Uncertainty and Measurements Worksheet

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Uncertainty and measurements

1. [1 mark]
Which lists one scalar and two vector quantities?
A. Mass, momentum, potential difference
B. Mass, power, velocity
C. Power, intensity, velocity
D. Power, momentum, velocity
2. [1 mark]
Two sets of data, shown below with circles and squares, are obtained in two
experiments. The size of the error bars is the same for all points.
Uncertainty and measurements

What is correct about the absolute uncertainty and the fractional uncertainty of the
y intercept of the two lines of best fit?
Uncertainty and measurements
3. [1 mark]
A student measures the length l and width w of a rectangular table top.
What is the absolute uncertainty of the perimeter of the table top?

A.  0.3 cm
B.  0.6 cm
C.  1.2 cm
D.  2.4 cm
4. [1 mark]
What is the unit of power expressed in fundamental SI units?
A.  kg ms−3
B.  kg ms−1

C.  kg m2 s−1
D.  kg m2 s−3
5. [1 mark]
Which is a correct unit for gravitational potential?
A. m2 s−2
B. J kg
C. m s−2
D. N m−1 kg−1
Uncertainty and measurements
6. [1 mark]
Which quantity has the same units as those for energy stored per unit volume?
A.  Density
B.  Force
C.  Momentum
D.  Pressure
7. [1 mark]
A list of four physical quantities is
• acceleration
• energy
• mass
• temperature
How many scalar quantities are in this list?
A.  1
B.  2
C.  3
D.  4
8a. [2 marks]
A spherical soap bubble is made of a thin film of soapy water. The bubble has an
internal air pressure Pi and is formed in air of constant pressure Po . The theoretical
prediction for the variation of ( Pi−P o ) is given by the equation
( Pi−P o )= R

where γ is a constant for the thin film and R is the radius of the bubble.

Data for ( Pi−P o ) and  R   were collected under controlled conditions and plotted as a
graph showing the variation of ( Pi−P o ) with  .
Uncertainty and measurements

Suggest whether the data are consistent with the theoretical prediction.
8b. [2 marks]
Show that the value of γ   is about 0.03.
8c. [1 mark]
Identify the fundamental units of γ .
8d. [1 mark]
In order to find the uncertainty for γ , a maximum gradient line would be drawn. On
the graph, sketch the maximum gradient line for the data.
8e. [2 marks]
The percentage uncertainty for γ  is 15 %. State γ , with its absolute uncertainty.
8f. [1 mark]
The expected value of γ is 0.027 . Comment on your result.
9a. [1 mark]
Uncertainty and measurements
A student studies the relationship between the centripetal force applied to an object
undergoing circular motion and its period T .
The object (mass m) is attached by a light inextensible string, through a tube, to a
weight W which hangs vertically. The string is free to move through the tube. A
student swings the mass in a horizontal, circular path, adjusting the period T  of the
motion until the radius r is constant. The radius of the circle and the mass of the
object are measured and remain constant for the entire experiment.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2020.

The student collects the measurements of T five times, for weight W . The weight is
then doubled (2 W ) and the data collection repeated. Then it is repeated with 3 W
and 4 W . The results are expected to support the relationship
4 π mr
W= 2
State why the experiment is repeated with different values of W .
9b. [2 marks]
In reality, there is friction in the system, so in this case W is less than the total
centripetal force in the system. A suitable graph is plotted to determine the value of
mr experimentally. The value of mr was also calculated directly from the measured
values of m and r .
Predict from the equation whether the value of mr found experimentally will be
larger, the same or smaller than the value of mr calculated directly.
Uncertainty and measurements
9c. [2 marks]
The measurements of T were collected five times. Explain how repeated
measurements of T reduced the random error in the final experimental value of mr .
9d. [1 mark]
Outline why repeated measurements of T would not reduce any systematic error in
10. [1 mark]
Which quantity has the fundamental SI units of kg m–1 s–2?

A. Energy
B. Force
C. Momentum
D. Pressure
11. [1 mark]
What are the units of specific energy and energy density?

12a. [1 mark]
A student investigates how the period T of a simple pendulum varies with the
maximum speed v of the pendulum’s bob by releasing the pendulum from rest from
different initial angles. A graph of the variation of T with v is plotted.
Uncertainty and measurements

Suggest, by reference to the graph, why it is unlikely that the relationship between T
and v is linear.
12b. [2 marks]
Determine the fractional uncertainty in v when T = 2.115 s, correct to one
significant figure.
12c. [3 marks]
The student hypothesizes that the relationship between T and v is T = a + bv2, where
a and b are constants. To verify this hypothesis a graph showing the variation of T
with v2 is plotted. The graph shows the data and the line of best fit.
Uncertainty and measurements

Determine b, giving an appropriate unit for b.

