Nitriding Behavior of Titanium Sponge Studied Using Nitrogen Gas

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ISIJ International,

ISIJ International, Vol. 59 (2019), No. 1 Vol. 59 (2019), No. 1, pp. 104–112

Nitriding Behavior of Titanium Sponge Studied using Nitrogen Gas

and Dissolution Behavior of a Titanium Nitride Sponge in Titanium
Alloy Melt

Hideo MIZUKAMI,1)* Tomoyuki KITAURA2) and Yoshihisa SHIRAI3)

1) Steel Research Laboratories, Research & Development Bureau, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, 2-12-1
Minato, Joetsu, Nigata, 942-8510 Japan.
2) Naoetsu Works, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, 2-12-1 Minato, Joetsu, Nigata, 942-8510 Japan.
3) Steel Research Laboratories, Research & Development Bureau, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, 20-1
Shintomi, Futtu, Chiba, 293-8511 Japan.
(Received on July 30, 2018; accepted on September 6, 2018)

The nitriding behavior of titanium sponges with nitrogen gas and the dissolution behavior of titanium
nitride titanium sponges in titanium alloy melt were examined.
A titanium nitride sponge was produced using nitrogen gas. A high nitriding temperature corresponded
to a longer nitriding time, and thus to a higher nitrogen concentration in the sponge. Both the titanium
sponge and titanium nitride sponge featured a porous structure. Porous structures at both the surface
layer and inside were formed at intervals of about 5.0 × 10 − 5 m. When the titanium nitride sponge was
immersed into a titanium alloy melt, the melt permeated into the pores. The nominal dissolution rate of
the titanium nitride sponge in the titanium alloy melt depends on the temperature of the melt. Higher melt
temperatures corresponded to higher nominal dissolution rates. However, the concentration of nitrogen in
the titanium nitride sponge had no influence on the nominal dissolution rate. Nitriding models of the tita-
nium sponge with nitrogen gas, and the dissolution model of the titanium nitride sponge into the titanium
alloy melt were proposed. These models considered the structure of the sponge; thus, the behavior of
both the nitriding and dissolution sponges was predicted and confirmed.

KEY WORDS: titanium; sponge; nitride; inclusion; dissolution.

not yet been conducted.

1. Introduction
Titanium nitride sponges with different nitrogen concen-
The demand for high-quality titanium alloy ingots for the trations were prepared from titanium sponges as the raw
aerospace industry is growing. Therefore, it is important to material, and the nitriding behavior was studied. Moreover,
remove the inclusions from the melt before casting. the dissolution behavior of the titanium nitride sponge in
There are two kinds of inclusions in titanium alloys: the titanium alloy melt was examined using a small electron
high-density and low-density inclusions. High-density inclu- beam furnace.
sions are bits of tools and machine components, which
contaminate the raw material before the ingots are cast;
2. Experimental Procedures
therefore, such inclusions can be avoided in an environ-
ment with controlled conditions for handling raw materials. 2.1. Nitriding of Titanium Sponge
However, contamination due to low-density inclusions is In this study, the nitride formation in a titanium sponge
more difficult because they are caused by a reactions, which was examined as a simulated low-density inclusion forma-
originates in the raw materials. To prevent contamination tion. For this purpose, it was necessary to prepare a titanium
due to with low-density in the ingot, these inclusions need nitride sponge with a known concentration of nitrogen.
to be dissolved in the titanium alloy melt before cast- There are many studies10–17) on the nitriding behavior
ing. Therefore, many studies1–9) on the dissolution rate of for titanium alloy plates. However, only a single study16)
low-density inclusions in titanium alloy melt have been focused on the nitriding behavior of titanium sponges sub-
conducted. It is necessary to understand the nitriding and jected to heat treatment under an Ar-5 vol% N2 mixture gas
dissolution behaviors of the titanium sponge. However, atmosphere. To ensure uniformity in the concentration of
systematic experimental studies for these phenomena have nitrogen in the titanium nitride sponge, a lower nitriding
temperature to decrease the temperature gradient and longer
* Corresponding author: E-mail: nitriding time were used, as compared to the previous study.
DOI: Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the experimental

