Jabroniville Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel - The Letter N

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Jabroniville Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel- The Letter "N"

-"N" isn't a terribly interesting letter with a fascinating story; in fact, it's pretty much "the
letter that comes after M", as it has a similar look and sound. However, it is the sixth-most-
common letter in the alphabet, and the SECOND-most-used consonant, owing to its use in
words that end with "-ing" and things like that.

-"N" is pretty slim-pickings for comic book characters, but there's some pretty good "B-Tier"
names in there. You've got Namor and his relatives (Namora & Namorita), Nate Grey,
Nebula (now decently well-known because of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies), Nova
(THREE of them!), Northstar, Nightcrawler and of course Nick Fury- probably the most
famous "N" guy thanks to the cinematic universe.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:36 pm

Created By: Kurt Busiek & Erik Larsen
First Appearance: The Defenders #7 (Sept. 2001)
Role: Evil Sorcerer
Group Affiliations: The Deep Six, At'La'Tique/The Fathom Five

-Nagala is a green, monstrous Lemurian Sorceress who faced the infamous Busiek/Larsen
Defenders, using a recreated Serpent Crown as a Macguffin, and teamed up with Attuma's
"Deep Six" roster of undersea villains. She has a big ugly lizard-face to match the Erik
Larsen "Standard Wasp-Waisted, Balloon-Breasted Larsen Female Body", making her kinda
come off like a Savage Dragon character. She did okay against Doctor Strange in her debut,
but four issues later, he pretty easily "stymied" her and she grew weak when the Silver Surfer
reduced the oxygen content in the water around her- she is beaten and the fake Serpent
Crown removed.

-She reappeared much later in New Thunderbolts, as one of the leaders of an Atlantean
terrorist group that formed the Fathom Five- the Five were beaten, but she seems to disappear
by story's end. Her final appearance was in a strange 2007 story Marvel Tarot/Mystic Arcana,
in which writer Dave Sexton uses her as the new "Queen of Set" who battles Llyra over the
Serpent Crown, but both are tricked by sorcerer Ian McNee, who takes it for himself.

-Nagala is another "Vaguely-Powerful Sorcerer", and is also a very strong aquatic Lemurian.

The Nameless One (Original)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:14 pm

Created By: Roy Thomas & Gene Colan
First Appearance: Doctor Strange #183 (Nov. 1969)
Role: Demon Leader

-The leader of the Undying Ones, the Nameless One, is barely even a character at all- just a
two-headed, winged leader who disappears between stories and a rock-skinned guy has taken
over. It's possible that the title "Nameless One" is simply given to the leader of their
dimension. He is super-strong and an even more powerful sorcerer than Doctor Strange, but
like most Demon Lords, never reaches Earth.


Created By: Roy Thomas & Jean-Marc Lociffier
First Appearance: Doctor Strange #41 (Nov. 1992)
Role: Demon Leader

-A second Nameless One appears in a 1992 crossover featuring Doctor Strange & Wolverine.
It's implied that the previous one was killed for his failures and replaced by this rock-skinned
guy. He was Wolverine brainwashed and sent against Strange, but Strange rescues him with
the "Gaea Shard", and empowers him to kill several Undying Ones, and this guy is seen being
sliced apart as well. He never returns.
Namor the Sub-Mariner

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:07 am

Created By: Bill Everett
First Appearance: Motion Picture Funnies Weekly (April 1939)
Role: The Jerkass, The Badass, Noble Prince Dickhead
Group Affiliations: The Avengers, The Invaders, The All-Winners Squad, The Illuminati,
Deep Six, The Dark X-Men,
Avengers Grade: C-Level (never really a long-term member)
PL 13 (199), PL 14 (199) When Soaked

Deception 2 (+5, +7 Attractive)
Expertise (Ruler of Atlantis) 4 (+7)
Expertise (History) 3 (+6)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+9)
Intimidation 9 (+12)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 3 (+6, +8 Attractive)
Ranged Combat (Atlantean Weapons) 4 (+10)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attractive, Chokehold, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard,
Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Favoured Environment (Underwater), Fearless, Great
Endurance, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Improved Hold, Last Stand
(Ignore Damage for 1 Round With an HP), Leadership, Power Attack, Ranged Combat 4,
Seize Initiative, Startle, Takedown 2

"Mutant Powers: Winged Feet"
Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18) -- [19]
[listAE: Swimming 11 (1,000 mph) (11)[/list]
"Atlantean/Human Hybrid"
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Improved Underwater Stats" (All with Flaws: Limited to Underwater/When Soaked)

Enhanced Strength 1 [1]
Power-Lifting 2 (3,200 tons) [1]
Enhanced Stamina 1 [1]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]

Unarmed +12 (+14 Damage, DC 29)
Soaked +12/+13 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +8

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +13 (+14 Soaked, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +13 (+14 Soaked), Will +11

Enemy (Every Atlantean Advisor Or General Ever)- Namor repeatedly has Atlantis stolen
from him by some douchebag or another. Atlantis is either full of evil schemers or soon-to-
be-dead girlfriends.
Relationship (Lots of Soon-To-Be-Dead Chicks)- Every time Namor takes a woman to bed,
the poor thing is doomed to die. He has worse luck than even Daredevil or Aunt May for sex
partners dying. Even the green-skinned Marrina couldn't avoid the Damocles' Sword of
Namor's schlong.
Responsibility (Atlantis)- Namor is the ruler of Atlantis, which makes him the target of a
never-ending line of usurpers, as well as anyone who hates Atlantis (like Lemurians or
Responsibility (Human/Atlantean Hybrid)- Namor's racial make-up often becomes an issue
with his people.
Reputation (Tool)- Namor is charismatic, but extremely impolite and impetuous, often
threatening his closest friends for minor slights. He's straight-up MURDERED strangers for
the same.
Reputation (Crazy)- Namor has a chemical imbalance that often leaves him unstable, which is
why he has been absolutely villainous as hell in the past. He went from a fairly kind-hearted
guy in his won book to a Black Adam-alike in recent years.
Power Loss (Wings)- Namor can lose his Flight if the tiny wings on his feet are damaged or
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Namor will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, he will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc. (in
addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently).
Enemy (Attuma, Orka, Llyra)- Namor has a Rogues Gallery of Jobbers ready to lose to him at
a moment's notice. Most of them try to take over Atlantis.
Secret (The Illuminati)- Namor allies with Mr. Fantastic, Professor Xavier, Black Bolt, Dr.
Strange & Iron Man in an attempt to ensure the safety of his people and the world.
Enemy (The Black Panther, Wakanda)- The two nations were at war- Under the Phoenix's
power, Namor committed near-genocide against Wakanda, and even when he recovered, he
wasn't particularly sorry.

Total: Abilities: 108 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 25 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 16 (199)

Namor- The First Anti-Hero:

-I've always liked Namor. I'm not quite sure why- his series are almost always sure failures
(the comics-buying public just DOES NOT CARE about Atlantean Politics, whether it's DC's
or Marvel's) and I never buy them, he's been cancelled 100 times, and his writing is often
haphazard and random (handwaved away by saying "he's bipolar"). But the fact that he's a
Flying Brick beyond most common Marvel powerhouses, capable of slugging it out with the
Hulk or Thor, and perennially pissed-off about something, mixes together to make a fairly
interesting character whenever he appears in someone else's book. He uses broad strokes
rather than tiny dabbles. Frequently he rages against the surface world that so vexes his
people (in the '60s, it was nuclear testing that scattered them), yet he also contains a large
degree of nobility, often defending the weak from others, and respecting great opponents.
Eventually, DC would kind of hit on the same things with Black Adam (who looks a lot like
Namor) in the JSA series, at which point NAMOR started reflecting ADAM in one of those
weird comic book things, to the point where I'd say a lot of Namor's current characterization
is more based on Adam's example.

-His desire to bone Mr. Fantastic's wife (and saying it right in front of him) is always
entertaining, too (I love it when she knocks him to the floor and yells at him, and he just
responds with "Gods, you are magnificent" while she rolls her eyes in disgust). He's actually
spent a surprisingly short amount of time on the Avengers, having only served briefly in the
'80s (during the "Masters of Evil destroy the mansion" arc, where he was absent, doing
Stupid Atlantean Stuff; he also fought The Olympian Gods), after having been a villain of
theirs for most of the '60s. Generally, he was another Sub-Thor fighter, tearing into combat
with aplomb, but generally being caught up in the ONLY FREAKING STORY NAMOR
EVER GETS INTO, which is "Atlantis Gets Taken Over/Warred With, Requiring Namor's
Assistance". I am fairly certain that this has happened 20,000 times now.

Namor in the 1940s:

-Namor is the first real super-character of Marvel Comics, being created in 1939 for a
giveaway called Motion Picture Funnies Weekly, which was never released. When it fell
through, creator Bill Everett used the character for Marvel Comics #1, which also debuted the
Human Torch. Unlike Superman, Batman, and such, Namor was actually a VILLAIN- more
like a Movie Monster than a defender of the weak. Atlantean Princess Fen had married
human sea captain Leonard McKenzie, and was then dragged away while McKenzie was
killed by Atlantean soldiers- pink-skinned Namor was born among his blue-skinned people,
and decided to lead raids against "Surface-Dwellers". As comics historian Les Daniels put it,
"Namor was a freak in the service of chaos. Although the Sub-Mariner acted like a villain, his
cause had some justice, and readers reveled in his assaults on civilization. His enthusiastic
fans weren't offended by the carnage he created as he wrecked everything from ships to
skyscrapers". A raw, angry antihero, he would fight Carl Burgos' Human Torch in the first
Crossover in comic book history- sinking the island of Manhattan beneath the waves in a
1940 comic.

-Namor was popular enough that a rip-off was created at DC- Aquaman, one of the few times
that DC was the follower and Marvel the leader. And he got even MORE popular in 1941
when America entered the Second World War- Namor immediately shifted gears from
warring on America and realized a WORSE enemy was out there. Suddenly we saw Namor at
the side of the Torch & Captain America, pummelling the helpless Nazis & Japanese soldiers
on every comic book cover Timely produced. And this is the heart of a GREAT babyface
turn- give the heel someone even WORSE to turn on, and the fans will be ecstatic to finally
be able to cheer for them. The WWF would learn this repeatedly, like when the Macho Man
finally attacked the Honky Tonk Man, and the Undertaker turned on Jake "The Snake"
Roberts- nothing is cooler than a heel turning to fight worse bad guys.

-Namor's '40s comics involved human female Betty Dean as a companion, as well as his
cousins Dorma & Namora. And he lasted all the way until 1949 (joining the post-war All-
Winners Squad), when Timely killed their superhero output. An attempted revival in the
1950s for rechristened "Atlas Comics" went nowhere, though Namora got her own spinoff

Namor Returns- The Villainous 1960s & Tortured 1970s:

-Namor wouldn't have to wait long for a revival- seven years after his last appearance, he
came back once Marvel was back in the superhero biz for real, showing up as an amnesiac
homeless person living in New York City. Recovering quickly, he goes back to his homeland
(now FINALLY named as Atlantis- apparently he went all this time with no name), finding it
destroyed by nuclear testing (then a great bogeyman, and source of a lot of Monster Stories).
Enraged, he assaults the surface world once more, setting the stage for Namor to be a villain
again. But again, it was a kind of justified fury, and part of what made him so cool. His
catastrophic rage would often go hand-in-hand with more responsible emotions... oh, and he'd
frequently go after Mister Fantastic's girl. He teams up with Doctor Doom & Magneto a few
times, but his rebellious streak makes his partnerships short-lived.

-1968 would see Namor get his own book once more- a publication restriction (owing to
Marvel's deal with DC to act as distributors) had prevented him getting a book until then.
Stan Lee's work would give some new edge to the charater- rather than being an impetuous,
vicious youth like in the Everett stories, Namor is now "authoritative, arrogant and solemn",
as Wikipedia puts it, adding Shakespearean dialogue and a catchphrase- "Imperious Rex!".
Completing the "Marvel Hero" thing is a boatload of personal tragedy and torment- a King
without a country (it's finally explained that his mother and grandfather were killed by a
supervillain, who was also why he was comatose), not WANTING to be a superhero but
nonetheless finding innocents in danger and being compelled to help. Namor The Sub-
Mariner would last for six years, with Roy Thomas introducing his official biggest Recurring
Villain- Tiger Shark, and Namor's closest human friend- Stingray. Namora would return, with
a younger charater named Namorita. Bill Everett would actually write a few of these stories
shortly before his death.

-Other recurring foes included the manipulative Llyra, who always wanted to bed Namor- her
machinations led to the death of Lady Dorma after she'd married Namor. Leonard McKenzie
even makes a surprise return, alive after all these years, but he's swiftly killed saving Namor
from Tiger Shark.

-The cancellation of his book would lead to a brief role in Super-Villain Team-Up, again
partnered with Doctor Doom, but low sales resulted in him being dropped thirteen issues in.
He would be a recurring character in The Defenders (initially four non-team characters:
himself, Dr. Strange, Hulk and the Silver Surfer), but the book's iconic cast would not include
him. He was in ANOTHER '70s book as well, as Golden Age fanboy Roy Thomas would
write The Invaders, a book that tells Retcon stories about Cap, Torch & Namor back in the
War Years. By the 1970s, a "type" had emerged for Namor- he was an arrogant, overly-proud
douchebag, prone to bragging, talking down to others, and tremendous acts of outrage if
provoked. A fun guy to throw into any team.

Iron Age Namor- A Heroic Turn:

-Namor would become more classically heroic following a series of Limited Series and
attempts at a revival in the 1980s. He'd marry Marrina of Alpha Flight in the '80s, but later be
forced to slay her when she turned into a monster (this is the SECOND wife of his to die).
Namor the Sub-Mariner would debut in 1990 and run for 62 issues, lasting the duration of the
Comic Book Boom and then dying a while after the Bust- it was initially written and drawn
by John Byrne, who avoided a lot of "Byrne Things" (typically, Byrne likes to reduce
characters to their original characterization, acting as if Character Development is bad) and
instead tried to come up with a concentrated WORLD around the character. Here, Namor is a
wealthy businessman and CEO of Oracle, Inc., a rare HEROIC Comic Book Businessman.
Byrne would write in some explanations for Namor's more... mercurial attitude. It would be
explained that Namor's metabolism is all messed up due to being a half-breed, and so he
needs to find other ways to regulate his moods.

-Some of Jae Lee's first comic book work was in a ridiculously-beautiful seven-issue run
halfway through the book's existence. The book took an anti-pollution stance, and Byrne used
it to bring back Iron Fist (who'd been dead for a while), and increase Namor's supporting cast,
finding him better in a team book. The book isn't very well-remembered, and had ZERO
impact on other books (in fact, it held Namorita back a bit in The New Warriors, as Fabian
Nicieza found her "belonging" to another writer, and so was a bit hamstrung in how to use
her- Byrne was apparently NOT impressed that one of his characters was being written

-Alas, Namor would have much poorer luck in the 2000s- infamously, Salvador Larocca was
dragged kicking and screaming off of X-Treme X-Men and basically forced to draw a 2003
Namor ongoing so that he could work on Marvel President Bill Jemas' pet project, as Namor
was central to a new Publishing Wing at Marvel. The book wouldn't even last a year, and that
whole line of books died in flames. A couple years later, another quickly-cancelled book
came out- Namor just does NOT have luck with those things.

Modern Namor:
-Now generally always without a book, Namor would be thrown into Marvel's Illuminati
book and concept, acting as a power behind the scenes of the Marvel Universe, allying with a
lot of very smart, very manipulative characters (Dr. Strange, Professor X, Black Bolt, Black
Panther, Tony Stark)- in fact he's actually the LEAST bright of the group, and never really
"fit" for all this secrecy. He's there because he's a ruler and an important person, but the book
seems to think that he was ALWAYS the ruler of Atlantis, even though most of his comic
book runs feature Atlantis broken apart in some way. By this point, the pointy-eared Black
Adam was wildly popular in Geoff Johns' JSA, and so Namor started acting more and more
imperious and proud in response to this.

-Namor gets slotted into the X-Men book in 2011, for lack of a better thing for him to do
(here, he replicates his lusting over Susan Richards with Emma Frost). Roped into the silly A
(vs) X story, he gains the powers of the Phoenix Force, and while fighting the Avengers, he
DEVASTATES WAKANDA, destroying much of the nation in a flood. Annoyed by the
Illuminati's lack of balls (they build devices to destroy parallel Earths to save their Earth, but
can't go through with it at the last second), he forms "The Cabal" out of VILLAINS who can
do the same thing, but finds himself horrified by their lack of morality. Disgusted by the
slaughter, he tries to break free from them, but the whole "Wakanda" thing leads to a huge
war with the Black Panther, who, despite their alliance in the Illuminati, betrays him and
abandons him on a parallel Earth.

-Things only get worse for him, as he survives Secret Wars, but ends up slain by the new
Squadron Supreme, who hail from worlds that Namor had destroyed while with the Cabal.
However, they learn the error of their ways, and resurrect him just in time for that relatively-
pointless series to be cancelled. He helps out during Secret Empire, but makes ANOTHER
big shift in personality in the newest Avengers book, where he decides that the surface world
sucks after all, and that he needs to form an alliance of aquatic bad-asses called "The
Defenders of the Deep". He wounds Stingray with sharks off-panel (hilariously, it's likely that
Stingray was DEAD, being, you know, DEVOURED BY SHARKS, but a single line of
dialogue in a later issue reveals that he survived), but becomes a recurring menace to the
surface world once more- a new "Status Quo" for a guy who never really maintains a status

Namor as a Whole:
-Namor's had a very tricky run, befouled by multiple versions of characterization. Like I said,
in the 1940s he was basically Godzilla or King Kong- a destructive force of nature that
attacked swaths of unnamed humanity. However, like both of those characters, he became
BELOVED for this same monstrous rage, and of course turned against even bigger
douchebags. The '60s saw him as villainous again, but out of vengeance for his people's
destruction- the '70s & '80s saw him settle into his "arrogant douchebag" persona, which was
good for him. The '90s saw a much calmer (and thus more boring) Namor, so by the 2000s,
he was back to being an ass, but now a more smirking one. But the usual mess of Post-2000s
Marvel saw a lot of random incidents (including attempting genocide and the death of
thousands of Wakandans) that left the character nearly broken- though unlike Mr. Fantastic,
Dr. Strange and others, he kind of has the inborn excuse of "Namor's always mercurial" to
fall back on. A newer, villainous Namor has potential as a bad guy (especially since Marvel
loves their nuanced, complex villains- he's enraged by the surface world causing Atlantean
death again), but he's always one more book away from rejoining the heroes.

-If I was running Marvel, I'd probably insist he join at least one team. He seems a good fit-
being strong as hell, but not an uber-Brick like Wonder Man or Thor, but alot more skilled
and so full of rage that he'd just go flying right into battle at the drop of a hat. And since
nobody buys his solo books, he's actually much better off in a team book that people would
buy anyways (plus, he needs other characters to bounce his personality off of him that aren't
subservient to him, like in his own book). Though it's funny that people would likely consider
him an Aquaman Wannabe were he to show up in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film, since
Aquaman (a RIP-OFF of Namor) has ended up becoming more famous.

-The biggest problem the character has, unfortunately, is a pretty weak Rogues Gallery. Tiger
Shark and Orka are perfectly serviceable, memorable Jobbers To The Stars, but are
completely flat charaters who aren't even as powerful as the hero they were made to fight!
And Attuma, Namor's biggest foe, basically has one story and one story only- "I Want To
Conquer Atlantis". These one-note idiots are somewhat memorable, but are pathetically one-
note, which makes any attempt at a Namor-centric story very dull.

Namor's Powers:
-Namor has a tricky power level to explain, as he's never really been shown as being that far
beyond the "Class 100" guys physically, yet is always treated as a much more dangerous
threat. He is an extremely powerful character, making PL 13 in melee, and PL 12.5 on
defense, which is enough to give him a small edge over Iron Man, and run him a bit below
Thor. He's a tad stronger than The Thing outside of the water, and MUCH stronger within it,
yet packs the accuracy of The Punisher, Kraven, Black Cat and others who are generally
considered to be excellent melee fighters without being truly elite. That accuracy plus that
might is a nasty combo, and as such he's a powerhouse. Add to that the fact that he can go
into the water and instantly be in the Thor class of Power Levels, and you've got yourself a
merciless bad-ass (never mind the fact that every other major hero is WORSE OFF in the
water!). Even his Will Save is nuts- a big part of Emperor Doom was that Namor is one of the
few people on Earth with a Will strong enough to resist the power of The Purple Man.

-Even his old Weakness of being out of water isn't really a major deal anymore- Namor's one
of those guys who started off dramatically-powerful, seemingly grew weaker once he got his
own comic book series, but is now one of the full-fledged baddest dudes on the block.

-Namor's had a few weird "Random Powers" sprout up over the years, but has maintained the
same power-set otherwise. In the first fight against the Human Torch, he could shoot water
out from his body (but, like, SOAKING water, not a dangerous jet of it). Stan Lee & Jack
Kirby seemed to think that Namor could mimic the powers of undersea creatures, and so the
'60s saw him use an electric eel's shock, and even bulge up like a pufferfish once! These were
dismissed as silly, and basically ignored after 1965. Wikipedia says he can do the Aquaman
"Aquatic Telepathy" thing, but I don't think I've ever seen that. If you REALLY want to
showcase the eel power, then Electrical Aura 4 is probably all you need.

Namor (Lesser Version)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Apr 09, 2019 3:39 am

NAMOR, THE SUB-MARINER (Namor McKenzie)- Younger Version
Created By: Bill Everett
First Appearance: Motion Picture Funnies Weekly (April 1939)
Role: The Jerkass, The Badass, Noble Prince Dickhead
Group Affiliations: The Avengers, The Invaders, The All-Winners Squad, The Illuminati,
Deep Six, The Dark X-Men,
Avengers Grade: C-Level (never really a long-term member)
PL 12 (190), PL 13 (190) When Soaked

Deception 2 (+5, +7 Attractive)
Expertise (Ruler of Atlantis) 4 (+7)
Expertise (History) 3 (+6)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+9)
Intimidation 9 (+12)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 3 (+6, +8 Attractive)
Ranged Combat (Atlantean Weapons) 4 (+10)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attractive, Chokehold, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard,
Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Favoured Environment (Underwater), Fearless, Great
Endurance, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Improved Hold, Last Stand
(Ignore Damage for 1 Round With an HP), Leadership, Power Attack, Ranged Combat 4,
Seize Initiative, Startle, Takedown 2

"Mutant Powers: Winged Feet"
Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18) -- [19]

 AE: Swimming 11 (1,000 mph) (11)

"Atlantean/Human Hybrid"
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Improved Underwater Stats" (All with Flaws: Limited to Underwater/When Soaked)

Enhanced Strength 1 [1]
Power-Lifting 2 (1,600 tons) [1]
Enhanced Stamina 1 [1]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]

Unarmed +11 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Soaked +11/+12 (+14 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +8

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +12 (+13 Soaked, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +12 (+13 Soaked), Will +9

Enemy (Every Atlantean Advisor Or General Ever)- Namor repeatedly has Atlantis stolen
from him by some douchebag or another. Atlantis is either full of evil schemers or soon-to-
be-dead girlfriends.
Relationship (Lots of Soon-To-Be-Dead Underwater Chicks)- Every time Namor makes out
with a pretty blue-skinned girl from under the seas, the poor thing is doomed to die. Even the
green-skinned Marrina couldn't avoid the Damocles' Sword of Namor's schlong.
Responsibility (Atlantis)- Namor is the ruler of Atlantis, which makes him the target of a
never-ending line of usurpers, as well as anyone who hates Atlantis (like Lemurians or
Responsibility (Human/Atlantean Hybrid)- Namor's racial make-up often becomes an issue
with his people.
Reputation (Tool)- Namor is charismatic, but extremely impolite and impetuous, often
threatening his closest friends for minor slights. He's straight-up MURDERED strangers for
the same.
Reputation (Crazy)- Namor has a chemical imbalance that often leaves him unstable, which is
why he has been absolutely villainous as hell in the past. He went from a fairly kind-hearted
guy in his won book to a Black Adam-alike in recent years.
Power Loss (Wings)- Namor can lose his Flight if the tiny wings on his feet are damaged or
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Namor will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, he will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc. (in
addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently).
Enemy (Attuma, Orka, Llyra)- Namor has a Rogues Gallery of Jobbers ready to lose to him at
a moment's notice. Most of them try to take over Atlantis.
Secret (The Illuminati)- Namor allies with Mr. Fantastic, Professor Xavier, Black Bolt, Dr.
Strange & Iron Man in an attempt to ensure the safety of his people and the world.
Enemy (The Black Panther, Wakanda)- The two nations were at war- Under the Phoenix's
power, Namor committed near-genocide against Wakanda, and even when he recovered, he
wasn't particularly sorry.

Total: Abilities: 102 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 25 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 13 (190)

-A more low-end Namor that represents what was more common in the late '60s through the
'80s- he could fit on The Avengers without noticeably out-powering the others, even on a
team with Cap, Black Knight, Captain Marvel II & She-Hulk on it- he was roughly-even with
that version of Hercules and a BIT above Shulkie, but not by much.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:33 pm

0_0 that last one!!
NAMORA (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia)
Created By: Ken Bald & Syd Shores
First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics #82 (May 1947)
Role: Distaff Counterpart (To Namor), Forgotten Golden Age Character
Group Affiliations: The Agents of Atlas, The Renegades, The Monster Hunters
PL 11 (167), PL 12 (167) When Soaked

Expertise (History) 3 (+6)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+9)
Intimidation 9 (+12)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 3 (+6, +8 Attractive)
Ranged Combat (Atlantean Weapons) 4 (+10)

Accurate Attack, Chokehold, Fast Grab, Favoured Environment (Underwater), Great
Endurance, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged Combat 4, Takedown

"Mutant Powers: Winged Feet"
Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18) -- [19]

 AE: Swimming 11 (1,000 mph) (11)

"Atlantean/Human Hybrid"
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Improved Underwater Stats" (All with Flaws: Limited to Underwater/When Soaked)

Enhanced Strength 1 [1]
Power-Lifting 2 (1,600 tons) [1]
Enhanced Stamina 1 [1]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]

Unarmed +9 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Soaked +9 (+14 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +12 (+13 Soaked, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +12 (+13 Soaked), Will +6

Relationship (Namor)- She also wants to hump him, even though they're cousins.
Responsibility (Human/Atlantean Hybrid)- Namora's racial make-up can become an issue
with his people.
Power Loss (Wings)- Namora can lose her Flight if the tiny wings on her feet are damaged or
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Namora will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, she will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc. (in
addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently).

Total: Abilities: 94 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 11 (167)

-With "Girl versions of male heroes" being a thing even in the '40s (though there were FAR
fewer than there eventually ended up being), Namora was added to the Namor-verse, though
really didn't make much of a dent- she got a spin-off Namora in 1948 (a year after her debut),
but it only lasted three issues. She was a regular feature in Namor's book until it was
cancelled, but didn't make the jump with Namor into the Silver Age until *1971*. She was
killed off in a FLASHBACK the next year! She vanished save for flashbacks and Alternate
Universes until the 2000s, when Marvel decided to push The Agents of Atlas as a thing. I
find her to be a bit plain- she's just a Blonde Chick Namor, and really, her clone Namorita
took that role later on, and was much more interesting. Also, the fact that Namor JUST
HAPPENS to have a cousin with the exact same mutations and powers is silly. I mainly know
her from a run as a Herc-Girlfriend of the Week in The Incredible Hercules, where she ran
off with her team at the end, rejecting him. She hooked up with Namor once, but it turns out
they were being manipulated into it by Atlantean Elders because hybrids are so powerful, and
they split up. Since the Agents of Atlas concept has been mostly dropped (and she's SUPER-
redundant), she hasn't shown up for a while.

-Namora debuted in 1947, with her name being a nickname earned from similarities to her
cousin, Namor. She was his companion on many adventures, but is revealed to have been
fatally poisoned by Llyra in a 1970s comic which introduces her young clone, Namorita, who
sort of acts as a "younger version" replacement. Like, her entire bio before the 2000s is
THAT SHORT. She only reappears in The Agents of Atlas, where, as a 1950s-themed
character, she is revived alongside Jimmy Woo, Venus, and others. They encounter her in a
damaged coffin, and a holographic image of a corpse is erased to uncover her living body.
She joins the Agents and acts as the Team Powerhouse (being Namor-level in strength). She
also acts as a "Girl of the Week" in The Incredible Hercules, sleeping with the hero after he
amuses her during a fight. They flirt a fair bit until he realizes that she wants to BANG HER
COUSIN, and then she leaves him for Agents business, leaving him dumped and grumpy
about it. Eventually, the Agents' book falters (after a HUGE push from Marvel), and she
hooks up with Namor for real. However, this is quickly written out, and she vanishes from
comics- she hasn't shown up since Thanos wrecked Atlantis, even with Namor's renewed
push as a villain. Namora is one of those characters who kind of acts as a complication- too
powerful to gloss over, and too related to certain people (Namor & Namorita) to simply
ignore in continuity.

-Namora's basically Namor Lite, being equally-powerful (she's the heavy-hitter of the
Agents), but a less-skilled fighter. PL 11 in normal circumstances, but like most Atlanteans,
upgrades in water.

Namora (Exiles)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:43 am

Such... such mean, imperious bloobage...


Created By: Tony Bedard & Mizuki Sakakibara
First Appearance: Exiles #46 (June 2005)
Role: The Jerkass, Sexy Blue-Skinned Chick
Group Affiliations: Atlantis, The Exiles
PL 11 (178)

Aerobatics 3 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+10)
Deception 2 (+6, +8 Attractive)
Expertise (Atlantean Ruler) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+9)
Intimidation 9 (+13)
Perception 7 (+10)
Ranged Combat (Atlantean Weapons) 6 (+11)
Stealth 2 (+6)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attractive, Chokehold, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard,
Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Favoured Environment (Underwater), Fearless, Great
Endurance, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Improved Hold, Last Stand,
Leadership, Power Attack, Ranged Combat 5, Seize Initiative, Startle, Takedown 2

"Mutant Powers: Winged Feet"
Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18) -- [19]

 AE: Swimming 11 (1,000 mph) (11)

"Atlantean/Human Hybrid"
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Improved Underwater Stats" (All with Flaws: Limited to Underwater/When Soaked)

Enhanced Strength 1 [1]
Power-Lifting 2 (1,600 tons) [1]
Enhanced Stamina 1 [1]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]

Unarmed +10 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Underwater Unarmed +10 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Initiative +8

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +12 (+13 Underwater, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +12 (+14 Underwater), Will +8

Responsibility (Ruling The Earth)- Namora is the ruler of Atlantis, and later the Earth of her
timeline, which makes her the target of a never-ending line of usurpers.
Responsibility (Human/Atlantean Hybrid)- Namora's racial make-up often becomes an issue
with her people.
Reputation (Bitch)- Namora is extremely impolite and impetuous, often threatening closest
friends for minor slights.
Power Loss (Wings)- Namora can lose his Flight if the tiny wings on her feet are damaged or
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Namora will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, she will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc. (in
addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently).
Note: Alternate Universe Character- Characters from alternate universes are much easier to
kill- failing a Toughness or Fortitude Check by 15 results in automatic death.

Total: Abilities: 90 / Skills: 40--20 / Advantages: 26 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 10 (178)

-Peculiarly, Namora was a BLUE-skinned Atlantean, despite being an Alternate Version of

Namor (and not the mainstream Namora)- this made Exiles the only book on the market with
TWO sexy blue-skinned pointy-eared chicks on it (and Blink was a sexy PINK-skinned
pointy-eared chick!), and she wasted no time in being just as big of an ass as Namor was, if
not WORSE. She apparently killed all of the superheroes of her Earth, leaving her as the sole
ruler (remember what I said about Alternate Characters being easier to kill?). She was shown
to care a BIT for her teammates in the end, but was still just a Disposable Buddy against King
Hyperion, who flash-fried off half her body- as I recall, the team barely seemed concerned
about her death.

-Their were two funny bits regarding her inclusion- Nocturne cracks a joke about how now
their team has THREE characters who are girls with odd-colored skin hues and pointy ears
(which is a pretty big coincidence, even for comics- sexy girls with blue or pink skin was
hardly rare in the funnybooks, but on one team? And all with the same kind of ears?). The
second is when they ended up on Mainstream Marvel Earth again, and she wastes no time in
treating Reed Richards the way Namor of that Earth treated Sue. And Sue, of course,
suddenly got all pissed off and huffy about it, getting angry at Namora's "cat that swallowed
the canary" look. It was a funny turnaround.

-It's unclear just HOW tough Namora is- you'd imagine her to be Namor's equal, especially as
she'd wiped out the entire superhuman population of her world, but of course they don't show
HOW she did that- she could've just led an army to most of them, or they could have been
weaker. She didn't seem that much more powerful than her teammates (like Mimic, who had
to cheat to beat Namor in the past), and died easily to Hyperion. So I went with PL 10 on
offense, and PL 11 on defense, with a small power-up when underwater.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:13 am

I... may have a weakness for Blue Namorita.

NAMORITA (Namorita Prentiss, aka Kymaera)

Created By: Bill Everett
First Appearance: Sub-Mariner #50 (June 1972)
Role: Namor With Boobs, The Tough Chick, Miss Fanservice
Group Affiliations: The New Warriors, S.U.R.F., The Defenders, The Council of Three, The
Fantastic Four
PL 10 (143), PL 11 (143) When Aquatic

Acrobatics 2 (+6)
Athletics 2 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+10)
Deception 2 (+5, +7 Attractive)
Expertise (History) 2 (+3)
Insight 3 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 4 (+5)
Persuasion 2 (+5, +7 Attractive)

All-Out Attack, Attractive, Diehard, Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved
Grab, Move-By Action, Ranged Attack 6

"Mutant Powers: Winged Feet"
Flight 8 (500 mph) (16) -- [17]

 AE: Swimming 10 (500 mph) (10)

"Atlantean/Human Hybrid"
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Improved Underwater Stats" (All with Flaws: Limited to Underwater/When Soaked)

Enhanced Strength 2 [2]
Power-Lifting 1 (200 tons) [1]
Enhanced Stamina 2 [2]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]

Unarmed +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Aquatic +10 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +10 (+12 Wet), Fortitude +10 (+12
Wet), Will +6

Responsibility (Atlantis)- Namorita is a member of the Royal Family of Atlantis, which
makes her the target of a never-ending line of usurpers.
Responsibility (Human/Atlantean Hybrid)- Namorita's racial make-up often becomes an issue
with her people.
Power Loss (Wings)- Namorita can lose her Flight if the tiny wings on her feet are damaged
or disabled.
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Namorita will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, she will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc. (in
addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently).
Relationship (Nova, Human Torch)- Namorita's been around the block a couple of times, but
has only had two serious suitors.
Total: Abilities: 72 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 14 (143)

Namorita- Another Girl Version of a Male Hero:

-Namorita's a side Sub-Mariner character given new life as part of the "find unused teenage
heroes" directive of Fabian Nicieza, gaining almost as much recognition as her more famous
cousin during the 1990s. Her origin is so weird the New Warriors book pretty much never
mentions it- she is the daughter of the Golden Age Heroine Namora, who was Namor's
cousin, but was sterile, much to the chagrin of her husband, Talan. So she, uh, had an
Atlantean scientist named Vyrra impregnate her with her own clone, and she gave birth to
Namorita, just as Talan died in a nuclear explosion- Namora thus raised Namorita in
Lemuria. Then Namora died, because the '70s writers were like "nah, f*ck that noise"
regarding her existence, but they wanted the cute, "Supergirl"-esque Teen Sidekick thing
going on. So she just pops up in Namor's feature book in 1972, written by Bill Everett, who at
least created the original character himself. The "clone" stuff of course came later- Namorita
at first claimed to just be Namora's long-lost daughter.

-Namorita was manipulated by baddies Llyra & Byrrah against Namor, as they'd promised to
destroy Namora's dead body. Eventually, she allied with Namor, but soon developed a crush
on him (EW!). She met Namor's human friend/ex Betty Dean Prentiss, sort of being adopted
by the woman, who took Namorita under her wing until she herself was killed by Dr. Dorcas,
another Namor foe. She later became guardian to Wundarr the Aquarian for a time, but
largely disappeared from comics during the 1980s.

Namorita the New Warrior:

-Namorita would later be completely defined by her later appearance in The New Warriors.
Here, she was a bright, confident, modern type of woman, recruited by Night Thrasher for his
new superhero team. Meanwhile, Namor had his own title again, and so Namorita joined the
supporting cast of THAT, with Byrne being a fair bit annoyed that Fabian Nicieza also had
writing privileges on her- Nicieza admits that he was at first unable to do what he wanted
with her, noting very carefully that a career in Communications and experience had taught
him some important lessons: "even in my early thirties, I knew how the industry worked, how
PEOPLE worked, and how people like THAT worked". So it took him a few years to get
anything of significance for Namorita- it was just clear that she was the strongest and most
durable person on her team, the oldest by far (though young by Atlantean standards), and...
well, let's just say she was really willing to wear swimsuits as a costume- she IS Namor's
cousin, after all- exhibitionism runs in the family. And you can't say swimsuits aren't

-So Namorita stuck around as a kind of a smarty-pants girl hero, but was actually kind of fun
on the series. Not just a one-note "Bitch" or "Valley Girl" character, she was flirty and fun-
loving sure, but she wasn't some bimbo or skank, and she had good reasons for acting the
way she did. She was more mature than she let on, and even told Firestar about playing
"different roles", like being deferential to Cousin Namor, and a more fun role on the
Warriors. The two had kind of an interesting "Sisters" kind of thing going on, since they were
both so different. Meanwhile, she also kind of hooked up with Nova, who was sometimes
okay when he wasn't being the Team Dumbass.

-Later NW books shook things up a bit- with Night Thrasher on leave for his solo book,
Namorita is the de facto leader of the team, and largely makes a mess of things, unable to
juggle all the personalities or plan well for battles. A fight in a foreign country turns into a
mess, as a rebel leader executes a military junta leader who was favorable towards the United
States and has to answer for it (she more or less goes "yeah I might have screwed that up. But
I'm not even an American citizen, so what are you gonna do?"). It was apparently only HERE
that she realized that she was a clone of Namora, birthed by the now-dead woman- the stress
from that and her past mission, AND ruling Atlantis while Namor was away, caused her to
get drunk at a nightclub, sleep around for a bit, and get into bed with a criminal who used
information in her apartment to get the other Warriors' families kidnapped. Guilt over this
situation caused her to leave the team.

Namorita Gone Blue:

-Here, Nicieza finally created his ultimate tale for her- having broken her down, he had her
reborn- the DNA spliced into her at birth combined with an over-saturation of oxygen,
making her change into a blue-skinned woman, akin to the original Atlanteans! Except she
retained her blonde hair, so she became SUPER MEGA-HOT, changing her name to
Kymaera. Later, however, she was covered with pus-filled boils, and, infuriated by Nova's
late assertion that he still liked her, took a shower... revealing her original pink skin. She
gained a few new powers (burning acid and paralytic toxins could be released from her skin),
and the New Warriors book was cancelled- she later showed up in the new one wearing a
white version of her costume with some fishnets (fairly boring, and made her look like just
about anyone, really), but it too died, and she later appeared briefly in The Fantastic Four as
Johnny Storm's new girlfriend.

-The character would later suffer along with the rest of the New Warriors when the "Reality
TV" Limited Series came out- a newly-blue-again (Marvel forgets her transformations as
much as they do Tiger Shark's, I think) Namorita was one of the members, and was later
killed in The Stamford Incident. With Night Thrasher, she is one of only two of the original
Warriors slain in the blast, but was kinda-resurrected in the cheapest way possible in the
pages of Nova- with Richard Rider now gaining a huge place of prominence in the Marvel
Universe, he was thrown into a "Time-Tossed" caper with The Sphinx, and managed to
rescue a time-displaced version of "Nita", and brings her to the present. Curiously and
bizarrely, the character all but vanishes at the exact same moment Dan Abnett & Andy
Lanning brought her back, as the Nova book was cancelled at the end of their run on Marvel's
Cosmic scene, resulting in Nova getting trapped within the "Cancerverse" for several years.
She misses out on the most recent New Warriors reboot, doesn't show up for any of the
current Namor-related stuff in Avengers, and I would bet MONEY that nobody at Marvel
even realizes she's alive right now.

Namorita's Powers:
-Basically, 'Nita's a PL 10, lower-level version of Namor. She's nowhere near as strong or as
tough, but she's a decent Brick in that she's relatively well-balanced. Like Namor, she's much
better in the water, but since she's on a land-based team, she doesn't get to use it that often (if
playing a "New Warriors" campaign, GMs may want to either ignore that or let it slide, based
off of how useful it might end up being). She's Namor-Lite even on the Skills & Advantages,
lacking his killer instinct. Not sure why a girl version of Namor is SO MUCH LESS
POWERFUL, but that's comics (and the nature of Super-Teams, where everyone has to
contribute) for ya.

Here's some of the side powers she's developed over time (most of these get dropped):
"Camouflage" Concealment (Visuals) 2 (Flaws: Partial) [2]
"Paralytic Secretions" Affliction 7 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Paralyzed) (Extras: Reaction
+3) (28) -- [29]

 AE: "Corrosive Acid" Weaken Toughness 5 (Extras: Reaction +3) Linked to Damage
4 (Extras: Reaction +3) (27)

This'd make her PL 10 (174) overall- a much more effective character.

NAMORITA (Namorita Prentiss)- New Warriors Era
Created By: Bill Everett
First Appearance: Sub-Mariner #50 (June 1972)
Role: Namor With Boobs, The Tough Chick, Miss Fanservice
Group Affiliations: The New Warriors, S.U.R.F., The Defenders, The Council of Three, The
Fantastic Four
PL 9 (132), PL 10 (132) When Aquatic

Acrobatics 2 (+6)
Athletics 2 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+8)
Deception 2 (+5, +7 Attractive)
Expertise (History) 2 (+3)
Insight 3 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 4 (+5)
Persuasion 2 (+5, +7 Attractive)

Attractive, Diehard, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Move-By Action, Ranged Attack 6

"Mutant Powers: Winged Feet"
Flight 8 (500 mph) (16) -- [17]

 AE: Swimming 10 (500 mph) (10)

"Atlantean/Human Hybrid"
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Improved Underwater Stats" (All with Flaws: Limited to Underwater/When Soaked)

Enhanced Strength 1 [1]
Power-Lifting 1 (100 tons) [1]
Enhanced Stamina 1 [1]
Impervious Toughness 6 [3]

Unarmed +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Aquatic +8 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +10 (+12 Wet), Fortitude +9 (+10 Wet),
Will +6

Responsibility (Atlantis)- Namorita is a member of the Royal Family of Atlantis, which
makes her the target of a never-ending line of usurpers.
Responsibility (Human/Atlantean Hybrid)- Namorita's racial make-up often becomes an issue
with her people.
Power Loss (Wings)- Namorita can lose her Flight if the tiny wings on her feet are damaged
or disabled.
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Namorita will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, she will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc. (in
addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently).
Relationship (Nova, Human Torch)- Namorita's been around the block a couple of times, but
has only had two serious suitors.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 30 / Defenses: 10 (132)

-Namorita from the New Warriors-era is only a couple steps back from her "Modern" Self
(dropping some accuracy & Defenses to make the team-standard PL 9, dropping All-Out &
Improved Critical to show lesser experience), and still quite powerful overall. She seemed to
take a lot of beatings over the years in that book, about as many as dunderheaded Nova- I
have an issue of Secret Defenders where she spends the entire time in traction because some
villain beat her up, too.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:21 pm

NANNY II (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Louise & Walter Simonson
First Appearance: X-Factor #30 (July 1988)
Role: Creepy Villain
PL 10 (162)

Expertise (Science) 10 (+16)
Insight 3 (+6)
Perception 3 (+6)
Technology 10 (+16)

Equipment 10 (Giant Aircraft With Teleporters & Stuff), Ranged Attack 6

"Nanny Cybernetic Array"
"Pixie Dust" Affliction 8 (Will; Fatigued/Stunned/Controlled) (Extras: Cumulative,
Progressive +2) (32) -- [36]

 AE: "Holographic Projector" Illusion 8 (24)

 AE: "Machine Pistol" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)
 AE: "Rockets" Blast 8 (16)
 AE: Teleport 8 (16)

"Jetpack" Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]

"Respulsor Field" Force Field 8 [8]
"Telescoping Arms" Elongation 2 (Flaws: Limited to Arms) [1]
"Telepathic Shielding" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) [20]

Unarmed +4 (-1 Damage, DC 14)
Pixie Dust +4 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Machine Pistol & Rockets +8 (+5-8 Ranged Damage, DC 20-23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4 (+12 Force Field), Fortitude +3, Will +5

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant & Cyborg)- Nanny is three feet tall and trapped in a cybernetic
Motivation (Abducting & Controlling Children)- For their own good, Nanny wants to take
care of the mutant children of the world, often having their parents killed to do so. She will
also transform adult mutants into children to control THEM as well.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 77 / Defenses: 12 (162)

-Nanny II is similar to the Robotic first one (a minion of Magneto's), but is based around
grabbing up mutant children and forming little armies of them- she was a good-natured
scientist working for The Right, and was sealed into a mechanical "egg" when she rejected
their Anti-Mutant nature- she was left mentally unbalanced by the experience, and thus began
gathering mutant children. She kidnapped Jean Grey's neice & nephew, among others.
-Since it's from the Simonson era of X-Factor, I'm assuming the stories aren't very good, but
Claremont used her as well. Her stories tend to be unpleasant, and feature parents being killed
and children being taken away. She's also responsible for the death of Ricochet's mother in
Slingers, and turned Storm into a child for a while in X-Men (this was undone during the X-
Tinction Agenda), which is what allowed her to finally gain her powers back after Forge had
de-powered her YEARS earlier. This is presumably due to having incredible technology and
genius at her disposal, though it's often not quite clear- the writers just like being creepy with
her. Green Lantern villain Kryb would later take this to a whole NEW level of disturbing, and
was a much more successful character- Nanny is just too goofy. It leads to a lot of dumb
stories where the heroes regress to infantile behavior (or Chris Claremont's weird thing with
Body Horror/Transformations), and the character isn't terribly interesting, even if her
backstory is a bit tragic.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:58 am

Created By: Dennis Hopeless & Kevin Walker
First Appearance: Avengers Arena #1 (Feb. 2013)
Role: Sexy Blue-Skinned Chick
Group Affiliations: The Braddock Academy
PL 7 (90)

Athletics 1 (+7)
Expertise (Atlantean Soldier) 5 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 1 (+5)
Vehicles 2 (+5)

Favoured Environment (Underwater), Teamwork

"Atlantean Physiology"
Swimming 6 (30 mph) [6]

Immunity 3 (Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [3]

Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]
Protection 1 [1]

Unarmed +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +6, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Relationship (Anachronism)- The two pair off after the death of Kid Briton, who'd been
having a relationship with Nara prior.
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Atlanteans will grow progressively weaker.
After a long period of time, they will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc.
(in addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently). They will also suffocate after 10
minutes outside of water, unless they have a special helmet or serum.

Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 7 (90)

-Nara is an Atlantean student at the Braddock Academy, and has "abandonment issues",
according to her teammate Apex. Kid Briton was cheating on Apex with Nara before
Avengers Arena began, but she soon switched her attention to the newly-attractive
Anachronism. She was mostly in the background from the looks of things, but her &
Anachronism grew quite close- she died fighting Cullen Bloodstone's monster form, saving
the day & transforming him back to normal, only to bleed out from her wounds.

-Apparently Nara has no powers other than standard Atlantean stuff. Given that Atlanteans
are much, much stronger than ordinary people, still still makes her pretty decent in a scrap. If
she had any of the trademark Atlantean weapons, she'd make PL 8, but as it stands, she's just
PL 7.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:37 pm

Created By: Louise Simonson & Jon Bogdanove
First Appearance: X-Factor #32 (Oct. 1988)
Role: Elder Evil, Super-Powered Entity
PL 15 (454)

Deception 9 (+14)
Expertise (History) 8 (+14)
Expertise (Magic) 16 (+22)
Expertise (Demon) 9 (+15)
Insight 6 (+10)
Intimidation 10 (+15)
Perception 5 (+9)
Persuasion 7 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical (Blasts)
2, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Ritualist, Startle, Well-Informed

"Immortal God"
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Magic- Ranged 3, Acute & Analytical, Tracking By Magic) [7]
"Elder Entity" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]
"Speaks All Languages" Comprehend 3 (Languages- Speak & Understand) [6]
Flight 12 (8,000 mph) [24]
Movement 1 (Space Travel) [2]

Impervious Toughness 15 [15]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]

"Variable Size"
Features 2: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Elongation 1 [1]

"Elder God"
Variable 15 (98) -- [100]

 AE: "Demonic Wave" Damage 15 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (30)

 AE: "Demonic Blast" Blast 20 (Feats: Extended Range 4, Penetrating 10) (54)

"Empower Others" Variable 10 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Affects Others Only +0,
Continuous) [81]
Unarmed +12 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Blast +10 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Area Attacks +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +16 (+8 Impervious), Fortitude +16,
Will +12

Motivation (Gathering Worshippers & Might)
Weakness (Trapped)- Almost all of the Elder Gods are trapped within their own dimensions,
having been beaten years ago by The Demogorge. Despite their great power, they are usually
bound to their dimensional boundaries.

Total: Abilities: 102 / Skills: 70--35 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 277 / Defenses: 20 (454)

-N'Astirh is one of the brains behind Inferno, the late '80s X-Event that brought all the
various characters together. He was a former servant of Belasco who went off on his own and
gained power- it was HE who gave Jason Macendale his powers as the demonic Hobgoblin,
and teams up with Cameron Hodge, giving him immortality. He then teams up with Magik's
old ally S'ym, and forges a demonic invasion of Earth. When this fails, he later becomse
infected with the Transmode Virus, and nearly has the now-insane Madelyne Pryor sacrifice
her son Nathan. He is ultimately destroyed when Storm creates a massive bolt of lightning.
He later reappears, but acts more savage and animalistic for some reason- I'm thinking the
writer just didn't realize how he used to be.

The Nasty Boys

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:33 pm


-So with the era of the Hart Foundation, Demolition and The Rockers nearing it's end (all
three teams were preparing for splits by year's end), the WWF needed some new Heel teams
to take charge. In come Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags, a couple of legitimate party animals and
bad-boys (Mick Foley once suggested that Knobs' urine would likely melt a testing cup) from
WCW, being led by their manager, the Mouth of the South, Jimmy Hart...

oh wait, crap. Wrong Nasty Boys.

Okay, so THESE mutants were the shock troopers of Mister Sinister to confound the new X-
Factor under Peter David's pen, differentiated by his other flunkies, the Marauders, by...
sucking more. Really, these guys are just an eyeblink in history. Even worse than the M.L.F.
and The Dark Riders, who at least were recurring foes. They fought X-Factor a couple of
times, then vanished- without X-scribes Fabian Nicieza & Scott Lobdell having created them,
they were functionally orphans, and withered away when David left X-Factor. Kinda
suprising from PAD, who is normally above this kind of Image-level "toss out some bland
villains into a team to create some excuses for fight scenes" stuff. The goofy names (well
they ARE allies of "Mister Sinister", so it makes sense) didn't help. And lo, they vanished.

-Slab debuted first, fighting Strong Guy solo, but the rest of the team showed up an issue
later, backing up a U.S. senator who was actually a mutant with probability-altering powers.
It turned out that Senator Shaffran was actually MISTER SINISTER in disguise, however,
and he was merely attempting to discredit Shaffran as a mutant terrorist, fearing what would
happen to mutants if Shaffran became President. The Nasty Boys are imprisoned after this
fight, but Slab & Hairbag are broken out by the Mutant Liberation Front (whose member
Thumbelina is Slab's sister), but Ramrod is deported. Later, the five are brought back together
to kill Malice, formerly of the Marauders- Malice is attempting to kill Polaris at the time,
creating a big scuffle- Malice is stunned enough that the Boys get away with her.

-With David leaving X-Factor, the characters were thus "orphaned" and rarely reappeared.
Ruckus later showed up trying to kill Senator Robert Kelly, but the X-Men stopped him. He
& Ramrod later went to the U.K. to rob banks, but were saved by the Terrigen Mist cloud by
the X-Men- this being like 25 years after their debut. Slab, Ruckus & George were later seen
harvesting and selling Mutant Growth Hormone (a "Super-Drug" that pops up a lot in
Marvel) from their own drug lab, but Psylocke attacks them and beats all three- they're by
this point reduced to simple speedbump jobbers. Finally, in a weird bit, the Nasty Boys
(minus Slab) are later hunted down and killed by the Upstarts (long-dead mutants now
reborn), who were attempting to lure Cyclops & his X-Men team. That's pretty hilarious,
actually- ignored by comics for years, they reappear as generic background jobbers and lose a
bunch, then get killed as the precursor to ANOTHER mutant fight? Now THAT's

-The Nasty Boys had some unique powers (especially Gorgeous George and Hairbag), but
were ultimately losers. They actually recurred a LOT in the X-Men cartoon, since they
wanted a Sinister-related arc, and apparently didn't like the lethal Marauders too much.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:17 am

Hey look- a Jeph Loeb character that reeks of garbage Power Geeking. Who'd have thunk it?

X-MAN (Nathaniel "Nate" Grey)

Created By: Jeph Loeb & Steve Skroce
First Appearance: X-Man #1 (1995)
Group Affiliations: The X-Men, The Brotherhood of Mutants, The New Mutants
Status: Alive
Role: The Mary Sue of the X-Men, Power Geek's Fetish Dream
PL 16 (312)

Acrobatics 2 (+5)
Athletics 3 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 5 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Telekinesis) 2 (+9)
Stealth 1 (+4)
Technology 3 (+5)

Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Improved Critical (Telekinetic Attacks) 3, Improved Disarm,
Improved Smash, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3, Ultimate Effort (Lifting with Telekinesis)

"Mutant Powers: Omega-Level Telepathy & Telekinesis"
Flight 10 (2,000 mph) [20]
Senses 4 (Precognition) (Flaws: Uncontrolled) [2]
Features 1: May Spend 2 Hero Points and get to Double Area Effects (ie. 250ft. Bursts) [1]

Mind-Reading 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Effortless) Linked to Mental Communication 5

(Feats: Subtle) (Extras: Area, Selective) (80) -- [93]

 Dynamic AE: "Focused Mind Control" Mind Control 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (57)
 Dynamic AE: "Group Mind Control" Mind Control 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras:
Area- 250ft. Burst +4) (Flaws: Touch Range -2) (71)
 Dynamic AE: "Astral Form" Remote Sensing 20 (Visuals & Hearing) (Feats:
Dynamic, Dimensional) (62)
 Dynamic AE: "Mental Blast" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range
+2, Will Save) (65)
 Dynamic AE: "Telelocation" Senses 6 (Mental Awareness- Ranged 4, Tracking)
(Feats: Dynamic) (7)
 AE: Illusion (Hearing & Vision) 12 (36)
 AE: "Psychometry" Mind-Reading 10 (Flaws: Medium- Requires Items Subject Has
Touched) (10)
 AE: "Drag Out of the Psionic Plane" Teleport 12 (Extras: Extended, Accurate, Attack
Only) (Flaws: Limited to Telepaths on the Astral Plane) (48)
Force Field 12 (Extras: Impervious 13) [25]
"Mind Shield" Enhanced Will Save 6 (Flaws: Limited to vs. Mental Attacks) [3]

"TK Wave" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10) (Extras: Area- 250ft. Cone +2) (75)
-- [88]

 Dynamic AE: "TK Burst" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10) (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Burst +2) (75)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Ram" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10) (Extras: Area-
120ft. Line +2) (75)
 Dynamic AE: "Enhanced Field" Force Field +4 (Feats: Dynamic, Increased Mass 4)
(Extras: Affects Others 12, Impervious 13) (34)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Attack" Blast 20 (Feats: Dynamic, Variable- TK or
Electromagnetic) (Extras: Penetrating 10) (52)
 Dynamic AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Precise) (Extras:
Perception Range) (50)
 Dynamic AE: Deflect 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (15)
 AE: "Move Molecular Structures Around Him" Movement 2 (Permeate 2) (4)

Unarmed +5 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Mind-Reading -- (+16 Mind-Reading, DC 26)
Focused Mind Control -- (+14 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Group Mind Control +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Mental Blast -- (+16 Perception-Ranged Damage, DC 31)
TK Area Attacks +16 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
TK Blast +9 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+15 Force Field, +19 Full Field),
Fortitude +5, Will +6 (+12 vs. Mental Attacks)

Responsibility (Outsider)- Nate is a denizen of an alternate universe from the main Marvel
Universe- the biological son of Scott Summers & Jean Grey. He was transported to another
world along with Apocalypse's son Holocaust when the M'Kraan Crystal did some whacky
stuff. Nate wanders the world, searching for his place in it.
Accident (Uncontrollable Power)- Nate's powers often go out of control, destroying a ton of
stuff, or resurrecting someone by accident (!!).
Relationship (Threnody, Madelyne Pryor)- Nate was close to both women for a time, often
protecting them or working with them.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 232 / Defenses: 15 (312)

-Ugh, Ugh, Ugh, Ugh, UGH. HATE THIS GUY. HATE HIM. Nate Grey has always stood
out as a piece of crap to me. Bad enough Cable had this power-set (and it would start
increasing by this point), but his Age of Apocalypse version, a ridiculously "extreme"-looking
cool kid with punker hair and jacket for a costume (very '90s), was even worse. He wasn't just
powerful, he was INSANELY powerful, too- to the point where almost nobody could really
threaten him (they'd boost up Electro temporarily just to do it), and it was basically pandering
to the Power-Geeks. I don't think such a group of people (ie. Feat-hungry fans obsessed with
greater and greater showings of power) even existed before this time period in comics, but
HOO BOY was Nate Grey made for them. An Omega-Level Telekinetic & Telepathic, he
was stated to be equivalent in power to the PHOENIX FORCE-bestowed Jean Grey, and he
resurrected Madelyne Pryor BY ACCIDENT because he was so mighty. Who's responsible
for this Power Geek Abortion: Jeph Loeb, the man who would create another one, The Red
Hulk, over a decade later, doing much the same stuff.

