes: mental activity. Here we include everything that, for the given « Not all levels of moment, is outside the scope of consciousn -12- oss have yet found the place they dearve in suggesto— paracensciou: logical experimental work. But by uniting them in one system we ensure that they will be researched in future, We must bear in mind that the psychophysiological laws governing the different le vels of paraconsciousness have much in common, Paraconsciousness peripheral perceptions, emotional stimuli, different va- compris. riants of the unconscious, acquired dispositions (viz. Umnadze's the unconscious setup, inertia and secondary automated processes components of motivation, attitude, expectancy and needs) and also the innate and genetically conditioned unconscious disposition: Here we include the genetically conditioned instinctive tendencie; and I,P.Paviov which S.Freud reduces to dominating aggressivene: explains as the instinctive basis of the conditioned reflexes. No matter which explanation we adhere to, we mist take inte consid: ration the significance of the instincts as an archaic heritage derived from philogeneaie and ontogenosis, « heritage which uncon- sciously influences the suggestive dispositions in all directions. The term paraconsciousness comprises also all non-verval outomated activities in their mental reflexion. Tt also comprisos tho uncon- scious automated elements within the limits of conscious mental activity, When we operate with various concepts, when we read or solve problems and are, on the whole, consciously concentrating our attention to some activity, we are not awaré of the many un conscious, for the moment, elementary components which constitute the ideas which build up notions; these activities. For exampl the lettere and even the words of sentences which we happen to be reading; the unconscious judgments and premises hidden in the shortened formas of thinking, the codes and symbols. The concept of paraconsciousness comprises also the world of exteroceptive and interoceptive subliminal stimuli, the second plane of the communi- -19- cative process - and also the numerous unconscious forms of asso- ciating, coding and symbolizing which have an informational, al- gorythmicei and re-programming effect on personality. Paraconsei- ousness ombraces the unconscious sides of creativity as well as datuition and inspiration. ach other aud All these sider of paraconsciousness penetrate take part in the desuggestive-suggestive proce: An¢ieuggestive Barrion ‘The more complete is the harmonization achieved, the more significant are the results of the desuggestive-suggestive process. There is no suggestion without desuggeation, without freeing para- consciousness from the inertia of somothing old. The means of sug- gestion are usually mechanically referred only to subliminal oti- muli or only to emotional involvement. One often loses sight of the fact that the whole personality takes part in avery reaction, Then thie means that no effect con be expected 4f the subliminal perceptions, the peripheral perceptions and the emotional stimuli are not in accord with the manifold and often conflicting disposi- tions of the personality - both inborn and acquired. It is diffi- cult to realize a suggestive situation if it 4e not in accord at the moment with the particular needs of the inetincte and with the motivation, attitude, setup, expectancy (with the placebo effect), interests, and in general, all the factors of the personality which take an unconscious part in buiiding up the antisuggestive barrie: As a manifestation of conacious-paraconsciovs unity, the an- tisuggestive barriers are a peculiar characteristic of personali- ty. They are, in fact, overcome through harmonization with them. The three antisuggestive barriers: critical-logical, intuitive- affective and ethical, are inseparably connected and are subject - 4 - to continual dynamic changes. Social Suggestive Norm Overcoming the antisuggestive barriers means aleo overcoming the social suggestive norm of one or another of the limitations sot to what we can do. Caught in the net of the numerous nocial suggestive norms in most csses,we do not even attempt to do any- We do mot believe that it is thing that is at variance with the: possible to increase our memorimation in volume and soundness, to accelerate our creative development, to have more self-control both over our mental and our physiological functions. The social us that 4¢ 48 impossible, and contains a suggestive norm teache: note of warning not to attempt it, And if it reaily happens some- where it is considered to be a miracle, an exception or a falsifi- cation - things which are dearly paid for. That 19 why suggestolo- gy in ite development as a science for liberating personality's ative reserve capacities (and hence for displacing the social sugé: norm and for freeing larger virgin fields of personality), natu- rally encounters great opposition. The Means of Suggestion ‘The means by which suggestion overcomes the’ antic: wggeotive barriers and taps the personality's reserve capacities are complex. It 4s very difficult to separate them and show them mechanically, their realization is a question of both all the more 50 becaus the personality'’s abilities and its qualification. If we do, how- try to separate them in order to study them they should be ever, put into two basic groups: (1) The means which are, in fact, con- trolled states of personality and which can be provoked from out side, suggestively or which arise by themselves, -autosuggestively, and (2) the means which are factors exercising their influence from outside, suggestively, but which the personality, being an - 15 - integral system, has to accept and to juxtapose them and its anti suggestive barriers. Infantilization and pseudopassivity belong to the first group. Authority (prestige), dableplaneness and the factors of doublepla meness - intonetion and iythm - which have more or 1 pendent significance, belong to the second group, Infentilization is a controlled state of intuitive activity, and confidence in emotional plasticity, increased perceptivenes: rve capaci- the posvibility of freeing one or another of the res in a given situation. Infantilization arises when a highly ing -autho- tie harmonized contact ie established with a person poi rity (prestige) but it cam come about unaided. Peeudopassivity (concert pseudopassiveness) is a controlled state, ing to classical music. The illustration makes it clear that in fact that is a state of concentrative psychorelaxation. We are speaking neither of the hypnoidal relaxation, nor of the muscle Af, but of a calm mental state relaxation that is an end in 4t free of needless thoughts and movements. On the background of this calm mental state a pleasant, not-tiring concentration ie realized - similar to our concentration at a concert. The part played by authority in creating confidence and emo- tional stimulue and the part played by harmonious intonation and rhythm do not call for any explanation. They all have their pla- ees im the doublcplansness. This is the harmonisation of the first communicative plane with the second, of which the interlocutor is not immediately aware, but which is decisive as a more or less unconscious feedback channel for controlling the reliability of the information. We listen not only to the words, we are also in- fluenced by minute changes in the expression of the face, in the - 16 - Antonation, in