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3/10/2023 Turnitin Originality Report

Turnitin Originality Report

The employer-employees loyalty
by Muzamil Habib
From Test (Test)

Processed on 10-Mar-2023 14:42 PKT

ID: 2033791767
Word Count: 567

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The employer-employees loyalty is an outdated because whenever a person joins the company for a short
period but when he does work with that company then his loyalty attached with that company. It is due to 6
factors which influence the loyalty with the company. 1. Salary: Whenever an employee needs as a financial
help and manager is ready to help him urgently. That employee will always loyal with his manager or the
company. When every year there is given bonus to the employees of the company they feel happy and easy
to stay in that company. That thing makes the workers and employees more loyal to their work and job.
Behavior with the employees should be humble so they feel easy and able to share anything to their boss or
manager. When manager or boss will treat the employees with humbleness that will make a space in their
hearts and will always stays with that company. 2. Empowerment of employees: It comes from the trust
among the employees whenever trust will be greater it will also increase the loyalty with company. Trust
makes a space for the employees in which they can share their ideas, thinking, and decision making.
Encouragement of motivation among the employees will increase the loyalty of the employees with
company. Whenever employees feel depressed or any kind of anxiety it is duty of manager or boss he will
motivate all of them and encourage. Employees feel that they are living here like a family and put their more
hard work and attachment with the company. 3. Active participation and interaction in development: When
the employees will be active in the development of the company they will get more confidence about their
work. When employees ask questions from the manager about development of any project in the company
they clear their confusion before start of the project. They get more self awareness about their job and they
can do their job without any confusion. Listening actively makes a man perfect in his job. 4. Goal- setting It is
also increase the loyalty with the company because whenever they will be discussing their future goals and
making plans how to achieve them. In that situation when manager or boss will ask from all of the
employees about their thinking how they will get that goals so everyone will share their different ideas and
thinking which make the employees more important for the company. Sharing of ideas with others in the
company increase the loyalty with company or boss. 5. Rewards: When employees are done with jobs or
tasks which are given from the boss or manager and if they do it successfully then they are all rewarded with

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3/10/2023 Turnitin Originality Report

rewards. The manager appreciate the employees for their best in the task or project. Giving the rewards to
the employees increase the loyalty with other people of that company and for the next they do more hard
work for their goals. 6. Employee perceptions of their importance in the organization: If an organization want
to become more successful in the world so a Manager’s job is to feel their employees that they are very
important for that company. Employees feel that manager does care about them and he is humble to them.
He is available for their help in any situation in which they are so this thing make all of them more loyal with

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