-Another thing I remember about Nate was how he became iconic as a "Powerful Character"
in his time, so much so that when a bunch of amateur writers I knew on the old WizardWorld
banded together on a "Something Unique" writing project, requiring us to invent super-
characters to fight each other, Grey was used as both the "Hard Limit" on Power Levels (the
first story was a battle-royal bout between all the characters), and the basis for at least a
couple of them. Two writers would create guys that were basically just Nate Grey with
different personalities- we had Alex Stevens (a Tenchi-knockoff with a Light Sword and a
girlfriend based off of his creator's ideal female type) and Michael Smith (a Columbine Kid-
turned-superpowered city-destroyer), with all the same powers, even stated to be "at Nate
Grey level". Both turned into pretty decent characters eventually, but this character has
ALWAYS irked me. It doesn't help that SO MANY MUTANTS have this exact same power-
set. Having so many of these guys around basically broke the TK/Telepathic archetype for
me forever- it's as broken as the Generic Flying Brick.

-Nate's comic also looked very, VERY boring to me- the few issues I bothered to read were
utterly dull and overly-full of '90s Pop Psychology, and often featured Nate walking around
as some kind of Urban Shaman debating his purpose in life, which is not the kind of thing a
superhero book should be about. Hell, it's just boring in ANY genre. Wikipedia has a massive
description of his series, and MAN does it look like a big bunch of nothing.

-I figure PL 16 is good enough for Nate- below most Cosmic Beings, but WAYYYYY above
most anyone who hangs around Marvel Earth with any regularity. He lacks a certain degree
of precision compared to many Marvel Psionics, but hits like a super-jackhammer. TK Area
Attacks, Mental Blasts and Mind-Reading are all at +16 (Area & Perception Effects), while
his TK Blast is a paltry PL 14.5 (owing to weaker accuracy but Thor/Hulk levels of damage).
And as you can imagine, he's perversely expensive- he's the most powerful telepath on Earth.
X-MAN (Nathaniel "Nate" Grey)
Created By: Jeph Loeb & Steve Skroce
First Appearance: X-Man #1 (1995)
Group Affiliations: The X-Men, The Brotherhood of Mutants, The New Mutants
Status: Alive
Role: Lower-Powered Guy
PL 9 (114)

Acrobatics 2 (+5)
Athletics 3 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 5 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Telekinesis) 2 (+9)
Stealth 1 (+4)
Technology 3 (+5)

Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Improved Critical (Telekinetic Attacks), Improved Disarm,
Improved Smash, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3

"Mutant Powers: Lowered Telepathy & Telekinesis"
"Telelocation" Senses 2 (Mental Awareness- Ranged) [2]
"Mind Shield" Enhanced Will Save 4 (Flaws: Limited to vs. Mental Attacks) [2]
"Low-Level Flight" Flight 1 [2]

"TK X-Attack" Blast 9 (18) -- [19]

 AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 4 (8)

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
TK Blast +9 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +7 (+11 vs.
Mental Attacks)

Responsibility (Outsider)- Nate is a denizen of an alternate universe from the main Marvel
Universe- the biological son of Scott Summers & Jean Grey. He was transported to another
world along with Apocalypse's son Holocaust when the M'Kraan Crystal did some whacky
stuff. Nate wanders the world, searching for his place in it.
Accident (Uncontrollable Power)- Nate's powers often go out of control, destroying a ton of
stuff, or resurrecting someone by accident (!!).
Relationship (Threnody, Madelyne Pryor)- Nate was close to both women for a time, often
protecting them or working with them.
Relationship (Dani Moonstar)- The two sorta-hooked up during the latter part of "New

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 16 (114)

-Nate returned to fight Norman Osborn's "Dark X-Men", and got mostly-depowered and
showed up in the Abnett & Lanning New Mutants series, joining the team on their somewhat-
comedic adventures amongst the lower-end parts of the Marvel Mutant Universe. Some fans
complained about his lower powers (he was just a Telekinetic Blaster), but they probably just
wanted "MOAR TELEKINETIC FEATZ!!!!" He had a brief thing where it was clear that he
liked Dani Moonstar, but of course so did Cannonball, and so did Cypher (though Sam soon
stuck around on Utopia after the X-split because he went through a mental breakdown at the
end of the last arc). Nate has not appeared since this brief run in the dying days of the book.
Nathaniel Richards

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:17 am

Thank God they dropped the "90s Space Guy" look.

Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #272 (Nov. 1984)
Role: Disappeared Dad
Group Affiliations: None
PL 5 (110), PL 11 (110) Historian

Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise (Science) 9 (+20)
Expertise (History) 10 (+21)
Insight 4 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+8)
Perception 2 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+8)
Technology 9 (+20)

Equipment 5 (Lab, Gear), Inventor, Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +7

Relationship (The Richards Family)- Nathaniel is somewhat distant with his son Reed, but is
quite close with Franklin, his grandson.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 48--24 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 8 (110)

Nathaniel The Long-Lost Father:

-It's a bit odd that we apparently never knew much about Reed Richards's father until the
EIGHTIES, but comics kind of made less of a big deal out of "backstory" back in the day.
And of course it's funny that John Byrne, who criticized how comic book writers (but
Claremont specifically) always made sure that NOBODY was ever "normal", by giving them
insane, convoluted backstories involving all kinds of weird stuff (something I actually agree
with)... gave Reed Richards a weird Time-Traveling Super-Genius of a father.

-Nathaniel Richards disappeared when Reed was a teenager, having fallen into another
dimension, where he fell in love and married one of the women there (his first wife, Evelyn,
had died when Reed was a boy). Nathaniel's new wife Cassandra conspired against him, and
the Fantastic Four had to arrive and save his life from his subjects. Along the way, they met
his daughter Huntara- Reed's half-sister. The FF had left him there so he could rebuild that
society, but he returned under the worst possible circumstances, basically abducting Franklin
into the future, to prevent some horrible chain of events from coming to pass- Franklin was
supposed to marry Rachel Summers and have a child who would become the super-villain
Hyperstorm and destroy the world. So Franklin was aged-up to adulthood to avoid this.
Franklin later returned, Nathaniel got mixed up with the Celestials and Watchers (he invaded
the body of Exitar of the Celestials, but was expelled), and he vanished again.

Things Get Complicated:

-Generally speaking, Reed's dad doesn't get used much (he tends to complicate everything,
what with involving family relations AND time travel), but writers who are unafraid to
complicate everything will use him- he's since been revealed as the possible father of KANG
THE CONQUEROR, got involved with Immortus, who ordered the "Great Hunt" that
involved every cross-time version of Nathaniel trying to kill all the other versions. Naturally,
he became the last one standing, after the FF and Doctor Doom got involved fighting his
insane counterpart- the final other Nathaniel remaining. Doom killed this one (called "The
Beast"), and he began teaming up with the Hickman-era "Future Foundation". This naturally
involved Hickman's beloved "Convoluted Cosmic Mess" style of storytelling, as Reed's dad
acted as a sort of "Chessmaster", with plans within plans, that led to Reed surviving an
invasion by the three Mad Celestials. He has since disappeared once more. Nathaniel has
since been given some backstory as a member of the ancient science-themed "Brotherhood of
the Shield", along with Howard Stark, Leonardo da Vinci & Isaac Newton.

-Ultimately this character feels... unnecessary. Like a pain in the ass wrinkle in various
stories. Him being nearly as smart as his son and granddaughter complicates the "science
scene" and comes off as very same-y, and even worse, it just makes a MESS of continuity at
points, as it involves retcons AND time travel. I guess he kind of works as a potentially-dark
"chessmaster" with his own intentions, as there was always this uncomfortable sense that he
was just doing his own thing. But the fact that he's barely been used in almost 40 years of
existence is telling.

Near Reed-Tier:
-Nathaniel is a genius like his son, but not quite on the same level as an inventor- his main
focus is careful planning, having seen so many different futures. This allows him to
manipulate events constantly, always ensuring the favorable outcome. He's nowhere near on
the FF's level as a frontline fighter, however.

National Force

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:46 pm

Created By: Roger McKenzie & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Captain America #231 (March 1979)
Role: Fifth Columnists/Nazi Successors
Doctor Faustus

-Nazis are always great villains, and every once in a while, Marvel resurrects the real thing,
not just a stand-in like HYDRA. Their name is probably based off of The National Front, a
real-life white supremacist organization; I had a Social Studies class in College that featured
a documentary about them. The looks on the faces of the minorities in class afterwards was
something to see, let me tell you- especially when the guy went into detail about how blacks
are "civilization destroyers", while asians- who white supremacists actually don't seem to
mind- are "civilization sustainers", and whites are naturally "civilization creators". Don't tell
him about Ancient Mesopotamia.

-The National Force is created by Cap villain Doctor Faustus, using the fourth Captain
America (the super-strong, insane one) as a patsy called The Grand Director. His Bucky
eventually went more sane and became Nomad. Sharon Carter, Cap's Always-Captured
Girlfriend of the '60s, was killed off in this storyline to get rid of her. The Director committed
suicide, but reappeared in modern times as part of Ed Brubaker's run on the book (Sharon had
long-since returned anyways).

Post by Jabroniville » Sat May 26, 2018 1:14 pm

Created By: Greg Rucka & Darick Robertson
First Appearance: Wolverine #13 (June 2004)
Role: Female Version of Wolverine
PL 9 (121)

Athletics 8 (+14)
Expertise (Survival) 10 (+12)
Intimidation 8 (+7)
Perception 8 (+10)
Stealth 6 (+11)

All-Out Attack, Diehard, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Natural Weapons), Improved
Initiative 2, Fast Grab, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Startle

"Animal Senses" Senses 6 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision, Scent-Tracking,
Ultra & Extended Hearing) [6]
"Natural Weapons- Bone Claws" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Split) [3]
"Animal Physiology" Speed 1 (4 mph) [1]
Regeneration 8 [8]

Unarmed +12 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Claws +12 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +13

Dodge +13 (DC 23), Parry +13 (DC 23), Toughness +5, Fortitude +8, Will +6

Relationship (Wolverine)- Native and Wolverine were lovers for some time.
Enemy (Sabretooth)- Even after the men who hired him died, Sabretooth carried a grudge
against Native.
Disabled (Mute & Illiterate)- The Native is a wild woman, growing up in the great outdoors.
She does not speak more than one syllable at a time, nor understand writing.

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 40--20 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 15 (121)

-Native is a completely forgettable character concept that reeks of "wait, didn't they already
do this one?", especially as "Female Version of Wolverine" was a thing in X-Men Evolution
and X-23 had even debuted in Marvel Comics proper the same year Native first appeared.
She is a Wolverine-esque feral mutant captured by the Weapon-X program many years ago,
and escaped at the same time Logan did. They spent some time together in a cabin in the hills
of British Columbia, becoming lovers for a time. Wolverine left her for some reason, and she
was able to successfully fight off Sabretooth, giving me a sign of "Mantis Syndrome" ("Oh
look- my Precious Pet defeated an established villain!").

-However, she & Wolverine are captured in modern times, and she's finally slain by
Sabretooth after being revealed as pregnant with Logan's child. Creed writes a note in her
blood- "I did you a favor, run- you can thank me later". So she's more of an attempt at an
"Elektra Story" than what I was suspecting, but died only six months after her debut. Still...
ANOTHER "Feral Clawed Mutant" out there in the Weapon-X program? The fact that she
can't speak or write properly makes it ultra-weird that she was with Logan romantically.

-Also... "Native" is a weird name for a character. Particularly because it's the most-common
term in Canada (at least where I live) for Aboriginal/First Nations/Indian people. It'd be like
calling a hero "Latino" or "Black" with no other descriptive text. Maybe Rucka didn't know
that? I dunno.

-Native is strong enough to defeat Sabretooth in their first appearance, and tangles with
Wolverine several times. In other words, she's another example of Wolverine Lite. Let's say
PL 9.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:33 pm

NEBULA- Space Pirate
Created By: Roger Stern & John Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #257 (July 1985)
Role: Space Pirate
Group Affiliations: The Guardians of the Galaxy
PL 10 (138)

Athletics 3 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 6 (+11)
Expertise (Space Pirate) 10 (+14)
Expertise (Tactics) 8 (+12)
Insight 2 (+6)
Intimidation 1 (+6)
Perception 4 (+8)
Persuasion 2 (+7)
Sleight of Hand 2 (+7)
Technology 3 (+7)
Vehicles 3 (+8)

Benefit 5 (Intergalactic Space Pirate, Wealth), Defensive Attack, Equipment 9 (Wrist-
Blasters), Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Blasters), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 7

"Wrist Blasters" Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (24)
"Image Inducer" Morph 4 (Humanoids) (20)

Unarmed +12 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Wrist Blasters +12 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +6

Motivation (Greed & Power)- Nebula wants total power- wealth alone isn't enough for her.

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 26 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 13 (138)


NEBULA- Cyborg
Created By: Roger Stern & John Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #257 (July 1985)
Role: Space Pirate
Group Affiliations: The Guardians of the Galaxy
PL 10 (154)

Athletics 3 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 6 (+11)
Expertise (Space Pirate) 10 (+14)
Expertise (Tactics) 8 (+12)
Insight 2 (+6)
Intimidation 1 (+6)
Perception 4 (+8)
Persuasion 2 (+7)
Sleight of Hand 2 (+7)
Technology 3 (+7)
Vehicles 3 (+8)

Defensive Attack, Equipment 9 (Wrist-Blasters), Improved Aim, Improved Critical
(Blasters), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 7

"Cybernetic Arm" Enhanced Strength 3 (Feats: Reach) (Flaws: Limited to One Arm) [4]
"Arm Blaster" Blast 8 [16]
Senses 1 (Infravision) [1]

"Wrist Blasters" Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (24)
"Image Inducer" Morph 4 (Humanoids) (20)

Unarmed +12 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Blasters +12 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +6

Motivation (Greed & Power)- Nebula wants total power- wealth alone isn't enough for her.

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 21 / Powers: 21 / Defenses: 13 (154)

Nebula the Space Pirate:

-Nebula is one of those strange characters that's gone from an also-ran nobody who was
oddly important to The Infinity Gauntlet before being discarded by everyone... to a big
character thanks to the movies. Comics are weird.

-Nebula was interesting to me as a kid, since I decided that Thanos was awesome, and his
"granddaughter" must be as well. She was a fairly one-note villain, being a Space Pirate
obsessed with power, flying around the galaxy in a super-huge space cruiser, The Sanctuary
II, and claiming to descend from Thanos himself (Thanos never substantiated these claims).
Monica Rambeau had pretended to join her band as Nebula attacked the Skrulls and the
Avengers with her massive space fleet. Then, in an Avengers arc where Spider-Man had
temporarily joined them, she nearly ended the entire universe, as a scientist she'd forced to
work for her accidentally created a new Big Bang- the Avengers took out his machine, and
she escaped. These two stories were pretty much it for Nebula until The Infinity Gauntlet
where, at random, Thanos just popped her next to himself and Death. As a "gift" for his
beloved, Thanos took this woman claiming to be related to him, and tortured her horribly for
the audacity of it- he trapped her eternally between life and death, turning her into a
shuddering husk of decaying flesh. "She would be FAR better off dead", Starfox declared.

-In the weirdest twist of the whole Gauntlet storyline, she ended up GRABBING THE
GAUNTLET, resulting in everyone divebombing HER, including the Cosmic Beings in
attendance. I thought it was kind of silly that, after Thanos did this great, smart battle against
the Cosmics, we got Nebula casually doing the whole thing AGAIN, but off-panel. This
distraction allows Adam Warlock to dive in and disrupt the Gems' connection to each other,
making her drop it, and the day is saved. In all, she's the most bizarre thing in the whole
story- nearly every other character has a role (be it observers like Starfox, schemers like
Mephisto, Cannon Fodder like the heroes- especially Namor & She-Hulk- human-level "this
is crazy" guys like Cloak, and super-heavyweights like the Cosmic Beings), but Nebula is
just kinda... there, as an example of Thanos' cruelty, until she suddenly becomes our second-
tier villain, but is rapidly written out and then doesn't matter again.

Nebula the Cyborg:

-Nebula is seen in a Titanian prison following this, confronted by Firelord over her
destruction of much of his people. However, she is freed by one of her agents, and then
transformed into a cyborg- so shortly after her big appearance, she is permanently altered into
the form she has today- a bald blue lady with a half-metallic face. She attempted to free her
old crew, but killed them in escaping capture once more- she then fought the Silver Surfer &
Genis-Vell, then Dr. Strange, the Surfer & War Machine, before Marvel's cosmic scene fell
apart and was no longer used. In Annihilation, she is a mere backgrounder- one of the
"Graces", a band of un-used female aliens- in a book focusing on Gamora.

-Nebula, unsurprisingly, began appearing again when she featured in the Guardians of the
Galaxy movie, as a sorta-sister to Gamora, and using her more-iconic, but newer, Cyborg
look. She got a cool bit where she sort of "fixed" herself after being badly injured, but like
Ronan, didn't get as much to do as the heroes. This was fixed in the sequel, as she and
Gamora made peace, ultimately joining the team and being important to even the Infinity
War stuff.

-In the comics, she got involved in situations involving Thane, son of Thanos, ultimately
killing him and accidentally unleashing the Phoenix Force that was possessing him. However,
he regenerates and she has to team up with Thanos to stop him. She is abandoned at the end,
but meets up with the "Asgardians of the Galaxy" in their book- she tries to take out Thor, but
is foiled by the heroes. Ultimately, she's become a bit of a "Grumpy Anti-Villain", acting as a
violent, passionate warrior who ends up yelling at everyone, and sometimes being forced to
ally with the heroes. I get the impression the comics didn't want to quite focus on her until the
movies settled into a role for her... and they're kind of twisting around things because in the
movies she's defined by Thanos, while in the comics she only interacted with him once until
recent history. With her "Movie Cred" she could easily be one of the rare top-tier female
villains in comics, but as she's so often a subordinate baddie these days (even in the movies),
it's tricky, and now that the movies made her somewhat heroic they can't quite do THAT,

Nebula's Abilities:
-Nebula isn't any kind of a supreme bad-ass as a fighter (she's basically using Wrist Blaster
Equipment to meet her offensive caps, and is PL 8 defensively), but the challenge with her is
the fact that she's using a Star Cruiser powerful enough to wipe out a Skrull Armada, has a
TON of Space Pirates at her beck and call, and could have God-knows-what kind of space
tech lying around. She doesn't exhibit any particularly-Cyborgy powers as far as I can tell, so
the movie's version is probably more powerful (but lacks the Space Pirates, as that's a bit of a
dated concept these days... sadly).

-As a "Space Villain", she has kind of gained "Temporary Powers" a lot- one time, the "God
Quarry" made her God-tier in stats, able to brawl with gods, while another time she had
Asgardian weapons crafted from Dwarves she'd blackmailed.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:42 am

Created By: Gary Friedrich & Marie Severin
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk Annual #1 (Oct. 1968)
Role: Invisible Man
Group Affiliations: The Inhumans, Maximus's Group
PL 7 (78)

Athletics 5 (+7)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 2 (+3)
Persuasion 2 (+3)
Stealth 3 (+6)

Defensive Attack, Equipment 2 (Rifle +5), Evasion, Fast Grab, Improved Defense, Ranged
Attack 6, Uncanny Dodge

"Terrigen Mist-Given Powers: Invisibility"
Concealment 2 (Vision) (Quirks: Shadow is Visible) [3]

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Rifle +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3
Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Reputation (Inhuman Outcast)

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 3 / Defenses: 13 (78)

-Nebulos debuted alongside Falcona, Stallior and the others. His key thing is that he was
invisible except for his shadow. He tricked the Hulk into smashing the shields guarding a
Macguffin weapon, but the team were all beaten by Black Bolt when they started squabbling
among themselves. He was later with Maximus fighting the Hulk again, and escaped. He
hasn't appeared in years.

-Nebulo is pretty simple- just a guy based around avoiding being hit- between Limited
Invisibility and his Advantages, he's pretty good at that. Kinda useless at anything else,
though. He's seen holding a gun a couple of times, at least.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 23, 2017 8:06 pm

My captions couldn't one-up this one. Not going to try.

NEBULON, THE CELESTIAL MAN (Presumably has some alien real name)
Created By: Len Wein & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Defenders #13 (May 1974)
Role: Recurring Foe (for The Defenders), Weird Alien, Cult Leader
Group Affiliations: The Ul'lula'ns
PL 10 (180)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+7)
Deception 3 (+7)
Expertise (Philosophy) 4 (+8)
Expertise (Extraterrestrial Traveler) 3 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+9)
Insight 2 (+6)
Perception 3 (+7)
Persuasion 4 (+8)
Technology 4 (+9)
Vehicles 3 (+5)

Equipment 5, Ranged Attack 6

"Ul'lula'n Physiology"
"Underwater Creature"
Immunity 2 (Drowning, Pressure) [2]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Underwater) [2]
Swimming 6 (30 mph) [6]
"Six Limbs" Extra Limbs 2 [2]
"10 foot Size" Elongation 3 [3]

"Energy Manipulation"
Blast 12 (Feats: Split) (25) -- [28]

 AE: Create 12 (24)

 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel 3) (6)
 AE: Teleport 17 (500 miles) (Extras: Extended- 16,000 miles) (Flaws: Distracting,
Standard Action) (17)

"Energy Shield" Force Field 4 (Extras: Impervious 10) (Flaws: Immobile -2) [11]
Morph 3 (Flaws: Tiring) [12]

Unarmed +7 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Blast +8 (+12 Ranged Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8 (+12 Force Field), Fortitude +8, Will +5

Motivation (Preparing Earth)- Nebulon's mission is to prepare Earth for a takeover by his
Ul'lula'n people.
Involuntary Transformation (Human)- Nebulon will lose all of his powers if he is without
contact with a biospheric energy source (ie. a planet) for a long period of time.

Total: Abilities: 78 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 66 / Defenses: 9 (180)

-Nebulon (requested by Horsenhero long-ago for the old Think Tank forum) is a typically-
strange Defenders villain- an alien squid-thing that took humanoid form, he showed up on
Earth to terraform (well, aquaform, really) the planet to make it a suitable habitat for his
people. Shapeshifting into a bizarre Golden God-type dealie, he did some stuff, and made
multiple attempts at taking over the world, at one point using The Squadron Sinister as his
allies. He ran through several issues- including some where he formed a cult based off of
1970s fad-religions after taking to heart some alien beings' advice to help others (in his cult,
all men had to admit that "we're all bozos!" and wear clown masks). He ultimately faded
away and died after fighting alongside the Avengers (in order to drain their energies to power
his cult or whatevs), sacrificing himself to protect his mate Supernalia, who also died (she
committed suicide because she felt it was bad to be manipulating The Defenders into fighting
The Avengers to stop her husband). Just a bizarre case of Marvel in the 1970s being weird.
-Nebulon's a pricey PL 10. I had to ask Horsenhero which level he was seen to be at, and he
defined him as "probably PL 10 in Jab write-ups" (hee-hee, I laugh at the sound of that-
though Horsenhero says that it's better than some guys who build even Jobbers like the
Wrecking Crew as PL 12s). He's enough to challenge The Defenders in his debut, and The
Avengers (with some help) later on, and his Blasts are enough to "stagger the Hulk". He's got
some of the benefits of Growth (namely Reach), but he doesn't really need the actual power,
as it doesn't affect his stats either way (he's just as strong in his regular form).


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:24 pm

Created By: Steve Englehart & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Defenders #1 (Aug. 1972)
Role: Magical Minion
Group Affiliations: Various Masters
PL 5 (115), PL 10 (115) Powered-Up

Expertise (Magic) 10 (+12)
Intimidation 4 (+3)
Perception 4 (+6)


"Low-End Mage"
"Impenetrable Barrier" Create 12 (Extras: Impervious) (36) -- [38]
AE: Mind Control 7 (28)
AE: Teleport 10 (20)

"Youthful Form" (All Have Flaws: Must Sacrifice/Defeat Powerful Being First)
Enhanced Strength 13 [13]
Enhanced Stamina 11 [11]
Impervious Toughness 8 [4]

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Powered-Up +6 (+14 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3 (+14 Powered-Up), Fortitude +3 (+15
Powered-Up), Will +3

Power Loss (Lack of Souls/Masters' Will)- Necrodamus depends on his masters- The
Undying Ones- for his powers, and his ability to sacrifice souls to them.

Total: Abilities: 34 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 64 / Defenses: 7 (115)

-Necrodamus is a pathetic worm of a man- a shriveled-up sort who slobbers over his great
Godly masters in order to gain more power. A classic snivelling toady, he works for The
Undying Ones, and a common schtick is to defeat a superhero and gain a youthful, powerful
form as a result. One time, it was Namor, and another time it was Agatha Harkness. Both
times, he was defeated (the Defenders held him off long enough for a spell's time to end, and
The Scarlet Witch- then just a magical trainee- sent out a powerful Hex that swept him up in
a maelstrom). Later, he appeared to fight Wanda and her husband, The Vision, forcing Vision
to allow Necrodamus' spirit to inhabit his body- he burned his disgusting old one in response.
However, this being a Marvel Team-Up issue, Spider-Man got involved, and Wanda
strengthened Vision's soul, forcing Necrodamus out- the villain chose to die rather than
inhabit the next-closest being, a puppy.

-He would reappear as a minion of N'astirh (of Inferno fame) in Fantastic Four, kidnapping
Mantis (yeah, in an FF story. Guess who was writing? Go on, try.), but the FF & Kang (??)
forced the planet Mercury out of alignment with the others, ruining Necrodamus' spell and
sending his soul into dissipation again.

-Necrodamus is a pretty weak goon most of the time, working in the shadows and taking on
people in sneak attacks. However, on two occasions he's grown to a Hulk-like form that's
much more dangerous (a PL 10 Powerhouse). Much of the time, though, he's just a go-
between for more-powerful masters.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:43 am

Created By: Alan Davis
First Appearance: Excalibur #46 (January, 1992)
Role: Evil Wizard
Group Affiliations: None
PL 15 (411)
Deception 10 (+15)
Expertise (Magic) 15 (+20)
Expertise (History) 10 (+15)
Insight 3 (+8)
Intimidation 8 (+13)
Perception 6 (+11)
Persuasion 8 (+13)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 8 (+12)

Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Power Attack, Ritualist, Well-Informed

Immunity 1 (Aging) [1]

"Magical Might"
Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]
Force Field 6 [6]
Senses 4 (Detect Magic- Acute, Analytical & Ranged) [4]
Morph 4 (Any Form) [20]
"Stretchy Limbs" Elongation 4 [4]

Teleport 14 (Feats: Increased Mass 6, Change Direction & Velocity, Dynamic) (Extras:
Accurate, Extended, Portal +2) (Flaws: Standard Action) (79) -- [107]

 Dynamic AE: "Telepathy" Mind Reading 10 (20) & Mental Communication 5 (20) --
 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 14 (Feats: Dyamic) (57)
 Dynamic AE: "Astral Projection" Remote Sensing (Vision & Hearing) 16 (Feats:
Dynamic, Subtle) (50)
 Dynamic AE: Eldritch Blast 18 (Feats: Improved Critical 2, Dynamic, Affects
Insubstantial, Affects Astral Plane Travellers) (Extras: Penetrating 10) (51)
 Dynamic AE: "Eldritch Wave" Damage 15 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Penetrating,
Area- 60ft. Cone) (45)
 Dynamic AE: Illusion (Vision & Hearing) 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (43)
 Dynamic AE: "Improved Field" Force Field +4 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Impervious
15) (20)
 Dynamic AE: Concealment (All Senses) 10 (Extras: Affects Others, Area) (41)
 Dynamic AE: "The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak" Snare 14 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras:
Area- 30ft. Burst, Selective) (72)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 14 (Extras: Perception Range) (42)
 Dynamic AE: Create 12 (Feats: Precise, Innate) (Extras: Movable, Selective,
Stationary +0) (51)
 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel) (Feats: Increased Mass 6) (Extras: Portal +2)
 AE: Healing 16 (Extras: Restorative) (48)
 AE: Movement 3 (Time Travel 3) (6)
 AE: "Transmutation" Transform Anything to Anything Else 14 (6 tons) (70)
 AE: Nullify Energy Effects 12 (Extras: Concentration, Broad) (48)
 AE: "Energy Vampire" Weaken All Abilities 13 (Extras: Broad, Simultaneous) (36)

"Raise the Dead" Summon Undead 8 (Extras: 16 Minions +8, Horde, Heroic +2, Variable +2-
Any Type) (Flaws: Source- Corpses) [112]

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Mind Control -- (+14 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Blast +12 (+18 Ranged Damage, DC 33)
Eldtritch Wave +15 Area (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Crimson Bands +14 Area (+14 Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +8 (+14-18 Force Field), Fortitude +13,
Will +11

Motivation (Power)
Enemy (Merlyn, Roma, Excalibur)
Vulnerable (Magical Attacks)- Kylun's swords could leave a permanent scar on Necrom's
face, despite his power.

Total: Abilities: 84 / Skills: 68--34 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 268 / Defenses: 20 (411)

-Necrom is an Alan Davis creation, formed in the middle, Claremont-less years of Excalibur
in an attempt to create a Big Bad for them. He had a lot of potential: The Sorcerer Supreme of
an Alternate Reality Earth, he'd gained vast powers, trained MERLYN HIMSELF as his
Apprentice, and absorbed part The Phoenix Force itself in order to gain power and take over
the universe! A really bad, bad dude, right? The only issue of course becomes that HE
LOOKS STUPID. Seriously- a world-conquering Omniversal Threat and THAT'S the look
you go with? A scrawny green big-headed guy with a red robe? It's both plain AND hideous.
I can get the whole "Appearances can be deceiving" thing, and how that there's a deliberate
contrast here, but this is COMIC BOOKS. The MEGA-villains need to look dangerous and

-So Necrom was Merlyn's teacher for years, but eventually made a power-grab, gaining a
piece of The Phoenix Force. Merlyn managed to fend him off, then spent years making plans
against Necrom's return, including forming Excalibur and the entire Captain Britain Corps.
When Necrom finally returns, he gathers the power of "The Anti-Phoenix" (a piece of the
Force that he'd buried beneath the Earth for centuries). Using his full power, Necrom
attempted to compress all of the Alternate Earths into a singularity- Rachel Summers, the
current host of The Phoenix Force, assaulted him, and teleported the two of them to a
different solar system, which was destroyed by the sheer force of their battle. Realizing that
neither she nor Necrom could handle the powers they were wielding, Rachel tricked him into
touching her and attempting his Energy Drain- the infintite power of The Phoenix Force
destroyed him utterly.

-Necrom, despite his great power, has never appeared again. I think his fairly generic concept
(Evil Wizard) and goofy appearance, combined with the relative lack of focus & respect
Excalibur got as a book (it's certainly not HATED, but there's a reason that every other X-
Book has had multiple chances at reboots and this one hasn't), is what holds him back.
Because seriously- Omniversal Phoenix Force-Empowered Lethal Bad-Ass? Kind of an epic

-Necrom is statistically about the same as Merlyn- a World-Conquering PL 15 threat. He's

got a few unique tricks- an Energy Drain, Stretchy Limbs and Necromancy- the ability to
Summon Minions. This is potentially limitless, but I went with sixteen and at 8 Ranks.
Definitely no Immortality, though.

With the powers of The Anti-Phoenix Force, Necrom becomes the following:

Created By: Alan Davis
First Appearance: Excalibur #46 (January, 1992)
Role: Evil Wizard
Group Affiliations: None
PL 18 (550)

Deception 10 (+15)
Expertise (Magic) 15 (+20)
Expertise (History) 10 (+15)
Insight 3 (+8)
Intimidation 8 (+13)
Perception 6 (+11)
Persuasion 8 (+13)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 8 (+12)
Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Power Attack, Ritualist, Well-Informed

"Cosmic Being"
Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep) [12]
"Returns From The Ashes" Immortality 15 [30]
Flight 14 (32,000 mph) [28]
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) [4]
Features 1: May Spend 2 Hero Points and get to Double Area Effects (ie. 500ft. Bursts) [1]

"Magical Might"
Force Field 8 (Extras: Impervious 13) [21]
Senses 4 (Detect Magic- Acute, Analytical & Ranged) [4]
Morph 4 (Any Form) [20]
"Stretchy Limbs" Elongation 4 [4]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
Quickness 12 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Tasks) [6]
Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]

Mind-Reading 18 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Effortless) Linked to Mental Communication 5

(Feats: Subtle) (Extras: Area, Selective) (86) -- [145]

 Dynamic AE: "Focused Mind Control" Mind Control 18 (Feats: Dynamic) (73)
 Dynamic AE: "Group Mind Control" Mind Control 13 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras:
Area- 60ft. Burst +2, Selective) (Flaws: Touch Range -2) (66)
 Dynamic AE: "Mental Detection" Senses 4 (Feats: Dynamic) (Mental Awareness,
Radius, Extended, Acute) (5)
 Dynamic AE: "Show One The Totality of the Cosmos" Affliction 16 (Will;
Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range +2,
Cumulative, Progressive +2) (Flaws: Distracting) (81)
 Dynamic AE: "Astral Form" Remote Sensing 20 (Visuals & Hearing) (Feats:
Dynamic, Dimensional) (62)
 Dynamic AE: "Mental Blast" Damage 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range
+2, Will Save) (65)
 Dynamic AE: Healing 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Ranged, Restorative,
Resurrection, Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Others, Distracting) (47)
 Dynamic AE: Teleport 14 (Feats: Increased Mass 6, Change Direction & Velocity,
Dynamic) (Extras: Accurate, Extended, Portal +2) (Flaws: Standard Action) (79)
 Dynamic AE: Teleport 18 (Feats: Increased Mass 10- 25 tons) (Extras: Extended,
Accurate) (82)
 Dynamic AE: Eldritch Blast 18 (Feats: Improved Critical 2, Dynamic, Affects
Insubstantial, Affects Astral Plane Travellers) (Extras: Penetrating 10) (51)
 Dynamic AE: "Eldritch Wave" Damage 15 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Penetrating,
Area- 60ft. Cone) (45)
 Dynamic AE: Illusion (Vision & Hearing) 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (43)
 Dynamic AE: "Improved Field" Force Field +4 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Impervious
15) (20)
 Dynamic AE: Concealment (All Senses) 10 (Extras: Affects Others, Area) (41)
 Dynamic AE: "The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak" Snare 14 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras:
Area- 30ft. Burst, Selective) (72)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 14 (Extras: Perception Range) (42)
 Dynamic AE: Create 12 (Feats: Precise, Innate) (Extras: Movable, Selective,
Stationary +0) (51)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Wave" Damage 18 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10) (Extras:
Area- 250ft. Cone +3) (83) -- [96]
 Dynamic AE: "TK Burst" Damage 18 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10) (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (83)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Ram" Damage 18 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10) (Extras: Area-
120ft. Line +3) (83)
 Dynamic AE: "Enhanced Field" Force Field +4 (Feats: Dynamic, Increased Mass 4)
(Extras: Affects Others 15, Impervious 18) (42)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Attack" Blast 25 (Feats: Dynamic) (51)
 Dynamic AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 22 (Feats: Dynamic, Precise) (Extras:
Perception Range) (68)
 Dynamic AE: Deflect 15 (Feats: Dynamic) (31)
 AE: "Devour Stars" Damage 26 (Extras: Affects Objects Only +0, Limited to Planets,
Distracting) Linked to Weaken Toughness 26 (Flaws: Affects Objects Only +0,
Limited to Stars, Distracting) (13)
 AE: Movement 7 (Dimensional Travel 3, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Portal +2) (28)
 AE: Movement 6 (Dimensional Travel 2, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Attack 16, Ranged 16) (44)
 AE: Movement 6 (Dimensional Travel 2, Space Travel +2, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Affects Others, Perception Range +2) (30)
 AE: Healing 16 (Extras: Restorative) (48)
 AE: "Sense Energy" Senses 22 (Detect Energy- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles,
Acute & Analytical, Tracking) (22)
 AE: "Sense Life" Senses 22 (Detect Life- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles, Tracking)
 AE: Movement 3 (Time Travel 3) (6)
 AE: "Transmutation" Transform Anything to Anything Else 14 (6 tons) (70)
 AE: Nullify Energy Effects 12 (Extras: Concentration, Broad) (48)
 AE: "Energy Vampire" Weaken All Abilities 13 (Extras: Broad, Simultaneous) (36)

"Raise the Dead" Summon Undead 8 (Extras: 16 Minions +8, Horde, Heroic +2, Variable +2-
Any Type) (Flaws: Source- Corpses) [112]

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Mind Control -- (+14 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Blast +12 (+18 Ranged Damage, DC 33)
Eldtritch Wave +15 Area (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Crimson Bands +14 Area (+14 Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Mind-Reading +18 (DC 28)
Mental Attacks -- (+16-18 Perception Affliction, DC 26-28)
TK Area Attacks +18 (+18 Damage, DC 33)
TK Blast +11 (+25 Ranged Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +8 (+16-20 Force Field), Fortitude +13,
Will +11

Motivation (Power)
Enemy (Merlyn, Roma, Excalibur)
Vulnerable (Magical Attacks)- Kylun's swords could leave a permanent scar on Necrom's
face, despite his power.

Total: Abilities: 84 / Skills: 68--34 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 407 / Defenses: 20 (550)


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:44 pm

Created By: Steve Parkhouse, John Stokes & Paul Neary
First Appearance: Hulk Comic #42 (Dec. 1979)
Role: Elder Evil, Super-Powered Entity
PL 15 (454)

Deception 9 (+14)
Expertise (History) 8 (+14)
Expertise (Magic) 16 (+22)
Expertise (Demon) 9 (+15)
Insight 6 (+10)
Intimidation 10 (+15)
Perception 5 (+9)
Persuasion 7 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical (Blasts)
2, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Ritualist, Startle, Well-Informed

"Immortal God"
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Magic- Ranged 3, Acute & Analytical, Tracking By Magic) [7]
"Elder Entity" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]
"Speaks All Languages" Comprehend 3 (Languages- Speak & Understand) [6]
Flight 12 (8,000 mph) [24]
Movement 1 (Space Travel) [2]

Impervious Toughness 15 [15]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]

"Variable Size"
Features 2: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Elongation 1 [1]

"Elder God"
Variable 15 (98) -- [100]

 AE: "Demonic Wave" Damage 15 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (30)

 AE: "Demonic Blast" Blast 20 (Feats: Extended Range 4, Penetrating 10) (54)

"Empower Others" Variable 10 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Affects Others Only +0,
Continuous) [81]

Unarmed +12 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Blast +10 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Area Attacks +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +16 (+8 Impervious), Fortitude +16,
Will +12

Motivation (Gathering Worshippers & Might)
Weakness (Trapped)- Almost all of the Elder Gods are trapped within their own dimensions,
having been beaten years ago by The Demogorge. Despite their great power, they are usually
bound to their dimensional boundaries.
Enemy (Captain Britain, Merlynn)

Total: Abilities: 102 / Skills: 70--35 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 277 / Defenses: 20 (454)

-A Hell Lord type of guy who fought Captain Britain, The Black Knight, Merlynn & King
Arthur in Otherworld. He was apparently responsible for a mental attack that left Brian
psychologically-damaged for two years.

The Necromancer

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:21 am

LOL, best picture- swear to god.

THE NECROMANCER (Jonas Wilhelm Eckhardt)

Created By: Allan Jacobsen & C.P. Smith
First Appearance: The New Invaders #6 (March 2005)
Role: Psionioc Dead-Speaker
Group Affiliations: The Axis Mundi
-The Necromancer is an Axis Mundi member whose only power is to speak to the spirits of
the dead. He's I guess a terrorist who specializes making weapons, too.

Ned Leeds

Post by Jabroniville » Tue May 16, 2017 10:45 pm

NED LEEDS (Edward Leeds, aka The Hobgoblin IV)

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #18 (Nov. 1964)
Role: Forgettable Side Character
Supporting Character Ranking: D-List
Group Affiliations: The Daily Bugle
PL 10 (128)

Deception 5 (+8)
Expertise (Journalist) 5 (+8)
Insight 3 (+6)
Investigation 5 (+8)
Perception 3 (+6)
Persuasion 3 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Equipment 9 (Goblin Glider), Ranged Attack 2, Well-Informed

"Goblin Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [24]
"Electro-Circuitry Gloves" Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (24)
Protection 2 (2)
Immunity 2 (Chemicals) (2) -- (28 points)

"Goblin Weapon Array" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [21]

"Pumpkin Bomb- Blast" Blast 10 (Feats: Triggered- 1 Round) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30) -- (35 points)

 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Knock-Out Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;

Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Smoke" Concealment 4 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 15ft.
Cloud, Attack) (13)
 AE: "Pumpkin Bomb- Hallucinogenic Gas" Affliction 10 (Fort;
Dazed/Stunned/Transformed) (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Ranged, Area- 15ft. Cloud)
(Diminished Range -1) (30)
 AE: "Spider-Sense Neutralizer" Nullify Sensory Powers 10 (Extras: Fort.Resistance
+0, Continuous +3, Area- 15ft. Cloud) (Flaws: Fades, Limited to Spider-Sense) (30)
 AE: "Razor-Bats" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)

"Goblin Glider"
(Medium; Strength 2, Defense 8, Toughness 6, Remote Control) (12)
Flight 6 (Flaws: Platform) (6)
"Heat-Seeking Missiles" Blast 10 (Feats: Homing 3) (23) -- (24)

 AE: "Machine Guns" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21) 

 AE: "Blades" Damage 8 (8)
-- (32 points)

Unarmed +5 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Missiles +6 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Machine Guns +6 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Electro-Gloves +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Pumpkin Blast +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Pumpkin KO Gas +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Pumpkin Hallucinogens +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Spidey-Neutralizier +10 Area (+10 Nullify, DC 20)
Razor-Bats +6 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3 (+5 Costume), Fortitude +4, Will +3

Relationship (Betty Brant)- The two are married, though Ned's work and increasing mania
are causing friction.
Responsibility (Roderick Kingsley's Pawn)- When Kingsley finds out that Ned is working
with Richard Fisk, he decides to set Ned up as a false Hobgoblin- brainwashing him into
dressing up as Hobbie and committing crimes.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 45 / Defenses: 5 (128)

-So like I said, the Betty Brant/Peter Parker thing was over in a BIG hurry in the regular
comics, which came as a big surprise to me, as I was used to seeing her in the 1960s cartoon,
and just sort of assumed that she was Pete's main chick for like a couple years. Instead, they
introduce Ned Leeds in Spider-Man #18, and he & Betty almost immediately hook up and get
married, with Pete accepting that he & Betty will never get together. And right away he ends
up in College, going after Gwen Stacy.

-Ned & Betty are together, but his work takes him away quite often, causing strains on their
marriage (at one point, Betty tries to hook up with Peter again). A pretty regular reporter guy,
he nonetheless helps Richard Fisk out in becoming The Rose, and he soon becomes mentally-
unstable thanks to Roderick Kingsley repeatedly brainwashing him. Kingsley soon sets Leeds
up to be killed by spreading the "knowledge" that Leeds is The Hobgoblin, which results in
The Foreigner, an international assassin, killing the guy. But of course we fans didn't get the
"Kingsley" aspect until years later- at the time, we and the characters were led to believe that
Hobbie's Secret ID was ol' Ned, here. And so this HUGE revelation as to The Hobgoblin's
identity in the Spider-Man books at the time was revealed... AFTER Ned Leeds was killed.
Seriously, his dead body turns up, and they investigate and it's all "oh, I guess he was the
Hobgoblin." STORY OVER. No wonder fans were pissed off. All in all, a pretty under-
utilized character who ended up being an afterthought, and Yet Another Dead Supporting
Cast Member.

-Ron Frenz has stated that Jim Owsley (there's that name again) killed off Ned in a Spider-
Man & Wolverine Limited Series with absolutely zero warning to the other creative teams
working on the Spidey books (Tom DeFalco & Peter David among them)- they were writing
stories as-is and then all of a sudden the guy was dead. "I can't speak to why he did it, but I
can speak to the way he did it. He kept it a big secret until we felt screwed."

-Ned is a pretty simple Reporter Build, though a better fighter than most. He's small beans as
a super-villain except for the high-level Area Effect gear of the Hobgoblins- with those, he's
about PL 7, and even WITH all his gear, he's a mere PL 5.5 on Defense! In other words, Ned
can hit hard when he's in costume, but he REALLY can't take it.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:05 am

EEEEEEEUUUUUUUURRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH that damn weapon greebles me out.
Something about it just seems so unpleasant, even compared to like... practical swords and

NEEDLE (Josef Saint)

Created By: Mark Gruenwald, Carmine Infantino & Al Gordon
First Appearance: Spider-Woman #9 (Dec. 1978)
Role: Jobber Villain
Group Affiliations: The Night Shift
PL 7 (68)

Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Tailor) 6 (+6)

Equipment (Sewing Needle +2, Thread), Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Sewing Needle)

"Paralyzing Gaze" Affliction 7 (Will; Dazed/Stunned/Paralyzed) (Extras: Area- Visual
Perception) [14]

Unarmed +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Sewing Needle +7 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Paralyzing Gaze +7 Area (+7 Affliction, DC 17)
Initiative +2

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +3

Disabled (Mute)- Josef Saint was left mute and blind in one eye as a result of a mugging.
Motivation (Hurting Young Men)- After being victimized by a mugger, Saint now hunts
young men on the streets, hypnotising them and sewing their mouths shut (!!!).

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 14 / Defenses: 9 (68)

-The Needle has the particularly-ghastly tendency to SEW PEOPLE'S MOUTHS SHUT,
something he started doing when some hoodlums robbed him of his voice and one of his
eyes. His rage metastasized until he was able to hypnotize young men (guilty or not), then
sews their mouths shut. As an elderly man, he was no match for Spider-Woman- she resisted
his hypnosis and zapped him at close range, and he was arrested. His only other appearance
in Spider-Woman was as another villain kidnapped by the mysterious "Locksmith"- he didn't
even get a speaking role. And wouldn't ya know Gru would re-use an ANCIENT Jobber
Villain for his "Night Shift" team, as Needle was one of his own creations. He doesn't get up
to much, though- just appearing in the background with his team in all the stories.

-Needle is seen in a handful of these stories, and once goes down solo to Armory in the
backstory of an Initiative issue. He was later part of a team that failed to capture Moon
Knight- Count Nefaria incinerated them for the failure. A few other Night Shifters have since
turned up alive, but the Needle has not. Pretty much his entire existence aside from his origin
issue has been as "Filler".

-Despite being an old man, the Needle was pretty strong. He wasn't much good against any
heroes at all, but was good enough to tag Daimon Hellstrom one time with his yardstick-
length Sewing Needle (UGH, such a nasty-looking weapon. Could you IMAGINE being
jabbed with that thing? Way creepier than a sword).


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:50 pm

MOONSTONE I (Lloyd Bloch, aka Nefarius)
Created By: Steve Englehart, Mike Friedrich & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Captain America #169 (Jan. 1974)
Role: Forgotten Villain
Group Affiliations: The Secret Empire
PL 8 (115)

Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 4 (+6)

Ranged Attack 6

"Moonstone" (Flaws: Removable) (Feats: Restricted 2- Bloch Only) [56]
Enhanced Strength 8 (25 tons) (16)
Enhanced Constitution 8 (16)
Flight 7 (250 mph) (14)
"Laser" Blast 10 (Feats: Split) (21) -- (23)
 AE: Dazzle Visuals 10 (Extras: Area-Burst) (Flaws: Touch Range) (20)
 AE: Insubstantial 4 (20)

-- (69 points)

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Moonstone Unarmed +7 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Blast +6 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Dazzle +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +1 (+9 Moonstone), Fortitude +2 (+10
Moonstone), Will +3

Responsibility (Insane)- Access to the Moonstone drove Bloch somewhat mad.
Enemy (Dr. Karla Sofen- Moonstone II)- Dr. Sofen manipulated Bloch into giving up the
Moonstone, driving him mad.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 56 / Defenses: 6 (115)

-The original Moonstone was a small-time hood who stole a stone found on the Moon's
surface- he unwittingly incinerated a security guard who shot at him, having absorbed the
bullet into the stone and giving him super-powers. He became "Moonstone", and was
recruited as an agent of the Secret Empire, and a member of a front organization, the
Committee to Regain America's Principles (hilariously an anagram for C.R.A.P., a direct
parody of the then-current C.R.E.E.P. organization out to re-elect Nixon, who in the comic
was the real head of the Secret Empire). He was used as part of their plan to discredit Captain
America- Cap was framed for various crimes (such as the murder of the Tumbler), and even
beaten publicly by Moonstone. Moonstone became a famous superhero and decried Cap
every chance he got, but in the end, Cap, Falcon, Cyclops & Marvel Girl all teamed up and
attacked the Empire when they acted to take over America- Cap, enraged at Moonstone's lies,
beat his more powerful foe into unconsciousness on the White House lawn. The Secret
Empire was exposed, Number One (Nixon) of the Empire committed suicide and Moonstone
was imprisoned.

-Four years later, the villain reappeared in The Incredible Hulk, speaking to a psychiatrist
named Dr. Karla Sofen. The manipulative, evil Sofen convinced him that giving HER the
Moonstone was the best idea possible, as it was turning him into a monster, and so he gave it
to her willingly! Sofen thus became the second Moonstone, and kept on in that role for years,
completely relpacing Bloch. He reappeared many years later in Mark Gruenwald's Captain
America run (when Steve thought he was dying), showing up with ionic powers similar to
Wonder Man's, now calling himself Nefarius. Claiming to be the son of Count Nefaria, he
kidnapped Moonstone II and attempted to kill her for her past manipulation of him, but Cap
& Quasar fought him. Moonstone, having tricked him into thinking she was taken in by his
manliness, shot him with an energy blast, defeating him. He reappeared a bit later fighting the
Avengers after freaking out in a prison after seeing Moonstone II again, and was beaten.
Bloch was later killed by Nefaria himself, who drained the ionic energy away from him.
-As Moonstone, Bloch was a good enough threat to defeat Captain America in their first
encounter, largely by surprising him with superhuman strength and "New Villain Stink".
Later, he surprised the Falcon with a laser-blast, and KO'd Cap when he ran to his friend's
aide. Moonstone's later attempts were more "someone escapes" kinds of things.

NEFARIUS (Lloyd Bloch, aka Moonstone I)

Created By: Steve Englehart, Mike Friedrich & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Captain America #169 (Jan. 1974)
Role: Forgotten Villain
Group Affiliations: The Secret Empire
PL 12 (164)

Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 4 (+6)

Ranged Attack 6

"Ionic Powers"
Enhanced Strength 15 [30]
Enhanced Constitution 15 [30]
Enhanced Fighting 2 [4]
Enhanced Dodge 2 [2]
Leaping 10 [10]
"Eye Beams" Blast 14 (Feats: Improved Critical) [29]

Unarmed +9 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Ionic Powers +9 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Blast +8 (+16 Ranged Damage, DC 31)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +1 (+15 Ionic Powers), Fortitude +16, Will

Responsibility (Insane)- Access to the Moonstone drove Bloch somewhat mad.
Enemy (Dr. Karla Sofen- Moonstone II)- Dr. Sofen manipulated Bloch into giving up the
Moonstone, driving him mad.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 105 / Defenses: 6 (164)

-As Nefarius, Bloch had Count Nefaria-ish abilities, but not enough that Cap, Quasar &
Moonstone couldn't overwhelm him. Later, he fought the Avengers, and Hercules & Giant-
Man had to throw an ultra-dense Vision at him to knock him unconscious.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:18 am

Created By: Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely
First Appearance: New X-Men #115 (Aug. 2001)
Role: One-Off Goth Kid
Group Affiliations: None (The Illusory Hellfire Club doesn't count)
PL 6 (34)

Expertise (Pop Culture) 4 (+4)


"Mutant Powers: Telepathy"
Mind-Reading 6 [12]
Senses 4 (Precognition) [4]

Unarmed +2 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Mind-Reading -- (+6, DC 16)
Initiative +1

Dodge +2 (DC 12), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +1, Fortitude +2, Will +4

Prejudice (Mutant)

Total: Abilities: 10 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 16 / Defenses: 6 (34)

-A one-shot character that was intended to put a bit of a "face" on the otherwise-faceless
genocide of Genosha, Negasonic Teenage Warhead (named for a Monster Magnet song... I
only remember Space Lord, which is pretty bitching) was slain alongside millions of other
Mutants by Cassandra Nova's Sentinels. She was one of the illusory Hellfire Club members
created from Emma Frost's mind by Cassandra Nova, probably because this kind of
disaffected Teen Girl Character is exactly the kind of thing Joss Whedon likes. And she was
"iconic" enough that when she was resurrected during Necrosha, she was one of the few
Transmode Zombies able to resist Selene's will (not that this went anywhere). She's
apparently alive to this day, in a minor role. Basically, her entire job is to look like a Goth
and have a weird name.

-She's probably most famous now for showing up out of freakin' nowhere for the Deadpool
film, acting as a sort of sounding-board for Ryan Reynolds' Wade- while Colossus is brave,
upstanding and moral; NTW basically couldn't give a crap about anything, and so she's pretty
good for being sullen and rude, thus "no-selling" his quips. I figure they probably used her for
her funny name, and because she was one of the Marvel Mutant Properties they didn't have to
be overly careful with, meaning they had more freedom to do whatever. However, her powers
were more similar to Cannonball's (and appropriate for her name).


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:42 pm


NEKRA (Nekra Sinclair)

Created By: Steve Gerber & Ross Andru
First Appearance: Shanna the She-Devil #5 (Aug. 1973)
Role: Jobber Villain, Slutty Dresser
Group Affiliations: The Black Spectre, The Lethal Legion
PL 10 (145)

Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise (Arcane Lore & Spellcraft) 8 (+9)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+5)
Expertise (Survival) 8 (+10)
Insight 6 (+8)
Intimidation 7 (+11)
Perception 6 (+8)
Sleight of Hand 6 (+6)
Stealth 5 (+10)

All-Out Attack, Attractive, Distract (Intimidate), Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed),
Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ritualist, Startle, Takedown

"Mutant Powers: Rage-Based Enhancements"
Speed 3 (8 mph) [3]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Immunity 2 (Heat, Cold) [2]

"Rage-Based Attributes"
Enhanced Strength 7 [14]
Enhanced Stamina 5 [10]
Power-Lifting 1 (12 tons) [1]
Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 7) [8]

Unarmed +12 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +9

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +8, Fortitude +10, Will +5

Power Loss (All Powers)- Nekra needs to be angry to use all of her powers. This is far less of
a weakness than The Hulk (who specifically needs to be Raging), since she's nearly always
angry, but a successful Persuasion or Control effect could calm her down and drop all of her
Powers to nothing. She will also lose her abilities after about an hour of straight use.
Prejudice (Appearance)- An albino, Nekra is quite odd-looking, and stands out in a crowd,
even WITHOUT the most Stripperific outfit in history.
Relationship (The Mandrill)- The Mandrill & Nekra are very close to the point of siblings,
and will avenge each other if necessary.
Relationship (The Grim Reaper)- Nekra is the Reaper's love-slave, and has constantly
attempted to return him from the dead. Despite this, he really doesn't love her.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 56--28 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 41 / Defenses: 12 (145)

-Nekra debuted after her partner, The Mandrill, packing a similar origin story, but in reverse:
Nekra was born to a black family, but had chalk-white skin (plus fangs)- said to be an albino,
though she had black hair. A Mutant, she was loathed by her parents and her community, and
ran away to the desert, where she found the Mandrill. His pheromone powers, and her ability
to empower herself whenever she was angry, allowed them to survive. She & Mandrill
formed the Black Spectre organization after years on the run (scavenging and looting), and
faced Shanna the She-Devil in the early days- they were even responsible for killing her
father! Eventually, Nekra is abandoned by her partner, and captured by Daredevil, Shanna
and the Black Widow.

-Subsequently, Nekra splits off from the Mandrill, and becomes a bit of a Journeyman
Villain, as of course Shanna's book failed and the character disappeared. She appears in some
Vision and the Scarlet Witch issues as the lover of the Grim Reaper (and partner of Black
Talon)- when the Reaper dies in combat, she reanimates him so well that even HE does not
realize that he's dead! However, when her love for him overpowers her hatred for others, her
spell loses power. She later fights Spider-Man, Henry Py, and Alpha Flight. After a brief
affair with Mister Hyde (ew), she reanimates the Reaper once more, with the caveat that he
must kill one person every 24 hours to keep on going. His first victim? Nekra.

-Nekra is later reanimated by Daimon Hellstrom, who uses her to spy on Doctor Druid,
whom she later kills with a bullet through the forehead. This leads to her basically vanishing
for a number of years, though she retains her powers after M-Day. She loses to the Loners in
the Runaways book, and joins the Reaper's new Lethal Legion, but is betrayed by him- they
were set up to job to Norman Osborn's "Dark Avengers". We also discover that she has a
daughter named "Death Reaper", but she is later killed during Chaos War when a reanimated
Vision explodes.

