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Arch.Geflügelk., 70 (1). S. 41–47, 2006, ISSN 0003-9098. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co.


Changes in thyroid hormone levels in chicken embryos exposed to

extremely low frequency electromagnetic field
Einfluss von elektromagnetischen Feldern mit sehr geringer Frequenz auf den Spiegel der
Schilddrüsenhormone bei Hühnerembryonen
A. Sechman, J. Niedziólka2, M. Lis2 and J. Rzasa1

Manuskript eingegangen am 6. August 2004, angenommen am 15. Oktober 2004

Introduction et al., 1989; DARRAS et al., 2000). Consequently, in this

study some physical hatching parameters, i.e. embryo
Earlier studies have shown that weak, extremely low fre- mortality, and timing of external pipping and hatching
quency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) can affect the (during the last days of incubation of eggs) were deter-
embryonic development of mammals (ZUSMAN et al., 1990; mined to find out the possible linkage between the thyroid
PAFKOVA et al., 1994) and chicks (CAMERON et al., 1993; gland function (affected by ELF-EMF) and embryonic de-
PAFKOVA et al. 1994; UBEDA et al., 1994; TOMAN et al. 2002; velopment.
LIS and NIEDZIÓLKA, 2004). It has been reported that the ex-
posure of the embryonic chickens to EMF increases the rate
of morphological abnormalities of the embryos (DELGADO Materials and methods
et al. 1982; JUUTILAINEN et al., 1987; BERMAN et al., 1990;
UBEDA et al., 1994; FARRELL et al., 1997), decreases chick- Materials
ens’ hatchability (TOMAN et al., 2002) and elevates their
mortality (NIEDZIÓLKA and JANOWSKI, 1996; BRENT, 1999; Fertilized eggs were obtained from the same parental
VETERANY et al., 2001). Moreover, the earlier data from our broiler flock of ISA 215 at 50 week of age. 125I-labeled T4,
laboratory revealed that weak electromagnetic fields of T3 and rT3 (spec. act. 135-165 µCi/µg) were purchased
electromagnetic component of up to 35 V/m (50 Hz) and from DuPont NEN (Belgium). Unlabeled T4, T3 and rT3
magnetic component of up to 1380 nT (50 Hz) that can be used for standards preparation and T3 and T4 antisera
found in some house incubators stimulate the hatching of were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Poznan, Poland). An-
the chick embryos. The stimulation was reflected in the ti-rT3 serum was a generous gift from Prof. J. Kosowicz
shorter incubation period and higher passive immunity of (University of Medicial Sciences, Poznan, Poland).
the chicks (NIEDZIÓLKA and JANOWSKI, 1996).
Several lines of evidence indicate that the morphologi- Experimental Design
cal changes following electromagnetic field exposure are
accompanied by some endocrine changes. Recently, it has The three hundred and twenty eggs, divided randomly into
been demonstrated that ELF-EMF evokes morphological two equal groups of 160 eggs, were incubated in two iden-
changes in rat thyroid gland (MATAVULJ et al., 1999), affects tical Masalles type 65 DIGIT incubators. Eighty eggs from
its endocrine function and decreases the blood plasma thy- each group were used for blood collection while the next
roxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations (RA- 80 for investigation of the hatching parameters. The eggs
JKOVIC et al., 2001, 2003). Although chicken embryogene- of control group were incubated in the standard equipped
sis is the most useful and sensitive model for EMF investi- incubator while the experimental ones in the incubator fit-
gations (PAFKOVA et al., 1994; BRENT, 1999), in the available ted with three, vertically situated, parallel coils (φ 0.51 m;
literature there are no studies showing the influence of with 0.45 m distance between them) to induce the linearly
ELF-EMF on the function of the hypothalamic-pitui- polarised magnetic field with horizontal vector. Several
tary-thyroid axis in the chick embryo. Therefore, the earlier hatches carried out simultaneously in the control
present study was undertaken to answer the question and experimental incubator with unfed coils revealed no
whether the exposure of the embryonic chick to ELF-EMF differences in embryo mortality and timing of external pip-
may change the activity of the thyroid gland and affect ping and hatching. During the present experiment the coils
blood plasma levels of thyroid hormones. It is well-known in the experimental incubator were fed from standard 230
that thyroid hormones play crucial role during chicken em- V and 50 Hz current via a transformer which provided 7
bryogenesis and affect time of hatching and the length of V/160 mA output (AC) to reduce the electric field. More-
incubation (KING and MAY, 1984; SCANES et al., 1987; IQBAL over, to diminish the electric component of EMF and to ob-
tain mainly the magnetic component of the field the coils
were screened with earthed copper sheet. It had been es-
tablished that magnetic field generated by coils was paral-
lel to the coil axis and was homogenous and stable (B=10 ±
0.5 µT) within cylindrical space of 30 cm lying at the cen-
1Department of Animal Physiology, tre, i.e. at the symmetry axis of the coil system. Values of
2Department of Animal and Environmental Hygiene, Agricultural University of the magnetic and electric component of EMF in incubators
Cracow, Cracow, Poland were measured with Feldmeter and Geo-Graph BPM 3009

