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Philippine cuisine is the product of the influences of many cultures like Malay, Spanish, Chinese,
Japanese and among others. It is also distinguished by its bold combination of sweet, sour, salty
and spicy flavor, though most dishes are typically not heavily spiced. Vinegar is a common
ingredient. Rice is the staple food. Meals are not complete without rice. Spoon and fork are the
utensils used in the dining table. Filipino traditionally eat three main meals a day agahan or
almusal (breakfast), tanghalian (lunch), hapunan (dinner) and afternoon snack (merienda).
Filipino cuisine prefers an influx of taste and aroma. Philippine dishes range from a simple meal
to elaborate ones being created for the celebration of occasion like birthdays, baptisms,
weddings, fiestas and anniversaries. They have five spice powder which are star anise, cloves,
fennel seeds, cinnamon and Szechuan peppercorns. Filipino meal is composed of vegetables,
meat, seafood and rice. Filipino food depends more on garlic and onions to add flavor to dishes.
Philippine cuisine is diverse. It is a fusion, hence, it is influenced by various cuisines, also every
region has its own style of cooking and dish specialities. Philippine cuisine normally comes in
paring combination of quite sweet with something salty like champorado (a sweet cocoa rice
with porridge), paired with tuyo (sun-dried fish), dinuguan (a savory stew made of pig blood and
variety meats), paired with puto (steam rice cake) etc.

Japanese cuisine is known around the world for its distinctive taste and appearance. It is also the
enjoyment of the raw taste of food, without using strongly-flavored sauces. Japanese cooking
style for roasting and broiling is kept relatively short. Cutting method were also developed
specifically to maintain good taste. Plates and bowls are carefully presented to make a visually
attractive combination with their contents to express seasonal feelings. Colorful dishes arranged
according to a traditional pattern in Japanese cuisine are beautiful and stimulating to the appetite.
Meals are generally taken three times a day and courses are not bothered with, as a simultaneous
presentation is preferred. A typical Japanese meal basically has four component: rice, miso soup,
the main dish(es) and pickles. Umami (savouriness) is characteristics taste of Japanese food.
Taste bud sensors for sweet, sour, salty and bitter flavors have been known for a long time. Rice
is the staple component and lies at the core of Japanese food culture. Japanese rice is a sticky
japonica species, characteristics taste with a slight sweetness. Rice and soup in bowls form a
basic pair. Three kinds of side dishes are prepared at home: fish, vegetables and pickles. Hashi
(chopsticks) are the implements used for eating. Ko-no-mono refers to pickles with good flavor,
which clean the mouth and stimulate the appetite. Japanese cuisine is nutritionally well-balanced
and healthy, which resulted in the longevity of the Japanese population. Ground curry powder is
very popular in Japan. There are two varied dried beans which are black beans (kuromame) and
white beans (ingenmame) these two are the most commonly used in Japanese cooking. To
express to the host, a guest will say “itadakimasu” before eating and “gochi-so-sama” after
finishing a meal.

Chinese cuisine has exhibited high culinary awareness, and the culinary traits are reflected in its
culture. Chinese food staples such as rice, noodles, tea, soy sauce, chili oil and tofu, and utensils
such as chopsticks and the wok, can now be found worldwide. Chinese cuisine is highly diverse
and most frequently categorized into provincial divisions, although these province level
classifications consist of many more styles within themselves. Color, scent and taste are the three
traditional aspects used to describe Chinese food, as well as the meaning, appearance, and
nutrition of the food. Cooking should be appraised with respect to the ingredients used, knife
work, cooking time, and seasoning. The food were identified with Yin-yan and the five elements.
Yin represent feminine, dark, and cool. Yang the masculine, light, and hot. Every food is labeled
either yin or yan. The union of these two (yin-yan) created balance and harmony like sweet
sensation with sour taste and soft texture enhance crunchy ones. The five elements are water
(salt), wood (sour), fire (bitter), earth (sweet), metal (spicy or pungent). It will create the natural
order of things leading to balance and harmony.

Korean cuisine originated from prehistoric traditions in the Korean peninsula evolving through a
complex interaction of environmental, political & cultural trends. It is largely based on rice,
vegetables, seafood and meats. Dairy is largely absent from the traditional Korean diet.
Traditional Korean meals are named for the number of side dishes (banchan) that accompany
steamed-cooked short grain rice. Kimchi, a pickled & fermented cabbage dish, is usually served
at every meals. Fermented foods play a key role in Korean cuisine. Pickles, soy sauce, hot chili
pastes, and soy bean paste are used intensively in cooking these intensive flavored dishes. Other
flavouring ingredients that characterize Korean cuisine include red chilies, garlic, soy sauce,
sesame, ginger and green onions. A large portion of the Korean diet is comprised of starchy food
like rice, noodles and pancakes. Meals are organized and presented based on the occasion, the
main dish being served, and the number of side dishes offered. Each dinner is given a bowl of
rice & side dishes are typically offered in the center of the table. The country ample’s coastline
provide fish and seafoods, while chicken, beef and pork are also featured. Korean traditionally
used metal chopsticks that are longer than the wooden ones found in Japan, and accompanied by
a spoon used for eating rice and soups.

