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Eur J Plant Pathol


Identification, intra- and inter-laboratory validation

of a diagnostic protocol for ‘Candidatus Liberibacter
solanacearum’ in carrot seeds
Vincenza Ilardi & Valentina Lumia & Elisa Di Nicola &
Mario Tavazza

Accepted: 25 September 2018

# Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2018

Abstract ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ sary to carry out the experiments. The results indicated
(CaLsol) is a phloem-limited, unculturable, Gram- that the improved DNA extraction method was robust
negative bacterium associated with emerging diseases and that the real-time PCR showed the highest analytical
in crops of the Solanaceae and Apiaceae families. As it sensitivity in the intra-laboratory validation tests. Simi-
has been shown to be seed-transmitted in carrot, emer- larly, the real-time PCR outperformed the end-point
gency measures for exportation require carrot seed to be PCR in the inter-laboratory comparison assay showing
heat-treated or tested by PCR and found CaLsol free. a higher percentage of accuracy, accordance, and con-
Therefore, the identification and harmonization of a cordance. The overall obtained data could be used for
protocol for CaLsol diagnosis in carrot seed are becom- the appropriate application of phytosanitary measures
ing of socio-economic priority. We initially set up an against CaLsol.
improved DNA extraction method for Apiaceae seeds
and identified, among the widely used PCR tests to Keywords Ring test . Molecular detection . Apiaceae .
detect and identify CaLsol, the real-time PCR developed Plant-pathogen . EPPO standards
by Li et al. (Journal of Microbiological Methods, 78(1),
59–65, 2009) and the end-point PCR by Ravindran et al.
(Plant Disease, 95(12), 1542–1546, 2011) to be the
most sensitive ones. The two PCR methods were ini-
tially intra-laboratory validated followed by a BTest
‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (CaLsol) is a
Performance Study^ involving 11 Italian laboratories
phloem-limited, unculturable, Gram-negative α
that received both the samples and the material neces-
proteobacterium associated with several detrimental
emerging diseases (Janse 2012; Ilardi and Catara 2013;
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this Haapalainen 2014; Munyaneza 2015a).
article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-018-01606-w) contains CaLsol was first identified as the causal agent of
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. zebra chip disease in potato (Solanum tuberosum) and
then associated with diseases in many other solanaceous
V. Ilardi (*) : V. Lumia : E. Di Nicola
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia
crops, causing significant economic losses in North and
agraria-Centro di ricerca difesa e certificazione sede di Roma Central America, and Oceania (Munyaneza et al. 2007;
(CREA-DC-RM), Via C. G. Bertero, 22, 00156 Rome, Italy Hansen et al. 2008; Liefting et al. 2008).
e-mail: vincenza.ilardi@crea.gov.it In Europe and the Mediterranean area CaLsol was
M. Tavazza
associated with vegetative disorders in species of the
ENEA CR Casaccia, SSPT-BIOAG, Via Anguillarese, 301, Apiaceae family, mainly in carrot (Daucus carota) (Fin-
00123 Rome, Italy land, Munyaneza et al. 2010a, b; Norway, Munyaneza
Eur J Plant Pathol