Arch.Geflügelk. 1/2006
42 Sechman et al.: Effect of ELF-EMF on thyroid hormone levels in chick embryo
Table 1. Range of magnetic and electric components of electromagnetic field (EMF) in incubators
Magnetische und elektrische Kenndaten des elektromagnetischen Feldes (EMF) und deren Streuungen im Brutapparat

Experimental incubator
Control incubator (equipped with three coils)
(without additional EMF)
Without additional EMF With additional EMF

Magnetic field (nT) 69-650 103-607 9100-10500#

Electric field (V/m) 35-264 40-252 42-238

#the magnetic component of EMF was relatively homogenous within cylindrical space of 0.3 m parallel to the symmetrical axis of the system;
it gradually decreased (by about 1000 nT) moving toward the coils.

(Bio-Physik Mersmann, Germany). The measurements determined radioimmunologically (RIA) according to the
were performed at five points corresponding to the posi- method describe elsewhere (ABDEL-FATTAH et al., 1991;
tion of the central egg and to the locations of the eggs in SECHMAN et al., 2003). The assay was performed in tripli-
the four corners of the incubating trays holding the eggs in- cates and in one analysis to avoid inter-assay variation.
side the control and experimental incubators. Results of Standard solutions of T4, T3 and rT3 were prepared in
the particular components of EMF generated by electrical chicken plasma free of endogenous thyroid hormones. The
equipment in the incubators (i.e. heaters, fan motor, resis- antibodies applied in the RIA methods had no or very weak
tors etc.) and by additionally installed coils in the experi- cross reactivities with other iodothyronines. The lowest
mental incubator were shown in Table 1. The data re- limit of sensitivity for T4 and T3 was 1.3 and 0.08 ng/ml,
vealed that the electric and magnetic components of EMF respectively, while for rT3 – 5.4 pg/ml. The intra-assay co-
induced by the electric equipment of both incubators did efficient of variation for T4, T3 and rT3 was 5.4%, 6.0% and
not differ significantly. 3.8%, respectively.
The eggs were incubated at 37.8±0.1ºC with relative hu- The data obtained were analysed statistically by
midity (RH) of 50-60% during the first 18 days of incuba- two-way analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s multi-
tion. Subsequently, between 19 and 21 days of incubation ple range test. The results of hatch were analysed by the
the temperature was 37.2±0.1ºC and RH 60-75%. To Chi-square test, and the effect of ELF-EMF on the time of
achieve optimal developmental conditions, the eggs were pipping and hatching in the chicks was analysed by
overturned automatically once per hour. In the experimen- Mann-Whitney’s rank sum test. The statistical analyses
tal incubator, eggs were distributed on plastic trays of the were performed with the SigmaStat 2.03 computer pro-
incubator in such way that the position of the eggs did not gram (SPSS Inc., USA), and the figures were drawn using
leave the cylindrical space of the homogenous EMF during Grapher 4.0 (Golden Software Inc., USA). Because the ra-
their turning over. Embryos of the experimental group dioimmunoassay revealed that there were no significant
were exposed to ELF-EMF from the first day of incubation differences in plasma thyroid hormone levels between
until the day of hatching. male and female embryos (E11-E20) or at the day of hatch
Blood samples from control and experimental group (H), what is in agreement with previous findings of VAN
were collected by the cardiac puncture of developing em- DER GEYTEN et al. (2002), the data from both sexes were
bryos on days 11 (E11), 14 (E14), 16 (E16), 18 (E18), 20 combined. They were presented as means ± S.E.M. and
(E20; external pipping), and on the 21st day of incubation considered significant at P<0.05 and highly significant at
