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A Marketing Research Paper

A Study of Brand Loyalty Toward the

Use of Shopee Application in BF Homes, Parañaque City

Presented to the Faculty of the College of

Business of Administration

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management





April 2022
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Table of Contents






Introduction 9

Theoretical Framework 12

Conceptual Framework 14

Statement of the Problem 17

Scope and Limitation 19

Significance of the Study 20

Definition of Terms 22


Review of Related Literature and Studies 23


Method of Research 30

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique 31

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Description of Respondents 33

Research Instrument 33

Data Gathering Procedure 34

Statistical Treatment of Data 35


Results and Discussion 38



Summary 53

Findings 54

Conclusions 58

Recommendations 60


Bibliography 62


Survey Questionnaire 67

Curriculum Vitae 69

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Paradigm 1. Four Dimensional Loyalty (Oliver, 1999) 12

Paradigm 2: IPO Method 16


Table 1: Analysis of Relative Importance Index Values Adopted from Akadiri 37

Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms of


Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Data Privacy

Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Completeness and Accuracy of Information

Table 5: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Price Ceiling

Table 6: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Ease of Transactions

Table 7: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Courier Dependability

Table 8: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Payment Methods

Table 9: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Coin-Earning Games

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Table 10: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Flash Deals

Table 11: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Utility Payment

Table 12: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers

Table 13: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of User-Friendly Interface

Table 14: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Attractiveness of App Design

Table 15: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Pixie - Shopee Virtual Assistant

Table 16: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Live Streams

Table 17: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in

Terms of Shopee Feed

Table 18: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Quality 49

Table 19: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Quality Attributes 49

Table 20: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Features 50

Table 21: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Feature Attributes 51

Table 22: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Design 51

Table 23: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Design Attributes 52

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Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


This undergraduate research paper entitled “A STUDY OF BRAND LOYALTY TOWARD



MICHAEL SANCHEZ, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in


MANAGEMENT has been examined and presented for Oral Examination with a passing

grade of _________%.

Ms. Jiebeth Bueno

Subject Adviser


Approved by the committee on Oral Examination


Panel Member Panel Member


Chairman Member

Accepted and Approved

Dean, College of Business Administration & Entrepreneurship

A Study of Brand Loyalty Toward the Use of

Shopee Application in BF Homes, Parañaque City 6
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


The continuous expansion and improvement of e-commerce, especially in this time

of pandemic, has piqued the interest of the researchers to conduct this study. In totality,

this study definitely helped the researchers in gaining more insightful understanding on

what drives brand loyalty from the consumers. Given the limited time to conduct this

thesis, the researchers would like to thank the people who have encouraged and helped

them in making this possible to complete.

The researchers are especially grateful for the guidance of Ms. Jiebeth Bueno

throughout the creation of this research. Without her knowledge and kindness, they would

not have been able to complete the most rewarding academic experience of their college

endeavors. Furthermore, the researchers would also like to thank Ms. Kim Manuel of

Parañaque City Planning and Development Coordinator's Office for helping them in

acquiring significant information about the population data of the city in question. The

researchers would also like to extend their gratitude to those people from barangay BF

Homes, Parañaque City who allotted their time and effort and gladly participated in the

survey. Without the help of these people, completing this most challenging academic

requirement would have been impossible.

Delos Santos, Rosales, Sanchez


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This study aims to study the brand loyalty of the residents in Parañaque City,

specifically in barangay BF Homes, toward the use of the Shopee application by

measuring their product perception based on the three product attributes - product quality,

product features, and product design. The researchers conducted a survey with a total

sample of 398 respondents. Using the relative importance index analysis, the researchers

were able to identify the most important elements in every product attribute being tested

in this study.

The researchers found out that In terms of the product quality, Price Ceiling and

Ease of Transactions got the highest rank with a relative importance index of 0.8373 or

0.84, perceived with high importance level. As for the product features, Payment Methods

and Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers received the top rank with a relative

importance index of 0.8247 or 0.82, both are deemed with high importance level.

Concerning the product design, the User-Friendly Interface got the highest rank with a

relative importance index of 0.8624 or 0.86, and is given a high importance level.

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I. Introduction

Globally, commerce has continued as a fundamental function of a thriving society.

Although its execution has changed drastically throughout different eras, it remains to be

a tool of development and progress.

In the Philippines, through years of exposure in both local and foreign trade, the

modern-day Filipino has an innate entrepreneurial spirit; according to research (Angeles-

Tan, 2017), millennial entrepreneurs have launched at least twice as many enterprises in

comparison to the older generation of entrepreneurs. Fortunately for this generation, they

are equipped with highly distinct tools that allow them to accomplish their entrepreneurial

aspirations. One such tool is the online selling platform Shopee.

According to the research conducted by iPrice in 2020 in partnership with App

Annie Intelligence and SimilarWeb about the top e-commerce platforms in the Philippines

for the third quarter of 2019, the top three firms in the country's e-commerce market have

constantly been Lazada, Shopee, and Zalora - with Shopee being the greatest rival.

Based on the said research, Shopee continues to top the list of Southeast Asia's most

downloaded e-commerce shopping apps.

Shopee is a multinational technology business based in Singapore that specializes

in e-commerce. It was launched in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan,

Vietnam and the Philippines in the year 2015. This platform is tailored fit for each region,

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providing customers a wide selection of products with an easy, secured, and fast online

shopping experience through strong payment and fulfillment support.

However, according to the Philippine News Agency, thousands of complaints from

Shopee users are being investigated recently by the Department of Trade and Industry.

Most complaints are about violations that are associated with the Price Act, defective

products, deceptive and unconscionable sales practices. Ignoring this number of

complaints, regardless how small it may seem in comparison to the total population of

Shopee users in the Philippines, may still put the company at risk in the long run. This is

a sign for the company to reinforce their purpose of existence which is to provide an easy,

secured, and fast online shopping experience.

In 2018, Khamwon and Kamkliang argued that brand loyalty is something that

keeps customers from repurchasing and supporting the brand. Understanding how

customers perceive a brand is very critical for the company. Customers' satisfaction

influences their loyalty to the company (Wang et al., 2018). It is apparent that brand loyalty

is linked to repurchases made without hesitation. The attitude towards brand loyalty is

interconnected to preserving the credibility of the brand that is given to the customer

(Khamwon & Pattanajak, 2021). One direct way to to know how your customers perceive

your product is by allowing them to give their feedback. These reviews are important

information sources for companies analyzing users' demands (Guo et al., 2017).

