The Effects of Implementation of Online Education

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The Effects Of Implementation

Of Online Education

Juhan, Ferwina A.

Prenza Delien Belamide

Class Instructor


1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
1.5 Operational Definition of terms


2.1 Related Literature

2.2 Related Studies
2.3 Theoretical Framework


2.4 Research Design

3.1 Research Locale
A. Background of the Study …….………………………………………………1
B. Objectives ….………………………..……………………………………………..2
C. Statement of the Problem ……..……………………………………………2
D. Significance of the Study …………..………………………………………….
HYPOTHESIS ……………………………………………………………………………2
SCOPE AND DELIMINATION ……………………………………………………3
DEFINITION OF TERMS ……………………………………………………………3

Background of the Study

The COVID-19 health crisis led to one of the largest disruptions in the history of Philippine
education. Beginning in March 2020, millions of students who were attending school via face-
to-face classes at the primary, secondary, and higher education levels abruptly had to shift to
online learning due to stay-at-home orders put in place to curb transmission of the virus. While
some teachers and faculty had experience teaching online, many had to pivot into online
teaching for the first time, often using relatively rudimentary technology (e.g. Zoom
conferencing) to deliver instruction and engage students.
“The landscape of distance education is changing” (Eom, Ashill, & Wen, 2006, p. 215).
As more universities are offering online courses due to the occurrence of the CoViD19
pandemic, it is important for faculty to consider the changing aspects of online learning
environment . Several studies have already investigated how this abrupt shift to online learning
affected students and families. Research in Germany documented that students on average
reduced their daily learning time by half, with the biggest declines among lower-achievers
(Grewenig et al, 2020).
“The landscape of distance education is changing” . As more universities are offering online
courses due to the occurrence of the CoViD19 pandemic, it is important for faculty to consider
the changing aspects of online learning environment . Several studies have already investigated
how this abrupt shift to online learning affected students and families. Research in Germany
documented that students on average reduced their daily learning time by half, with the
biggest declines among lower-achievers.
There are various reasons why the broader COVID-19 crisis and the ensuing abrupt shift to
online learning may have led to worse outcomes for students. Students may have been dealing
directly with health challenges associated with COVID-19 infection, or have had family
members who became sick. Many students were among the tens of millions of Filipinos who
lost their jobs during Spring 2020, or may have had family members lose employment; the
stress of these job losses may have reduced the cognitive bandwidth and attention students
could devote to class. Increased child care responsibilities may have detracted from time adult
students could invest in their college course work.
At the same time, there are several reasons why the sudden shift to online learning may not
have negatively affected student outcomes, or why the magnitude of this effect may have been
not as profound as some might expect. For instance, the combined shift to online learning,
remote work, and even job loss may have substantially increased the time available to students
to invest in their courses. Forward-thinking students who anticipate the importance of
additional training or education in a potentially transformed post-COVID economy may have
renewed their efforts toward earning a credential. Students may have had additional access to
asynchronous course materials to support their learning and exam preparation. Many colleges
implemented emergency grading policies which could have reduced the effort required from
students to pass their courses and make further progress towards their degree.
Isolating the effect of the abrupt shift to online learning on student outcomes is
challenging, given the lack of variation in the timing over which most colleges and universities
shifted to online, and because of the parallel health, economic, and child care challenges that
could have also affected students’ academic success.
This is a comprehensive study on the effects of online class on the students of Brent Hospital
and College Incorporated specifically on BSN-3A (Bachelor of Science in Nursing ).
Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the effects of implementation of online education to the
nursing students of Brent Hospital and Colleges, Inc.

Specifically, this research study aims to:

1. To determine if the implementation of online education is more efficient and convenient for
the students.
2. To define the effects of implementation of online education to the students

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the effects of implementation of online education and its
effectiveness to the nursing students of Brent Hospital and College Inc. Specifically, to answer
the following questions:

1. What are the effects of implementation of online education to the students?

2. Is it efficient and convenient for the students?

Hypothesis Statement

This study posits the hypotheses:

H1o: There is no significant difference and effects of implementing online education and it also
more efficient and convenient to those working students and single parent when these data is
collected to a group of students according to gender.

Scope and delimitation’s

This studies main focus is on “The effects of Implementation of Online Education”.

As this study was conducted at Brent Hospital and Colleges, Inc. Located at R.T Lim Boulevard,
Zamboanga City with the selected population of the student of the school mentioned.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in a way that is can be use to understand and analyze the
implementation of online education. and will also help to understand that it is beneficial to
some students that are working to support their self.

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the through and in-depth search
done by the researchers.

Related Literature

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