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Science (2021 – 2022)

Chapter 3: Food Chains and Food Webs

Practise Test 2

Primary 6

Read and understand the questions given. Type your answer in the answer sheet

A.) A, B, C, D and E are organisms in the same environment. The following information is
given about them.

- A and C are both eaten by D

- C is a producer
- Both A and E eat C
- E is eaten by B

1. Use the provided to draw a food web involving these five organisms.
2. Explain what happens to the population of organism A if the population of organism C

B.) Study the food web below.

3. Name the sources of food for the mouse.

4. Which organisms in the food web compete for ants as a food source?

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5. A population of hawks was introduced into the food web. Hawks prey on mice. The
graph below shows how the number of mice changed over time in the food web.

At which point (1, 2 or 3) in the graph was the population of hawks introduced into the
food web? Explain your answer.

C.) The food web below shows a plant and four other organisms, P, Q, R and S.

6. Which organism in the food web is a predator?

7. In the food web, none of the organisms is both a prey and a predator. Do you
agree? Explain your answer.
8. What would happen to the population of plants if the population of organism S were
removed from the food web?

End of Paper

Check your answers before clicking submit.

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