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Management as a Science - Planning- necessary to set goals and to develop

Everything used to classify a field as science is strategies for organizing activities

- Science establishes the relations of cause and ● Used in an attempt to discourage or provoke a
effect between variables. behavior before a behavior occurs.
- Universal acceptance of scientific principles. Motivation - Values will work inside you to
- relationship between cause and effect. awaken your secret talents. With bravery and
Management as an Art confidence, you have it in you to go ahead and
- both share similar characteristics Art realize yourfull potential.
- structured body of knowledge that requires Self- leadership
imagination and expertise which an artist often - It allows leaders or senior officers, (who
needs constant practice in order to become undergo very little or no supervision) to prepare
faultless or to achieve a degree of perfection and set targets on their own and control
that is considered acceptable. ‘ themselves to execute such plans.
- Taught and put to use. - While studying this,
one can learn and gain theoretical knowledge. 1. This means that, being your own leader, your
purpose or vision will be the foundation upon
1. The first line managers which you will build self-leadership.
Usually called supervisors or in manufacturing a. Leading by example
they maybe called foremen b. Clarity of example
2. The middle level managers - compromise all c. Clarity of purpose
management levels - Called functional d. Aiming for purpose
managers, heads of plants and managers of 2 . It was considered as the first level or stage
projects of leadership.
3. The top managers - Ones responsible for a. Autocratic leadership
making organizational decisions and setting b. Democratic leadership
policies and strategies - Named vice- president, c. Participative leadership
managing director, chief executive officer or d. Self-leadership
board chairmans. etc .
Clarity of purpose
Examples of workplace value: ● Having a vision and being able to set it up.
1. Being accountable ● Vision or purpose- foundation upon which
2. Making a difference you will build self leadership
3. Focusing on detail ● Without clearly planned expectations or
4. Delivering quality intent in your life, you will be at risk and will be
5. Being completely honest lost if you attempt to fulfill everything without
6. Keeping promises clarity of purpose
7. Being reliable
8. Being positive Training- structured lesson designed to give
9. Meeting deadlines people the knowledge and skills to perform a
10. Helping others task
11. Being a great team member
12. Respecting company policy and rules, and Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
respecting others ● Seek self improvement- continually reinforce
13. Showing tolerance your attributes through self study, formal
classes, reflection and interaction with others.
○ Evaluate themselves and know their strengths Legitimate Power- the power a person receives
and weaknesses. in an organization's formal hierarchy as a
○ Understand their ‘be’, ‘know’ and ‘do’ consequence of his or her role. The person has
attributes the right to expect you to comply with valid
○ Work to improve weaknesses and utilize demands, given his or her status and your job
strengths. responsibilities
○ Know themselves and their experiences. Referent Power
● Strong and hard stand- may be most - influence based on individual or desirable
successful with leaders. possession of wealth or personal traits.
● “Big brother” approach- may work better. - seen as beauty, elegance, or appreciation. You
○ Leaders could ask colleagues and superiors like the individual and you want to do things for
for an honest appraisal of their ability to lead him or her
which will help 3 them identify their strengths Accountability
and weaknesses. "A good leader takes little more than his share
of the blame and little less than his share of the
Followers credit."
Different people expect different leadership Arnold H. Glasow
styles. A newly-employed deserves more Make sure each of the subordinate is
supervision than an accomplished subordinate responsible for what they do. Give them a pat
does. An individual without motivation needs a on the back if they do well but when they fail
different approach than one with a high make them realize their mistakes and work
motivation level. together to improve. Holding them to account
for their actions will create a sense of duty
Situation among your subordinates and they will be more
Every situation is different. Everything you do in serious about the organization.
one situation isn't automatically going to work
in another. You have to use your discretion to AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP
determine the best course of action and the On the contrary to democratic
style of leadership needed for each situation. leadership there is autocratic leadership. You
Empathy might think of that as an alternative to "my way
As Leaders, empathy with your followers will or the highway." Autocratic leaders see
grow. Don't adopt a dictatorial style, and utterly themselves as having absolute power and
lack empathy. You'll fail to connect more making decisions on their subordinates' behalf.
directly with your followers. Knowing the They decide not just what needs to be done, but
followers' issues, and experiencing their pain, is how to accomplish certain tasks too.
the first step towards becoming effective
To put it another way, bureaucratic
Coercive Power - power that is based on fear. A leadership goes "by the book." With this style of
person with coercive power can make things leadership, there is a specified collection of
hard for humans. These are the people you wish boxes to check to be a true leader. Bureaucratic
to avoid being angry with. Employees who work officials, for example, possess hierarchical
under a coercive boss are unlikely to commit authority.
themselves, and are more likely to resist the
Reward Power- might give people special With this style of leadership, by empowering
benefits or incentives. their workers to change, leaders are trying to
enhance or transform the individual or group Management as a process
into which they lead. - Began with the sole purpose of
attaining an objective. Purpose:
DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP 1. Rise clients’ satisfaction with the
You could also hear this style of leadership services the company provides.
referred to as "participatory leadership." 2. Develop personal experience,
Members manage organizations and programs abilities and capacity or
as well, a democracy. 3. Accomplish a particular goal.
Democratic leaders respect other people's ideas
and feedback, and encourage discussion of
those inputs. We don't carry on orders from
above, but take a much more inclusive
approach to doing things.

Leaders are the ones who are willing to
give up something of their own for us. Their
time, their energy, their money, maybe even the
food off their plate. When it matters, leaders
choose to eat last. ( Simon Sinek)
Servant leaders work with this traditional motto
"Serve first and lead." Instead of thinking about
how to inspire people to follow their lead, they
channel most of their energies into seeking
ways to help others.

- set of principles relating to the roles of
planning, coordinating, directing and regulating
and the implementation of those principles in
the efficient and effective use of physical,
financial, human and information capital to
achieve organizational objectives.

This is a French word that translates to
"leave it be" which sums up this hands-off
leadership approach accurately. But then they
step back and let their team members make
decisions, solve problems and get their work
done without having to worry about their every
move being obsessively watched by the leader.
You're really only focused on two key
points in most events and projects: the
beginning and the end.

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