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How important will good communication skills be to the course/major you

are taking now? (10 pts.)

Communication is important no matter what career you are in but it's crucial when
you are in the field of accountancy. An accountant who has poor communication
skills will be a disgrace to the firm he/she is representing and it will even cause the
company to lose its clients. One reason why you should have good communication
skills when it comes to business is that some clients might not understand complex
financial matters and that is why you should communicate clearly and effectively.

2. How do you express usually your likes and dislikes? (5 pts)

Answer: I express my likes by using the words: I love, I enjoy, and I adore. For
example, I love listening to music. When it comes to my dislikes, I use the words: I
hate, I'm not fond of, and I can't bear. For example, I hate it when someone plays with
my hair. 

3. Describe a situation when you used your cellular phone, e-mail, iPod, or telephone
in an emergency situation. (8 pts)

This happened three months ago. We were giving my brother’s friend a ride home. It
was already 8:30 in the evening, and the curfew that time was 9:00 PM. On the way to
my brother’s friend house, the car stopped out of nowhere and we had no idea what
the problem. I felt apprehensive that time because I didn’t know what to do. My dad
had no idea where we were and we were too scared to tell him so I decided to talk to
my brother’s friend. I told her if we can ask help from her family since we were just
on the way to her home. I let her use my phone and she called his step-father and he
helped us fix the car. I really got scared that time since it was already dark and I really
hope it doesn’t happen to us again.

4. Explain why you agree or disagree with the saying, “Your actions speak
louder than your words.” (7 pts)

I agree that actions speak louder than words because actions build trust, create results,
and show people their real attitudes.

Actions build trust. For example, my friend can say, "I value you." over and over
again, but if he/she never does anything that will make me feel that he/she values me,
then his/her words will become less meaningful. Another example is, me saying "I'm
sorry." and I do something to make up for that mistake or I do something to change
that bad attitude of mine, then those words that I have said won't become empty and
the person whom I said it to will trust me and will know that I was sincere when I said
those words. 
Actions create results and show people their real attitudes. For example, I would
prefer to see my partner give her full focus on me than hearing her say that I'm her
priority. Another one is that I would prefer my friend to tell his/her secrets to me
rather than hearing her say that he/she trust me.

Unlike words, actions solve problems and get work done and that is the reason why I
believe that actions speak louder than words.

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