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This whole folder what ever you wanna call it is purely for the eyes
of future Shardz to help navigate and bene t some clarity, to boost
some con dence in thy self and to be proud of how fucking far we
have come since typing this up



FR doe - if she ever has some time to spare, sit back and hopefully
by then she’s still ciggybutt brain free & 20kgs lighter than the
now Shardz lol no fucking judgement ma bahhhh! Then n oa f
keep reading

Were currently lounged on the couch side tracked with a love song
duo that im currently looking for from my trip to Samoa back in
’18 - its 8:42pm we have 4 bday boxes, 2 boxes of afghans and 108
dessert cups for a wedding that need to be completed by
tomorrow! Food for thought - get cracking at the break of dawn

Just a lil ‘touch base’ with where we are currently at with the
business side of things…
We recently set up interstate orders for our afghans which are all
sent via express post, we will be coming up to our 2nd weekend of
interstate free orders an I aint even maaaaad sis! Them Sunday
evening bake o s really set a negative vibe for my Monday where id
rather relaki

Our sales have gone through the farrrking roof within the past 3
months its been so overwhelming! Tax time is in a few weeks so we
have to sort some shit out before we start taking on future orders
for December!



Holy Fuck! December! How fast did this damn year go man! Can I
just say how fucking proud I am of you! Yes you! Me! US! We left
our shitty fo job, we secured the bag, we detoxed our circle & we
fucking smashed out some bad ass goals since moving to Perth!

Not gonna lie, so many down falls along the way but the highs will
always outweigh the lows. Were channelling in on our inner peace
and learning how to let shit go, shit that serves no purpose to our
lives gotta gap! if y’all ain’t feeding my soul, there is no reason for
connection, no beef just chicken xox

Hopefully in the new year we can get some solid income in and
start selling at our local cafes etc - get that cash owing ma! Maybe
even drop that merch, start up that party decor event planner
business,auuuuuu! chase some more dreams and chuck some heavy
hittahhssss on board

Some goals we wanna fuck witttt to end our year -

#fuck our debt all the way UP up!

#be fucking happy without having to look

at how green everyone else’s grass is
#secure the fucking bagggg with them steady four figures sis, 2
months to goooo

#get vaxedddd ‘FTP FTS FTW’

#give our baby the best Christmas he’s ever had!

#Let Go & Let God



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