immediately after hatching (H). They were centrifuged P<0.01.
7 min (2000 × g), subsequently plasma pools obtained
from two to three embryos (E11-E20) and individual plas-
ma samples from hatched chicks (H) were stored at -20°C Results
until hormone determinations.
In order to investigate the effect of ELF-EMF on the em- During the examined period of chick embryogenesis (i.e.
bryo mortality and the course of hatching, the second set from E11 to day of H) in the control group plasma T4 con-
of 80 eggs from each group was candled on 7th and 18th centrations increased gradually from 0.30±0.07 on E11 to
day of incubation to eliminate unfertilised eggs and dead the maximal value of 30.40±2.38 ng/ml on the day of
embryos. Eggs that failed to hatch were broken and mor- hatch (H). In the chick embryos exposed to ELF-EMF the
phologically analysed in order to distinguish infertile eggs pattern of plasma T4 was similar; however, on E11, E14,
from eggs containing dead embryos. The results of the E16 and E18 the plasma levels of T4 were significantly
hatch were presented in each group as a percent of positive (P<0.01) by 2.95-, 2.21-, 5.67- and 1.79-fold higher than in
developed eggs, i.e. fertile eggs which undertook develop- the control group, respectively. On the day of H, the level
ment in the incubators. In order to characterize the course of T4 in the experimental chicks was by 29 per cent lower
of pipping and hatching, from 460 hours of incubation at (P<0.01; Fig. 1a).
4-hour intervals the number of pipping eggs and hatched Plasma T3 concentrations were below 0.8 ng/ml until
chicks were counted (VISSCHEDIJK, 1968). The data ob- E18; during this period they rose from 0.14±0.08 ng/ml on
tained were used to calculate the mean time of pipping and E11 to 0.78±0.11 ng/ml on E18. Subsequently, T3 concen-
hatching at control and experimental conditions. trations sharply increased reaching the maximum levels of
3.14±0.16 ng/ml at the day of H. In the embryos exposed
Assay procedures and statistical analysis to ELF-EMF the T3 concentrations on E18, E20 and on the
day H were respectively by 2.17-, 3.09- and 1.39-fold high-
Thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) er in comparison to the corresponding values of the control
and reverse-triiodothyronine (rT3) in blood plasma were group (P<0.01; Fig.1b).

Arch.Geflügelk. 1/2006
Sechman et al.: Effect of ELF-EMF on thyroid hormone levels in chick embryo 43
level of 236.2±20.1 pg/ml at the moment of pipping (E20),
(a) followed by a rapid decrease toward hatching (34.2±7.2
pg/ml). In the ELF-EMF exposed group the statistically
Contr ol
(P<0.01) lower concentrations of rT3 (by 31.7%) were not-
ed only on E20 (Fig.1c).
30 The effect of ELF-EMF on the physical hatching parame-
ters, i.e. embryo mortality, and the timing of external pip-
ping (EP) and hatching is shown in Table 2 and 3, respec-
T4 [ng/ml]

20 tively. In comparison to control embryos, the statistically

lower amount of dead embryos was noticed in the group of
eggs exposed to ELF-EMF (11.5% vs. 24.0% in control in-
cd cubation; P<0.05). Meanwhile, the percent of hatched
c chicks in the ELF-EMF group (88.5%) was significantly
b b
higher than the appropriate value of the control group
a a (76.0%) (Table 2). The pipping time in the group of chicks
exposed to extremely low frequency EMF was
E11 E14 E16 E18 E20 H
486.0±0.96 h, i.e. 5.4 h earlier than in the control group
(b) (P<0.01). The majority of eggs of the control group
hatched between 494 and 516 h reaching a peak at
504.3±1.09 h, whereas in the eggs exposed to ELF-EMF
ef duration of hatching was from 488 to 504 h of incubation
and the mean time of hatching was 497.1±0.82 h, i.e. 7.2 h
earlier than in control conditions (P<0.01; Table 3).
T3 [ng/ml]