et al. 2012a; Sweden, Munyaneza et al. 2012b; Spain IEC 17025, EPPO 7/122 (1) (2014) and EPPO 7/98 (2)
Canary Islands, Alfaro-Fernández et al. 2012a; Spain standards, is a rigorous process that includes both single
Mainland, Alfaro-Fernández et al. 2012b; France, laboratory validation and an inter-laboratory test perfor-
Loiseau et al. 2014; Morocco, Tahzima et al. 2014; mance study (TPS), the latter being also referred to as
Germany, Munyaneza et al. 2015b; Greece, Holeva ring test, a form of inter-laboratory comparison.
et al. 2017; Austria, EUPHRESCO 2017; Israel, EPPO Due to the inability of CaLsol to be cultured in vitro
reporting service 2017; Italy, Catara et al. 2017; Tunisia, and the low titre in which it occurs in the host plants,
Ben Othmen et al. 2018). Also, CaLsol was recently especially in the seeds, CaLsol detection and identifica-
detected in commercial Apiaceae seeds sold in Italy and tion are based on molecular tests. Several PCR-based
the United Kingdom (Ilardi et al. 2016a, b; Monger and methods have been developed, mainly targeting the
Jeffries 2016) as well as in the United Kingdom CaLsol genome regions used for haplotypes determina-
Apiaceae historical seed (Monger and Jeffries 2017). tion (16S ribosomal rRNA gene, 16S/23S ISR, and 50S
The genetic diversity of CaLsol has been studied, and rpIJ and rpIL ribosomal protein genes). The most used
five haplotypes (A-E) have so far been described by end-point PCRs are those targeting: i) the 16S ribosomal
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across portions rRNA, Li et al. (2009) and Liefting et al. (2008); ii) the
of 16S ribosomal rRNA gene, 16S/23S intergenic spacer 50S rpIJ and rpIL ribosomal protein genes, Munyaneza
region (ISR), and 50S rpIJ and rpIL ribosomal protein et al. (2009); and iii) the 16S/23S ISR, Ravindran et al.
genes (Nelson et al. 2011, 2013; Teresani et al. 2014). (2011). For the real-time PCR, the most widely used
Haplotypes A and B are associated with diseases in potato protocol (e.g., by International Seed Federation- ISF
and other solanaceous crops in America and Oceania and 2016; and International Plant Protection Convention
are included in the EPPO A1 quarantine list (European –IPPC 2017) is the one developed by Li et al.
Plant Protection Organization 2016). Haplotypes C, D, (2009). The method of Teresani et al. (2014) could
and E, are associated with Apiaceae disorders in Europe also be performed (IPPC/ISPM 2017). Both assays
and the Mediterranean area (Hajri et al. 2017; Nelson target the same region of the 16S ribosomal rRNA
et al. 2013; Teresani et al. 2014). Very recently, a novel, gene. Importantly, these PCR-based tests were not
sixth haplotype of CaLsol, closely related to A and D, yet inter-laboratory validated as a complete protocol
was found in stinging nettle (Urtica dioica, Urticaceae), starting from the DNA extraction from seed to the
and named haplotype U (Haapalainen et al. 2018). final detection and identification of CaLsol.
CaLsol is spread from infected to healthy plants by This work presents an implemented DNA extrac-
psyllid (Family Psyllidae) insect vectors. Also, Bertolini tion method for the detection of CaLsol in Apiaceae
et al. (2015) showed that CaLsol is seed-borne in carrot. seeds, the identification and intralaboratory valida-
This last finding, although debated (Loiseau et al. 2017), tion of one sensitive end-point and one real-time
prompted the activation of FAO/IPPC Emergency ac- PCR test to detect CaLsol in Apiaceae seeds follow-
tion: BNotification of phytosanitary measures to reduce ed by a TPS, involving 11 laboratories.
the risk of introduction of CaLsol through the importa-
tion of carrot seed …^ (Food and Agriculture Organi-
zation of the United Nations - International Plant Pro- Materials and methods
tection Convention, Emergency actions, 2015). These
measures require carrot seed to be tested by PCR and Samples: Apiaceae seed lots, CaLsol control DNA,
found CaLsol free or heat-treated to inactivate the bac- other pathogens, and bacteria
terium. Therefore, establishing a diagnostic protocol to
control the presence of CaLsol in carrot seed lots as- A total of 72 samples were used in this work. They are
sumes strategic importance from agricultural-social- listed and described in Online Resource 1 and can be
economical points of view. For the appropriate applica- classified as follows: a) 37 CaLsol infected Apiaceae
tion of phytosanitary measures, using detection methods seed lots, of which 21 for gardening and 16 for agricul-
able to produce reliable analytical results is the prereq- ture; b) the pTXZC18 plasmid (kindly provided by
uisite. Thus, after the identification of the methods, it is Wenbin Li) containing the 16S CaLsol real-time PCR
necessary to evaluate and test them to define how valid target sequence; c) 14 CaLsol free Apiaceae seed lots, of
and reliable they are. Validation, as defined by the ISO/ which nine for gardening and five for agriculture; d) 13
Eur J Plant Pathol

