Percy Jackson and The Olympians - The Titan's Curse (Book 3) Summary

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(3) Percy Jackson and The Olympians – The Titan’s Curse

The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan is a young adult fantasy novel based on Greek mythology. It is the third
novel in the acclaimed Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. In this particular novel, protagonist
Percy Jackson and his friends attempt to rescue Percy's demigod friend Annabeth Chase as well as the
Greek goddess Artemis, who have been kidnapped. The kidnappings lead the friends on a dangerous
mission to rescue the fallen goddess and Annabeth before they are harmed.

Percy's mom drives Percy Jackson and his friends Annabeth and Thalia to Westover Hall, a boarding
school where Percy's friend Grover has called them in for help. Grover has infiltrated the school to
recruit more demigods to Camp Half-Blood, because he discovered that the evil Luke has been using the
school to recruit young demigods to the evil Titan army, lead by the angry Kronos. Grover has
discovered two demigods that he hopes to save, but before he succeeds, Mr. Thorn, the principal of the
school and an evil Manticore (a creature similar to a sphinx), attacks Percy and the other demigods

Artemis and her team of young huntresses arrive in time to save Percy and most of his friends, but Mr.
Thorn kidnaps Annabeth, strapping her to his back, and plummeting off the nearby cliff before Artemis
can help. The two siblings Grover discovered, Nico and Bianca, are disturbed by the events, but Artemis,
finding Bianca a perfect fit for her gang of huntresses, invites her along. Bianca accepts, leaving her
younger brother, Nico, alone. This angers Percy Jackson. After Percy tells Artemis that Mr. Thorn was
talking to him about a monster called The General, Artemis decides she must hunt the deadly creature
alone. She sends Percy and her huntresses to Camp Half-Blood to wait for her return.

At Camp Half-Blood, Percy and the demigods play a game of capture the flag against the huntresses,
who inevitably beat them. Soon after, the Oracles arrive, predicting that the huntresses and the
demigods will have to band together to save Annabeth and Artemis from The General. The Oracles also
predict, however, that only two of the five members who journey to save the goddesses will survive. It is
soon decided that Zoe, Bianca, Thalia, Grover, and a girl named Phoebe will go on the mission. Percy is
dejected that he will be left behind.

As the crew prepares for its mission, Percy is distracted when a Pegasus named Blackjack asks for his
help disentangling a creature from a net. Percy helps, and in the process catches Nico spying on his
sister and the others. Percy discovers that Phoebe can’t go on the mission, but Zoe has decided to take
charge to lead them into battle regardless. Percy decides to follow the crew on the Pegasus, which leads
him to Washington D.C.

A series of wild adventures lead the crew from Hoover Dam to San Francisco, where they are stalked by
Dr. Thorn and finally, by a group of spartoi warriors sent by The General and Luke to hunt the crew. In
the fighting, Bianca and Zoe die, though Zoe lives to fly away on Artemis's chariot at the end of the
battle, and only dies from her wounds as they land on Olympus. In her honor, Artemis makes her a

On Olympus, Artemis and the demigods convince the Olympians that they need to take action against
the Titans and their army. Percy and Grover finally return to Camp Half-Blood where they tell a
devastated Nico about the death of his sister. His reaction indicates to Percy that Nico must be the son
of Hades; Percy swears he will keep Nico's identity secret, particularly from the members of the Titan

Chapter 1 – My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong

Chapter 2 – The Vice Principal Gets a Missile Launcher
Chapter 3 – Bianca di Angelo Makes a Choice
Chapter 4 – Thalia Torches New England
Chapter 5 – I Place an Underwater Phone Call
Chapter 6 – An Old Dead Friend Comes to Visit
Chapter 7 – Everybody Hates Me but the Horse
Chapter 8 – I Make a Dangerous Promise
Chapter 9 – I Learn How to Grow Zombies
Chapter 10 – I Break a Few Rocket Ships
Chapter 11 – Grover Gets a Lamborghini
Chapter 12 – I Go Snowboarding with a Pig
Chapter 13 – We Visit the Junkyard of the Gods
Chapter 14 – I Have a Dam Problem
Chapter 15 – I Wrestle Satan’s Evil Twin
Chapter 16 – We Meet the Dragon of Eternal Bad Breath
Chapter 17 – I Put on a Few Million Extra Pounds
Chapter 18 – A Friend Says Good-bye
Chapter 19 – The Gods Vote How to Kill Us
Chapter 20 – I Get a New Enemy for Christmas

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