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Entoley: Authoritative Prescription given

by God / Lord Jesus Matt. 22:37-391. love the Lord your God. Love
your neighbour 
2. DOCTRINE Gk. didache : Authoritative teachings of the Apostles
What did the Lord teach [Gospels]? How did the Apostles practice? What did the
Apostles teach in the epistles?
Harmony of the Gospels, Acts and Epistles.

3. ORDINANCS: [Sacrament, Observance]: A symbolic solemn ceremony

commanded by the Lord
a. Baptism Mat 28:18-20 
b. Lord’s Supper Mat 26:26-29 
4. TRADITION Gk. paradosis and CUSTOM Gk. sunētheia [habit]. Apostolic
“instructions concerning the gathering of the believers” [W E Vine].

Head-covering comes under Apostolic Traditions and customs I Cor. 11:2 and 16
Some wrongly translations use ‘doctrines’ or ordinances in I Cor. 11:2 [Gk. Paradosis]
Apostolic traditions meant to be followed 2Thess. 2:15
Warning: Matt. 15:6: Thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect [made
void] by your tradition. [Make sure that the traditions are not considered more important
than the commandments of God]

5. PRACTICES – not taught or commanded but practiced by the church in the

first century
Examples: Sunday worship, common purse, love feast

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