Zee Creative Thinking

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By agree the statement which say that “by the aid of examples from any organization of your

choice defend the idea that sound organization structure stimulates creative thinking and
initiatives among organizational members.’’ Therefore, by using “Youth Environment Vision”
as example of organization that can be applicable here for agreeing the statement above as shown

Sound organization structure stimulates creative thinking and initiatives among organizational
members by Foster an open, creative work environment; To foster creativity, some companies
provide workers with snacks, games, and “time off” during work hours. You may not be able to
offer that much freedom, but at least you can encourage communication, a positive attitude, and
a low-stress environment. All these can support the greater mental flexibility and unshackled
thought that result in profitable innovation. Team bonding events like retreats can also work if
you don’t make them competitive or stressful.

Sound organization structure stimulates creative thinking and initiatives among organizational
members by Motivate your team; Positive reinforcement in the form of rewards, bonuses, special
privileges, comp time, and prizes will keep people on their toes. Not everyone will participate,
but many will when they see their efforts have clear benefits.

Sound organization structure stimulates creative thinking and initiatives among organizational
members by Create innovation teams; Build teams comprised of members with diverse working
styles, experience, and skill sets, whose primary purpose is to get together to innovate. I’ve seen
this done as a full-time role or one or two days a week. Although some claim spontaneity goes
out the window with such teams, solid communal thought, bantering, and brainstorming can
result in surprising innovations.

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