characterized bacteria from CREA-DC-RM and CREA- using Platinum Taq polymerase (Thermo Fisher) or Go
DC-BAT collections (kindly provided by Stefania Loreti Taq G2Flexi DNA polymerase (Promega).
and Loredana Sigillo, respectively); e) 1 phytoplasma
(kindly provided by Luca Ferretti); and f) 6 unidentified
Real-time PCR
bacterial isolates from carrot seeds.
To isolate unknown bacteria from carrot seeds, 0.5 g
The real-time PCR methods tested in this work were
of seeds were washed and soaked in PBS-Tween buffer
those of Li (Li et al. 2009) and Teresani (Teresani et al.
O/N at 4 °C, then they were crushed in a stomacher bag
2014) following the authors’ instructions and using
in PBS buffer and decanted for 5 min. Two ml were
Platinum Taq polymerase (Thermo Fisher) or TaqMan
centrifuged at 200×g for 5 min and the supernatant
Universal Master Mix II (Thermo Fisher). For both
centrifuged at 9000×g for 20 min. The pellet was resus-
methods, 45 cycles were applied. A sample was consid-
pended in PBS buffer and plated on the nutrient agar
ered positive if an exponential amplification curve was
glucose (NAG) substrate. Among the different grown
produced with a cycle threshold (Ct) value of <40.
colonies, six were selected and propagated.
The bacterial DNA was extracted using Gentra®
Puregene® (QIAGEN.com) according to the Intralaboratory validation of the PCR-based methods
manufacturer’s instructions.
The intra-laboratory validation of the PCR-based
methods was performed by following the EPPO
DNA extraction from Apiaceae seeds
7/98 (2) and 7/76 (4) standards. Since CaLsol is
not in vitro cultivable, analytical sensitivity
The International Seed Federation (ISF 2016) recom-
(smallest amount of target that can be detected
mends testing samples of 20 g of Apiaceae seeds divided
reliably), analytical specificity (performance of the
into two sub-samples of 10 g each. In this work samples
test with regard to cross-reactions with non-target),
of 20 g (about 20.000 seeds) and/or 0.5 g (about 500
selectivity (extent to which variations in the matrix
seeds) were tested. The ISF DNA extraction protocol
affect the test performance), repeatability (level of
(2016) was used with some modification. Briefly, seeds
agreement between replicates of a sample tested
were washed by shaking them for 30 min in 0.5% Triton
under the same conditions), and reproducibility
X-100 and, after several rinses, they were left to soften in
(ability of the test to provide consistent results
water overnight. The seeds were crushed with a mechan-
when applied to aliquots of the same sample tested
ical homogenizer in heavy plastic bags (Bioreba) in 1:10
under different conditions such as time, persons,
(w/v) of a modified Trimethylammonium bromide
equipment etc.) were evaluated according to
(CTAB) buffer (2,5% CTAB, NaCl 1.4 M, Tris-HCl
phytoplasmological guidance. In particular, the
1 M pH 8.0, EDTA 0.5 M, pH 8.0, PVP-40 1%,
EPPO7/98 (2) standard requires the following key
30 mM ascorbic acid). 400 μg of RNase A was added
parameters for each performance criteria: a) analyt-
to 500 μl of homogenate (corresponding to 50 seeds),
ical sensitivity: determine the maximum dilution of
and after incubation at 65 °C for 30 min, total genomic
DNA detected by performing at least three experi-
DNA was extracted using a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit
ments with serial dilution; b) analytical specificity:
(Qiagen, Germany) following the manufacturer’s instruc-
analyse a range of targets and relevant non-targets
tions. DNA was eluted in 100 μl of AE buffer provided
(the targets and non-targets used in this work are
by the kit.
listed in Online Resource 1); c) selectivity: deter-
mine whether variations of the sample material
End-point PCR (e.g. by using different cultivars of the host plant)
affect the test performance; d) repeatability: analyse
The end-point PCR methods tested in this work were at least three replicates of sample extracts with a
those of: i) Li (Li et al. 2009); ii) Liefting (Liefting et al. low (relative) concentration; and e) reproducibility:
2008); iii) Munyaneza (Munyaneza et al. 2009); and iv) as for repeatability, but with different operator(s) if
Ravindran (Ravindran et al. 2011). The methods were possible, on different days, and with different
performed according to the authors’ instructions and equipment when relevant.
Eur J Plant Pathol

Interlaboratory comparison: test performance study provided together with the buffers and the DNeasy
(TPS) Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany).
To assess the stability of the samples and reagents
Participants during the delivery a similar package containing one kit
was left out on a balcony (facing towards the sun in the
TPS was performed by ten laboratories of the Italian afternoon) for eight days, which corresponds to the most
Regional Plant Protection Service (IRPPS), widespread prolonged period of delivering to the participants. In that
throughout the country, and CREA-DC-Rome laborato- period (December 2016) the maximum and minimum
ry. One laboratory did not participate in the real-time temperatures were 18 °C and − 2 °C, respectively. After
(laboratory code 9) and another in the end-point (labo- that, the kit was stored at 4 °C (as requested to the
ratory code 7) PCR tests. participants) and later tested by the organizers.

Evaluation of the performance criteria

Material provided to the participants
The methods were evaluated by the qualitative re-
The blind samples sent to the TPS participants are listed sults received by each laboratory. The results pre-
in Table 1. For real-time and end-point PCR, the oligo- sented by a laboratory were excluded for a given
nucleotides and reagents, including water, were sent to method when a false positive result was obtained for
the participants. For the end-point PCR and real-time not-template control (NTC), indicating contamina-
PCR, Go Taq G2Flexi DNA polymerase (Promega) and tion in the reaction mixture.
TaqMan Universal Master Mix II (Thermo Fisher) were Diagnostic sensitivity (ability of the test to detect the
provided, respectively. Each sample was tested by the target in infected samples), diagnostic specificity (ability
participants in triplicate (technical replicates). of the test not to detect the target in uninfected samples)
To test the DNA extraction protocol, CaLsol in- and relative accuracy (degree of correspondence be-
fected and CaLsol free seeds (Table 1), were tween the responses obtained and those expected) were