the circumstances at the time of speaking an other indirect factors, Peripheral Perceptions and Emotional Stimulus (Doubloplene:ie 1s and Psychological Orchestration) All the above-mentioned means are complox by themselves. But suse of the fact that they usually they become even more so be: operate in an indivisible relationship, Their complete utilization He 4s a matter of qualification. However, in practice we do not 2 at firat for the highest pensible effects and allowance can be ma- do for a somewhat lower level in the initial qualificatdon, The most important thing is not to oppose the different means to each other. If we try to simplify our understanding of the moana of suggestion, we can reduce them, though somewhat schematically, to 1 peripheral perceptions and two basic physiological mechani: emotional otimius The peripheral perceptiona are caused by atimuli that are normal in strenght - supraliminal stimuli which, at the moment of perceiving have got into the periphery of attention and conscious- ness. They do not fall in the focua of consciousness because of its Limited volume, The receptive fields of the sense organs and the brain are, however, much wider than the scope of conscious | perceptions. Consequently the peripheral perceptions fall into the sphere of paraconsciousness. They are characterized by considerab- the realm of © dynemtem. conscious perception, The peripheral perceptions are realized not only outside the receptive field focused by the consciousness, but also in the field itself. These are the unfocused automated de- tails of the enlarged perception entities since, under ordinary conditions, the stimuli are mostly complex. The peripheral infor- mation of unconscious stimuli outside and inside the focused field may be vot only relevant wut also irrelevant to the content of the consciousness at the moment. Having reached the brain, this 4 with some delay or it information emerges in the consciousn dmfluences the motives and decisions and is operative in tapping the reserve capacities. This peripheral information included in een, the paraconsciousness underlies long-term memory. This can be from a number of our experimental researches. The suggestive réle of the peripheral perceptions becomes clear if we analyze the abo- ve-mentioned means of suggestion from the point of view of their mechanisms. The physiological mechanism of the peripheral pervep- tions is most often the leading one, particularly in double-plane- ness and also in all other c We gain a more profound understanding of the physiological mochanism of the suggestive means if wo combine the peychophysio- logy of peripheral perceptions with the psychophysiology of the " emotional stimulus. The peripheral perceptions suggest, ' prop“ and control unconsciously but reliably, while the emotional stim all the activities of the personality as a whole lus impregnate: The emotional stimulus also remains, to a great extent, outside the conscious modes of mental activity. Prestige, synchronization of the second plane, intonation and rhythm, infantilization and concentrative psychorelaxation are all accompanied by emotion. As tra- an all-porvading stimulant and a constant psychological orch¢ tion, abounding in paraconscious, peripheral, doubleplane ‘accords! and ‘overtones', emotion is an important factor in overcoming the antisuggestive barriers and in giving rise to joy because of the freed reserve capacities of personality. Complex desuggestive-suggestive situations can be controlled and selfcontrolled through the un.ty of the two basic psychophy- siological mechanisms: the peripheral perceptions and the emotio- nal stimilue, This does not simplify the inexhaustible complexity of the desuggestive-suggestive process, but a more understandable basic mechanism is sought through which to exert an effect on other mechanisms as well. The Fundamental Principles of Suggestology Suggestology has developed as an attempt to translate the ancient and perennial searching to tap human reserve capacities into a modern reality, It combines desuggestive-suggestive comm- nicative psychotherapy with the liberating and stimulating aspects of art and some modifications of the old schools of concentrative peychorelaxation. The experimental research and the new theoreti- cal meaning given to the phenomena researched have led to definite paychopitysiological conceptions. In close connection with thie research tho following throe insoparablo psychophysiclogical fun- damental principles of suggestology have been formated: (1) In- terpersonal communication and mental activity are always con- scious and paraconscious at the same timo; (2) Every stimulus is associated, coded, sywbolized and generalized; (3) Every percep- tion is complex. An analysis of these three fundamental principles of sugges- tology will provide us with ways of carrying out experimental and practical work on the problem of tapping human reserve capacities. We dealt with the first principle in discussing the problem ef paraconsciousness, its unity with consciousness and the réle 4t plays in harmonizing the entire personality for the purpose of stimlating ite harmonious and creative development. The second fundamental principle shows that,with the conti- nually increasing abstraction,a number of the original levels of perceptions, the original ideas and notional generalizations of a lower level, are being constantly pushed into paraconsciousness ian order to make room for the following higher codes and symbols. This is, for instance, how authority originates. This peychophy- of creating a ‘hierarchy' can be observed both eiological proc: dn the philogenesia and in the ontogenesis. The structure itse1f of our brain corroborates this, The archaic parts of the brain are gradually being covered with cortical layers which are being functional and struc- incessantly perfected. Besides this, the ne tural areas filtrate and modify the pressure of the old ones. But at the same time they are more liable to get hurt and become in- hibited in shock situations. Then more often then not the archaic forms of information processing, algor¥thmization and re-program- ming push their way through. Thus they show quite clearly that d to exist and exert their influence on the they have not ce new functional formations, Because of their inseparable connection with all the rest of the superstructural forms of processing in- formation they may sometimes exercise a reverse effect and change the established new modes of coding radically. If we proceed from this standpoint, it is easy to understand why the emotional sti- mulus, as one of the most archaic forms of communication and pro- cessing of information can, in spite of what at first sight seems to be seemingly diffuse reactivity, change quite concrete and con- centrated creative activitii The third fundamental principle indicates that under ordinary conditions every stimulus is complex. Consequently there is a na- tural possibility for peripheral perceptions to be incessantly realized along with the f since the consciousness, because of its limited vo- sibility ari lume, is not able to take in a complex stimlus with all its com- ponent parts all at once. It is still more difficult to take in the always-present normal complex of complex stimuli. Hence the - 20 - great biological significance of the peripheral perceptions The three fundamental principles of suggestology, no matter of how schematically