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Ostulano Jobel C.

Casternobo, Marisa

Lautingco, Rafael

Corpin, Diether

Mensorado, Gerald


Ms. Liahona Faith T. Norona


New Paradigm in Workplace doing either a similar task or different one in
the same company and having similar
aspirations at work. Dual career couples must
At the end of the chapter, the student shall be get enough support from the management so
able to: that the couple can co-exists without fear at
work and contribute to workplace diversity.
 Know on new workforce Paradigm in
Expatriates might want to have the same
Contemporary society.
organization to work and this could be a
 Know on mobile workers who could be in
suitable arrangement for both people
the same line as telecommuters but are
involved. The other element in such diversity
different in the sense that they are away
comes from the fact that the dual career
from work and yet they always keep
couple has to raise a child and see that there
is proper work-life balance. What could be
 Know the benefits of dual career couples
worse in this scenario could be competition
in workplace diversity
between the couple for advancement and
 Know the economic impact of
promotion at work. Dual career couples are
more present today than before in societies
 Define and differentiate the different
where the level of education improves and
types of mobile workers.
both gender benefit from reasonably good
Introduction education.

Workplace diversity focuses on new Single parents appear to be another

workplace paradigm in contemporary society. contemporary aspect of workplace diversity.
These types of diversity might already exist Single Parents are usually widows, divorced
in society but they are actually coming to people or individual who choose free union
prominence in several parts of the world. and decide to live separately. This
These might not necessarily look like the phenomenon is common in developed
visible aspects of diversity. They are rather countries but could also be a feature in
invisible, incipient and yet they do have an developing nations where due to tragic
effect on work. Such new aspects include; circumstances, only one parent will have to
dual career couples, single parents, look after his/her children. Women might be
telecommuters, and mobile workers. much disadvantage as they have to rear a
family and earn a living altogether.
Dual-career couples are a reality today Organizations have the responsibility to
where couples might work for the same shoulder single parents while at the same
organization. It is something that could apply time avoid discriminating such people. The
to couples working in universities but might provision of special support such as
also stretch to other white collar jobs like counselling could be of great help.
information technology related jobs. This
encourages the couple to work together
Telecommuters represent another new this relatively new category of workers in our
element of diversity especially when diversity.
companies argue that people can work from
home. This could further support the
concept of flextime where people are not Dual Career family
stuck to rigid office hours. In this context,
telecommuters work away from the office A term introduced by Rapoport & Rapoport

and yet they contribute positively to their (1976), denotes a family structure in which

firm. Though the desire to work the husband and wife simultaneously pursue

independently falls in favor of the active careers and family lives. More recent

telecommuter, there is still the challenge of definitions describe the dual career couples

working away from the company, feeling less as two people who each have career and

secure when support and counseling is not shared relationship (Arnold, 1997). Dual

available from the management. Worse, career couple has been defined as “a

workers in this category might not ‘feel’ like situation in which both people in a marriage

really working. Telecommuters add a new or relationship have a job (Cambridge

dimension to diversity on being empowered Dictionaries, 2015)

people but their cause concerning recognition One of the most significant changes in our
and inclusion must be heard. society in the last several decades has been

Mobile workers who could be in the same line the entry aand continued presence of women

as telecommuters but are different in the in the working population (Schlumberger,

sense that they are away from work and yet 2015). Families in marriage in which both

they always keep moving. Three types of spouses work are now the largest single

mobile workers are explained in this lesson group of families in the workplace. According

while it is known fact that mobile workers to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 60%

face higher level of disturbance on being of all marriages are dual career marriages:

both on and off site. It is up to managers to these couples make up 45% of the

see how to come on their support and allow workforce. Carter (1997) explains that over

them fully participate in their company’s the last ten years, the number of dual career

goals. couples employed in The United States has

grown to three million, representing
These new paradigms will keep influencing approximately 20 percent of all employed
the workforce further in the future as a couples. As sa result of those changing
result of the digitalization of work and also demographs, work/ family programmes have
societal changes regarding the way in which become more commonplace in the last five
people live. Obviously, such things must not years.
be lightly considered by managers. They must
learn hoe to deal and cope effectively with To function effectively in the workplace,
partners in a career couple must be able to

