The Heroes of Olympus - The Blood of Olympus (Book 5) Summary

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American author Rick Riordan’s The Blood of Olympus is the final installment of his five-part The Heroes
of Olympus series. The young adult novel was released in 2014 and tells of the final exploits of the seven
demigods of the Prophecy of Seven in their quest to defeat Gaea, the Earth Mother. The seven are:
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, and Frank
Zhang. Meanwhile, Nico di Angelo, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, and Coach Gleeson Hedge are trying
to bring the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood to head off a war between Roman and Greek

As the story opens Jason, Piper, and Annabeth are trying to find out Gaea’s plans. At the end of book
four in the series, Gaea awakened while the heroes took the Athena Parthenos from the abode of
Arachne. Finding out that a large meeting of Gaea’s underlings looms on the horizon, Annabeth, Jason,
and Piper begin to surreptitiously look into things. Using Hazel’s Mist to disguise themselves, the trio
attends the gathering of resurrected souls in Ithaca at the home of Odysseus. They find out that Gaea’s
army plans to attack the Acropolis in Athens and not Mount Olympus as had been thought. The
demigods must circle Peloponnese to reach Athens as the Gulf of Corinth is heavily guarded.

One of the souls sees through the demigods and makes Jason confront the spirit of his mother which
leads to Jason being wounded. The three demigods summon Juno, who tells them to find Nike at
Olympia along with Artemis and Apollo, all of whom were banished by Zeus. While at Olympia, Percy,
Leo, Hazel, and Frank are forced to be part of the deadly Olympic Games of Nike, whom they are able to
capture. She tells them that one of them is fated to die; they need the “Physician’s Cure” for which there
is three ingredients: Pylosian mint, the heartbeat of the chained god, and the curse of Delos. Frank
obtains Pylosian mint from relatives. They believe the chained god to be Ares because of a chained
statue of him the Spartans had as a guarantee that they would win all wars. Piper and Annabeth go to
the temple of Ares in the ruins of Sparta to battle for the second ingredient. Further adventures lead to
Leo, Frank, and Hazel meeting with Artemis and Apollo at Delos. Apollo gives them the third ingredient.
He tells them that his son Asclepius can make the cure and that he is at Epidaurus. When they leave, Leo
tells Hazel that he plans to sacrifice himself in order to beat Gaea and give himself the cure later.

Once they receive the cure from Asclepius and arrive in Athens, the demigods battle an army of giants at
the Acropolis and defeat them with the help of Zeus. Percy and Annabeth are injured by the giants, and
Gaea is awakened by their blood. Meanwhile, Reyna, Nico, and Coach are on their way to Camp Half-
Blood. In her dreams, Reyna learns that a giant is pursuing them. They are attacked when they reach
Evora, but are able to defeat Lycaon and move on to San Juan where Reyna is from. There, Reyna is
taken captive by the Hunters of Artemis, who are working in conjunction with the Amazons. The leader
of the Amazons is Hylla, Reyna’s sister. The giant is Orion,who kills the Hunters and the Amazons.
Continuing their ongoing travels via shadow-travel, Reyna, Nico, and Hedge go to South Carolina. When
Bryce Lawrence, who had once been exiled by Reyna, makes an attempt on her life, he is turned into a
ghost by Nico.

Upon arriving at Camp Half-Blood, Nico and Coach head to the camp, and Reyna ends up on a yacht on
Long Island Sound. She defeats Orion there. Nico meets some Greek demigods, which almost leads to
confrontation, but Reyna ends the threat by revealing the Athena Parthenos. Meanwhile, Gaea appears
and starts to attack the camp. Zeus transports the seven demigods, who then battle Gaea. Piper makes
Gaea sleep, Leo sacrifices himself, and Gaea is eventually destroyed. The two sides stay together and
celebrate their Camp Half-Blood triumph, until the Romans return to Camp Jupiter the following day.
Nico decides to stay at Camp Half-Blood; Percy and Annabeth decide that they will move there as well to
go to college after completing high school. Leo is revived by the physician’s cure.

The New Yorker praised the author’s work saying, “Riordan has been admirably encouraging of real-
world attempts to bring Camp Half Blood to life: summer camps inspired by his books have sprung up in
various locations around the country, including one in Prospect Park that offers its demigod denizens
many happy hours of sword fighting, shield-making, quest-following, and capturing the flag. To hear
one’s offspring excitedly explain that camp was rained out because Poseidon made it rain, and that Zeus
has been throwing thunderbolts, is enough to warm the heart of even the most skeptical defender of
the Western literary tradition. If an indelible association between Ares and the Hells Angels lingers in
these young readers’ minds, such may be the price of their mythological literacy.”

Chapter 1 – Jason I

Chapter 2 – Jason II

Chapter 3 – Jason III

Chapter 4 – Jason IV

Chapter 5 – Reyna V

Chapter 6 – Reyna VI

Chapter 7 – Reyna VII

Chapter 8 – Reyna VIII

Chapter 9 – Leo IX

Chapter 10 – Leo X

Chapter 11 – Leo XI

Chapter 12 – Leo XII

Chapter 13 – Nico XIII

Chapter 14 – Nico XIV

Chapter 15 – Nico XV

Chapter 16 – Nico XVI

Chapter 17 – Piper XVII

Chapter 18 – Piper XVII

Chapter 19 – Piper XIX

Chapter 20 – Piper XX
Chapter 21 – Reyna XXI

Chapter 22 – Reyna XXII

Chapter 23 – Reyna XXIII

Chapter 24 – Reyna XXIV

Chapter 25 – Jason XXV

Chapter 26 – Jason XXVI

Chapter 27 – Jason XXVII

Chapter 28 – Jason XXVIII

Chapter 29 – Nico XXIX

Chapter 30 – Nico XXX

Chapter 31 – Nico XXXI

Chapter 32 – Nico XXXII

Chapter 33 – Leo XXXIII

Chapter 34 – Leo XXXIV

Chapter 35 – Leo XXXV

Chapter 36 – Leo XXXVI

Chapter 37 – Reyna XXXVII

Chapter 38 – Reyna XXXVIII

Chapter 39 – Reyna XXXIX

Chapter 40 – Reyna XL

Chapter 41 – Piper XLI

Chapter 42 – Piper XLII

Chapter 43 – Piper XLIII

Chapter 44 – Piper XLIV

Chapter 45 – Nico XLV

Chapter 46 – Nico XLVI

Chapter 47 – Nico XLVII

Chapter 48 – Nico XLVIII

Chapter 49 – Jason XLIX

Chapter 50 – Jason L

Chapter 51 – Jason LI

Chapter 52 – Jason LII

Chapter 53 – Nico LIII

Chapter 54 – Nico LIV

Chapter 55 – Nico LV

Chapter 56 – Nico LVI

Chapter 57 – Piper LVII

Chapter 58 – Leo LVIII

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