given, are indicative of the possibilitie: the two basic psychophysiological mechanisms: the peripheral p: ceptions and the emotional stimulus. They do not, however, exhaust the diversity of the complex desuggestive-suggestive relationship of personality. It is only now that the intricacy begins: to choos are to be released - from con- Precisely which reserve capacitie txol over the vegetative functions to hyperereativity and inspi- ration. uggestological Self opment of ality, Organized by means of suggestology, the increasing control over the reserve capacities of personality is guided in the begin- ning by specialists, but gradually the person himself begins to + This control this proc elfdevelopment of personality ia gui- ded and conditioned by a number of factors. To begin with, owing to the results of suggestological experimental work and also by merely directing attention to the paraconscious forms of communi- cation and the different forms of influence coming from outside the personality begine consciously to choose the influence to which it 4s going to eubject itself. When we know, for instance, how a given piece of music influences a given person in a given situation, we can choose those concerts which appear suitii te for the person and the setup at the moment. The musical t::orapy wii1 not only be for sick people but also for healthy ones. This holds good for other forms of influence as well - pictures, colours cinema, television, etc. As we try to avoid the effects of unfa- vourable weather and choose favourable ong, so we should avoid unfavourable mental effects and choose favourable ones. Those are, of course, questions for the future but this is the path along -21- which we are guided by suggestology. The ever-increasing use of suggestological forms of education and treatment, accompanied by abundant information about the na- ture of these suggestological forms will contribute to selfdeve- lopment and people will learn how to control the different states ef mind and body into which they come. They will achieve concent- rative psychorelaxation and infantilization very easily. They themselves will take care to organize everything around them ac- + They will be tur- cording to the requirements of doublepianene: ning their lives into a realized form of organization, following the laws of beauty. From the suggestological point of view the im- provement of environment and ever-increasing self-control will ac- celerate the harmonious development of personality. All thie on a mass scale sounds like Utopia, but to a certain degree and for so- me small circles it is even now achievable. As a matter of fact, an the centres where suggestopedic education-and-treatment is being carried out and where the work is well organized and guided t the minimal results, with competence, they already achieve at 1: no matter whether they realize 4t or not. IZ. Suggestopedy. On the basis of this general theory of suggestion which we have outlined we have worked out an educational and curative desuggestive-suggostive pedagogical system - suggestopedagogy, or 2 sugsestepedy (sussestopedta All the methods sc far developed are in conformity with the norms so far accepted by society that man's capacities are limited. The socially and historically built up norm concerning, above 411, the level of man's memory and the speed of automation and the idea of the ‘thro ef creative work have brought into being a sugges- tive setup, which,in fact, lows down the development of man's men- tal powers, That is why one of the most important aims of sugges- tology is to liberate, to desuggest all students from the social suggestive norm. This is achieved by thorough organization of the suggestope- and by concrete me- dic liberating-stimulating educational syste thods for freeing and making use of man's locked up resource: Suggestopedy stimilates not only memory but the whole personality + interests, perceptions, intellectual activity, motivation, crea- tivity and moral development. topedy. ‘The humane principle 4s strongly emphasized in sugge: This principle 1s vitalized by the student's considerably increa- sed capacities for memorization and automation of the material being studied and the greater creative plasticity in his use of thie material in practice. This in itself stimulates and inspires the student and is reflected in the motivation, expectancy, atti- tude and setup. The organization of the educational process has done very mich to humanize 1t. This humanization is in conformity with the psychotherapeutical requirements of suggestology in un- in desug- burdening, liberating from discreet micropsychotraumat: gesting the accumulated inadequate ideas about man's limited ca- and in all-round positive stimulating of personality. pacitie: Anti-psychotherapoutic, Anti-psychohygienic and Anti-physiological Approach in Ped: The need for considerable acceleration and improvement in teaching and education without additional burdening of the student!: nervous system ang without harmful effects is more than evident today. We know, from official data, that overfatigue, neurotic di- and manifested or unmanifested didactogeny (illnesses or suppression of children's development caused by the teacher's - 23 - untactful approach) are becoming wide-spread today. Instead of creating conditions for the joyous satisfaction of personality's basic need - the thiret for information, and instead of bearing in mind the way the brain functions, teachers often seem to want to ‘teach the brain how to function’. The following are some of the things in ordinary education which are inconsistent with the physiological and psychological functions of personality: 1, It 49 well known that in no case does the brain function only with ite cortex structures, or only with the subcortex, or with only the right or the left hemisphere. The functional unity of the brain 4s unbreakable no matter that in some cases one ac- tivity or another comes to the fore. This means that in pedagogi- cal practice we must reckon with this global activity. Therefore the emotional and motivational complex, the image thinking and 1o- gical abetraction mst be activated simltaneously, in its com ploxity, in indivisible unity. But moat often there are the fol- lowing two kinds of deviation from this natural fact! (a) the teaching is addressed only to the cortical structures and the left hemisphere of the pupil, who is perceived as an emo- tionlese and motivationless cybernetic machine; (®) at best the pupil is taken as ¢ psychophysiological en- tity, but the educational proc de not directed globally - to all parte of the brain simultaneously - but in steps: subcortical- reticular (emotional) stage, comercte-image (visual) stage, abs- tract-logical (‘cybernetic') stage. 