negotiate a balance between the demands of old academics models and demographics. This
work and family. So family-friendly policies undermines innovation opportunity and equity.
make a good business sense Proactive New hiring practices are needed to support a
corporate programs – including child and diverse professoriate – and one of these
elder care, flexible benefits, job sharing, practices is couple hiring.
part time work, telecommuting, parental
Quality of Life
leave personal time and employees assistance
programmes all have reflected the changing Faculty today are a new breed determined
perspective of corporate interest and more than ever to strike a sustainable
involvement (Carter, 1997) balance between working and private lives.
Couple hiring is a part of a deeper
Reasons for Dual Career Couple Hiring
institutional restructuring around quality of
Excellence life issue. To enhance competitive excellence,
universities are increasingly supporting
A study undertaken by Schiebinger et al
faculty needs such as housing child care
(2008) suggests that couples more and more
schools and elder care in addition to partner
vote with their feet, leaving or not
hiring. Attending to quality-of-life issues has
considering universities that do not support
the potential to contribute stability to the
them. Support for dual careers opens
workplace (Schiebinger et al 2008). Faculty
another avenue by which universities can
may be more productive and more loyal if
compete for the best and brightest. A
universities are commited to their issues as a
professor of medicine in our survey
whole person. While often costly up front,
commented that talented academics are
assisting faculty address the challenges of
often partnered, and “if you want the most
their personal lives may help universities
talented, you find innovative ways of going
secure their investment in the long run.
after them”
Benefits and drawbacks of dual career
couples in diversity
Schiebinger et al (2008) state that over past
From a purely economic viewpoint increasing
decades universities have worked hard to
numbers of dual career, as well as, parent
attract women and underrepresented
employee is considered to be positive
minorities to faculty positions and, in many
tendency, because this will positively
instances are meeting with success. The new
contribute to the level of tax revenues and
generation of academics is more diverse in
value creation and ultimately, increasing
terms of gender and ethnicity than ever
standard of life within a national economy
before. Which greater diversity comes the
(Dudovskiy 2012). Moreover, dual care
need for new hiring practices. Institutions
couples and working parents may achieve
should not expect new participants to
significant results in their workplaces and
assimilate into current practices built around

this contribute to the level of their self- PROBLEMS FACING SINGLE PARENTS
• Kotwal and Prabakar (2009) single mothers
On the other hand, Dudovskiy (2012) states tended to suffer from a feeling of rootless and
that dual-career couples and working parents lack of identity after divorced or widowed.
might be subjected to pressure in their
• Financial crises was another standing with most
attempts to balance their work and family
of the single parent families.
responsibilities. And this pressure is even
greater when dual career couples have a child EXPECTATIONS OF SINGLE EMPLOYEES
or children and the pressure is associated
with the child care when both parents are at
work and a sense of guild felt by some • Coleman (2005) suggest that single employees
working parents for not being able to spend should expect and demand the same benefits as
enough time with their children. working parents.

Dudovskiy (2012) concludes that dual career • Employees who truly respect diversity in the
couples and parent employees have additional work place shoud re-examine personnel policies
family responsibilities on top of their to ensure that all workers are treated equitably.
professional responsibilities. Balancing both
of these responsibilities proves to be a
highly challenging task to accomplish and may • Franco (2015) there are two folds of task in
cause pressure and stress for employees single parents in order successfully manage work
that will consequently lead to lower and family.
performance at work as well as, issues in
maintaining good family relationships. -first, single parents must do what they can
Companies need to be proactive rather than make their jobs accomodate their family
reactive in terms of assisting their responsibilities.
employees to deal with these issues.
- Second,single parents need to revaluate their
SINGLE PARENTS IN WORKPLACE own family roles and dynamics


• Single parents define as a person who was a DIVERSITY
dependent child or children and who is widowed,
- Lerner (2001) provides an explanation of
divorced, or unmarried.
better accomodating the single parents at work
• Define as " family comprising of single mother where services would better meet the needs of
or father having their own dependent child. individual and their families

• Franco (2015) explains that working single

parents are now the norm.

