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Predicting Footfall of an

Group No. 8
Bhavay Aggarwal
Ishika Jaiswal
Kushagra Kumar
Vaibhav Arora
Analytics Challenge
● Domain Chosen - Event Management
● Why this domain is important - Events are important because they allow
for a more intimate and engaging experience with your audience which
ultimately leaves a lasting impression and one that is more memorable than a
passive viewing of a more traditional form of advertising.
● What kind of impact this domain has - Events provide occasions to mark
significant moments of achievement in a person or organization's life. An
event that is planned and managed well can leave a lasting impression,
motivate people to support the cause, and help validate the success of those
who worked so hard. An event that is poorly planned becomes a burden on
those organizing it, dampens morale, and at worst can negatively represent
the organization in a public. 2
Analytics Challenge
● Who are the Leaders in your domain of choice - Wizcraft, Pegasus,
Cineyug, DNA Entertainment Network, Tafcon, E-Factor

● How the Leaders in you domain of choice maintains leadership -

Companies like Wizcraft , Pegasus , Tafcon, E-Factor, and many other leaders
in this domain follow the 5 C's concept. These are Concept, Coordination,
Control, Culmination and Closeout.

Business Problem
● What are the Business Problems in your domain of choice - As an
event management company the main motive is to reach the height of
success for every event which is planed. Over here the business problem is to
predict the footfall of an event, so that we can determine the cost for event of
our clients.
● Why the problem is important and unique - To organise any corporate
event there must be an estimation of footfall which will help to determine the
cost for our clients.
● The potential benefit of solving the business problem - If the
prediction accuracy is good for footfall of an event then it will help us:-
● In cost determination
● In estimating the various resources required to plan an event.
● In capturing the market and to get more clients.
Business Data
● The Data that relates to the problem(s) -
Type of event that needs to be organised - Circus, music concert, dance concert ,
Place of the event - Metropolitan city or not? Where in city? Center of city or
Day of week - Weekday or Weekend?
Time of the event - What time of day event is being held?
Artist - What artist lineups are performing at the event?
Age Group
Target Variable - Range of Footfall 5
Business Data
● The source from where you can collect the data - If its an existing
company it can use the historical data present with it which is recorded in the
past to create model.
If it's a new organization it can purchase data from other companies or from data
collecting companies.
● Challenges to solve while collecting data -
The collected data may vary from the real data
Data quality issues. Historical or collected dataset typically includes errors,
inconsistencies, null values and low response and other research issues

Potential Data Issues
Data Pre Processing- If there is any outliers, ambiguous or null values
involved in the data then it will be treated as per our requirement.
After processing the data, we are going to divide the data in two part
training data on which we will train our data and test data on which we will
check the accuracy of the model.
We will sub split the pre processed training data into validation data, where
we validate the accuracy of our model.

Modeling & Evaluation
Modeling- After preprocessing of data that has been collected from various sources, now we will
use it to apply different model techniques,
● Over here we want to predict the footfall for certain events or concerts, in our dataset the
target variable is “the range of footfall” which is categorical variable so models can be used
here are KNN, logistic regression or decision tree.
● We will apply all the models and will select the model which is most suitable or which gives the
highest accuracy.
● After selecting the final model we will do the evaluation, where we will compare predicted
value of the target variable data with the actual values of test data and check if the purpose of
our business objective is fulfilled or not.

At first, the model would be trained on historical data. From there it will learn
to make predictions.
After that there will be trail predictions. The trail predictions will vary
depending on the importance of various features.

In this trial period along with making predictions the model will also be put
through reinforcement learning so that it learns to deal with cases where
footfall prediction is extremely high or low

After the trial period, the necessary changes would be made and the model
will be deployed
Challenges & Mitigation
● Cost - Buying & Collecting of such data from different sources might get

● Imperfections in the Model when Data Changes - Incorrect Predictions

of model when there is a change in the type of event being organised which
leads to change in type of data being used.

Keeping ahead of Competition
● The problem has not been addressed on large in India before
● The solution to this problem using machine learning will be first
implemented through this project
● Applying ML would help to automate the estimation of footfall

Learnings & future plan
If the model is good enough and prediction is accurate then this model can be
used by various event management companies and different organizations.
Such models can be modified in future and can be used by various other
organization to get an estimation of crowd.

Celebrate Your Worth 13

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