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apparatus for the heat treatment used in this study. The tron beam. To avoid direct irradiation of the center region
sponges were passed through sieves of sizes 5.6 × 10 − 3 m of the top surface of the ingot, the electron beam shape was
and 6.7 × 10 − 3 m, and thus separated according to their size. set to a circular ring. After about 1 h, the temperature of
These titanium sponges were then placed in a molybdenum the melt was adjusted to the prescribed temperature. The
container, which was set in the heat-treating furnace. The titanium nitride sponge, which was located above the melt,
atmosphere in the vessel was replaced by an Ar-5 vol% N2 was immersed into the melt about 1.5 × 10 − 2 m below the
mixed gas after evacuation with a diffusion pump to 1.0 × surface melt. At this position, the titanium nitride sponge
10 − 1 Pa before the experiment. Then, two valves of the was completely immersed. After 20 to 120 s, the titanium
vessel were opened, and the mixed gas was fed from one nitride sponge was removed out of the melt. In this study,
valve side at a flow rate of 9.5 L·min − 1. The concentration the titanium nitride sponge, with sizes in the range of 1.1 ×
of nitrogen for the titanium nitride sponge was varied with 10 − 2 m to 1.3 × 10 − 2 m, as determined by sieving, was
the heat treatment temperature over 3 h. The concentration used. The concentration of the titanium nitride sponge was
of nitrogen in the sponge was controlled by the thermal chosen in the range of 5 to 15 mass% by heat treatment
conductivity technique. with the mixed gas. A hole of 3.5 × 10 − 3 m in diameter
was made at the center of this titanium nitride sponge, and
2.2. Dissolution of Titanium Nitride Sponge then a tungsten rod of 3.0 × 10 − 3 m in diameter, with an
Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the experimental L-type-shaped front edge, was inserted in this hole. The tita-
apparatus with the small electron beam furnace. The tita- nium nitride sponge was then moved to the central area of
nium alloy ingot, which was cast previously, was set in a the circular ring of the electron beam. This was done so that
water-cooled copper crucible in a vacuum vessel. This ingot that area would not be irradiated directly; thus, the direct
had an upper diameter of 1.8 × 10 − 1 m, lower diameter of dissolution of the titanium nitride sponge was prevented by
1.2 × 10 − 1 m, and height of 9.0 × 10 − 2 m, and its composi- electron beam irradiation before immersion into the melt.
tion was Ti-6.4 mass% Al-4.2 mass% V. The power of the The temperature of the alloy melt was measured with
electron beam was set to 30 kW and the current was varied a two-color pyrometer from outside the vacuum vessel
from 0.8 A to 1.0 A. A molten pool was formed in the upper through the window. To calibrate the values of a two-color
part of the ingot by irradiating its top surface with an elec- optical pyrometer, the temperature of the alloy melt was
measured using a thermocouple of W-5 mass% Re/W-26
mass% Re with 5.0 × 10 − 3 m in diameter.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Nitriding Behavior of the Titanium Sponge
There are many studies on the nitriding behavior for a
titanium alloy plate. In this study, a titanium sponge, which
featured a porous structure, was used as feed material of
nitride, the validity of this experimental procedure was
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of heat treatment furnace for titanium Figure 3 shows the relationship between the concentra-
sponges with nitrogen gas. tion of nitrogen in the titanium nitride sponge and the time
for the 1 323 K heat treatment. The concentration of nitro-
gen increased with time until 12 h, after which it exhibited
a constant value.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between the concentra-
tion of nitrogen in the titanium nitride sponge and the tem-

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of electron beam furnace for dissolu- Fig. 3. Relationship between concentration of nitrogen in tita-
tion of titanium nitride sponge in titanium alloy melt. nium nitride sponge and time.