The present study revealed that ELF-EMF, applied during
1 b chicken incubation, affects the function of the thyroid
a ab b gland and elevates the level of thyroid hormones in blood
0 a
The patterns of alterations in circulating concentration
E11 E14 E16 E18 E20 H of iodothyronines in chicken embryos observed during em-
bryogenesis in control as well as in experimental condi-
(c) tions are in agreement with data of the several earlier stu-
dies (THOMES and HYLKA, 1977; DECUYPERE et al., 1982;
THOMES 1987; SCANES et al., 1987; GREGORY et al., 1998;
REYNS et al., 2003). Namely, in both groups the lowest con-
centrations of T4 and T3 were found on the first day of
200 e
blood collection, i.e. on E11 of the chick embryogenesis,
rT3 [pg/ml]

de and the highest concentrations were noted on the day of

hatch (H) when the chicken embryo had already switched
from chorioallantoic to lung respiration (DECUYPERE et al.,
100 cd 1988; DARRAS et al., 1992). The plasma T4 concentrations
b were low until E16 of embryogenesis, and then they rose
50 exponentially toward the day of hatch. The circulating con-
a centrations of T3 in the chick embryo remained relatively
0 low (i.e. below 0.8 ng/ml) until E18 of the embryogenesis.
E11 E14 E16 E18 E20 H The sharp increase of T3 concentration was found at the
end of incubation when the chick begins air respiration.
Figure 1. Effect of the extremely low frequency electromagnet- The patterns of plasma T4 and T3 concentrations during
ic field (ELF-EMF) on plasma thyroxine (T4) (a), triiodothyronine chick embryogenesis resemble both the function of the thy-
(T3) (b) and reverse-triiodothyronine (rT3) (c) levels in embryon- roid gland (ASTIER, 1980; MCNABB 2000) and the activity of
ic chicks. Each value represents the mean ± SE from 5-7 deter- the hepatic and renal iodothyronine deiodinases (DARRAS
minations; a-g – means marked with different letters differ et al., 1992; GREGORY et al., 1998; DARRAS et al., 2000; VAN
significantly (P<0.01). DER GEYTEN et al., 1997, 2002; REYNS et al., 2003). The
Einfluss eines elektromagnetischen Feldes mit sehr geringer Frequenz gradual increase in rT3 concentration from the concentra-
(ELF-EMF) auf die Plasmaspiegel von Thyroxin (T4) (a), Trijodthyronin tion being below sensitivity of the applied RIA method on
(T3) (b) and Reverse-Trijodthyronin (rT3) (c) bei Hühnerembryonen. E11 toward the maximal level of 236.2±20.2 pg/ml plasma
Die Werte entsprechend dem Mittelwert±SE von 5 bis 7 Bestim- on day E20 is probably a result of the high activity of deio-
mungen. a-g: Mittelwerte gekennzeichnet mit unterschiedlichen dinase D3 in the liver (VAN DER GEYTEN et al., 1997; DARRAS
Buchstaben unterscheiden sich signifikant (P<0,01). et al., 2000; VAN DER GEYTEN et al., 2002).
The most interesting finding of the current study was the
significant increase in plasma T4 and T3 levels in chicken
embryos following exposure to extremely low frequency
The level of rT3 on E11 was below sensitivity of applied electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF). The significantly higher
RIA method. The first measurable concentrations of level of T4 in blood plasma of embryos exposed to
17.0±3.5 pg/ml were found on E14. In the control condi- ELF-EMF had been already found on day E11, and persist-
tion plasma rT3 levels increased sharply to the maximum ed significantly higher until embryonic day E18. On the

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44 Sechman et al.: Effect of ELF-EMF on thyroid hormone levels in chick embryo
Table 2. Effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) on the results of hatching (percent from the positive
developed eggs) in the chicks
Einfluss des elektromagnetischen Feldes mit sehr geringer Frequenz auf die Brutergebnisse (Prozent der normal entwickelten Eier) der

Control group ELF-EMF

Number % Number %

Unfertilised eggs and germs dead before incubation 5 2

Dead embryos 18 24.0 9 11.5

Hatched chicks 57 76.0 69 88.5
Positively developed eggs# 75 100.0 78 100.0

#- fertilized eggs which undertook development in incubators;

Hatchability of chicks was significantly dependent on ELF-EMF at P<0.05 (the Chi-square test).