-Nekra is thus a fairly weird character- primarily used for her distinct appearance (smokin'
hot pasty nudist) rather than her pretty generic powers (Hulk Lite), and as one of Marvel's
few really interesting-looking Female Villains. Her uncomfortable, weird link to The
Mandrill has been forgotten for ages, as he's gone in a different Jobber Villain direction, and
she's usually paired off with the loser Grim Reaper instead. But WOW, that look- her
costume is quite possibly the skankiest in all of comics, and SCREAMS "1970s" for how
skin-baring it is- the relaxing of the Comics Code unleashed a lot of women like this- bearing
uber-cleavage or whatever whack-off fantasies the artists had. It kind of helped turn comics
from "that thing for kids" to "that thing for young adult perverted nerds"

-Nekra's a PL 10 Scrapper compared to the Controlling Mandrill, having high physical

abilities across the board, as well as pretty decent accuracy. Working side-by-side with
Mandrill and his pheromone manipulation, they can make a pretty deadly team. She's shown
magical abilities in the comics, but they all come from getting ingredients and casting spells
over vats of steaming whatever, so she can't whip out zapping spells, make zombies, or
teleport on the fly like anyone with the "Magic" power can- it's all Arcane Lore &
preparation, useless in battle- she CAN create Zombies, but only via craft, not Power. Her
key weakness is that she has to be angry to use any of her powers- with her low Will Save, a
hero with their own Emotion powers would finish her but good.

Nellie the Nurse

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:29 am

NELLIE THE NURSE (Nellie Nelson)
Created By: Unknown
First Appearance: Nellie the Nurse #1 (Aug. 1945)
Role: Archie Knock-Off, Miss Fanservice

-One of the first attempts at an Archie-like book at Timely, Nellie the Nurse was another
"WOW THIS GIRL IS HOT!" type on the cover gags. Nellie looks like a standard cutie-pie
in the early going, but later shifts to the Dan DeCarlo style buxom, tiny-waisted Miss
Fanservice type, with a nurse uniform that has the classic "boob socks" fit around each breast.
Nellie appeared in her own book, plus Gay Comics and Millie & Willie's books. Nellie
actually lasted a long time compared to her obscure contemporaries- 1945-1952, outlasting
Oscar, Jeanie, Willie, Margie, Cindy & Rusty. She & Georgie are actually the most
successful next to Patsy Walker & Millie the Model, both of whom lasted way into the Silver
& Bronze Ages.

Nemesis I-III

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:28 pm

NEMESIS I (Isabel St. Ives)

Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #7 (Feb. 1984)
Role: Weapon User
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (94)

Acrobatics 6 (+11)
Close Combat (Sword) 2 (+10)
Deception 6 (+7)
Expertise (History) 2 (+3)
Insight 4 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 8 (+9)
Stealth 5 (+10)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Improved Critical (Sword), Improved Smash, Power Attack

Immunity 2 (Aging, Need to Eat) (Flaws: Source- Requires Souls) [1]
Regeneration 2 [2]

"Onyx Blade" (Flaws: Easily Removable) (Feats: Unbreakable) [10]

"Sword Strike" Strength-Damage +4 (Feats: Improved Critical) (Extras: Penetrating 8) (13) --
(15 points)

 AE: Teleport 8 (Feats: Increased Mass 3) (Flaws: Distracting) (11)

 AE: Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Onyx Blade +10 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +5

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Responsibility (Living Embodiment of Retribution)

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 13 (94)

-There have actually been THREE characters named Nemesis, all with the same concept. I'd
initially built the character as if they were all the same person, not knowing for a fact whether
or not they were different. In any case, the first one is Isabel St. Ives, who witnessed her
mother being killed by the gangster Deadly Ernest- her own father. She swore vengeance, and
constructed a sword using magic and science, but disappeared once Ernest was sliced to
pieces. When the villain was revived much, MUCH later, so too did Nemesis make her
return, allowing Puck to kill him again. Nemesis explained her origins to Alpha Flight, but
then disappeared once more- forever, this time.
NEMESIS II (Jane Thorne)
Created By: James Hudnall & John Calimee
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #76 (Nov. 1989)
Role: Weapon User
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight
PL 8 (96)

Acrobatics 6 (+11)
Close Combat (Sword) 2 (+10)
Deception 6 (+7)
Expertise (Cult Leader) 6 (+7)
Insight 4 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 8 (+9)
Stealth 5 (+10)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Improved Critical (Sword), Improved Smash, Power Attack

Immunity 2 (Aging, Need to Eat) (Flaws: Source- Requires Souls) [1]
Regeneration 2 [2]

"Onyx Blade" (Flaws: Easily Removable) (Feats: Unbreakable) [10]

"Sword Strike" Strength-Damage +4 (Feats: Improved Critical) (Extras: Penetrating 8) (13) --
(15 points)

 E: Teleport 8 (Feats: Increased Mass 3) (Flaws: Distracting) (11)

 AE: Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Onyx Blade +10 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +5
Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Responsibility (Living Embodiment of Retribution)

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 13 (96)

-The second Nemesis was introduced as a member of Gamma Flight, and wore the same
uniform. Her name was never given in the comics, but she remained with the team until it
disbanded, and fled with Wild Child into the Canadian wilds in order to keep him out of
government custody. When Wild Child returned to Alpha Flight, he came and rescued her
from some cult called the Children of the Night, and had her join the team as well. Absolutely
nothing about this character's backstory was ever revealed, aside from the fact that she once
LED the cult herself.

NEMESIS III (Amelia Weatherly)

Created By: Scott Lobdell & Clayton Henry
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #1 (May 2004)
Role: Weapon User
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight
PL 9 (108)

Acrobatics 6 (+11)
Close Combat (Sword) 2 (+12)
Deception 6 (+7)
Expertise (History) 6 (+7)
Insight 4 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 8 (+9)
Stealth 7 (+12)

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Improved Critical (Sword), Improved Smash, Power Attack

Immunity 2 (Aging, Need to Eat) (Flaws: Source- Requires Souls) [1]
Regeneration 2 [2]
Immortality 1 [1]

"Scell- Promethium Blade" (Flaws: Easily Removable) (Feats: Unbreakable) [16]

Mind Reading 10 (Feats: Subtle) (Flaws: Limited- In Temporal Movement Only, Limited-
Greatest Fear, Shame, Love or Lust) (6)
"Sword Strike" Strength-Damage +4 (Feats: Improved Critical) (Extras: Penetrating 8) (13) --

 AE: "Super-Speed Strike" Strength-Damage +2 (Extras: Multiattack 6) (8)

 AE: Movement 3 (Temporal Movement 3) (Feats: Increased Mass 3) (Extras: Affects
Others) (Flaws: Source- Blood Sacrifice) (12)
 AE: Movement 3 (Temporal Movement 3) (Feats: Increased Mass 3) (Extras: Affects
Others, Attack +0) (Flaws: Source- Blood Sacrifice) (12)
 AE: Teleport 8 (Feats: Increased Mass 3) (Flaws: Distracting) (11)
 AE: Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)

-- (24 points)

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Scell +12 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Super-Speed Strike +12 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +5

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Responsibility (Living Embodiment of Retribution)

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 44--22 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 20 / Defenses: 13 (108)

-The latest appearance of Nemesis in the Lobdell run gave her some extra powers and a new
identity- she was the mistress of Centennial way back in the 19th Century, but was killed
under mysterious circumstances. She was revived by the "Spirit of Retribution" that
empowered the other Nemeses, and wields the same blade. She requires it to move, however.
She engaged in a complicated plot to prevent a bad timeline from coming out that involved
killing all the members of Alpha Flight in the past, but things were undone by some
Lobdellian goofiness (clones of Alpha Flight were taken from Shaman's pouch and given the
right memories), at which point Nemesis & Centennial were allowed to die together, side by
side. When a totally forgettable character has a three-page backstory, you know something's

-Nemesis is a pretty cheap PL 9 Scrapper/Weapon-User type build. Using Scell (her

unbreakable sword), she can Teleport or move through time (but only with a blood sacrifice),
bringing others with her. She can discover one of their greatest secrets in the process as well.
Plus, she's super fast and can fly. Beware of her deadly Multiattack Strike, as she can add that
sucker to her sword. But really, kind of a simplistic little set-up.

The Neo

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:16 am

-Few things in comics were as big a disappointment to me as Claremont's return to the X-
Men titles in the year 2000. After a rough decade and some REALLY awful runs, we finally
had our God back! The writer of The Dark Phoenix Saga! The Mutant Massacre! Days of
Future Past! It was gonna be like the glory days again!

-And then... it sucked. I mean, it was BAD. Bad enough that by the first issue, everyone was
like "uhhh... was this the same guy?" Rogue, who'd spent the better part of the '90s essentially
being a Love Interest for Gambit (and then Joseph for a bit), is suddenly thrust into the
leadership of the team, with the other characters being like "YEAH- you go Rogue! You're
perfect for the job!" and you're like "ROGUE? REALLY?" Granted, Claremont had been
working hard at making her a big name hero in his time, and was probably leading towards
this moment, but ten years later it felt out of place because of where her character had been.
The rosters of the team were jumbled in a weird way, the stories themselves were rather dull.
And... you had THESE assholes.

-The Neo were introduced in X-Men #100 as a band of Mutants who were like SUPER-
Mutants- more powerful than regular Mutants, they all had flowery, "This is my childhood
D&D Character" names like Domina, Jaeger, etc. And they were EXCRUCIATING. Every
goddamn time they were on-panel, they were grimacing, making clumsy, overly-dramatic
statements of "bad-ass" towards each other. All "We are THE NEO." They blamed the X-
Men for the High Evolutionary doing some thing that de-then-re-powered Mutants across the
globe, which for some reason killed all the Neo's children. And for some reason, Claremont
felt that all the X-Books needed to be All Neo, All The Time. First, they battled Domina's
wing. Then they came across The Goth, one of them proclaiming "I am SANGUINE", which
is like the most pretentious Hot Topic shit I've ever read in my life. There were some Neo
Hoverboard Pirates, too.

-And they went over like an absolute fart in church. The fans HATED them. With the X-Men
doing nothing but fighting guys that artist Leinil Francis Yu drew exclusively as 1980s Pro
Wrestling/Mad Max rejects with facepaint and torn-up clothes, fans pretty well revolted.
Claremont pushing his weird stuff with them go to the point where his disastrous run was
cancelled after only nine months- a ridiculously short run, even by the standards of turn-of-
the-century comics (notorious for revolving creative teams). And then, in one of the most
hilarious, overt "hey- your ideas were shit and you should feel bad for coming up with them"
moments I have ever read in my thirty years of reading comic books, the next writer simply
had the entire team slaughtered and embarrassed, never to be seen again. It's literally just
some Neo standing around talking, MAGNETO bursts in, says "I am only going to say this
once: KNEEL", at which point Domina mouths off and sends her boys after him... Magneto
waves his arm, shreds two of the established Neo into paste, and forces the rest to kneel
before him. Domina is seen on her knees, staring up like at a God. And then they don't show
up again. THAT was the send-off they were given! Basically "hey, you all actually suck
compared to the prior villains! F*ck you and go away!"

-Claremont seems to have gotten the message about the Neo, and never attempted to bring
them back. And given that he spent the next ten years sticking the boring, unpopular Sage
onto every single book he worked on (X-Treme X-Men? SAGE! Excalibur revamp? SAGE!
The Exiles, about a band of alternate universe heroes? Mainstream SAGE!), I'm thinking
there must be a damn good reason he never used them again.

Their History:
-The Neo are a hidden society of Mutants that has been kept away from humanity (and the
rest of mutantkind) for millennia... along with about 900 other groups in the Marvel Universe
who have also done that (I think if you added the New Men, Eternals, Deviants, Atlanteans,
Lemurians, Inhumans, Utopans, African Inhumans and other groups together, they would
probably outnumber the rest of humanity). When the High Evolutionary temporarily turns all
the world's Mutants into ordinary humans, the child of the leader of the Warclan dies, and
this leader, Domina, declares war on the world. The Warclan thus plots genocide, using their
small army of super-tough, high-tech warriors in Mad Max rip-off gear (Claremont, like
many writers, never quite got out of a certain decade- in his case, it's the 1980s, what with all
of his face-painted, punk-dressed, pirate & surfer-themed characters). The X-Men fight them
off, but soon encounter OTHER Neo clans, such as The Lost Souls (who trap souls near
death, causing them to despair forever), The Shockwave Riders (psionically-powered anti-
grav-skimmer riders), The Goth (goths- and of course the S&M/leather-loving Claremont was
ALL OVER that), and the Crimson Pirates (inter-dimensional slavers). The X-Men
repeatedly encountered groups of Neo over the next few adventures, until suddenly
Claremont left and Magneto humiliated the group- he slaughtered two Neo, forced Domina to
kneel in reverence to him and pledge allegiance to stop the war between Neo & Mutants...
and then flew away and we never saw her group again.

-Some other Clans existed, but received little focus- Guardian, War, Spirit & Mind Clans
were there. The Guardian & War Clans actually attacked Utopia in a modern issue, enraged
and confused over their loss of powers and why no new births had been occuring in their
community (I guess they didn't know about "No More Mutants" at all)- before Cyclops could
explain to them what happened, a group... and I have to quote Wikipedia on this directly or
else you'll be like "What the F, Jab?"- "a group of supreme beings called the Evolutionaries
intervened and in a blink of an eye caused the global extinction of the entire Neo subspecies
based on the premise that the Neo had ceased to evolve and thereby posed a threat to the
survival of baseline Homo Superior." Seriously, where these Evolutionaries people who'd
read Claremont's garbage X-Men run in disguise? Because that's basically what the fans had
been saying, and had wanted to do, since those idiots debuted!

-So yes, that was the fate of the Neo- the ENTIRE RACE was exterminated as an
afterthought by an almost literal case of Deus Ex Machina, just to get them out of the way.
Claremont actually re-used the Crimson Pirates in a Nightcrawler arc, stating that they were
in a different dimension when the Race-Nuke went off, so they were unaffected.


Created By: Chris Claremont & Leinil Francis Yu
First Appearance: X-Men #100 (May 2000)
Role: Jobber Army
Group Affiliations: The Various Neo Clans
PL 6 (77)

Athletics 4 (+9)
Expertise (Soldier) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Perception 4 (+4)
Stealth 1 (+6)
Technology 3 (+3)

All-Out Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Mutant Powers: Stuff"
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]

Unarmed +7 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +5

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +5, Fortitude +6, Will +2

Responsibility (The Neo)- All the branches of the Neo appear furiously loyal.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 3 / Defenses: 5 (77)

-Neo are super, amazing, awesome Special Snowflakes as a race, being Mary Sue villains
who are apparently like Mutants, but better in every single way. Every one of them is treated
as if they had Captain America-ish stats. Individually, they're not so impressive, but PL 6 for
a baseline member of the race is pretty hardcore.


* Interdimensional slavers who managed to survive the extermination of their race at the
hands of the Evolutionaries.
BLOODY BESS- PL 8 (92): FIGHTING 9, PRE 2, Sword +2, Pistol +5, Expertise (Slaver)
4 (+4), Improved Critical (Sword), Ranged Attack 6 [16]
-A swordswoman who teamed up with Nightcrawler for a bit.
BROADSIDE- PL 7 (87): ST 7, STA 7, Expertise (Slaver) 4 (+4) [10]
-The team's "Big Guy".

KILLIAN: The leader of the Pirates, who seemingly wears a suit of Power Armor, has a
Force Field and the ability to Absorb Energy.
SEA DOG: A hunched-over gadgeteer who is presumably very smart.


BELDAME- PL 8 (93): "Drain Energy" Affliction 8 (Impaired/Disabled/Transformed to

Powerless, Cumulative) [16]

THE GOTH- PL 10 (110): "Drain Energy" Affliction 10 (Impaired/Disabled/Transformed

to Powerless, Cumulative), Blast 12 (Accurate, Source- Powers) [33]
-The Goth leads... The Goth. His absorption power backfired on him when he tried to absorb
Rogue, who'd recently absorbed Gambit's own powers- the overwhelming amount of power
overloaded The Goth, killing him.

SANGUINE- PL 9 (98): FIGHTING 9, AWA 2, PRE 2, "Drain Blood" Weaken Strength 9

-The hilariously pretentious guy who once absorbed Archangel so much he temporarily
turned Caucasian-looking again.

WANDERER- PL 6 (109): Teleport 8 (Easy, Extended) [32]


ORB- PL 8 (93): Fire Blast 8 [16]

STARE- PL 6 (77):
-The leader- he was depowered by the time we saw him.






Lament &

Requiem (the leader)

-Various Psionic Powers.

THE SHOCKWAVE RIDERS- PL 6 (83): Vehicles 6 (+10), Equipment 3 (Antigrav

Vehicles) [6]
-None are ever named. -Untrue behold


ANTEUS- PL 8 (99): ST 8, STA 8 [12]

-The team strongman.

BARBICIAN- PL 6 (93): "Seal Empty Spaces" Create 8 (Continuous, Limited to Seals &
Barriers) [16]
-A mysteriously-powered guy.
DOMINA- PL 10 (155): FIGHTING 13, INT 2, AWA 3, PRE 3, "Energy Charges" Damage
8 (Reach 2, Penetrating), "Superhuman Gestalt" Mimicry 5 (Limited to Neo), Will +7 [78]
-Domina is the tough-talking leader of the Neo, who only appeared for nine months before
Magneto forced her to bow before him. She has literally never been seen since- all other Neo
stuff happened off-panel or didn't involve her.

JAEGER- PL 9 (106): FIGHTING 12, AWA 3, PRE 2, Perception +4, Senses 7 (Detect
Emotions- Acute, Tracking, Ranged 4) [29]
-A lead "Hunter" of their people, he attacked Nightcrawler and Cecilia Reyes, and Cecilia, a
doctor, accidentally killed him.
JUNCTION- PL 6 (109): Teleport 8 (Easy, Extended) [32]
-Rax replaced Jaeger as the lead "Hunter" of the Warclan.

KILMER- PL 6 (93): Healing 8 [16]

-A Healer.

RAX- PL 9 (91): FIGHTING 10, AWA 2, Perception +4, Ranged Attack 6 [14]
-Rax replaced Jaeger as the lead "Hunter" of the Warclan. He also plotted against Domina,
wanting leadership for himself.

SALVO- PL 8 (103): Ranged Attack 6, Blast 8 (Multiattack) [26]

-Salvo was seen a fair bit- he could turn his hands INTO GUNS YOU GUYS, and blast
away. He was one of the two Neo slain by a literal handwave from Magneto.
ELYSIA- PL 6 (117): Illusion 8 (All Senses) [40]
-Illusion Caster. The youngest of her Clan.

RANSOME SOLO- PL 6 (99): INT 2, PRE 3, Business 8 (+10) [12]

-A renegade Neo, and Domina's brother. His powers are never explained, but he appears to be
a businessman of some kind.

SETH- PL 8 (99): PRE 3, Electrical Blast 8 [22]

-He romanced Kitty Pryde and tried to destroy the High Evolutionary's satellites.

STATIC- PL 8 (87): "Power Control" Affliction 10 (Impaired/Disabled/Controlled) [10]

TARTARUS- PL 8 (101): "Experience Your Worst Fears" Affliction 8
(Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated; Perception Range) [24]


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:33 am

NEOPHYTE (Simon Hall)
Created By: Scott Lobdell & John Romita Jr.
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #300 (May 1993)
Role: Crappy Villain, "The Stormer"- Token Good-Natured Villain
Group Affiliations: The Acolytes
Fate: Still alive and on the team
PL 6 (79)

Acrobatics 2 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 5 (+9)
Deception 1 (+1)
Expertise (Acolyte) 4 (+5)
Insight 4 (+5)
Perception 4 (+5)
Persuasion 4 (+4)
Stealth 4 (+7)

Defensive Roll, Equipment (Acolytes Gear), Evasion, Improved Defense, Redirect

"Mutant Powers: Phase-Morphing"
Movement 3 (Permeate 3- Full Speed) (Quirk: One Continuous Medium Only) [5]
Speed 12 (8,000 mph) (Flaws: Limited to When Permeating) (Quirk: One Continuous
Medium Only) [5]
Insubstantial 2 (Flaws: Limited to With Particulate Substances) [8]

"Acolytes Gear" Communications, Protection (2)
Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +2 (+3 Suit, +4 D.Roll), Fortitude +4,
Will +4

Motivation ("Mutant Power!")
Responsibility (Peaceful One)- Neophyte is the Acolyte most mindful of common morality
aside from Mellencamp, but is very confused and in need of something to believe in. He does
not entirely reject Xavier's words, and does not believe the Acolytes should treat humans the
way humans have treated mutants.

Total: Abilities: 26 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 18 (79)

-Neophyte has the gimmick of "The Stormer"- the Acolyte who gets made fun of by the
others for not being as bloodthirsty or evil as the others, and he's always the first one to show
mercy. A big part of his debut story features Colossus having to go to bat for the kid as the
other Acolytes are plotting to throw him out for excessive kindness. He actually survives the
various stories in which a LOT of Acolytes die (Holocaust, Genosha...), and has most-
recently been seen with the Acolytes during Messiah Complex, and aiding Cyclops against a
Sentinel attack upon Utopia.

-Neophyte's power is FAR from easy to stat, essentially being able to phase through matter,
but in a bizarre way that lets him pop in from anything that's still part of the object he's
phasing through (such as the wall of a French castle allowing him to phase out of ANY other
portion of the castle connected to that wall, as long as it was still the same
substance/medium). I figured Permeate plus Speed would handle it- he can move into
something, and travel at a HUGE speed, essentially allowing him to come out of any attached
piece almost instantaneously. Teleport doesn't work, as he's not really TELEPORTING; nor
does the "Medium" Flaw, unless you got cheap and made it Limited to Contiguous Mediums
& gave it Variable to mean it could be ANY substance at any given time. He can also
"disperse" himself via travelling through rain or something like that, so I gave him
Insubstantial with a limit. He's not much good in a fight, but he's handy for certain "out of
combat" activities.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:34 am

NEPTUNE (aka Poseidon)
Created By: Stan Lee & Gene Colan
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #70 (Aug. 1965)
Role: The Greco-Roman God of The Sea & All Waters, Horses, Earthquakes
Group Affiliations: The Olympian Pantheon
PL 15 (392), PL 16 (392) Within the Seas

Deception 8 (+13)
Expertise (God of the Seas) 13 (+18)
Expertise (History) 7 (+12)
Expertise (Magic) 13 (+18)
Insight 8 (+12)
Intimidation 8 (+13, +19 Size)
Perception 8 (+12)
Ranged Attack (Blasts) 2 (+12)
Stealth 2 (+5)

Beginner's Luck, Benefit 6 (Status- God-King of the Seas), Daze (Intimidation), Diehard,
Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Trident) 2, Improved Hold, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack,
Ranged Attack 7, Ritualist, Startle

"Immortal God"
Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrowth) [9]
Immunity 12 (Aging, Drowning, Pressure, Starvation & Thirst, Heat, Cold, Disease, Fatigue
Effects) [12]
Immunity 2 (Poison & Suffocation) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Shapeshift 4 (Animal Forms, Growth) [24]

"Magical Might"
"Blast Stream" Damage 15 (Feats: Variable- Water or Energy) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line +2)
(46) -- [51]

 AE: Movement 10 (Dimensional Travel 3) (6)

 AE: Blast 18 (Feats: Variable- Water or Energy) (37)
 AE: "Blast Burst" Damage 15 (Feats: Variable- Water or Energy) (Extras: Area- 60ft.
Burst +2) (46)
 AE: "Blast Wave" Damage 15 (Feats: Variable- Water or Energy) (Extras: Area- 60ft.
Burst +2) (46)
 AE: Force Field 2 (Extras: Affects Others 14, Impervious 17) (33)
 AE: "Invisible to Mortals" Concealment 4 (Visuals) (Flaws: Limited to Mortals) (6)
"Extra Power Within The Seas" Damage +2 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line +2) (Flaws: Limited to
Within the Seas) [4]
Note: Every power in the Magic Array is boosted this way.

"King of the Seas"

Swimming 10 (500 mph) [10]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Comprehend Animals 4 (Flaws: Limited to Sea Life) [4]

"Trident of Poseidon" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [92]

"Water-World" Environment (Impede Movement) 4 (2 ranks, 250ft. Radius) (8)
"Water Elementals" Summon 5 (Extras: Active, Controlled, Horde, 8 Minions +6) (55)
"Earthquake" Affliction 14 (Strength; Dazed & Hindered/Prone & Stunned) (Extras: Area-
500ft. Burst +5, Extra Condition) (Flaws: Limited Degree) (84) -- (90)

 AE: "Earthquake" Affliction 14 (Strength; Dazed & Hindered/Prone & Stunned)

(Extras: Area- 500ft. Line +5, Extra Condition) (Flaws: Limited Degree) (84)
 AE: "Water Torrents" Move Object 16 (32)
 AE: "Water Snare" Snare 14 (42)
 AE: "Forced Drowning" Affliction 14 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras:
Ranged) (28)
 AE: "Mass Drowning" Affliction 15 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (60)
 AE: "Water Control" Move Object 16 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited to
Water) (32)
 AE: "Boost Power to Blasts" Area Damage (250ft. Area +3) (60)-- Note: Affects each
Area Damage from Magic Array

-- (154 points)

Unarmed +11 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Energy Blasts +10 (+18 Ranged Damage, DC 33)
Area Blasts +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Earthquake & Drowning +14 Area (+14 Affliction, DC 24)
Water Snare & Drowning+12 (+14 Ranged Affliction, DC 24)
Initiative +3

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +15 (+17 Force Field), Fortitude +16,
Will +12

Responsibility (Olympian Pantheon)- Poseidon is loyal to Zeus.
Responsibility (Atlantis)- Poseidon is the patron God of Atlantis, and seems to take this role
seriously, viewing Namor as his greatest champion.
Reputation (Man-Whore)- Poseidon has nearly the same troubles ZEUS has with chasing
around random women.

Total: Abilities: 122 / Skills: 72--36 / Advantages: 24 / Powers: 191 / Defenses: 19 (392)
Poseidon in Mythology: Poseidon is pretty much just like Zeus in many regards- a muscular
bearded man who lorded over people, had legendary wrath, and slept with a STAGGERING
amount of women (among them Medusa Gorgon, which got her into a LOT of trouble with
her patron Athena)- his offspring, mortal and otherwise, number into the dozens, and rival
Zeus'. Drawing the Sea in the lots with Zeus and Hades, Poseidon had a pretty good deal,
and got to do a lot in Greek mythology. He had a feud with Athena in general, starting
because Athens named itself after Athena instead of him, and he was much more wrathful in
general- the Greeks feared the seas a fair bit (like most seafaring cultures- it was a mix of
awe and fear), and Poseidon was also declared as a God of EARTHQUAKES. Poor
Odysseus had to deal with all KINDS of crap, just for defending himself against one of
Poseidon's sons (he put out the eye of a Cyclops while under the nom de guerre or

-Poseidon's link to the Oceans makes him pretty popular in comics as a Sea God, and he's the
patron God of Atlantis in Marvel Comics as a result, making him one of the only Greek Gods
to be worshipped actively in modern times. He's often shown as Atlantean Blue, but I've seen
a big white guy as well (not that a GREEK GOD needs any excuse to change their
appearance), and he's generally been a bit more diligent in the comics I've read than he ever
was in mythology. He is in fact the creator of the Atlantean Homo mermanus race, and has
sent Namor on Fetch Quests and installed him as true ruler of Atlantis before. He's often
called Neptune due to the planet's symbolism matching up with water a lot, but he was
Poseidon in some recent Hercules stuff.

-He is forced to fight against Namor at the behest of Zeus in the Assault on Olympus story
arc, as Zeus wishes to punish the Avengers for the injuries of Hercules. At the end of that
story, Zeus bars the Gods from Earth forever, a point which Neptune openly complains
about- he is immediately silenced by an enraged Zeus. He was kind of a Butt-Monkey in the
Hercules series, being heavily-weakened by the Assault on Olympus, and was made short
work of by THE AMAZONS, and trussed up like some loser. Still weak, he could not
challenge Hera, nor Athena's role as Godhead of the Olympians.

-Neptune is much like Pluto, being INSANELY powerful, particularly within his own
element (he was so tough that be basically just easily defeated Namor himself in an eyeblink,
while both were underwater). He's stated to be equal to Pluto in pretty much every way, and
so he's a PL 15/16 being who's nigh-unstoppable (being one PL above maximum Thor and a
LOT more effective overall). He's only cheaper than Pluto thanks to needing the Trident for a
bunch of his tricks, though it's outside of his "Magic" array- he can kick ass pretty heavily
without it.

Divine Offspring:
With Arne: Aiolos (God of Winds)
With Halia (Sea Goddess): The Proseus Daimones (Sea Spirits that haunted the caverns of
With Demeter: Despoine (Goddess of the Arkadian Mysteries)
With Unknown: Proteus (Elderly Sea God)
With Amphritrite: Triton (Fish-Tailed Sea God)

Heroic Offspring:
With Queen Eurynome: Bellerophon (Heroic slayer of the Chimera)
Network & No-Girl

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:01 am

"I'm as MAD AS HELL, and I'm not going to take this anymo-- wait, wrong Network. Sorry."

NETWORK (Sarah Vale)

Created By: Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir & Michael Ryan
First Appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #12 (2005)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: De-Powered & Killed
Role: Background Character
PL 3 (53)

Deception 1 (+1)
Expertise (Computers) 6 (+8)
Expertise (Business) 2 (+4)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 1 (+3)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications, Protection +1), Ranged Attack 2
"Mutant Powers: Technopathy"
Communication (Computers) 3 (Feats: Dynamic) (16) -- [18]

 Dynamic AE: Move Object 8 (Flaws: Limited to Machines) (Feats: Dynamic) (9)

Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +1 (+2 Uniform), Fortitude +3, Will +3

Relationship (Sister, Preview)

Total: Abilities: 20 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 7 (53)

-Another simple one, Network was Preview's sister- a "technopath" who could talk to
machines, and died on the Busplosion. The normal build, plus some smarts (she was voted
"Most Likely To Be Rich" by her classmates), and the Datalink power (that's what it was
called in 2e, anyway), with an Alt-Effect for Machine Control. Very simple, but I'm not sure
if she has the "Animate Machinery" power- it seems she's just a hacker-type from the online
bios, but anyone with further knowledge, feel free to help me out.
NO-GIRL (Martha Johannson)
Created By: Grant Morrison & Ethan Van Sciver
First Appearance: New X-Men #118 (Nov. 2001)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: Alive
Role: Freaky Character
PL 10 (53)

Deception 4 (+3)

Equipment 2 (Brain Jar)

"Mutant Powers: Telepathic Effects"
"Psycho-Chaffe" Affliction 10 (Will; Dazed/Stunned/Transformed to Random, Stupid
Actions) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 120ft. Burst +3, Selective) (51) -- [59]

 Dynamic AE: "Telepathy" Mind-Reading 8 Linked to Communication (Mental) 2

(Feats: Dynamic) (25)
 Dynamic AE: Nullify Mutant Powers 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Broad,
Simultaneous, Area- 30ft. Burst) (40)
 Dynamic AE: "Mental Detection" Senses 4 (Mental Awareness, Radius, Extended,
Acute) (Feats: Dynamic) (5)
 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (Flaws: Physical Body is
Defenseless) (25)

"Brain Jar"
Flight 2 (8 mph) (Flaws: Hovering) (2)
Protection 2 (2)
Enhanced Agility 3 (6)

Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +1

Dodge +4 (+4 Jar, DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness -2 (+2 Brain Jar), Fortitude +2, Will

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- No-Girl is a brain in a flying jar.
Disabled (Mute)- Martha can only communicate via Telepathy.
Disabled/Weakness (Immobile)- Martha cannot move without her special Jar. She will also
quickly die without it.

Total: Abilities: -16 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 59 / Defenses: 17 (53)

-Ya just gotta love some of these character designs. No-Girl is a wacky mix of crazy
appearance (Brain in a Jar- and where else but comics do you get to type that up like thirty
times while describing weird characters?), bizarre powers ("Pycho-Chaffe") and a weird
personality (a non-talkative oddity who speaks through those she controls and casually
decides to take up superheroics). She's shown up from time to time as an iconic "weird
mutant", but I don't expect to see a lot of her- she's just TOO odd, even for this squad. She
did appear a bit in the short-lived by very-fun Spider-Man & The X-Men book. She was
offered a new body by Mr. Sinister, but rejected it due to his evil nature and the fact that it
was a clone of Storm's body, not her original one.

-Martha's gotta be one of the more interesting mixes of powers I've ever had to stat up.
Having poor Physical Scores (being an immobile brain), she gets a boost from her Brain Jar
Equipment, but is still a very fragile (as in a Toughness Save of +0) Glass Cannon, able ot
dole out wicked punishment mentally. See, her Psycho-Chaffe is basically a Mental Stun
effect, hitting a wide burst of people in Perception Range. Then she can ALSO nullify mutant
powers (probably by mental control), or just communicate telepathically. She's be quite
powerful, but even one hit is likely to KO her, and she starts dying VERY quickly if busted
out of her glass shell.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:52 pm

NETWORK III (Valerie Martin)
Created By: Paul Jenkins & Ramon Bachs
First Appearance: Civil War: Front Line
Role: Forgotten Character

-Network appears to be a one-off, and shares a name with a New Universe character, and one
of the forgotten X-Students. She had the cybernetic ability to connect herself to the internet,
and tries to help out the resistants during Civil War before being captured. She appears to
have not shown up again.

Network (New Universe)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:35 am

"Wooooaaahhhh- we're halfway there! WOOOO-OOOOOHHHHH! LIVIN' ON A PRAYER!"

NETWORK (Wayne Tucker)

Created By: Archie Goodwin, Stephen Perry & Mark Texiera
First Appearance: Psi-Force #1 (Nov. 1986)
Role: Mind Controller
PL 8 (127), PL 10 (127) Mind-Reader
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Streetwise) 3 (+5)
Expertise (Espionage) 5 (+7)
Insight 2 (+5)
Investigation 4 (+7)
Perception 4 (+7)
Persuasion 4 (+7)
Technology 4 (+6)

Equipment (Blades), Leadership, Ranged Attack 3

"Paranormal Power: Mind Control"
Mind-Reading 10 Linked to Communication (Mental) 3 (Feats: Dynamic) (32) -- [41]

 Dynamic AE: "Crowd Control" Mind Control 4 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area-
Audio Percepting, Selective) (Flaws: Touch Range, Tiring) (17)
 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 7 (Feats: Dynamic) (29)
 AE: "Mind Wipe" Affliction 8 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Transformed to Forgotten
Memories) (Extras: Perception-Ranged +2) (Flaws: Distracting, Limited to Memory
Changes) (8)
 AE: "Sensory Distortion" Concealment (All Senses) 5 (Flaws: Blending) (5)
 AE: "Psychic Invisibility" Concealment (All Senses) 5 (Flaws: Tiring) (5)
 AE: "Psi-Bolt" Blast 8 (Extras: Will Damage) (24)
 AE: "Area Psi-Bolt" Damage 5 (Extras: Will Damage, Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (20)

"Absorb Languages" Comprehend 2 (Languages) (Quirks: Requires Short-Term Access to

Speakers -1) [3]

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Blades +7 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Psi-Bolt +7 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Area Bolt +5 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Mind-Wipe -- (+8 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Mind Control -- (+7 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 17)
Crowd Control +4 Area (+4 Affliction, DC 14)
Mind-Reading -- (+10, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +6

Responsibility (Outcast)

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 44 / Defenses: 9 (127)

-Wayne was a Telepath who could coerce people to follow his mental commands. He can
"push" up to 20 people at a time, and often mind-wipes people into forgetting his team was
ever there. He's a former abused child from a broken home- despite that, he leads the team.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:23 pm

NEUTRON (aka Quasar I)
Created By: Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977)
Race: Stygian
Role: Big Dumb Brawler
Legionnaire Basis: Star Boy (but shares few of his powers)
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 10 (139)

Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+4)
Insight 1 (+1)
Intimidation 7 (+7)
Investigation 2 (+2)
Perception 4 (+4)
Ranged Attack (Earth) 2 (+10)
Technology 4 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Benefit (Imperial Guard), Close Attack, Fast Grab, Interpose, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2

"Hyper-Dense Core" Features 2: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Weaken Powers 10 (Flaws: Limited to Energy Powers) [5]
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 7) [9]
Immunity 11 (Life Support, Aging) [11]
Flight 8 (500 mph) [16]
Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) [2]

Unarmed +9 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Weaken Energy +9 (+10 Weaken, DC 20)
Initiative +1

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +12, Fortitude +10, Will +4

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 45 / Defenses: 12 (139)

-Neutron started life as "Quasar", before Wendell Vaughn ever took the name, giving us a
common problem with a team of thirty throwaway one-shot designs: just throwing names out
there, you end up with more than a couple that are really good, and worth stealing. Renamed
to Neutron, he's sorta like Star Boy in design (starfield costume), but shares none of his
powers, being a Flying Brick who's a bit of a musclehead. He was booted off the Guard at
one point (he betrayed Lilandra for her sister Deathbird), but returned because someone
pretty much forgot about all that. He's one of the cooler-looking, and thus highly-recurring,
members of the Imperial Guard. So much so, that when he was killed by Vulcan, he was soon
replaced by a fellow Stygian with the exact same look.

-Neutron's a Flying Brick in stats, with a few side-powers. He can drain the power of Quasar
II's energy constructs, fly under his own power, and is basically a Life Support Space Guy on
top of things. He's not very fancy in combat, but he'll get the job done. Note that he "Absorbs
energy to boost his strength", but I'm pretty sure that's just a fluff description for how strong
he normally is, absorbing energies from the atmosphere or whatever. Another note is that he
was weak enough to be KO'd by Wolverine's bare fists in his first appearance, though it
seems he's later on been shown as more durable.

Neutron Bum

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:23 pm

NEUTRON BUM (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Len Kaminski & James Fry III
First Appearance: Slapstick #3 (Jan. 1993)
Role: Super-Powered Hobo
Group Affiliations: None
PL 10 (41)

Athletics 2 (+3)
Expertise (Hobo) 4 (+3)
Perception 4 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+3)


"Nuclear Explosion" Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) [30]

Unarmed +2 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +1
Dodge +3 (DC 13), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +2, Fortitude +2, Will +0

Responsibility (Hobo)- The Neutron Bum is a murderous alcoholic and social misfit.
Addiction (Alcohol)- His origin story involves him drinking booze on barrels of radioactive

Total: Abilities: 2 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 30 / Defenses: 3 (41)

-A one-off villain with a Punny Name, the Neutron Bum is an alcholic hobo who gained
powers when a lightning bolt struck him while he was downing beers while sitting on barrels
of radioactive waste. When a man refused him five dollars for a cup of coffee, he set off a
nuclear explosion, VAPORIZING the man, and then went on a murderous rampage
throughout New York City, killing everyone who refused him five dollars. Blasting even
Slapstick when he tried to stop him, he created a giant mess with the army, police and various
superheroes formulating a plan to try and stop him. And so Slapstick cleverly just bought him
the cup of coffee, leading to the man peacefully drinking it... and then he smashed his head in
with a giant cartoon hammer. Okay, that's actually pretty clever and dark.

-Neutron Bum has few skills, especially social ones (I mean, he's a MANHATTAN-tier
hobo- that city was a MESS until Giuliani had the cops clean it up by busting heads), but his
explosions are quite deadly. He's a pretty solid look at what happens when you give a random
nobody an Area Attack- if they don't care about innocent bystanders, they can be real
nightmares to anyone around them.

The New Genix

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:11 am

Created By: Steve Lightle
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents #150 (March 1994)

-The New Genix were the creation of Steve Lightle, who states that the team's debut in
Marvel Comics Presents was supposed to lead to a regular feature within that Anthology title.
However, the book's cancellation put an end to that, and the characters never reappeared.

-The characters were a team of kids who thought they lived in the far, far future (3065 A.D.)-
one in which Mutants had been wiped out, and that they were genetic creations meant to
"revive" the Mutant Gene in human beings. These manipulationes were created by their
masters at The Fortress- a facility meant to observe, analyze and create superhuman abilities.
Wolverine, and later, Steel Raven, both interacted with these guys. The New Genix were
briefly seen in their debut issue by Steel Raven (they thought she was "retro"), and then again
in MCP #175, where they got actual introductions. Steel Raven, an agent of the Fortress,
sympathized with them (she occasionally turned on her masters), and was using a robot in
order to toughen them up and improve their fighting skills. That was the last we ever saw of
them- twenty-two years later, neither Lightle nor anybody else has seen fit to use them.

The Members:

-Has "Hyper-Speed", making her run and heal quickly- she can appear invisible. Like many
speedsters, she was impatient and energetic. Her mother was apparently an earlier test
subject, and died from the surgeries.
-A Class 10 Atlantean-like guy (but with pink skin), said to be created from Atlantean genes.
He and Allegra had a romantic thing going on.
-Wears strength-enhancing Armor and can throw out "Bio-Energy" Blasts.
-Powers never seen, he was comatose as a result of experiments.

-A fairly small kid, Munchkin could affect the molecular density of things- strengthening or
weakening them. This had the effect of weakening ADAMANTIUM, allowing Blue Shark to
damage a robot made from the stuff.
The New Men

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:19 pm


-And now for another legendary entry into the annals of Marvel Jobberdom- The Knights of
Wundagore! Or the New Men. Or whichever name they're calling them these days!

These guys are a pretty classic case of comic book weirdness, debuting with their master, The
High Evolutionary, in a Thor comic from Stan 'n' Jack in the mid-1960s. It was a wild &
wacky storyline, featuring the Evolutionary creating a mini-race of Animal People (Kirby
made them look like really fat-headed ugly people with some peach-fuzz- later writers would
make them straight-up animal-headed people), but one of them went bad- The Man-Beast.
The villain was beaten, and the H.E. flew off-planet to found Wundagore II with his New
Men (who were occasionally called Knights and given proper courtly titles), but the next
stories involved the plotline getting CRAZIER AND CRAZIER.

The Official Handbook outlines the increasing insanity- the New Men revolt on Wundagore II
and get de-volved back by the H.E., he gained Godlike power, then he then creates Counter-
Earth in our own solar system, Man-Beast returns, the Wundagore II New Men re-evolve,
H.E. fought The Avengers and disappeared, H.E. creates The New Immortals from Thor's
cells, then abandons them, and Man-Beast turns the New Men into "Ani-Mutants" and the
New Immortals are beaten. Then the Animen (new New Men) fight The Cult of the Jackal
(created by Miles "The Jackal" Warren, a Spider-Man foe), Quicksilver gets his own series
that involves the lot of them, The Acolytes kill some, White Tiger gets created, and then
Modred killed a bunch.

Their backstory is so muddled that the a very recent story featuring the New Men- The
Defenders- completely ignores all the history and just points out that they're animal-people
living on Mount Wundagore in Transia (ie. Romania but not really). And then Uncanny
Avengers uses them on Counter-Earth, simply going "We keep getting killed and reborn
every time our master finds a flaw in his creations".

So what do they mean to The Marvel Universe? Well, basically nothing- they're just
Background Mooks, and one of Kirby's goofier and less-used Silver Age ideas, especially
thanks to all of their ridiculously-silly punny-animal names like Pih-junn and Tagar and Lyan
and stuff). A few of them have a good deal of characterization (oddly enough, the non-
combatant COW-LADY of the group is the most well-thought-out character), while most of
them just show up in the background. The High Evolutionary had a huge Evolutionary War
Cross-Over mess in one year of Summer Annuals, in which he was defeated one after the
other by pretty much every super-hero in the Marvel Universe, which kind of... de-valued his
star as a super-villain, ya know? Kinda hard to be taken seriously when you have god-like
power but ALL your plans are easily-unfurled. The Evolutionary himself is often on the side
of good, but more often acts as a dispassionate observer and experimenter, often cruelly-
abandoning his charges, or ignoring people in need.

So these builds will include all the most-famous New Men, as well as a bunch of lesser
members, additions to a set of Templates.

The New Men (Mooks)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:10 pm

NEW MEN (Sucky Ones)
Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Thor #135 (Dec. 1966)
Role: Mooks, Freaks
PL 5 (62)

Athletics 4 (+6)
Expertise (Knight) 3 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Perception 2 (+2)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 5 (+6)

Equipment 8 (Knights' Gear), Ranged Attack 3, Teamwork
"Animal Senses" Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]

"Blaster" Blast 6 (12) -- (13)

 AE: "Knightly Weapon" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Reach) (4)

"Armour" Protection 2 (2)

"Knight-Cycle" Motorcycle with Flight 6 (120 mph) (22)

Unarmed +5 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Weapon +5 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Blaster +4 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +2 (+4 Armour), Fortitude +4, Will +2

Prejudice (Freaks)- The New Men are all animal-hybrids, and cannot pass for ordinary.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 2 / Defenses: 6 (62)


Lord Porga (uplifted Pig)- PL 5 (62): No Boosts [0]
-Sir Porga was an early recurring character, though his goofy appearance (he looked like a
really fat, round-headed human) and lack of combat ability led to him being an early fatality.
Bobo (uplifted Chimpanzee)- PL 5 (66): Athletics 2 (+8), Expertise (Law) 6 (+8) [4]
-An employee at She-Hulk's law firm of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzburg & Holliway.
Reynardo (uplifted Fox)- PL 5 (68): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing), Expertise (Religion) 4 (+6) [6]
-There were actually TWO Fox New Men with near-exact similar names. Not lot of
originality there. One was a Priest, the other (below) a Man-Beast follower.
Sir Gote (uplifted Goat)- PL 5 (62): No Boosts [0]
Monck (uplifted Gibbon)- PL 5 (63): Athletics 2 (+8) [1]
Sir Hogg (uplifted Pig)- PL 5 (62): No Boosts [0]
Civit (uplifted Civet)- PL 5 (69): Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended Hearing),
Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to Climbing), Leaping 1
(15 feet) [7]
Sir Ferret (uplifted Ferret)- PL 5 (63): Senses 1 (Extended Scent) [1]
Lycrus (uplifted Wolf)- PL 5 (66): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing) [4]
Phrogg (uplifted Frog)- PL 5 (70): Stealth 4 (+9), Leaping 2 (30 feet), Deception 8 (+8) [8]
-Phrogg spied on Porcunis' resistance for Kohbra.
Sir Hystrix (uplifted Porcupine)- PL 5 (70): "Quills" Damage Aura 2 [8]


Eaglus (uplifted Eagle)- PL 5 (63): Senses 1 (Extended Vision) [1]
Haukk (uplifted Hawk)- PL 5 (63): Senses 1 (Extended Vision) [1]
Pih-Junn (uplifted Pigeon)- PL 5 (62): No Boosts [62]
Rohdan (uplifted Rat)- PL 5 (63): Senses 1 (Extended Scent) [1]
Snakar (uplifted Snake)- PL 5 (65): Senses 2 (Infravision, Extended Scent), Improved Hold
Barachuudar (uplifted Barracuda)- PL 5 (66): Swimming 2 (4 mph), Immunity 2
(Drowning, Pressure) [4]
Equius (uplifted Horse)- PL 5 (65): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Dodge -1, Speed 2
(8 mph) [3]
Weezhil (uplifted Weasel)- PL 5 (66): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing) [4]
Reynar (uplifted Fox)- PL 5 (66): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing) [4]


Caiman (uplifted Cayman)- PL 5 (66): Swimming 2 (4 mph), Immunity 2 (Drowning,
Pressure) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect), "Teeth" Strength-Damage +1 [66]
Piranis (uplifted Piranha)- PL 5 (66): Swimming 2 (4 mph), Immunity 2 (Drowning,
Pressure) [66]
Anubia (uplifted Fox)- PL 5 (66): Awareness +2, Expertise (Religion) 4 (+6), Senses 4
(Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra & Extended Hearing) [72]
-Priestess of the Cult.

The New Men (Medium Level)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:11 pm

NEW MEN (Semi-Decent Ones)
Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Thor #135 (Dec. 1966)
Role: Mooks, Freaks
PL 6 (68)

Athletics 5 (+8)
Expertise (Knight) 4 (+6)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Perception 6 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 5 (+6)

Equipment 8 (Knights' Gear), Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 5, Teamwork

"Animal Senses" Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]
"Blaster" Blast 6 (12) -- (13)

 AE: "Knightly Weapon" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Reach) (4)

"Armour" Protection 2 (2)

"Knight-Cycle" Motorcycle with Flight 6 (120 mph) (22)

Unarmed +6 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Weapon +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Blaster +6 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +3 (+5 Armour), Fortitude +6, Will +3

Prejudice (Freaks)- The New Men are all animal-hybrids, and cannot pass for ordinary.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 2 / Defenses: 9 (68)


Lord Byson (uplifted Bison)- PL 6 (72): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Dodge -1,
"Horns" Strength-Damage +1, Environmental Adaptation- Arctic [4]
Tantaro (uplifted Elephant)- PL 6 (70): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Dodge -1,
Extra Limb 1 [2]
Sir Delphis (uplifted Dolphin)- PL 6 (84): Int +3, Senses 5 (Extended, Ultra & Accurate
Hearing, Extended Vision), Swimming 3 (8 mph), Immunity 4 (Cold, Drowning, Suffocation,
Pressure) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) -- [16]
Sir Ossilot (uplifted Ocelot)- PL 6 (78): Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended
Hearing), Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to Climbing),
Leaping 1 (15 feet), "Righting Reflex" Immunity 5 (Falling Damage) (Flaws: Limited to
Half-Effect) [10]
Sir Panther (uplifted Panther)- PL 6 (78): Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended
Hearing), Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to Climbing),
Leaping 1 (15 feet), Stealth 4 (+9) [10]
Sir Puma (uplifted Cougar)- PL 6 (78): Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended
Hearing), Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to Climbing),
Leaping 1 (15 feet), Stealth 4 (+9) [10]
-Both of these two cat-based New Men died in the Black Galaxy, whatever that is.
Sir Steed (uplifted Horse)- PL 6 (71): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Dodge -1, Speed
2 (8 mph) [3]
Urson-Wellz (uplifted Bear)- PL 6 (73): Strength & Stamina +2, Fighting -2, Dodge -2,
"Teeth" Strength-Damage +1, Senses 2 (Extended & Tracking Scent) [5]
Sir Ursus (uplifted Bear)- PL 6 (73): Strength & Stamina +2, Fighting -2, Dodge -2,
"Teeth" Strength-Damage +1, Senses 2 (Extended & Tracking Scent) [5]


Kohbra (uplifted Cobra)- PL 6 (96): Senses 2 (Acute Infravision), "Venomous Bite-
Paralytic" Affliction 7 (Fort; Dazed & Fatigued/Exhausted & Stunned/Incapacitated &
Paralyzed) (Extras: Extra Condition, Progression +2) (Quirk: Takes 3-4 Rounds to Start -2)
Triax (uplifted Boar)- PL 6 (68): No Boosts [0]
Lizhardus (uplifted Iguana)- PL 6 (68): No Boosts [0]

Flying Fox (uplifted Bat)- PL 6 (82): Flight 5 (60 mph), "Echolocation" Senses 4
(Extended, Ultra & Accurate Hearing) (14) -- [14]
Komodo (uplifted Komodo Dragon)- PL 6 (68): No Boosts [0]
Crushtacean (uplifted Crab)- PL 6 (74): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Dodge -1,
Swimming 2 (4 mph), Immunity 2 (Drowning, Pressure), "Claws" Strength-Damage +1 [6]
Spinneret (uplifted Spider)- PL 6 (92): Wall-Crawling 2, Swinging, Snare 6 [24]


Harrier (uplifted Hawk)- PL 6 (80): Flight 5 (60 mph), Senses 2 (Extended & Ultra-Vision)

The New Men (Elites)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:17 pm

NEW MEN (Elite Ones)
Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Thor #135 (Dec. 1966)
Role: Mooks, Freaks
PL 7 (119)

Athletics 5 (+8)
Expertise (Knight) 4 (+6)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Perception 6 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 5 (+6)

Equipment 8 (Knights' Gear), Fast Grab, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7, Teamwork

"Animal Senses" Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]

"Blaster" Blast 6 (12) -- (13)

 AE: "Knightly Weapon" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Reach) (4)

"Armour" Protection 2 (2)

"Knight-Cycle" Motorcycle with Flight 6 (120 mph) (22)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Weapon +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Blaster +8 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +3 (+5 Armour), Fortitude +6, Will +5

Prejudice (Freaks)- The New Men are all animal-hybrids, and cannot pass for ordinary.

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 18 / Powers: 2 / Defenses: 13 (91)


Lord Anon (uplifted Wolf)- PL 7 (97): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing), Will +2 [6]
-Lord Anon was killed and replaced by the Man-Beast, but was supposedly pretty good.
Lord Churchill (uplifted Bulldog)- PL 7 (104): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent,
Ultra & Extended Hearing), Improved Hold, Will +2 [7]
-This fellow was pretty much the loyal & honourable type.
Sir Lepard I-II (uplifted Leopard)- PL 7 (100): Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing), Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to
Climbing), Stealth 4 (+9), Leaping 1 (15 feet) [9]
Sir Lyan (uplifted Lion)- PL 7 (100): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Senses 3
(Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended Hearing), Speed 1 (2 mph), Athletics 2 (+10), Stealth 2
(+7), "Claws & Teeth" Strength-Damage +1 [9]
Simbus (uplifted Lion)- PL 7 (100): Strength & Stamina +1, Fighting -1, Senses 3
(Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended Hearing), Speed 1 (2 mph), Athletics 2 (+10), Stealth 2
(+7), "Claws & Teeth" Strength-Damage +1 [9]
-A former Ani-Mutant.
Sir Ram I & II (uplifted Sheep)- PL 7 (92): "Horns" Strength-Damage +1 [1]
-A noble and knightly figure, Sir Ram was one of the early fatalities, dying in 1966. A second
one appeared in 1978.
Tabur (uplifted Cat)- PL 7 (101): Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra & Extended Hearing),
Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to Climbing), Leaping 1
(15 feet), "Righting Reflex" Immunity 5 (Falling Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect)
-Tabur was temporarily the leader of the Cat People, and fought Tigra back in the day.
Sir Tyger (uplifted Tiger)- PL 7 (105): Awareness +2, Senses 3 (Extended Scent, Ultra &
Extended Hearing), Speed 2 (4 mph), "Cat Agility" Athletics 4 (+12) (Flaws: Limited to
Climbing), Stealth 4 (+9), Leaping 1 (15 feet), Adaptation- Cold [14]
-Sir Tyger was paradoxically the most scholarly New Man, but was as decadent as any
normal person.
Jackal-Man (uplifted Jackal)- PL 7 (95): Senses 4 (Extended Scent, Tracking- Scent, Ultra
& Extended Hearing) [4]
-A cloned "son" of Dr. Miles Warren
Porcunis (uplifted Porcupine)- PL 7 (109): "Quills" Damage Aura 2, Intelligence +1,
Awareness +2, Presence +2 [18]
-Porcunis led a resistance against the Man-Beast, but vanished when Counter-Earth was
destroyed. I figure he's one of the better New Men on a mental level.

PL 7.5 ONES:
Lady Ursula (uplifted Bear)- PL 7 (105): Strength & Stamina +2, Fighting -1, Dodge -1,
"Teeth" Strength-Damage +1, Senses 2 (Extended & Tracking Scent) [8]
-Ursula was a tougher character, and committed suicide rather than allow the Man-Beast to
take over her mind.
Sir Gator (uplifted Alligator)- PL 7 (108): Strength & Stamina +2, Fighting -1, Dodge -1,
"Teeth" Strength-Damage +1, Senses 1 (Extended Scent), Stealth 4 (+9), Swimming 2 (4
mph) [11]
-A stealthier fighter, Sir Gator is more from the modern era, debuting in a 1997 Excalibur
The New Mutants

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:00 am

Mutants As Metaphor:
-The idea that Mutants were a perfect metaphor for one's Teen Years came to me a little late.
Early on, it was a simple metaphor for prejudice- using a fictional minority to show the
absurdities and horrors of man's inhumanity for "the others" among them. And of course, it
WORKS for that, and will pretty much always stay relevant so long as there is more than one
person remaining on the Earth. But eventually, it was like someone went "oh yeah- powers
tend to activate in late adolescence" and everything came together on the OTHER metaphor.
So like... you're thirteen years old, you suddenly undergo this great physical change, and
suddenly you don't know how to control yourself, everyone seems against you, you feel like
rebelling against everything, the world no longer makes sense... oh, and there's a whole group
of people just like you, so you can belong with THEM. I mean, how is that NOT perfect?
Teens going through puberty both dread feeling like outcasts, and yet they both crave and
REVEL in being outcasts (so long as there are others like them), so the idea of things like the
New Mutants (or the subsequent 900 knock-offs) is beyond perfect. They want to belong...
but they also want to go "f*ck you, society- I don't WANT your conformity!"

Possibly Claremont's Finest Work:

-What can be said about this series? I managed to get almost the entire run (missing about 8-
10 issues total, which I eventually found) in one go at a local comic shop for around 100
bucks, and MAN was it worth it. It’s hard to describe just what made this book so great.
Debuting in the early 1980s, during the peak of the X-books’ creativity, they were the
brainchild of Chris Claremont, who basically was forced by Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim
Shooter to “make Xavier’s a school again”. Chris did his best to avoid having Wolverine &
Storm handing in tests and homework by turning that idea into a NEW batch of students, this
time straight-up teenagers (way younger than even the early X-Men of the ‘60s).