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perature at a time of 3 h after the experiment was started. of sponge. The image shows that surface structure features
The concentration of nitrogen increased with the tem- porosity with an interval of about 5.0 × 10 − 5 m. Figure 5(c)
perature until 1 273 K, following which the rate of increase shows the microstructure in the center region of the titanium
declined. By changing the heat treatment temperature, the sponge observed by using an optical microscope. A porous
desired concentration of nitrogen for the titanium nitride structure was also formed in the center region of the sponge
sponge can be achieved. with an interval of about 5.0 × 10 − 5 m, in addition to on
It is thought that the nitriding behavior of the titanium the surface. It was found that the titanium sponge formed
sponge depends on its structure. Therefore, the structure of a completely porous structure. Therefore, the nitrogen gas
the titanium sponge was examined. permeated into the sponge easily, and the nitriding reaction
Figure 5 shows the structure of the titanium sponge. progressed from both sides of the solid to a distance of about
Figure 5(b) is a secondary electron image of the surface 5.0 × 10 − 5 m in the thickness direction.
Figure 6 shows the microstructure of the titanium nitride
sponge. Figure 6(b) is the secondary electron image of the
surface of the sponge and Fig. 6(c) is the optical microscope
image in the center region of the sponge. It was found that
the titanium nitride sponge formed as a porous structure
with an interval of about 5.0 × 10 − 5 m, in addition to that
observed for the titanium sponge.
Figure 7(a) shows the optical microscopy image of the
microstructure of the cross-section of the center of the
titanium nitride sponge when the concentration of nitro-
gen was 8 mass%. The outer white region of the titanium
nitride sponge was perfused with in an embedded resin.
Figure 7(b) shows the concentration distribution for nitro-
gen and titanium in the titanium nitride sponge obtained via
energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). From these
Fig. 4. Change in concentration of nitrogen titanium nitride
results, it was confirmed that both the surface and the cen-
sponge with temperature for a duration of 3 h. ter of the sponge were uniformly nitrided. It is thought that
the nitriding reaction in both the surface and center of the

Fig. 5. (a) External view, (b) surface, and (c) center of titanium
sponge before nitriding, respectively. (Online version in Fig. 6. (a) External view, (b) surface and (c) center of titanium
color.) nitride sponge, respectively. (Online version in color.)

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Fig. 7. EDS analysis of N and Ti at surface and center of titanium nitride sponge. (Online version in color.)

titanium sponge progressed because the nitrogen-mixed gas Figure 10 shows the analytical model of the nitriding
permeated into the center region. These results necessitated reaction for the titanium sponge. A two-dimensional simple
an examination of the reaction in the sponge to examine the analytical model was constructed, because the entire tita-
nitriding behavior of the titanium sponge. nium sponge consisted of porous structures, and elemental
The type of the reaction product formed by the reaction titanium that was part of the structure was surrounded by
between titanium and nitrogen gas was hypothesized to the nitrogen-mixed gas.
change depending on the concentration of nitrogen. The According to the kinetic theory of gases,18) the molecule
phases in the titanium nitride sponge varied with the con- flux of nitrogen JN2, at the surface of titanium, can be pre-
centration of nitrogen, and were identified and characterized dicted using the following equation.
by X-ray diffraction.
p N2
Figure 8 shows the XRD patterns of the titanium sponge J N2  ............................ (1)
and titanium nitride sponge. Both were composed of TiN 2 mk B T
and Ti2N. where, m: molar weight of nitrogen gas ( = 28.014), kB:
Figure 9 shows the relationship between the fraction of Boltzmann constant ( = 1.3806 × 10 − 23 JK − 1), T: temperature
nitriding and the concentration of nitrogen in the titanium (K), pN2: partial pressure of nitrogen gas (atm). The value of
sponge and titanium nitride sponge. TiN and Ti2N were pN2 was obtained from a previous study.19)
formed, and the fraction of these nitrides depended on the The diffusion of nitrogen in titanium is predicted by the
concentration of nitrogen. following equation. In this study, a generalized software20)
However, these nitrides are reaction products, which are was used for this calculation.
obtained from the reactions with 1 mol of nitrogen; more- dC
J Ti   ................................. (2)
over, these reactions are limited by the diffusion of nitrogen. dx
Therefore, the difference between the generation of TiN Mass balance between the nitrogen on the titanium side
and Ti2N is thought to be small. Therefore, in the following and nitrogen on the gas side at the interface was assumed.
analysis, it was assumed that the only titanium nitride is
J N2 = J Ti ................................... (3)
TiN, in the following analysis.