2. It 48 well known that the analyticai-synthetical activity under normal conditions is accomplished simultaneously - there is not suchathing as a stage of pure analysis, or a stage of pure synthesis. This simultaneous and indivisible connectedness of the physiological processes has its own psychological expression. It aleo underlies cognition - from the general to the particular (but as an element cf the general!) and back to the general, But these natural laws often undergo ‘correction' in pedagogical prac- tice im one of the following ways: (a) elements are studied separately, in isolation from the sense-bearing whole; they are automated through tiring exercises and only then ave they connected one after the other and systema- tically to form the whole; (») the whole 4s studied without paying attention to its com- ponent parts and to the mistakes arieing in this way. In both cases attempts are made to break up the natural si- os of analysis and synthesis. multaneity of the proce 3. Man's personality takes part in every communicative pro- simultaneously at numerous conscious and unconscious levels. This nature-granted fact is ‘utilized' in pedagogical practice most often in the following two ways (a) the principle of conscious participation in the educatio- mal process is formalized and turned into a fetish. According to 4t,the pupils must learn and automate each element of the material dn a strictly conscious and rational manner, in spite of the fact that it can be learnt to a certain degree spontaneously and uncon- sciously at the first perception of the globally given lesson; () weight is laid only on the unconscious and intuitive pow- ers of the pupil and the necessity for a conscious finalizing and creative reassessment of the material is overlooked. Paychophysiological laws: (1) the giobal participation of the brain, (2) the similtaneous processes of analysis and synthesis and (3) the simultaneous and indivisible participation of the con- scious and paraconscious processes are included in the three fun- = 25 - damental principles of suggestology. If we do not abide by these unchangeable psychological laws and by the fundamental principles ef suggestology, the educational process becomes an inhibiting of that factor and one causing ilin Any educational proce. kind preciudes any tapping of the reserve capacities. What is more, some sociopsychological factors are added to the psychophysiolo- gical ones and this incr the difficulties. For example: 1, The mass setup of fear of iearning. Many nations have some kind of « proverb that means ‘learning ie real torture’. Making the process of teaching and learning more intensive often intensi- fies thie fear and also the inner counteractica, both in pupils ana teacher: 2. The social suggestive norm of the personality's limited ca- pacities. According to this norm,man can assimilate new material only to a definite level, confirmed by didactic: + by textbooks, by authorities in the field of education. The combination of the fear setup and the social suggestive norm of man's limited capacities under the conditions of a non- medical pedagogical approach results in mass ‘covert didactogeny* Pupils usually suffer to a greater or less degree from ‘school neu- rosis'. They have no confidence in their powers , they do not trust their own inner reserves, For them education has been turned from the natural process of satisfying the personality's essential need ~ the thirst for knowledge - into a psychotrauma. It 4s only too natural that with this setup the non-medical attempte to intensify the educational p: forcing inner mental conflicts, to the fixation of neurotic states, and instead of the results of the educational process getting bet- ter they get wor: The setup of fear of learning and the social suggestive norm = 26 °- of man's limited capacities make the erroneous (from the medical point of view) approaches and methods worse. The following are s0- me examples of how far some of these erroneous approaches and me. theds can go: 1, The material to be studied is broken up into smaller and smaller elements. These elements must be grasped, memorized and In automated. Then they are gradually united into bigger entitii this way there are formed some useless primitive habits on the lowest level,which have to be given up afterwards in order to build up habite on a higher level. The latter have aleo to be got rid of. And thus it goes on till at last we acquire habits and skil1s on the necessary highest operating and creative level, This building up and fixing of elementary habits which have to be given up af- tervards in order to acquire fresh higher-level habits is due to the etup of fear of our Limited capacities. But creating a 'hie- rarehy of habits! worsen this setup and lowers motivation, The hie- non-medical pedagogy is dangerous for tho rarchy of habits in mae: health. Physiological experiments have shown that one of the main causes of neuroses is the building up and fixation of stereotypes (habits) which subsequently have to be destroyed. This holds good especially for the more inert type of nervous system. 2. Another approach which aims at increasing the quantity and quality of information assimilated per time unit is that of repea- tea recapitulation of the material to be learnt. There is even a saying: ‘Repetition ie the mother of knowledge’. Of couree, an op- timal, creative and varied kind of recapitulation has always had its place in the process of learning. But repetition that is mono- tonous most often leads to boredome and te a more deeply implan- ted negative study setup. Mechanical repetition suggests inapti- tude of the personality. It seems to signify the necessity of re- ~ 27 - Consequently d=y recapitulation inforcing th» brain proce: results in demotivation and in delaying the effect of the instruc- tion instead of accelerating it. 3. Very often teachers, aware of the Larmful effect which the negative setup of students in regard to instruction and lear- ning brings with it, deliberately introduce intervals for relaxa- tion and joking. But by introducing these intervals they in fact suggest that the pupil needs some relazation and distraction. They suggest to him that his innor setup of fear of learning and his fatigue and displeasure with it are fully justified. Gaiety that sons, and gay intervals, 4s an end in iteelf when introduced in 1 no matter how refreshing they may be, bring a risk of still more deeply ineulcating the conviction that their basic negative setup in regard to instruction is fully justified. 4. Attempts to accelerate the process of instruction are being made through mechanizing and programming it, The pupil com- municates with the machines and obtains a feedback through the programmed materials. But then the pupil is isclated from the so- cial environment and tho wealth of emotion provided by the group. jspects of mechanizing and program- Irrespective of the favourable ming instruction, the feedback information,which the pupil obtains about the degree to which be has assimilated the assigned material, through its lack of warmth not only dves not stimlate him but even reinforces his negative setup. This cursory analysis of some of the methods, aimed at better- ing the efficiency of the process of teaching and learning, shows that in pedagogical practice, in fact, pressure is exerted on the pupil's personality on the second plane. He reacts against this pressure. The motivation for learning is considerably lowered. Pu- pils begin to learn only when they are pressed by the necessity - 28 = to obtain some kind of qualification for the sake of the practi- cal requirements of their plans in life. Thus the satisfaction of their basic need - the thirst for information - is accompanied with displeasure, instead of pleasure. Becoming aware of these negative sides of the process of in- struction, a number of pedagogues went to the other extreme - advo- cating full freedom for the pupil. The pupil should be free to choose what and how he is going to learn. However, this reaction, 4m its essence justifiable, leads in practice to the absence of any sound form of