Table 3. Effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) on the time of external pipping and hatching in the
Einfluss des elektromagnetischen Feldes mit sehr geringer Frequenz auf den Zeitpunkt des Anpickens und des Schlupfes der Küken

Control group ELF-EMF

(n=57) (n=69)

Mean ± SE 491.4 ± 1.35 486.0 ± 0.96

Time of external pipping (h)
Median 490 486**

Mean ± SE 504.3 ± 1.09 497.1 ± 0.82

Time of hatching (h)
Median 502 498**

** - P < 0.01 in comparison to control (Mann-Whitney rank sum test)

other hand, following hatching in the chicks of ELF-EMF ical conditions, TSH stimulates follicular epithelial cells to
group level of T4 decreased sharply and was lower than in synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones (KÜHN et al.,
control group. In the case of T3, significantly higher levels 1988; GREGORY et al., 1998; MCNABB, 2000). Therefore, the
were observed at the final stages of embryogenesis, i.e. on observed increase in circulatory T4 and T3 concentrations
E18, E20 and on the day of H. To our knowledge this is the might be connected with some stimulatory changes at the
first report to show influence of extremely low frequency hypothalamo-hypophyseal level of the thyroidal axis. Pos-
EMF on the level of thyroid hormones in blood plasma of sible alterations in activity of the deiodinases (D1 and D3)
chicken embryos. In mammals, previous investigations of in the liver and the other peripheral tissues involved in T3
ELF-EMF effect on thyroid gland showed that rats exposed production should also be taken into consideration. Fur-
to ELF-EMF fields demonstrated altered thyroid gland ac- ther studies are needed to explain the endocrine changes
tivity (MATAVULJ et al., 1996). This alteration has been following ELF-EMF exposure (1) at the hypothalamo-hy-
shown to depend on the duration of exposure to ELF-EMF, pophyseal level, (2) in thyrocytes of the thyroid gland, and
i.e. following 2 months of exposure the thyroid gland (3) in the activity of the peripheral iodothyronine deiodi-
shows increased activity while after 5 and 6 months of nases (D1 and D3).
ELF-EMF exposure thyroid activity decreased (MATAVULJ et It is interesting that the increase in T4 and T3 concentra-
al., 1999). Recently, RAJKOVIC et al. (2003) have reported tions in the experimental group was accompanied by sig-
that a 3-month exposure of rats to ELF-EMF (50 Hz, nificantly lower embryo mortality and elevated hatchabili-
50-500 µT) reduces the activity of the thyroid gland and ir- ty (by 12.5%) in comparison to control chicks (Table 2).
reversibly decreases serum levels of T4 and T3. Contrary to Moreover, the chick embryos exposed to ELF-EMF signifi-
this, in our study we observed that exposure of the chicken cantly accelerated their external pipping and hatching
embryos to ELF-EMF (50 Hz, 10 µT) elevates levels of T4 (Table 3). These results were surprising since several em-
and T3. A similar effect was reported by UDINTSEV et al. bryotoxic and teratogenic effects of EMF have been well
(1978) who found increased levels of T4 and TSH in rats documented in chicken embryo (DELGADO et al., 1982; JUU-
exposed to 50 Hz EMF of 20 mT for 18 h. It seems likely TILAINEN et al., 1987; BERMAN et al., 1990; UBEDA et al., 1994;
that the increase in the levels of thyroid hormones in FARRELL et al., 1997; VETERANY et al., 2001). There is still a
blood plasma of chick embryos following ELF-EMF radia- difference of opinion as to the effect of ELF-EMF on the
tion was evoked by alteration in thyrocytes activity simi- chicken embryo mortality since findings of other investiga-
larly to that observed in ELF-EMF exposed rats (RAJKOVIC tors did not succeed in showing the embryotoxic effects of
et al., 2003). However, it cannot be excluded that the stim- ELF-EMF on chicken development (MAFEO et al., 1988;
ulatory effect of ELF-EMF on thyroid function may be asso- KOCH and KOCH, 1991; MARTIN, 1992). Some investigators
ciated with changes in the activity of hypothalamo-pitui- claim that the developmental response of the embryo de-
tary system. It is well known that under normal physiolog- pends on the shape and intensity of the magnetic field