- individuals need should be understood within * Employees increasingly chose their place
context of the family and community and their of work.
strengths and resources
* Regular teleworker has gained mainstream
TELECOMMUTING-ANOTHER CURRENT acceptance, even the government is doing it.
* And, as the newest kid on the workplace
The small business encyclopedia (2015) block, co-working
describes telecommuting as the pratice of
working from home for a business and The economic impact of telecommuting
communicating through the use of a personal Lister and Harnish (2011) clarify the point
computer-equipped with modem and that point that the majority is not ready to
communications software. make the organizational culture shift that’s
Alternately explains that telecommuting is required to manage a remole workforce.
the substitution of telecommunications for The issue of mistrust.
transportation in a decentralized and
flexible work arrangement which allows part While looming labour shortages, increased
or full time employees to work at home via a pressure from value chain partners and
computer attached to the employers data others to engage in sustainable practices,
network. rising fuel prices, budget pressures and a
variety of factors will continue to make
The popularity of telecommuting in telework attractive, the cultural barriers
workplace diversity will not be quickly overcome (Lister and
-Belissent (2013) in foresters workforce Harnish, 2011)
employee surveys investigated trends among Relating Telecommuting to workplace
information workers such as device usage, diversity.
collaboration practices, workplace
preferences, and attitudes about their Hamilton and Harrington (203) comment
employers. The signs indicated that the that advance in information technology,
demand for workplace diversity and choice proliferation of global workforce, and the
was on the rise: increased desire to balance work and family
are only three of the many factors that will
* Retiring baby boomers would leave the serve to amplify the popularity of
workplace at a steady pace telecommuting work arrangement.
* Making room for younger employees The challenge that Hamiliton and Harrington
* Being well (203) address workplace diversity is that
telecommuting concerns developing synergy 3 Different categories of Mobile Workers
and teamwork between telecommuters and
Constantly-Mobile Workers
their co-workers.
- Do their job while moving
A roadmap for telecommuniting in
diversity. - This Category includes utility meter
readers going from home and retail workers
Reiche (2012) in his article “Best practice
filing orders inside a warehouse
for managing telecommuters “ states that
managers of telecommuters “ state that - Task-oriented
managers of telecommuters have to be
Example: Electric meter reader and
effective communicators.
installer, store managers, cashier and etc.
Reiche (2012) further adds that managers
Occasionally-mobile workers
must be able to keep to their commitments
towards remote employees, otherwise they - Other mobile workers who travel between
risk losing their trust and engagement. location but only do their work
Apart from building confidence by keeping
- This category includes a growing number of
to an argreed schedule, trust can be
office workers
enhanced by letting remote employees self-
manage themselves. Example: Consultant, executive assistant,
front desk and many more
The main sources for teleworking employees
to develop bumout stress stem from feelings Hybrid-mobile worker
of isolation, lack of personal contac, feelings
- This category compromised of occasionally-
that their work is not valued, and from
workers that need to be able to access
difficulties in drawing clear boundaries
information while they are on the go
between their work and personal life,
especially when working from home (Reiche) - Most rapidly growing category in mobile
Example: customer service, Accounting and
Who work at least 10 hours per week away
finance, Marketing and many more.
from their home and main place of work.
An upcoming on the workforce diversity
Example: business trip, field, travelling or
customer premises and online computer - Mobility within the global workforce is
connection booming.

Example: Sexual orientation, physical ability, - Kandola (2007) concludes that employers
gender identity and etc need to provide suitable technological
According to prediction by analysis firm IDC

- Predicts that the increase of mobile

workers will be significantly greater than
the increase in employees working from
home (Electronic Commerce and Telework
trends, 2000)

- Within 2 years there will be 878 million

mobile workers worldwide and 99 in Europe
this population represents more than a
quarter workforce and increase from 650
million global mobile workers in a year
2004(Kandola, 2007)

- States that organization need to consider

what they can do to make mobile working
opportunities more accessible for women
with child care responsibilities.

Mobile workers in Middle East and Africa

- Explains that work life balance is seen as a

major challenge for the market

- Less recreational facilities in some areas

Integrating the mobile workers

- This research conducted by cisco system

kandola has demonstrate that not only is the
uptake of mobile working rapidly increasing

- Many workers fin that work –life

boundaries become blurred with the possibly
of 24-7 communication,


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