Table 1 Blind samples sent to the test performance study (TPS) participants

Samples for end-point PCR Samples for real-time PCR Samples for DNA extraction
from Apiaceae seeds

DNA of CaLsol infected C4 carrot seed CaLsol infected C4 carrot seed DNA CaLsol infected seeds sub sample A*
10−2 diluted DNA (LOD) of CaLsol 10−3 diluted DNA (LOD) of CaLsol CaLsol infected seeds sub sample B*
infected C4 carrot seed infected C4 carrot seed
DNA of CaLsol free carrot seed 104 DNA target copies° CaLsol Free seeds*
DNA of CaLsol infected DNA of CaLsol infected
ISPAVE_VIb_1 carrot seed ISPAVE_VIb_1 carrot seed
X. campestris DNA 102 DNA target copies°
10−2 diluted DNA (LOD) of CaLsol 5 DNA target copies (LOD)°
infected C4 carrot seed
10−2 diluted DNA (LOD) of CaLsol DNA of CaLsol free carrot seed
infected C4 carrot seed
DNA of CaLsol free fennel seed X. campestris DNA
DNA of CaLsol free fennel seed 10−3 diluted DNA (LOD) of CaLsol
infected C4 carrot seed
not-template control (NTC) 10−3 diluted DNA (LOD) of CaLsol
infected C4 carrot seed
Pseudomonas sp. DNA not-template control (NTC)

*The DNA of these seed samples was extracted by each participant using the protocol set up in this work. The obtained DNAs were tested by
participants by end-point and real-time PCR
° pTXZC18 plasmid DNA containing the 16S CaLsol real-time PCR target sequence (kindly provided by Wenbin Li)
LOD = Limit of detection
Eur J Plant Pathol

used, expressed in percent, to assess the performance of the one presented here, make use of kits based on silica
each method (EPPO standards PM 7/76 (4) 2017 and spin columns, which were shown to reduce the cross-
PM7/98 (2) 2014; ISO 16140: 2003). In addition, ac- contamination among samples (Williams et al. 2015).
cordance [Bthe percentage chance of finding the same
result (i.e. both negative or both positive) from two
identical test portions analysed in the same laboratory, Comparison of two real-time PCR methods to detect
under repeatability conditions^], concordance (Bthe per- CaLsol in infected seeds
centage chance of finding the same result for two iden-
tical samples analysed in two different laboratories B), The methods developed by Li (Li et al. 2009) and
and concordance odds ratio (COR) [COR = accordance Teresani (Teresani et al. 2014) were compared for their
× (100 – concordance)/concordance × (100 – accor- ability to detect CaLsol in carrot seed. Both are TaqMan
dance)], to address the variability of the method within real-time PCR methods that detect the 5′ end region of
and between laboratories, were calculated as indicated the 16S rRNA gene.
by ISO 16140:2003. The real-time PCR proposed by Li is a multiplex
PCR simultaneously targeting CaLsol and the plant
COX gene as internal control. However, in our
Results and discussion hands, the presence of COX oligos interfered with
CaLsol detection, giving false negative results
DNA extraction from Apiaceae seeds (Fig. 1). This finding could be due to the competi-
tion between the two amplification products and/or
CaLsol is not yet cultivable in axenic medium, it is not-optimal primer sets balance especially when the
confined to the phloem sieve tubes of seed coat CaLsol target is at a low concentration. For this
(Bertolini et al. 2015), and its DNA can only be extract- reason, in the present work, the method by Li was
ed from infected plant tissues, thus co-purifying with applied as simplex PCR with the primers-probe set
that of the host genome. A DNA extraction procedure, LsoF/HLBr/HLBp for CaLsol detection.
to be widely applicable, should not require the use of The comparison of the sensitivity of the real-time
chemical hoods. To this end, as a starting point, the PCR methods of Li and Teresani was performed with
DNA extraction method described by ISF (2016) was total DNA extracted from CaLsol infected carrot seeds.
adopted, which, differently from that of Bertolini et al. The method of Li showed the best sensitivity with Ct
(2015), does not make use of organic solvents. Then, values significantly lower (2.98 ± 0.24 cycles, P < 0.05)
some modifications to improve it were introduced. than those obtained by Teresani’s method. This result
First, seeds were left to soften in water overnight, was confirmed in parsley seeds where CaLsol was de-
facilitating seed coat crushing while avoiding tected, with a Ct value of 35.04 ± 0.176, in the P4SCS
overheating of the sample and stomacher bag breakage. samples (Online Resource 1) only by the method of Li.
Second, a modified CTAB extraction buffer was used Looking at the two methods, the forward primer of
instead of PBS (ISF 2016), obtaining a significant re- Teresani starts at nucleotide 18 while the one of Li starts
duction (P < 0.02) in the Ct values from 28.5 ± 0.61 to at 37 (calculated on the representative CaLsol sequence
26.5 ± 0.37. In the modified CTAB buffer, the 2- accession number EU 812559) and the amplicons are of
mercaptoethanol (Murray and Thompson 1980) was 111 and 78 bp in length, respectively. For the reverse
replaced by the harmless ascorbic acid. Third, the first primer and probe, Li used those previously designed (Li
centrifugation step at low speed, performed to remove et al. 2006) to detect the three citrus-infecting
the plant debris produced during crushing, was skipped, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter spp.’, while those used by
increasing significantly (P < 0.05) the DNA throughput Teresani partly overlap the ones of Li. The different
(Ct values decreased from 28.1 ± 0.59 to 26.3 ± 0.51). sensitivity showed by the two methods could be due to
This last result is in accord with the presence of CaLsol the ability of the primers to anneal to the targets and/or
in the seed coat (Bertolini et al. 2015). Thus, an im- to the type of quencher used. In fact, Teresani uses
proved protocol of DNA extraction from Apiaceae TAMRA which, having its own emission, contributes
seeds without the use of organic solvent was set up. It to a background fluorescence signal, thus reducing the
should be noticed that both protocols, ISF (2016) and sensitivity of the method (Johansson 2006).
Eur J Plant Pathol