A research from Ryantika and Hidayat (2021) in Indonesia, under the title

“Consumer Preference Analysis of Using Shopee Application with Conjoint Method”,

showed that the consumer preference at its peak point in terms of product features has

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something to do with the delivery charge subsidy, while ShopeePay Later feature being

the least preferred. As for the product quality, they found out that affordable price ceiling

got the highest preference while safety in transaction being the lowest. In addition to that,

they also found out that as for the product design, the Shopee application got the highest

preference in terms of its user-friendly interface while the visuals of the application got

the lowest-level perception.

By using three product attributes as independent variables in this research -

namely the product quality, product features, and product design, the researchers

attempted to measure the perception of Shopee users in barangay BF Homes towards

the app.

Using the relative importance index, the researchers were able to identify the most

important elements in the variables tested that may be considered as key players in

improving brand loyalty.

The information acquired in this study may not necessarily represent the entire

Shopee user base. However, this research may serve as an additional resource

especially that there are only few local studies pertaining to this topic.

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II. Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework is a rationally established and interrelated set of concepts

and premises that a researcher develops to design a study (Varpio et al., 2020).

Paradigm 1. Four Dimensional Loyalty (Oliver, 1999)

Paradigm 1 illustrates the theoretical framework of this study which adapted the

theory proposed by Richard L. Oliver in 1999 - the Four-Dimensional Loyalty. Oliver was

a prominent researcher in the field of consumer psychology. In this field, he made

remarkable contributions specifically in the areas of customer satisfaction, customer

loyalty, and post-purchase processes. For the past decades, there have been several

approaches to study what customer loyalty really is. Some theorists even defined loyalty

as a buying frequency or buying pattern (Tucker, 1964; Sheth, 1968).

This theory of Four-Dimensional Loyalty was proposed after Dick and Basu

introduced the Three-Dimensional Loyalty in 1994. They presented three sequential

factors - namely the cognitive, affective, and conative, to make sense of what customer

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loyalty is. However, this was expanded by Oliver five years later. In his framework, Oliver

introduced four stages of customer loyalty - cognitive, affective, conative, and action

loyalty. This mainly suggests that cognitive loyalty is formed first, followed by affective,

then conative, until it reaches the action loyalty.

Cognitive loyalty forms when customers are able to perceive that the qualities and

features of a certain product/brand are more rewarding and expedient in comparison to

other available alternatives. This crucial stage can be achieved when the customer has

experienced the brand first-hand or has become aware through second-hand information.

When the customer has obtained a positive perception of the product/brand and finds it

copacetic, this takes the customer to the second stage.

Affective loyalty is the second stage towards brand loyalty. Oliver defines this stage

as the emotional attachment of the customer to the brand. This is basically due to the

formation of consciousness and affection in the customer's mind. According to Oliver,

cognition may be vulnerable to new alternatives available, however, he said that affection

is hard to change. Securing this stage of loyalty should be a top priority of the marketers.

Conative loyalty is the third stage. According to Oliver, this stage becomes more

possible to attain when a customer starts showing repeated formation of positive

perception toward a brand. This stage can be regarded as the point where the customer

has formed deep commitment or devotion in buying from a certain brand. However, Oliver

pointed out that this does not necessarily mean that this will automatically lead the

customer to the final stage of loyalty - the action. Still and all, this stage provides a higher

probability of leading the customer to the final stage.

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And lastly, action loyalty is the stage in which the intention formed in the conative

loyalty is finally put into action.

In a nutshell, cognitive loyalty is the stage in which perceived features of the brand

are formed; affective loyalty is stage in which the customer shows desirability on a certain

brand; conative loyalty is the stage in which the customer intends to purchase again; and

finally, action loyalty is shown when a deep commitment from the customer is formed to

engage in repurchase.

The reason why the researchers decided to use this theory proposed by Oliver is

because they want to observe this theory in assessing the brand loyalty of Shopee users

by testing three product attributes - namely the product quality, product features, and

product design. The researchers believe that by doing so, they would be able to

understand the proposed theory. Moreover, they believe that they will be able to construct

an insightful conclusion and helpful recommendation by integrating this theory with the

outcome of this study.

III. Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researchers used the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model to

conceptualize the entirety of the paper. This model is a useful graph that highlights the

inputs, outputs, and processing tasks that are necessary to convert inputs into outputs.

The model is sometimes set up to include any collection that occurs during the process.

The inputs basically represent the external into the mechanism. All tasks necessary to

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transform the inputs are included in the processing stage. The processed data/results

and other findings that flow out of the transformation process are referred to as the output.

The researchers chose this model due to its intelligibility and directness, thus, making it

easy to follow throughout the conduction of the study. In fact, this model is commonly

used by academics to illustrate the conceptual framework of an educational research

because it clearly represents the summary of several relevant studies that describes the

processes involved. This also instructs the researchers in devising a sequence of actions

that must be taken during the period of the educational research. Most importantly, it

takes into account possible academics' perspectives, observations, and findings that may

possibly arise (Canonizado, 2021)

The researchers used product attributes as the independent variables that will later

measure the customers' perception towards the use of Shopee application. Product

attributes play a huge role for both marketers and their customers. Marketers use these

attributes to determine their brand's competitiveness in several aspects. Careful and

effective use of product attributes may also give them a valuable basis in developing new

products, strategize the overall marketing, and provide what the market really demands.

Moreover, product attributes help customers develop a basis for evaluating their

perception towards a brand. As Oliver believed in his theory, cognitive loyalty is a crucial

stage and can only be achieved when the customer has experienced the brand first-hand

or has become aware through second-hand information and shows positive recognition.

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Paradigm 2: IPO Method

Paradigm 2 displays the direction of the study with necessary input, processes

involved, and the expected output. As shown in the model, the input contains one

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demographic indicator and the three product attributes that are subjects for observation -

the product quality, product features, and product design.

This study will process the input through collecting the data of the residents from

BF Homes, Parañaque City, administering a survey, tabulation of responses, presenting

and analyzing statistical data gathered. The output of this study will show the relative

importance in every data set through the application of weighted average.

Through feedback, the researchers will be able to determine what information is

deemed necessary and what information is still lacking. This will help the researchers in

formulating a conclusion and insightful recommendations.