Arch.Geflügelk. 1/2006
Sechman et al.: Effect of ELF-EMF on thyroid hormone levels in chick embryo 45
(BERMAN et al., 1990; PAFKOVA et al., 1994; UBEDA et al., of pipping and hatching. Eggs were exposed to 50 Hz, 10
1994). Our recent investigations with different intensity of µT ELF-EMF from the onset of incubation to the day of
applied ELF-EMF (5, 10 and 15 µT) support this hypothesis hatch. Magnetic field in the experimental incubator was
(LIS and NIEDZIÓLKA, 2004). Moreover, as in the present generated by a set of three parallel coils. Blood samples
study, in all groups of chicken embryos subjected to the were collected for determination of T4, T3 and rT3 concen-
magnetic fields of the different parameters, acceleration of trations on days 11 (E11), 14 (E14), 16 (E16), 18 (E18) and
the growth of embryos was found, manifesting itself in the 20 (E20; external pipping) and on the day of hatch (H). In
earlier onset of pipping and hatching process (LIS and embryos exposed to ELF-EMF a significant increase in T4
NIEDZIÓLKA, 2004). FARRELL et al. (1997) suggested that ear- levels between E11 (by 195%) and E18 (by 79%) and T3
lier hatching of chickens exposed to ELF-EMF can result levels between E18 (by 117%) and the day of H (by 39%)
from a genetically conditioned, higher sensitivity to mag- were observed. In the case of rT3 a significant decrease by
netic field. This hypothesis is supported by the recent in- 32% was found only on E20 of embryonic development.
vestigations that revealed significant differences in the de- The elevation of T4 and T3 levels in blood plasma of embry-
gree of embryo growth stimulation in magnetic field de- os exposed to ELF-EMF was accompanied by a decrease in
pending on the origin of eggs from different flocks of the embryos’ mortality and acceleration of external pip-
breeder layers (DI-CARLO and LITOVITZ, 1999). It cannot be ping and hatching. Results of this study demonstrate that
ruled out that the increase in T4 and T3 concentrations in ELF-EMF stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, af-
chick embryos subjected to ELF-EMF may be a major factor fects the peripheral iodothyronine metabolism and influ-
in the acceleration of pipping and hatching time. It is well ences the hatching parameters.
known that thyroid hormones play a pivotal role in the
chicken embryonic development, and reduction of physio-
logical levels of thyroid hormones impairs the growth and Key words
development of the chicken embryo (SCANES et al., 1987;
HARGIS et al., 1991). For instance, it has been found that Thyroid hormone, electromagnetic field, chicken, embryo-
methimazole, a potent inhibitor of thyroid hormone syn- genesis
thesis, injected in ovo inhibits growth of the chick, and this
effect can be reversed by treatment with T4 (KING and MAY,
1984). Moreover, the lower T4 and T3 levels were found in Zusammenfassung
newly hatched chicks that hatched 8 to 10 h later than the
first hatchlings (IQBAL et al., 1989). The importance of thy- Einfluss von elektromagnetischen Feldern mit sehr
roid hormones was also established during pipping of the geringer Frequenz auf den Spiegel der Schilddrüsen-
egg shell and it has been found that the increase in thyroid hormone bei Hühnerembryonen
hormones levels during last phase of embryonic develop-
ment is necessary for hatching (DECUYPERE et al., 1988; Das Ziel des Versuches war die Untersuchung des Einflus-
NIEDZIÓLKA et al., 1994). Therefore, it seems likely that ele- ses von elektromagnetischen Feldern mit sehr niedrigen
vation in thyroid hormones following ELF-EMF by stimula- Frequenzen (ELF-EMF) auf die Plasmaspiegel der Schild-