Fig. 1 Real-time PCR (Li et al. a

2009) of carrot seed samples. a Multiplex
multiplex with the primer-probe
sets for CaLsol (black) and the
positive internal control COX
gene (gray); b simplex with the
primer-probe set for CaLsol
(black). Circle = negative CaLsol
free seeds control; Triangle =
positive CaLsol infected seeds COX (TET)
control; cross = negative NTC
control (water); FAM and TET are
the reporter dyes used. (Bio-Rad
CaLsol (FAM)
CFX Manager graphics program)


CaLsol (FAM)

The results obtained in the present work are in con- (Munyaneza et al. 2009), targeting the 50S rpIJ and
trast with those shown on celery plants by Teresani et al. rpIL ribosomal protein genes; and iii) Ravindran
(2014) that found their method to be the most sensitive. (Ravindran et al. 2011) targeting the 16S/23S ISR. The
This discrepancy indicates the necessity of inter- above methods were compared to identify the most
laboratory comparison tests to define and harmonize sensitive one in detecting CaLsol. The comparison was
the detection protocols. performed using carrot seed lots previously identified,
by real-time PCR, as CaLsol-infected (Online
Comparison of four end-point PCR methods to detect Resource 1). DNA was extracted at least two times from
CaLsol in infected seed each seed lot, and each PCR test was performed at least
two times for a total of 198 analyses (data not shown).
Several end-point PCR methods were proposed to detect The method by Ravindran (primers set LsoTX F/R) was
CaLsol. In particular, the most often used are those of: i) able to detect CaLsol in 88.4% of the performed exper-
Li (Li et al. 2009) and Liefting (Liefting et al. 2008), iments, while those of Munyaneza (primers set CL514
targeting the 16S ribosomal rRNA; ii) Munyaneza F/R), Li (primers set LsoF/OI2c) and Liefting (primers
Eur J Plant Pathol