education. Why should the pupil be given freedom in the process of instruction and not be freed from his inner fear of his own limited powers of assimilating new information. Freedom accompanied with fear of learning is equal to giving up learning. The Psychotherapeutic, Psychohygionic, Physiological and Secio- topedy The most important thing in our opinion is to do away with mass didactogony and to bring the process of instruction into 1i- ne with the laws governing the functioning of the brain. If an educational system succeeds in liberating the pupil from fear and from the social cuggestive norm of his limited powers,and is bro- ught into Line with psychophysiology, it will easily achieve its other pedagogical aims. But the difficulty airises not so much from considering how to bring about the initial liberation but how to create a system of sustained, continuous inner liberation, The pupii should not only be liberated from his negative setup but should be able to convince himself during the entire period of his study that such a setup of fear is unjustifiable. The pupil's confidence in his own capacities for learning should grow constant- ly and in thie way instruction gradually develops into self-in- struction. It will gradually go beyond the limitations of the so- = 29 - cial suggestive norm and penetrate into the infinite world of hu- man reserve capacities. It 4s this trend towards inner liberation and self-discipli- ne that the Suggestopsedic Educational System develops. The Sugges- loping skills topedic Educational System creates conditions for de and hatits of inner concentration on the background of optimal psychorelaxation, It utilizes man's global capacities. The emo- tional stimulus ie enhanced; motivation, interests and setups are taken into consideration and activated; the purposeful participa- 3 many conscious and unconscious functions tion is organized of of the personality as possible. For example, in regard to atten- tion as an integral element of the pupil's activity, we do the fol- lowing: The process of instruction is organized in such a way that active attention of the pupils is made use of, not only the clos. but also their incidental passive attention, and particularly the peripheral perceptions,which take an unconscious part both in ec- tive and passive atteniion. Suggestopedy looks for ways to overcome the social sugges- tive norm. It taps reserves also through organizing the paracon- scious elements in the conscious-paraconscious complex. In this rFeepect it leans on the Suggestological theory of the paraconaci~- ous basis of long-term memory and automatione and also on the part played by paraconsciousnese in motivating intellectual activation, creativity and global stimulation of personality. In this way it ios to respond better to the globality characteristic of the natural psychophysiological laws. sy opedic Re @_Cor Al} the factors mentioned above make it possible for the sug- 1 to release a reserve complex with gestopedic educational syst the following obligatory characteristics: 30 =) creativi- Memory reserves, intellectual activity resorv ty reserv+s and the reserves of the whole personality are tapped. If we do not release many-sided reserve capacities we cannot speak of suggestopedy. 2. Instruction is always accompanied with an effect of rela- tone without u feeling of fatigue. If pupils get xation or,at let tired in lessons, we cannot speak of inggestopedy. 3. Suggestopedic teaching and learning 4s always a pleasant experience. 4. It always hae a favourable educational effect, softening aggressive tendencies in pupils and helping them to adapt them- elves to society. 5. A significant psychoprophylactic and psychotherapeutical or functio- effect can be observed im cases of functional i1in nal components of organic illnesses. Suggestopedy can be used as educational psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis and self-education. In overcoming the social suggestive norm and in creating a ew setup, Suggestopedy acquires considerable sociopsychological functions, At the same time by taking into cofisideration the psy- chophysiological laws and the fundamental principles of suggesto- logy it becomes a medical trend in pedagogy. In this way it de both an educational and a curative system. The synchronization, synorgieation and harmonization of, if possible,.all factors of the process of instruction makes suggestopedy into a holistic pe- Gagogical system. This globality creates favourable conditions for tapping the reserve complex of suggestopedy. Principles and Means of Suggestopeay The principles and means of suggestopedy take into account the age characteristics and the pedagogical aims of students. The -a1- principles are: 4. Joy, absence of tension and concentrative psychorelaxation. 2. Unity of the conscious-uncenscious and integral brain ac- tivation. 3. Suggestive relationship on the level of the reserve complex. The principle of ' joy, absence of tension and concentrative paychorélaxation' requires an atmosphere of joyous freedom in the 3 of instruction. In the pupil's behaviour there should not attention and artificial good bree- | mental relaxation and ‘non-strai- ding. Thies principle presuppo: creates conditions for ned concentration’. The emotional reie undisturbed intellectual mestic and creative activity without causing the fatigue and the considerable consumption of energy that accompanies strained attention. The observance of these principles means that the teacher should teach his pupils how to learn. We must emphasize that this principle does not mean passive- 8 in the sense of lack of will, lack of discrimination and su- n bordination. 1% calls for calmness, steadiness, inner confidence and trust. This means: vassivity of the parasitic mental, emotio- nal, vegetative and motor activities combined with purposeful elf-control which does not cause faisgue. The principle of ‘unity of the conscieuc-paraconscious and integral brain activation’ is in fact a principle of globality, a holistic principle. Not only are the pupil's conscious reactions and Zunctions utiiized but eiso nis paraconscious activity. This 1ma1 taneous principle calls for the rationalization ef the always- global participation of the two brain hemispheres and the corti- cal and subcortical structures, and also of the simultaneously oc- curing analysis and synthesis. When this principle is observed, = 92.