tion of chicken embryo metabolism and growth leads to ac- drüsenhormone Thyroxin (T4), Trijodthyronin (T3) und
celeration of the pipping and hatching processes. Revers-Trijodthyronin (rT3) sowie auf die Brutparameter
In conclusion, the results obtained show that the contin- Embryonalsterblichkeit, Zeitpunkt des Anpickens und des
uous exposition of chicken embryos to ELF-EMF (50 Hz Schlupfes. Für den Versuch wurden Hühnereier der Broi-
and 10 µT) increases the plasma thyroid hormone levels, ler-Elterntierherde ISA 215 verwendet. Die Versuchseier
and lowers embryo mortality and advances the time of wurden in zwei gleich große Gruppen eingeteilt. Die Eier
their pipping and hatching. Further investigations are der Kontrollgruppe wurden unter Standardbedingungen
needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which extremely bebrütet, während die Eier der Versuchsgruppe vom ersten
low frequency electromagnetic field affects the function of bis zum letzten Tag der Brut einem EM-Feld (10 µT) mit ei-
the thyroid gland and the peripheral metabolism of thyroid ner Frequenz von 50Hz ausgesetzt wurden. Die zur Be-
hormones in chicken embryos. stimmung der Schilddrüsenhormone (T4, T3, rT3) notwen-
digen Blutproben wurden am 11. (E11), 14. (E14), 16.
(E16), 18. (E18) und 20. (E20; Anpicken der Eier) Bruttag
Acknowledgments sowie am Schlupftag (H) entnommen.
Im Blutserum der unter dem ELF-EMF erbrüteten Em-
We greatly appreciate helpful suggestions provided by Dr. bryonen wurden signifikant höhere T4-Spiegel zwischen
Piotr Janas and Dr. Pawel Turkowski, Division of Physics, E11 (um 195%) und E18 (um 79%) sowie höhere T3-Spie-
Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agri- gel zwischen E18 (um 117%) und dem Schlupftag (um
culture, Cracow, Poland. We also thank Professor Jerzy Ko- 39%) gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe festgestellt. Am 20.
sowicz (University of Medicial Sciences, Poznan, Poland) Bruttag war der rT3-Spiegel gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe
for generously supplying the anti-rT3 serum. Studies sup- um 32% signifikant vermindert. Die Erhöhung der T4- und
ported by grants: DS-3243/KFZ/03 and DS-3210/ZHZ- T3-Konzentrationen im Blut war begleitet mit einer gerin-
iSH/03. geren Embryonensterblichkeit und einem früheren Beginn
des Anpickens sowie des Schlupfes. Die Ergebnisse der Un-
tersuchung deuten darauf hin, dass das ELF-EMF die Akti-
Summary vität der Schilddrüse stimuliert, den peripheren Jod-Thy-
ronin-Stoffwechsel und die Brutparameter beeinflusst.
Incubating eggs produced by a parental flock of ISA 215
broiler breeders were used to determine the effect of ex-
tremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) Stichworte
on blood plasma levels of thyroid hormones: thyroxine
(T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse-triiodothyronine Thyroidhormone, elektromagnetisches Feld, Küken, Em-
(rT3), and hatching parameters, i.e. chick mortality, time bryonensterblichkeit

Arch.Geflügelk. 1/2006
46 Sechman et al.: Effect of ELF-EMF on thyroid hormone levels in chick embryo

References KOCH, W. E. and B. A. KOCH, 1991: Exposure of chick embryos

to selected magnetic fields. J. Bioelectricity 19, 65-80.
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Correspondence: Dr. hab. Andrzej Sechman, Department of Animal Physiolo-
VAN DER GEYTEN, S., I. VAN DER RYNDE, I. B. SEGERS, E. R. KÜHN gy, Agricultural University of Cracow, Al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Cracow,
and V. M. DARRAS, 2002: Differential expression of iodo- Poland; e-mail:

Arch.Geflügelk. 1/2006

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