set OA2/OI2c) were able to detect CaLsol in 40.5%, assays, this aspect is even more severe than for the
37%, and 27.5% of the experiments, respectively. There detection of in vitro cultivable bacteria.
were three seed lots (Online Resource 1, numbers 11, 12
and 13) in which none of the end point-PCR methods Intra-laboratory validation of the PCR-based methods
was able to detect CaLsol, and two others (Online
Resource 1, numbers 3 and 8), in which only the To detect and identify CaLsol in carrot seeds, the
Ravindran method detected CaLsol. That the Ravindran Ravindran end-point PCR (Ravindran et al. 2011), with
end-point PCR method outperformed the other ones the primers LsoTX F/R, and the Li TaqMan real-time
agrees with the previous results obtained in potato and PCR (Li et al. 2009), with the primers-probe set
celery plants (Teresani et al. 2014). In particular, the LsoF/HLBr/HLBp, were chosen as the most sensitive
primers LsoTX F/R, out-performed LsoF/OI2c in de- among the methods evaluated. In addition, the two tests
tecting CaLsol in potato samples (Ravindran et al. target different CaLsol genomic regions allowing a
2011). Similarly, in celery leaf, LsoTX F/R was the most more reliable detection and identification and more im-
sensitive primer pair compared with OA2/OI2c and portantly, avoiding the risk of contamination between
CL514 F/R (Teresani et al. 2014). The sensitivity dif- the PCR-derived products.
ference observed among the methods was probably due The limit of detection (LOD), calculated with the
to the length of the amplicons, that is of 1173 total DNA extract of CaLsol infected seeds, was of
(LsoF/OI2c), 1168 (OA2/OI2c), 669 (CL514 F/R) and 10−2 and 10−3 dilution for the end-point and real-time
383 bp (LsoTX F/R), respectively; where the shorter PCR, respectively; indicating that, real-time PCR was
ones are more easily amplified. the most sensitive for CaLsol detection in seeds. Our
The two most sensitive methods (Ravindran et al. results are in accord with previously performed compar-
2011; Munyaneza et al. 2009), were tested to detect ative PCR assays for CaLsol detection in different plant
CaLsol also in infected parsley seed lots (Online species and tissues, in which real-time PCR was 10- to
Resource 1 numbers 21÷35). The method by 100-fold more sensitive than the end-point one (Li et al.
Munyaneza was not only, as expected, less sensitive 2009; Teresani et al. 2014). For the Li real-time PCR,
(58% of success in detecting CaLsol vs. 100% the LOD was also evaluated with purified pTXZC18
showed by Ravindran), but also resulted in the am- diluted with water. Five copies of the target were detect-
plification of unspecific bands (Fig. 2). ed with Ct values of 34.57 ± 0.428 in 100% of the
Since the Ravindran method resulted as the most experiments (24/24), and for this reason, this concentra-
effective and efficient in detecting CaLsol in carrot tion was chosen as LOD. In fact, 2 copies were detected
and parsley seeds, it was chosen to perform the (Ct 35.76 ± 0.774) in 94.4% of cases (17/18) and 1 copy
following studies. in 85.71% (18/21) with a Ct value of 38.03 ± 0. 60.
Regardless of which is the most sensitive method, it Ten and one copy of pTXZC18 were also diluted in
is inadvisable to use one common primer between the healthy Apiaceae seed DNA extracts obtaining Ct
end-point and the real-time PCRs (as proposed by Li values of 34.23 ± 0.23 and 37.46 ± 0.10 (carrot), 34,14
et al. 2009) because it introduces the risk of contamina- ± 0,11 and 38.57 ± 0.86 (parsley), 34.50 ± 0.51 and
tion between the two amplification products. As the 36.46 ± 0.44 (celery), 33.09 ± 0.16 and 36.56 ± 1.32
CaLsol detection methods mostly rely on PCR based (fennel), respectively, indicating that the presence of

Carrot Parsley
H2O C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 H2O P1 P2 P3 P4 H2O C- C+ M H2O

LsoTX 16/23S
383 bp →

669 bp →

Fig. 2 End-point PCR amplification of carrot (C1÷ C6) and primers set (Ravindran et al. 2011). C- = negative CaLsol free
parsley (P1÷ P4) CaLsol Infected seed samples performed with: seeds control; C+ = positive CaLsol infected seeds control; M =
a) CL514 primers set (Munyaneza et al. 2009); and LsoTX 16/23S 100 bp DNA Molecular Weight Marker
Eur J Plant Pathol