-Re-using the “Team From Around the World” concept, Claremont introduced (in Marvel’s
Graphic Novel series) Sunspot (a Brazilian wannabe lothario), Danielle Moonstar (a smart-
mouthed Cheyenne with the stereotypical look but WAY more attitude), Wolfsbane (a good
little Christian girl at conflict with her mutancy, her body and her emotions), Cannonball (a
good-old Southern Boy who was rather bright and responsible), and Karma (a young girl
introduced in Marvel Team-Up a while before- a Vietnamese girl with an evil uncle and two
siblings to take care of).

Rookie Heroes Done Right:

-Notice how I didn’t even list their powers there? That’s because their personalities were so
much more important to the series. Everyone played against each other PERFECTLY, and is
probably the closest comics have ever come to truly capturing the emotions and mental states
of teenagers. It had all the self-doubt, angst and random crushes that typify teenager
interaction. Fans wrote in early on about how it was PERFECT teen-based storytelling,
capturing the real doubts and fears of kids, rather than making them catchphrase-spouting
mall-going dipshits like most books did. Compare Johnny Storm in the '60s to these guys (or,
God forbid, the "Jive-Talking" Teen Titans)- I don't think the sheer suckiness of going
through puberty has ever been done any better than right here.

-Not that their powers weren’t handled very well- what I loved about this book is that their
powers SUCKED at first. I mean, this was the worst superhero team in history- Sunspot was
super-strong, but only for minutes at a time. Cannonball was near-invulnerable but couldn’t
aim to save his life, and his flying was ludicrously bad (he could only travel in one direction).
Moonstar could barely control her Fear-Images. Karma could possess one person at a time.
Even Magma (who was added later, as the book got weird immediately by giving us a
geokinetic girl from a long-lost Ancient Roman civilization… in Brazil) couldn’t handle her
powers well. Compare that to the 2000s-take on the New Mutants with the New X-Men:
Academy X kids. Every freaking one of them was basically PL 7-8 right out of the gate, doing
awesome power stunts and having great control over their powers. You had Wind Dancer
using funky Power Feats, Wallflower developing Pheromone control ultra-fast, Prodigy
having great strategy in their first fight, etc. Almost no limits or drawbacks at all. The
original New Mutants were so bad that common thugs were a danger.

The Darkest Damn Comic Ever:

-The book was also EXTREMELY dark and mature for a comic book, especially one that
featured mainly young children. One issue had a secretly-mutant kid get teased by others for
being a "Mutie" (they didn’t even know he WAS one- they were just bugging him by using a
popular minority to hate- the equivalent of teen boys calling each other "gay" today)- instead
of having a happy ending, we see him befriend the New Mutants, accidentally piss them off
by sharing some "funny" Anti-Mutie humor to break the ice, and then COMMIT F*CKING
SUICIDE after being taunted a little too far by his tormentors. This led to an ultra-sad funeral
scene, where the New Mutants discover that he WAS a Mutant all along, allowing Kitty to
list off the entire roster of racial & homophobic slurs she knew (a weird recurring trend in the
X-books if you read them for long enough) during a eulogy about hate.

-In another issue, the kids thought Karma was killed (she was written out of the book- Put On
A Bus- because her character was rather boring). You had divorce, child abuse, drug abuse,
etc. all dealt with, back when that wasn’t as forced as it tends to be today. Later, Dani gains
the "Death Sight" of a Valkyrie, and has to engage in an argument with Death, who had come
for her childhood friend (a boy she once humiliated by accidentally showing everyone his
heart's desire- their wedding day). How many other Teen Hero books feature mature, drawn-
out debates with Death? "Tell me child, and I so terrible?" "You CAUSE PAIN!" "And end

-Which doesn't even get into their Secret Wars II crossover. In which The Beyonder, trying to
comprehend humanity, casually decides to murder the entire team, one after the other. He
does so out of piqued curiosity, and immediately resurrects them, satisfied with whatever he's
several horrifically-dark issues in which the kids were at their wit's end, so depressed and
shattered they won't react emotionally to anything around them, leading the teachers of both
the New Mutants AND the Hellions to join forces and try to repair their frayed psyches. This
remains quite possibly the most evil thing I've ever seen a writer to do their characters. To

-Bill Seinkewicz, who took over quite early on the art, was brilliant, even though he tended to
use the “Electro-Shock” hair look on too many people (Cannonball, Warlock & Legion
especially). It’s the darkest and oddest art I’ve ever seen used regularly in comics, and stands
out particularly on a book that featured a roster of kids. In effect, it was rather perfect, as
these weird, quirky outsiders now had the bizarre appearances to really show how "off" they
were. While other Teen Books were brightly-lit, happy-fun-adventures; these hyper-shaded,
too-skinny kids looked borderline inhuman and strange, and yet photorealistic at the same
time. Never mind how he drew a certain ursine bad guy.
The Early Years:
-The early years of the book felt a bit different, as the art was more typical, with more
standard artists (Bob McLeod & Sal Buscema were both capable, but not spectacular,
craftsmen). Things got weird almost right away when the kids went on a trip to visit
Roberto's parents in Brazil, only to find a long-lost ROMAN CIVILIZATION in the Amazon
Jungle, thus earning them a new teammate and an Ancient Unkillable Witch for an enemy
(Selene, the Black Queen). Pretty quickly, Karma was thought killed and vanished from the
book. The book went off-the-wall crazy with Warlock, a shape-shifting goofball alien who
hid massive firepower, and we got Cypher, who proved once and for all that not every mutant
power was awesome- while also proving that the lowest-powered guy on the team will
usually be the one to save the day. Plus of course Magik, who was a horribly psychotic and
possibly-evil little girl with vast Satanic magical powers. Did I mention that kids revel in
being outcasts, while at the same time dreading it? Well guess who ended up being the book's
most popular character?

-The Hellions were awesome as well. Linked to Emma Frost (back when she was a villain),
they were a classic “Rival School”, except with super-powers, and their initially-violent feud
with the Mutants later turned to more casual rivalry, with contests, snark and mutual respect
(and mutual hatred of Empath, the dickiest dick who ever dicked it up in comics, who was a

-Not enough can be said about the first fifty-some issues of this book (though by the Gods,
that three-parter with Cloak & Dagger was and remains a chore to get through). The big #50
issue, where the team confronts The Magus, Warlock’s evil father, and uses a bunch of PL 7-
8 level powers to battle a PL 17 star-killing menace, while under Professor X’s guidance in
outer space is one of the most underrated books I’ve ever read (seriously, I’ve never heard
much praise for it at all). And then when Magneto takes over the school, we get a whole
different side of him as he’s forced to deal with kids WAY younger than he has any comfort
level talking to, yet he takes the job absolutely seriously. Magneto in The New Mutants was
even better when he was leading the X-Men- watching the merciless Master of Magnetism
suddenly have to deal with trying to reassure young teens? And sometimes SUCCEEDING?
Awesome stuff. There's a fun one where some brutes rough up and nearly sexually assault
Dani. The kids plot some sweet, sweet revenge, only to be prevented from doing so by their
heartless, uncool teacher. So they sneak over to the frathouse or whatever, hide out... and
watch Magneto tear the place apart, putting the fear of God into those assholes.

-One of my favorite conversations is when Magneto is trying to confer with Illyana over her
dark nature- Magneto confesses to sometimes wanting to give in and become the monster
humanity thinks he is. Illyana talks about wanting to be good... while the art shows a horrible,
inhuman smile creeping across her shadow-ridden face.

Then Louise Simonson took over:

-And the book started to suck. Bret Blevins on art made everyone look like they were thirteen
again, all the dialogue was infantile, Magneto was often out of character (I can’t imagine
someone with his grandeur ever stating “What the heck was that!?”), and they started
REALLY over-using the “no, let’s not tell the grown-ups and go sneak off to save the day
ourselves and get in over our heads” trope to the point of ridiculousness. I mean, in the early
issues, the Mutants’ first reaction to EVERY threat was to call the Prof, the X-Men, The
Avengers or the FF- but now several arcs in a row featured the kids gallivanting off by

-The “Bird Brain” story was EPIC in its suck. First off we had way too many drawn-out
issues of a gangly "Scrappy-Doo meets Jar-Jar Binks" imbecilic clumsy animal-man teaming
up with the Mutants, and then we had a WAY TOO LONG arc featuring the kids on some
island with an old, scrawny lumpy man with a Dr. Moreau rip-off concept and really crappy
“I’m a crazy villain!” vibe to him. And finally, they killed off Cypher, who was apparently
unpopular, but the fans later felt bad about this decision.

-The crap started flowing freely by this point. Magik was de-powered back into Young
Illyana Rasputin during Inferno, to the fans’ outright HORROR (she was easily among the
most popular mutants- there’s a reason why she was the first victim of the Legacy Virus- fans
had been BEGGING for a return of Magik as soon as she was gone, and hadn’t let up).
Moonstar picked up some REALLY lame powers that allowed her to physically bring all of
her wishes into the real-world (a massive Game-Breaker that led to some horrible story plot-
points, like her creating a giant ice-machine to salve her wounds at one point). The team got
their own costumes, which are easily among the worst EVER designed, and should never
have made it past the drawing board. Magma left to hook up with Empath, who still hadn’t
been made to look any more likable. And then we got the X-Terminators kids hooking up
with the Mutants, bringing four REALLY lame characters in Rictor, Boom-Boom, Skids and
Rusty to a previously-established "all good characters" squad. Finally, even MOONSTAR
left, going to Asgard permanently. Remember what I said about fans loving the non-Mall-
going stereotypes? Well guess what half the team was NOW? The very embodiment of
"Stupid Teen Sitcom" material. We basically went from Degrassi to Sweet Valley High.

The Liefeld Era:

-It was at this point, and with Magneto back to being a bad guy and the school being emptied,
that Rob Liefeld took over on art, and eventually he began co-plotting. And you know what?
For all we say about him NOWADAYS, he brought a ton of new life to that horribly-dying
series. Sure it looks lame nowadays, but at least stuff was HAPPENING again. I'd rather have
entertainingly-shitty storytelling than BORINGLY-shitty storytelling any day.

-The fur started flying on the book immediately, and in some pretty bad ways- especially for
long-term fans. Cable joined the roster as a new Mentor Character type, since the old ones
had all gone, after the X-Editors had seen some Liefeldian scribbles of the guy and been
fascinated by the proto-'90s Cyborg dude. The X-Tinction Agenda, which in addition to
having the worst comic book art I’ve ever seen published in the X-Factor parts (no
exaggeration- go see if you don’t believe me- Jon Bogdanove's art made Liefeld's look like
the Sistine Chapel's ceiling) and being way too damn long, was particularly nasty to this
team. Warlock was casually killed off early on, being killed by Cameron Hodge, one of the
least-enjoyable villains in history. Then Wolfsbane was brainwashed and forced into wolf-
form permanently, and shipped off to the new X-Factor book.

-The next batch of issues was pretty ugly. Rusty & Skids got Put On A Bus to the backburner
when they were freed from jail by the Mutant Liberation Front, a group of guys basically
scribbled in power & personality by Liefeld on the back of a napkin (where I began using the
term "Sketchpad Characters". Rictor quit to go find Wolfsbane (with a later reason added in
after-the-fact that he’d seen Cable kill his father). Boom-Boom & Cannonball hooked up
after the beloved Sam & Lila relationship died down. The Hellions were casually murdered in
the largest single waste of good potential characters in COMIC BOOK HISTORY (not an
exaggeration either) during Trevor Fitzroy’s debut in comics.

-Finally even SUNSPOT left, leaving Sam as the sole member of the original students left on
the book, while we got FOUR new members of the team in succession. Three of them were
Liefeldian napkin-sketches: Domino, Shatterstar & Feral (who’d already sorta had her design
used for Wildside of the MLF), and the Hellions’ Thunderbird came on as "Warpath". And
thus began X-Force.

The Book's Legacy:

-The New Mutants is rarely spoken of in the same sense as Claremont's X-Men, and I think
that's a shame. It's not as "big" a book, so it's not as Event-prone, which probably lessens it to
some. It has a lot of "quieter" moments, and is a lot more introspective, which is rare and
pretty neat for comics. It's pretty well thought-of, but has few "really famous moments"-
there's some infamous ones, though (Bird-Brain, Liefeld art, etc.).

-The book lasted for one-hundred issues, ending and turning into X-Force with pretty much
an all-new roster- the original characters other than Cannonball had left. Sunspot would
rejoin in just under two years, but most of the others would NOT have a good decade in the
1990s- Moonstar went into X-Limbo, returning as a villain and then as the leader of a book
that was WAY on Marvel's bottom tier at that point. Karma & Magma disappeared. Magik
wouldn't return, and Illyana would in fact DIE- a victim of the Legacy Virus. Wolfsbane was
on the lower-selling X-Factor book, and wouldn't do well without Peter David being around.
The post-2000 era has been much better, at least, with multiple characters getting numerous
chances- a new New Mutants series came about in the 2010s, and was actually REALLY
fantastic in parts- Zeb Wells did a very good job, though I felt it lost steam badly near the
end. Dani Moonstar showed up in The Fearless Defenders (a short-lived "All Girls" Title).
Karma was on a low-tier X-Men book. Magik got a pretty big role in one of the two big X-
Men titles, under Bendis. Cannonball & Sunspot became Avengers, then Sunspot became the
central character of Al Ewing's Avengers title, taking over A.I.M. and turning it good.
Warlock & Cypher returned, but remain minor characters. The gang are still well below many
characters that debuted as X-Men... but they're more important than most people who debuted
before 1983.

This build-set will include stats for the New Mutants characters in their various eras (Debut,
Early Years, Middle Years, Later Years, X-Force, Modern), with any one-off modifications
included (Moonstar gets a shitload of builds). The commentary will be updated and
expanded, which, given how much I love most of these characters, will produce a lot of
essays. Also, after I put down most of them, I'll throw down builds for X-Force's luminaries,
because that's always fun.

New Sun

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:46 pm

THE NEW SUN (Remy, aka The New Son)
Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Pascual Ferry
First Appearance: Gambit #1/2 (Jan. 1999)
Role: Alternate Universe Version of Gambit, Idealized Form
Group Affiliations: None
PL 15 (210)

Expertise (Dimensional Traveller) 4 (+7)
Perception 6 (+8)

All-Out Attack, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8

"Mutant Powers: Omega-Level Kinetic Energy Control"
"Kinetically-Charge Matter" Damage 15 (Extras: Area- 500ft. Burst +5) (90) -- [93]

 AE: "Steal Kinetic Energy" Move Object 12 (Extras: Perception-Ranged) (Flaws:

Limited to Preventing Movement) (24)
 AE: "Steal Others' Kinetic Energy" Affliction 15 (Strength/Speed; Dazed &
Hindered/Stunned & Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Extras: Perception-Ranged +2, Extra
Condition) (60)
 AE: "Simulate Energies" Blast 15 (Feats: Accurate, Variable 2- Any Energy) (Extras:
Penetrating) (48)

"Energy Form"
Insubstantial 3 [15]
Protection 14 [14]
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel 3) [6]

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Charged Matter +15 Area (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Steal Energy -- (+15 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 25)
Energy Blast +10 (+15 Ranged Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +14, Fortitude --, Will +6

Motivation (Saving Worlds)- The New Sun destroyed his old world, and has found many in
similar states, all thanks to versions of himself. He seeks to either help Remys fix their
problems, or kill them.

Total: Abilities: 26 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 158 / Defenses: 9 (210)

-The New Sun is a one-off character created for the Gambit series- he's an Alternate Universe
version of Remy LeBeau- one whose powers went unchecked and out of control. His powers
were enhanced in a special ritual, but the kinetic energy burned up everyone else on the face
of the Earth- as the New Sun, he traveled to other worlds in order to prevent the same thing
happening, always finding burned-out husks (why was THIS particular incident so common
in parralel Earths?). He came to Earth-616 and tried to kill the main Gambit, but was himself
killed when Gambit supercharged him- the guy burned out. It is stated that Mister Sinister is
responsible for our Gambit not having these same insane power levels- he removed a part of
Remy's brain that would allow it. Stuff like these kinds of "Accidentally Destroy the Earth"
power-levels are one of those weird things that give DAMN GOOD REASON why normal
humans are terrified of Mutants, really.

-The New Sun is so super-charged compared to regular Gambit that he's basically an entirely
different person (he also never joined the Thieves Guild). This comes off as a bit of Power-
Geeking from Fabian Nicieza, essentially writing in all of the cool stuff he'd probably LIKE
to do with Gambit, but won't because he has the good sense to not give a superhero extreme
powers such as this. This story may have served to de-power some of Gambit's crazier feats,
judging by some of what I've read. This guy can create huge Blasts, stop the movement of
objects, and travel to various dimensions.
The New Warriors

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:24 am


This series is kind of an anomaly in Marvel Comics, in that it made its debut in the early
1990s, alongside X-Force, the grittiest X-Men yet, and also shares its era with Image Comics,
yet it's one of the most "ordinary" Marvel books in a highly-experimental, weird era for the
medium. It's got some grittiness to it (murder and moping are common plot devices), but a
newbie Mark Bagley's bright, sunny-looking faces, and some good-old-fashioned super-
heroic stuff, combined with some HORRIBLY dated "Totally Radical" '90s slang, make for
something that almost defines the '90s era of comics as well as the "Blood 'n' Guts" stuff did.
And overall, I swear to God it holds up better as classic comics than almost anything else in
the early half of that decade. Fabian Nicieza still considers it his proudest accomplishment in
comics (though the specific reasons why are fun- read on).

And of course it's now known more for a long series of failed books that've come afterwards.

The Origins of the New Warriors:

-The team was created from the vestiges of the Marvel U, as Tom DeFalco ordered a book
featuring all of the "un-used" teenage characters that Marvel had created and then left lying
around. This included Firestar (created for Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends to replace the
Human Torch- she was quickly forgotten in the X-Books, used only a couple times), Marvel
Boy (the young alternate version of Major Victory in a plot point I still can't comprehend-
typically a supporting character in The Thing's solo book), Nova (a Peter Parker wannabe
from the '70s, whose series had been forgotten), Namorita (a cousin of Namor, as Marvel
added new girl versions to many heroes), and Speedball (a Steve Ditko creation that only had
a few appearances). Combined together with a new character in Night Thrasher, a REALLY
dated concept merging Batman, black people, and teen skateboarders, The New Warriors
were "The Team For the '90s!" "Teams of Disparate Characters" have been created before
(The Champions) and since (various Defenders), and the rate of failure is roughly 100%, so
this should obviously never have worked. And yet IT DID.

Fabian Nicieza & Mark Bagley were the creative team for the first ton of issues, and it's
pretty interesting stuff. It breaks almost zero new ground whatsoever, its villains are
frequently TERRIBLE, and a lot of it is very, very dated (people actually say things like
"rad"; one issue is described as "Kick-Butt"); Thrash uses his SKATEBOARD to fight
crime), but it's this very generic-ness that makes it kind of fun. While other books are up their
own asses about being more hardcore and nasty and full of killing, the New Warriors was a
fair bit lighter and softer, yet also had a fair bit of angst- Speedball's parents are divorcing,
Marvel Boy kills his abusive father in self-defense and goes to prison for it, and Night
Thrasher's parents died Thomas & Martha Wayne-style while his two parental replacements
were lying to him long-term. But not EVERYTHING was like that, especially at first- Nova,
Namorita, Speedball and others were fairly light-humored characters.

Another appealing thing was how they'd generally fight a bunch of generic villains with
"good, old fashioned" super-heroics- they weren't always stamping out racism or mutant
terrorists or whatever- they'd just fight metahumans gone rogue, super-villains from other
books, and more. Bagley's early art would get better over time, and while he has an INSANE
fetish for super-costumes with goggles on them (check out his runs on New Warriors, Spidey
or Thunderbolts and just count 'em... Impulse, Firestar, Jolt, three of the four Forces of
Nature, etc.), it's among the more "old-school comic-booky" of his works). All in all, being a
plain, ordinary super-hero book in the era of Image-style nonsense actually makes it one of
the BEST comics of the era! The first twenty-five issues in particular, culminating in a big
story, are the high-water mark according to pretty much everyone- Bagley leaving the book
cut out its life-blood, and I feel that even Thrash, the least-liked member, was integral to the
book, and his absence hurt it.

The Early Days:

-Night Thrasher was a young boy when his parents were killed by mysterious criminals-
pulling a "Bruce Wayne", he ran his company while devoting his life to fighting crime-
utilizing some gadgets and armor, he also created a super-team of his own, feeling it'd be
helpful. Using some strong-arm methods (he threw Richard Rider off of a rooftop figuring
it'd "re-start" his powers as Nova- The Human Rocket), he gathered together a band of teens.
In all, he was left with Marvel Boy (who'd just been rejected for Avengers membership,
marking him as the most "serious" hero), Firestar, Speedball, Nova & Namorita- Nita was
featured in the Namor book at the time, while Nova was given a "Team Dumbass"
personality, much to the chagrin of older readers, who'd recalled a more generic "Peter
Parker" type of everyman. Tom DeFalco, having ordered the book, was good enough to debut
them in his Thor run, where they helped the main hero fight The Juggernaut.

As the book starts officially, we meet a "Support Crew"- Night Thrasher has two older
mentors in Chord (a friend of his parents), and the elderly, somewhat sinister Tai. Nicieza
would often rely on his old standby story- the "Team Of Villains" set-up, where the team
would have to fight a brand-new team of guys- they'd battle Psionex (rebellious empowered
youths) and the Force of Nature (eco-terrorists), and slowly deal with the build-up of The
Folding Circle, who'd be part of the over-arching story. Thrash would meet up with his ex-
girlfriend Silhouette, a crippled martial artist with shadow-powers, and her brother,
Midnight's Fire- Sil would join the Warriors, while Fire would occasionally cause her loyalty
to waver.

Arguably the most popular story was the "Sphinx" arc, in which an attractive female takes the
role of Nova's big enemy, refashioning Earth's history so that Ramses's two court magicians
defeated Moses in the fabled contest from the Bible, thus creating a world in which the
Middle East dominated- the Avengers were now all-Middle Eastern, save for Nova, but he
slowly realized that his world was "wrong". The great Alternate Reality redesigns of the
Avengers and other heroes made this an outstanding arc, and really put the book on the map.

Along the way, various things would happen- Speedball would deal with his father being the
District Attorney- and an anti-vigilante one at that. Firestar & Marvel Boy would form a
relationship, while Nova would flirt with Namorita. The Avenger known as Rage would get
booted from his team, and end up on the Warriors (typically palling around with Speedball),
as would solo hero Darkhawk, who had his own book. Marvel Boy would also deal with his
brutal, abusive father, with that story culminating with him killing his father in self-defense,
and despite the best attempts of his legal team and friends, he went to prison for negligent
homicide. Meanwhile, the "Folding Circle" arc unfolded.

Tai & The Dragon's Breath Cult:

-With early hints about Tai being a bit of a dark figure (very early on, the Warriors face the
Hellions over "ownership" of Firestar, and Tai trashes many of the Hellions and has some
VERY evil smirks going for her), we'd soon learn more, and it's tied into various characters.
See, it turns out that Tai is the leader of a Cambodian cult that was part of an ancient ritual to
empower their children- Tai cut a deal with a group of soldiers in the Vietnam War to marry
and have children with her daughter and other Cult members, thus giving us a group of super-
children (these were the members of the Folding Circle). Only one man refused- Night
Thrasher's father. As a result, he was eventually killed when he returned to America and got
married- THIS was the incident that set Thrash off on his vigilante career- Tai kept a close
watch on him. Tai's daughter had rejected her mother, and was herself killed- this was
Silhouette & Midnight's Fire's mother. And wrapped up in all of this was Chord, another one
of the soldiers- he tried to commit suicide when found out, but recovered.

Tai would, of course, have an even darker purpose- desiring all the power for herself, she
used the well to try and kill the Warriors AND the Folding Circle, but ultimately they
defeated her, and she was sucked into the well. With Marvel Boy in jail and Tai dead, Night
Thrasher was soon spun off into his own book (also written by Nicieza), which frequently put
him at odds with his own team, causing a split. Mark Bagley would leave right around then,
as he was in charge of the art on the bigger Amazing Spider-Man book... and sales would
immediately falter.
New Warriors #26-75:
-The book lasted six years, all in all, going for 75 issues, 53 of which were written by Nicieza
himself. Things would kind of be held together after Tai died... but you could see the wheels
starting to fall off. Rage's beloved grandmother (his only surviving relative) was killed,
creating further angst. Marvel Boy served his time in prison and was reformed in the eyes of
the law (in a good story arc), but returned as Justice, with a wedge driven between him and
Firestar, because angst. Namorita took over the team while Thrash was away, but repeated
mistakes and troubles caused issues, and she was turned into the blue-skinned, angsty
Kymaera, because angst. ummm... you might be seeing a pattern.

The roster was kinda same-y for a while, but the teen heroine Turbo was quickly added, in a
big that kind of marked the shifting between eras- now a LOT of people started showing up
on the squad, and not all of them fit. Goofy comedy character Hindsight Lad joined, as well
as Bandit (Thrash's long-lost brother), Dagger (of Cloak & Dagger fame), Alex Power (of
Power Pack, having stolen the powers of his siblings), Timeslip, Helix, and more. And of
course, people would quit- Namorita & Justice taking sabbaticals, Thrash & Rage quitting
after missing a mission in Zaire, and others. Having read some of these issues, it's REALLY
OBVIOUS that the wheels were falling off- I think Bagley offered a lot to the book, and
Fabian on his own couldn't maintain the stories any longer- the book felt unfettered, the roster
too loose, and the villains very lame. The "Folding Circle Arc" was built up for two years,
while everything else was done in a couple issues- the fact that he was writing X-Men and X-
Force couldn't have helped. But sales fell with time, and kept doing so after he left.

Ultimately, the book stumbled to its end- Thrash, Rage & Namorita rejoined, and Firestar &
Justice got engaged, but one of the Turbos was killed, and Power Pack's former ship Friday
was destroyed. The book was cancelled, and members Ultra Girl & Slapstick were added in
that interim.
-The New Warriors remains a high water mark of the '90s- before it got up its own ass with
angst, it was different by NOT being up its own ass with angst! And Fabian Nicieza is
frequently quoted as saying it's his proudest achievement in comics... but not so much for its
quality. He explained that it might not be the most well-WRITTEN exactly (he's his own
toughest critic), but it's what the book MEANT to him. It was his first regular series, and
there were ZERO expectations at the office for that book to succeed- that it started doing well
within its first year was a huge pride moment for him, and it basically made his career- he got
the X-Books based off of that. So he effectively got himself a major career boost from
writing a book that everyone thought would fail.

The Warriors also have that weird kind of "Alpha Flight" situation, where fans are like "I'm a
big fan of the New Warriors!", but what they REALLY mean is "I'm a fan of the initial
incarnation of the New Warriors!". Like, I am 90% sure that NW fans never, ever mention
Rage in their list of likes, and none of the later incarnations of the team have any fans.
Certainly not the Timeslip/Helix/Hindsight Lad era. And their roster had characters that later
"grew out" of that book (Justice, Firestar & Nova), and then Justice & Firestar broke up in a
silly bit that damaged both characters, so that aspect was wrecked for good.

In all, it's a book that started hot, stayed great for a few years, and then fell off a cliff, right at
the '90s peak of the comic book industry, meaning it still has name value. But... as we'll see,
every attempt to revive interest has failed- I think that is largely due to the fact that it's a
Nicieza/Bagley baby only- that exact roster with those exact creators are all you can possibly
do to make the Warriors a success- it's so tied to that team and those two guys that any other
attempt to do anything is doomed.
-The Comic Book Crash of the '90s hurt many books badly, and The New Warriors was
cancelled in 1996. But Marvel never met an IP it didn't want to reinvent every few years, and
so the name was dragged back out there repeatedly.

New Warriors, Vol. 2 (The Faerber Era):

-Three years later, a rookie writer Jay Faerber, a big fan of the original, was given the reins of
a new version. Here, Speedball, considered the "heart" of the team (and the one guy who
didn't fit onto other books), recreated the team, getting Nova, Namorita & Turbo to rejoin,
and adding two new characters- the Legacy Virus-suffering mutant Bolt, and Aegis,
empowered by the Goddess Athena. However, this version was an utter failure, and was
cancelled after 11 issues- the dorky Nova redesign was an immediate problem, but 1999 was
just the wrong time for this kind of a book.
New Warriors, Vol. 3 (The Reality TV Era):
-June 2005 saw a revamp of the Warriors in a 6-issue mini-series written by Zeb Wells- it
featured Night Thrasher, Namorita, Nova & Speedball joined by Microbe & Debrii, and
featured the somewhat-clever concept of "Superhero Reality TV Show", with cameras
following around the crew. Unfortunately, this didn't really mesh well with the team, and
made them look very irresponsible. Ultimately, Marvel would use this incarnation for the
kick-off to Civil War- chasing down the jacked-up metahuman Nitro, they accidentally set off
an explosion that kills 612 children in Stamford, Connecticut, thus creating a massive public
backlash against super-powered vigilantes.

Civil War would change Marvel FOREVER (one of few events to really successfully make
that claim, in fact), and would put a permanent black eye on the team (though they couldn't
have known Nitro was jacked-up, the "Reality TV" angle made them look extra-careless and

The big changes here were of course the deaths of much of the team, with Night Thrasher &
Namorita being done for, and Speedball being so irrevocably-changed that they'd probably
ruin him forever by turning him into the ultra-angsty "Penance".

New Warriors, Vol. 4 (The De-Powered Mutants Era):

-Only a couple years after Civil War (and an arc in The Initiative where super-drill-sergeant
Gauntlet gets into crap from Slapstick for trashing the New Warriors' name), the Warriors
pop back up again... with Thrash's brother Bandit now taking up the "Night Thrasher"
identity, and oddly teaming up with a bunch of mutants who'd been de-powered on M-Day,
when the Scarlet Witch revoked most mutant abilities on Earth. This was a sorta-clever way
to use guys like Beak, Angel and whomever, but the book went nowhere, affected nothing,
and was cancelled after 20 issues.
New Warriors, Vol. 5 (The NOW! Era):
-The book took a seven-year-gap, it's longest thus far, when in 2014 the "Marvel NOW!"
initiative saw a revamped book- Justice, Speedball & Silhouette would re-start the team using
a band of rookie heroes- the new Nova & Scarlet Spider, Hummingbird, Sun Girl, Haechi &
Water Snake. As it was a fourth-tier book starring lesser-known heroes and a TON of
newbies, it was expectedly a failure- twelve issues in and it was cancelled.

NFL Superpro

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:30 am

Dear God... I need that toy.

NFL SUPERPRO (Phil Grayfield)

Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Jose Delbo
First Appearance: NFL Superpro Special Edition #1 (Sept. 1991)
Role: The Worst Hero of All-Time
Group Affiliations: The National Football League
PL 7 (93)

Acrobatics 4 (+8)
Athletics 5 (+10)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+9)
Deception 1 (+4)
Persuasion 2 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Football Player) 7 (+12) -- (Uses Agility)
Expertise (Reporter) 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+4)

Defensive Attack, Great Endurance, Equipment (SuperPro Suit- Protection +2), Improved
Critical (Unarmed), Move-By Action

"Slightly Enhanced Physique"
Speed 1 (4 mph) [1]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]

Unarmed +9 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4 (+6 Costume), Fortitude +8, Will +5

Responsibility (Ex-NFL Superstar)- Phil Grayfield was a superstar football player, and losing
this aspect of his life still hurts.
Motivation (Justice)- Superpro fights evil on behalf of football players everywhere, or
something. He is especially disgusted by drugs.
Enemy (Marco Sanzionare)- This Poor Man's Lex Luthor (hell, he's a Poor Man's Fifth-
Stringer Evil Rich Iron Man Foe) was behind many of SuperPro's early adventures, and then
chose to mess with him again later.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 2 / Defenses: 12 (93)

-Hahah, SUPERPRO. Fabian Nicieza has since admitted he only worked on this character to
get free NFL tickets, and he was created by some assortment of NFL people & Marvel
staffers, and it shows, having created one of the most famously bad comic books in history
(Nicieza insists it was meant for a YOUNG audience- not the one that came to read comics).
He had a brief 12-issue run (still too much for this crap), having cliched fight scenes, groan-
inducing football-related puns in mid-fight ("How about an autograph?" *PUNCH*/ "Okay, I
give!" "No- you RECIEVED. A POUNDING, that is!"), a really goofy-looking costume, and
a bunch of guest-stars (Spider-Man in issue #1- even though usually he only showed up in
book #2. Sales were expected to be so crappy they needed a boost in the FIRST issue!) to
make him seem less lame. He was a football player hobbled by injuries who got doused in
some Generic Experimental Comic-Book Chemicals (tm), became a peak human guy,
wearing some elite football uniform (created by a guy who was a huge football fan and an
eccentric scientist) that was super-tough. His only recurring villain was a generic "Sleazy 80s
Millionaire Crimelord" Marco Sanzionare, and "named" super-villains include a football-
player-turned-NINJA by the name of "Quick Kick". It's kind of stupidly amusing, like a
really crappy movie, at times, and I have several of these awful, awful issues.
-Nobody in these books seems to be trying very hard- Nicieza, normally a good writer, gives
us Quick Kick the football-player-turned-ninja, and Instant Replay- a guy who somehow
makes being a Time Travelling Assassin boring- Quick Kick even goes by the WRONG
NAME at one point! Buzz Dixon, who takes over much of the book later on, writes in
garbage like The Head Hunters (evil failed football players who play an illegal game against
real-life NFLers they've kidnapped) and The Happy Campers (normal guys with silly
powers). He even pissed off the Hopi nation by writing some Hopi fundamentalists as bad
guys in one book.

-Unsurprisingly, the character faded away into obscurity, and now that the NFL won't license
its name out to this kind of crap, we'll probably never see him again. Robert Kirkman wasn't
even allowed to use him in his Marvel Team-Up run- instead, he had to have Stilt-Man refer
to him in the past tense ("I beat up a guy called SuperPro last week- silliest looking guy...").
Me, I kinda wish they'd "Catman" him into a legit, awesome threat, just to see the look on
supervillains' faces when he came in and beat the snot out of them. As a kid, I didn't hate him
so much- I even made "NHL Superstar", a HOCKEY GOALIE version of SuperPro, who
shot pucks out of his blocker and used a stick (which makes him about a thousand times
cooler than this idiot already). Superstar's catchphrase should be "I'm NHL Superstar, and I'm
here to beat THE PUCK out of crime!"

-So yeah, this guy kinda sucks. He's got a lot of football player-style "Rushing" tactics
(Move-By Action, Athletics), and he's not BAD at fighting, but he's only a PL 7 scrub, and
would lose to anyone except some members of the Zodiac Cartel or maybe an Acolyte or
two. Okay, so he beat up Crossbones a bit during a Cap guest appearance, but 'Bones got the
better of him by cheating, and now that this guy's a jobber, he's done with great showings.

-There's a bit of a hard thing to figure out regarding how powerful Phil Grayfield is, though.
The writing on the books was so half-assed that a guy who supposedly gained enhanced
strength, athletic abilities, etc., during a chemical bath, and gaining a super-durable football
uniform, was depicted as: a) needing to use extra effort to toss a particularly heavy
henchman, b) needing to dodge and weave to avoid bullets, and c) vulnerable to cobra venom
on Crossbones' knife, which easily cut into his calf. So, at best we're talking about a guy who
was at Captain America's physical level, and he's probably a good bit lower. Nothing to
SNEEZE AT, of course, but he's barely superhuman at all, and his suit only gives a +2
Toughness bonus, since it appears to have little effect on his durability.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:46 pm

Created By: Chris Claremont, Bill Mantlo & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #96 (Dec. 1975)
Role: Evil Demon Race
Group Affiliations: The N'Garai, Chthon's Forces
PL 6 (81)

Athletics 4 (+10)
Intimidation 8 (+6)
Perception 5 (+5)
Stealth 1 (+5)

Improved Critical (Claws), Startle

"Natural Size" Growth 2 (Str & Sta +2, +2 Mass, +1 Intimidation, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth)
-- (10 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [5]

"Venomous Claws" Strength-Damage Linked to Weaken Strength 6 (Extras: Progressive +2)

Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage & +6 Affliction, DC 21 & 16)
Initiative +4

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +6, Fortitude +6, Will +1

Motivation (Returning to Earth)
Responsibility (Chthon's Will)

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 18--14 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 26 / Defenses: 7 (81)

-The N'Garai first made their appearance in a very early issue of Claremont's X-Men, in
which an ancient, regenerating cairn on the X-Mansion grounds had been opened by Cyclops
in a fit of rage after Thunderbird's death- some Demons came forth, their leader Kierrok
fought the X-Men, and Storm was able to re-seal their portal prison. Much later, in a pretty
famous X-Men issue, a young, immature trainee Kitty Pryde was left alone at the X-Mansion,
and a mysterious demon invaded it. The issue basically took the form of a "one-off" featuring
a terrified Kitty (who wasn't immune to the creature's touch, despite her Phasing powers)
fleeing the hostile monster, using whatever means she had available to her in order to stop it.
In desperation, she set off the engines of the X-Men's Blackbird, frying the beast. The
resulting damage to the Mansion became a bit of a gag later on.

-Though this is the only time I've ever seen the creatures, they've appeared multiple times
since then- like, a lot. It turns out they were the creations of Chthon the Elder God, and used
to live on Earth- they long to make a permanent return. They showed up to fight Maggott &
Cecilia Reyes when they were new X-Men recruits, fought Satana because her father Lucifer
had led Heaven's army against them millennia ago, etc.

-Despite their ferocity, the N'Garai are essentially still a Race of Mooks, able to be
slaughtered en masse by someone like Wolverine, so they're still only PL 6. That's notably
more dangerous than MANY races, though, so in great numbers, they're still quite scary.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:05 pm


Created by: Larry Hama & Paul Ryan
First Appearance: The Avengers #327 (Dec. 1990)
Role: Elder Evil, Super-Powered Entity
PL 15 (454)

Deception 9 (+14)
Expertise (History) 8 (+14)
Expertise (Magic) 16 (+22)
Expertise (Demon) 9 (+15)
Insight 6 (+10)
Intimidation 10 (+15)
Perception 5 (+9)
Persuasion 7 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical (Blasts)
2, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Ritualist, Startle, Well-Informed

"Immortal God"
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Magic- Ranged 3, Acute & Analytical, Tracking By Magic) [7]
"Elder Entity" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]
"Speaks All Languages" Comprehend 3 (Languages- Speak & Understand) [6]
Flight 12 (8,000 mph) [24]
Movement 1 (Space Travel) [2]

Impervious Toughness 15 [15]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]

"Variable Size"
Features 2: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Elongation 1 [1]

"Elder God"
Variable 15 (98) -- [100]

 AE: "Demonic Wave" Damage 15 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (30)

 AE: "Demonic Blast" Blast 20 (Feats: Extended Range 4, Penetrating 10) (54)

"Empower Others" Variable 10 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Affects Others Only +0,
Continuous) [81]

Unarmed +12 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Blast +10 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Area Attacks +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +16 (+8 Impervious), Fortitude +16,
Will +12

Motivation (Gathering Worshippers & Might)
Weakness (Trapped)- Almost all of the Elder Gods are trapped within their own dimensions,
having been beaten years ago by The Demogorge. Despite their great power, they are usually
bound to their dimensional boundaries.
Enemy (The Tetrachs of Entropy, Aah)- The Tetrarchs oppose Ngh's plans, and he used to be
united with the good-natured Aah.

Total: Abilities: 102 / Skills: 70--35 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 277 / Defenses: 20 (454)
-Ngh, and his good counterpart Aah (CHRIST!), were originally one: a composite being that
split itself up as a "Great Experiment". Ngh was trapped in the Dimension of Exile by the
Tetrarchs of Entropy until he tricked the Avengers into helping him escape. Using powers
that allowed him to grow in might the more evil feelings were thrown his way- he beat up the
Tetrarchs and the Avengers for a while, until he was convinced to re-merge with Aah.

General Ngoc Coy

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:44 am


Seriously, how in the bloody hell do you pronounce that?

-This guy is pretty much just "Karma's Jerkass Uncle" in the comics, he almost never
appeared in The New Mutants- I don't remember the issue where he did. He was responsible
for leading Tran around in controlling the Fantastic Four, and used him to prop up a criminal
enterprise in the States. Losing Tran, he later reappeared controlling Karma, promising that
he had information about her missing siblings. Less of a character and more of a Plot Device,
he was also a bad guy in Wolverine, where Karma was a minor supporting character. There,
he was setting up shop in Madripoor, Marvel's crime-ridden answer to Singapore.
Nick Fury

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:23 pm


Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Sergeant Fury & His Howling Commandos #1 (May 1963)
Role: World War II Hero Turned '60s Super-Spy, Crabby Old Guy
Group Affiliation: Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate
PL 9 (176)

Acrobatics 2 (+6)
Athletics 5 (+7)
Deception 9 (+13)
Expertise (The Spy Game) 11 (+15)
Expertise (Soldier) 10 (+14)
Insight 7 (+11)
Intimidation 3 (+7)
Investigation 9 (+13)
Perception 4 (+8)
Persuasion 4 (+8)
Stealth 4 (+8)
Technology 2 (+6)
Treatment 1 (+5)
Vehicles 3 (+10)

Assessment, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 6 (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Connected, Diehard,
Equipment 11 (Anything He Needs- Car With Flight, etc.), Fearless, Improved Critical
(Gun), Improved Disarm, Improved Smash, Inspire, Languages 3 (Many), Leadership,
Precise Attack (Ranged/Cover), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 5, Skill Mastery (Spy), Taunt,
Teamwork, Tracking, Ultimate Spy Skill, Well-Informed

"Machine Gun" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (Inaccurate -1) (20) -- (24)

 AE: "Luger 9mm Parabellum" Blast 5 (10)

 AE: "Semi-Automatic Walther PPK" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15)
 AE: "Rifle" Blast 6 (Feats: Increased Range) (13)
 AE: "Grenade" Blast 7 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Diminished Range -1) (20)

"Flying Car" Police Cruiser With Flight 7 (250 mph) (25)

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Kevlar" Protection 1 (1)

Unarmed +11 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Pistol +12 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Rifle +12 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Machine Gun +10 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4 (+5 Kevlar), Fortitude +6, Will +10

The Infinity Formula- Nick Fury once took regular doses of a formula designed to keep him
from aging. Eventually, he no longer needed the doses for the power, but a blood transfusion
took it away, and now he will age at a regular rate.
Motivation (Justice & World Peace)- Though a soldier and fighter, Fury is ultimately a
Responsibility (America, The World)- Though S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposedly an international
organization, the President of the United States can disband it. So Fury has more than one
boss, despite his power.
Secret (Secrets Within Secrets)- There is always something going on at S.H.I.E.L.D., and
Fury has his fingers in many pies. He often has to lie to his closest friends, and has gone
underground against a compromised S.H.I.E.L.D. leadership before.
Disabled (One Eye)- Nick slowly lost vision in one eye due to a shrapnel burst in World War
II, though this does not seem to affect him overly much. He might be easier to sneak up on on
one side.

Total: Abilities: 80 / Skills: 74--37 / Advantages: 43 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 16 (176)

The Origins of Fury:

-Nick Fury is probably the biggest-name Marvel guy I'd yet to build in 2e or 3e until I finally
got around to him, actually- he just never quite fit into any of my scheduled "themed sets"
before. I barely remembered him for my Marvel Cards set, and only because he's such a well-
known, mundane guy that I barely realized he had a card in most of the sets. Nick started life
as a Stan & Jack creation, a war-hero character for Marvel's new War Comic of the 1960s-
the big era for those books was (unsurprisingly) right after World War II with DC's Sgt. Rock
and others becoming big sellers, but Marvel had one called "The War Comic For Those Who
HATE War Comics!" (which was apparently a lot of people or something), with the dumbest
name ever- Sgt. Fury & His Howling Commandos. I've heard tell that it was a deliberate bet
between Stan & Jack that Stan could give a comic the worst name ever and still make it sell.

-Within a couple years, Fury was turned into a James Bond/Man From U.N.C.L.E. rip-off
leader of an U.N.C.L.E.-like organization with it's OWN cutesy acronyms (which has
changed over time). This was because Spy stuff had become a HUGE business, with rip-offs
sprouting up all over the place- U.N.C.L.E. has since gone on to become quite obscure (and
had a movie remake that bombed really hard), but has some odd legacies in comic book
acronym-heavy organizations (such as The Man From R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E. at Archie Comics).

-And imagine my surprise at learning the Commandos book stuck actually around for a
LONG TIME with non-Stan & Jack creative teams, but few really remember any of it (War
Comics were REALLY far gone by then, I think- Gary Friedrich apparently did some good
stuff, though), and Fury went on to be defined by Jim Steranko, an up & coming artist who
used a lot of '60s-style pop art & psychedelic imagery to make some of the greatest comic
book covers I've ever seen- of the 1960s artists, his & Neal Adams' perhaps hold up the best-
both of them could basically debut tomorrow and still be popular. The book used all kinds of
whacky super-spy stuff, and eventually S.H.I.E.L.D. came to be the OFFICIAL government
group in comics.

The Problem With Fury:

-They've done the "head command is compromised" story about a billion times thus far, and
Nick's had cancelled series after cancelled series. One attempt by Larry Hama actually got
turned into his run on G.I. Joe, which is crazy to think about. On one hand, S.H.I.E.L.D. has
been a hard sell for decades... but we could have had Stalker, Snake-Eyes & Storm Shadow
as permanent MARVEL characters! Currently Nick has found a half-black son just so they
could finally have a regular-verse Fury who looks like Samuel L. Jackson's version in the
movies (which is now by far the most famous and bad-ass. Much to the dismay of fans of the
David Hasselhoff version). And some stupid Retcon had Nick Fury as a one-man army
against threats so dire that nobody on Earth could know about them. He went about his
business by... flying around in space and sniping people in the heads with a laser gun. Yes,
it's as stupid as it sounds. Never mind that actual aliens invade Earth HUNDREDS OF
TIMES, but how the frig is just flying around and sniping people gonna stop them? Okay, so
it points out he also engages in planetary genocide and fomenting intergalactic wars to keep
Earth safe, too.
-This ridiculous storyline actually culminated in Fury himself growing old after years of
using the Infinity Formula and using Life Model Decoys as his agents, and he was
"permanently" replaced by his son when it's revealed that he had killed Uatu the Watcher for
not revealing valuable information, and has now been charged to act as "The Unseen" in
Uatu's place.

Fury's Stats:
-Fury is a PL 9 Elite Super-Spy build, using mainly Skills & Advantages in the line of duty,
along with some basic equipment (some of which can be very sci-fi, but those tend to be one-
shots. Even the Flying Cars kind of don't show up that much, since it's a bit too cheesy now).
None are better at the game than him, though a lot of elite agents & human-level fighters
could still beat the crap out of him (I'm not giving him even odds against The Punisher or
Elektra, for example).

Nicholas Scratch

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:01 pm

Created By: Len Wein & George Perez
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #185 (Aug. 1977)
Role: Magic Villain
Group Affiliations: Salem's Seven
PL 11 (177)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+6)
Deception 5 (+9)
Expertise (Magic) 10 (+14)
Expertise (Leader of New Salem) 4 (+8)
Expertise (Theology & Philosophy) 5 (+9)
Insight 4 (+8)
Intimidation 4 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+8)
Perception 5 (+9)
Persuasion 3 (+7)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 5 (+11)

Benefit 2 (New Salem Leader), Improved Aim, Ranged Attack 6, Ritualist, Trance

Force Field 6 [6]

"Magical Might"
Summon 5 (Extras: Active, Variable Type- Animated Creations +2) [25]

Mind Control 5 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Touch Range -2)
(21) -- [33]

 Dynamic AE: Eldritch Blast 8 (17)

 Dynamic AE: "Eldtritch Wave" Damage 8 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (17)
 Dynamic AE: Teleport 8 (17)
 Dynamic AE: Movement 2 (Dimensional Movement 2) (5)
 Dynamic AE: Illusion (Visuals) 6 (13)
 Dynamic AE: "Telepathy" Mind-Reading 5 Linked to Communication (Mental) 2

"The Satan Staff" (Flaws: Easily Removable) (Feats: Limited to Mages) [23]
"Boosted Magical Powers"
Teleport +0 (Extras: Extended 8, Accurate 8) (17) -- (25)

 Dynamic AE: Blast +3 (6)

 Dynamic AE: "Eldtritch Wave" Damage +2 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (5)
 Dynamic AE: Mind Control +3 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Touch Range -
2) (12)
 Dynamic AE: Illusion (Visuals) +4 (8)
Force Field +2 (2)
Summon +2 (Extras: Active, Variable Type- Animated Creations +2) (10)

-- (37 points)

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Eldritch Blast +11 (+8-11 Ranged Damage, DC 23-26)
Mind Control +5-8 (+5-8 Affliction, DC 15-18)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2 (+8-10 Force Field), Fortitude +6, Will

Motivation (Power)
Power Loss (Magic)- Magical spells are dependent upon verbal components and hand-
movements. If Nicholas Scratch is tied up, bound, snared or anything else, he will be unable
to cast spells.
Enemy (Agatha Harkness)- The dude wants to off his own mother. Seriously.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 81 / Defenses: 16 (177)

-Nicholas Scratch is the father & leader of the Salem's Seven, being a minor-league mystic-
styled villain and the son of Agatha Harkness, and thus an enemy of the Fantastic Four.
Initially his parentage was kept secret, but it was clear that he'd had children with different
women in their hidden New England community, as at least one member of the Seven is
black. Scratch had his mother abducted and nearly executed for the crime of "betraying New
Salem", though when Reed Richards pointed out that they weren't even AWARE of New
Salem until he pulled his tricks, Scratch attacked in a frenzy- the community turned against
him, banishing him to the Dark Realm.

-Years later, he re-powered his children and mind-controlled the FF, attempting world
conquest, but Agatha beat him this time, and the next, when he took over Franklin Richards.
After a third time, beaten by Agatha & Devil-Hunter, he was de-powered and rendered a
normal human. This was his last appearance until modern times, where he'd taken over Patsy
Walker's idyllic old hometown as "Mayor Nicholas", using an Evil Theme Park and demon
possession to control the populace. It took the Avengers & Thunderbolts combined to clear
out the town of demons, Salem's Seven, and the Sons of the Serpent. Scratch himself turned
out to be allied with Dormammu, who hoped to take over Hell and install Scratch as Earth's
"Sorcerer Supreme". The other Hell Lords beat Dormammu, who fled with Scratch. Finally,
in a Marvel Knights book, he manipulated his childrern and the FF to release Shuma-Gorath
from his dimension, but everyone teamed up to beat him- even the evil alchemist Diablo and
Dr. Strange got in on the act! Scratch was then banished to Hell again, where he made an
allegiance with Mephisto.

-So Scratch shows up from time to time, as he's pretty powerful, but sub-Baron Mordo or
Dormammu or something, and he has a big group of super-powered minions to throw at
people, so it all works out for an entertaining little two-parter. He's still on the C-Level, but
it's something.

-Scratch isn't within sniffing distance of Dr. Strange, but he's a competent manipulator, liar
and sorceror, keeping a team occupied, especially if he's got all his kids present. His magic is
fairly varied, with quite a few Dynamic Alt-Effects attached to it, and he's got the Satan Staff,
which in-universe boosted his powers. However, he could use Magic just fine without it, so I
figured I'd just make a Power-Booster, increasing the total power of most of his spells. Plus I
guess he can donk people with it, but he sucks in melee.

Nico Minoru

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:28 pm
Shockingly, the tall, slender Asian Goth has by far the most pictures on ComicVine of this

NICO MINORU (aka Sister Grimm)

Created By: Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #1 (July 2003)
Role: The Overly-Powerful One, Unofficial Leader
Horrible Fate I Wish Upon This Character: All of her future appearances will be written
and drawn by Rob Liefeld.
Group Affiliations: The Runaways
PL 12 (144)

Athletics 2 (+3)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Magic) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 2 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 3 (+8)
Stealth 2 (+5)

Improved Critical (Magical Attacks), Set-Up, Ranged Attack 1, Ritualist, Teamwork

"The Staff Of One" (Extras: Summonable) (Flaws: Easily-Removable) [72]
Variable 15 (Any Power, Ever) (Flaws: Limited to Once Per Power- Creates Random Effect
Otherwise) (Quirks: Must Be Bleeding to Summon the Staff) (89 points)

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Magic Stuff +8 (+16 Ranged Effects, DC 31 & 26)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +7

Relationship (The Runaways)- Nico is very close with her teammates, considering many of
them extremely-close friends. She is protective of the group, and emotionally-needy with
their friendship. Her closest friend was Gert, but she also misses Karolina terribly whenever
she leaves Earth.
Relationship (Chase Stein)- Nico mothers the impulsive, rule-breaking Chase, but they've
shown an attraction at various times as well.
Power Loss (Magic)- If she steps into the path of the ashes of dead wizards, her powers will
cease to work. And she can never raise the dead.
Relationship (Alex Wilder)- Nico initially had feelings for Alex, the leader of the group. But
then he turned out to be a douche.
Relationship (Victor Mancha)- The two get together after he saves her life against the
Gibborim, but he eventually falls for another woman in the past, and Nico stands aside (even
when she remains in 1907).
Responsibility (Clingy & Emotional)- Nico tends to act out emotionally, and in a manner
which occasionally confuses her.
Responsibility (Damsel Syndrome)- Twice, Nico has decided to enter relationships with men
who save her life. This is a side-effect her her being emotionally-clingy during times of

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 72 / Defenses: 13 (144)

-Nico Minoru is the kind of girl seemingly created for nerdy teen males to drool over: a thin
Asian girl dressing in gothic lolita fashions, and wielding a strong personality and huge
power. This is probably deliberate by Vaughan, as she's made the love interest of the most-
nerdy character of the first run. Her power is also the most insanely-Gamebreaking of the
series, as she basically has Every Power Ever- to an even greater extent than Doctor Strange!
Her "Staff of One" allows her to cast any spell she wants, but only once, and with a specific
sort of instruction- it sometimes gives her a different effect than she'd necessarily wanted
(saying "Zombie Not" to get rid of zombies ended up forming a Zombie KNOT). She also
has to be bleeding for it to work (usually just making small cuts on her body (you have to
wonder Vaughan's intentions in giving the GOTH character the ability to gain super-powers
from SELF-HARM, though ); and any kind of bleeding will do the trick (as revealed in a
pretty funny scene when another character says "hey, but I thought you had to be bleeding."
"*stern glare*" "Ah."). Generally, her power acts as a writer's trick to get the team out of
ANY situation, but with enough caveats that it's not a GIANT Ass-Pull to do so. Just... well...
a pretty big one.
-Nico eventually becomes the group's leader after Alex betrays the team and is killed, leading
them through numerous crises- at one point, she is captured and tortured by a powerful
mystic who seeks to train her to take more pain, and thus gain more power. When Runaways
is cancelled, she's one of the few to keep seeing use, as she's one of the abductees in
Avengers Arena, with her powers CONVENTIENTLY lessened just so she can't Magic her
way out of everything (literally mentioned on Wikipedia as "for an unexplained reason"). She
is actually KILLED by her teammate Chase (wielding the Darkhawk Armor and being
brainwashed), but her bleeding-out causes the Staff to resurrect her and wipe the floor with
numerous bad guys- the Darkhawk armor is destroyed, Deathlocket is disarmed, and Apex is
trapped underground). So basically despite her Magic being lessened to prevent Ass-Pulls,
she STILL Ass-Pulls the victory! Because Magic.

-Nico reappears in Avengers Undercover, frequently arguing with Chase- her relationship
with Chase developed into a bit of a love/hate one, as she often has to rein in his worse
impulses, but there's definitely an attraction there. She and her castmates are blackmailed into
joining Baron Zemo or else face justice for murdering Arcade (Hazmat, who was also trapped
on Murderworld, did the deed), but Nico comes up with a "third option"- joining Zemo's
organization to destroy it from within. When the Arcade killed is revealed to have been a
body double, the kids are cleared.

-Nico then shows up in A-Force, the short-lived all-female super-book, in Secret Wars and
then in a "real" 616 version of the book. It doesn't last that long, but she makes good with
teammates She-Hulk, Singularity and others. During Civil War II she runs from Carol
Danvers when Nico is earmarked as a "future murderer" (god that story was dumb)- Carol
chases Nico down, but after a confrontation the circumstances are revealed- they're trying to
stop an infestation of bugs that create a plague, and Nico is forced to kill a woman to stop it.
The woman then reappears in her "final form", explaining that being killed allowed her to
resurrect with greater control over her powers, thus saving the day. Finally, as the rebooted
Runaways book winds down, Nico reveals a homosexual attraction to Karolina after all, and
the two start a relationship.

-Nico is INSANELY-powerful, being able to do things even beyond the limits of regular ol'
Mages- there's a handful of caveats in there, but nothing that bad. At one point, she one-offs
The Wrecker simply by turning him into a pile of sliced-up deli meat (he gets better later on).
At another point, she Teleports some aliens all over the planet. Essentially, she gets 75 points
with which to do whatever she wants, but can only use each unique spell once. She's also a
minor-level mystic otherwise, being able to use Ritualist. The specifics of what she can do
without her Staff are pretty vague, and she doesn't appear to be a great fighter outside of
using high-end powers (enough to make her a PL 12 character). The Staff on One is Easily-
Removable, but she can also put it into her soul and summon it (an Extra).

