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Human dignity and respect, one of the embodiments of a living being.

Many people consider it a

"must-have", but what we do not know is we already have it in every one of us. Negative events
or experiences only seem to remove it little by little. That is somehow, many of us believe that it
must be earned, that we must work hard to be able to feel and see it. In today's world, when we
respect someone, we often base it on age and status. If a person is older than us and they scolded
us, we cannot say what is true and we cannot fight for ourselves. They will immediately call us
disrespectful and rude. If someone humiliated us in front of people, some of us may ask
ourselves if that person still needs to be respected. Sometimes we experience being hurt by
someone. However, they still need to be respected because they are human. No matter how much
they hurt you. That is what being human is all about. You do not easily lose your worth or
dignity because of what has happened in the past.

Dignity comes from the Latin word "Dignitas" which means worthiness. Human dignity is what
we have since we were born into this world and it is given by God through his image and
likeness. Human dignity signifies that we have the right to be respected, valued and we are
worthy. It is not based on our religion, color, the status of living, gender, high ranks in the
industry, or ability. On the other side, dignity and respect can also intrude protection and fairness
unintentionally. That's why many of us feel angered, dismayed, and disheartened because of the
depraved and unjust system done by some people in some of the parts of human society. And
sometimes some of us respect a person if that person have power and in higher class. They will
also automatically degrade you. Dignity and respect can also deceive us. It can be used by people
to cloak themselves and not to be suspected of any malicious and fraudulent activities. The
result? People that know them as being respectful and kind protect them and give fruitful words
to avoid them from being punished, it's like people are brainwashed by them. It is also the case
for some wealthy people. If they are suspected of bad activities, they can easily manipulate and
avoid punishment because they can buy themselves out.
It is okay to not understand what is dignity and respect and their difference since it is very
confusing. Everyone should treat each other with respect since it is also a way to respect God.
No matter how cruel the world is, respect should always be our first choice. It is much better if
we choose to be respectful of whatever religion and status we are in. Do not forget that respect is
not just for others but also for yourself. Even though we are still sinning, it does not define who
we are or if we deserve respect. Lastly, I think that when it comes to respect, we must change
our mindset.

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