the seed matrices did not affect the amplification reac- contrary, end-point PCR concordance is smaller than
tion. Similar results were also obtained with different the accordance of 2.2 percentage points, indicating that
spiked Apiaceae matrices such as carrot taproot and leaf, identical samples are more likely to give the same result
potato tuber, leaf and sprout, parsley and fennel leaves when analysed by the same laboratory than by different
(data not shown). For both methods, the intralaboratory ones. This finding suggests that there can be perfor-
repeatability and reproducibility were of 100% at the mance variability between laboratories and/or that the
respective LOD. method is less robust to reproduce the same results in
Both methods showed good analytical specificity and different laboratories. Accordingly, the concordance
selectivity performances. In fact, Li and Ravindran tests odds ratio (COR), that should be 1.00 if accordance
were able to detect 37 and 34 CaLsol isolates, respec- and concordance are equal, is higher for the end-point
tively, from different host species (carrot, parsley, and PCR indicating that the inter-laboratory variation is
celery) and cultivars (at least 15 among carrot, parsley, slightly predominant.
and celery) (Online Resource 1). Regarding the analyt- Regarding the uniformity of CaLsol infection in
ical specificity with non-target prokaryotes (Online the seed lot C4 delivered to the participants we
Resource 1), both methods did not show false positives. evaluated it analyzing six subsamples of 0.5 g and
Thus, our data increased by 20 the number of non-target four of 10 g by real-time PCR (Li et al. 2009). The
microorganisms for which no specific amplification oc- average Ct value was of 26.12 ± 0.87, indicating the
curred, reaching a total of 25 and 34 microorganisms for uniformity of CaLsol infection throughout the dif-
end-point PCR (Ravindran et al. 2011) and real-time ferent subsamples of lot C4. In addition, we quanti-
PCR (Li et al. 2009), respectively. fied CaLsol in the C4 lot by standard curves obtain-
ed with DNA extract of healthy carrot seeds spiked
Interlaboratory comparison: test performance study with a tenfold serial dilution of the plasmid
(TPS) pTXZC18 (Fig. 3). The results showed that there
was an average of 3370 ± 311 copies of the target
Table 2 reports the laboratory diagnostic sensitivity, per seed. As in the CaLsol genome there are three
diagnostic specificity, relative accuracy and the copies of rRNA operon (Lin et al. 2011), there was
means obtained for real-time PCR and end-point an average of 1123 CaLsol cells per seed in the C4
PCR. The accordance, concordance, and concor- lot. This finding was consistent with the results
dance odds ratio values, evaluated for each method, obtained by Loiseau et al. (2017) that showed that
are also shown. The results obtained by laboratory the total number of CaLsol cells in seed lots ranged
n. 11 were excluded for the end-point PCR because from 1.61 × 103 to 1.11 × 104 cells/seed.
of the false positive result obtained for the blind not- Regarding results obtained in the TPS about the
template control (NTC) sample. DNA extraction, all laboratories gave positive feedback,
The best overall performance in detecting CaLsol in as they were able to detect CaLsol by real-time PCR in
Apiaceae seeds was obtained by the real-time PCR. In all provided infected seed samples, reaching 100% of
fact, although the diagnostic sensitivity (ability of the diagnostic sensitivity (Table 2). One laboratory obtained
test to detect the target in infected samples) of the real- a false positive for the healthy sample, and in fact, the
time PCR was lower than the end-point PCR, this dif- diagnostic specificity and accuracy values did not reach
ference was not significant and it was actually only due the maximum score albeit remaining at high levels. On
to the failure of a single laboratory in detecting five the other hand, as the end-point PCR was less sensitive
DNA target copies, the sample at limit of detection than real-time PCR, CaLsol was not always detected in
(LOD). Instead, the real-time PCR showed the best the DNA extracted from the infected seeds. Two labo-
statistically significant ability not to detect the target in ratories, which detected CaLsol by real-time PCR, were
uninfected samples and generally, the best degree of not able to obtain the same results from the same sam-
correspondence between the responses obtained and ples by end-point PCR. In addition, one laboratory
those expected. Looking at accordance and concordance detected CaLsol by end-point PCR only in DNA ex-
values, not only real-time PCR showed the higher per- tracted from one sub-sample. As for the molecular
centages, but the difference between accordance and methods, also for the DNA extraction method, the
concordance values was very low (0.2%). On the values of accordance were higher than those of
Eur J Plant Pathol

Table 2 Results of TPS obtained for real-time PCR, end-point PCR and DNA extraction method evaluated by both real-time and end-point PCR

Laboratory code real-time PCR end-point PCR seed DNA extract evaluated by real-time PCR seed DNA extract evaluated by end-point PCR

Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy

1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.3 90.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.66 100.0 77.77
3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.6 80.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
5 85.7 100.0 90.0 100.0 83.3 90.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
7 100.0 100.0 100.0 np np np 100.0 50.0 87.5 np np np
8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.3 90.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
9 np np np 100.0 100.0 100.0 np np np 66.66 100.0 77.77
10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.6 80.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.33 100.0 88.88
11 100.0 100.0 100.0 e e e 100.0 100.0 100.0 e e e
Mean 98.6 100.0 99.0 100.0 81.5 88.9 100.0 95.0 98.75 90.74 100.0 93.82

Accordance 98.2 82.2 97.81 90.12

Concordance 98.0 80.0 97.5 88.20
COR* 1.11 1.15 1.14 1.22

Diagnostic sensitivity, diagnostic specificity and relative accuracy, expressed in percent, are indicated for each laboratory (the mean of each performance criteria is indicated in bold).
Accordance, Concordance (expressed in percent) and Concordance odds ratio are reported for each method (in bold)
laboratory not participating
laboratory excluded because of false positive for the not-template control (NTC) sample
*Concordance odds ratio
Eur J Plant Pathol