Nico gets an upgrade at one point, gaining the following additions:

"The Staff Of One" (Feats: Restricted 2) (Extras: Summonable) (Flaws: Easily-Removable)

Variable 15 (Any Power, Ever) (Flaws: Limited to Once Per Power- Creates Random Effect
Otherwise) (Quirks: Must Be Bleeding to Summon the Staff) (89) -- (90 points)

 AE: "Attacks Anyone Who Wields It" Damage 10 (Feats: Triggered- Attempts to Use
the Staff) (Extras: Reaction +3) (41)
Flight 2 (8 mph) (Flaws: Low Ceiling) [2]


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:44 am

NICODEMUS (Real Name Unknown)
Created By: Rob Liefeld, Fabian Nicieza & Marc Pacella
First Appearance: X-Force #10 (May 1992)
Role: The Dead One
Group Affiliations: The Externals

-Said to be "As old as the Swiss Alps themselves", Nicodemus looked old, and seemed fairly
wizened with age. He helped out the other Externals and let them use his home as a base, but
he never got to see action before he died of the Legacy Virus- dying on-panel via
incineration. Despite being such a minor guy he never even got into a fight, he returned with
the other Externals in modern times, but again died- sacrificed to power the "External Gate"
of Apocalypse.
Night & Day

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:01 pm

NIGHT & DAY (Lea C. Farr & Anthony Zerbe)
Created By: Terry Austin & Bret Blevins
First Appearance: Strange Tales #9 (Dec. 1987)
Role: Mooks, Mirror Image Villains (To Cloak & Dagger)
-Night and Day were the minions of Mr. Jip, and given similar powers to Cloak & Dagger.
They were used to separate Cloak from Dagger, allowing Jip to try and take a hold of Cloak's
body as a repository for his soul- Dagger reappeared, stopping them. Night later used her
powers to manipulate darkness to turn Dagger evil, and the heroine was left blinded after
being rescued by Cloak & X-Factor. Ultimately, however, Night turned against Mr. Jip,
killing him with a bullet made of light.

-Night could "extract the darkness" within people and manipulate it, which was a sort of
Brainwashing thing. Day presumably had light powers, though I can't find anything on him.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:34 pm

Created By: Len Wein & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975)
Role: The Swashbuckler, Teleporter, Lady Bait, The Fun Guy
Country of Origin: Germany
Group Affiliations: The X-Men, Excalibur, The Catholic Church
PL 10 (179)

Acrobatics 9 (+19)
Athletics 4 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+13)
Close Combat (Swords) 3 (+13)
Deception 2 (+5)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+4)
Expertise (Catholic Priest) 7 (+9)
Insight 4 (+7)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 4 (+7)
Sleight of Hand 5 (+5)
Stealth 4 (+14)
Technology 2 (+4)
Vehicles 6 (+6)

Agile Feint, Benefit (Ambidexterity), Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll, Equipment 2 (3
Swords), Evasion 2, Fast Grab, Improved Critical 2 (Unarmed, Sword), Improved Defense,
Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Precise
Attack (Close/Concealment), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 5, Second Chance (Falling), Seize
Initiative, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics), Set-Up, Takedown 2, Teamwork, Ultimate Acrobatics
Skill, Uncanny Dodge

“Mutant Powers: Teleportation & Night-Living”
"BAMF!" Teleport 2 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Increased Mass 3- 400 lbs.,
Turnabout) (Extras: Extended- 4 miles) [12]

"Hit Everyone" Strength-Damage +0 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst 4, Selective 4) (8) -- [9]

 AE: "Nauseating 'Port" Affliction 8 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Flaws:

Tiring) (4)

Movement 2 (Sure-Footed, Wall-Crawling) [4]

Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Speed 1 (4 mph) [1]
"Prehensile Tail" Extra Limb 1 [1]

"Creature of the Night"

Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]
"Blending into the Shadows" Concealment 2 (Visual Senses) (Flaws: Limited to Darkness,
Blending) [1]

"Triple-Rapiers" Strength-Damage +2 (Extras: Multiattack 4) (Inaccurate -1) (5)

 AE: "Rapiers" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Split 2) (4)

Unarmed +13 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Rapiers +13 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Triple-Rapiers +11 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +14
Dodge +15 (DC 25), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +4 (+5 D.Roll), Fortitude +6, Will +8

Relationship (Various)- Kurt is... kind of a pimp, really. He was with his stepsister (... ew?)
Amanda Sefton for many years. He's also crushed on teammate Meggan, and dated Cerise.
Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- Without an Image Inducer, Kurt is among the more obvious
mutants out there, with dark blue fur all over his body, and a tail.
Responsibility (Catholic Priest)- Nightcrawler is extremely devoted to religion, and is
heavily-involved with the Catholic church.
Weakness (Excess Teleportation)- If Kurt Teleports extensively more than a few times, he
will become Fatigued. Going North/South is also easier than East/West, thanks to the
magnetic lines of the Earth.
Quirk (Stench)- Nightcrawler's Teleport makes a "BAMF!" noise and leaves behind the smell
of rotten eggs. As such, it's a little tricky to be stealthy with it, and others will know where
he's been.
Relationship (Parents)- Kurt's mother is the evil shapeshifter Mystique, and his father the evil
Hell-borne Demon Azazel- he does not get along with either of them.

Total: Abilities: 68 / Skills: 60--30 / Advantages: 33 / Powers: 30 / Defenses: 16 (179)

Nightcrawler- The Quirky X-Man:

-What can ya say about Kurt Wagner? Such an iconic look and weird power-set are truly
unique in comics, which has gone a great deal towards making him one of the most popular
X-Men of all time, particularly since he is the weakest member out of practically the ENTIRE
roster (think about it: with the least offensively-useful power, he's just a kinda-tough guy who
teleports and maybe uses rapiers sometimes). And yet, being the one guy who was happy
with his lot in life (as opposed to self-pitying Scott, moody Jean, aging Banshee, bitter
Wolverine, sad Peter & angry Kitty) made him stand out from the crowd even more than his
weird appearance did.

-You know you're pretty cool when even your creator is basically in love with you. Dave
Cockrum used Kurt as his 'net avatar for years before he died, and proudly took his little
creation from DC to Marvel (Nightcrawler was originally an alien supposed to be in a
Cockrum-drawn Legion of Super-Heroes Spin-Off... but deemed "too alien", so he just kept
the design woth him and took it to Marvel Comics instead), something I'm sure DC was
QUITE pleased with after the X-Books became not only the most popular books at Marvel,
but an industry-defining icon. Claremont & Byrne used to joke that Cockrum, who was co-
creator with Claremont for quite some time, was so in love with the character that he
continuously would add new powers to Kurt's repertoire- though I think the only time that
REALLY happened was the weird Night-Blending, which almost never comes up. Oddly,
Dave hated the religious aspect the character took on; he imagined Kurt to be the happy-go-
lucky Errol Flynn-worshipping swashbuckler of the team, not a serious worshipper-type.

-Me, I liked Kurt, but I didn't get alot of access to him as a kid. See, when *I* was a lad, it
was the Gold & Blue Strike Force era of the team, and Kurt had been out of the X-books for
upwards of five/six years by that point. Hell, I was barely even aware he WAS an X-Man,
such was his status as an "Excalibur Guy". Especially since I didn't get Excalibur, since it was
only in the specialty shop, which was across town, as opposed to the easy-access London
Drugs & Mac's stores a block away from my home. So yeah, no Nightcrawler for me. It was
actually very weird for me to see Kurt show up as an X-Man, as he usually wasn't even
involved in CROSS-OVERS.

Nightcrawler's History:
-Nightcrawler first appears being chased by an angry mob, complete with torches (where in
Hell would you even GET a torch, these days?)- of all the X-Men, he's the only one who can't
"pass". His blue fur, yellow eyes, tail and three-fingered extremities mark him as something
otherworldly and "alien".

-Despite his appearance, however, Kurt seemed perfectly happy with his lot in life. While the
others were saddled with angst, Kurt was fun loving and even gleeful at times. Claremont
included a small bit where Kurt proclaimed a belief in Christianity- Catholicism, to be exact.
This was unusual in the generally secular world of comic books, but was not focused on.

-Kurt would be removed from the X-Men book after some time (he was injured by Riptide of
The Marauders), and found Excalibur with Kitty Pryde & Racel Summers. This kept him
from his debut book for more than ten years, but managed to save him from most of the
grittiness that later came to typify that book. He goes through a flirtatious relationship with
Meggan, date Cerise, and do a big thing with his stepsister Amanda Sefton- Kurt was always
good with the ladies. Even real life female readers seemed to love his strange appearance.

Modern Nightcrawler:
-Kurt eventually rejoined the X-Men, ignoring pretty much the entirety of his history with
Excalibur. He was even made team leader of a squad... except this was of course Chuck
Austen's run of the books, which piled on some incredibly stupid stuff.

-Marvel FINALLY revealed his true parentage, after decades of hemming and hawing over it
(Claremont wanted Mystique to have shapechanged into a dude to impregnate Destiny-
Marvel kiboshed that one in a hurry; his other idea was to have his father be Nightmare, but
the Dr. Strange editor refused to just give up one of his main villains like that). Of course,
most people were unenthused when his daddy turned out to be a red demon named Azazel
(though the X-Men: First Class film actually ended up using the guy).

-This ball of dumb even led to Kurt getting one of those modern-day "refreshment deaths",
where a character croaks for a couple of years, allowing them to pop sales for a while when
they return, while he sits on the shelf for a while instead of being just "filler" for writers who
don't know what to do with him. Essentially, the death merely "refreshes" a character instead
of being a major, dramatic story. It'd be smart if it hadn't completely finished off the idea that
death meant something in comics (which wasn't exactly in good shape to begin with!). Killed
in battle with Bastion, he nonetheless hung out in Heaven for a while (one of the few
characters to ever actually be seen in the afterlife).

-Kurt naturally returned, dealt with his father, and even got a solo book written by
Claremont! However, it was quickly cancelled and the character just got slotted into one of
many X-books that were now floating around. The character's death has basically meant

Nightcrawler As A Whole:
-Kurt remains one of the most popular X-Men in supporting materials, owing to his
appearance and action-focused powers. The second X-Men film, and X-Men Evolution
cartoon series and more have used him as a major character- few guys stand so apart visually.
He's still the best guy to use for the whole "not all mutants look human" concept. And before
they made him half-demon, he made for a good "don't judge by appearances" story. Now,
he's just another "one good member of an evil race" guy.

Kurt's Stats:

-For powers, Kurt is only barely a PL 10 in many ways (basically being a fast, accurate guy
who doesn't even match his PL offensively), focused around being hard to hit, and being very
good at fighting. He's quite strong (his tail can lift people off the ground) and fairly tough for
a human-level guy, and his Teleport is arguably the weakest in all of comics, since the writers
were VERY, VERY CAREFUL not to have him be a "Team Game-Breaker" able to just get
the whole team out of every possible situation- even 'Porting a teammate out of a situation
would leave him exhausted, and he had tremendous difficulty with range and even teleporting
behind things if he didn't know what was on the other side (this makes his Teleport only rank
2- he has to go Extended to bring it to full strength). He's a fantastic team player though,
designed to avoid any blows being rained down on him while distracting the enemy and
hitting a bunch of times, even with THREE Rapiers if necessary.

-He gets a ton of extra powers as well, since there was a point in the early X-Books that Dave
Cockrum added a new power seemingly every other month. John Byrne even joked that the
staff called it "Nightcrawler and Friends" for a while, but it's John Byrne (who even
Cockrum's widow has gone out on a limb and called a gigantic piece of human waste who
frequently lied about anything and everything to make himself look better), so who knows?
In any case, he's got a swack of miniature powers out there, from low-level Blending in the
dark, to Wall-Crawling, to a Tail, to his weird Nauseating Attack that brutally tires him out.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:59 am

NIGHTHAWK (Kyle Richmond)
Created By: Roy Thomas & John Buscema
First Appearance: The Avengers #85 (Feb. 1971)
Role: The Voice of Reason, The Rebel Leader
Alternate Company Equivalent Of: Batman (ordinary human using martial arts, agility and
intelligence to foil crime)
Fate: Heart ruptured by Foxfire, killing him right at the end of the Final Battle.
Group Affiliations: The Squadron Supreme
PL 10 (196)

Acrobatics 9 (+15)
Athletics 2 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+14)
Deception 5 (+9)
Expertise (Current Events) 3 (+8)
Expertise (History) 3 (+8)
Expertise (Politics) 9 (+14)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+8)
Insight 8 (+12)
Investigation 5 (+9)
Perception 8 (+12)
Persuasion 4 (+8)
Ranged Combat (Throwing Weapons) 4 (+12)
Sleight of Hand 10 (+10)
Stealth 7 (+12)
Technology 1 (+6)
Vehicles 5 (+5)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Assessment, Beginner's Luck, Benefit (Wealth) 2, Defensive
Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 6 (HoverHawk, Grappling Hooks), Improved Critical
(Unarmed) 2, Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Leadership, Power Attack, Ranged
Attack 8, Set-Up, Takedown, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge, Well-Informed

"HoverHawk" as Helicopter (16)
"Throwing Weapons" Blast 4 (Extras: Multiattack) (12) -- (13)
"Grappling Hook" Movement 2 (Swinging, Slow Fall) (4)

Unarmed +14 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Weapons +12 (+4 Ranged Damage, DC 19)
Initiative +5

Dodge +15 (DC 25), Parry +15 (DC 25), Toughness +4 (+5 D.Roll), Fortitude +6, Will +7

Vulnerable (Mind Control)- The Squadron Supreme have proven themselves very easy to
take over mentally for some reason, as it has happened several times. This may be random
chance, or an actual weakness.
Responsibility (Dismantling the Utopia Program)- Kyle Richmond is devoted to the
destruction of the Squadron's Program, believing it to be unconstitutional, wrong, and
immoral, not to mention leading to the worst possible future when successive generations get
ahold of their programs.
Motivation (Heroism)- Kyle is a tried-and-true hero, becoming President to help the world
even more. He believes in Civil Liberty above all, and rejects the Behavior Modification
Device. He nearly falls apart emotionally when he is forcd to mind-wipe Blue Eagle from the
Redeemers' plan, opposing the very idea.

Total: Abilities: 74 / Skills: 88--44 / Advantages: 33 / Powers: 81 / Defenses: 18 (196)

The Squadron's "Batman":

-Nighthawk, throughout his multiple versions, is still basically just "Marvel's Batman". Kyle
Richmond is a major part of the entire series, despite not appearing for roughly half of it, and
only becoming a big part of it again in the final batch of issues. Having retired and become
America's President, he resigned at the beginning of the series, and quit the Squadron
immediately when they announced their Utopia Program. Realizing the dangers of their
program, and the loss of freedom it entailed, Kyle planned on murdering his closest friend
Hyperion using an Argonite Gun. However, he ultimately shrank back, realizing he couldn't
execute someone for being misguided- he vowed to find a "better way". Tragically, his way
would ultimately cost MORE lives.

The Redeemers:
-Kyle instead formed The Redeemers, a clandestined operation consisting of three ex-
criminal enemies of his, assorted empowered individuals from around the world, and the
Institute of Evil members, now cured of their brainwashing. He'd also attempted to recruit the
Avengers to help his cause, but the team voted him down. At first he was pissy ("He said I
could find people to help me here. I guess he didn't mean YOU people"), but when Cap made
his own decision to tag along, Kyle understood the error in asking people to handle HIS
world's problems- he went back without any of Earth-616's heroes. Unfortunately for Kyle,
his plan also had numerous holes in it- in undoing the brainwashing of the Institute, he put a
monster like Lamprey against the Squadron, included the mentally-handicapped (and thus
easily-confused) Shape as part of things, and didn't take into account Foxfire's feelings for
Doctor Spectrum. Kyle also feels that he sold his soul the minute he used the B-Mod
Machine on a hero- when Blue Eagle discovered the Redeemers' plan, Kyle finally agreed to
have him B-Modded to forget what he saw. Just a minor thing, and a necessity to make things
work... but using their own brainwashing machine against someone horrified Kyle.

-Those who know him say that Richmond was basically Gruenwald writing himself- writing
a person who understood that this misguided venture of the Squadron's, while fixing much of
the world, would entail giving up too much freedom from common folks. While I got the
sense that he was a Democrat from reading his works (the way he wrote Conservatives
tended to go from John "U.S. Agent" Walker to The Watchdogs), his beliefs are much more
varied than simple left or right-wing ideology. He points out the negatives in the Squadron
forcibly disarming the American populace ("I don't know about you, Cap, but my America
promised the right to bear arms"), and putting all the power and control in the hands of a
select few. Though of course super-science gets involved- Behavior Modification and all that
(he finds this to be their worst invention- something that can actually alter a person's mind).

-Ultimately, he makes the point that the Squadron's plan would actually be GREAT... if
people as good and moral as the Squadron were around to carry it out (he knew that they
were ultimately good people). Kyle points out that the second they're GONE... anyone could
simply swoop in, use their Force Field Belts and Brainwashing Machines, and easily take
over a helpless populace. The funny thing was, as much as I was guessing plot elements and
"why don't they do ____?" stuff ahead of time, I hadn't even CONSIDERED that element!
Kurt Busiek writes exactly that happening in the late '90s, with the Squadron finding an Earth
completely taken over by the next government that took control.

The Plan Unfurls:

-Unfortunately, Kyle's plan turned into a giant mess, as the Redeemers turned on the
Squadron and went into a pitched battle. This final battle killed almost half the combined
number of the super-heroes. Kyle himself didn't take part in the thing- he spent the entire time
chewing out Hyperion. Richmond met the same fate as many others that day, however- to
win back Dr. Spectrum's love, Foxfire betrayed Nighthawk by disintegrating the bonds of his
heart, giving him a massive, sudden heart-attack. So his words to Hyperion were basically an
epitaph- his final statement. Mark Gruenwald, who spoke his voice through Richmond's,
would himself die of a sudden coronary years later. In another decade, Kurt Busiek would
write Kyle's unseen sidekick becoming the new Nighthawk, joining a reformed Squadron to
take back their Earth.

Nighthawk's Stats:
-Nighthawk is a less skilled, less capable version of Batman, and it shows. He's depicted as a
tremendous acrobat and charismatic individual (he successfully became PRESIDENT, after
all), and likely has a butt-load of skills, but he's decidedly lower-leveled. He's PL 8.5 on
offense, PL 10 ondefense, but makes up for it by have tons of Abilities, Skills & Advantages.
+14 is a damn good Attack Bonus, enought to challenge Captain America (though it's implied
even in-series that Cap is WAY better- being more athletic and stronger) and the like. His
Fortitude is a little low for a melee fighter, but hey- he flubbed his one important save really
badly at the end there.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon May 13, 2019 4:46 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: Strange Tales #110 (July 1963)
Role: Super Demon, Master of Nightmares, Mephisto Lite
Group Affiliations: The Fear Lords
PL 16 (414)

Deception 8 (+15)
Expertise (Psychology) 11 (+20)
Expertise (Arcane Lore) 10 (+19)
Insight 6 (+13)
Intimidation 15 (+22)
Perception 7 (+13)
Persuasion 7 (+14)
Stealth 4 (+6)

Benefit 7 (King of The Nightmare Dimension Everinnye), Chokehold, Daze (Intimidation),
Diehard, Fascinate (Intimidation), Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Magic) 2, Improved
Hold, Last Stand, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7, Ritualist, Startle, Well-Informed

"Immortal Entity"
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [7]
Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep) [12]
Immortality 3 (1 week) [6]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Impervious Toughness 13 [13]
Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]
Senses 6 (Detect Magic- Ranged, Acute, Analytical, Counters Illusion) [6]
"Master of Tongues" Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]

"Variable Size"
Growth 2 (Str & Sta +2, +2 Mass, +1 Intimidation, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth) -- (8 feet) [4]
Growth +10 (+12 Mass, +6 Intimidation, -6 Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -12 Stealth) -- (48 feet)
(Flaws: Limited to Non-STR & STA Boosts) [10]

"Demonic Might: Within His Own Dimension"

Illusion (All Senses) 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area +2, Selective) (Flaws: Limited to
Within Everinnye) (99) -- [116]

 Dynamic AE: Magical Blast 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Flaws: Limited to Within

Everinnye) (17)
 Dynamic AE: Teleport 15 (Feats: Dynamic, Increased Mass 5) (Extras: Extended,
Accurate) (Flaws: Limited to Within Everinnye) (51)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws:
Limited to Within Everinnye) (29)
 AE: "Nightmare Burst" Affliction 16 (Will; Entranced/Stunned/Paralyzed) (Extras:
Area- 250ft. Burst +4) (Flaws: Limited to Within Everinnye) (64)
 AE: "Nightmare Casting" Affliction 16 (Will; Entranced/Stunned/Paralyzed) (Extras:
Perception Range +2, Cumulative) (Flaws: Limited to Within Everinnye) (48)
 AE: "Alter Home Dimension" Transform (Anything to Anything) 14 (Extras:
Continuous) (Flaws: Limited to Within Everinnye) (70)
 AE: "Capable of Nearly Any Effect" Variable (Magical) 12 (Flaws: Limited to Within
Everinnye) (72)
 AE: Create 14 (Feats: Innate, Precise) (Extras: Movable) (Flaws: Limited to Within
Everinnye) (30)

"Demonic Might- Useable Anywhere"

Dynamic AE: Insubstantial 4 (Feats: Subtle 2, Precise) (23)

 AE: "Send to the Nightmare Realm" Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel- Everinnye)

(Extras: Attack 12, Perception Range +2) (Flaws: Limited to Dreaming Victims) (37)
 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel 3) (Feats: Increased Mass 5) (11)
 AE: Mind Reading 16 (Extras: Effortless) (Flaws: Limited to Dreams) (32)
 AE: Remote Sensing 24 (Visual, Hearing) (64,000 miles) (Feats: Dimensional,
Subtle) (74)

Unarmed +10 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Growth +10 (+17 Damage, DC 32)
Blast +12 (+16 Ranged Damage, DC 31)
Nightmare Burst +16 Area (+16 Affliction, DC 26)
Nightmare Casting -- (+16 Perception Ranged Affliction, DC 26)
Dimensional Attack +15 (+15 Movement Attack, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +15 (+17 Growth, +8 Impervious),
Fortitude +15 (+17 Growth), Will +13

Motivation (Nightmare Power)- Nightmare craves the bad dreams and fears of sentient
beings. Without them, he would lose all power and fade away (and with more, he can
conquer the universe); but without HIM, humanity would go insane.
Power Loss (Nightmare Realm Travel Attack)- When Nightmare's victims overcome his
powerful illusions and abilities within his home dimension, he loses power over them, and
they generally immediately awaken in the "real world", none the worse for wear.

Total: Abilities: 138 / Skills: 68--34 / Advantages: 27 / Powers: 198 / Defenses: 17 (414)

-Nightmare is a guy I never really liked in the comics- his tall, lanky appearance, green tights,
and white face doesn't exactly inspire fear in my- I thought his buddy & partner D'Spayre was
infinitely more cool. Nightmare is mostly a Dr. Strange nemesis at first, repeatedlty
encountering the Doctor in his journeys. He rules the "Dream Dimension", where nightmares
come from, and always seeks more power through fear. He was apparently going to be the
father of the X-Man Nightcrawler- Chris Claremont was pushing for this to be Kurt Wagner's
familial relation, only to be knocked down by then-Dr. Strange editor Roger Stern (can you
imagine the DOCTOR STRANGE Editor having veto power over the X-Men writer today?),
who didn't want his villain co-opted by another writer's book. Nowadays, Nightcrawler fans
are probably like "If ONLY they'd made NIGHTMARE Nightcrawler's father, instead of the
crap we got instead with the Demon Lord CHUCK AUSTEN came up with!" This would've
given Nightmare some cred in this era, but otherwise, he's just a casual recurring Semi-
Cosmic Nuisance, effectively Arcade on a grander scale.

-Nightmare, of course, was more known to be for appearing countless times in the '90s,
threatening some hero or another in their dreams. He and other Fear Lords once banded
together, but Dr. Strange tricked him into competing with the rival Dweller-In-Darkness,
unseating both of them. His daughter is the Dreamqueen who threatened Alpha Flight, and he
once claimed to have raped Betty Banner in her sleep, producing his benevolent daughter
Daydream, but the Hulk temporarily killed him upon hearing that. Upon the 2000s, the
character only rarely appears, again as a one-off threat- he threatens Hercules's "God Squad"
during Secret Invasion, demanding payment for safe passage through his realm, and is later
revealed to be the father of Trauma from The Initiative.

-Nightmare has some Mephisto-type abilities, a ton of powers only useable in his home
dimension, and more. He's a bit unique in that he can teleport sleeping victims to his
Nightmare Realm (a Movement Attack), which is sort of an explanation for how he takes
dreaming subjects into his world- he's not ACTUALLY physically taking them there, but the
overall effect (they're in a world that he can control) is the same. Once they're in Everinnye,
Nightmare can use Variable Power, Teleportation, Create Object, Transform Objects and
more to mess with guy's heads, screw up their brains with living nightmares, and cast
powerful Illusions. Effectively the whole shebang adds up to "he can control EVERYTHING
in his entire realm". He's PL 16, as I've seen guys like Hercules just run up and punch him in
the face to do damage (I don't see him at Skyfather level, but he can be tough), but usually he
stands as an observer, letting his Minions do the dirty work, while he gains power from the
heroes' fear. Really, a Nightmare-themed campaign/adventurer is more of a Battle Against
Your Own Fears than a real fight against Nightmare himself, so his stats could be almost

-There are actually a LOT of Fear Lords out there, many of whom are around this powerful or
more, depending on whether or not their schemes have worked- Nightmare can even do
random stuff and end up with power within our own world (such as when he feeds off the
fear of Gods). Some, such as the Dweller in the Darkness (basically a gigantic Cthulhu rip-
off- thank Goodness for Public Domain), are nearly Elder Gods (PL 18-19), while The
Lurking Unknown can vary greatly in size and power after causing fear (merely beating him
in a contest of wills makes him shrink and lose strength) and is around Nightmare's level as
well. The Straw-Man is weaker than the others, but is actually a GOOD Fear Lord- he is the
Lord of Delightful Fear, the kind you get from scary stories and movies.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jun 16, 2020 11:30 pm

NIGHTMASK (Adam Blackveil)
Created By: Jonathan Hickman & Jerome Opena
First Appearance: The Avengers #1 (Feb. 2013)
Role: Forgotten Character, Vague-Powered Guy
Group Affiliations: The Avengers

-Nightmask was created in Jon Hickman's mega-arc for The Avengers, being grown in a pod
by Ex Nihilo in order to be the "perfect human". The last "White Event" (I think those were
the universal reboots, but I forget) caused him to turn into "a Nightmask capable of
navigating the dreamspace of human potential" (whatever the balls that means). However, he
comes out "wrong", speaking Builder-code, and Tony Stark keeps him under observation- he
appears to be a black male wearing a "Cosmic Dress" made of light. Captain Universe
manages to translate his language, and they finally figure out his name, and that he was
warning them of a new "White Event" coming to Earth. He led the Avengers to the new Star
Brand, and both would join the Avengers themselves. However, he was turned into non-
existence by the end of the story, as the "Multiversal Avengers" squad travelled the cosmos
trying to find the Ivory Kings (Beyonders).

-He returned to life following Secret Wars and the rebooting of the Marvel Universe, and
started attending college with Starbrand in a comic book written by Greg Weisman of
Gargoyles fame. They fought numerous lesser-known villains like Nitro, Graviton &
Blizzard, and discovered that Eternity had three children- Explosion, Gravitation & Entropy-
and they were controlling the villains. Nightmask & Starbrand broke the control and went to
their first college party. They do some other stuff with guys I've never heard of, but
ultimately the book is rapidly cancelled, largely because THEY MADE A COMIC ABOUT
NIGHTMASK AND STARBRAND. Like, seriously, who decided to add to the market-
flooding with THAT? The characters have largely vanished.

-Nightmask has a variety of powers, most of which were barely explained by Hickman
(probably by far the worst writer in history for that)- it rendered him un-stattable to me,
which was extremely annoying back in the day. His powers include Technomancy,
Comprehend (Technology), Hologram Projection, Remote Senses (universal in scale),
Teleport (Portal), Energy Blasts via his "Halos" of energy, Quick Change, and
Communication & searching across interstellar distances, as well as the ability to access all of
the accumulated knowledge of mankind via the "Superflow". I've still got no idea how
powerful he is, who he could defeat, or what.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:06 am

NIGHTMASK (Keith Remsen)
Created By: Archie Goodwin & Tony Salmons
First Appearance: Nightmask #1 (Nov. 2016)
Role: Dream Warrior
PL 8 (108)

Athletics 3 (+4)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Psychology) 3 (+6)
Insight 3 (+6)
Perception 4 (+7)
Persuasion 2 (+5)
Stealth 1 (+4)


"Enter Dreams" Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel) [2]
Senses 1 (Sensory Link- Theodora) [1]

"Project Illusions" Illusion 8 (All Senses) (Feats: Dynamic) (Flaws: Mental) (33) -- [35]

 AE: "Astral Projection" Remote Sensing (Hearing & Sight) 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (25)

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Illusions -- (+8 Illusion, DC 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +7

Motivation (Helping People)- Keith uses his powers to help people who've undergone mental

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 38 / Defenses: 13 (108)

-Nightmask is probably the most original, unique idea amongst the whole New Universe line-
Spitfire is just "Iron Man Lite", D.P. 7 and Psi-Force are just X-Men copycats, and Marc
Hazzard & Justice are just Frank Castle take-offs. Nightmask is a paranormal whose powers
allow him to enter the dreams of others, helping them with various traumas. Naturally, of
course, the book's writer & artist bailed early, dropping the first story arc- one out of every
three issues of the series was a fill-in (a dreaded term in the olden days, as failing deadlines
meant that rookies or unknown writers would do a "filler" story or two)- within twelve issues,
the comic was gone.

-Keith Remsen was a boy who was orphaned by an evil psychologist and was left in a coma
before the White Event gave him powers- his sister Theodora could communicate with him in
the dreamscapes, but when she was injured later on, Keith became more and more unhinged.
Eventually, he was drafted into the army after his book was cancelled. Eventually, he rescues
his sister from a comatose state, and recovers as the New Universe line ends. A new
Nightmask appeared in the main Marvel line during Hickman's Avengers run, but he was
your classic "I Say Vague Shit That Is Meaningless Until 20 Issues Later, After You've
Forgotten What I Said" type of guy, and has powers so arcane that I have no idea what to
give him, leading to him being the only single Avenger character I absolutely cannot stat.

-As far as I can tell, Nightmask can enter people's dreams and cast illusions. I can't find any
other evidence of powers from him.

Night Nurse

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:34 pm

NIGHT NURSE (Linda Carter)
Created By: Stan Lee & Al Hartley
First Appearance: Linda Carter, Student Nurse #1 (Sept. 1961), Night Nurse #1 (Nov. 1972-
as Night Nurse)
Role: Romance Comic Character, Assistant Character
Group Affiliations: None
PL 3 (48), PL 4 (48) Defenses

Athletics 3 (+4)
Deception 3 (+6)
Insight 3 (+6)
Perception 2 (+5)
Persuasion 3 (+6)
Treatment 8 (+11)


Unarmed +3 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +2

Dodge +2 (DC 12), Parry +3 (DC 13), Toughness +2, Fortitude +3, Will +5

Motivation (Helping Others)- Carter chose her career over marriage to a wealthy
Responsibility (Helping Super-Heroes)- Carter had her life saved by a superhero at one point-
in gratitude, she does her work for free, caring for heroes injured in the line of duty.

Total: Abilities: 34 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 3 (48)

-Night Nurse has a pretty odd history- the character Linda Carter (no, really) debuted in the
early '60s as a Romance Comics character, done by the co-founder of the Marvel Universe,
and the guy who did all those weird Archie Christian Comics. The Linda Carter, Student
Nurse comic was short-lived (nine issues), as was the 1970s book Night Nurse, featuring the
same character. This one featured a Medical Drama/Romance theme (mobsters & bomb plots
and stuff), with three female roommates working the night shift at an NYC hospital. This
book, which debuted at the same time as Shanna the She-Devil and The Cat, was meant to
appeal to a female demographic, and win back a lost target audience to comics. All three
books were created by Stan Lee, but Roy Thomas had the idea of having them be written by
women. Unfortunately, the women had little comic book experience- Night Nurse was written
by Roy's then-wife, Jean.

-When all three books failed (and QUICKLY), Marvel basically went "WELP, that didn't
work. Guess we'll give up". Naturally, they've attempted this again and again, usually
meeting failure each time, though the modern era is a weird combination of success (Ms.
Marvel) and controversial messes (the modern "replace everyone with a minority/let's call it a
failure but passive-aggressively blame our fans for being too racist & sexist to like it" surge).

-Linda Carter is a doctor's daughter who moves to Manhattan, falling in love with wealthy
businessman Marshall Michaels- however, when he forces her to choose between him and her
career, she chooses her career. She'd begun a romance with a young doctor as the series was
cancelled with its fourth issue. The character then disappeared for thirty years, until
appearing out of nowhere in a 2004 Daredevil issue, written by Brian Michael Bendis- he
"Gruenwalded" in a character who answered one of those weird questions- "who takes care of
these guy when they get hurt?" It turns out that Linda, as the "Night Nurse" (no character
went under than name in the '70s series- it was just the title), works pro bono to care for guys
like Iron Fist & Daredevil when they get injured. She later hooks up with Dr. Strange, but
they split pretty quickly. A composite character of sorts has appeared in the Netflix-verse of
Marvel's shows- combining Night Nurse with the character Temple from the Cage books.

-Night Nurse is a capable medical practitioner- Nurses, while lacking the education of
doctors, know much of the same stuff, often have more experience than the doctors
(especially young ones) who order them around, and tend to do most of the work in hospitals
anyways (I know plenty of nurses and cops; they all share the same history). She's in shape,
but no match for anyone who really knows what they're doing.

Night Phantom

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:00 am

Created By: Archie Goodwin & Johnny Craig
First Appearance: Iron Man #14 (June 1969)
Role: Forgotten Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 7 (79)

Expertise (Writer) 6 (+8)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 2 (+4)
Technology 4 (+6)

Ranged Attack 3, Startle

Power-Lifting 1 (25 tons) [1]

Unarmed +5 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +0

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +9, Fortitude +9, Will +4
Motivation (Destroying Technology)- Hoyt blames technology for his being crippled, and
seeks to destroy it, pretending to be a supernatural force.

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 7 (79)

-The Night Phantom is a writer who was paralyzed during a plane crash, and ended up in
Jamaica. Despising technology and industry, he nonetheless found a radioactive pool and
cured his condition- becoming super-powered in the process. His skin, however, was
destroyed- he started wearing a dumb-looking outfit consisting of bandages to cover this up.
Pretending to be a supernatural creature, he attacked power plants as the "Night Phantom",
but Iron Man arrived, investigating the damage to Stark-owned facilities. A one-off villain, he
was swept away by a torrent of water while fighting the Armored Avenger, and disappeared.
Decades later, he reappeared during the Pleasant Hill story arc, imprisoned. He was only a
backgrounder, however.

-A super-strong amateur, all N.P. was was a powerhouse during the Silver Age. New Villain
Stink makes him low PL, even with that Class 25 strength level. The villain Mr. Kline made a
robot version at one point, but it was quickly destroyed.

Night Raven

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:33 pm

Hahahah just look at this guy! He-- wait. What? A... A GOOD Marvel U.K. design? I... I'm

NIGHT RAVEN (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Steve Parkhouse & David Lloyd
First Appearance: Hulk Comic #1 (March 1979)
Role: Immortal Dark Vigilante
Country of Origin: England
'90s Ratio: 2/10 (actually just a pulp hero put into modern times; uses guns & torture,
Group Affiliations: None
PL 9 (152)
Acrobatics 6 (+11)
Athletics 3 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 3 (+5)
Insight 5 (+8)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Investigation 4 (+7)
Perception 6 (+9)
Stealth 10 (+15)
Technology 1 (+5)
Vehicles 5 (+8)

Defensive Attack, Equipment 4 (Guns), Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Aim,
Improved Critical (Pistol) 2, Improved Defense, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 9

Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) [3]
Regeneration 6 [6]

"V Device" (Flaws: Removable) [4]

"V Mark- Chemical Burn" Affliction 5 (Will; Dazed/Compelled/Transformed to Insanity) (5

"Twin Pistols" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (15) -- (17)

 AE: "Rifle" Blast 6 (12)

 AE: "Grappling Gun" Movement 1 (Swinging) (2)

Unarmed +12 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Pistols +12 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Rifle +12 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +5

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +5, Fortitude +10, Will +8

Motivation (Stopping Crime)
Secret (Scarred Face)- Night Raven cannot pass for a normal human without a mask or some
other sort of disguise.
Enemy (Yi Yang)- The female Asian crimeboss is responsible for Night Raven's scarring,
and they fight each other for decades.

Total: Abilities: 74 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 24 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 19 (152)

-OK, this guy actually looks pretty cool- that is a BAD-ASS character design, and his whole
Shadow/Spider "dark vigilante" thing is pretty cool for a modern hero. Created for Marvel
UK as a deliberate callback to the era of grim "Pulp Heroes" (he even left a distinctive scar
on his victims like the Spider did), he was one of their top guys in the '80s- Alan Moore did
stories featuring him. He became this hyper-scarred murderous hero, driven a bit nuts by
constant pain thanks to his Immortality. Y'know, what the grim 'n' gritty era tended to create.
His backstory is said to be "a mess", with a ton of contradictory stories told just about his

-His origin story is that he's a half-Mohawk orphan from Southern Alberta at the turn of the
20th century, and lost his mind during the Great War- shell-shock took him before a bullet
could. Recovering and moving to New York City, he became a detective and vigilante, and
eventually took a concoction from the "Yellow Peril/Dragon Lady" villainess Yi Yang that
made him ageless. This left him also constantly wracked with pain. He engaged in numerous
stories in the various compilations of Marvel tales done by Marvel UK (they reprinted the
American stuff in haphazard collections, making some books hard to read)- he was often one
of many stories in a collection. Overall, the character lasted from 1979-1986, written by
Steve Parkhouse for a year, then Maxwell Stockbridge for a few- later names Paul Neary &
Alan Moore also wrote some stories, Alan getting a single arc. All of these were typically
done only a handful of pages at a time, it seems (descriptions online are very short). In 1986
he vanished, and his last thing of note was in a contemporary story in a 1995 Graphic Novel
featuring Nick Fury & Black Widow- he and Yi Yang appear to die fighting each other, but
neither's body is found.

-Of course, I've never read a story featuring him, so this is all Bio-based stuff, but he's a
hyper-skilled PL 9 type with guns and an insanity-inducing V-scar thing on his wrist that
leaves a mark on his enemies, and possibly drives them insane.

The Night Shift

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:42 pm

First Appearance: Captain America #330 (June 1987)

-The Night Shift are a very peculiar band of villains- minor characters all, they were a Mark
Gruenwald concept. Naturally, this meant they were all incredibly obscure, forgotten
characters, taken piecemeal from stuff like the cancelled Spider-Woman series and Marvel's
Horror comics of the 1950s. They were initially founded by the Shroud- a gang of serial
killers & super-villains combined to do good... somehow. The Shroud (a semi-good guy who
acted as an anti-hero) and his ally Jack "Werewolf" Russel would send them against villains,
and share the spoils among the group (almost like a pre-Thunderbolts Thunderbolts- Kurt
Busiek was often a latter-day Mark Gruenwald anyways, but a better writer overall). In this
debut appearance, it was Shroud, Werewolf by Night, Dansen Macabre, the Brothers Grimm,
Digger, Gypsy Moth, Needle, Tatterdemalion & Tick-Tock- a big group, all in all. In a two-
issue arc, they teamed up with Captain America to fight the Power Broker.
A couple years later, they appeared in West Coast Avengers- Mockingbird had observed the
Digger burying some dead criminals, and captured him- the Night Shift appear at the WCA
compound to spring him. They are defeated (they were doing okay until Wonder Man
showed up), but the Shroud appears to teleport them away. After that, the team booted out
Shroud and went into business as a generic villain outfit- now led by the Hangman, they were
empowered by Satannish, turning them into PL 10-11 bad-asses who could beat the Avengers
in a fair fight, but when the Avengers convinced them that Satannish would take their souls,
they refused the boost and Satannish was beaten. They later reappeared after a few years in
Captain America again, but were down to only four members- Gypsy Moth, Dansen
Macabre, Needle & Tatterdemalion.

The group then sat on the shelf for more than a decade, reappearing during Marvel Zombies
under the command of the Hood. They are turned into zombies, but transform back at story's
end. Snapdragon later hires the team (Macabre, Digger, Needle, Tatterdemalion, Tick-Tock
& Misfit) to kill Moon Knight on behalf of Count Nefaria, but they fail- they are bailed out of
jail, but Nefaria turns them to ashes. During the Spider-Geddon story arc, Macabre & Digger
turn up alive, teaming with the Brothers Grimm & Gypsy Moth (plus new hire Waxman) just
acting like standard robbers. The Superior Octopus (Otto Octavius in a cloned body of Peter
Parker's) arrives with gear specifically designed to be immune to their powers and handily
defeats them. They later help him out on some cases.

As a group, they're not super bad-ass (Avengers teams mop the floor with them), though
Shroud & Dansen Macabre are PL 9 characters and can thus hold their own. Most of the
others are like Scourge-Victim-Level, and kind of suck.

The Roster:
The Shroud- A would-be Batman who was thought of as a criminal and had some dark
leanings, but was sort of a good guy.
The Brothers Grimm- A duo of Gimmick-Using losers.
Dansen Macabre- One of Marvel's THREE strippers-turned-supervillains, using a dance that
could either hypnotize or kill.
Digger- A Cryptkeeper knock-off from a Tales From The Crypt knock-off, who would tell
tales while burying his victims alive.
The Hangman- From the same series Digger came from, he's a wannabe actor who sold his
soul to Satannish (the Elder God) and became a superpowered Demon Minion. He was with
the team for only one story.
Needle- A one-shot Spider-Woman foe who sewed people's mouths shut and had a
Hypnotizing Stare.
Gypsy Moth (aka Skein)- A forgettable Spider-Woman villain later used a couple of times by
Gruenwald, then turned into a TOTAL skank.
Tatterdemalion- A bizarre "Marvel Team-Up"-class villain who's a hobo who destroys
money. He's been kind of a Journeyman Jobber.
Tick-Tock- A Spider-Woman background villain who can see the future.
Werewolf By Night- A 1970s Horror character that went nowhere, but gets trotted out every
decade or so. He aided the Shroud in the early formation of the group, but doesn't appear on
any later team.
Misfit- A forgotten freak character deformed by the Power Broker's process- he was mostly
forgotten once Gruenwald died.
Waxman- New hire as of 2018 comics.
Night Terror

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:29 pm


Created By: Howard Mackie, Chris Bachalo & Mark Buckingham
First Appearance: Ghost Rider Annual #3 (1993)
Role: Vampire Hero
PL 6 (65)

Expertise (Assassin) 5 (+7)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 6 (+6)

Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 3, Startle

"Super-Strong Vampire"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 6 [6]
Impervious Toughness 10 (Flaws: Not versus Wood, Fire, Silver or Holy Weapons) [5]
Regeneration 6 (Flaws: Source- Blood) [3]
Immortality 4 (Flaws: Not if Staked, Beheaded or Dealt With in Mystical Ways) [4]
Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]

"Run Across Tree-Tops" Flight 3 (16 mph) (Flaws: Low Ceiling) (3) -- [4]
AE: Speed 3 (16 mph) (3)

"The Vampire's Bite" Strength-Damage +0 Linked to Weaken Stamina 6 (Flaws: Grab-

Based, Limited to 1 Rank Per Minute) Linked to Affliction 6 (Fort;
Entranced/Compelled/Transformed to Vampire) (Extras: Cumulative) (Flaws: Grab-Based)
Linked to Mind-Reading 6 (Flaws: Touch-Range -2, Grab-Based) [10]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Vampire's Bite +6 (+6 Damage, +6 Weaken & +6 Affliction, DC 24, 16 & 16)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will +1

Weakness (Garlic, Sunlight, Fire)- Both are anathema to vampires, and will cause horrible
pain. Direct sunlight will kill a vampire of any power level.
Weakness (Holy Symbols)- Witnessing or touching a Holy Symbol is painful to vampires,
but only if the wearer belives.
Weakness (Lack of Blood, Home Soil)- Though Immune to Fortitude Effects, They can
effectively starve to death if deprived of blood- and are usually addicted to the substance. 
Quirk (No Reflection)- Vampires do not cast reflections in any mirrored surface.
Enemy (Steppin' Razor)- Blake's target was responsible for turning him into a Vampire.
However, the two later team up in order to resurrect Varnae.

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 34 / Defenses: 6 (65)

-Oh man, ANOTHER of those terrible "Debuted in the Annuals With Collector Cards" guys-
is there a list of these idiots somewhere? I feel like I'm missing out. Carl Blake was an
assassin whose target turned out to be a vampire, and turned him. The government agency
that employed him got him back, and rechristened him "Night Terror", I guess figuring that
this was an improvement. However, the whole experience had left him amnesiac, and he went
nuts, escaping and killing some thugs. His next target was Danny Ketch, who of course
became Ghost Rider and defeated him. Thought dead in an explosion, he recovered and killed
many of his old employers.

-The character reappeared in a Blade comic later that year as a henchman of the cult
attempting to return Varnae to life (he was oddly partnered up with the vampire who turned
him- Steppin' Razor). He was basically one-shotted by Blade in humiliating fashion, then
used as the vessel by which Varnae re-entered the world. The character hasn't been seen

Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:22 am

NIGHT THRASHER (Dwayne Taylor)
Created By: Tom DeFalco & Ron Frenz
First Appearance: Thor #411 (Dec. 1989)
Role: Batman Rip-Off, Extreme '90s Hero, Black Skateboarder
Group Affiliations: The New Warriors, The Taylor Foundation, The Teenage Negro Ninja
PL 9 (176)

Acrobatics 7 (+13)
Athletics 6 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+13)
Deception 6 (+7)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+6)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+10)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 7 (+8)
Investigation 5 (+7)
Perception 6 (+8)
Persuasion 3 (+4)
Stealth 3 (+9)
Technology 4 (+8)
Vehicles 5 (+8)

All-Out Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 4 (Multi-Millionaire), Daze (Intimidation),
Diehard, Equipment 5 (Killer Skateboard & Other Gear), Fast Grab, Improved Critical
(Unarmed), Power Attack, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 8, Startle, Takedown

"Night Thrasher's Kick-Butt Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [28]
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 5) (7)
"Fire & Bulletproof" Immunity 11 (Heat, Ballistics, Fire Damage) (Flaws: Last Two are
Limited to Half-Effect) (6)
"L.E.D. Camouflage" Concealment (Visuals) 2 (Flaws: Partial) (2)
"Goggles & Parabolic Sound-Enhancer" Senses 3 (Infravision, Extended Vision & Hearing)
"Voice Scrambler" Features 1: Disguises Voice (1)
"Breathing Apparatus" Immunity 1 (Drowning) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) (0.5)

"Micro-Missiles" Blast 7 (Extras: Area- 15ft. Burst +1/2) (Flaws: Unreliable- 5 Uses) (10.5)
-- (16.5)

 AE: "Spring-Lock Wrist-Blade" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Improved Critical) (3)

 AE: "Adamantium-Laced Garrote Wire" Enhanced Advantages: Chokehold (1)
 AE: "Pepper Spray" Dazzle Visuals 6 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Cone +1/2) (Flaws: Touch
Range) (9)
 AE: "Sleep Gas" Affliction 6 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras: Area- 30ft.
Cone +1/2) (9)
 AE: "Grapple Lines" Movement 1 (Swinging) (2)

-- (35 points)

"Natural Telepathic Defenses" Immunity 5 (Mind-Reading) [5]

"Battle-Staves" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Mighty) (3)
"Two-Way Radio" (1)
Explosives, Napalm Gel, etc. (4)
"Glider Chute" Flight 2 (8 mph) (Flaws: Gliding) (2)

"Killer Skateboard & Gear"

"Emergency Uzi Pistol" Blast 5 (Extras: Multiattack) (Flaws: Unreliable- 5 Uses) (10) -- (13)

 AE: "Smoke Grenades" Concealment (Visuals) 2 (Extras: Attack, Area- 15ft. Cloud)
 AE: "Board Blade" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Improved Critical) (3)
 AE: Speed 2 (8 mph) (2)

Unarmed +13 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Weapons +13 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Gas & Spray +6 Area (+6 Affliction, DC 21)
Uzi Pistol +11 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Micro-Missiles +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +6

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4 (+6 Armour, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +7, Will +7

Motivation (Punishing Criminals)- Dwayne Taylor's parents were killed in front of him when
he was a child. This left him with an obsessive need to rid Gotham City of the evil which
took their li... no wait.
Responsibility (Manipulated)- Thrash has been manipulated from the beginning by Chord
and Tai, his mentors.
Relationship (Silhouette)- Taylor & Sil are in love- or were. This is comics, after all.
Rivalry (Midnight's Fire)- Silh's brother is an occasional enemy of Thrash's.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 64--32 / Advantages: 27 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 14 (176)

Night Thrasher- The Most-Forgotten Warrior:

-Ironically, the least-remembered and liked member of the original New Warriors squad is
not only the guy who brought the team together and led them, but the one guy who got a solo
push while the book was going strong- Night Thrasher was given an origin story that
blatantly ripped off Batman (as a child, he saw his wealthy parents slain before his very eyes,
and swore to avenge their deaths by fighting crime), a moody personality befitting a character
created in the 1990s (well, okay, he missed it by a month- STILL COUNTS!), and some uber
'90s stuff like a skateboard and an armored costume hiding a bunch of gear. The guy got his
own solo book when New Warriors proved to be a success, was a central cog in the book's
main story arc for two years, and the book really wasn't the same without him... and yet he
was killed and forgotten, with nobody really caring. Comics are weird.

-So anyways, Dwayne Taylor had the "Batman Origin", but had a pair of "Alfreds"- Andrew
Chord and the mysterious Tai, who raised him in New York. Desiring a vigilante career, he
aggressively recruited a band of heroes his own age- all forgotten types whom he felt needed
direction. Marvel Boy was the most level-headed and his "Varsity player", in Chord's words,
but the others all proved themselves. Dwayne proved to be an obsessive, intense, jerkish
character, often bossing the others around too much, or playing up the "mystery" and being a
douche. The introduction of Silhouette, his super-powered on & off girlfriend- humanized
him a bit, as did her brother, Midnight's Fire. "Sil" had been shot while on a mission in the
past, and was now partially-crippled, enraging her brother and making Dwayne even MORE

The Folding Circle Arc:

-Dwayne would discover more truths about his past- his parents' murders were orchestrated
by TAI of all people, and Chord was a party to them as well- enraged over the betrayal by his
guardians, Dwayne hooked up with Midnight's Fire and his "Folding Circle" team (well, they
beat him up and MADE him join, but he faked joining in order to get information on them),
where it was revealed that Dwayne's father was the only soldier to refuse to marry one of
Tai's daughters, and thus they were rubbed out- the Circle sought to fight Tai, who wanted to
sacrifice them for great power. During this time, he'd quit the Warriors, made them all mad at
him by keeping information from the team, and more. This was around the 25th issue of New
Warriors, and subsequently Dwayne was usually off in his own solo book, Night Thrasher,
while Namorita struggled as the new team leader. It was a sign of the character's popularity,
and that of the book, and it stuck around for a while- all in all, Night Thrasher lasted nineteen
issues, though Nicieza (the initial writer) soon pawned it off to some guy named Kurt Busiek,
who of course became a comic book legend- much more so than Nicieza was.

-The few issues of Night Thrasher I haven't aren't very good- it's riddled with endless navel-
gazing, him whining over Silhouette (who breaks up with him because of his self-hating war
on crime and obsessiveness towards it), and sports some of the lamest villains ever, as if
Nicieza was keeping his best ideas to his 3-4 OTHER books at the time- guys like Aardwolf
and Cardinal's "Air Force" were frequent foes. Oh, and he got that old standby- the "Long-
Lost Half-Brother", as Donyell "Bandit" Taylor makes his presence felt. "Thrash", as he was
often called... just wasn't a very interesting character. Which is why I find it so funny that
New Warriors suffered so badly without him. Though he was relentlessly moody and a pain,
he kind of "centered" the others, allowing them to each be their best self. Finally, as New
Warriors was ending its run, he returned to the team, taking command and defeating their
final opponent, Volxx.

Post-Warriors Dwayne Taylor:

-Dwayne was so tight to the Warriors book that he suffered terribly at its failure. While
Justice & Firestar joined the Avengers, Namorita had a home with Namor-related stuff and
Fantastic Four, and more... Night Thrasher was stuck. That Jay Faerber's revamped New
Warriors didn't include him (focusing instead on Speedball) was even worse- he guested in
that book once, and in its last issue (the 11th- it was a failed book), he returned so they could
be molded into a true team again. But since it was over, he went nowhere, and didn't show up
again until the "Reality TV" version of the team, where the Taylor Foundation had been set
up to fight cancer- its rep was destroyed when it turned out the cure was ineffective (it was a
mutant with powers that was making a "Cure" seem like it worked), but he adopted a
scientist's son named Microbe and let him join the Warriors as they let TV crews follow them
around. This irresponsible idea thus paid off in the worst way possible when, after the New
Warriors Limited Series ended, the team was used to set off the Stamford Incident at the
heart of Marvel's Civil War. Night Thrasher and a few of his teammates were killed when
Nitro, jacked-up on super-pills, detonated, taking 612 innocent people (mostly children) with

-And so Dwayne was dead. And STAYED dead, for the most part- a new "New Warriors"
team popped up during Civil War as an underground squad, but their "Night Thrasher" was
proven to be Donyell disguised as his elder brother. Dwayne turned up in a "Dark Future"
story ruling America, but after executing Tony Stark in cold blood, was killed by Donyell.
But apparently in VERY recent history, during the Contest of Champions book, Dwayne was
pulled from the timestream by the Collector & Grandmaster in order to fight on the
Collector's team- Dwayne helps lead an insurrection when the Maestro takes control of the
contest- Maestro sends him back to present day Earth, where he awakens to find his last
memory is of dying in Stamford! So he's alive! Sort of! And... nobody's touched it since, I

Night Thrasher Overall:

-Dwayne as a character is somewhat... damaged. An ornery, obsessive, navel-gazing '90s
Anti-Hero, his armored costume, skateboard and intense attitude kinda mark him as too dated
to continue on, and he's easily the most-mocked of his team, despite being its early break-out
character. I mean, his name is NIGHT THRASHER- Spider-Man once joked that it sounded
like he was always beating off. But like I said... I find he helped out his book tremendously- a
dour jerk to contrast his fairly-nice teammates, he was "That Guy"- the rebellious arsehole...
AS WELL as being the Team Leader! It was an interesting contrast, and it kept up the
constant tension of the team while justifying the use of "That Guy"- he WAS the team! His
funnier legacy, though, is...

-Night Thrasher is one of two "black guys who ride skateboard" super-heroes that Marvel
created. This amused Dwayne MacDuffie (himself a black writer) so, that he sarcastically
wrote a book-pitch called Teenage Negro Ninja Thrashers to the Marvel heads, suggesting
that both Black Guys Riding Skateboards team up with a third boy, also a Black Guy Riding
a Skateboard. Presumably, Marvel got the joke (especially when he described their white
female friend, intended to calm them down "when they get too excited").

Night Thrasher's Abilities:

-Thrasher's a pricey PL 9 (176)- he costs way more than his level would usually indicate,
which is pretty normal for a Skillmonkey, Combat Specialist and Armor Guy, though he's
arguably minor in each category, and would likely lose to any real specialist in their chosen
field (he was able to pummel The Punisher in close-combat, but got shot point-blank and lost
the fight, and Catseye of the Hellions once defeated him in melee). He's still a good team
player, with several options available in his armor. His Uzi & Missiles are Flawed because he
used them so rarely they barely count as major powers (implying they have short ammunition
rounds, and are only for emergencies), and yes, he is naturally immune to Mind Reading (but
not Mental Attacks or Blasts)- Tai apparently made this a part of his being so that SHE would
be the only person to manipulate him.

-The only issue I came up with was whether or not his Armor should be a Device or
Equipment. I went with the former (Ilethryl Knight made a PL 9 P.C. Thrash using the
Equipment variant), after some deep thought. See, his suit comes RIGHT at the limit between
the two- it's not EXACTLY "Powered Armor", and many of it's capabilities are more than
easily handled by Equipment (Pepper Spray, Sleep Gas, Blades and the like). However, it's a
million dollars' worth of tech (Punisher said so while he was scanning Thrash's armor from
his Van- a handy shorthand to explain to the readers what a guy's capable of), well beyond
what most people in the setting are capable of owning, and 35 points' worth of stuff all
combined into one person's suit. Plus, a later suit modified his Strength slightly, which IS into
the range of "Beyond the ordinary". And I figure the suit is pretty much what MAKES
Dwayne Taylor a super-hero, and he is rarely, if EVER, without it, so it should be a Device.
If you put it down as Equipment, he spends 28 less points on Powers, and 10 points total on
Equipment, saving a whopping 23 points!