IV. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to analyze the brand loyalty of some residents in Parañaque City,

specifically in barangay BF Homes, toward the use of the Shopee application.

Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age?

2. To what extent the people in barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City perceive the

Shopee app in terms of the following?

2.1. Product Quality in the levels of:

2.1.1. Data Privacy

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2.1.2. Completeness and Accuracy of Information

2.1.3. Price Ceiling

2.1.4. Ease of Transactions

2.1.5. Courier Dependability

2.2. Product Features in the levels of:

2.2.1. Payment Methods

2.2.2. Coin-Earning Games

2.2.3. Flash Deals

2.2.4. Utility Payment

2.2.5. Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers

2.3. Product Design in the levels of:

2.3.1. User-Friendly Interface

2.3.2. Attractiveness of App Design

2.3.3. Pixie - Shopee Virtual Assistant

2.3.4. Live Streams

2.3.5. Shopee Feed

3. What is the relative importance of each level in all product attributes tested?

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V. Scope and Limitation

The goal of this research is to analyze the brand loyalty of customers to Shopee.

And as mentioned in the Four-Dimensional Theory proposed by Richard Oliver, cognitive

loyalty is the first stage of this theory wherein customers are able to perceive the value of

the product. For that reason, this research used product attributes to measure the

perception of customers towards the use of the Shopee application in terms of the product

quality, product features, and product design using a Likert-scale type of survey.

The product quality was measured using statements that are related to data

privacy, completeness and accuracy of information, price ceiling, ease of transactions,

and courier dependability. As for the product feature, it was tested based on the payment

methods, coin-earning games, flash deals, utility payment, and discount coupons and free

vouchers. And as for the product design, it was tested relative to the application’s user-

friendly interface, attractiveness of the app design, Pixie - Shopee virtual assistant, live

streams, and Shopee feed.

This research only covered a definite number of Shopee users in barangay BF

Homes, Parañaque City based on the calculated sample size and convenience sampling


The sample population of this research only covers three hundred ninety-eight

(398) Shopee app users who are residing in barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City and

are eighteen (18) years old or above. The sample population is computed using the

Slovin’s formula with a given of sixty thousand ninety-eight (60,098) total population and

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a five (5) percent margin of error. Those people residing in BF Homes who are seventeen

(17) years old and below and also those who are residing outside BF Homes, Parañaque

City are not considered in this study.

The findings are particular to a specific case, a specific place, and a certain time

period because the study solely focused on the selected group of people. Therefore, the

findings and interpretations may not be directly apt to other situations. The gathered

information in this research does not necessarily represent the general population of

Shopee users. However, the findings of this research could be of use when compared to

other related literature or scholarly works that could be tested by other researchers in

other locations and different points of time.

VI. Significance of the studies

In today's rapidly changing environment, businesses must safeguard their

customers' long-term interests in order to increase their profitability by building long-term

partnerships with them. This research is made with the goal to generate essential and

crucial information and knowledge towards the following individuals, who wish to learn

more about how certain product attributes heavily impact brand loyalty in a business,

especially in the field of e-commerce.

Benefiting in this study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students. This research will be a helpful reference for IT & Business

Administration students during their course. This study will help students to learn and

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have an in-depth understanding on how brand loyalty can be effective for e-commerce

businesses. The findings of this study will provide students a good head start to future

scholarly works on the relationship between brand loyalty and e-commerce. The students

will not only learn the topic and search the answer to their questions related to this

research, but it will also help them understand how the perception of product attributes

contribute in shaping brand loyalty.

The Future Researchers. The findings of this study will benefit the future

researchers by providing them with additional local reference to support the studies that

are related to brand loyalty and e-commerce. Currently, there are very few local

references that can be searched through the internet or even on other channels.

The Businesses. The output of this study could provoke insights on what to

consider in formulating digital marketing strategies that may contribute to the

development of brand loyalty by giving generous consideration to certain product

attributes. A study on brand loyalty for an e-commerce business is significant not only

because it is the current trend in the market but it also generates new sources or outlets

in which businesses can leverage to promote stable relationships with its customers and

sustainable growth in their business.

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VII. Definition of Terms

● Brand: In this study, the brand refers to Shopee, the company as a whole, since

the entirety of the study is focused on the customers’ perception towards the use

of the company’s application.

● Brand Loyalty: "Brand loyalty is something that holds customers with a brand

which they are satisfied with, causing repurchases and support of the same

brand’s products or services in the future", (Khamwon & Kamkliang, 2018).

● Cognitive Loyalty: According to Oliver (1999), it is the first stage in Four-

Dimensional Loyalty Theory that focuses on the brand's perceived characteristics.

● Affective Loyalty: The second stage in Four-Dimensional Loyalty Theory which

is directed toward the brand's likeability/desirability.

● Conative Loyalty: The third stage in Four-Dimensional Loyalty Theory that is

experienced when the consumer has an intention to re-buy the brand.

● Action Loyalty: The fourth stage in Four-Dimensional Loyalty Theory in which

there is already a deep commitment to the action of repurchasing.

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VIII. Review of Related Literature and Studies

The world has now entered the digital era, in which the Internet has offered

customers convenience and efficiency in all aspects of their lives, resulting in a shift in

customer behavior over the last decade unlike before wherein customers used to rely

primarily on in-store services. In this current era of digitalization, the online store has

become a critical route for enterprises and marketplaces to reach out to customers' wants

and needs (Khamwon & Pattanajak, 2021).

Electronic commerce, often known as e-commerce or online trade, is the

purchasing and selling of goods and services through the Internet, as well as the

transmission of money and data (Ryantika & Hidayat, 2021). E-commerce is a broad term

that covers a wide range of economic activities (Pantelimon et al., 2020). The use of e-

commerce is steadily increasing, as most traditional firms have begun to widen their target

client base by going online. In addition, the Covid-19 epidemic was determined to have

influenced e-commerce in a positive way worldwide (Pantelimon et al., 2020). The spread

of the coronavirus illness (COVID-19) pandemic did not only have influence on

enterprises, but also on customer behavior in terms of meeting basic necessities. During

the first months of pandemic, everyone started to confine themselves in their houses and

kept themselves from going to public places, such as marketplaces and supermarkets.