Fig. 3 Standard curves obtained

with DNA extract of healthy
carrot seeds spiked with a tenfold
serial dilution of the plasmid
pTXZC18 (o), and results
obtained for DNA extracts of the
C4 lot (x); two biological
replicates performed in triplicate.
FAM is the reporter dye used.
(Bio-Rad CFX Manager graphics

concordance, and the COR values were higher than 1 PCR was performed only with CaLsol oligonucle-
(Table 2). This finding pointed out once again that otides set because the analytical sensitivity of
greater inter-laboratories rather than intra-laboratory CaLsol detection decreased significantly and false
variability. Unlike other inter-laboratory comparison negative results occurred under the multiplex real-
studies where each laboratory used their reagents and time PCR condition (CaLsol 16S rDNA and COX
extraction kit (e. g. Olivier et al. 2016; Chabirand et al. genes) (Fig. 1).
2017), in the present work, we provided the participants As expected, between the two methods, the real-time
with all that was required to perform the experiments, PCR was 10-fold more sensitive than end-point PCR in
eliminating this kind of variable in the evaluation of the detecting CaLsol in seed extract DNA. In addition, real-
methods. Although the materials and the reagents were time PCR was always able to detect five copies of the
the same for all laboratories, greater inter-laboratories target and until one copy in the 86% of the experiments
rather than intra-laboratory variability was reported, carried out showing good sensitivity performance.
highlighting the importance of the operator effect. Regarding analytical specificity and selectivity, both
tests were able to detect different CaLsol isolates and
haplotypes in different Apiaceae host species (carrot,
Conclusion parsley, and celery), cultivars (at least 15 among carrot,
parsley, and celery) and matrices. In addition, both tests
This work, which is meant to fulfill the requests from the did not show false positive results using twenty non-
Plant Protection Services and FAO/IPPC Emergency ac- target microorganisms (Online Resource 1).
tion (2015, 2016), has achieved a validated and harmo- The test performance study performed by 11 lab-
nized diagnostic protocol to detect CaLsol in carrot seeds. oratories, confirmed that the DNA extraction method
The DNA extraction method was specifically set was well suited for the detection of CaLsol in carrot
up considering CaLsol location in the phloem of the seeds and that the best overall performance, regard-
Apiaceae seed coat and allowing its broad applica- ing the molecular tests, was obtained by the real-time
bility even in those laboratories that do not have PCR by Li et al. (2009). Nevertheless, also the end-
chemical hoods. point PCR by Ravindran et al. (2011) showed good
For the molecular detection and identification of performance results (values equal or higher than
CaLsol, two PCR-based methods, the real-time by 80%), indicating this test as another valid CaLsol
Li et al. (2009) and the end-point by Ravindran detection tool. In fact, as for CaLsol detection, spe-
et al. (2011), were chosen as the most sensitive and cific molecular tests are required, so it is advisable to
specific among the widely used ones. Significantly, apply both methods to detect and identify the bacte-
the two PCR tests target different CaLsol genome rium. As the participants received both the samples
regions (16S rDNA gene and 16/23 S ISR, respec- and all that was required to perform the experiments,
tively), thus avoiding the risk of contamination the variability among the laboratories was reduced
between the amplified products. The real-time making the concordance values more reliable.
Eur J Plant Pathol

The obtained results could be advantageous for the EPPO PM7/122(1). (2014). Guidelines for the organization of
interlaboratory comparisons by plant pest diagnostic labora-
appropriate application of phytosanitary measures
tories. EPPO Bulletin/Bulletin OEPP, 44(3), 390±9.
against CaLsol. EPPO PM7/76(4). (2017). Use of EPPO diagnostic protocols.
EPPO Bulletin/Bulletin OEPP, 47(1), 7–9.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Ministero EPPO PM7/98(2). (2014). Specific requirements for laboratories
per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali (project Azioni a preparing accreditation for a plant pest diagnostic activity.
supporto della protezione delle piante ASPROPI: Linea di ricerca EPPO Bulletin/Bulletin OEPP, 44, 117±47.
BSviluppo protocollo analitico per ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Euphresco (2017) PHYLIB meeting Bologna, 27–28 April.
solanacearum’^). FAO, IPPC Emergency actions (2015). Notification of phytosanitary
measures to reduce the risk of introduction of ‘Candidatus
Compliance with ethical standards The manuscript complies Liberibacter solanacearum’ through the importation of carrot
with the rules of good scientific practice and ethical rules of (seed and seedling) and celery (seedling) - Emergency Actions
European Journal of Plant Pathology, as reported in the BEthical https://www.ippc.int/en/countries/japan/eventreporting/2015
Responsibilities of Authors^ of the BInstructions for Authors^ /05/emergency-measures-to-reduce-the-risk-of-introduction-
section. There are no potential conflicts of interest, and the re- of-candidatus-liberibacter-solanacearum-through-the-
search does not involve human participants and/or animals. All importation-of-carrot-seed-and-seedling-and-celery-seedling/
authors have approved the manuscript and agreed with its submis- FAO/IPPC Emergency Action (2016). Proposed revision of List of
sion to European Journal of Plant Pathology. the plants subject to Specific Phytosanitary Measures to be
carried out in Exporting Countries (Annexed Table 2–2 of the
Ordinance for Enforcement of the Plant Protection Act)
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