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:58 am

BANDIT (Donyell Taylor, aka Night Thrasher II)
Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Ken Lashley
First Appearance: Night Thrasher #3 (Oct. 1993)
Role: Batman Rip-Off, Extreme '90s Hero, Black Skateboarder
Group Affiliations: The New Warriors, The Taylor Foundation
PL 9 (163)

Acrobatics 7 (+12)
Athletics 6 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+11)
Deception 6 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+5)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+8)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Investigation 5 (+7)
Perception 5 (+7)
Persuasion 3 (+5)
Stealth 3 (+8)
Technology 4 (+7)
Vehicles 5 (+7)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Equipment 3 (Gear), Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2
(Electric Attack, Bow), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Startle, Takedown

"Mutant Powers: Bio-Electric Strike"
"Electrical Jolt" Affliction 8 (Fort; Dazed & Vulnerable/Stunned & Prone/Incapacitated &
Paralyzed) (Extras: Extra Condition, Cumulative) [24]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]

"Wrist-Bow" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [11]

Blast 5 (Diminished Range -1) (9)
Linked to
Adds Ranged to Electrical Jolt (Diminished Range -1) (7)
"Grappling Arrow" Movement 1 (Swinging) (2)
-- (18 points)

"Jet Pack" Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)
"Throwing Stars" Blast 3 (Diminished Range -1) (5)

Unarmed +11 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Bio-Electrical Strike +10 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Throwing Stars +10 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Wrist-Bow +12 (+5 Ranged Damage & 8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +5

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +4 (+6 Armour, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +7, Will +6

Motivation (Night Thrasher's Memory)- Though the two were once adversaries, Donyell now
carries on in his brother's name. When super-villains give him offers that may resurrect
Dwayne, but force Donyell to engage in evil, he will be torn.
Relationship (Night Thrasher)- The brothers are heavily-opposed to each other- Donyell
resents Dwayne greatly for having the wealthy upbringing. Silhouette leaving Thrash for his
brother probably didn't help matters.
Relationship (Silhouette)- Sil apparenly forgave Donyell for kidnapping her once, since they
are totally doing it, and she left Dwayne for Donyell.

Total: Abilities: 64 / Skills: 62--31 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 37 / Defenses: 14 (163)

-Bandit's one of those age-old stories: he's the Long-Lost Half-Brother of our hero, Night
Thrasher, created for Thrash's Limited Series (New Warriors did well enough to earn a mini-
spin-off during the Comics Boom, followed by an ongoing for Dwayne). He resented
Dwayne for growing up with their father (Donyell is the result of a one-night stand and some
"hush money"), but got an earful when Dwayne pointed out that his life kinda SUCKED, too.
Donyell nonetheless took the name "Bandit" and began targetting Dwayne's old foes in order
to prove that he was superior, using minor Mutant Powers in combination with his skills. The
two half-brothers fought a few times, with Donyell badly beating Dwayne the first time, but
Dwayne winning the rematch after Bandit kidnapped Silhouette... who then begins
SLEEPING WITH Bandit (WTF?!?! That's some Patti Hearst-level Stockholm Syndrome
right there).

-Bandit later formed a new squad of New Warriors to rescue the time-tossed originals, and
the two come to terms during their battle against The Sphinx. Bandit & Silhouette later quit
the Warriors and move to Chicago, where they disappear into Comics Limbo for an eternity,
missing two New Warriors revamps and forever getting rid of the Thrash/Sil couple, and they
miss Civil War as a result. Bandit reappears in Gambit of all places, having been seeing
Gambit's ex-wife Belladonna for the past few months.

-Following the Stamford Incident and Civil War, Donyell turns up at the grave of Dwayne,
having taken over the Taylor Foundation since his death. It's also revealed that he suffered a
car accident that caused his legs to be amputated- this kind of matches up with the de-
powered mutants in the revamped New Warriors book, which now comprised of Donyell as
the NEW Night Thrasher, with a bunch of former mutants now powered by gear instead of
their lost mutant abilities. He reveals that the amputation was fakery- a "cover" to let him
operate in secrecy, but bad things happen- teammate Longstrike is killed, and Donyell
frequently disappears during fights. Thinking Dwayne might be alive, and that the victim
during the Stamford Incident a Skrull agent, Donyell runs up against Justice's "Counter
Initiative" group, but the two discover the bodies of the real Warriors and come to terms.
-Two more Warriors are killed during the course of the series, and Donyell builds a time
machine in order to prevent Stamford from happening at all- instead, he is tossed into a
Tyrannical Future, where Iron Man rules a world destroyed by the Superhuman Registration
Act... oh, and Iron Man is actually DWAYNE TAYLOR, returned from the dead. Initially
siding with Dwayne, Donyell later turns on him when Dwayne kills the real Tony Stark
(who's now Night Thrasher, and a rebel) in cold blood- Donyell is forced to kill his half-
brother. Donyell disbands the New Warriors back in our time, figuring they'll never be able to
trust them. The latest stuff for Donyell was appearances in the late "Registration" era, as he's
now teamed with Justice's group, continuing on as Night Thrasher. He is offered a deal by
Norman Osborn & The Hood that might bring Dwayne back, but ultimately rejects them. As
the real Dwayne Taylor has now returned, it's unclear what Donyell's situation is.

-Overall, Donyell is... in a very odd situation. I mean, this is all rather fascinating, and an
interesting use of a character so minor I've never read a single comic featuring him in a
significant role- this is ENTIRELY Wiki-fueled. Like, he starts off as that most generic of
twists- the Long-Lost Sibling, and acts as a rival. But then he inexplicably hooks up with the
girl he kidnapped (Thrash & Sil always seemed to have too much backstory/squabbling to be
together, but REALLY? Stockholm Syndrome?), and... they disappear? Seems like a newer
writer just didn't want to deal with him, and they were done with the Thrash/Sil coupling, so
they ran them off the book. And then he shows up in Gambit just to be dating someone else,
because drama? And then... Thrash dies and now Donyell is the main character in a NEW
New Warriors book? While that book ended up killing off a half-dozen former X-Men
supporting characters and seems pretty terrible overall, it's an interesting character study and
look at someone who I wouldn't have blamed ANYONE for just dropping. Like, it's
BANDIT. But no- instead he's the main character of a book for a few years, as writers play
around with the notion of what the New Warriors meant.

-Bandit/Thrasher II combines a few odd powers, such as an Electric Eel's Affliction Powers
and a Wrist-Bow (allowing him to add Ranged to his Affliction, in addition to a Linked Blast
and Swinging). He was De-Powered after M-Day, gained some more martial arts Skillz
(apparently Thrasher-level, so maybe boosted him to +13 attack and +12 Defenses) and threw
on a different style of Night Thrasher costume (losing most of the side-gear since Bio-sites
never mention them, but adding Energy Weapons) giving him:
NIGHT THRASHER II (Donyell Taylor)- Modern Day
Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Ken Lashley
First Appearance: Night Thrasher #3 (Oct. 1993)
Role: Batman Rip-Off, Extreme '90s Hero, Black Skateboarder
Group Affiliations: The New Warriors, The Taylor Foundation
PL 9 (147)

Acrobatics 7 (+13)
Athletics 6 (+9)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+13)
Deception 6 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 2 (+5)
Expertise (Business) 6 (+8)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Investigation 5 (+7)
Perception 5 (+7)
Persuasion 3 (+5)
Stealth 3 (+8)
Technology 4 (+7)
Vehicles 5 (+7)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Equipment 4 (Gear), Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2
(Energy Weapons, Bow), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Startle, Takedown

"Night Thrasher's Kick-Butt Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [15]
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 5) (7)
"Fire & Bulletproof" Immunity 11 (Heat, Ballistics, Fire Damage) (Flaws: Last Two are
Limited to Half-Effect) (6)
"Form-Energy Weapons" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Reach, Split) (5)
-- (18 points)

"Jet Pack" Flight 5 (60 mph) (10)
"Wrist-Bow" Blast 5 (Diminished Range -1) (9) -- (10)

 AE: "Throwing Stars" Blast 3 (Diminished Range -1) (5)

Unarmed +13 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Energy Weapons +12 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Throwing Stars +10 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Wrist-Bow +12 (+5 Ranged Damage & 8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +5

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4 (+6 Armour, +3 Impervious),
Fortitude +7, Will +6

Motivation (Night Thrasher's Memory)- Though the two were once adversaries, Donyell now
carries on in his brother's name. When super-villains give him offers that may resurrect
Dwayne, but force Donyell to engage in evil, he will be torn.
Relationship (Night Thrasher)- The brothers are heavily-opposed to each other- Donyell
resents Dwayne greatly for having the wealthy upbringing. Silhouette leaving Thrash for his
brother probably didn't help matters.
Relationship (Silhouette)- Sil apparenly forgave Donyell for kidnapping her once, since they
are totally doing it, and she left Dwayne for Donyell.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 62--31 / Advantages: 18 / Powers: 15 / Defenses: 13 (147)


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:57 am

This is the most bizarre assortment of costumes ever.

NIGHTSHADE (Tilda Johnson, aka Doctor Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade)

Created By: Steve Englehart & Alan Lee Weiss
First Appearance: Captain America #164 (Aug. 1973)
Role: Genius Scientist
Group Affiliations: The Femizons, The Flashmob, Occupy Avengers
PL 7 (132)

Athletics 5 (+6)
Deception 7 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 9 (+15)
Expertise (Criminal) 1 (+7)
Insight 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+4)
Technology 9 (+15)
Treatment 5 (+11)
Vehicles 2 (+5)

Equipment 4 (Lab Gear), Inventor, Ranged Attack 5

"Pheromones Or Something" Affliction 6 (Will; Entranced/Compelled) (Extras: Area- Scent
Perception, Reaction +3) (Flaws: Limited Degree) [24]

Unarmed +10 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Pheromones +6 Area (+6 Affliction, DC 16)
Initiative +2

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +6

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 64 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 24 / Defenses: 11 (132)

Nightshade- Blaxploitation Villain:

-Nightshade goes back WAY further than I thought she did- being an OLD SCHOOL Steve
Englehart creation for the Cap book. Looking like pretty much a "Blaxploitation" stereotype
(with big puffballs of "Afro" hair, thigh-high boots, a bikini costume and more sexualized
stuff), she did all of nothing, and left little mark. Despite that, she was progressive enough
that she was a brilliant scientist who lifted herself out from poverty and became a criminal
scientist, working with the Yellow Claw to turn humans into werewolves. They attempted to
turn convicts into a werewolf army, but were stopped by Captain America & S.H.I.E.L.D.
She later used pheromones to force Cap to battle the Falcon, but the heroes defeated her.
After this, she became a Power Man & Iron Fist foe, appearing regularly in their book
(perhaps as a fitting rival for Cage- a powerhouse black guy facing a brilliant black woman).

Doctor Nightshade:
-She was forgotten for years, but suddenly returned in a much more modest outfit (making
her look like a generic female scientist, now with hair more befitting a '90s black woman-
like coiled braids & stuff) in Mark Gruenwald's two most infamous runs on Captain
America- The Superia Stratagem and CapWolf. In the former, she appears as the Majordomo
to Superia's operations, being the level-headed scientist in charge of that aspect of the work.
She issues commands to other Femizons and agents (she orders the rescue of whomever
Snapdragon threw overboard, and is thus responsible for saving Diamondback's life), and
even invents the serum that's used to try and make Cap & Paladin into women, as well as the
"Sterilization Bomb" that threatens to render the entire human race sterile except for Superia's
little island of super-women. She reappears later with Superia in another story, but Superia is
eventually thought killed. And then, in the famous CapWolf tale, she works with Dredmund
Druid to turn Cap into a werewolf! This pretty much makes her a part of two of the most
notorious Cap stories of all time (and not in the good way).

-The character then vanished for a long, LONG while until reappearing in M.O.D.O.K.'s 11,
itself an ode to the Jobber Villains than Gruenwald so loved. It turned out that despite her
genius, she couldn't find legit work outside of super-villainy, as she was self-taught and had
no degrees. Fired for pointing out the mistake of a superior, she contemplated suicide until
M.O.D.O.K. recruited her. She befriends her teammates Armadillo & Puma, and as the only
three to remain loyal to the villain, actually get their cash (with a bonus). Years later, in a
new Luke Cage-focused book, she shows up leading the "Flashmob"- a gang of former Cage
enemies, taking on the new Power Man (Victor Alvarez). They were beaten and incarcerated,
and she subsequently showed up in a couple other stories like Spider Island (gifted with
spider-powers like other villains), and the "Hard-Traveling Heroes" Hawkeye (helping out the
good guys with a synthetic skin)- this gives her a turn as a superhero, and she later joins the
"Underground" resistance in Secret Empire.

Nightshade- Unexpectedly Relevant:

-Overall, Nightshade is a weird one- a "Blaxploitation" villainess to foil Cap and his friends,
then fights Luke Cage (a more fitting foe anyways, unless she was mostly meant to battle the
Falcon), and more, until showing up as a "deep cut" minion in Gru's stuff. But then she gets a
bit more sympathy (easy to understand, given how she lifted herself up by the bootstraps out
of poverty thanks to her own natural genius) and suddenly she's a good guy in modern stuff-
we'll see how long that takes, but having a "Black Female Genius" who pre-dates the modern
"Diverse Marvel" by several decades might actually be pretty handy. The character's actually
been in the spotlight more than you might expect thanks to taking a supporting role in the
Netflix Luke Cage series, here, she is the daughter of Black Mariah, the show's primary
manipulator and "Mother Soprano" figure- the product of rapes by Mariah's nasty uncle. She
has an uncomfortable relationship with her mother, despising the criminal she's become, and
uses her knowledge of holistic medicine to ultimately kill her in prison before the "Marvel
Netflix" stuff is cancelled.

Nightshade's Powers:
-Nightshade's no real combatant- she utilizes armies of Robots, Werewolves, etc., to do her
work. Oddly, she's apparently also a really good fighter, despite her Cap appearances (though
really, a Gru-Written Cap is damn near invincible to a regular person), but she's still only PL
6 offensively, PL 7 defensively, owing to a lack of hitting power. Like most Inventor-type
villains, she's less-good in a scrap and more good behind the scenes, or as someone with a lot
of minions and deathtraps.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:24 pm

Created By: Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977)
Race: Unknown (blue-skinned humanoid, non-Kree)
Role: Team Assists
Legionnaire Basis: Shadow Lass
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 9 (139)

Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+5)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 2 (+4)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+6)
Stealth 8 (+11)
Technology 4 (+5)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Ranged Attack 3, Set-Up,
Taunt, Teamwork

"Darkforce Powers"
"Coils & Coldness" Affliction 9 (Fort; Hindered, Vulnerable & Fatigued/Defenseless,
Immobilized & Exhausted/Incapacitated) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable, Extra Condition +2)
(37) -- [41]

 Dynamic AE: Movement 1 (Darkforce Dimension) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Attack

10, Portal +2) (15) -- [17]
 Dynamic AE: Concealment (Visuals) 2 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Attack, Area- 30ft.
Shapeable) (9)

Flight 4 (30 mph) [8]

Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2]

"Shi'ar Anti-Gravity Device"
Flight 5 (10)
Space Travel 1 (1)
Immunity 7 (Suffocation 2, Cold, Hot, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure) (7)

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Coils & Coldness +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Initiative +3

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +5

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 51 / Defenses: 18 (139)

-Nightside's a rip of Shadow Lass, but has the added bonus of being part of Marvel's common
"Darkforce"-themed characters, which gives her some extra bonuses that the Legionnaire
does NOT have, namely the Dimensional Movement power with Portal, Attack & a
"Freezing" Power on it. She's nowhere NEAR as versatile as Darkstar or Cloak, though,
having only a pair of Alt-Effects.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:15 am

NIGHTWIND (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Jay Faerber & Terry Dodson
First Appearance: Generation X #53 (July 1999)
Role: Ninja
PL 8 (100)
Acrobatics 4 (+9)
Athletics 4 (+6)
Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Mercenary) 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)

Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Move-By Action, Ranged Attack 2

"Darkforce Sword"
"Nervous System Damage" Affliction 8 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras:
Cumulative) (16) -- [17]
AE: Sword Slash" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical) (4)

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Sword Slash +8 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Nervous System Attack +8 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- The Rising Sons are Mercenaries.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 17 / Defenses: 11 (100)

-Nightwind is a ninja who can create a Darkforce Sword that can effect the victim's nervous
system. There's some evidence she may be a teleporter, as she seems to move very quickly,
disappearing from the shadows of a building- this may just be Ninja Stuff, however. Synch
copied her Darkforce Sword power and dueled against her, but she proved his superior- Skin
had to suffocate her from behind with his floppy skin-hands. Nightwind lost her powers on


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:13 am

Dear CHRIST. I've seen so many wannabe characters in my day, and this one STILL shocks
me. Like, who on Earth did they think they were kidding?

NIGHTWATCH (Dr. Kevin Barry Trench, aka Nighteater)

Created By: Terry Kavanagh, Derek Yanigher & Kevin Saviuk
First Appearance: The Web of Spider-Man #97 (Feb. 1993)
Role: Embarassing Spawn Rip-Off
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (123)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+9)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 5 (+9)
Technology 5 (+9)
Investigation 5 (+5)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Perception 4 (+4)
Stealth 2 (+4, +8 Costume)

All-Out Attack, Power Attack, Startle

"Nightwatch Battlesuit" (Flaws: Removable) [49]
Enhanced Strength 6 (12)
Enhanced Agility 3 (6)
Protection 6 (Extras: Impervious 5) (11)
Regeneration 6 (6)

Senses 2 (Extended & Infravision) (2)

Immunity 1 (Suffocation) (1)

Flight 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Gliding) (4)
"Razor-Sharp Tentacles" Damage 5 (Feats: Extended Reach 2) (Extras: Multiattack) (18) --

 AE: "Blind With Tentacles" Dazzle Visuals 8 (Flaws: Touch Range) (8)

-- (61 points)

Unarmed +9 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Unarmed Costume +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Tentacles +8 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Blind +8 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +2 (+5 Costume)

Dodge +6 (+9 Costume, DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +2 (+8 Costume, +3
Impervious), Fortitude +6, Will +3

Motivation (Trying to Escape Fate)- Nightwatch was given his suit by an older version of
himself (who had died). He wants to avoid this future (Spoiler Alert: He doesn't).
Secret (Actually a Villain)- Recent evidence suggests that Kevin Trench is the villain known
as "Nighteater", who cast a spell making everyone THINK he was the heroic Nightwatch. He
has reformed, and doesn't want anyone to discover the truth.

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 49 / Defenses: 12 (123)

-Hahahahah WOW. Marvel wasn't even REMOTELY subtle about this one, were they?
Possibly the most embarassing rip-off in comics history (aside from MAYBE some members
of Cyberforce or a few Liefeld characters), Nightwatch came into the Spider-Man group of
books/friends in the mid-1990s right after the Image Exodus, and brought with him some
creepy characteristics, a black & white costume, a familiar flowing red cape, and some
nihilistic tendencies. Turns out, he was a scientist who was victimized by bad guys, but saved
by a future version of himself, who then died. Spending the rest of his time trying to escape
his fate, he got his own Limited Series and did some junk, as Marvel desperately tried to
make something of this Spawn rip-off as a Take That to Todd McFarlane, but it wasn't to be.
Just too stupid, and with too lame a power-set, he was killed by two E-League villains (I
mean, Polestar & El Toro Negro? What in the hell have THEY ever done?) in the most easy
way possible (one nullified his suit with magnetism, the other shot him), in possibly the most
hilarious example of casually offing somebody in history.

-A Retcon was introduced in She-Hulk that featured Kevin Trench as a VILLAIN, who
realized that villains never win, and therefore tried to become a superhero. He casts a spell
(which murdered hundreds of inhabitants of a North Dakota town) so that everyone forgets
he's a villain, and they instead remember "Nighwatch"- so some of his history may be
completely inaccurate (in particular, Trench is actually alive)- he was therefore arrested.
Since he's terrible, it doesn't matter that they retconned it, really.

-Nightwatch is a pretty classic case of a low-end PL 8 character who's dependent on his

Battlesuit. Using the "1990s Handbook" Marvel produced a couple years back, Nightwatch
stats up as a pretty-strong low-end superhuman who's a bit faster than a normal person and
fairly durable, and also possessing a few little tricks (Dazzle, Multiattack Tentacles, low
Flight) to make him stand out. He's also got some low-end Regeneration. So he's a bit of a
challenge for some guys, but ultimately sucks pretty hard- he's low enough to get beaten by
anybody in Spider-Man's Rogues Gallery. We-elll... maybe not The Shocker.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:22 am

NIKKI (Nicholette Gold)
Created By: Steve Gerber & Al Milgrom
First Appearance: Marvel Presents #4 (April 1976)
Role: Team Slut
Group Affiliations: The Guardians of the Galaxy
PL 9 (142)

Acrobatics 5 (+11)
Athletics 6 (+7)
Deception 4 (+6)
Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+2)
Intimidation 1 (+3)
Technology 4 (+5)
Perception 5 (+5)
Persuasion 3 (+5)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+9)
Vehicles 2 (+8)
Stealth 4 (+10)

Defensive Roll 2, Daze (Deception), Equipment 3 (Stun Gun, Lasers), Improved Aim,
Improved Critical (Stun Gun), Improved Defense, Improved Smash, Luck, Precise Attack
(Ranged/Cover), Ranged Attack 6, Set-Up, Taunt, Teamwork

"Adapted for Super-Heated Conditions"
Immunity 17 (Visual Dazzles, Heat Effects, Radiation Damage) [17]

Heat Aura 1 [4]

"Stun Gun" Affliction 6 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged) (12) -- (13)

 AE: "Laser Pistol" Blast 6 (12)

Unarmed +10 (+1 Damage, DC 17)
Stun Gun +11 (+6 Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Laser Pistol +11 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +6

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +2 (+4 D.Roll), Fortitude +4, Will +5

Reputation (Flirt & Man-Chaser)- Nikki's first reaction upon meeting a remotely-attractive
male is to flirt with him, and she fawns over pretty much every guy.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 44--22 / Advantages: 22 / Powers: 21 / Defenses: 14 (142)

-Nikki's kinda hard to figure out. I mean, she was the obvious Team Bimbo (long-term sexual
relationship with Charlie-27, then proceeded to fawn over Talon & Firelord), but in combat?
She was the "Sharpshooter", I guess, which is rare for superhero teams (unless you count
Image), with some heat immunities that were odd and didn't have alot of combat use. Out of
the whole team, she seemed lightest on big feats and plot changes. In addition, she was
probably the dumbest member of the team to an outsider's point of view, and I often hold her
up as an example of why I didn't read the series- I mean, her super-hero name is NIKKI.
That's it! And her power is that her HAIR IS ON FIRE.

-Nikki's not a super-effective build, but I think it's accurate. Her "Heat Aura" isn't actually
LISTED as a power in any site I've seen, but descriptions of events clearly show her singing
people she kisses or burning the clothes off of others, so I'll go with a VERY low-level Aura
power. She's adapted for Heat, making her immune to various things, which would come in
handy if fighting the Human Torch or something I guess, but really, it's all about shooting
stuff with her. Not many characters make PL only via Equipment (her Stun Gun is her best
weapon, but as Equipment, it's easier to break & replace than normal Devices) and at range,
so she's fairly limited, and vulnerable to harm (+4 Toughness, and that's only when not flat-


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:38 pm

Bad enough he's named NIMROD, but the PINK--?

Created By: Chris Claremont & John Romita, Jr.
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #191 (March 1985)
Role: Super Future Sentinel
Group Affiliations: The Sentinels
PL 12 (290)

Deception 5 (+5)
Technology 8 (+12)
Intimidation 11 (+11)
Investigation 4 (+4)
Perception 10 (+10)

All-Out Attack, Fast Grab, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 10, Startle

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 14 (Extras: Impervious 9) [23]
Regeneration 12 (Feats: Regrow Limbs & Pieces) [13]
Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]
Senses 7 (Detect Powers- Ranged 2, Acute & Analytical, Infravision) [7]
Communication 3 (Radio) [12]

Blast 13 (Feats: Split) (27) -- [31]

 AE: Damage 12 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (24)

 AE: Force Field 2 (Extras: Affects Others 8)
 AE: "Magnetic Control" Move Object 12 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited
to Metals) (24)
 AE: Teleport 12 (24)

"Adaptation to Opponents" Variable 5 (Counts to Opponents' Powers) (Extras: Reaction +2)

Morph 4 (Any Forms) [20]

Unarmed +10 (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Blast +10 (+13 Ranged Damage, DC 28)
Area Blast +12 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +1

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +14 (+5 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will

Weakness (Magnetic & Electrical Attacks)- As a metal machine, Nimrod is more vulnerable
to certain kinds of attacks.

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 195 / Defenses: 15 (290)

-Wooh. Nimrod is one hell of an X-Men opponent, so it's kinda funny that he's relatively
forgotten to the annals of time compared to such luminaries as Magneto, Sinister &
Apocalypse. The problem was, most of his stories just aren't quite as GOOD as most of the
A-Listers', and he stuck around a lot longer, for more drawn-out storylines, as was
Claremont's style in the '80s (in the '70s, it was REALLY fast- the whole Dark Phoenix thing
took half a year at best). As a result, he's been brought back time and time again, but never
really doing all that much. He's a major threat, sure (Rogue had to steal Nightcrawler AND
Colossus' powers to beat him, by doing a 'port trick that Kurt could never have done with his
durability level). He even looks pretty cool in some iterations (not the big pink blocky dude
John Romita Jr drew, but the big red monster Tony Daniel did). But he just never quite hit the

-I think a big issue with Nimrod is the name- this is basically 100% an insult nowadays,
regardless of the Biblical origins of the name. It's therefore the equivalent of calling your new
Evil Robot character Douchenozzle, or Moron- it's just silly.

-Nimrod is a beast. As strong as Colossus, he's also got hugely powerful blasters, Adaptive
powers like many Sentinels (the almighty "Nemesis" power), Morphing, Teleportation, high-
level durability AND the ability to Regenerate better than Wolverine. It would (and did) take
an entire team of X-Men, and possibly some of their villains, to bring him down, and once
Cable had to convince him to shut down, rather than actually fight him.

The Ninja

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:18 am

THE NINJA (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Doug Moench, Larry Hama & Dick Giordano
First Appearance: Marvel Premier #17 (Sept. 1974)
Role: Forgotten Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (145)

Acrobatics 8 (+13)
Athletics 7 (+10)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+12)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Ninja) 8 (+10)
Expertise (Samurai) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+5)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 5 (+8)
Stealth 5 (+12)

Equipment 2 (Throwing Stars, Sword +2), Improved Critical (Sword), Improved Initiative,
Precise Attack (Close/Concealment), Ranged Attack 5, Seize Initiative, Startle, Takedown

Immunity 1 (Aging) [1]
Mind Control 6 (24) -- [25]
AE: Teleport 5 (10)

Unarmed +12 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Sword +11 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Throwing Stars +10 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Mind Control -- (+6 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Initiative +9

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Enemy (K'un-Lun)- Imprisoned in a Book for centuries, The Ninja despises K'un-Lun, and
wishes it destroyed.
Power Loss (Magic)- Cold Iron can neutralize The Ninja's magic.

Total: Abilities: 72 / Skills: 48--24 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 26 / Defenses: 10 (145)

-Yes, this guy is such an old character that he is just called THE NINJA- there weren't any
other ones! And hell, look at Larry Hama being part of his origin story! The man who would
add so much to what '80s children thought of as "Ninja" actually DREW this character for the
first time! What a crazy little historical curiosity.

-The Ninja was once the mightiest Samurai in Japan, but he grew so evil with his wanton
murdering of rivals that he was cast out of the order, and forced to live on his own. He
encountered Master Khan, the God-Wizard of K'un-L'un, who convinced him to give up the
way of the Samurai for those of the ninja, making him an elite, magically-powered assassin.
However, he would lose a battle to Lei-Kung the Thunderer and be sealed in the Book of
Magics for generations. He would only gain access to the physical world by possessing a
scholar who found the Book.

-The Ninja trails Iron Fist in his first missions on the outside world, saving his life from an
embittered Howard Meachum- even slaying the man who killed Danny's parents! Figuring he
needs Iron Fist and the Book intact, he is instead enraged when the destruction of the Book
he's been guarding for years actually FREES him, and decides to kill Fist himself. The two
battled for many pages, both channeling Chi into their weapons, but in the resulting
explosion, only Danny Rand walked away. The Ninja had disappeared. Six years later, Mary
Jo Duffy would bring the character back, but only for a one-off, as Master Khan summons
him to fight the Fist, but quickly draws him back to a pocket dimension when he loses.
-A supposedly lethal fighter, The Ninja loses twice to a fairly new Iron Fist, so I'm calling
him PL 8. He also has some Magical might.

Boris & Ninotchka

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:10 am

Created By: Mary Jo Duffy & Kerry Gammill
First Appearance: Power Man & Iron Fist #77 (Jan. 1982)
Role: Forgotten Villain, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: Boris & Ninotchka, The KGB
PL 8 (87)

Athletics 2 (+7)
Deception 2 (+3)
Expertise (Mercenary) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 5 (+6)
Perception 5 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Ranged Attack 5,
Startle, Takedown 2

Unarmed +11 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +5, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- Boris & Ninotchka are mercenaries.
Relationship (Ninotchka)- Boris is so protective of his partner than he will risk the mission to
guard her.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 9 (87)

Created By: Mary Jo Duffy & Kerry Gammill
First Appearance: Power Man & Iron Fist #77 (Jan. 1982)
Role: Forgotten Villain, Evil Ballerina
Group Affiliations: Boris & Ninotchka, The KGB
PL 8 (87)

Athletics 2 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+14)
Deception 3 (+7)
Expertise (Mercenary) 5 (+7)
Expertise (Dancing) 8 (+12)
Insight 2 (+3)
Perception 5 (+8)
Persuasion 4 (+8)

Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Equipment (Knife +1), Evasion, Improved Critical
(Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Move-By Action, Ranged Attack 2,
Uncanny Dodge

"Pressure Point Strikes" Affliction 5 (Fort; Dazed & Vulnerable/Stunned &
Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Extras: Extra Condition, Cumulative) [15]

Unarmed +14 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Knife +11 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Pressure Point Strikes +11 (+5 Affliction, DC 15)
Initiative +10

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +5, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- Boris & Ninotchka are mercenaries.
Relationship (Boris)- Ninotchka coos over Boris gently when he is injured, and is easily
distracted if he is endangered.

Total: Abilities: 72 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 15 / Defenses: 9 (87)

-Boris & Ninotchka were utterly adorable Russian stereotypes, dated even when they debuted
in 1982. Their names are, of course, a riff on the famous Boris & Natasha of Rocky &
Bullwinkle and Friends fame, and both are incredibly generic- a Russian ballerina and a
simple strongman, complete with big mustache and funny Russian hat. They were simple
mercenaries, working at this point for the Russian government to prevent a famous ballerina
from defecting to the U.S. They assaulted her and her partner, an American whom she loved
(and vice-versa), which brought the attention of Daredevil and the Heroes For Hire, who got
involved. Boris was stunned by Iron Fist, but manipulations (and the American's attempts to
murder Boris) caused the ballerina to return home to Russia, leaving the pair's mission a

-Boris & Ninotchka returned a few issues later on a different case, and fought the heroes
again- Ninotchka was finally beaten by Iron Fist, and Boris saved by Power Man from a hail
of bullets. In the meantime, Fist's pal Jeryn Hogarth finalized a trade agreement that
prevented aggression between the U.S. & Russia, ending things on a positive note.

-The characters did not reappear AT ALL between 1982 and modern times, where they were
drawn out of the mothballs for a Black Widow mini-series, which revealed that Ninotchka
was a ballet classmate of Natasha Romanov! Now, this would be a solid twist and not really a
bad Retcon at all... except that it's common Marvel History that Natasha is functionally
IMMORTAL, having been recruited as a young girl in World War II times, and had her aging
frozen since then. Marjorie Liu, who wrote that tale, clearly missed that, as did the Editor(s),
because it's unlikely these two were contemporaries. But really, everything involving Russia
in Marvel was completely buggered up around 1991 ANYWAYS, so it really doesn't matter-
you just kind of have to accept that the U.S.S.R. only dissolved "a couple of years ago".

-There, Boris is quickly taken out with a pipe to the head, but Ninotchka handles herself well,
and takes out Natasha with her pressure point strikes. Only the impending doom of Boris (the
building was quickly going up in flames) stops her hand, and allows the Widow time to

-Boris is a powerful mountain of a man, but pretty simple overall. Ninotchka is MUCH
trickier- her entire schtick is "Pressure Point" strikes. While it was once fairly common in
comics for a guy to "hit a pressure point" to disable someone temporarily, most of them do it
so rarely that it's not really a separate power. Ninotchka, however, SPECIALIZES in it, so
you have to really account for her precision strikes slowly wiping out a foe's defenses. In one
battle, she actually managed to draw even with Iron Fist, holding him off by treating the fight
as a "ballet" instead of a real scrap, leaving Danny unable to counter her fluid movements.
Once he realized what was happening, however, he lured her into becoming overconfident,
and took her out. Later, she's able to stun the Black Widow for a while, but is stomped when
she gets distracted by Boris nearly going up in flames.

Created By: Glenn Herdling & Angel Medina
First Appearance: Blackwulf #1 (June 1994)
Role: Sketchpad Character, Blaster

-Tantalus' wife, one immune to his powers (she was forcefully wed to him for this reason).
She killed herself after he beat her (blaming one of their son's inheriting of his powers on
her), but was reborn as an undead creature that would kill anyone with a touch. She willingly
allowed her son Lucian to end her un-life.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:37 am

NITRO (Robert Hunter)
Created By: Jim Starlin & Steve Englehart
First Appearance: Captain Marvel #34 (Sept. 1974)
Role: Mid-Tier Villain
PL 11 (131)

Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 2 (+4)
Technology 4 (+7)

Improved Critical (Blast Punch), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2

"Explode & Reform"
"Living Bomb" Damage 11 (Extras: 120ft. Burst +3) (Quirks: Not Every Round -2) (42) --

 AE: "Hand Blast" Damage 11 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (Quirks: Not Every Round -
2) (20)
 AE: "Blast Punch" Strength-Damage +9 (9)

"Gaseous State" Insubstantial 2 (Flaws: Unreliable- 1-2 Rounds At a Time, Limited to After
Exploding) [6]
Features 1: May Spend a Hero Point to Increase Area Effects' Range [1]

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Area Attacks +11 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Blast Punch +8 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +5

Power Loss (Explosions)- Though Nitro can explode easily, anything that prevents him from
reforming will prevent him from exploding again. If a portion of his body is kept apart from
the rest, he will become trapped and unable to reform. He can also not explode
indiscriminately- when Iron Man controlled him to explode repeatedly, he passed out from
the strain.
Reputation (The Stamford Killer)- Not only are several heroes gunning for the guy due to
killing a few of The New Warriors, Nitro is hunted by the general public, and the people of

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 51 / Defenses: 12 (131)

-Straight outta Scranton, Pennsylvania, Nitro had some experiments forced upon him by the
Kree, and of course then became an evil super-villain opposing Captain Marvel. A low-level
villain, he was nonetheless responsible for Mar-Vell developing his rare form of cancer- one
of his Blasts blew up a canister containing some carcinogenic gases, poisoning the hero and
dooming him to a long death. Despite being responsible for the death of a great hero, he was
basically used as a Villain Whore, generally pairing off with every hero in the Marvel
Universe at least once. His opponents included Omega the Unknown, Spider-Man, Skids (his
body could not re-form inside Skids' Force Field), Iron Man, and more.

-He was generally under-utilized until the opening portion of Marvel's giga-event Civil War-
teaming up with a group of forgotten super-villains, he was attacked by The New Warriors,
and since his powers were hopped-up by super-drugs, he exploded with MUCH more force
than normal, killing six-hundred people (including sixty children) and the heroes Namorita,
Night Thrasher & Microbe. The idea of some under-trained kids going up against lethal
super-villains in a public space ended up being the spark that ignited the Superhuman
Registration Act, causing the Civil War. He escaped punishment at first, but was soon
maimed by Wolverine and imprisoned by Namor for his crimes (since Namorita was his
cousin). He has since popped up in mostly background scenes (with Penance/Speedball
punishing him once more for Stamford), as despite having the one-two punch of having been
responsible for killing FOUR super-heroes (making him more deadly than Doctor Doom,
Magneto, Apocalypse and the Kingpin combined, if you wear tights), he still has zero
character beyond "villain who blows up", so nobody really feels like using him.

-Nitro has a very high-powered Area Effect (if boosted, it can be INSANELY powerful, since
it takes over such a large range- the one at the start of Civil War was HUGE and more strong
enough to one-shot Namorita (who's pretty tough). He doesn't have much else to him, and his
power is easily-nullified by a smart character- pretty much the #1 most-common way Nitro
loses is somebody prevents him from reforming, like quickly trapping his gaseous after-form
in something before he can regenerate.

Noble Kale

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:36 pm

Created By: Ivan Velez, Jr.
First Appearance: Ghost Rider #76
Role: Retconned Origin Guy
Group Affiliation: The Midnight Sons, The Secret Defenders, The New Fantastic Four
PL 12 (218)

Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Demonic Lore) 4 (+5)
Expertise (History) 7 (+8)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 11 (+12)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 3 (+5)

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Equipment 2 (Motorbike), Improved Critical
(Chain), Improved Disarm, Improved Smash, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Ranged
Attack 5, Startle, Takedown
"The Penance Stare" Affliction 12 (Will; Dazed & Vulnerable/Stunned &
Defenseless/Incapacitated) (Feats: Incurable) (Extras: Perception Range +2, Extra Condition)
(Flaws: Visual Sense-Dependent) (Quirks: Limited to Amount of Pain Target Has Caused -1)
Linked to Blast 6 (Feats: Incurable) (Extras: Perception Range, Will Save) (Flaws: Visual
Sense-Dependent) (Quirks: Same as Affliction) (54) -- [60]

 AE: Soulfire Blast 8 (Extras: Will Save) (24)

 AE: Hellfire Blast 8 (Feats: Penetrating 8) (24)
 AE: "Chain" Blast 7 (Feats: Extended Reach, Accurate) (16)
 AE: "Moving Chain" Damage 7 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (21)
 AE: "Chain Snare" Snare 8 (Flaws: Limited to A Few Targets) (16)
 AE: "Shuriken Chain" Blast 5 (Feats: Accurate 2, Extended Reach) (Extras:
Multiattack) (20)

Regeneration 4 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [5]

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]

"Frickin' Sweet Ride"

Speed 8 (500 mph) (Flaws: Requires Bike) [4]
Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling, Water-Walking) (Flaws: Requires Bike) [2]
"Ride Through Flames" Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (Flaws: Limited to
Movement Path, Requires Bike) [9]

Unarmed +11 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Hellfire +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Soulfire +10 (+8 Ranged Will Damage, DC 23)
Penance Stare -- (+12 Perception-Ranged Affliction & +6 Damage, DC 22 & 21)
Chain +12 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Moving Chain +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Chain Snare +10 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +5

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +8, Fortitude --, Will +7

Enemy (Mephisto)
Power Loss (Penance Stare)- The Penance Stare, in addition to losing effect over innocent
beings guilty of no wrongdoing, will not affect those under the influence of drugs, or those
with more than two eyes (??). Nor will it work on soulless beings.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 118 / Defenses: 11 (218)

-Noble Kale is a pretty confusing character in Ghost Rider lore. The origin of the Danny
Ketch version of GR was that the Motorcycle was part of a Magical Macguffin (the
Medallion of Power)... but as Howard Mackie left the book with its sixty-ninth issue, the new
writer- Ivan Velez, Jr.- Retconned in his own! Noble Kale was an eighteenth-century guy
who became the first Ghost Rider as a result of his Pastor father's deal with Mephisto- Pastor
Kale was a general douche, and an abusive loon, burning Noble's black wife at the stake as a
witch- her curse set the Furies on their town, and the Past cut a deal to save them, binding
Noble's soul to that of a demon. A disagreement then ensued between Mephisto and an
Angel- eventually, they agreed that neither owned Noble's soul- he was instead cursed to
wander the void until called by one of his descendants. In the end, it was he who was merged
with Danny Ketch when his sister was attacked, turning Danny into the newest Ghost Rider.

-The whole truth was revealed in Ghost Rider #76, when Vengeance used his own Penance
Stare on Danny. Kale, in control of Ghost Rider, made him more and more vicious.
Blackheart and his Spirits of Vengeance face Kale, but Danny imbues Kale with the power of
the Angel of Death, and Blackheart is obliterated. Now the ruler of Hell, Kale frees all the
souls imprisoned within, on the promise that they commit no further evil.

-However, in the Peter Parker: Spider-Man series, a bunch of confusing circumstances

occur, as Noble proclaims that all or some of his backstory is a lie- this was, naturally, written
by Howard Mackie, who wanted to undo what Velez had done to his own personal creation.
He re-merges with Danny Ketch to save New York, but is eventually re-excorcized when his
new book fails. And Ketch later regains Ghost Rider powers under different circumstances,
leaving the whole thing up in the air.

-Honestly, the whole thing reeks of Writer Arrogance- the newbie, whom I've never heard of,
deciding that no- the Old Origin isn't good enough- EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS
WRONG (my least-favorite Comic Book Trope by far), and instead Ghost Rider has some
totally different origin. Not that either was a particularly awesome origin, but it seems idiotic
to spend the last six issues of a comic book run on Retconning the hero's origin (which had
been intact for about six years by that point), just so you can get your own idea over.

-Noble is pretty much the same as other Ghost Riders, with his own Penance Stare.

Nocturne (The Forgotten One)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:15 pm

NOCTURNE I (Angela Cairne)
Created By: J.M. DeMatteis & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Spectacular Spider-Man #190 (July 1992)
Role: Forgotten Character, Bat-Lady
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (102)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Police Officer) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+5)
Perception 4 (+7)
Ranged Attack 4

"Bat Lady"
Flight 5 (60 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [5]
"Animal Senses" Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]
"Echolocation" Senses 4 (Extended, Ultra & Accurate Hearing) [4]

"Prehensile Hair"
Extra Limbs 2 [2]
Enhanced Advantages 3: Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Hold [3]

Unarmed +10 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +6, Fortitude +6, Will +4

Disabled (Mute)- Nocturne can no longer speak.
Prejudice (Obvious Superhuman)- Nocturne has big bat wings.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 15 / Defenses: 9 (102)

-Nocturne (there are a LOT of Marvel characters named this, as it turns out- a forgotten
Generation X villain, the Exiles's Sexy Nightcrawler Girl, and some one-off Night Raven
successor named "Graham Gray Poldark" who was later removed from continuity) is a minor
character in the early '90s Spidey books that ended up being forgotten- she was transformed
by a mutate of Baron Zemo into a mute bat-winged lady. She faced Spider-Man a few times,
cared for the Puma, and then disappeared for good, while other characters used the name...
which, truth be told, is a very good name for a female character- mysterious, pretty and
involves the night.

Nocturne (Hellions)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:19 am

NOCTURNE (Bridget Warner)
Created By: Jay Faeber & Chris Renaud
First Appearance: Generation X #57 (Nov. 1999)
Role: Psi-Blaster
Group Affiliations: The Hellions III
PL 8 (68)

Intimidation 4 (+4)
Perception 3 (+3)
Ranged Combat (Darkforce) 4 (+8)
Stealth 3 (+5)

Ranged Attack 2

"Darkforce" Affliction 8 (Will; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged) (16) -- [17]

 AE: "Destabilize Molecular Bonds" Weaken 8 (Extras: Affects Objects Only +0,
Ranged) (16)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Darkforce +8 (+8 Ranged Weaken, DC 18)
Darkforce Destabilizer +8 (+8 Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3, Fortitude +3, Will +3

Responsibility (Working for Emplate)
Prejudice (Vampire-Lookin' Chick)

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 17 / Defenses: 10 (68)

-Nocturne has the power to destabilize molecular bonds and Mentally-Stun People.
Curiously, both her and Wrap cost the same points-value.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:12 pm

NOCTURNE (Talia Josephine "T.J." Wagner)
Created By: Jim Calafiore
First Appearance: X-Men: Millennial Visions (Aug. 2000)
Role: Sexy Blue-Skinned Chick
Group Affiliations: The X-Men, The Exiles, The Brotherhood of Mutants
PL 10 (150)

Acrobatics 8 (+15)
Athletics 9 (+11)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Singing) 1 (+4)
Insight 2 (+4)
Perception 2 (+4)
Persuasion 2 (+5)
Ranged Combat (Hex Bolts) 2 (+10)
Stealth 1 (+8)
Vehicles 4 (+8)

Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Great Endurance, Improved Defense,
Improved Initiative, Move-By Action, Ranged Attack 4, Set-Up, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge

"Mutant Powers: Possessions & Nightcrawler Stuff"
"Possession" Affliction 12 (Will; Entranced & Fatigued/Compelled & Exhausted/Controlled
& Asleep) (Feats: Subtle) (Extras: Merge With Subject, Extra Condition, Sustained +2)
(Flaws: Instant Recovery, Unreliable- 1/Day -2) (Inaccurate -1) Linked to Healing 4 (Flaws:
Limited to Possessed Targets, Limited to Awakening Unconscious People For Control) (26)
-- [27]

 AE: "Hex Bolts of Brimstone Energy" Blast 8 (16)

"Prehensile Tail" Extra Limb 1 [1]

Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4]
"Shadow-Melding" Concealment 2 (Visuals) (Flaws: Limited to Darkness) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

"Latent Telepathy" Features 1: Telepathic Enough to Use Cerebro [1]

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Hex Bolts +10 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Possession +8 (+12 Affliction, DC 22)
Initiative +11

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +13 (DC 23), Toughness +4 (+5 Defensive Roll), Fortitude +6,
Will +6

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- T.J. has blue fur, three-digits on all of her limbs, and a
prehensile tail.
Relationship (John Proudstar)- T.J. fell in love with her teammate, the monstrous
Thunderbird. When he is rendered comatose on a mission (during which she became
pregnant) and left behind, the pregnancy somehow ended- it is unclear how.
Disabled (Stroke Victim)- T.J. suffered a stroke while on New Excalibur, leaving her with
memory loss, partial paralysis and aphasia. She eventually recovered.
Note: Alternate Universe Character- Characters from alternate universes are much easier to
kill- failing a Toughness or Fortitude Check by 15 results in automatic death.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 14 / Powers: 36 / Defenses: 16 (150)

Nocturne- Nightcrawler's Daughter:

-Nocturne debuted in a one-shot comic's "Alternate Future" storyline that featured a crippled
Wolverine mentoring a new team after he was mind-controlled into killing Professor X (and
Xavier paralyzed him in his death-throes). The daughter of Nightcrawler and the Scarlet
Witch, she got some powers from both, plus her own thing, getting a lot more unique powers
than is normal for a Mutant. But hey- it's WANDA MAXIMOFF, so we should be lucky she
doesn't just have a bajillion random powers. She's another fairly normal person on the squad
(which is kind of an interesting thing- the book didn't really have the wild & crazy
characterizations many other books did- the team was fairly well-adjusted and not totally
nuts), and hooked up with Thunderbird, despite his mutations. There was a subplot where she
was pregnant, but when he got knocked into a coma saving the world from Galactus, he was
left behind- Nocturne later reveals that she had an abortion, being unable to cope without her

-As kind of a "Filler" member, T.J. was nonetheless quite visually-interesting (sexy girl
versions of Nightcrawler and people like that make me realize what women saw in the male
character, which I'd never understood before), but ended up being left on the Mainstream
Earth in place of Beak, who went off with the Exiles. However, she didn't really get up to
anything interesting there, getting mixed up with Exodus and his Brotherhood, visits Mojo
and his Mojoverse (which is always a "tell" that a story is about to be pretty dumb and
nonsensical), and witnesses him turn the X-Men into X-Babies (see what I mean?) before
they correct things. Her run gets mixed up with the "House of M" crossover (where her "royal
blood", as granddaughter of Magneto, comes into play), which pretty well stalled all of the X-
Books for a time.

Nocturne Gets Forgotten:

-Nocturne ended up on Claremont's New Excalibur, a book that quickly failed, suffering a
stroke in the meantime- Claremont even went into detail on the after-effects of such a thing,
and how recovery works (if there's one thing he's good at, it's research). However, she
rescued Thunderbird and rejoined the Exiles (albeit while still in recovery). The best thing
she did there was call Nightcrawler "dad", which left him about as shocked as you might
imagine ("I KNEW I should have been more careful..."). After this, the character effectively
disappears from comics, disappearing with the Exiles and being seen only in passing, helping
out the various squads.

-All of this makes Nocturne's leaving of the team feel REALLY, REALLY WEIRD, as they
wrote her out and put her into the Mainstream Marvel Universe... but not on any popular
TEAMS, and so the character just utterly vanishes and never matters. That this was during
one of the darkest periods of the X-Books (the Austen/Brubaker/Fraction run where it's just
endless repetition, deep continuity and random characterization and team-reshuffling) didn't
help- in the end, Nocturne was only on the side books and returned to the Exiles just in time
for their book to die.

Nocturne's Stats:
-Nocturne's weird "Grab-Bag" of Powers makes her an odd one with a strange place in the
group- a bit of her stuff is already done by Blink (Agility, Blasts), and she also has that
Possession Power, which... I really didn't see all that much. Hell, if it wasn't for the "Leave all
your Possessions" bit they were given as a clue once (and I still remember), I would have
forgotten completely that she even HAD that power! It's just such a potential Game-Breaker
that it doesn't even get used in stories- you could end a fight in seconds! She's not overly-
powerful outside of the Possession power, essentially just being a low-level Blaster who's
only PL 9 at range and PL 8.5-9 Defensively.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:21 am

Okay, now I see how he was a sex symbol. It's not clear from reading bios.

NOH-VARR (aka Marvel Boy III, Captain Marvel III, Protector II)
Created By: Grant Morrison & J.G. Jones
First Appearance: Marvel Boy #1 (Aug. 2000)
Role: Wild Renegade Warrior, Crazy Guy, Journeyman... Hero?
Group Affiliations: The Dark Avengers, The Kree Empire, The Young Avengers
Avengers Grade: D-Level
PL 11 (248)

Acrobatics 6 (+12)
Athletics 6 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+12)
Expertise (Kree Soldier) 7 (+13)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+14)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Investigation 2 (+2)
Perception 10 (+10)
Sleight of Hand 8 (+12)
Stealth 7 (+13)
Technology 8 (+14)
Vehicles 6 (+10)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Evasion, Extraordinary Effort, Improved Aim, Improved
Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Startle,
Takedown 2, Uncanny Dodge

"White Running" Immunity 20 (Dazzle Effects, Stun/Fatigue Effects, Mental Effects) (Flaws:
Sustained +0) [20]
"Triple-Jointed" Immunity 1 (Pressure) [1]
"Able to Eat Anything" Immunity 1 (Poison) [1]
Regeneration 4 (Flaws: Source- Requires Food) [2]
Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling 2, Sure-Footed) [6]
Speed 5 (60 mph) [5]

"Biologically-Active Saliva" Affliction 8 (Will; Dazed/Compelled/Controlled) (Feats: Reach

2) (Extras: Progressive +2) (Flaws: Limited to if Saliva is Still Touching Them) (18) -- [20]

 AE: "Fingernail Toxin" Affliction 8 (Fort; Fatigued/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras:

Cumulative) (16)
 AE: "Fingernail Spike" Damage 10 (10)

"Variable Weapon" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [26]

Variable 6 (Types of Weapons) (42 points)

"Body Armour" Protection 1 (1)
"Kree Blaster" Blast 7 (Extras: Multiattack) (21) -- (22)
"Grenades" Blast 7 (Feats: Triggered) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Reduced Range -1) (21)

Unarmed +12 (+10 Damage, DC 22)
Fingernail Spike +12 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Toxins +10 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Blaster +12 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Grenades +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +14

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +7 (+8 Armour), Fortitude +10, Will +5

Responsibilty (Kree Agent)- Noh-Varr is a loyalist Kree, and also does not get, nor like,
human beings.

Total: Abilities: 92 / Skills: 78--39 / Advantages: 21 / Powers: 80 / Defenses: 16 (248)

Noh-Varr- "Oh, it's that guy":
-... I really, really know nothing about this character. He sorta just came & went quietly in
some Morrison-written limited series in the year 2000, and didn't show up again until Bendis'
modern era, where he became a Dark Avenger and did a bunch of random stuff in random
books as a kind of "Filler" character. He's kind of an insane Kree spy/soldier guy who hated
people, but is now kind of a hero or something. Bios of him online basically showcase a guy
that seems like he was designed by a commitee of imbecilic 9-year-olds who added every
power they could do him. Or Grant Morrison just injected a shitload of acid into his eyeballs
and went to town... nah. That could never happen.

-In any case, Marvel Boy was a six-issue Limited Series coming out in the year 2000 for the
"Marvel Knights" line at Marvel- a showcase for popular, edgy writers & artists doing
inventive stuff (it was popular- and favored- enough that it got Editor Joe Quesada a big
promotion). Noh-Varr is a Kree ensign aboard an interstellar schooner called "The Marvel",
which is going across many alternative dimensions. He fights an evil sentient Omni-
Corporation and a Multi-Trillionaire (oh yeah, Morrison was writing, alright), which results
in him being the sole survivor of The Marvel- gaining powers in the process. He ends up in
the Marvel Universe, where he gives the corporation's secrets to its rivals. Eventually, he is
captured by S.H.I.E.L.D., and declares war on Earth and the whole human race. The book
featured a lot of experimental, cinematic work by J.G. Jones, and Morrison went out of his
way to depict the character as a sex symbol of sorts.

Post-Morrison Noh-Varr- Captain Marvel III & Protector:

-When Morrison quit Marvel, his character was "orphaned", but picked up by Brian Michael
Bendis, who had The Illuminati try to convince him, while in custody, to drop his obsession
with killing humanity. They tell him of the legacy of Captain Mar-Vell... but he just gets
mind-controlled by the cruel prison warden and he brutally beats the Runaways & Young
Avengers on his order. Eventually, both teams assault the prison and beat Noh-Varr, and the
Vision reverses the brainwashing. He declares the prison to be the "Capital of the New Kree
Empire", but is spurred on to fight the hated Skrulls during Secret Invasion, impressing
people enough to get placed on Norman Osborn's "Dark Avengers" as the new Captain
Marvel. Inspired by a good-natured Skrull (yes, another one) who thought he was Mar-Vell,
he tries to be heroic, but is stunned when Karla "Ms. Marvel" Sofen casually reveals that their
whole team are criminals- he bails. Every issue I have featuring him around this time features
him as a confused, somewhat emotionally-stunted individual, constantly in a daze.

-Noh-Varr goes on the run from the Dark Avengers, fighting the Sentry, befriending a human
girl named Annie, and being given some Nega-Bands by the Supreme Intelligence, who
declares him "Earth's Protector". And then, with Carol Danvers deciding that SHE'S the new
"Captain Marvel", Noh-Varr takes the most horribly generic codename in history-
"Protector". He fights an evil future-version of Annie, then joins the Avengers, using some
Kree technology to allow the team to view some possible futurse. He engages in the fights
against the Revengers and the Apocalypse of the future, fights in Fear Itself, and Avengers
(vs) X-Men... where he betrays the Avengers to the Supreme Intelligence, who tells him to
absorb the Phoenix Force using Thor's Hammer- he gets Thor to do it, then sends the
Avengers to certain death, fleeing for the Kree Empire. When he realizes that his boss is
keeping the energy and not using it to save Earth, he turns on him, but is confronted by the
Avengers, who take the energy and boot him from the team- he is told never to return to
Earth, and is stuck fleeing the Kree.
Marvel NOW!:
-And then things take another weird turn (I think there was a writer switch), as Noh-Varr
reconciles with the Young Avengers, re-takes the name "Marvel Boy", and begins a
relationship with Kate Bishop (REALLY? Miss Sarcastic Snarker gets with the insane alien
weirdo?). Now, he's a classic "Fish out of water" character, using high-tech stuff but also
being unable to "get" human culture. They also go out of their way to portray him as a male
sex symbol- a rarity in Western comics (this explains the Kate thing, as she's the only one
who'd make sense dating him). When three ex-lovers (including Annie) show up as part of a
villain team, he breaks up with Kate to be with one of them (Oubliette), but it turns out
they're guilt-based constructs- he's left to crawl back to Kate, who just ain't having it. He
finally gives up, and decides to do something else- he asks the Inhuman Royal Family for
help in rebuilding the Kree Empire in Al Ewing's Inhumans books. He has apparently since
joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.

-This character is just... un-gettable, for me. It seems like 3-4 different writers all have
different ideas regarding the character- Grant Morrison wanted some enfant terrible Wild
Renegade who could be in goofy, drug-addled stories and declare war on humanity, while
Bendis wanted some emotionally stunted little boy who needed to throw off the control of
others. Then they decide he's gotta be the new Captain Marvel until they take BACK that
name, give him the most hopeless name ever, have him BETRAY THE AVENGERS and get
barred from Earth... only to show up as the "Alien Outsider" character on Young Avengers
before getting taken from that book and going elsewhere. It's like everyone wants to use Noh-
Varr for some reason, but has no idea what he IS, so he's just kind of... a village bicycle
character who just kind of ends up in weird places.