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Through digital enterprises online, it has become possible to maintain and continue to

serve customers without requiring their direct visit (Kosasi, 2021).

In October 2020, Vince Nonato from One News Ph reported that due to the

coronavirus disease pandemic and the fact that Filipinos are forced to stay at home, there

has been a drastic increase in their online shopping by 57% in just the first half of 2020

in comparison to the same period in 2019. A noticeable huge increase of 50% more in

terms of shopping apps usage on Android phones has been reported as well in the second

quarter of 2020 compared to the previous quarter of the same year.

In the same year, Statista cited in We Are Social, that 38.88 million Filipinos

purchased through online, resulting in an increase of 42.5% in the value of e-commerce.

This shows that on average, Filipinos have spent Php 4,362.59 each. Ara Eugenio from

Reportr News even quoted that, “For Gen-Z, it was the year of ‘add-to-cart’.”

Reportr News even stressed that the reported data did not even include other types

of spending, such as business-to-business transactions. The data only covered purchase

transactions are from the e-commerce platforms specifically Shopee and Lazada.

Shopee is a Singapore-based electronic commerce platform owned by the SEA

Group, which was founded in 2009 by Forrest Li. Shopee began operations in Singapore

in 2015, and has since extended to Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, and

the Philippines. Shopee began as a market for customers (C2C), but since the launch of

Shopee Mall, an online retail platform for distribution of well-known store brands, it has

transitioned to a hybrid C2C and Business for Customers (B2B) model.

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Since then, Shopee has enlisted several big names of influence to be the Regional

Brand Ambassador. To name some, in 2018 they announced BLACKPINK as their

ambassador; Cristiano Ronaldo in 2019; and Jackie Chan in 2020. Here in the

Philippines, some of the Shopee ambassadors are Kris Aquino, Willie Revillame, and a

lot more.

Shopee conducts a monthly sale promotion to all its customers, and it is scheduled

every time the number of the month matches the date of the month, e.g., 1.1 (Jan 1); 2.2

(Feb 2); 3.3 (March 3) and so on. This scheduled promotion boosted Shopee’s sales and

excited its customers with recurring and dynamic promotion events. Aside from this,

Shopee initiated live selling and in-app games. And in 2019, it has accumulated a total of

500 Million views on Shopee Live and 1 Billion plays on Shopee In-App Games. Since

then, along with the improvement of e-commerce in the Philippines in general, Shopee

has established a strong brand loyalty in all the regions and significantly in the Philippines.

Customers' buying preferences are influenced by the convenience and variety of

products available in the e-commerce business operator. E-commerce portals are

preferred by a large percentage of customers due to the fact that they offer a broader

range of products and can be purchased at any time and from any location as long as

they have access to an internet connection (Ryantika & Hidayat, 2021).

The number of players in the field of e-commerce continues to grow making the

competition more challenging. Customers can quickly switch from one brand to another

due to the plethora of information readily available on the internet. Easy to move or lack

of loyalty from customers in the online world is a lethal problem that must be overseen to

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prevent as many negative impacts on the sustainability of a company (Iisnawati et al.,

2020). This is why developing brand loyalty of the customers plays a huge role in business

survival. Brand loyalty, according to Khamwon and Kamkliang (2018), is what keeps

customers loyal to a brand they like, leading to repurchases and future support of the

same brand's products or services. Paying no heed to continuous negative feedback from

the customers may put the business on the edge.

However, these gigantic e-commerce platforms are still prone to negative issues.

In fact, according to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) article published by Kris

Crismundo in November 2020, two of the biggest online shopping applications in the

Philippines have been reported for having the most number of transaction complaints with

the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), namely the Shopee and Lazada. The DTI

Undersecretary for Consumer Protection Group, Ruth Castelo, raised this concern during

a virtual hearing of the Committee on Trade and Industry of the House of the

Representative. Also based on the report of Neil Arwin Mercado, published by Business

Inquirer, out of the 14,869 complaints DTI received, 3,432 of them are associated with

Shopee and 3,475 cases associated with Lazada. Castelo also pointed out that most of

the cases reported were related to the Price Act with a number of 7,539 cases, 3,157

cases regarding defective products, and a total of 2,641 cases related to unethical sales

acts or practices.

In order to build a stronger loyalty bond with the customers, Shopee needs to

improve their features - enough to challenge the customer to engage in creative thinking.

It also needs to develop features that transform the use of Shopee application into an

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integral part of a person’s lifestyle (Iisnawati et al., 2020). However that would be a

problem if there is a continuous ignorance of negative feedback and unresolved concerns

from the customers, thus, resulting in a negative product perception.

Customers that are loyal to a company stimulate enthusiasm in others by being

satisfied with the items and services they receive. When this occurs, it is difficult for them

to be drawn to similar products offered by other online shops. It can be seen once they

develop a pattern of making recurrent purchases. It becomes a way of gaining competitive

advantages. According to prior research, this loyalty is defined as a feeling of pleasure

and satisfaction with online items and services, resulting in a desire to purchase more

frequently (Kosasi, 2021).

Being able to maintain brand loyalty due to good product perception from the

customers may also result in customer retention. Customer loyalty, however, is

insufficient to ensure the firm's survival; actual action is required to ensure that customers

are truly loyal to the organization or company, which is vital for customer retention (Al-

Rabayah et al., 2017). Customer retention is basically a linkage between customer loyalty

and profitability, and it is a type of loyalty that is linked to customer purchasing behavior

(Muhammad et al., 2020).

This research focused on three product attributes - product quality, product

features, and product design, to measure the perception customers towards the use of

Shopee app. According to George Fripp (2022), when discussing the product mix in

marketing textbooks, a series of product attribute decisions are frequently outlined. The

numerous components that make up a product are referred to as attributes. Product

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attributes typically include actual features as well as uses and benefits. However, it is

perhaps easiest to conceive of attributes as the product's actual features (Fripp, 2022).

A company has three primary choice areas when it comes to product attribute

decisions - namely the product quality, product features, and product design (Fripp,

2022). A research from Ryantika and Hidayat (2021) in Indonesia, under the title

“Consumer Preference Analysis of Using Shopee Application with Conjoint Method”,

showed that the consumer preference at its peak point in terms of product features has

something to do with the delivery charge subsidy, while ShopeePay Later feature being

the least preferred. As for the product quality, they found out that affordable price ceiling

got the highest preference while safety in transaction being the lowest. In addition to that,

they also found out that as for the product design, the Shopee application got the highest

preference in terms of its user-friendly interface while the visuals of the application got

the lowest-level perception.