12d. [2 marks]
The lines of the minimum and maximum gradient are shown.

Estimate the absolute uncertainty in a.

13. [1 mark]
Uncertainty and measurements
A student wants to determine the angular speed ω of a rotating object. The period T
is 0.50 s ±5 %. The angular speed ω is

What is the percentage uncertainty of ω?
A. 0.2 %
B. 2.5 %
C. 5 %
D. 10 %
14. [1 mark]
A student models the relationship between the pressure p of a gas and its
temperature T as p = x + y T.
The units of p are pascal and the units of T are kelvin. What are the fundamental SI
units of x  and  y ?

15. [1 mark]
A student measures the radius R of a circular plate to determine its area. The
absolute uncertainty in R is ΔR.
What is the fractional uncertainty in the area of the plate?
2 ΔR

( )
Uncertainty and measurements
2 πΔR

( )
D. π
16. [1 mark]
What is the unit of electrical potential difference expressed in fundamental SI units?

A. kg m s-1 C-1

B. kg m2 s-2 C-1

C. kg m2 s-3 A-1

D. kg m2 s-1 A
17. [1 mark]
A student is verifying the equation
2 λY
The percentage uncertainties are:

What is the percentage uncertainty in x?

A. 5 %
B. 15 %
Uncertainty and measurements
C. 25 %
D. 30 %
18. [1 mark]
A proton has momentum 10-20 N s and the uncertainty in the position of the proton
is 10-10 m. What is the minimum fractional uncertainty in the momentum of this

A. 5 × 10-25

B. 5 × 10-15

C. 5 × 10-5

D. 2 × 104
19a. [3 marks]
In an experiment to measure the acceleration of free fall a student ties two different
blocks of masses m1 and m2 to the ends of a string that passes over a frictionless

The student calculates the acceleration a of the blocks by measuring the time taken
by the heavier mass to fall through a given distance. Their theory predicts
m1−m2 m1 +m2
that  a=g and this can be re-arranged to give  g=a .
m1 +m2 m1−m2
Uncertainty and measurements
In a particular experiment the student calculates that a = (0.204 ±0.002) ms–2 using
m1 = (0.125 ±0.001) kg and m2 = (0.120 ±0.001) kg.
Calculate the percentage error in the measured value of g.
19b. [2 marks]
Deduce the value of g and its absolute uncertainty for this experiment.
19c. [2 marks]
There is an advantage and a disadvantage in using two masses that are almost equal.
State and explain the advantage with reference to the magnitude of the acceleration
that is obtained.
19d. [2 marks]
There is an advantage and a disadvantage in using two masses that are almost equal.
State and explain the disadvantage with reference to your answer to (a)(ii).
20a. [2 marks]
In an investigation a student folds paper into cylinders of the same diameter D but
different heights. Beginning with the shortest cylinder they applied the same fixed
load to each of the cylinders one by one. They recorded the height H of the first
cylinder to collapse.

They then repeat this process with cylinders of different diameters.

The graph shows the data plotted by the student and the line of best fit.
Uncertainty and measurements

Theory predicts that H = c D 3 where c is a constant.

Suggest why the student’s data supports the theoretical prediction.

20b. [3 marks]
Determine c. State an appropriate unit for c.
20c. [3 marks]
Determine c. State an appropriate unit for c.
20d. [1 mark]
Identify one factor that determines the value of c.
21a. [1 mark]
A student investigates the electromotive force (emf) ε and internal resistance r of a
Uncertainty and measurements

The current I and the terminal potential difference V are measured.

For this circuit V = ε - Ir .

The table shows the data collected by the student. The uncertainties for each
are shown.

The graph shows the data plotted.

Uncertainty and measurements

The student has plotted error bars for the potential difference. Outline why no error
bars are shown for the current.
21b. [3 marks]
Determine, using the graph, the emf of the cell including the uncertainty for this
value. Give your answer to the correct number of significant figures.
21c. [2 marks]
Outline, without calculation, how the internal resistance can be determined from
this graph.
22. [1 mark]
What is the unit of power expressed in fundamental SI units?
A.   kg m s–2
B.   kg m2 s–2
C.   kg m s–3
D.   kg m2 s–3
Uncertainty and measurements
23. [1 mark]
The length of the side of a cube is 2.0 cm ± 4 %. The mass of the cube is 24.0 g ± 8 %.
What is the percentage uncertainty of the density of the cube?
A.   ± 2 %
B.   ± 8 %
C.   ± 12 %
D.   ± 20 %
24a. [1 mark]
In an investigation to measure the acceleration of free fall a rod is suspended
horizontally by two vertical strings of equal length. The strings are a distance d

When the rod is displaced by a small angle and then released, simple harmonic
oscillations take place in a horizontal plane.
The theoretical prediction for the period of oscillation T is given by the following
d √g
where c is a known numerical constant.
State the unit of c.
24b. [2 marks]
Uncertainty and measurements
A student records the time for 20 oscillations of the rod. Explain how this
procedure leads to a more precise measurement of the time for one oscillation T.
24c. [1 mark]
In one experiment d was varied. The graph shows the plotted values of T against 
. Error bars are negligibly small.