Vietnamese cuisine has been endowed with fertile land and long coastline abundant with
seafoods. It is also encompasses the food and beverages of Vietnam. Meals feature a
combination of five fundamental tastes sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and spicy. The distinctive nature
of each dish reflects one or more elements (such as nutrients and colors), which are also based
around a five-pronged philosophy. Traditional Vietnamese cooking has often been characterized
as using fresh ingredients, not using much dairy or oil, having interesting textures, and making
use of herbs of vegetables. The cuisine is also low in sugar and is almost always naturally gluten-
free, as many of the dishes are rice-based instead of wheat-based, made with rice noodles,
papers, and flour. The Vietnamese adopted these foods and added their own styles and flavors to
the foods. From the Chinese, the Vietnamese adopted the use of chopsticks, stir fries, bean curd
and the love for noodles. The French culinary traditions introduced the pates, French bread,
sauces & butter to the Vietnamese cuisine. The Vietnamese adopted the mango sticky rice of the
Thai cuisine. Coconut milk and spice including curries were introduced to Vietnam by Laos and

Thailand cuisine is popular around the world for its array of spicy and exotic dishes. Similar with
other Asian countries, they also make use of rice and noodles as their staple food meat and
vegetables though as to the preparation and presentation of dishes looked the same but vary in
taste. The most prevalent flavor in Thai cooking comes from the chili which was introduced by
Portuguese missionaries in the sixteenth century. Thai means spicy or hot. Spiceness of food
from other Asian countries could not be compared to the spicy taste that the Thai make. Thai
believe that chilies cool the body, stimulate the appetite and bring balance and harmony to their
food. The common feature of Thai cuisine is extremely rich flavor. Thai cuisine is a perfect
blend of four seasoning salty, sweet, sour and spicy. Almost every Thai dish combines all four
taste each of the sour, sweet, salty and spicy flavors of Thai food are clearly expressed.

Indonesian cuisine is the biggest archipelago in the world and most fascinating cuisine in Asia. It
is surrounded by oceans and seas, such as, obviously fish is abundant & forms the daily fair of
the population. It is also known as the Spice Islands and has been the source of many spices
traded all over the world since the early times. Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and
colorful cuisines around the globe with full of intense flavor. Dishes are spicy, because they use
many chilis in most of Indonesian dishes. The use of peanuts is evident in almost signature
dishes of Indonesia. The Indonesians eat three meals a day, with the rice as the main staple, but
in the eastern parts of the country taro cassava, and sago are the main staple. Just like in any
other Asian countries meals are served and eaten at once. Basically an Indonesian meal consist of
soups, steamed rice, several main dishes with tropical fruits for dessert. Commonly snacks are
eaten in mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and before bedtime. Typically Indonesian breakfast is
composed of coffee and nasi gorong, and fried rice. For lunch steamed rice, a meat or fish dish,
vegetables, and soup are served. The suppers are light and include dishes much the same as to
those eaten at lunch. To include the typical Indonesian lunch or supper fruits in season are served
as desserts.

Indian cuisine is one of the most diverse in the world as the ingredients used are diverse as well.
It is also consist of a variety of regional and traditional cuisines native to India. Given the
diversity in soil, climate, culture, ethnic groups, and occupations. It is characterized by its
sophisticated and subtle use of the many grains, spices, fruits and vegetables grown across the
country. It is appreciated not only for its flavor but for the enjoyment one derives in the
preparation of the dishes. Indian food is also heavily influenced by religion, in particular
Hinduism and Islam, cultural choices and traditions. Indian cuisine has shaped the history of
international relations; the spice trade between India and Europe was the primary catalyst for
Europe’s Age of Discovery. Spices were bought from India and traded around Europe and Asia.
The Columbian discovery of the New World brought a number of new vegetables and fruit to
India. A number of theses such as potatoes, tomatoes, chilies, peanuts, and guava have become
staples in many regions of India. Historical events such as invasions, trade relations, and
colonialism have played a role in introducing certain foods to this country. Indian cuisine reflects
an 8,000-year history of various groups and cultures interacting with the Indian subcontinent,
leading to diversity of flavours and regional cuisines found in modern-day India. Later, trade
with British and Portuguese influence added to the already diverse Indian cuisine.

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