The findings of Ryantika and Hidayat in their research can be backed up by other

research conducted in the same country by the group of Givan. Based on their research,

Givan et al. (2021) concluded that the convenience and trust towards the use of e-

commerce platforms significantly influence the online shopping perception of the

customers. E-commerce platforms operators must simultaneously enhance the ease and

trustworthiness of e-commerce platforms, because by recognizing these variables that

affect shopping online can significantly increase sales turnover and marketing throughout

the world (Givan et al., 2021).

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Upon searching for other references pertaining to the research topic, the

researchers were not able to find some local scholarly works that study the Shopee users’

preference and perception towards the application. Those local studies that have been

found were mostly about the performance of Shopee and statistics about its users in

recent years. Moreover, most of the studies that have been found by the researchers are

coming from other countries, mainly from Indonesia and India.

With the help of scholarly works conducted by foreign researchers and personally

conducted study, this research aims to serve as an additional resource for local studies.

This may not cover a large population, however, this study can still act as a basis for other

local researchers who plan to tackle related areas.

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This chapter contains the method of research, population, sample size, sampling

technique applied in this research. It also entails the description of respondents, the

instrument, and the procedure used by the researchers in obtaining necessary data and

information including all statistical treatments.

IX. Method of Research

The researchers used a descriptive approach in this study with the goal of drawing

a conclusion from a sample size alone by using quantitative analysis. The goal in this

research is to develop further studies about the topic and not to generalize the overall

population of the Shopee users worldwide. With the use of data and information gathered

from the respondents, the researchers were able to explore, probe, and expound on the

theory proposed by Oliver regarding the four-dimensional loyalty.

The goal of descriptive research is to describe people, events, or things in their

natural setting. Descriptive studies look at the characteristics of a population; identify

problems that exist within a unit, an organization, or a population; or look at variations in

characteristics or practices between institutions or even countries (Siedlecki, S.L., 2020).

Based on the said purpose of the descriptive approach, the researchers thought that this

would be appropriate to the study being conducted, especially that this approach helps

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the researchers assess the perception of the sample population towards the Shopee app

based on the given product attributes.

X. Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The study's target population, which the researchers want to examine or treat, is

referred to as the population of interest. It is important to note that the researchers need

to describe the demographic characteristics of the population of interest. Recruiting the

entire population is often not necessary or feasible, that is why having an appropriate

sample size is significant. A good sample is one that is statistically representative of the

target population and large enough to address the research question. As a result,

calculating the sample size becomes a crucial step in quantitative studies (Majid, U.,


The population of interest in this study comprised those who are eighteen (18)

years old and above residing in barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City. The researchers

have coordinated with the city of Parañaque City in order to obtain the necessary data

and calculate the needed sample size. According to the Research, Evaluation and

Statistics Division Office of the City Planning and Development Coordinator, as of 2021,

the barangay BF Homes has a population of 60,098 who are 18 years old and above.

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The researchers used the Slovin’s Formula to obtain the number of the sample

size needed. It can be calculated by:


n = sample size

N = total population

e = margin of error

After substituting the variables, the researchers got:

n = 397.355 or 398

From the total population of 60,098 and considering the 5% margin of error, the

sample size needed is 398. The researchers conducted the survey to 398 qualified

respondents under a convenience sampling technique.

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XI. Description of Respondents

The respondents were asked first about their age, specifically if they are eighteen

(18) years old or above, and if they are using the Shopee application. In this study, the

researchers based the selection of the respondents upon these two qualifying questions.

The specified allowable age is also the relevant “age of majority” in the Philippines,

according to the Family Code of the Philippines, and is technically written in the terms of

service of the Shopee app upon signing up for an account.

XII. Research Instrument

In order to obtain a reliable and feasible gathering of information, the researchers

used a survey. Survey method is indeed valuable in observing a wide range of

populations. According to Martin (2020), the researchers can gather the opinions,

attitudes, and observations of a small, representative subset of a community via a survey

in order to generalize a whole.

The survey questionnaire is divided into three main parts - perception towards the

product quality, product features, and product design. Since these product attributes are

deemed too general in their nature, the researchers specified five distinct degrees per


The product quality was tested in terms of data privacy, completeness and

accuracy of information, price ceiling, ease of transactions, and courier dependability. As

for the product feature, it was tested based on the payment methods, coin-earning games,

flash deals, utility payment, and discount coupons and free vouchers. And as for the

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product design, it was tested relative to the application’s user-friendly interface,

attractiveness of the app design, Pixie - Shopee virtual assistant, live streams, and

Shopee feed.

Using a Likert-scale, the researchers were able to discern the extent to which the

respondents agree or disagree with every statement pertaining to the three product

attributes. The respondents were informed to respond whether they ‘Strongly Agree’ (4),

‘Agree’ (3), ‘Disagree’ (2), or ‘Strongly Disagree’ (1) to each statement.

XIII. Data Gathering Procedure

The survey was personally conducted in BF Homes, Parañaque for three days

using printed survey questionnaires for the reason that it was impossible for the

researchers to use digital platforms due to the lack of prospective respondents’ contact


The researchers used the convenience sampling technique in a sense that the

starting point was the barangay hall of BF Homes, Parañaque. Then, they conducted the

survey independently as they spread out within the area. Subsequently, the information

obtained from the 398 respondents was tabulated and analyzed.

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XIV. Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected in this study was structured and categorized by the researchers

in order to evaluate and formulate a quantitative analysis using descriptive statistical

measures. The researchers used the following statistical treatment:

1. Frequency Distribution. This refers to a graphical or tabular representation that

depicts the distribution of individual observations across the measuring scale. It

allows the researcher to read through all of the data easily. In this study, it was

used to efficiently show the distribution in terms of demographics and the number

of occurrences of the values in every variable present.

2. Percentage Distribution. A percentage distribution is a data graph in which the

number of observations for each data point is expressed as a percentage. Tables,

bar graphs, and pie charts are frequently used to illustrate percentage distributions.

Percentage distribution follows this formula:


% = the percentage

f = the frequency

100 = the constant value

n = the total number of respondents

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3. Relative Importance Index. A relative importance index analysis can be used to

identify the most important elements in a variable being tested. It is also an

appropriate technique in treating variables that are scored through Likert scales.