Noh-Varr's Weird Powers:

-I've never so much as seen this guy fight, and his powers all come from Wikipedia &
ComicVine, so this is the best I got. He can make his fingernail grow super-big and explode
if put inside some guy (?- only happened once, so I'm declaring that a Power Stunt... not sure
which overly-nice GM allowed it though), he can mind control people if his spit is in them
(gross), and he's immune to anything sensory-based as long as he can pay attention and make
sure of it. He's sort of a PL 11 ass-kicking melee guy with a death-weapon capable of
creating several different kinds of damage (a spike, a regular Blaster, and a SUPER blast that
burned THE SENTRY somehow), and he's enough to beat all of the Young Avengers in
seconds. He's a full, HUGELY expensive elite fighter, which is something I wasn't expecting-
but yeah, he's incredibly skilled, fighty and has a ton of varied powers. Currently he also has
a pair of Nega-Bands like Mar-Vell's, but they also Teleport and probably make him even
MORE expensive. What a thoroughly unpleasant character to have to build. If I didn't already
say I was gonna stat all the Avengers, I'd have skipped him completely.

Nomad (Edward Ferbel)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:35 am

NOMAD II (Edward Ferbel)
Created By: J.M. DeMatteis & Mike Zeck
First Appearance: Captain America #261 (Sept. 1981)
Role: Forgotten Replacement
Group Affiliations: N/A

-This guy is a mere eyeblink to history- Edward Ferbel was convinced by the Red Skull to
take on Captain America's discarded "Nomad" persona and costume. This was to lure Cap to
the Skull, and also besmirch his identity. Ferbel engaged in a series of staged fights, believing
himself to be legitimately defeating his foes. Cap, concerned over a new Nomad appearing,
investigated and Ferbel latched himself onto Cap and started "working" with him. Cap's
responsibility was a poor mix with Ferbel's fame-hungry attitude and glory-hogging, he was
gunned down by the Ameridroid. This led to public sentiment that Cap failed to act in time to
save his "partner". This whole thing took place in only three issues.

Nomad (Jack Monroe)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:42 am

LOL what an absolute piss-biscuit of a character design.

NOMAD III (Jack Monroe, aka Bucky III)

Created By: Steve Englehart & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Captain America #153 (Sept. 1972)
Role: Jerk-Ass Hero, Forgotten Legacy Character, Weary Vigilante World-Traveller
Group Affiliations: N/A
PL 9 (125)
Acrobatics 8 (+14)
Athletics 6 (+10)
Deception 5 (+6)
Expertise (Streetwise) 6 (+7)
Intimidation 6 (+7)
Peception 4 (+6)
Stealth 1 (+7)
Treatment 1 (+2)
Vehicles 5 (+7)

All-Out Attack, Equipment 3 (Assorted Weapons), Great Endurance, Improved Critical
(Unarmed), Precise Attack (Ranged/Cover), Ranged Attack 8, Startle, Takedown

"The Super-Soldier Serum- Absolute Peak Human"
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1]
Regeneration 2 [2]
"Hitting Power" Strength-Damage +1 [1]

Unarmed +12 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Guns +12 (+4-6 Ranged Damage, DC 19-21)
Initiative +6

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +5, Fortitude +7, Will +5

Responsibility (Man Out of Time)- Jack Monroe was born in the 1930s or '40s.
Responsibility (Insane)- The process that gave Jack Cap-like stats also left him insane. He
appeared cured once he was thawed out of suspended animation, but it reared it's ugly head
near the end of his life.
Relationship ("Bucky")- Jack cared deeply for a toddler he took from a drug-addicted mother.
Enemy (The Slug)- Nomad's key foe for a while was the obese crimelord of Florida.

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 17 / Powers: 7 / Defenses: 10 (125)

Jack Monroe- Forgettable Backgrounder:

-Man, I disliked this douchebag even BEFORE I found out he was a legitimate asshole in the
stories. When I got into comics, he was a Punisher rip-off travelling around the country with
a baby dressed like Bucky strapped to his chest, and I thought he was dumb even THEN.
Then I get into Mark Gruenwald's Cap run, and all this butt-pipe does is complain about D-
Man sucking up to Cap, and repeatedly taunt the poor guy, who isn't even fighting back.
What kind of a super-hero also acts like an insane bully?

-Jack started out as the Bucky of the 1950s (when Steve Englehart retconned the brutal anti-
Communist adventures of Cap as a replacement because Steve Rogers was frozen), but went
crazy- he and Cap IV were subjected to a variant Super-Soldier Serum process that left out
important aspects of Dr. Erskine's original (lacking the important Vita-Ray component),
leaving them insane as a result. Cap IV became The Grand Director, a lethal dictator-like
figure, but Jack Monroe is killed fighting him- Cap & Daredevil take out the villain. J.M.
DeMatteis resurrected Jack, and he gains the "Nomad" identity, taking the name Steve Rogers
took during a four-issue stint where he drops the Cap name after Richard Nixon offs himself
after being revealed as the leader of the Secret Empire. The two formed a partnership for two
years starting in 1983- Cap books tend to partner him up with others a lot- as a solo hero, he
kind of needs a fight-worthy supporting cast. Sharon Carter, The Falcon, D-Man, Nomad,
Diamondback, etc.

-The two heroes fight the Sisters of Sin, Baron Zemo, the Red Skull, and others, and they
voluntarily split up after he has a successful mission against Madcap (new writer Mark
Gruenwald states that "Nomad made Cap seem old" since Cap had to take a mentor role,
instead of acting like an "active, vital superhero"). Later, he battles the Slug, then joins Cap
during The Captain, feuding with D-Man in a one-sided nature (it's largely just Jack ripping
on a pathetic, innocent victim)- they team up with the Falcon & Jack's new girlfriend and
fighting partner, a newbie superhero named Vagabond, who seems to show an interest in D-
Man, to Jacks' chagrin. When the trio are captured during the Serpent Society's invasion of
Washington, D.C., and imprisoned by the Commission (the nasty government figures who
made Cap step down), Nomad abandons D-Man & Vagabond to prison, running off with
Sidewinder. He later splits with Cap, disgusted that Steve wants to turn himself in to the
Commission. Gru indicates in the letter pages that this is the previous psychosis slowly

Nomad- Inexplicable '90s Series:

-And then, in a hopelessly "Me, Too!" notion that floods an already over-crowded market
with MORE books, Jack becomes the inexplicable solo star of Nomad, now featuring him as
a grim, gritty, "Sunglasses & Trenchcoat" guy, complete with guns and permanent stubble!
Like, this was HILARIOUSLY transparent- a way to make a new book out of current trends,
and use the notion of a former background character as an excuse to not write an origin story.
The book's "High Concept"? That Jack kidnaps an infant girl from her drug-addicted mother,
nicknames her "Bucky", and brings her on the road with him- Jack is now a murderous
vigilante, slaughtering drug dealers while the Commission scrutinizes his every move and
becomes a recurring nuisance. Fabian Nicieza wrote this book, and it's probably the weakest
of what was normally a "pretty good" assortment of X-Men, X-Force and The New Warriors-
this was an "issues of the day" comic, largely ripping off the famous Green Arrow & Green
Lantern run, with Nomad dealing with AIDS, homelessness and hate crimes.

-Along the way, Nomad stops being as obsessive and "self-destructive", and becomes more
laid-back, especially once he discovers "The Undergrounders"- a community of people across
America who help out those down on their luck. Marvel briefly teases that Nomad & Bucky
could be HIV-positive owing to their backstory and dealings with the Undergrounders, but
never pulls the trigger. A testament to how minor this book is, he has only the briefest
interactions with The Infinity Crusade (said to be "literally hanging out with Forge" on
Wikipedia, and later fighting an Evil Duplicate of Gambit, who got lost on the way to the big
conflict) and The Midnight Sons. Bucky's mother shows up being brainwashed into an
assassin that tries to kill him. Finally, the book is cancelled during the Comic Book Crash of
1994, lasting 25 issues, and Nomad is thought killed off- slain during a fight with a Nazi
militia in his hometown (his father is revealed to have been a Nazi sympathizer during the

-Nomad thus disappears for a couple of years, but pops up again as the Scourge of the
Underworld in Nicieza's Thunderbolts run- it's shown that his death had been faked and he
was now brainwashed into acting as the villain-killer by Henry Gyrich. He is eventually freed
from Gyrich's control by the T-Bolts, and vanishes from comics again (the Heroes Reborn
Bucky has since taken the name "Nomad"). The character is then given the most ignominious
death in Ed Brubaker's Captain America run- he relapses into psychosis, and is then shot by
the Winter Soldier (the Golden Age Bucky) as part of the Red Skull's plans. It at least turns
out that the infant "Bucky" has since been adopted and is safe.

So What the Hell?:

-This guy's really just incredibly weird- the "1950s Cap" story was a great tragic tale that's
also a neat "continuity trick", and it seemed like Jack was just kind of along for that ride
because that Cap also had a "Bucky" working with him. And then they kill him off in a brave
sacrifice, making it even more tragic- good story, right? But then I guess Cap needs a
SIDEKICK again, and so Jack throws on Cap's old "Nomad" costume and that's a thing for a
year or two. And then Gruenwald clearly doesn't give a shit about him, writing him as a
complete ass-bucket, but OH NO, Marvel needs to FILL THOSE RACKS at the comic book
shops, and so here's Nomad, featuring the most stereotypical 1990s Gun-Toting Vigilante in
history, just slapping the trendy new "self-hating, aggressive vigilante" persona onto an old
character to get some of that sweet "Punisher money". It was cloying and sad, despite Nicieza
apparently using it as his "Modern Issues" book. And then after that he's just a mind-
controlled nutjob, with even great writers like Busiek & Brubaker finding nothing for him but
screwing him around. He's been dead for years by this point, but who knows when the next
writer will casually decide we need Jack back?

Nomad's Powers:
-Jack Monroe has Cap-level physical stats, but is a much lower-tier hero, fitting in alongside
The Falcon, D-Man & Vagabond, or teaming up with The Punisher. He's PL 8 physically, PL
9 with ranged weapons like a gun. He used Throwing Stun-Discs when he was a tights-
wearing hero, but he was a Gun Guy during his '90s solo book.

Rikki Barnes

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:39 am

RIKKI BARNES (Rebecca "Rikki" Barnes, aka Bucky V, Nomad IV)
Created By: Jeph Loeb & Rob Liefeld
First Appearance: Captain America (Heroes Reborn) #1 (Nov. 1996)
Role: Distaff Counterpart, Mega-Convoluted Repeatedly Forgotten Character
Group Affiliations: The Young Allies, The Exiles
PL 8 (109)

Acrobatics 7 (+12)
Athletics 8 (+10)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Government Agent) 2 (+4)
Insight 2 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Ranged Combat (Discs) 2 (+11)
Stealth 2 (+7)

Equipment 3 (Kevlar +2, Throwing Discs- Blast 3- Multiattack, Ricochet, Pistol +5),
Evasion, Improved Defenses, Ranged Attack 6

"Nomad's Vibranium-Photonic Shield" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [3]
Enhanced Parry 2 & Dodge 3 (5 points)

"Vibranium-Soled Boots" (Flaws: Removable) [8]

Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling) (4)
"Move Silently" Enhanced Skills 4: Stealth 4 (+11) (2)
Leaping 3 (60 feet) (3)
-- (9 points)

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Throwing Discs +12 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Pistol +10 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +5

Dodge +9 (+12 Shield, DC 19-22), Parry +10 (+12 Shield, DC 20-22), Toughness +2 (+4
Kevlar), Fortitude +5, Will +6

Responsibility (Girl Without A World)- Rikki hails from the Heroes Reborn universe, but
was taken from it years ago and plopped onto Marvel's Earth, with no known family or
anything. She frequently feels untethered and like she doesn't belong.
Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 11 / Defenses: 11 (109)

Rikki Barnes- The Original Character in "Heroes Reborn":

-Rikki Barnes is one of those bizarre-ass side characters who pop up in Marvel from time to
time, who are complete throwaways yet are oddly chosen as someone's "Baby" and become
heavily-pushed by one writer or another- and all for someone who remains utterly obscure
and mired in failed book after failed book! And then killed off, but immediately resurrected
so THAT story meant nothing, and got traded from book to book once more, now that she's a
lesbian heroine! She debuted as the "Bucky" in Heroes Reborn- she was established as the
granddaughter of the that version of the WWII-era Bucky. When her brother joined a group
loyal to the Red Skull, she got involved and became Captain America's student in order to
fight them. When Heroes Return came out and all the established Marvel guys returned,
Rikki stayed behind to watch over what became known as "Counter-Earth". Eventually, when
Onslaught returned to kill the heroes again, Rikki sacrificed her to stop him... and ended up in
the main reality Earth!

-The story gets odder, as she ends up meeting the 616-version of her brother, and learns she
was stillborn on this Earth. With Bucky I now the new Captain America, Rikki became the
new "Nomad" (fittingly taking the name used by the THIRD 616-Bucky). This was
apparently in a solo book that I've never heard of, as it had all sorts of stuff with the "brother"
(who felt rebuffed by her rejecting a romantic overture, since... y'know, he was sort of like
her brother- he thus got manipulated into helping some bad guys and was shot & killed)- the
Black Widow was frequently shown watching over her. This led to a new series called
Nomad: Girl Without a World, written by Sean McKeever (who'd just quit DC acrimoniously
over their shitting all over and wrecking his Teen Titans run), who then segued her to The
Young Allies, a "Teen Hero" book back when Marvel was spamming out around two a year in
hopes of finding something that "clicked".

The Young Allies:

-Unfortunately, the book was IMMENSIVELY unsatisfying, with ludicrous ideas like "The
Bastards of Evil" (shitty pretend-children of various super-villains engaging in terrorist
activities like killing thousands of people in Manhattan- something that would never happen
during times of strong editorial oversight, as this would be 9/11 times FIFTY in real life). She
teamed up with Araña, a new Toro, Firestar (as the token "established adult hero"), and more,
but the book rapidly vanished. In Onslaught Unleashed, the psionic entity reveals that she
was a mere construct- the real Rikki had died in the Negative Zone, and this Rikki was
created as a store for his energies, allowing him an "anchor point" to return to existence.
Horrified, she fights back, but has her teammate Gravity kill her to ensure that Onslaught can
not return. A heroic ending that is likely a writer going "Shit- they're never going to use her
again, are they? Well I'll just kill her".

-And so of course she pops up in a new version of Exiles following Secret Wars. This book is
cancelled even faster than Young Allies was, and she "dies under unrecorded circumstances"
(lol, OFF-PANEL?), but is brought to another reality, and she's turned up in a couple of
lesbian relationships since then, Because Diversity Is Law on new books, but... I dunno what
anyone was going for here. A constantly-resurrecting reality-hopper now? What's going on?
And then suddenly she's back to the main universe, and she joins the Future Foundation,
forming a relationship with Julie Power!
-This whole thing is just... INSANE. Like, you have a Heroes Reborn OC and you want to
use them, which is fine. But then she pops up and you give her the loser gimmick of
"Nomad" and toss her in some guaranteed-to-fail books because you're trying to capture the
"Teen Heroine" thing before Ms. Marvel successfully did so. But then that all dies and so you
kill the character off... only for the next writer to pop in with her on Exiles, they kill her off a
couple OTHER times in that so that she can "Quantum Leap" into other realities, and then
she's back in FF because you wanted to give Julie Power a girlfriend? THIS IS SO
FREAKING WEIRD. Why does a character this minor have a bio this insane?

Rikki's Powers:
-Rikki is a minor PL 8 heroine with Throwing Discs, a gun, kevlar, and some Vibranium stuff
(including nifty boots that she hasn't used in a long time).

Nomad (Ian Rogers)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Oct 11, 2020 6:27 am

NOMAD V (Ian Rogers, aka Leopold Zola)
Created By: Rick Remender & John Romita, Jr.
First Appearance: Captain America #1 (Jan. 2013)
Role: Utter Mary-Sue, The Hero's Son
Group Affiliations: N/A

-Oh man, this guy was SUCH a Mary Sue. I mean, absolutely, embarrassingly so. Ian Rogers
was born Leopold, the infant son of Arnim Zola, in the alternate universe "Dimension Z",
which was ruled by Zola- Cap takes the boy and raises him as his own son in a massive
eleven-year war against Zola's forces, renaming him "Ian". In this MASSIVE, twelve-issue
arc of Captain America, Rick Remender (who LOVES "Villain's Sons Turned Good" arcs as
much as he loves "Alternate Timelines so I can f*ck around" stories, Captain America deals
with the repercussions of Zola's rule. My friend read it, and said the book was agonizingly
long-winded and way too decompressed, ending up being rather boring. At the end of the
story, Cap & Ian defeat Zola, but Ian is accidentally shot and apparently killed by Sharon

-My only sighting of Ian was after the story ended, in which the character reappears in the
mainstream Marvel Universe, running in and beating the shit out of a bunch of established
characters to justify the writer FAP-FAP-FAPPING over how awesome his cool new "toy" is.
Like, they straight up "Mantised" him into establishing himself by beating on other heroes-
something that most modern writers should be too knowledgeable to try.

-In any case, Ian now shows up, with his physical abilities just a BIT above Cap's, and
wearing a similar costume and using a Discus Shield, and helps out as the new "Nomad".
During AXIS, he helps Cap & Spider-Man rescue Loki in Las Vegas, and subsequently
becomes the defender of Dimension Z.

-Nomad V is probably a PL 10-11 version of Cap- higher physical abilities but not as much
skill or experience.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:52 pm

Created By: Greg Pak & Carlo Pagulayan
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #92 (April 2006)
Role: The One Good Member of an Evil Race (aka The Drizz't of The Brood), Crazy Mother
Group Affiliations: The Brood, The Warbound
PL 11 (187)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+13)
Expertise (Animal Handling) 4 (+4)
Expertise (Predator) 6 (+7)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Perception 5 (+6)
Stealth 5 (+9)

All-Out Attack, Precise Attack (Close/Concealment), Diehard, Fast Grab, Great Endurance,
Improved Critical (Stinger), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trip, Power
Attack, Startle, Takedown, Tracking

"Sleazoid Physiology"
"Stinger" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Reach 2) Linked to Weaken Strength 6 (Extras:
Progressive +2) [21]
"Six Legs" Extra Limbs 2 [2]

"Bug Wings" Flight 5 (60 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [5]

"Chitinous Exoskeleton" Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 5) [6]
Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision, Acute & Extended Scent) [3]

"Implant Brood Eggs" Affliction 10 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Transformed to Brood

Hatchling) (Extras: Disease +2, Continuous +3) (Flaws: Grab-Based, Limited to Helpless
Victims, Unreliable- Only a Few Eggs) (Inaccurate -1) [29]

Unarmed +13 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Stinger +11 (+11 Damage & +6 Weaken, DC 26 & 16)
Implant Eggs +9 (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +12

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +10 (+3 Impervious), Fortitude +9, Will

Relationship (Miek)- Ewwwwwwwww......
Responsibility (Younglings- Imperial & Native)- No-Name is a surprisingly-caring mother,
and is easily the most protective of The Warbound. Knowing that Miek was responsible for
the death of younglings drove her into a homicidal rage.
Responsibility (The Hulk, Warbound)

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 14 / Powers: 66 / Defenses: 16 (187)

-Having a GOOD Brood creature for once was actually a really original idea in Planet Hulk.
Initially showing up as just "Two of Six" Brood creatures that attacked Hulk's Warbound
during Gladatorial training, she survived to become one of the last seven contenders, and
allied with the group out of necessity. Eventually, with the psychic link between her and all
other Brood broken, she gained sympathy for others, the ability to mourn, even regret; things
that were impossible to imagine in a Brood beforehand. Hell, when Sakaar blew up, No-
Name had tears in her eyes as she failed to protect all the children she was PLAYING WITH.
That's pretty astounding. I mean, this isn't like Skrulls, who have 900 super-heroic examples
at this point. These are Brood Sleazoids, among the most vile races in the universe.

-And then there was the near sex-scene she had with Miek. *shudder* No-Name briefly took
him as a lover (AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE), but viciously turned on him
when it turned out that he was responsible for the destructions of Sakaar. She was rendered
infertile by Earth's "Insect Hive Mind" (apparently all insects use it), and her freak-babies
with Miek were all killed by her after they proved to be insane, rampaging monsters, but she
hasn't done anything in a long time.

-No-Name is especially powerful for a Brood Warrior who hasn't attained Queenship. She
hasn't transformed others into Brood (at least, she never did it, even when it would've made
total sense to gain powerful allies) and she's lost any of the Psychic Link benefits, but she's a
PL 11 warrior now, pairing up tremendous physical strength and accuracy, when most Brood
creatures are PL 6-8 Minions the X-Men just wade through with ease. No-Name has the
ability to Implant Brood Eggs, which is a fun little thing to stat out. Basically, she can
transform living beings to Broodlings, which goes into effect after a matter of days (Disease
Extra), it's Permanent in Duration, but she has to really grapple someone to do it, and
obviously has a limited number of eggs. It's an expensive damn ability, but most of the
Warbound don't fit exact PL caps anyways.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:10 pm

NORTHSTAR (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
Created By: John Byrne
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #120 (April 1979)
Role: Token Gay Guy, Arrogant French Jerk, Speedster
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight, The X-Men, HYDRA, The Front de Liberation du Quebec
PL 10 (165)
Acrobatics 2 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+13)
Deception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Skier) 8 (+14)-- uses Agility
Expertise (Current Events) 4 (+5)
Expertise (Business) 2 (+3)
Insight 5 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 5 (+6)
Stealth 5 (+10)
Vehicles 4 (+4)

Evasion, Favoured Environment (Airborne), Move-By Action, Seize Initiative, Takedown,

"Mutant Powers: Super-Speed, Flight & Light Control"
Flight 12 (8,000 mph) [24]
Quickness 4 [4]
Enhanced Fighting 4 [8]
Enhanced Advantages 11: Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Evasion (Total 2), Follow-Up
Strike, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 4, Takedown (Total 2), Uncanny Dodge [11]
"Flight Force Shield" Protection 4 (Flaws: Limited- Only While Flying) [2]
Enhanced Dodge 7 [7]
Enhanced Parry 2 [2]

"Super-Speed Feats"
Immunity 2 (Friction, Pressure) [2]
"Punch Everyone in Range" Strength-Damage +4 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst 6, Selective 6)
(16) -- [18]

 AE: "Full Speed Slam" Damage 10 (Inaccurate -2) (8)

 AE: "Super-Speed Punches" Strength-Damage +3 (Extras: Multiattack 7) (10)

"Flashbang" Dazzle Visuals 10 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Limited to Contact
With Aurora -2, Touch Range) [10]

Unarmed +13 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Full-Speed Slam +9 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Everyone in Range +6 Area (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Super-Speed Punches +13 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +5 (+21 Super-Speed)

Dodge +7 (+14 Speed, DC 24), Parry +12 (+14 Speed, DC 24), Toughness +2 (+6 Flight
Shield), Fortitude +6, Will +7
Relationship (Aurora)- Northstar is very protective over his sister, often to the point of

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 85 / Defenses: 14 (165)

Northstar- Quicksilver Lite:

-Northstar gets some cred for being the first gay character in superheroics (that's reasonably
mainstream, anyways). John Byrne states that while desperately attempting to give the team
SOME characterization beyond flat 2-D archetypes that could last in a fight against the X-
Men, he'd read a then-recent report that suggested that homosexuality may be something
you're BORN with, rather than the "common knowledge" of it being entirely by choice.
Therefore, Byrne figured "well I might just make one of them gay!" In doing so, he was left
with only Jean-Paul, since the women would make it too sexy (and lesbianism was way too
associated with Claremont books already- and this was still the early '80s), the married people
would be wrong, and Sasquatch would be REALLY, REALLY wrong. It was fairly subtle for
the longest time (at times, people would crack jokes- Heather once went "And a WOMAN,
even!" when Jean-Paul was complaining about being fondled by somebody), until the
mid-'90s, when comics could get away with that kind of thing.

-Not that it made him that much better a character, but it was there. I mean, comics already
HAD a Hot-Headed Douchebag Speedster, so Jean-Paul was just a snottier, Quebecois
version of Quicksilver before that. So Jean-Paul was kind of in a standard "douchey" role, his
status as a single man explained by him being too focused on his skiing career. Bill Mantlo
attempted to give him AIDS, but that story was squelched (Jim Shooter was a lot of things,
but willing to court with controversy, he was not). It was not until 1992, when the book was
WAY on the lowest tier of sales, that Northstar finally came out of the closet, stating that
though he loathed to discuss personal things with others, he was in fact a homosexual. The
idea of a gay SUPERHERO, on an actual recurring book, was pretty new for the time- this
was YEARS before every teen team at Marvel had one mandatory homosexual. Now, Marvel
then immediately went without mentioning it for the subsequent two years the Alpha Flight
book lasted before its cancellation, but it was something.

Northstar- Once Marvel's Biggest Gay Hero:

-The less said about the HORRIBLE Northstar Limited Series, the better. It was a
meaningless "Fetch Quest" involving Arcade manipulating some of the most horrible one-off
Jobbers in comics history against Jean-Paul, featured Major Mapleleaf as a goofy Captain
Ethnic retired hero who was upset over his son dying of AIDS, and art that would make you
long for the days of Rob Liefeld working on books. And in four issues his sexuality did not
come up once- they went for the media attention of the "first gay superhero in his own book",
but backed away from the discussion of it (Granted, the '90s had a lot less Soapboxing and
"Hey! Everyone! Pay attention to us for being so inclusive!" than does today's cultural

-Northstar was still the most prominent gay superhero around... but of course Alpha Flight
had no book, and so he really didn't matter. This also led to the hilarious incident where
THREE CONTINUITIES killed off Northstar in the span of one calendar month in 2005- the
616, Age of Apocalypse and X-Men: The End all did so. However, his death in Wolverine was
one of those silly "Killed & Resurrected by The Hand" deaths that don't really "count".
-In any case, Northstar joined Chuck Austen's X-Men in 2002, becoming a teacher at the
Xavier School, though he was still not given a major role. He also went through a rapid-fire
relationship with a guy named Kyle, that ended in a big, publicized Gay Wedding, with
Marvel now shouting it from the rooftops. The two are treated a bit... blandly, as Kyle has
little personality beyond teasing his husband, and Northstar remains an unlovable ass, but
whatever. He was a central character in the most recent attempt at an Alpha Flight series,
with a running theme him being difficult to his teammates, refusing to go along with the
others, and getting angry with them for putting his mentally-ill sister on the front-lines (in
that, he was 100% justified)- he only kind of grudgingly helped the others in the end,
especially once Kyle was nearly Refrigerator'd by the bad guys. Unfortunately for Jean-Paul,
however, he's been supplanted as "The Top Gay Hero" by the recent coming-out of Iceman
(who, ironically, Jean-Paul once crushed on, before accepting that Iceman WASN'T gay- I'd
use this as evidence... but that was Chuck Austen's writing, so it doesn't count for anything),
which means he'll likely be permanently on the backburner, as Iceman has MUCH more
interesting powers, and a bigger link to credibility via the X-Men.

Northstar's Stats:
-Northstar is a PL 10 Speedster, packing a lot of power if he needs to (especially with the
Full-Speed Ram), but mostly does Quicksilver-like accurate punches. Great reflexes,
initiative, etc. as per usual for speedsters. That Dazzle is pretty effective, but has a very
crippling Flaw that alters it's effectiveness. He's basically a pricey PL 10, like most X-Men-
class characters would be. In the '80s, he was much weaker, and often quite easily hit for
someone who can move faster than Pietro Maximoff- I'd barely put him and his sister at PL
9- they're probably PL 8s back then.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:36 am

NOSFERATA (Purple Hayes)
Created By: Steve Gerber
First Appearance: Sensational She-Hulk #19 (Sept. 1990)
Role: Girl Batman
PL 6 (78)

Expertise (Criminology) 4 (+7)
Perception 2 (+3)
Stealth 1 (+5)
Technology 1 (+4)

Benefit 4 (Wealth- Lives in a Mansion), Equipment 4 (Nosferauto, Nosferatarang), Ranged
Attack 4

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Nosferatarangs +8 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +4

Motivation (Fighting Crime)- Purple witnessed the deaths of her parents when she was just a
young girl. She has devoted her life to fighting crime.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 8--4 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 8 (78)

-A cheeky parody of Batman, Purple Hayes (an obvious riff on the Hendrix classic Purple
Haze) watched her parents be slain as a young child, and grew up to become a criminologist.
When she was beaten up by thugs, she decided to wear a costume to strike fear in to the
hearts of criminals, driving her "Nosferauto" into people. She helped She-Hulk briefly against
some guy named Doctor Serious, and later the Adrenazon. Her only appearance since that
early time was a one-off in the Dan Slott era, as a backgrounder.

-A silly superhero who is just good enough to beat up thugs, Nosferata is only a PL 6 fighter.
Basically Batman-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-Lite-


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:51 am

NOSTROMO (Gabriel Hess)
Created By: Tom Peyer, Warren Ellis & Humberto Ramos
First Appearance: 2099 A.D. Genesis #1 (Jan. 1996)
Role: Metal Controller
Group Affiliations: X-Nation
PL 8 (94)

Athletics 1 (+3)
Deception 4 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+3)
Perception 2 (+3)
Stealth 1 (+4)

Ranged Attack 4

"Mutant Powers: Technological Interaction"
"Machines to Whatever" Variable 5 (Technological Powers) (Flaws: Source- Technology)
(30) -- [32]

 AE: Transform 5 (Metals to Anything Else) (20)

 AE: Healing 8 (Flaws: Limited to Self, Source- Metals) (4)

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +4

Responsibility (Possible Mutant Messiah)
Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 11 (94)

-Nostromo can interact with, and morph into, technology he's holding, letting it recalibrate
for any variety of effects (Transform/Variable). When Doom sacrifices himself to stop the
Phalanx from taking over Earth, Nostromo replaces him as the ruler of Latveria.

Nova (Richard Rider)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:50 pm

NOVA I (Richard Rider, aka Nova Prime)
Created By: Marv Wolfman & John Buscema
First Appearance: Nova #1 (Sept. 1976)
Role: The Last Hope of the Galaxy, Former Dunderheaded Hero, Cosmic Hero
Group Affiliations: The Avengers, The New Warriors, The Nova Corps., The United Front
Avengers Grade: D-Level (very brief run)
PL 13 (261)

Aerobatics 3 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Current Events) 3 (+3)
Insight 3 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+7)
Notice 3 (+4)
Persuasion 3 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Gravimetric Blasts) 3 (+10)
Technology 2 (+2)
Vehicles 4 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Benefit 5 (Full Access to Xandarian Worldmind), Fast Grab, Great
Endurance, Improved Critical (Gravimetric Blast), Improved Initiative, Interpose, Power
Attack, Taunt

"Nova Prime Access to Nova Force"
Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 15) [16]
Flight 10 (2,000 mph) [21]
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) [4]
Enhanced Stamina 9 [18]

"Force Wave" Damage 13 (Feats: Penetrating 6) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (46) -- [60]

 Dynamic AE: "Gravimetric Force" Blast 16 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 6) (39)

 Dynamic AE: "Force Line" Damage 13 (Feats: Penetrating 6) (Extras: Area- 60ft.
Line +2) (46)
 Dynamic AE: "Boost Stats to Class 400" Enhanced Strength 12 (24)
 Dynamic AE: "Groundstrike" Affliction 13 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area-
30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets)
Linked to Damage 13 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (16)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Control" Move Object 13 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws:
Limited to Up or Down) (2)
 Dynamic AE: "High Gravity" Environment 5 (Impede Movement x2) (11)
 Dynamic AE: Force Field 4 (Extras: Affects Others 13, Impervious 4) (Flaws:
Immobile -2) (18)

"Worldmind Powers"
"Datalink" Communication (Computers) 2 [10]
"Attention Richard Rider! It Is Imperative That You Pay Attention At This Time!" Senses 1
(Danger Sense) [1]
Immunity 10 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [5]

"Nova Uniform" (Flaws: Removable) [28]

Senses 7 (Extended Vision 2 & Infravision, Detect Energy- Acute, Ranged & Tracking) (7)
Immunity 9 (Life Support- Starvation) (9)
Communication 3 (Radio) (Flaws: Distracting) (12)
"Open Stargates" Teleport 20 (Extras: Extended Only +0) (Flaws: Distracting, Requires
Medium- Stargates, Limited to Other Stargates) (5)
Features 1: Quick Change (1)
-- (34 points)

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Unarmed Boosted +10 (+14 Damage, DC 29)
Gravimetric Blast +10 (+16 Ranged Damage, DC 31)
Force Waves +13 Area (+13 Damage, DC 28)
Groundstrike +13 Area (+13 Affliction, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3 (+13 Stamina Boost, +17 Force
Field), Fortitude +6 (+14 Nova Power), Will +8

Responsibility (Earth)
Responsibility (Last Nova Corps Member Alive)- Richard Rider is the sole survivor of the
Xandarian Nova Corps., and tries to continue the legacy with his new recruits, including his
Responsibility (The Xandarian Worldmind)- The Worldmind is argumentative and loud, and
can drive the wielder insane if he doesn't spread it around to the various other Nova Corps
Enemy (The Sphinx)
Relationship (Gamora)- The two hooked up during the war against The Phalanx, but kind of
split up when they were in different books.
Relationship (Namorita)- Richard flirted with her constantly during The New Warriors, and
apparently she finally stopped being disgusted by him and hooked up with him. He later
helped resurrect her in more modern times.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 172 / Defenses: 20 (261)

The Man Called Nova- "Peter Parker" Character:

-Nova was created by Marv Wolfman & Len Wein for a fanzine Super Adventures in 1966,
but they brought him into the Marvel Universe (renaming him "Nova" from his previous
names of "The Star" and later "Black Nova") proper in 1976, thus giving up the rights. In this
form, he was yet another Peter Parker Clone (in concept, not *shudder* Ben Reilly)- an
alliterative-named Everyday Teenager given super-powers and super-responsibility, with the
addition of portions of the Green Lantern mythos (the army of Space Cops, a fatally-
wounded one of which giving Richard his powers). He gained Spider-Man-tier powers,
fought various loser villains like Diamondhead & Powerhouse, as well as the super-powerful
Sphinx. Richard Rider is given the powers by the "last remaining" Nova Corps member (an
alien hailing from the planet Xandar), and fights as a super-hero while initially hiding it from
his family- later, he reveals his identity to them.
-The Man Called Nova lasted a mere 25 issues, and failed to set the world on fire, being
cancelled. Unfortunately, that era nearly killed Marvel due to lack of sales until Star Wars
saved them, so Nova basically vanished. Wolfman decided to do what writers ALWAYS do,
and trotted his pet character to another book- since he was writing The Fantastic Four at the
time, he wrapped up Nova's various subplots in an eight-issue arc of that series, featuring
most of his villains & allies used as Mooks, and Galactus putting a whupping on The Sphinx.
His duties completed, Rider relinquishes his powers and returns to Earth, a normal teenager.
Oh, and Xandar is blown up, because that happens if you're a C-tier character and your
homeworld has a name but also doesn't matter (see Princess Koriand'r).

Nova- New Warrior:

-Nova wouldn't reappear until almost TWENTY YEARS LATER, when the New Warriors
creators went searching for unused teenage heroes, and he stuck around off-and-on since
then. However, in this form, The Man Called Nova fans were angered to learn that the
creative team (Fabian Nicieza & Mark Bagley) had basically given Richard Rider an entirely-
new personality- that of Team Doofus. A more jockish, buffoonish Nova was now jumping to
conclusions, diving headfirst into combat, and flirting with anything that moves (especially
his teammate, Namorita)- the justification was that he'd missed part of High School due to his
super-heroic activities, and compensated by acting like a buffoon out of insecurity, but this
was still a far cry from the failed '70s hero. Seriously, I read a bunch of Fan Letters
haranguing Nicieza in particular for this character assassination- the kind of "change the
character to fit the story" thing that annoys a lot of readers.

-He DOES get a big focus story when The Sphinx returns, re-writing history so that he
defeats the Hebrew Sorceror Moses centuries ago, making the modern world an Egyptian-
themed one. Nova (an Avenger in that world, where he is a minority) fights back and is
instrumental in beating his old nemesis- it's one of the high water marks of the book, and
paints Nova in a really strong light. Nova even got released as a solo book between 1994 &
1995, lasting eighteen issues! Eventually, Nova and Namorita dated, him accepting her uber-
hot blue form as well (it's funny how they paint this as her being angsty when clearly she's
still MEGA-HOT), but they break up when he's a bit slow on the draw when she asks if his
feelings have changed when she's temporarily disfigured by ugly sores. They never really get
back together- both appear on the failed New Warriors reboot a couple years later, but both
incarnations of the team split up. Nova- The Human Rocket came out and failed within seven
issues in 1999, as well.

Annihilation/Nova Gets Pushed:

-Nova of all people ended up being a BIG, BIG CHARACTER all of a sudden, when a trio of
writers (Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning & Keith Giffen) all got together to write a mega-event in
space titled Annihilation. Richard Rider, sent back to Xandar (which was since rebuilt in a
minor bit of "oh, whatever") to learn about the encroaching "Annihilation Wave" of
Annihilus and his Negative Zone bugs... ends up being the sole survivor, as the ENTIRE
PLANET is destroyed by these monsters, slaughtering the entire Corps but Nova himself.
And then he ends up being possessed by their "Worldmind", which now has to live on just in
him- this boosts him to INSANE Power Levels (going from Spidey-level to Herald-level
overnight), at the risk of his own sanity, thus giving us paired "Power Geeking" and "Heroic
Actions", as Nova could possibly sacrifice his own life, but gets to look awesome doing it.

-Make no mistake, Annihilation was Nova's story. Sure, it re-debuted Drax, made Ronan the
Accuser important again, and featured a buttload of other under-utilized cosmic characters,
but Richard Rider was the hero of the Annihilation War, he killed Annihilus with his bare-
freakin'-hands (yanking his heart out through his mouth), and he got one of the biggest
power-boosts in comics history at the same time. Taking what was once a do-nothing,
dropped Peter Parker homage from a swack of failed series (the '70s run & and various failed
New Warriors books) and making a reasonably popular ongoing book by Abnett & Lanning
(DnA to their fans) was completely unexpected, but appreciated. What made it funnier was
that in the meantime, the "New Warriors" name was dragged through the mud and several of
its members killed off during Civil War, which was a much-hated Event Story at the time,
causing Nova to arrive on Earth and go "WTF?" at what everyone was doing, tell them to F
off, and fly back to space. Annihilation was very popular AND respected, creating a further
contrast between the Events.

Nova Continues On; Disappears:

-Since most of the Annihilation series was based around building up one or two names and
giving them a spin-off book when the Event ended, Nova was soon joined by the new
Guardians of the Galaxy, sharing a universe with them after they defeated the forces of
Ultron and the Phalanx (Nova spent much of it endangered by the Transmode Virus). In his
own book, he engages in a lot of shenanigans, such as watching the Worldmind rebuild the
Nova Corps against his will, recruiting both Ego the Living Planet and Rider's own
BROTHER to the group, and gets Nova to sneakily resurrect his ex-girlfriend Namorita via
time travel. He even briefly joined the "Secret Avengers" (a Secret Defenders-like book with
a rotating cast) for four issues.

-Unfortunately, as time dragged on, so too did the sales falter, and they ended in a pretty
shoddy story involving Thanos, a "Cancerverse" (a repetition of DnA's Games
Workshop/Warhammer stuff, just changing the name of The Chaos Warp), and an evil Mar-
Vell. Nova was "killed off" at the end, with his fate unknown, especially since Star Lord
made it back from the same situation. A new Nova series, featuring a recruit named Sam
Alexander as a new "Everyday Kid", since came out and was surprisingly popular (since he
was both replacing a beloved character AND was being written by Jeph Loeb), and it was
eventually revealed that Rider had survived- he escapes the "Fault" with Sam's help (the Fault
was possessing him and allowing "Cancerverse" people to invade our universe through his
body, now a portal between worlds), finally reuniting with his family (his father had died
while he was away, however).

Nova as a Whole:
-Richard "Don't Call Me Dick" Rider is an interesting character in that his initial form is a
thrown away 1970s character protected only by Marv Wolfman... and then he became a
Dunderhead Hero for the duration of the 1990s (though Erik Larsen liked and pushed him at
first)... and then out of nowherer was chosen as a brand-new, heavily-pushed mega-hero in
the new millennium, becoming a high water mark of Marvel in the 2000s. This was
hilariously bizarre given what'd came before, but was done about as well as could be
imagined. Abnett & Lanning really did a lot of hard work to put the character over, and he
was really successful for a number of years. It was only DnA's faltering writing, Event
Fatigue (War of Kings is largely when fans stopped caring about the "Cosmic Events", and
the "Cancerverse" story didn't help), and the fad wearing off that killed him, and
unfortunately lost us a big hero. He was really just DnA's baby, and without them, he was
done. The Nova Corps. themselves showed up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but were
treated as a regular police force with cool spaceships in Guardians of the Galaxy, which
showcased them through John C. Reilly's "Normal Guy" character who was so minor that he
was forgotten for every follow-up sequel set in the MCU- Rider himself has never appeared.

-Personally, I find the power-set horribly generic, but once he got Power-Geeked up he
wasn't so bad (it's interesting to shake up the "upper tiers" of Marvel's power-sets, throwing
him & Carol Danvers into the pack made things better, in my opinion).

Nova's Powers:
-Nova's tough to nail down as an exact level, as are a LOT of cosmic guys, because a lot of
them only fight each OTHER, and not Marvel's standard heroes and villains. Nova's strong
enough at full-tilt to basically fly THROUGH a massive star cruiser with the full Nova Force
(this build represents him as he is normally- now that the power is more drawn-out), he can
hit light speeds, and he can boost his strength to unknown levels (likely well beyond a Class
100's). I went with my standard "Powerful Guy" build plus a bit, a PL 13. He's tough enough
to hang with Thor, Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange and any other tough guy, but would need to get
lucky to take out Thanos or Darkseid. Seems about right to me. He`s notably weaker
defensively (PL 11.5), which also feels right- like a lot of Bricks, he takes a LOT of hits, but
generally keeps going.

-Regarding the Worldmind and it's benefits- I figure 5 ranks of Benefit is good enough. The
thing essentially knows a little bit about everything, but can't just tell him anything he needs
to know at once, like Cosmic Awareness would. It boosts a few other powers and feeds him
info. About his Strength being Alt-ed off of his Blast- I'm not normally a fan of that kind of
thing, but in this case, it's explicitly laid-out in-universe that his Gravimetrics can be splayed
out Dynamically into any one category of his power. So despite being a rather cheap way to
get a sweet load of powers at the same time, he has it.
NOVA I (Richard Rider)- circa The New Warriors
Created By: Marv Wolfman & John Buscema
First Appearance: Nova #1 (Sept. 1976)
Role: Dunderheaded Hero
Group Affiliations: The New Warriors, The Nova Corps.
PL 9 (119)

Aerobatics 3 (+6)
Intimidation 6 (+7)
Notice 2 (+3)
Ranged Combat (Gravimetric Blasts) 3 (+10)
Technology 2 (+2)
Vehicles 4 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Interpose, Power Attack, Taunt

"Nova Prime Access to Nova Force"
Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) [4]
Enhanced Strength 8 [16]
Enhanced Stamina 6 [12]

"Groundstrike" (AE of Strength-Damage) [1]

 AE: Affliction 9 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited
Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets) Linked to Damage 5 (Extras:
Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (9)

"Nova Uniform" (Flaws: Removable) [10]

Senses 3 (Extended & Infravision, Radio) (3)
Immunity 9 (Life Support- Starvation) (9)
-- (12 points)

Unarmed +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Groundstrike +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+9 Stamina Boost), Fortitude +4/+10,
Will +4

Reputation (Idiot)- Nova's grown into quite the fool by this point, having skipped the last few
Grades of High School, and his teammates know him as a generally dopey character.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 57 / Defenses: 10 (119)

-Nova in his New Warriors era was controversial for his fans, as Fabian Nicieza basically put
a completely different character out there, sharing the name, origins, etc. of the original hero.
Yeah, a complete Character Derailment. This dunderheaded savage was MUCH weaker than
the full-on Nova Force packing later version, lacking even Energy Blasts, making him a
generic low-level Flying Brick. He's tough, but only PL 9 on offense and PL 8.5 on defense,
as I've seen him go down to TONS of attacks in all the New Warriors books I have.

Nova (Frankie Raye)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:54 pm

Why is the "split head with fire coming out of it" look so popular with comic book artists?
Like it's only shown up 3-4 times, but it's so weird that it's more than once.

NOVA II (Frankie Raye)

Created By: Roy Thomas & George Perez
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #164 (Nov. 1975)
Role: Regular Chick
Group Affiliations: The Heralds of Galactus
PL 14 (305)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+7)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 6 (+8)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 4 (+6)
Expertise (United Nations) 4 (+6)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Technology 2 (+4)
Vehicles 3 (+5)

Diehard, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative, Move-By Action, Languages 2 (Various),
Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8

"Imbued With The Power Cosmic"
Protection 3 (Extras: Impervious 17) [20]
Immunity 12 (Aging, Sleep, Life Support) [12]
"Immune to the Ravages of Space" Immunity 2 (Proximity to Stars & Suns) [2]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
"Cosmic Sight" Senses 11 (Extended Vision 8- 1 billion miles, Microvision, Analytical
Vision) [11]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
Senses 1 (Communication Link- Heralds & Galactus) [1]

"Cosmic Awareness"
Features 1: Directed Inspiration- May ask the GM a Question With an HP [1]
Senses 1 (Cosmic Awareness- Ranged 3) [4]

"Being of Fire" Immunity 10 (Fire Effects) [10]

Features 1: May Spend 2 Hero Points and get to Double Area Effects (ie. 250ft. Bursts) [1]

"Wields Cosmic Forces"

Cosmic Blast 17 (Feats: Penetrating 12, Split, Extended Range 5- x3,200 ft., Variable 2) (54)
-- [63]

 AE: "Cosmic Wave" Damage 14 (Feats: Penetrating 8, Variable 2) (Extras: Area-

120ft. Cone +2) (52)
 AE: "Cosmic Fire" Damage 14 (Feats: Penetrating 8, Variable 2) (Extras: Area- 60ft.
Burst +2) (52)
 AE: "Cosmic Stream" Damage 14 (Feats: Penetrating 8, Variable 2) (Extras: Area-
60ft. Line +2) (52)
 AE: "Boost Strength" Enhanced Strength 2 & Power-Lifting 2 (12,000 tons) (6)
 AE: "Sense Energy" Senses 22 (Detect Energy- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles,
Acute & Analytical, Tracking) (22)
 AE: "Sense Life" Senses 22 (Detect Life- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles, Tracking)
 AE: Dazzle Visuals 14 (Extras: Area- Visual Perception) (Flaws: Touch Range) (28)
 AE: Flame Aura 12 (48)
 AE: "Fire Control" Move Object 15 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited to
Fire) (Use Volume Instead of Weight) (30)

Flight 15 (64,000 mph) [30]

Movement 3 (Space Travel 2, Dimensional Travel) [6]

Unarmed +7 (+14 Damage, DC 29)
Boosted Strength +7 (+17 Damage, DC 32)
Flame Aura +7 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Cosmic Blast +11 (+19 Ranged Damage, DC 34)
Cosmic Area Attacks +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +4

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +17 (+9 Impervious), Fortitude +14, Will

Relationship (Plenty of Dudes)- Nova went after Johnny Storm, The Silver Surfer, and
Phobia (Fire)- Early on, Frankie Raye had a fear of fire, which was a result of a childhood
exposure to the same chemicals used in the creation of the Golden Age Human Torch.

Total: Abilities: 94 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 171 / Defenses: 14 (305)

Frankie Raye- The Dead Herald:

-Nova II was generally the least-notable of the early Heralds to me (note: this was when
Morg was the latest one), but she had quite the history in the Fantastic Four series, being
introduced as yet another Johnny Storm Girlfriend. She had a fear of fire, was the neice of
Phineas Horton (the creator of the Golden Age Human Torch), and she eventually showcased
similar powers to Johnny himself. However, she was a bit of an odd duck, never caring
whether or not she might kill her opponents (and this was WAY into the "Nobody dies
EVER" era of Marvel, where Reed goes out of his way to save the life of GALACTUS), and
constantly pushing herself. Eventually, full of wanderlust and power, she asked to become the
new Herald of Galactus, gaining uber-powers- she was one of the longest-running Heralds in
the books (helpfully, John Byrne, who made the change, was in charge of the FF book for
ages), as she got to stick around quite a few background stories and Cosmic Stuff, including
the 1990s Silver Surfer book.

-Frankie is notable to me only because of an online friend of mine named Azrael (now going
by Lightbend on a few forums, usually RPG & Fanfic ones), who was a part of the
Something Unique writing community with me and several others. He introduced a youngster
named Kreuzritter to the group, and in conversing with the newbie, he introduced me to a
little game called Mutants & Masterminds. And so here we are . Anyways, Nova's death
was the event that Azrarel said got him out of comics- apparently he liked her THAT much,
doing the whole "Normal Person With Cosmic Power" thing- a concept he used again and
again in his own super-hero stories (he was the Power-Geek, I was the annoyingly-Street
Level guy ). The idea that Marvel would so thoughtlessly allow a neat side-character to be
wiped out for such little reason was abhorrent to him. And that's the only really interesting
thing I know about Nova. Well that and she swiped Richard Rider's name.

Frankie Becomes Nova:

-So like I said, Frankie Raye was Johnny Storm's new girlfriend, coming about in 1975.
Eventually, she discovered that she gained fire powers from being doused by her stepfather's
chemicals (the same ones used in the creation of the original Human Torch)- Horton had
hypnotized her into forgetting about this incident, and it would manifest itself in the fear of
fire that had driven some of the drama between her and the Torch. So yeah, Byrne made her
super-powered, then had her become a Herald of Galactus. This is, of course, the same John
Byrne who complained about Claremont and every OTHER writer ensuring that every
character had a weird backstory, making it so that nobody was ever "normal". She used these
powers a few times, and expressed a willingness to kill her opponents in the name of almost
sociopathic practicality, which came in handy when Galactus came calling and she was like
"Hey, gimme more power and I'll be your Herald!".

-Yes, Frankie ends up mimicking Norrin Radd's offer to Galactus- the Devourer appears on
Earth in a nearly-dead state, forced to absorb the planet or die. When his life is briefly saved
by Reed Richards, Frankie offers to become his new Herald if he spares the Earth (The Big G
can't afford to go off searching for a viable planet in Earth's stead, but Frankie offered to go
ahead and check)- thus, the planet is spared. As the new Nova, Frankie becomes extremely-
powerful, and happily sends Galactus to the Skrull Homeworld, where he consumes it.
During this time, Richard "Nova" Rider was retired, and when he returned in The New
Warriors, he temporarily went by "Kid Nova" to differentiate him from the newer character,
who appeared in various other books, including Byrne's The Last Galactus Story.

Nova Dies:
-After Byrne's run on FF, Frankie became a supporting character in The Silver Surfer,
running around on many of Norrin's adventures. Together, they fought Captain Reptyl, The
Elders of the Universe, Ronan the Accuser and others, and she was released from the service
of Galactus for sparing too many inhabited worlds, her conscience finally getting to her.
Soon, they fell in love, or at least "like"- she also pursued Firelord, apparently. Alas, she was
slain by Morg, the newest Herald, in a story that involved him attacking ALL of his
predecessors- this particularly-harsh use of "killing the female supporting character" ended up
becoming a big of an epitaph of the Surfer book, as it didn't last all that much longer.

-It would be YEARS before we'd see Frankie again, in a mini-series called Heralds. I don't
even know HOW she became resurrected- some complicated weirdness where the Silver
Surfer places part of Frankie's essence in a girl named Frances, and the Nova spirit later finds
her- it's made deliberately unclear if she's a clone of Frankie or not. And despite all of that,
they never really used her again- she was a Backgrounder in The Fearless Defenders, as part
of a group of lady super-heroes, but hey- there she was. But I dunno why they went to all the
trouble of resurrecting her in a mini-series if they had ZERO plans for her, because she
doesn't do anything after that whatsoever. She was last seen among the former Heralds who
arrived in Asgard when Galactus crash-landed there during a fight with the Black Winter.

Nova's Powers:
-Frankie is a "middle ground" Herald, being extremely powerful (Phoenix once punched her
from the Earth to the Moon and she was relatively uninjured- let's called it the "Stunned"
condition), moreso than Air-Walker and Red Shift, but less so than Silver Surfer, Firelord or
Terrax. Seems fair- she was tough, but was the only one to die to Morg other than Captain
Wussy Herald.

Nova (Sam Alexander)

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:17 am

NOVA III (Sam Alexander)
Created By: Jeph Loeb & Ed McGuinness
First Appearance: Marvel Point One #1 (Nov. 2011)
Role: Rookie Hero
PL 9 (146)

Aerobatics 3 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+7)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 4 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Gravimetric Blasts) 2 (+7)

Fast Grab, Ranged Attack 3

"Access to Nova Force Via Helmet" (Flaws: Removable) [82]
Flight 8 (500 mph) (16)
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) (4)
Enhanced Strength 8 (16)
Enhanced Stamina 6 (12)

"Gravimetric Force" Blast 10 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 6) (27) -- (38)

 Dynamic AE: "Force Wave" Damage 9 (Feats: Penetrating 4,

 Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (23)
 Dynamic AE: "Force Line" Damage 9 (Feats: Penetrating 4, Dynamic) (Extras: Area-
30ft. Line) (23)
 Dynamic AE: Affliction 9 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets) Linked to
Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (9)
 Dynamic AE: "Gravity Control" Move Object 9 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws:
Limited to Up or Down) (18)
 Dynamic AE: Force Field 2 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Affects Others 9, Impervious
4) (Flaws: Immobile -2) (14)
 AE: "Empower Objects With the Nova Force" Snare 10 (Flaws: Touch Range,
Source- Objects) (10)

Senses 3 (Extended & Infravision, Radio) (3)

Immunity 9 (Life Support- Starvation) (9)
Comprehend 2 (Languages) (4)
-- (102 points)

Unarmed +8 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Groundstrike +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Force Area Attacks +9 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Gravimetric Blast +7 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+8 Stamina Boost), Fortitude +3/+9,
Will +5

Responsibility (Kid)- Sam is fairly young.
Relationship (Family)- Sam's father is an alcoholic who talked about his time as a Nova
Corps member. He would eventually discover that his father was still alive.
Responsibility (Arrogant)- Having great power at such a young age corrupted Sam a bit,
causing him to have a lot of youthful arrogance. He at first believed he didn't need any
teammates, and dismissed the New Warriors as "Nobodies" before being put in his place.

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 82 / Defenses: 13 (146)

-Let's see: a sixteen-year-old bullied boy gains grand new powers, and is immediately
accepted and recruited by established super-heroes, getting a major push? Yup- Sam
Alexander is our brand-new Fan Representative Character for legions of Typical American

-I'm actually surprised he isn't that hated, as far as I can tell. There's probably people bitching
because he's the replacement for the lamented Richard Rider, but it's nothing compared to the
vitriol the similar Kyle Rayner got decades ago. Surprising, given that Rider was casually
wasted after the Abnett/Lanning Cosmic Books came to an end, and Sam is the creation of
the much-hated Jeph Loeb (who even named Sam after his late son- the same one that
inspired the Red Hulk). Sam's gotten a pretty good-sized push, getting on the new Spider-
Man cartoon, and joining one of the many new Avengers teams. He's the son of a drunk who
was actually a member of the Nova Corps. back in the day, and inherits his father's helmet,
gaining powers and meeting up with various super-heroes.

-Sam debuted as part of the much-maligned A (vs) X event, pointing out that he was still new.
It was explained that his late father had been a Nova Corps. member years ago, and
constantly annoyed his family by talking about it- Sam assumed his father was just some
drunk telling stories, but eventually got a Nova Centurion uniform of his very own and had to
go off on adventures. After some early successes, he grows arrogant and blows off the
revived New Warriors, but his mother and The Watcher put him in his place- he joins the
team, but again shows too much self-assurance, and nearly gets everyone killed by the High

-That New Warriors book was quickly cancelled, and Sam went on to discover that his father,
Jesse, was still alive and a slave-gladiator on Chitauri Prime. He also nearly dies fighting an
"inverted" Hulk, Kluh (god that story got dumb) in the AXIS event story, but learned to
channel the Nova Force into objects, making them stronger, letting him bind the "Hulk's
Hulk" and throw him into space, thus saving numerous people. In another issue, he had to
battle Carnage, who wanted to kill anyone who'd seen his good deeds during AXIS (as a serial
killer, he was naturally ashamed to have been a good guy, no matter the reason)- he at first
convinces Carnage that he (Sam) isn't Nova (by getting his mother to fly around in the
costume), then defeats the villain by throwing him into a heavy metal concert.
-Finally, Sam encounters his father, rescuing him and a group of fellow rebels from the
Chitauri. Unfortunately, after Secret Wars, Sam would find out that his father was an alien
imposter. He was on Mark Waid's Avengers run (okay... I own every issue of that, and have
no memory of Sam being on that team. I remember everything ELSE, but not him!), but near
as I can tell, he's largely fallen into dis-use since Loeb stopped writing his comic (which
ended at Nova #31), and he's now just one of those background guys without a home.

-Sam is a rookie hero, and basically a lesser version of what Richard Rider was back in the
New Warriors series, but with the more-varied Nova Gravimetric Energy Powers (in the NW
book, Nova was simply a big dumb Flying Brick). He even learns that he can use his powers
on regular objects, turning them into an effective Snare for a creature as powerful as Kluh.

The Nova Corps.