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Figure 11 shows the concentration change of nitrogen in

titanium within the analytical element at a distance away
from the interface when the time is 0.25 h, 0.5 h, and 3 h,
respectively. The calculation temperature was 1 073, 1 173,
and 1 323 K. A longer heat treatment time corresponded to
a higher concentration of nitrogen. However, the concentra-
tion gradient of nitrogen was small, because the diffusion
length was small as well, i.e., 2.5 × 10 − 5 m.
The change in the calculated concentration of nitrogen
with the temperature is also shown in Fig. 4 for a heat treat-
ment time of 3 h. The calculated data agree with the experi-
mental data, thus confirming the validity of this analysis.

Fig. 8. Phases of titanium nitride in titanium nitride sponge deter-

mined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Concentration of
nitrogen: (a) 0 mass%, (b) 3, (c) 8 and (d) 15.

Fig. 9. Relationship between fraction of titanium nitride phase

and concentration of nitrogen determine by X-ray diffrac-
tion analysis.

Fig. 11. Relationship between concentration of nitrogen in tita-

Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of model for nitriding titanium nium sponge and distance. (a) 1 073 K, (b) 1 173 K and
sponge using nitrogen gas. (c) 1 323 K.

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3.2. Dissolution of Titanium Nitride Sponge sponge before and after immersion in the molten pool. The
To calibrate the measured value of the two-color pyrom- concentration of nitrogen of the titanium nitride sponge was
eter, this value was compared with the measurement result 8 mass% in this sample. The diameter of the titanium nitride
of the titanium alloy melt by using a thermocouple. An sponge after immersion reduced as result of immersion. It
example of the measurement result is shown in Fig. 12. was confirmed that it dissolved almost evenly without any
After holding and preheating the thermocouple above the localized dissolution. It is thought that the titanium nitride
alloy melt, it was immersed. The end position of the ther- sponge was held in the uniform temperature region of the
mocouple corresponded to the center of the titanium nitride molten pool. The nominal dissolution rate was calculated
sponge. Thus, it was confirmed that the temperature of the from the diameter difference of the titanium nitride sponge
alloy melt could be maintained for about 200 s at 1 173 K. before and after immersion, and immersion time.
The temperature of the alloy melt varied according to the Figure 15 shows the relationship between the nominal
power of the current of the electron beam. The temperature dissolution rate obtained by the experiment and the recipro-
of the alloy melt was measured with a thermocouple while cal temperature when the concentration of nitrogen was 5,
changing the power current of the electron beam repeatedly, 8, 10, and 15 mass%. When the temperature of the alloy
in order to calibrate the output of the two-color pyrometer. melt was high, the nominal dissolution rate was high in all
Figure 13 shows the shape of the pool for the alloy melt cases. However, the experimental values deviated slightly;
where the titanium nitride sponge was immersed. After thus, the influence of the concentration of nitrogen on the
the upper part of the ingot had been remelted, that melt
was solidified again. The longitudinal cross-section of the
solidification microstructure at the center of the ingot was
revealed by nitric-5 vol% hydrofluoric acid, and the bound-
ary in the molten pool was evaluated. As the depth of the
molten pool was about 4.0 × 10 − 2 m, a titanium nitride
sponge could be immersed completely in the molten pool.
Figure 14 shows photographs of the titanium nitride

Fig. 12. Measurement result of melt temperature by thermocouple Fig. 14. Titanium nitride sponge (a) before and (b) after immer-
made with W-5%Re/W-26%Re. sion into titanium alloy melt. (Online version in color.)

Fig. 13. Molten pool depth near top surface of titanium alloy
ingot. Dashed line shows interface between melt and Fig. 15. Change in nominal dissolution rate of titanium nitride
solid. (Online version in color.) sponges with temperature of titanium alloy melt.