- the process of instruction cemes nearer to the natural psycholo- gical and physiological regularities in personality. The conscious- ness, in the sense of attitude and motivation, is lifted to a still higher level, The observance of this principle does not mean that in the ordinary process of instruction the paraconscious functions are not utilized to some degree. However, under the conditions of the suggestopedic educational system, the process of instruction is act set against the natural inseparability of the conscious and paraconscious functions. The principle of ‘suggestive relationship on the level of the reserve complex! calls for a reorganization of the educational which will make it similar t group psychotherapy with the proce: particular relationship established in it. The level of the sugges- tive relationship is measured by the degree of the tapped reserves in @ pupil. The qualitatively different characters of these raser- ves (a new type of assimilation of material, considerably greater volume and retention of what is assimilated, positive psychohygie- nie and paychotherapeutic effect, useful educative influence, ete.) make them a reliable criterion for the realization of this prin- ciple. ‘This principle siakes it imperative that the process of inst- ruction should always run at the level of the personality's unused reserves, This cannot, however, be achieved if the principles are eparately (if each principle is observed in isolation applied from the others). Many good teachers create a gay, pleasant atmosphere in the classroom. It would seem that they are following the first prin- ciple of suggestopeay. But assimilation of the material in this atmosphere does not reach the level of the suggestopedic assimila- tion with its new objective laws governing the processes and with = 33 - ite paradoxical favourable psychohygienic effect from the proc ef instruction, Of particular importance is the fact that these ons given by good-hearted teachers do not wipe out pleasant 1e: the old limiting social suggestive norm. On the contrary, this norm is reinforced. In these circumstances one gives one's wmi- ling confirmation to the.validity of the brain's limited capaci- ‘ties and backs up the accepted ideas that studying can only be ma- de more pleasent. Suck © smiling confirmation of the old norms, in spite of the gentle approach, can be of little advantage. Un- dex suggestopedic conditions, joy springs not 20 much from the pleasant outward organization of the educational process, but ra ther from the easy avsimilation of the material and the easy way 4t can be used in practice. The observance of the three principles make simultaneously in every moment of the educational proce: earning Joyful and easy, and leads to the tapping of complex re- serves. Means of Sy oped: These principles are realized through the indivisible unity of the three groups of suggestopedic means: (1) psychological, (2) didactic, and (3) artistic (means of art). The psychological means are one aspect of the other two To but they also possess additional specific significance © means successfully teachers should acquire training si- milar to that of doctors-psychotherapeutists. Teachers mst be familiar with the numerous variants of para-~ that they can conscious pareaptional an utdlize them in teaching, The teacher should be mater of the art of connecting the peripheral perceptions and the emotional stim lus in ali-round orchestration with the globally presented mate~ rial. Therefore, the psychological means for observing the unity = 34 of the three suggestopedic principles make it imperative for tea- chers to be theoretically and practically woll-trained. In the the teacher mst not of ‘teaching students how to learn prec: only give them the respective material, but he mst also teach them how to help themselves in learning it. 2. The didactic means call for the generalization of the mea- ning of the codes and the eniargement of tho mothodic units. The generalization is brought about on the basis of the main objective Jawa of the particular subject and one must seek to establish its relation to the other school subjects. In this way, one lesson comprises material (worked out in the above manner) which is given in ordinary schools in five, ten or more lessons. The enlarged me- of the eesen- eneral ide. thodic unit makes 4t possible to get a tial objective lave of all the material atudied, and the generali- zation of the codes makes it possible to overcome the seeming 11- mitation of short-term memory. This principle demands meaningful- on details ness in teaching, the avoidance of repeated exercis and the gradual introduction of the new subjects for study. The habite ‘hierarchy! 1s avoided, high motivation 1s created and orea- tivity is stimulated. : There is another important and characteristic feature of sug- gestology involved here: while attention 1s drawn to the, conscious- ly understandable, generalized unity and the sense of it, the pro- ° of unconscious perception and thinking process the implied elements included in the general code: for instance, in teaching foreign ngueges, the le sentence, to its meaningful communicative aspect, to its place ana réle in the given amusing life situation, At the same time pro- nunciation, vocabulary and grammar remain to a great extent on a jecond plane. They are also assimilated but the woli-trained tea- -35- chor draws the students! attention to them only for a short time entence and and ther goes back quickly to the sense of the whole situation. A considerable part of these elements are learned along with the whole structure without any special attention being paid to them. For example, in teaching children to read, they do not learn the separate letters first,in order to be able later to join them to form syllables, words and sentences. But neither are they taught by the so-called 'whole-word' method where no interest is shown in the letters that form the words. The children learn meaningful units - words and short sentences and they discover the letters on the second plane, in the form of finding the answor to the pic- ture-puzzle which illustrate the material. Thus they assimilate the whole and its elements simultaneously, their attention being directed, in most ca to the whole. 3. The artistic means of suggestopedy introduce a special kind of literating-and-stimlating didactic art (music, literature, acting etc.) into the process of teaching and learning, They are not an illustrative stage in the process of learning, but are built into the contents of the lesson. They promote the suggestopedic psychological orchestration by introducing, on the second plane, an abundance of harmonized peripheral perceptions, ant atmos~ ‘The artistic means are used both to create a ple of receiving, memorizing, and understanding phere during the proc the principal information given in the lesson, and to enhance the } attitude, motivation and expectancy. setup for reserve Through the artistic means part of the material is immediately as- similated. After this the teacher's work becomes easier and plea- santer. A number of experiments have been carried out in our experi- =: 36 = mental schools to check this, Table 1, for instance, shows the results obtained after didactic suggestopedic performances of 14t- tle plays, which were specially written to give new material in mathematics in the first grade Table 1: First graders’ assimilation of mathe matical material taught by means of art. Number of Kind of | % of correctly schoolchildren | test aolved problems Before Bere Creenee, 7 First After [eet Eee] ™ As can be seen from Table 1, immediately after the perfor- mance the children had learnt a considerable amount of the mate- rial without noticing it. The difference is statistically signi- ficant (p< 0.001). In teaching other subjects, both to children and grown-ups the didactic suggestopedic performances always give good results if they are correctly organized. Table 2 (p.37) shows the results of such performances in aching English in one of the primary schools. It is seen that without making any effort, only by coming into contact with didac- tic art, the children assimilated part of the material, And the amount of the material they had assimilated increased the follow- ing day, without their having been able to do any homework on 4t or to repeat it. The suggestion law of spontaneous delayed recol- lection which has already, been mentioned, is manifested here. A11 the differences are