Draw the line of best fit for these data.

24d. [2 marks]
Suggest whether the data are consistent with the theoretical prediction.
24e. [4 marks]
The numerical value of the constant c in SI units is 1.67. Determine g, using
the graph.
25. [1 mark]
A student measures the radius r of a sphere with an absolute uncertainty Δr. What is
the fractional uncertainty in the volume of the sphere?

( )
B.     3
C.     4 π
Uncertainty and measurements
( )
D.     4 π

26. [1 mark]
Which is a unit of force?
A.     J m
B.     J m–1
C.     J m s–1
D.     J m–1 s
27. [1 mark]
How many significant figures are there in the number 0.0450?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
28. [1 mark]
The diagram shows an analogue meter with a mirror behind the pointer.

What is the main purpose of the mirror?

Uncertainty and measurements
A. To provide extra light when reading the scale
B. To reduce the risk of parallax error when reading the scale
C. To enable the pointer to be seen from different angles
D. To magnify the image of the pointer
29. [1 mark]
What is the unit of electrical energy in fundamental SI units?
A.  kg m2 C–1 s
B.  kg m s–2
C.  kg m2 s–2
D.  kg m2 s–1 A
30. [1 mark]
Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
A.  Velocity
B.  Momentum
C.  Kinetic energy
D.  Acceleration
31. [1 mark]
Which is a vector quantity?
A.  Pressure
B.  Electric current
C.  Temperature
D.  Magnetic field
32a. [1 mark]
A radio wave of wavelength λ is incident on a conductor. The graph shows the
variation with wavelength λ of the maximum distance d travelled inside the
Uncertainty and measurements

Suggest why it is unlikely that the relation between d and λ is linear.

32b. [2 marks]
For λ = 5.0 x 105 m, calculate the
fractional uncertainty in d.
32c. [1 mark]
percentage uncertainty in d 2.
32d. [2 marks]
The graph shows the variation with wavelength λ of d 2. Error bars are not shown
and the line of best-fit has been drawn.
Uncertainty and measurements
A student states that the equation of the line of best-fit is d 2 = a + b λ . When d 2 and λ
are expressed in terms of fundamental SI units, the student finds that a = 0.040 x 10–
 and b = 1.8 x 10–11.
State the fundamental SI unit of the constant a and of the constant b.

32e. [2 marks]
Determine the distance travelled inside the conductor by very high
frequency electromagnetic waves.
33a. [1 mark]
The circuit shown may be used to measure the internal resistance of a cell.

An ammeter and a voltmeter are connected in the circuit. Label the ammeter with
the letter A and the voltmeter with the letter V.
33b. [3 marks]
In one experiment a student obtains the following graph showing the variation
with current I of the potential difference V across the cell.
Uncertainty and measurements

Using the graph, determine the best estimate of the internal resistance of the cell.
33c. [1 mark]
The ammeter used in the experiment in (b) is an analogue meter. The student
takes measurements without checking for a “zero error” on the ammeter.
State what is meant by a zero error.
33d. [2 marks]
After taking measurements the student observes that the ammeter has a positive
zero error. Explain what effect, if any, this zero error will have on the calculated
value of the internal resistance in (b).
34. [1 mark]
Which of the following is a derived unit?
A.     Mole
B.     Kelvin
Uncertainty and measurements
C.     Coulomb
D.     Ampere
35a. [3 marks]
Data analysis question.
An experiment is undertaken to investigate the relationship between the
temperature of a ball and the height of its first bounce.
A ball is placed in a beaker of water until the ball and the water are at the same
temperature. The ball is released from a height of 1.00 m above a bench. The
maximum vertical height h from the bottom of the ball above the bench is measured
for the first bounce. This procedure is repeated twice and an average h mean is
calculated from the three measurements.

The procedure is repeated for a range of temperatures. The graph shows the
variation of h mean with temperature T .
Uncertainty and measurements

A student hypothesizes that h mean is proportional to T 2.

Comment, using two points on your line of best-fit, whether or not this is a valid
35b. [2 marks]
Suggest why using two points cannot confirm that h mean is proportional to T 2.
35c. [2 marks]
The temperature is measured using a liquid in glass thermometer. Explain why it is
likely that the uncertainty in T is constant.

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