In this study, relative importance index was used to rank the criteria according to

their relative importance. Relative relevance index analysis enables the

identification of the most relevant criteria based on participant responses gotten

through the ranking indicators on Likert Type scales (Rooshdi et al., 2018). The

relative index is calculated using the formula below.


n4 = number of respondents who answered Strongly Agree

n3 = number of respondents who answered Agree

n2 = number of respondents who answered Disagree

n1 = number of respondents who answered Strongly Disagree

A = higher weight (4)

n = total number of respondents (398)

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Table 1: Analysis of Relative Importance Index Values Adopted from Akadiri

Table 1 signifies that if the relevant importance index (RII) is equal to 0.8 or 1 or in

between, the value is ‘High’. If the RII is equal to 0.6 or in between 0.6 and 0.8, the value

is ‘Medium - High’. If the RII is equal to 0.4 or in between 0.4 and 0.6, the value is

‘Medium’. If the RII is equal to 0.2 or in between 0.2 and 0.4, the value is ‘Low – Medium’.

Lastly, if the RII is equal to 0 or in between 0 and 0.2, the value is already considered


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XV. Results and Discussion

This chapter provides and examines the data collected by analyzing and

interpreting it with the research instrument used in this study.

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1. By Age

Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age

In terms of the age, the respondents mostly comprised people from the millennial

group with a total of 45%. Generation Z comes in second with a total of 30%, followed by

the Generation X group with a total of 15%. Boomers group comes at last with 10% in

total. For quick reference, the clustering of age groups is based on the study of Michael

Dimock from Pew Research Center in 2019.

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2. Customers’ Perception on the Shopee App

2.1. Product Quality in the levels of:

2.1.1. Data Privacy

Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Data


60% of respondents 'Agree' that supplying Personal Information requested by the

Shopee App is safe, while 35% 'Strongly Agree', and 5% 'Disagree.' There was no

respondent who said they 'Strongly Disagree.'

2.1.2. Completeness and Accuracy of Information

Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Completeness and Accuracy of Information

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50% of respondents 'Agree' that Shopee provides accurate and complete product

information, while 30% 'Strongly Agree' and 20% 'Disagree.' There were no 'Strongly

Disagree' responses.

2.1.3. Price Ceiling

Table 5: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Price


Shopee's price ceiling on its products is affordable in comparison to its competitors,

according to 55% who answered ‘Agree’ and 40% who chose 'Strongly Agree', while 5%

say that they 'Disagree'. 'Strongly Disagree' was not selected by any of the respondents.

2.1.4. Ease of Transactions

Table 6: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Ease

of Transactions

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65.08% of the respondents ‘Agree’ that it is easy to do transactions and place

orders using the Shopee App, supported by another 34.92% who said that they ‘Strongly

Agree’. No respondents who neither ‘Disagree’ nor ‘Strongly Disagree’.

2.1.5. Courier Dependability

Table 7: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Courier Dependability

65% of the respondents ‘Agree’ that they trust Shopee Integrated Couriers in

keeping their parcels secured and in good condition, supported by another 25% who

chose ‘Strongly Agree’, while 10% of the respondents said that they ‘Disagree’. No

respondents recorded saying that they ‘Strongly Disagree’.

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2.2. Product Features in the levels of:

2.2.1. Payment Methods

Table 8: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Payment Methods

60% of respondents 'Agree' that Shopee offers a variety of handy payment

alternatives, plus another 35% who said that they 'Strongly Agree'. However, 5% of these

respondents said that they 'Disagree.' No record saying that they 'Strongly Disagree.'

2.2.2. Coin-Earning Games

Table 9: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Coin-

Earning Games

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50% of respondents 'Agree' that they enjoy playing Shopee games while earning

coins that can be used to purchase products, supported by another 20% who chose

'Strongly Agree', while 30% said that they 'Disagree'. No respondents said they 'Strongly


2.2.3. Flash Deals

Table 10: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Flash


60% of respondents 'Agree' that they take advantage of Shopee flash sales and

monthly sale promotions, with another 20% who chose 'Strongly Agree.' However the

remaining 20% 'Disagree'. There was no record of respondents saying that they 'Strongly


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2.2.4. Utility Payment

Table 11: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Utility


45% of respondents 'Agree' that they prefer to pay their bills via the Shopee App,

supported by another 5% who said that they 'Strongly Agree’. However, half of the

respondents say otherwise with 30% saying that they 'Disagree' and another 20% who

chose 'Strongly Disagree'.

2.2.5. Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers

Table 12: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers

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70% of respondents 'Agree' that obtaining and using Shopee discount coupons

and free vouchers is easy, supported by another 30% who chose 'Strongly Agree' with

100% in total. No respondents who neither ‘Disagree’ nor ‘Strongly Disagree’.

2.3. Product Design in the levels of:

2.3.1. User-Friendly Interface

Table 13: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of User-

Friendly Interface

Shopee App is user-friendly and easy to navigate, according to 55%, with another

45% saying that they “Strongly Agree". There were no 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree'

responses obtained.

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2.3.2. Attractiveness of App Design

Table 14: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Attractiveness of App Design

60% of respondents 'Agree' that the Shopee App's design and layout are

satisfactory, with another 40% who chose 'Strongly Agree'. There were no 'Disagree' or

'Strongly Disagree' responses recorded.

2.3.3. Pixie - Shopee Virtual Assistant

Table 15: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Pixie

- Shopee Virtual Assistant

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75% of the respondents 'Agree' that Shopee's Chatbot, Pixie, is a big assistance

in addressing their concerns, supported by another 10% who said that they 'Strongly

Agree', whereas 15% 'Disagree' with this statement. No 'Strongly Disagree' responses

were obtained.

2.3.4. Live Streams

Table 16: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Live


55% of respondents 'Agree' that watching Shopee Live streamers influences them

to try the products being featured in the live streams, supported by another 10% who said

that they 'Strongly Agree'. However, a total of 35% said otherwise with 30% 'Disagree'

responses and another 5% 'Strongly Disagree' responses.

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2.3.5. Shopee Feed

Table 17: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Shopee Feed

Shopee Feed shows products that accurately match their interests according to

55% who chose 'Agree', supported by another 30% who said that they 'Strongly Agree'.