statistically significant (p < 0.001). It 1s of interest to note that experimental checks, involving the -37- Table 2: Primary schoolchildren's assimilation of English taught by means of art. Kind of test Before performance Immediately after performance Delayed check - the following day (no revision) solving of problems and tasks similar to those given in the per- formances, have shown very good results. The children not only me- morize but utilize the knowledge they acquire in these performan- ces for solving other similar probleme and tasks. Our research into the part that the concert session pleys in foreign longuage teaching for adults hae aleo shown that during thie artistic stage the biggest percentage of the new material is Aseimilated by the long-term memory. The suggestopedic means, like the suggestopedic principies, should not be applied independently. At any stage of the educatio- nal process one or another of the suggestopedic means may domina- te but always in close connection with the other means. Therefore we speak of the unity of the three suggestopedic principles and of the unity of the three groups of means by which these principl. are observed, Inter-subject Relation: If we carefully analyze the principles and means of suggesto- pedy, we shall get the idea of how to understand the inter-subject relation The principles and means show that the process of teaching - 38 = and learning should no longer be considered as ‘linear!. This means that the pupil is not to be considered as a multi-storeyed machine in which each storey works independent of the others - in the ma- theuatical lesson ‘the mathematical storey! is fed with mathemati- eal knowled;e, in the misic lesson the 'musical storey' receives the necessary information and so on with all the subjects - each activity detached from all the rest. When the educational process ie of a linear nature, which sug- gostopedy rejects, it consists of dry logicalized teaching that is separated from the essentially inseparable ‘emotional presence'. An educational process of a linear nature has an especially harm- ful effect in regard to the misunderstood "principle of conscious- ness", having led to an unsuccessful attempt to break the inherent unity of the conscious and the paraconscdous processes. At the sa- me time it has resulted in demotivating and unpleasant conscious learning of isolated senseless elements before the pupils have grasped the idea of the meaningful whole, of the pleasant and mo- tivating giobal unit which is eventually formed out of these mea- ningless elements. Here we shall go into the holistic (global) pedagogical ap- proach of suggestopedy (as a 'stereopedy') together with the ana- lysis of dts principles and means, That is why we shall briefly consider only the practiccl ways of realizing the suggestopedic holistic pedagogical approach through the inter-subject relations under the conditions of primary achools. The various forms of inter-subject relations, at this stage of the development of suggestopedy can be arranged in order of importance as follows: 1, An emotional atmosphere is introduced in the teaching of those subjects which are more logically directed, and logical = 39 = thinking 49 introduced in teaching those subjects which in them- selves create an emotional atmosphere, viz. an emotional-logical balance is aimed at. This does not signify that emotional and logical phrases shoule be antroduced in the process of instruction alternately, but that these two sides of the human personality should be taken into ac- count in their inherent concomitance. For exarple, in teaching mathematics the presentation of the Global theme should be as lively and artistic as it 4s in the work with suggestopedic operas for the first grade. The work in the don the same other grades of the primary school should be b: principle. When subthemes are elaborated and when problems are solved, the situations should be taken from real life and given with a great deal of emotionality and in such a way that the actual inte: reat of the children is aroused. The teacher's mocd should be sti- malating, without overdoing 1t in any way and without keeping the children in a constant state of unnatural strain. Children should be given problems taken from the sphere of art to solve. They shoul: sing songs, draw pictures,mould in the mathematical period,but al- ways with some mathematical problems in view. Even the solving of the most difficult and dull problems should be associated with an emotion of some kind of pleasant expectancy. We must bear in mind - that pleasant emotions stimlate higher intellectual activity. Conversely, in music lessons, for instance, singing and lis plemented with some logical explanation of the structure of the songs or pieve of music, with explanations of elements of the theo- ry of music = explanations which are within the capacity of the understanding of children, or, in the first grade, with the rea- = 40 - ding of the text under the note: An emotional-logical balance should be sought and achieved in a similar way in teaching all other subjecte 2. Conpedous-paraconscious balance in the organization of the lesson. This means that the teacher should cultivate a feeling for the conscious and paraconscious constituents of the process of teaching and learning. He should not put the accent only .on the conscious grasping of the material nor only on the intuitive per- ception of 4t. During the process of teaching and learning any subject ,we can turn the informational process to the conscious or sary controlled to the paraconscious constituents. When the nec Paraconscious background is insufficient,we must increase the sup- ply of information through peripheral perceptions and emotional sing is dnsuffictent, stimulation. And when the logical proc the conscious rational meaning of the material presented should be augmented. In lessons on a particular subject this optimal balance of conscious-paraconscious functions can be promoted by introdu- cing elements taken from lessons on another subject, one which of- along the line desired. For example, fers greater possibilitie 4f,during a lesson in mathematics,the teacher cannot think of any way of utilizing the peripheral perceptions within the framework of mathematical activities, he can resort to literature, msic, er the fine arts, which give a groater possibiiity of involving and harmonizing the non-specific mental reactivity, mainly the peripheral perceptions and the emotional presence. Conversely, understanding of aesthetical subjects is made easier if at any time he is at a loss to know how to utilize the legical aspects of the object of art itself, a teacher resorts to subjects of a critical-logical nature in order to maitain the con- scious-paraconscious talance. = hts 3. Inter-subject generalization of themes. This means that global themes should not comprise only definite sections of a gi- ven subject following only dry didactic requirements, They should 8 well, sub- unite, if possible, a great part of other subjects Jects which have some relation to the specific theme, without ob- Literating the difference between the subjects. The kemel of ine ter-subject generalisation 1s the knoviedge and creative develop- tent of the subject witch 4# studied. The othpr disciplines only give a wider maning to its problens.fcom another point of view. Let us take, for example, a global unit in music. It can be enriched by some mathomatical