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nominal dissolution rate was not observed. It is thought which the solid phase of the titanium nitride was staggered
that the influence of the concentration of nitrogen was not in the alloy melt as liquid at 5.0 × 10 − 5 m intervals, as
evident because the nominal dissolution rate of the titanium shown in Fig. 17(a). By considering structural symmetry,
nitride sponge, which was formed with a porous structure of an analyzed element was cut, as shown in Fig. 17(b). The
about 5.0 × 10 − 5 m in thickness of porous part, was high as nominal dissolution rate was evaluated using that element.
a result of the permeation of the alloy melt into the porous The nitrogen diffused from the titanium nitride sponge as
structure. In this figure, the relationship between the nomi- a solid to the alloy melt as a liquid. Conversely, aluminum
nal dissolution rate and the reciprocal of the temperature, and vanadium both diffused from the melt to the sponge.
which were obtained from previous studies, are also shown. As local equilibrium is gradually established at the inter-
These values are close to the lower limit obtained for this face between the titanium nitride sponge and alloy melt,
study. For this reason, it is thought that a simulated inclu- the interface shifts with time. As the thermal conductivity
sion, which was added to the top surface of the melt, went of the titanium nitride sponge is low, there is a temperature
to the bottom of the molten pool, where the temperature was gradient between the surface and the core when the sponge
lower, and cooled. is immersed in the alloy melt. Therefore, it is thought that
To predict the nominal dissolution rate of the titanium
nitride sponge, a simple dissolution model was prepared,
and the validity of the predicted values was examined by
comparing them with the experimental results. In a previous
study,4) a dissolution model assumed that the α phase and
β phase, which were part of simulated inclusions, were
arranged in a concentric pattern and that the outer of these
phases was surrounded by the alloy melt. Then, the dif-
fusion of nitrogen was calculated between the phases. By
using the relationship between the concentration of nitrogen
and temperature in the phase diagram, it was examined
whether a simulated inclusion would melt or not at a given
Figure 16 shows the photograph of the cross section of
the titanium nitride sponge that was immersed into the melt,
held for 60 s, and pulled out to be inspected with an optical
microscope. It was found that the alloy melt filled the pores
of the titanium nitride sponge at the center in addition to the
surface. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a dissolution
model of the titanium nitride sponge, which has a porous
structure. Subsequently, a structural model was assumed in

Fig. 17. Analytical model for dissolution of titanium nitride

sponge immersed in titanium alloy melt. (a) Entire tita-
nium nitride sponge, (b) ordered configuration of sponge
Fig. 16. Titanium nitride sponge after immersion into titanium and melt and (c) interface movement by diffusion in the
alloy melt. volume element.

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the outermost nth layer, in which the temperature is the into the alloy melt and its concentration decreased. Further,
highest in the sponge, begins to dissolve in series. If the both aluminum and vanadium diffused into the titanium
dissolution time of the nth layer is evaluated, the nominal nitride sponge and their concentrations decreased.
dissolution rate can be calculated from the length of the Figure 19 shows the relationship between a fraction
analyzed element. of the liquid in the analyzed element and the time when
Figure 18 shows the change in the concentration of nitro- the temperature was 2 023, 2 073, and 2 123 K. When the
gen with time when the initial concentration of nitrogen in fraction of liquid reaches 1.0, the titanium nitride sponge
the titanium nitride sponge is 8 mass% and the initial con- in an analyzed element will dissolve completely. At any
centration of aluminum and vanadium in the alloy melt are temperature, the fraction of liquid increased with to time
6 mass% and 4 mass%, respectively. The nitrogen diffused and reached 1.0 finally. The shorter the time taken by the

Fig. 18. Calculated relationship between concentration of (a) Fig. 19. Calculated relationship between fraction of liquid and
nitrogen, (b) aluminum and (c) vanadium and distance. time at (a) 2 023 K, (b) 2 073 K and (c) 2 123 K.

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fraction of the liquid to reach 1.0, the higher the temperature ture of the melt. The nominal dissolution rate of the sponge
of the element. increased with increasing temperature. The influence of the
The relationship between the calculated nominal dissolu- concentration of the titanium nitride sponge on the nominal
tion rate of the titanium nitride sponge and temperature is dissolution rate was small.
also shown in Fig. 15. It was confirmed that the nominal (4) An analytical model was constructed to nitride
dissolution rate of the titanium nitride sponge could be pre- titanium sponge with nitrogen gas. In addition, an analyti-
dicted by using this analytical model because the calculated cal model for the dissolution of the titanium nitride sponge
value was in the range of experimental results. in the titanium alloy melt was constructed. By using these
models, both, the nitriding and dissolution behaviors of the
sponge could be predicted.
4. Conclusions
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