On the other hand, a total of 15% 'Disagree' with this statement. There were no 'Strongly

Disagree' responses obtained.

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3. Relative Importance of Each Level in All Product Attributes Tested

Table 18: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Quality

Table 18 reveals that under the category of product quality, Price Ceiling and Ease

of Transactions got the highest rank with a relative importance index of 0.8373 or 0.84,

followed by the Data Privacy with an RII of 0.8247 or 0.82. Courier Dependability comes

in third rank with an RII of 0.7871 or 0.79. Completeness and Accuracy of Information

comes at last or fourth rank with an RII of 0.7745 or 0.77.

Table 19: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Quality Attributes

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Table 19 indicates the relative importance index levels of each factor under the

product quality attribute. Data Privacy, Price Ceiling, and Ease of Transactions are

perceived with high importance level. Next in order are Completeness and Accuracy of

Information and Courier Dependability which are perceived by the respondents with

medium to high importance level.

Table 20: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Features

Based on the Table 20, Payment Methods and Discount Coupons and Free

Vouchers received the top rank under the product feature attributes, with a relative

importance index of 0.8247 or 0.82, followed by Flash Deals with an RII of 0.7500 or 0.75.

With an RII of 0.7255 or 0.73, Coin-Earning Games feature is ranked third. Utility Payment

ranks last or fourth with an RII of 0.5873 or 0.59.

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Table 21: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Feature Attributes

The relative importance index levels of each factor under the product feature

attributes are shown in Table 21. Payment Methods and Discount Coupons and Free

Vouchers are both deemed with high importance. Following that, respondents perceived

Coin-Earning Games and Flash Deals with medium to high importance level, while Utility

payment has only been perceived with medium importance level.

Table 22: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Design

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As shown on Table 22, User-Friendly Interface got the highest rank under the

product design attributes, with a relative importance index of 0.8624 or 0.86, followed by

the Attractiveness of App Design with an RII of 0.8499 or 0.85. With an RII of 0.7871 or

0.79, Shopee Feed comes in third rank. Pixie – Shopee Virtual Assistant comes in fourth

with an RII of 0.7374 or 0.74. With an RII of 0.6753 or 0.68, Live Stream comes at last.

Table 23: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Design Attributes

Table 23 indicates the relative relevance index level of each component under the

product design attributes. User-Friendly Interface, as well as the Attractiveness of App

Design, are both given a high importance level. Following that, respondents have

perceived Pixie – Shopee Virtual Assistant, Live Streams, and Shopee Feed with medium

to high importance level.

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This chapter entails the overview of the research work completed, the conclusions

reached, and the recommendations made in relation to brand loyalty of the chosen

Shopee users from barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City.

XVI. Summary

The focus of this thesis is to look into Shopee customers' brand loyalty. And, as

noted in Richard Oliver's Four-Dimensional Theory, cognitive loyalty is the initial stage of

this theory, in which clients are able to perceive the product's value. As a result, utilizing

a Likert-scale style of survey, this study used product attributes to gauge customers'

perceptions of the Shopee application in terms of product quality, product features, and

product design.

The researchers used a descriptive approach in this study with the goal of drawing

a conclusion from a sample size alone by using quantitative analysis. The population of

interest in this study comprised those who are eighteen (18) years old and above residing

in barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City.

The researchers used statistical approaches such as Frequency Distribution,

Percentage Distribution, and Relative Importance Index to arrive at their findings,

conclusions, and recommendations for this study.

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XVII. Findings

With the use of the obtained data and relevant information, the following findings

were drawn:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age?

In terms of age, Millennials made up the relative majority of the respondents,

accounting for 45%. The Generation Z group comes in second with a total of 30%,

followed by the Generation X group with 15%. With a total of 10%, the Boomers

group comes at last. For easy reference, the age group clustering is based on

the 2019 Pew Research Center study by Michael Dimock.

2. To what extent the people in barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City perceive

the Shopee app in terms of product quality, product features, and product


A. Product Quality

 In terms of Data Privacy, a total of 95% respondents say that they

feel safe providing their personal information in the Shopee


 In terms of Completeness and Accuracy of Information, 80% of the

respondents say that Shopee provides product information that is

accurate and complete at all times.

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 Concerning the Price Ceiling, 95% of the respondents say that

Shopee’s price ceiling on its products is affordable in comparison to

the competitors’.

 As to the Ease of Transactions, 100% of the respondents say that it

is easy to do transactions and place orders using the Shopee


 In terms of Courier Dependability, 90% of the surveyed respondents

say that they trust Shopee Integrated Couriers in keeping their

parcels secured and in good condition.

B. Product Features

 As for the Payment Methods, 95% of the respondents say that

Shopee provides different payment options that they deem


 As for the Coin-Earning Games, 70% of the surveyed respondents

say that they enjoy participating in Shopee games while earning

coins that they can use to purchase in Shopee.

 As regards to Flash Deals, 80% of the respondents declare that they

take advantage of Shopee flash deals and monthly sale promotion.

 In terms of Utility Payment, only half or 50% of the respondents say

that they prefer paying bills, such as electricity and water bills, using

the Shopee app.

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 As for the Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers, 100% of the

respondents say that they find it easy to obtain and use Shopee

coupons and Free Vouchers.

C. Product Design

 In terms of having a User-Friendly Interface, 100% of the

respondents say that the Shopee application is indeed user-friendly

or easy to navigate.

 In terms of the Attractiveness of App Design, all of the respondents

also say that they are satisfied with Shopee’s App layout or design.

 In connection with Pixie – Shopee Virtual Assistant, 85% of the

surveyed respondents say that Shopee’s chatbot is a huge help in

resolving their queries.

 With regard to Live Streams, 65% of the respondents declare that

watching Shopee Live Streamers influences them to try the products

being featured in live streams.

 As for the Shopee Feed, 85% of the surveyed respondents say that

Shopee Feed shows products that accurately fir their interests.

3. What is the relative importance of each level in all product attributes tested?

 In terms of the product quality, Price Ceiling and Ease of Transactions got

the highest rank with a relative importance index of 0.8373 or 0.84, followed

by the Data Privacy with an RII of 0.8247 or 0.82. Courier Dependability

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comes in third rank with an RII of 0.7871 or 0.79. Completeness and

Accuracy of Information comes at last or fourth rank with an RII of 0.7745

or 0.77. Data Privacy, Price Ceiling, and Ease of Transactions are perceived

with a high importance level. Next in order are Completeness and Accuracy

of Information and Courier Dependability which are perceived by the

respondents with medium to high importance level.