rules which are being studied at th» moment ard which have their place in music, In a mathematical le son, the teacher can give examples taken from mathematics in the music lesson, Both subjects can be enriched with examples taken fro. poetry, where both music and mathematica play their part. And these three subjects can be discovered in history, physical culture, the fine arts, and handwork. Mathematics, music, rhythm, the urge to read are to be found everywhere. But we must be very careful in taking this approach - an exquisite feeling for measure da required here. The work bound up with inter-subject relations can be resorted to in order to help forward the learning of mate- rial where some lagging is noticeable in pupils. For example, at the beginning of the first grade every oncasion for reading must be made use of. Children should be made to read texts under notes, the texts accompanying their mathematical tasks, the inetructions for their games, otc. Suggestopedic Foreign Language System for Aduits In every suggestologically well-organized communicative pro- cess there is a leading procedure with a ritual or 'placebo' mea~ ning. The other stages are more or less subordinate to thie focus. - 42 = Tt ds 90, for example, in psychotherapy when, after the holding of some ‘special! session, the patient's recovery is expected. In suggestopedy ritualization and placebo-asseciation are focused in the so-called suggestopeaic session. The convictiop that the new msterial which is to be iearnt a will be assimilated, becom: automatic and creatively proc without strain and fatigue, is suggested by the weight and solem- nity given to the carrying out of this session. This session met, above all, focilitate the memorizing and psychohygionic sides of teaching and learning, although these are of necessity bound up sion is adapted with the whole personality. The suggestopedic to the subject taught and to the aye of the pupils. Such a session for little children is quite different from the one for grown-up: For children this session is most often a didactic opera perfor- mance. One of the most important uf the peculiar characteristics of the suggestopedic session is that it 19 a sourco of aesthetic pleasure for pupils and students, The recital-Jike character of the session has the ‘following, advantages over all other types ox ‘special! procedures, séanc ete.: 1, The session is acceptable from the point of view of the ordinary level of culture and of practical experience - in this respect resembling certain forms of art. 2. There are nv hypnotizing procedures, nor does the student feel any undesirable suggestive pressure on his personality. imuluting, desuggestive-suggestive influ- 3. era ting- ence of specially selected music, recitation and histrionic mas- tery, adapted to the requirements of suggestopedic teaching and learning, are used. 4, Ritualization of the musical-theatrical performance, with - age ef additional positive associating and re- ite rich posnibilitie visod according to the requirements of the educational process, is made use of. 5. At the same time aa pupils and studente are learning, their aesthetic interests are aroused and their ethical development is improved. G. Instruction 18 made pleasant, is never tiring and has considerable and favourable motivation strength. The suggestopedic session in the regular foreign language cour- ses for adults comprises two parts. In the first part the students listen to pre-classical and classical music of an emotional nature, while in the sccod part they listen to music of the same period, but of a more prefound and more philosophical nature. ‘The new maturial that. Je to be learnt is read or recited by a well-trained teacher - once during the first part of the concert and onco during the secend part of the concert, At the same time the teacher mat, while taking into account the peculiar features of the music when reading the material and duai-plarowise, with intonation and with behaviour, get a feeling of conviction across to the pupile or students that the material will be mastered very easily. Of course, to do this the teacher must be properly trained. The musical programme for each session is experimentally checked,both in the electrophysiclogical laboratory and in the fo- reign language courses. The following musical compositions are in- cluded in our programme: 1) 5 > Newart ~ ¢ Jor and Symphony No 40 in G minor. and B: J.S,Bach - Fantasy in G major, Fanta: Trio in D minor, Canonic Variations and Tokata in E major. 4) 5) 6) a 8) 9) = We Joseph Haydn - Concerto for Violin and string Orches- tra, No 1 in C major and No 2 in G major. B.Johan S.Bach - Prelude and Fuga in E flat major and Dogmatic Chorals, W.A,Mozart - Symphony Haffaer, Symphony Prague Dance: G.F.Hlindel - Concerto for Urgan and Orchestra in F ma- Jor, op. 4, No 4; J.S.Bach - Choral prelude in A major and Prelude and Fuga in G minor. Joseph Haydn - Symphony No 67 in F major and No 68 in B flat major. Archangelo Corelli - Concerti Grossi, op. 6, Nos 4,10, 11,12. L.V.Beetheven - Concerto No 5 in E flat major for Piano and Orchestra, op. 73- Antonio Vivaldi - Five Concertos for Flute and Chamber Orchestra. L.V.Beethoven - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major. A.Core}1i - Concerti Grossi, op.6, No? 2,8,5,9- P.I.Tchaikovsky - Concerto No 1 in B flat minor ror Piano and Orchestra, G.F.Hindel - 'Wassermusik’. J.Brahms - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D ma- jor, op. 77- F.Couperin - Le Parnesse ot 1'Astrée - Sonata in G minor J.P.Rameau - Pidces de Clavecin No 1,2. F.Chopin - Waltzes. G.F.Hundel - Concerto Grosso, op. 3, Nog 1,2,3,4. - 45 = 10) as W.A.Mosart - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No 18 in B flat major and Concerto for Piano and Orchestra Ne 23 in A major. Br A,Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, op. 8. The whole material for the first course comprises 2 000 le xical unite, a11 the basic grammar of the respective foreign lan- guage, and reading mattex-The piles machasatisfactory level of spea- king habits and skills and of understanding. The material is divi- ded up in ten thematic_ally connected dialogues with entertaining dialogues is read at each Plote and aub-plots. One of th sion. As waa mentioned before, the suggestopedic foreign language system has been moulded with its own definite fvatures standing out im high relief and with the different. stages focusing in the don. In this way not only the direct desugges suggestopedic tive-suggestive factors are made use of, but also the association that invariability accompanies them. There are three principal phases of ‘the suggestopedic lesson don phase, the session phas in a foreign language: the pre-. and the post- don phi The pre- takes about 15-20 minutes. In this pha- ion phas: se the students are made familiar with the new material for the first time, The organizing of this 'first encounter’ with the ma- terial is of particular importance in creating a positive setup of reserve capacities. A great part of the material is memorized du- ving this phase; anticipation of the next phase, the one consis ant emotions in the students. ting of the session, arouses ple: The teacher explains the new material and deciphers the thematic dialogue, In doing this,he ost suggest through his behaviour that the assimilation of the now material has already begun and all is

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