 In terms of the product features, Payment Methods and Discount Coupons

and Free Vouchers received the top rank under the product feature

attributes, with a relative importance index of 0.8247 or 0.82, followed by

Flash Deals with an RII of 0.7500 or 0.75. With an RII of 0.7255 or 0.73,

Coin-Earning Games feature is ranked third. Utility Payment ranks last or

fourth with an RII of 0.5873 or 0.59. Payment Methods and Discount

Coupons and Free Vouchers are both deemed with high importance.

Following that, respondents perceived Coin-Earning Games and Flash

Deals with medium to high importance level, while Utility payment has only

been perceived with medium importance level.

 Concerning the product design, User-Friendly Interface got the highest rank

with a relative importance index of 0.8624 or 0.86, followed by the

Attractiveness of App Design with an RII of 0.8499 or 0.85. With an RII of

0.7871 or 0.79, Shopee Feed comes in third rank. Pixie – Shopee Virtual

Assistant comes in fourth with an RII of 0.7374 or 0.74. With an RII of 0.6753

or 0.68, Live Stream comes at last. User-Friendly Interface, as well as the

Attractiveness of App Design, are both given a high importance level.

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Following that, respondents have perceived Pixie – Shopee Virtual

Assistant, Live Streams, and Shopee Feed with medium to high importance


XVIII. Conclusions

The researchers have come at the following conclusion based on their findings:

1. The Millennial group, who accounted for 45% of the respondents, made up

the relative majority of those who responded from barangay BF Homes

Parañaque City. With a total of 30%, the Generation Z group comes in

second, followed by the Generation X group with 15% and Boomers being

the least with a total of 10% of the respondents.

2. In terms of product quality, the majority of the respondents have positive

perception towards the Shopee application. This covers the areas of data

privacy, completeness and accuracy of information, price ceiling, ease of

transactions, and courier dependability with 95%, 80%, 85%, 100%, and

90% respectively.

3. In terms of product features, the majority of respondents have a favorable

impression of the Shopee app. With 95%, 70%, 80%, 50%, and 100%, this

involves payment methods, coin-earning games, flash deals, utility

payment, and discount coupons and free vouchers, respectively.

4. In addition to that, the majority of respondents have a favorable impression

of the Shopee application in terms of product design. With 100%, 100%,

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85%, 65%, and 85%, respectively, this encompasses areas of user-friendly

interface, attractiveness of app design, Shopee virtual assistant, live

streams, and Shopee Feed.

5. In terms of the product quality, Price Ceiling and Ease of Transactions got

the highest rank with a relative importance index of 0.8373 or 0.84,

perceived with high importance level. Completeness and Accuracy of

Information got the lowest rank with an RII of 0.7745 or 0.77, and is

perceived with medium to high importance level. In comparison to the

research conducted by Ryantika and Hidayat from Indonesia in 2021, as for

the product quality, they found out that affordable price ceiling also got the

highest preference while safety in transaction got the lowest.

6. Ryantika and Hidayat found out that the customer preference at its peak

point in terms of product features has something to do with the delivery

charge subsidy, while ShopeePay Later feature being the least preferred.

However, when compared to the findings that this research obtained,

Payment Methods and Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers received the

top rank with a relative importance index of 0.8247 or 0.82, both are deemed

with high importance level. Utility Payment got the lowest rank with an RII

of 0.5873 or 0.59, and has only been perceived with medium importance


7. As for the product design, Ryantika and Hidayat found out that the Shopee

application got the highest preference in terms of its user-friendly interface

while the visuals of the application got the lowest-level perception. However,

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based on this research, the User-Friendly Interface got the highest rank with

a relative importance index of 0.8624 or 0.86, and is given a high

importance level. With an RII of 0.6753 or 0.68, Live Stream comes the

lowest rank and is perceived with medium to high importance level.

8. Just by plainly looking at the results shown in the research conducted by

Ryantika and Hidayat in 2021, it can also be concluded that the customer

perception toward the Shopee app in Indonesia is somewhat similar to the

perception of the Shopee app in the Philippines when compared to the

results obtained in this research. However, this is only theoretical that is

based on a limited empirical evidence gathered from a single barangay in

Parañaque City.

XIX. Recommendation

Following an in-depth review of the data and based on the conclusions reached,

the researchers issued the following recommendations.

1. This entire thesis only focused on a single barangay in Parañaque City with

a total target population of 60,098 and a sample size of 398. Future

researchers who would like to tackle the same or similar study can include

the other 15 barangays within this city. Future researchers can also expand

their scope by including other cities, especially if they plan to conduct a

cross tabulation. Cross tabulation is an effective way to analyze and

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examine the relationships among clustered information coming from

different geographical areas.

2. This research is also limited in terms of the statistical tools applied. Future

researchers may try using other measurements apart from relative

importance index to further analyze more significant figures that can be

possibly obtained.

3. The use of e-commerce is steadily increasing, as most traditional firms have

begun to widen their target client base by going online. Taking other e-

commerce platforms into consideration and performing cross tabulation

between the Shopee app and other e-commerce platforms, such as Lazada,

can further improve the understanding about e-commerce in the


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Paradigm 1. Four Dimensional Loyalty (Oliver, 1999)

Paradigm 2: IPO Method

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Table 1: Analysis of Relative Importance Index Values Adopted from Akadiri

Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age

Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Data


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Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Completeness and Accuracy of Information

Table 5: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Price


Table 6: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Ease

of Transactions

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Table 7: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Courier Dependability

Table 8: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Payment Methods

Table 9: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Coin-

Earning Games

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Table 10: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Flash


Table 11: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Utility


Table 12: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Discount Coupons and Free Vouchers

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Table 13: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of User-

Friendly Interface

Table 14: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Attractiveness of App Design

Table 15: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Pixie

- Shopee Virtual Assistant

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Table 16: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Live


Table 17: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of

Shopee Feed

Table 18: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Quality

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Table 19: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Quality Attributes

Table 20: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Features

Table 21: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Feature Attributes

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Table 22: Relative Importance Index of Each Factor in Product Design

Table 23: RII-Level of Each Factor in Product Design Attributes

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