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:45 am

Role: Heroic Mooks
PL 9 (167)

Aerobatics 1 (+4)
Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+5)
Intimidation 3 (+4)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 3 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Gravimetric Blasts) 3 (+8)
Technology 2 (+3)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3

"Access to Nova Force"
Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) [4]
Enhanced Strength 6 [12]
Enhanced Stamina 5 [10]

"Gravimetric Force" Blast 9 (Feats: Penetrating 4) (22) -- [28]

 AE: "Force Wave" Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (18)

 AE: "Force Line" Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line) (18)
 AE: "Groundstrike" Affliction 9 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
(Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets) Linked to
Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (9)
 AE: "Gravity Control" Move Object 10 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited to
Up or Down) (20)
 AE: "High Gravity" Environment 4 (Impede Movement 2) (8)
 AE: Force Field 2 (Extras: Affects Others 8, Impervious 7) (Flaws: Immobile -2) (8)

"Worldmind Powers"
"Datalink" Communication (Computers) 2 [8]
"Attention Nova Corpsman! It Is Imperative That You Pay Attention At This Time!" Senses
1 (Danger Sense) [1]
Enhanced Will Check 2 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Attacks) [1]

"Nova Uniform" (Flaws: Removable) [24]

Senses 7 (Extended Vision 2 & Infravision, Detect Energy- Acute, Ranged & Tracking) (7)
Immunity 9 (Life Support- Starvation) (9)
Communication 3 (Radio) (Flaws: Distracting) (12)
"Open Stargates" Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) (Flaws: Requires Medium- Stargates,
Limited to Other Stargates) (1)
Features 1: Quick Change (1)
-- (30 points)
Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Nova Punch +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Groundstrike +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Blast +8 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Force Beams +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+8 Stamina Boost, +10 Force Field),
Fortitude +4/+9, Will +4

Responsibility (Space Police)

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 102 / Defenses: 9 (167)

-These are the elite members of the Nova Corps., generally found dying in droves in the
background of Space Battles. Hell, when Richard Rider made his debut, they were a largely
defunct organization, having been killed years before. And then when it was slowly being
rebuilt over the course of the Nova series, it was again slowly wrecked by the alien warlord
Kraa. They were all killed with Xandar was destroyed by the Annihilation Wave, but a new
batch came into being in the middle part of the Nova solo series, where Richard Rider finally
split off some of his tremendous power to allow others (including his brother) to become
powerful Space Cops (essentially Green Lanterns). When Sam Alexander became Earth's
new Nova, he discovered more recruits, plus the "Supernovas"- a black ops offshoot who
turned out to be made up of thieves & criminals.

-PL 9 suits some of the better ones, though some are PL 7s & 8s, and many (like Richard's
brother) probably had little Fighting Ability at all to begin with. Their power tends to be
pretty high though, as even Rich's brother was able to hold down a Gladiator-class
powerhouse for an hour or so with Extra Effort.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:19 am

NOVA-PRIME (Tanak Valt)
Created By: Marv Wolfman & Keith Pollard
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #204 (March 1979)
Role: Forgotten Character, Powerhouse
Group Affiliations: The Champions of Xandar, The Nova Corps.

-Tanak Valt is one of the oldest Nova Corps. members, having helped found it. He was the
high commander, having married Queen Adora years earlier. Both died when Nebula wiped
out Xandar's population.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:26 pm

Created By: Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #155 (March 1982)
Race: Unknown (monstrous red-furred race)
Role: Monstrous Hero
Legionnaire Basis: None
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 9 (103)

Expertise (Animal Handling) 6 (+6)
Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 8 (+8)
Perception 6 (+6)
Expertise (Survival) 6 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Improved
Hold, Interpose, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Startle

Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation (Underwater) [2]
Growth 2 (Str & Sta +2, +2 Mass, +1 Intimidation, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth) -- (8 feet)
(Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [5]

Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Scent) [2]

Immunity 3 (Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [3]
Swimming 6 (30 mph) [6]

"Shi'ar Anti-Gravity Device"
Flight 5 (10)
Space Travel 1 (1)
Immunity 7 (Suffocation 2, Cold, Hot, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure) (7)

Unarmed +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +9, Fortitude +10, Will +4

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 12 (103)

-This complicatedly-named fellow was one of the cooler mid-range Imperial Guardsman,
being a giant red kitty with webbed ears, and not fitting the Legionnaire/Guardsman example
so dramatically. Of course, like all the other Guardsmen created after their debut, he vanished
until years later (writers apparently just plum forgot about him- even MARK
GRUENWALD, who remembers EVERYBODY!), reappearing in a cameo crowd scene. Not
much is known about N'rill'iree, and I basically just guessed on that whole "Underwater"
dealie because of his ears, but what the hell? He's a moderately good background
Powerhouse. He's apparently an homage to a Larry Niven "Known Space" race of beings
known as the Kzin.

The Nth Man

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:10 am

Created By: Larry Hama & Ron Wagner
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents #25 (Aug. 1989)
Role: Elite CIA Ninja
Group Affiliations: The CIA
PL 10 (153)

Acrobatics 8 (+14)
Athletics 9 (+12)
Close Combat 2 (+13-17)
Expertise (CIA Assassin) 8 (+11)
Insight 3 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 6 (+9)
Stealth 5 (+11)
Technology 1 (+4)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Equipment 4 (Guns, Ninja Stuff), Diehard, Fearless, Improved
Critical 2 (Guns, Unarmed), Improved Defense, Ranged Attack 4, Takedown

"Warp Time"
Speed 5 (60 mph) [5]
Quickness 8 [8]
Enhanced Fighting 4 [8]
Enhanced Dodge 4 [4]

Unarmed +11 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Boosted Speed +17 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Sword +11-15 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Guns +10 (+5-6 Ranged Damage, DC 20-21)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (16 Boost, DC 22-26), Parry +12 (+16 Boost, DC 22-26), Toughness +4,
Fortitude +6, Will +7

Enemy (Alfie O'Meagan)- The two were childhood friends, but Alfie is responsible for the
modern hell that is the world.

Total: Abilities: 76 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 13 (153)

-Larry Hama, Eternal Ninja-Fetishist of the 1980s, had so much success with Snake-Eyes in
G.I. Joe, and was so instrumental to the Ninja Craze that hit comics around that time, that it
was perhaps inevitable that he would write another Ninja-Centric series- this one a Limited
Series set in a Post-World War III world. It was meant to last 25 issues, but was cancelled
after 16- Hama was able to resolve the storyline anyhow in another book. The artist, Ron
Wagner, has suggested that the commercial failure of Nth Man: The Ultimate Ninja was due
to it being set outside the standard Marvel Universe- I have a hard time disagreeing- the
"Shared Universe" thing is a major aspect of Marvel's books. G.I. Joe wasn't part of the MU
either, but at least THAT was a LICENSE (a dramatically-popular one, too).

-The world of Nth Man was thrown into disarray by Alfie O'Meagan (I didn't get the gag with
his name until it was pointed out), a super-powerful guy who neutralized all of Earth's
nuclear weapons with his mind, thus upsetting the balance of power and setting off World
War III. John "Nth Man" Doe, Alfie's childhood friend, was trained by an old Japanese man
to become a "Mighty Whitey"-style super-ninja (kind of funny how the ethnically-Japanese
Hama went to that well TWICE), taught to kill "without regret". Alfie is his old friend, and
soon grows reality-warping powers and more. The book crosses war zones, plague-ridden
Post-Apocalyptic landscapes, a look inside a video game and more (I'm just reading the
Wikis here- I've never read the series, nor even HEARD of it), and Alfie's attempt to de-
power the Soviets' biological weapons backfires. This just creates a mutagenic virus that
turns people into "Moots" (basically Zombies).

-The ending involves time travel (thanks to John's Time Powers) and doesn't make a lot of
sense in the bios- Alfie himself travels to space and finds some being called M'Gubgub, and
John sends them both back in time to continue the time-loop, as they de-age into their infant
forms at the orphanage... so yeah, drugs. This, if you'll recall, is the writer who hated
Serpentor and kept Cobra-La out of G.I. Joe for being too silly.

-John starts off as a standard-issue White Guy Ninja with elite Skills & fighting capability,
but eventually develops limited Time Control powers that essentially let him speed up and
upgrade to PL 10 stats. At one point, he somehow makes people age backwards, and later he
accidentally travels through time. Alfie, for his part, basically had Every Power Ever,
including Growth, Remote Sensing (he viewed things on a TV screen of his own making),
Space Travel, Flight, Telekinesis, Molecular Control (ie. transformation), etc. He destroyed
Earth's nuclear arsenal WITH HIS MIND, but when he attempted to alter biological weapons,
he created super-zombies.

The Nth Man

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:44 pm

THE NTH MAN (Dr. Thomas Lightner, aka Blacksun, Mysterium)
Created By: Bill Mantlo & Ron Wilson
First Appearance: Marvel Two-In-One #21 (Nov. 1976)
Role: Mad Scientist-Turned-Cosmic Being
Group Affiliations: None
PL 12 (190)

Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Science) 7 (+12)
Perception 3 (+4)
Technology 7 (+12)

Power Attack
"Black Hole Powers"
"Absorb Heat & Light"
Environment 8 (2 miles) (Cold 2) Linked to Concealment (Visuals) 2 (Extras: Attack, Area- 2
miles +10) [42]

"Gravity Well"
Move Object 12 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Limited to Towards Him) [36]
Enhanced Strength 8 [16]
Protection 7 [7]

"Bend Matter & Energy Around Him" Enhanced Defenses 6 [12]

Unarmed +6 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Enhanced +6 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Gravity Well +12 Area (+12 Move, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (+12 Bend Matter, DC 16-22), Parry +6 (+12 Bend Matter, DC 16-22), Toughness
+4 (+12 Gravity Powers), Fortitude +6, Will +4

Motivation (Power)- Lightner wishes to regain his old powers.
Power Loss (All Powers)- Lightner's powers are known to fail against the Aquarian's Null

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 113 / Defenses: 4 (190)

-huh- so the Nth Man actually came from the mainstream Marvel-verse. I forgot all about
that. So this guy rebuilt his father's device, but the energies from it merged with his body,
giving him the powers of a black hole. As Blacksun, he fought The Thing, Human Torch &
Doc Savage (???), but collapsed after absorbing too much energy from the stars around him.
He reverted to human form, but when the Thing tried to bring him to Dr. Donald Blake (aka
Thor), a black hole threw both of them to the Heliopolitan realm of Seth, where Blake had to
save Lightner's life.

-Lightner was later hired by Roxxon to sabotage Project: Pegasus, but he tried to use a device
to reactivate his powers- this transformed him into the Nth Man- a "living interdimensional
vortex". Wundarr the Aquarian interceded, depowering him. However, he was transported to
Earth-712, home of the Squadron Supreme. There, he switched places with Arcanna's son
Benjamin (the Wizard Supreme), and charged the Squadron with fixing the damage they did
to their world by allowing the Global Directorate to use the Squadron's "benefits" to mankind
(especially the Behavior Modification Device) to take it over. As a mysterious, trenchcoated
figure, the previously evil villain (now good... I guess?) was now a pastiche of The Phantom
Stranger, occasional ally of the Justice League of America.

-As Blacksun, Lightner had a vast "Gravity Well" that could create an
Environment/Concealment attack that absorbs all heat & light in the area, in addition to Class
100-ish stats. As the Nth Man, he becomes a "Sentient Singularity", a Universal Threat that
can wipe out infinite dimensions by absorbing them into himself- such a thing is basically a
Damage 30 effect of near-limitless scope, putting him on a level with Galactus, Eternity and
others! Using these powers, he was unstoppable to the Squadron Supreme, and even
attempting to hold him back caused Inertia to revert to a hideous red mist! As Mysterium...
he's now a Magician, because when he swapped places with Arcanna's baby boy, he gained
the child's potential as Wizard Supreme.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:25 am

What the hell kind of a '90s Woman Stance is THAT??- Arch up that spine this instant, young

NUAGE (Silvie Rouge)

Created By: Xavier Marturet & Paco Diaz
First Appearance: Europa #0 (April 1996)
Role: Military Style Hero, Telepath/Telekinetic
Group Affiliations: Eurolab, Euroforce
PL 7 (129)

Acrobatics 4 (+6)
Deception 2 (+4)
Technology 4 (+6)
Persuasion 5 (+7)
Investigation 6 (+9)
Expertise (Xenobiology) 7 (+9)
Expertise (Archaeologist) 7 (+9)
Perception 5 (+8)
Insight 4 (+6)
Stealth 4 (+6)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Equipment 3, Improved Aim, Ranged Attack 2, Teamwork

Blast 7 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception-Ranged, Will Save) (29) -- [34]

 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 7 (Flaws: Limited to Emotions) (Feats: Dynamic) (22)
 Dynamic AE: "Telepathy" Mind-Reading 8 Linked to Communication (Mental) 2
(Feats: Dynamic) (25)
 AE: "Psychometry" Super-Senses 4 (Postcognition)

"Telekinesis" Move Object 3 [6]

Flight 2 (8 mph) [4]

SHIELD Uniform (Protection 3, Protection 2- Fire Damage Only, Immunity to Heat & Cold-
Half Effect) (5)
Tactical Backback (5)
Communicators, Tracking Devices (5)

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Mental Blast -- (+7 Perception-Ranged Will Damage, DC 22)
Emotion Control -- (+7 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 17)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +1, Fortitude +3, Will +4

Responsibility (Euroforce)

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 44 / Defenses: 9 (129)

-Nuage is the "caring one" of Eurolab, an odd characteristic for such a '90s team. She's an
Archaeologist, looking for answers and all that. Standard Psionics package, minus the
common Force Field, and with lower TK & Flight than normal. She's the first member of the
team so far to surpass her PL caps. Probably the most interesting character of the whole thing
thanks to her having an ACTUAL JOB and having Skills surrounding it.

Major NuHumans

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:37 pm


Role: Quickly-Ignored Newbie Teen Characters
Group Affiliations: The NuHumans, New Attilan
PL 6 (72)

Athletics 5 (+7)
Deception 3 (+4)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 2 (+3)
Investigation 3 (+4)
Perception 4 (+5)
Persuasion 4 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+5)


"Inhuman Powers: Various"

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +5

Prejudice (Inhuman)
Enemy (Lash & Co., Others)- The NuHumans, though young, have an assortment of enemies.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 10 (72)

The Roster:

AURAN- PL 7 (106): INT +1, AWA +3, PRE +2, Investigation +4, Perception +8, Expertise
(Cop) +6, Ranged Attack 4, Equipment 2 (Gun +5), Extended Hearing 10 (Tracking,
Analytical) (Flaws: Limited to a Single Spoken Word) [34]
-Huge-eared girl with radar hearing and the ability to hear a word spoken anywhere in the
world and home in on it. Joins Nur on the Inhuman Task Force- a security/policing squad.
They were tasked to find Black Bolt & Maximus, but Maximus mind-controlled Bolt into
killing her. Her twin daughters grieved intensely, but cleverly had Reader, whose power was
to make things he read "come to life", read a book they had compiled on her life, from
everyone who ever knew her. Unfortunately, she was reborn with no memories of her own-
just the memories others had of her.
FLINT (Jason)- PL 7 (100): Rock Blast 6 (Multiattack, Accurate 2), "Armor" (Protection 3,
Strength +5) [29]
-Rock powers that can either be tossed out as blasts or enhanced his physicality with armor,
making him stronger. Was enslaved by Lash, but asked to join the other NuHumans.
GRID (Dinesh Deol)- PL 7 (105): INT +4, Expertise (Science) +5, Technology +5, Ranged
Attack 3, Nullify Energy 8 (Broad), AE: Blast 8 (Source: Nullified Energy) [33]
-Indian engineer who lost his hands at Terrigenesis. With his magnetic powers, he had them
replaced with metallic limbs. Can siphon and redirect energy, and used this to supply
Mumbai with free energy.
INFERNO (Dante Pertuz)- PL 7 (117): Fire Blast 8 (Accurate), "Fire Plasma"
Regeneration 1 (Regrows Limbs), "Flame Form" (Insubstantial 3, Flight 5), AE: "Rock
Form" (Strength +5, Protection 4) [42]
-Latino teen who, named Dante, naturally gains fire powers. A classic "blessed with suck"
situation, he burns down the family home, leaving only his pregnant sister alive. He's a
standard Blaster, but can also regrow limbs from the "fire plasma" his body generates. He
also has a flame/rock form.
People are gonna look back at 2010s comics and wonder why that haircut shows up 90,000
times on side-characters, lol.

ISO (Xiaoyi Chen)- PL 10 (106): INT +1, AWA +2, PRE +1, "Control Pressure" "Crush
Things" Blast 8 (Penetrating), AE: "Hold Others Down" Move Object 10 (Burst Area,
Limited to Dropping), "Blood Pressure Spike" Damage 8 (Penetrating, Perception-Ranged
+2, Tiring) [34]
-A Chinese girl who is targetted by the Ennilux Corporation to be the new host body for their
leader, Capo. The Reader, who has been aiding her, helps her escape and the two form their
own "side story" in the Inhumans saga, rarely interacting with the others until after they
escape Capo. When Medusa abdicates the Inhuman throne, she places Iso in charge. Has the
power to "control pressure", manifesting as a way to hold others down, crush things, or even
fatally affect someone's blood pressure.
NAJA- PL 7 (103): ST +2, STA +1, FIGHTING +2, AGI +3, Acrobatics +6, "Prehensile
Tail" Extra Limb 1, "Prehensile Feet" Features 1, Flight 4 (Winged), Extended Vision 2,
Concealment (Vision) 2 [31]
-A snake-girl who was very central to the "Crystal" Inhumans book as a recurring teen
character with a non-human (INHUMAN, even) appearance. Befriended Inferno & Flint, and
used a lot of stealth on missions. Was possibly either killed or captured by the Kree during
Death on the Inhumans, one of the few characters whose fate was seen. Had prehensile feet
and a tail, wings, telescopic vision and the ability to go invisible when feeling positive
NUR (Frank McGee)- PL 8 (116): INT +1, AWA +3, PRE +1, Investigation +6, Perception
+2, Expertise (Cop) +6, Ranged Attack 4, "Flash Vision" Microscopic Vision 4, Eidetic
Memory, Blast 8, AE: Dazzle Visuals 8 (Visual Area, Touch Range), AE: "Calming Effect"
Affliction 8 (Dazed/Compelled/Controlled, Visual Area, Limited to Calm) [44]
-A central character in Inhumans, working with Auran to locate Black Bolt. An aged member
of the NYPD, he was an elite detective who was left by his wife after he mutated. When the
found him, Maximus controlled his brother to lash out at them- Auran gave her life saving
Nur's. He had various vision-based powers, including Photographic Memorization, a soothing
glow, visual dazzle and of course, Optic Blasts.

SWAIN (Jovana)- PL 6 (82): PRE +2, "Tail" Extra Limb, "Empathic Dialog" Persuasion
+10 [10]
-A major recurring character in Charles Soule's The All-New Inhumans, and kind of a product
of this era of "non-standard-looking women", being that she's a somewhat overweight woman
with brown skin and pink hair (remember what I said about "brown people with brightly-
colored hair" becoming unusually common among new charaters?) and a lizard's tail, but still
dresses in wild fashions in a "look at me!" kind of way. Almost immediately gets accepted
into a major role in Crystal's group of travelling NuHumans, acting as a "Majordomo" and
assistant to Crystal. She is an "Empathic Dialog" who can read a person's history and "nudge"
their thoughts along a certain direction, usually to calm them down (there are a LOT of
NuHumans with similar powers).


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:10 am

* One-offs and unimportant ones

Adam Roderick: Can influence surroundings with his words- appears in the Karnak Limited
Alice Kedzierski: Housewife who gains the power to transfer mass between objects.

Banyan: A famous Bollywood actor who became a criminal with his statue-like body in
Mumbai. Confronted by the Indian NuHuman.
Brian McAllister: Captured by HYDRA during Secret Empire and imprisoned.

Doris Bray: Elderly antique shop owner.
Doris: ANOTHER old lady named Doris- turns into a tentacle-faced monster.

Downer: Japanese guy with blue mohawk. Telepathy & Mesmerism.

Drive: Speedster.

Ember Quade: Makes video games come to life.

The Exile (Victor Kohl): Went on a murderous rampage because he was envious that his
adopted family got powers but he didn't- he later manifested some anyways but was exiled by
the Inhumans for his actions. The Mandarin's "Nightbringer" ring spoke to him and he
became an agent used against Iron Man. He was possibly crushed to death by Arno Stark in a
recent story. He could use the Ring to create darkness and teleport.

Fiona: Winged girl. Attempted to kill herself after cyberbullying, but was convinced not to
by Quentin Quire and other heroes.

Flagman: Ostentatious, flamboyant NuHuman covered in post-it note-looking things, who

could stretch his form out. Was made the host of Black Bolt's "Quiet Room" and looked
rather sinister, but was good-naturerd. Killed by the Vox.
Flynn: Fiona's troublemaking brother. Gains super-strength and wrecks his room.

Fulmina (Syvlia Prell): Turned into a being of light energy. Helped out by the Superior
Geldhoff: Latverian Mutant-phobe who had plasma powers that knocked the X-Men around
when they first manifested. Couldn't have his mind read.

Glass Girl: Could turn sand into crystal. Minor NuHuman- killed by Vox.
Glow: Can control bioluminescent lichen that surrounds the area where he lives.

Gordon: Deformed teleporter. Appeared in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. first.

Hub (Hubartes Plutaris): Gained energy powers but lost his body. Was rescued by the
Inhumans and given Swain to talk to. His body powers New Atillan.

Irelle: Auran's daughter, twin sister or Treste. An attendant of Medusa's.

Irellis: Flint's mother.

Iron Cross II (Clare Gruler): The daughter of the Golden Age Iron Cross. Gains
technopathy and a cybernetic frame.
Janus Jardeesh: A low-level Kingpin mook who took to selling women to human traffickers
when Fisk disappeared. Could avoid the detection of Ulysses Cain (this was during Civil War
II), so Fisk kept him on.
The Junkman (Gavrel Achter): Sanitation worker who gained telekinesis. Took out the
New Avengers, but was sniped by Nick Fury.
Kaboom: Ms. Marvel foe who created giant explosions. Worked with Lineage.

Kamran: Also in Ms. Marvel. His parents were close friends of Kamala's. Turns into blue
crystal and has Gambit-like "make objects explosive" powers.

Kludge: Former carpenter who was mentally-addled and turned into a giant gadgeteer mech-
pilot. Banyan found him and made him a minion. Crystal fried his suit's systems and arrested
Kristian: A random popular guy who gained powers. Lash was hoping for an elite minion,
but thought his mutations sucked, and so killed him.

Kirani: Illusion caster with a big head. Created an illusion of a big monster to scare the
Thing, but gave up when he didn't back down at all.
Living Dream (Thahn Ng): Hailed from Sin-Cong, where many NuHumans were executed
by the government. Feeling empathic energy from the murdered, he tried to mind-control the
Inhumans in his quest for revenge. Swain attempted to stop him, but failed and he killed
scores of Sin-Cong fighters. Gorgon was able to talk him down, pointing out that if he could
feel the thoughts of the dead, he should also be able to surpass them. He ceased controlling
Swain and possessed the deposed Sin-Cong leader's son. He was an immaterial psychic entity
that could possess others and control them through their dreams.

Maise Brewn: Green woman facing eviction and getting legal help from Jen Walters.
Healing powers.
Meruda: Giant guy who hates Storm, thinking she wiped out his tribe by created a deadly
sandstorm when she was a child. Gained NuHuman powers to counter her Weather Control,
but she beat him when she realized the weather was a byproduct of his Geokinetic powers,
not something he was creating himself.

Michelle: Classmate of Ulysses Cain. Had fire powers & flight.

Miss Mech: Wheelchair-bound girl who could create mechs. Fought Kid Kaiju, mistaking
him for a super-villain. So yes, someone has a character who CAN CREATE GIANT
MECHS, which is awesome, but she'll not get used.

Mosaic (Morris Sackett): Pro basketball player until he transformed. Could transer his
consciousness from host to host and keep some memories temporarily, so Medusa got him to
control Iron Man's financial manager and ruin his finances for a time.
Mother Bones: A Joe Madureira design, having similar powers to Marrow, but powerhouse
stuff on top of it. Was nearly killed by a mob, but saved by Lash.

Mrs. Bellhauer: Arrived as a maddened green monster, and stopped by Flint & Iso when
Medusa & Gorgon failed.
Mrs. Dawood: Flying woman helped by the Champions.

Panacea (Ash Minnick): Gains head-tentacles and healing powers.

Quickfire (Barbara McDevitt): Time-Slowing powers. Trained corporate spy and threat to
the Mighty Avengers.

Raina: From Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Appears being told she's an Inhuman but does
nothing else.
Randall Jessup: From Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Joins a team of Bruce Banner's
personal lab assistants. A history with an abusive father left him feeling able to handle
Bruce's anger if he turned into the Hulk. Possesses Emotion Control powers.

Rebecca Brown (aka Dahlia Dorian): A plain-looking girl transformed into a beautiful one
(she then became a model and changed her name) who could also turn into a purple dragon
form she couldn't always control. Kate "Hawkeye" Bishop convinced her to abandon finding
an LMD body for herself instead, and got her to meet with the Inhumans.
Rhonda Fleming: Hired by Parker Industries to study the Terrigen Mists in order to find a
cure, but got exposed to it and transformed into a fire-powered being.

Romeo: Emotion-controlling empath who works with Crystal to calm NuHumans startled
from their mutations. A gay teen with a disastrous "coming out" story, but grew close as the
"official boyfriend" of the teen Iceman for a while. Their first kiss was during Inhumans vs.
X-Men, making his name even more adorably fitting. Eventually, however, they split up.
Sarah Garza: S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with Blast powers. Recruited into a "Secret Avengers"
squad by Maria Hill, she witnesses Nick Fury Jr. kill another NuHuman without remorse, and
decides not to pursue a career as a superhero.
Sasha: Green-skinned girl with electrical powers. Befriends Romeo.

Spirit Animal: Member of the People's Defense Force of China.

Telekinian (Ian Soo): New Yorker who hangs out with Hellcat after his job prospects lead to
him attempting armed robbery. She talks him out of it and he agrees to return the money. He
becomes her roommate as a "Quirky Modern Superheroine Book Side Character" (a very
common archetype these days). Weak Telekinetic- can't lift more than he physically can
Tomoe: Became a Technopath who can merge with and control tech, and created an army of
"biohack" ninjas opposed by Iron Man.
Treste: Auran's daughter, twin of Irelle. Possibly hits on Reader in "The Quiet Room".


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:06 pm

NUKE (Frank Simpson, aka Scourge)
Created By: Frank Miller & David Mazzucchelli
First Appearance: Daredevil #232 (July 1986)
Role: Evil Government Goon
Group Affiliations: The United States Government
PL 10 (116)

Athletics 8 (+14)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+13)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+4)
Intimidation 10 (+8)
Perception 3 (+2)

All-Out Attack, Equipment 5 (Military Gear), Diehard, Fast Grab, Great Endurance,
Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Startle,
Withstand Damage

"Hyper-Adrenaline & Cybernetics"
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Immunity 5 (Fatigue Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [2.5]
"Bulletproof" Impervious Toughness 10 (Flaws: Limited to Ballistics) [5]
"I Guess You Can Just Rebuild Him" Immortality 2 (Flaws: Source- Other People Rebuilding
Him) [2]

Unarmed +13 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Firearms +10 (+6-7 Ranged Damage, DC 21-22)
Initiative +6

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +7 (+5 Impervious), Fortitude +8, Will

Responsibility (Insane)- Driven crazy by the Weapon Plus program, Frank Simpson is a
homicidal madman. He frequently believes that he is back in Vietnam, attacking Viet Cong
Responsibility (The Pills)- Nuke is controlled by three different kinds of pills: Red for
adrenaline, White to bring him down, and Blue to keep him docile between missions. It was
later retconned in that the pills were merely placebos, and that Nuke is actually ALWAYS

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 27--13.5 / Advantages: 22 / Powers: 12.5 / Defenses: 11 (116)

Nuke- Crazy One-Off "The Government SUCKS" Monster to Recurring Journeyman

-Is it any wonder that most of Marvel Comics' fans didn't take the Pro-Registration side in
Civil War? I mean, this is the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT we're talking about here-
the same people who, in the pages of Captain America and Wolverine, have been depicted
almost uniformly as a dark, shadowy, hidden cabal of self-serving ass-hats who habitually
destroy lives and show no mercy using their agents like puppets. No matter HOW good the
idea of Registration would appear to be in real life, the government in the Marvel Universe is
ENTIRELY evil and never to be trusted- hence Nuke. Nuke was created (largely by
Wolverine, back in his "government agent" phase) to basically be a living weapon of the U.S.
Government, but the processes involved left him a homicidal wreck who frequently
massacres civilians on his way to the real target.

-Nuke debuted in the classically anti-government-type Frank Miller's run on Daredevil,

largely as a one-off, but he later feuded with Captain America (the "good side" of America...
though he usually ended up fighting his bosses or their other agents anyways) and Wolverine,
who would be tied to his origin. In his debut, Nuke is already crazy, acting as a misanthropic
Vietnam War vet-turned-bulletproof-cyborg hired by the Kingpin (via a corrupt high-level
general) to kill DD- he has a schtick where he takes a red pill to make him violent, and a blue
pill to calm him down. Of course, we the readers are informed that both pills are placebos- he
just has "triggers" that make him nuts. Nuke kills tons of people and nearly burns down Hell's
Kitchen until Daredevil stops him. Enraged by a Daily Bugle article on the mass murder,
Nuke tries to attack their offices, but Captain America stops him- he's then shot by a military
chopper, seemingly to death. This was clearly intended by Miller to be a one-off, and the
character remains dead for TWENTY YEARS, showing up only in "government is BAD"
stories via flashback.

20 Years Later- Nuke Returns:

-It would be later revealed in 2006's Wolverine: Origins that Logan, as a loyal government
agent, had been instrumental in Nuke's origin: Frank Simpson was the mentally-disturbed son
of a rich alcoholic woman, and grew up a bit unhinged- he had a crush on his babysitter, who
convinced him to kill his mother since she was in love with Frank's father. Wolverine then
kidnaps Frank as part of "Weapon Plus", torturing and brainwashing him and murdering the
babysitter (which caused Frank's father to commit suicide). Nuke was programmed to go mad
the second the phrase "No V.C." was uttered, and this was used to have him massacre an
entire village of Vietnamese as part of his training. This ties Nuke a lot to Wolverine, then to
Cap, who realizes that Nuke is an offshoot of the Super-Soldier Program that created him.
Nuke is thus brought back to life.

-In a 2009 Thunderbolts run, he was used as the new Scourge as a loyalist to Norman Osborn
and his eyes & ears on the team, but his craziness allowed him to be hypnotized into an
assassination attempt- but he instead shot at a holographic projection of Osborn, slaying
teammate The Headsman instead. He also later severed U.S. Agent's arm trying to steal the
Spear of Odin, but got shot in the head by Paladin for his actions, who swiped the Spear
himself. He then fought Cap and The Falcon, and was fittingly turned into an ACTUAL nuke
by agents out to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.- he was brought in by Cap, but detonated, killing Nuke
and 166 agents. But like right away, post-Secret Wars, Nuke is brought back to life, as it's
implied he's just SO cybernetic now that it's easy. He fights Wolverine a few times, then
Deadpool's Mercs For Money, now just a Journeyman Villain. In 2018, he's captured by a
South American dictator who uses the red pills to make assassins do his bidding (note: They
were originally placebos, but now I guess not?), and the heroes calm him using a white pill,
then allow him to execute the dictator and escape.

-So all in all, Nuke is a weird kind of guy who threaded from being a Daredevil villain almost
immediately into fighting Cap (who, to be fair, is a more "fitting" opponent, as Nuke
symbolizes that dark side of America and the history of its military) & Wolverine.
Nuke's Abilities:
-Nuke is crazy, strong and fast, able to match elite human hand-to-hand fighters like
Daredevil or Wolverine for certain periods of time- he's not in the upper-tier with them or
say, Iron Fist & Shang-Chi, but his enhanced strength and cybernetic enhancements (in
addition to an arsenal that can involve just about anything- in his debut he used a huge gatling
gun) can really close that gap in a hurry. I took a couple things from Thorp's build as well (I
wasn't sure about Immunity to Fatigue, since he IS calmed by his pills, but a half-effect is a
good bit), and overall he's a nasty PL 9.5 build who can be seriously hard to bring down.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:59 pm

NUKE (Albert Gaines)
Created By: J.M. DeMatteis & Don Perlin
First Appearance: The Defenders #112 (Oct. 1982)
Role: The Brash Youngster/Punk Kid, The Blaster, The Loose Cannon, First Blood
Alternate Company Equivalent Of: Firestorm (super-powerful Radiation-using punk kid)
Fate: Went nuts, suffocated to death inside Dr. Spectrum's Energy Bubble by burning up all
the oxygen inside it.
Group Affiliations: The Squadron Supreme
PL 10 (133)

Aerobatics 2 (+5)
Athletics 2 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+8)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 3 (+3)
Intimidation 10 (+10)
Ranged Combat (Radiation) 4 (+9)

All-Out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Evasion, Improved Critical (Blast), Improved Initiative,
Improved Smash, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Startle

"Radiation Powers"
Immunity 6 (Radiation Damage & Environment) [6]
Flight 8 (120 mph) [16]

"Radiation Blast" Blast 11 (Feats: Dynamic, Split) (Extras: Penetrating) (35) -- [43]

 Dynamic AE: Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Penetrating) (31)

 Dynamic AE: Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line, Penetrating) (31)
 Dynamic AE: Dazzle Visuals 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Touch Range)
 Dynamic AE: Radioactive Aura 8 (33)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Blast +9 (+11 Ranged Damage, DC 26)
Area Attacks +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +7

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +2

Reputation (Loose Cannon)- Nuke is young and impetuous- the first Supremor to run
headfirst into a fight, and the first one to screw up and over-do it.
Relationship (Parents & Brother)- Nuke is a devoted son to his beloved parents. This doesn't
end well.
Guilt (Parents' Cancer)- It turns out the constant low levels of radiation Albert gives off have
given both of his parents terminal cancer. This knowledge will eventually drive Albert totally
mad, making him give teammate Tom Thumb an impossible ultimatum, and finally sending
him on a rampage.
Vulnerable (Mind Control)- The Squadron Supreme have proven themselves very easy to
take over mentally for some reason, as it has happened several times. This may be random
chance, or an actual weakness.
Responsibility (The Utopia Program)- The Squadron has founded a program designed to cure
all the world's ills- Crime, Poverty, Disease, War... even Death itself. Some members are
more dedicated than others, but they all strive to help.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 13 / Powers: 65 / Defenses: 13 (133)

-Nuke gets statted out first of all the Squadron characters because he was also the shortest
lived (spoiler warnings abound for all these builds, not that you'd need them, since you ALL
SHOULD HAVE READ THIS SERIES BY NOW). Early issues featured him going slowly
crazy over his parents' death from cancer (that he himself apparently gave them), and when
Squadron member Tom Thumb failed to save their lives, he went full-on bat-guano nuts. He
went on a destructive spree, only stopped by teammate Dr. Spectrum, who unfortunately
killed him by trapping him in a bubble of energy (Nuke had wiped out all the oxygen inside
it). He was the first casualty of MANY of the main cast. So early was his death, though, that
he ended up being almost completely overshadowed, but it was definitely a sign of things to
come- the symbol of dark days ahead.

-Nuke just wasn't that good a super-hero, so he doesn't spend a whole tons of points for his
PL, even now. I'm even kind of guessing on an Immunity to Radiation here, not to mention
the Aura & Dazzle Alt-Effects. He was basically a hot-headed, angry young man with hyper-
radiation powers, happy to just blast away in combat. His offensive powers are pretty lethal
though, both Area & regular effects are Penetrating. For his disease-causing properties, I
included it as a Complication, since you can't really stat up "Must Spend 5 Hours a Day With
Him For Years" as a Flaw realistically, in adding to mucking up the works with Uncontrolled
as well. He's basically a high-powered Blaster, leaning towards damage over accuracy, and
with very few Skills or Mental Abilities to back himself up.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:04 am

NUKLO (Robert Frank, Jr.)
Created By: Roy Thomas & Rich Buckler
First Appearance: Giant-Size Avengers #1 (Aug. 1974)
Role: Giant Enemy
Group Affiliations: The V-Battalion
PL 11 (80)

Intimidation 6 (+5)

Power Attack

"Living Nuclear Energy"
"Force-Absorption Aura" Protection 10 (Extras: Impervious 13) [23]
"Emit Dangerous Radiation" Weaken Stamina 2 (Extras: Reaction +3, Area- 60ft. Cloud +2)
(Flaws: Permanent) [10]

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +5 (+15 Aura, +8 Impervious), Fortitude
+5, Will +0

Motivation (Destruction)- Unknowing and kept in a capsule for most of his life, Nuklo was
left degraded in intelligence compared to someone of his comparative age. He often simply
lashes out and destroys things.
Involuntary Transformation (Weird Powers)- One time he could make Duplicates. Another
time, it was Energy Blasts. Sometimes, he's rather big. His power is Inconsistent Writing,

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 7 (80)

-Man, did Whizzer & Miss America ever get served a shit sandwich of a life in the Marvel
Universe. All that heroism during World War II and their reward is to give birth to a toxic,
radioactive Mutant Baby, then Miss America dies giving birth to a stillborn child, then
Whizzer spends the rest of his life being a combination of bitter and crazy. Seriously, that's
like "NuDCU" level GrimDark, but in a horrifyingly-different sort of way. Nuklo here is their
first child- born radioactive, he was kept in a capsule by the government until it was
accidentally-opened by The Avengers. Nuklo (artificially kept YOUNGER rather than older,
which is unusual for the children of comic book characters) split into three beings but was
stopped by his "sister", The Scarlet Witch (yes, the going origin for the Maximoff children at
this point was that their birth parents were the Franks).

-Nuklo escaped once more, being stopped by his father. Later, an old enemy of The
Whizzer's would siphon off some of Nuklo's radiation in order to gain revenge, and Robert
Frank Sr. would die of a HEART ATTACK saving the day. So Nuklo was cured just in time
to watch The Whizzer, his father, die. Yup- shit sandwich, right there. His last appearances
are basically living a semi-normal life with an adopted family, and showing up in the
background of the V-Battalion (a secret organization that really only ever showed up in

-Nuklo is exceptionally-tough and hard to hurt (not even sure how The Whizzer managed to
K.O. him one time, though you can really Power Attack and spend a Hero Point whenever to
do exceptional things, especially considering he was definitely earning Complication-based
HPs for that fight), but rather simplistic. But a Radiation Cloud Aura, Toughness +15 and (at
one point) Summon Minion to create two MORE of him? Not someone to mess with.

Other powers he's shown (simply tack on at-will to make various Nuklos):
"Split Into Three" Summon Duplicates 6 (Extras: Heroic +2, 2 Minions +2, Horde,
Controlled) [48]
Radiation Blast 12 (Feats: Accurate 4) (Extras: Penetrating 8) [36]
Growth 8 (Flaws: Source- Enemy Attacks, Limited to Non-ST & STA Growths) [4]


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:51 pm

Created By: J.M. DeMatteis & Don Perlin
First Appearance: The Defenders #103 (Jan. 1982)
Role: Elder Evil, Super-Powered Entity
PL 15 (454)

Deception 9 (+14)
Expertise (History) 8 (+14)
Expertise (Magic) 16 (+22)
Expertise (Demon) 9 (+15)
Insight 6 (+10)
Intimidation 10 (+15)
Perception 5 (+9)
Persuasion 7 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical (Blasts)
2, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8, Ritualist, Startle, Well-Informed

"Immortal God"
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Magic- Ranged 3, Acute & Analytical, Tracking By Magic) [7]
"Elder Entity" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]
"Speaks All Languages" Comprehend 3 (Languages- Speak & Understand) [6]
Flight 12 (8,000 mph) [24]
Movement 1 (Space Travel) [2]

Impervious Toughness 15 [15]
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]

"Variable Size"
Features 2: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Elongation 1 [1]

"Elder God"
Variable 15 (98) -- [100]

 AE: "Demonic Wave" Damage 15 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (30)

 AE: "Demonic Blast" Blast 20 (Feats: Extended Range 4, Penetrating 10) (54)

"Empower Others" Variable 10 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Affects Others Only +0,
Continuous) [81]

Unarmed +12 (+16 Damage, DC 31)
Blast +10 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Area Attacks +15 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +16 (+8 Impervious), Fortitude +16,
Will +12

Motivation (Gathering Worshippers & Might)
Weakness (Trapped)- Almost all of the Elder Gods are trapped within their own dimensions,
having been beaten years ago by The Demogorge. Despite their great power, they are usually
bound to their dimensional boundaries.

Total: Abilities: 102 / Skills: 70--35 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 277 / Defenses: 20 (454)

-A generic tentacled-creature that faced The Defenders, allying with The Overmind. He was
spawned by the alien S'raphh, whose desires for revenge on the cosmos manifested in the
demon. A nihilist and destroyer, he possessed a few people, enabled Overmind to take over
the Squadron Supreme's Earth, and the good parts of the S'raphh race was awakened, which
caused Null to cease to exist. He was vaguely-powerful, but vulnerable to mystical powers
like those of Ghost Rider & Gargoyle.

Number Nine... Number Nine... Number Nine...

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:53 am

John Romita Jr.'s "Hot Chicks" have always left something to be desired.

NUMBER NINE (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Ann Nocenti & John Romita, Jr.
First Appearance: Daredevil #271 (1989)
Role: Forgotten Character
Group Affiliations: None
PL 6 (53)

Perception 2 (+2)

Attractive 2

Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Regeneration 6 [6]

Unarmed +3 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +3 (DC 13), Parry +3 (DC 13), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +1

Responsibility (Pliant)- Number Nine believes that a woman's position is to do whatever a
man says- she is a servile, plaint "decoration".

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 2--1 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 7 / Defenses: 1 (53)

-Number Nine is a Daredevil character who answered an ad offering to transform her into a
"perfect being". She was remade using technology from the Inhumans, turning her into a
Peak Human-type being with false memories- all the better to turn her into the "ideal woman"
of a weirdonamed Skip Ash, who had Gaston-like sensibilities of what women were supposed
to be about. Number Nine became pliant and over-nurturing, even when "rescued" by
Daredevil. Brandy, Ash's daughter managed to convince him of the error of his ways, and so
he left Nine with the heroes. She reappeared in Acts of Vengeance, making friends with a
confused Ultron (who was infatuated with her physical perfection; she viewed him
sympathetically as a friend), but he was defeated by DD, Karnak and Gorgon, who were on
the trail of the Inhuman-related stuff that made her.

-Then, in a weird twist of events, these disparate characters all wound up fighting Blackheart
and Mephisto, which drew in the Silver Surfer, and then Brandy was killed and turned into a
quasi-angel. Number Nine, now more independent and self-assured, left to find her way in
the world, and never showed up again. Very, VERY odd.

-Number Nine is strong and can survive "virtually any injury", but has limited capabilities
and skills.

Number One/Nixon

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:44 am


Created By: Francis & Hannah Nixon
First Appearance: January 9, 1913
Role:[/b] The Archnemesis of the Left, America's Great Homegrown Super-Villain
Group Affiliations: The Secret Empire, The Republican Party
PL 0 (38), PL 3 (38) Defenses

Deception 10 (+10)
Expertise (Sailor) 1 (+4)
Expertise (Law) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Politics) 8 (+11)
Expertise (Subversive Criminal) 8 (+11)
Persuasion 3 (+6)

Benefit 6 (President of the United States), Equipment 2 (Pistol)

Unarmed +0 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +0

Dodge +0 (DC 10), Parry +0 (DC 10), Toughness +0, Fortitude +0, Will +6

Motivation (Power)
Reputation (Unfriendly)- Even those close to Nixon didn't overly like him, and he was known
to basically hate being around people. He was stiff and formal at all times, and was also
rather ugly and furrowed, making him lose a lot of public empathy.
Enemy (Many)- Nixon, paranoid in his later years, kept a famous "Enemies List". Among the
only names most people would recognize is actor Paul Newman's. Hunter S. Thompson was
despondent to find out that he wasn't on the list. Nixon also did not trust Jews in general ("the
bastards always turn on you"), and referred to Canadian President Pierre Trudeau as "an
asshole" and a "pompous egghead" in his private tapes.
Hatred (Communism)- Nixon ran on very anti-Commie platforms early on, and often linked
his Democratic rivals to the Soviets or suspected Communists.
Relationship (Henry Kissinger)- Kissinger, a power-hungry and schrewd man, was called a
"psychopath" by Nixon for his indifference to human suffering, but was still Nixon's most-
powerful ally, given that they both sought out American supremacy and their own survival.
Secret (The Secret Empire)- In Marvel continuity, Nixon was the leader of The Secret
Empire, a subversive group seeking total power.

Total: Abilities: 10 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 3 (38)

-For someone my age, especially a Canadian, the first American President I knew of
officially was Bill Clinton- I was too young & disinterested to know who George Bush &
Ronald Reagen were during their reigns. Hell, Nixon was dead before I even knew who he
was! So because of that, it's hard for me to grasp exactly HOW hated Richard Nixon was by
some people. I mean, I'm aware of it on some kind of level, because things from the 1970s
seem pretty virulent in their despising of the man, but I don't FEEL it the way I felt, say, the
hatred for George W. Bush during HIS two reigns in the highest office. Naturally, both Nixon
& Bush II managed to get elected to it TWICE (Nixon winning by the largest landslide in
American history at 60% on his second run), making you realize just how often the media
and the actual general public differ on many major points.

-Nixon himself is a pretty important figure in World History, and one of the biggest deals as
President ever- his early career was notable for basically being full of hard work and being
boring (a rep that'd always stick to him). He narrowly lost to JFK, but came thundering back
(despite many believing his career to be over) in the late 1960s to unseat the Democrats, who
were in disarray for numerous reasons (Robert Kennedy's assassination, Johnson refusing to
run again under the spectre of Vietnam). While unfriendly, he was definitely canny, and had a
knack for winning people over- he commented on the "silent majority" of socially-
conservative Americans that hated hippies (even the "Liberal Media" generally only depicts
them as stoners and frauds these days, so he may be right)... and hell, a certain MODERN
President basically took advantage of the same thing, so there you go. Soon after winning a
massive landslide re-election victory, he was accused of being a part of the Watergate
scandal, and when it was proven he was part of the cover-up, he resigned from office rather
than face certain impeachment. This was basically the liberating cry of the Left, but largely a
despondent part of American History, as the "Dream" died for many people. I mean, a
PRESIDENT being part of such a thing? This may be the one watershed moment that
launched an army of cynics, if they hadn't already been out there.
-Nixon remains a popular figure of derision, even after his death- The Simpsons and
Futurama, creations of noted left-winger Matt Groening ("Our show has pissed off
Republicans, the NRA and the logging industry- we MUST be doing something right!"), both
mock him frequently- he lends his middle name to Bart's loser of a best friend Milhouse, and
he appears as the borderline-psychopathic supervillain President of Earth in the year 3000. He
WAS a known statesman (he spent his later years travelling around the world) and befriended
many world leaders, however, so it wasn't all bad. And most Presidents get it pretty good-
Clinton is a philandering sex-addict in most depictions, Bush II is portrayed as legally
retarded, and Reagan is shown as senile and almost nihilistically old-fashioned (though
mainly during his Presidency in the '80s).

-This build represents the Nixon of Marvel Comics, which is basically the same as the real-
world version, but with higher ranks in Deception & Criminal than Nixon would have likely
had . It's also a neat look in how overwhelmingly-powerful someone can be with quite low
stats, especially Presence- charisma (or perceived charisma- I never quite "got" what anyone
ever saw in Bush II) is such an attribute for a politician to have, so it's rather fascinating that
Nixon was so dominant for years (Vice President for two terms, President for... almost two)
while having quite little.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:27 pm

Created By: Alan Davis
First Appearance: Captain Britain #4 (April 1985)
Role: One-Note Character
Group Affiliations: The Technet
PL 7 (66)

Expertise (Accountant) 4 (+6)
Deception 4 (+4)
Persuasion 4 (+4)
Perception 3 (+4)
Insight 3 (+4)


"Huge Size" Reach 1 [1]
Features: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Blast 8 (Feats: Accurate 3) [19]

Unarmed +8 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Blast +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +5, Fortitude +6, Will +3

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 22 / Defenses: 7 (66)

-Numbers is a huge noncombatant, being the group's negotiator & accountant, but could
apparently fire energy blasts.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:25 am

Okay, Modern Numinus is adorable as balls.

Created By: Gray Morrow & Jon Bogdanove
First Appearance: Power Pack #51 (Dec. 1989)
Role: Cosmic Whoopi Goldberg

-A particularly bizarre character, Numinus appeared in Power Pack, and was essentially
drawn to look exactly like what Whoopi Goldberg would look like if she was a Cosmic
Being. This is of course when Whoopi was a big, big deal, after appearing successfully as a
comedian and in a few movies (notably Ghost)- her brassy, self-assured kind of comedy
(often quite shocking) was a breath of fresh air in the late 1980s, making her a pretty big deal.

-Numinus said her purpose was to show sentient beings the wonder of the universe- she
appeared before Power Pack and took them across space, convincing them to save a race of
aliens from another, attacking race. The character then takes a twenty-five year break before
appearing in 2015's Groot comic, helping him save Rocket Raccoon- she empowers Groot
further, allowing him to save th e day.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:04 pm

NUWA (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Mike Wieringo
First Appearance: X-Force Annual #3 (1992)
Role: Background Character
Country of Origin: China
Group Affiliations: 3-Peace, The Mutant Liberation Front
PL 9 (111)

Acrobatics 2 (+6)
Athletics 4 (+5)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+7)
Expertise (Thief) 3 (+5)
Insight 3 (+5)
Investigation 4 (+6)
Perception 4 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 4 (+7)
Vehicles 3 (+3)

Set-Up, Teamwork

"Mutant Powers: Turns Targets Against Themselves"
Affliction 9 (Will; Dazed/Stunned/Asleep) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Selective, Cumulative,
Concentration Duration) [45]

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Enemy (The People's Republic of China)
Power Loss- Her abilities are rendered much less effective if the target is jacked up on
something like caffeine beforehand.

Total: Abilities: 38 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 45 / Defenses: 11 (111)

-Nuwa's only appeared three times in all of comics, and her personality's changed
accordingly. In X-Force, she was a freedom fighter with The Collective Man & Jade Dragon,
but in a later Manifest Destiny appearance (more than ten years later), she was a generic thief,
stealing from the mall using her powers. Obviously C.B. Cebulski didn't do the research, but
you could hardly blame him for such a minor character who'd appeared exactly once before.

-Nuwa is a weak character, with only a single attack- the ability to render people unconscious
instantly. It had a wide reach and considerable dexterity (Selective Auras are like that), but
it's still her only attack. Effective against legions of Mooks or Jobbers (like the M.L.F.)

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:31 am

NYGORN (aka Nyborn)
Created By: Marv Wolfman & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: Marvel Two In One Annual #3 (1978)
Role: Planet-Judger, Cosmic Bad Guy
Group Affiliations: The Monitors, Starblasters

-Nygorn is a member of the Marvanites- a race of ancient beings who attained high
technology before live even appeared on Earth. Their race had once grown lethargic and
bored, having peaked so early, but new life was brought to them by the suggestion that they
devote themselves to helping other races attain greatness. However, this soon shifted to a
Celestial-like "pass or fail" system, where races that failed in their various tests were
annihilated. Calling themselves "Monitors", they destroyed countless worlds, with billions of
dying souls slowly infiltrating their ships' power cores. This led to trouble on Earth, when
three Monitors faced The Thing & Nova in Marvel Two In One Annual #3- their power cores
took the forms of beautiful humanoid females, who resisted the Monitors' destructive ways
and helped out the heroes, who had trouble even affecting the Monitors otherwise.

-Nova pushed one Monitor into a volcano and another in front of a bus- the robot women
caused these impacts to have more force, destroying the Monitors. The remaining one was
taken to Marvan by the androids in hopes that they could convince the other Monitors to end
their ways. And then, of course, nobody in the world remembered these damn things ever
existed. It occurs to me that MANY stories Wolfman wrote for Marvel in the 1970s have
endings exactly like this- all-powerful bad guys half-assedly beaten by Deus Ex Machinas
(almost literally in this case) or weird circumstances where the heroes effectively do nothing.

-CUE GRUENWALD!! Mark Gruenwald, of course, remembered this story, and used "The
Last Monitor", named Nygorn, among the prisoners of the Stranger's Laboratory World in
Quasar. Here, Nygorn explains that the Stranger captured and vivisected his ENTIRE RACE.
Outraged and being imprisoned alongside his "lessers", he joins the jailbreak, later joining the
villainous Starblasters in another Gru story. Nygorn (sometimes written as "Nyborn")
actually captured the friggin' WATCHER, abducting and torturing him while the Starblasters
investigated Kayla Ballatine, Quasar's girlfriend who was possessing the power of the Star
Brand. Despite his power, he was defeated by a combination of Binary, Photon, Black Bolt &
Darkstar. He was last seen on Earth during Maximum Security, but only in the background-
he and the Starblasters have been forgotten.

-Nygorn has some extreme power levels- toppling Uatu in combat is nothing to sneeze at
(putting him at PL 17-19 territory), though he and the other Monitors were apparently easy
enough for The Stranger to capture and kill.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:05 am

You can tell she's evil- the cleavage is a dead giveaway. Evil Goddesses LOVE to rock the

NYX (aka Nox)

Created By: Roy Thomas, Jean-Marc Lofficier & Larry Alexander
First Appearance: Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #32 (Aug. 1991)
Role: Primordial Goddess
PL 12 (262)

Expertise (God) 9 (+12)
Expertise (History) 6 (+10)
Expertise (Magic) 10 (+14)
Insight 4 (+8)
Intimidation 10 (+14)
Perception 6 (+10)
Ranged Combat (Soul Snare) 3 (+12)

Benefit (Status- God), Diehard, Great Endurance, Ranged Attack 7, Ritualist

"Immortal God"
Regeneration 10 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [11]
Immunity 9 (Aging, Drowning, Suffocation, Starvation & Thirst, Heat, Cold, Pressure,
Poison, Disease) [9]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]
Senses 3 (Darkvision- Extended) [3]

"Goddess of the Dark"

"Soul Strangle" Snare 12 Linked to Weaken Mental Abilities 8 (Extras: Simultaneous,
Ranged, Progressive +2) (76) -- [80]

 AE: Create 14 (Feats: Precise) (Extras: Movable) (43)

 AE: Concealment (Visuals) 2 (Extras: Area- 500ft. Burst +5, Attack, Affects Others,
Selective) (20)
 AE: "Soul-Stealing Sword" Strength-Damage +2 (Extras: Penetrating 8) Linked to
Weaken Mental Abilities 10 (Extras: Simultaneous) (30)
 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel 3) (Extras: Portal +2) (12)

Unarmed +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Soul-Stealing Sword +10 (+12 Damage & +8 Weaken, DC 27 & 20)
Soul Strangle +12 (+12 Ranged Affliction & +8 Ranged Weaken, DC 22 & 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will +8

Responsibility (Goddess of the Night)
Motivation (Causing Fear & Ruling the World)
Weakness (Light Attacks)- As the Goddess of the Night, Nyx is more vulnerable attacks that
are light-based, such as those of the Eye of Agamotto.

Total: Abilities: 98 / Skills: 48--24 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 118 / Defenses: 11 (262)

Nyx in Mythology: Nyx is one of the Primordial Greek Gods, and thus does not appear very
much in Greek Myth. She is the daughter of Chaos itself (the Air), and with Darkness
(Erebus) birthed Brightness, Day, Doom, Destruction, Death (Thanatos himself), Sleep
(Hypnos), Dreams, Blame, Woe, Sunset, The Fates, Retribution (Nemesis), Deceit,
Friendship, Old Age & Strife (Eris). So she's QUITE important, despite not having too many
stories. It's been said that ZEUS HIMSELF feared her anger, and her son Hypnos once hid
from his wrath at her side (he'd put Zeus to sleep to allow Hera to attack Herakles). The
poems of Orpheus actually state that SHE is the birthplace of all creation. She was rarely the
focus of cults, and has few statues based off of her, despite the omnipresent source of the
night as a cause for fear in ancient cultures- her children get quite a bit more play
(especially Hypnos, Thanatos and The Fates).

-Nyx is the Marvel Universe is naturally evil, since it's Marvel and The Goddess of Darkness
is OF COURSE evil. In Marvel she's actually the mother of Ares' sons Phobos & Deimos
(Fear & Terror), having disguised herself as Aphrodite to seduce him. She desired to control
human fear, and use it to master the Earth, and thus teamed up with the other Fear-Lords in a
Doctor Strange arc- she soon fled when Dr. Strange figured out her Weakness to Light, and
rescued his captured friends. Her sons, who'd been resurrected to fight for her, were killed in
the melee. She'd take more than TEN YEARS to reappear, showing up to contest for the
rulership of Olympia, using a being as powerful as NIGHTMARE as her champion,


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:41 pm

-The initial batch of kids actually come from the short-lived NYX book, written by Joe
Quesada in 2003 about a bunch of homeless mutant teens living on the streets of New York
City. They all had tragic backstories, and finally found each other after a bunch of origin
stories, but the book seems like it came out REALLY sporadically, as the first issue was on
Oct. 2003 and the sixth in July 2005. They eventually met up with X-23 when she was a new
character- they hung out for a bit, but Laura soon went her own way. A teacher that was
helping the girls seemed to have one of those ultra-bleak runs that often befalls people who
help super-characters- her husband left her for hanging out with these "con artists", and she
was tortured by a character who was hunting them. This possibly left the poor woman either
delusional or drugged, and we never found out what happened to her- she was just left at a
hospital and the kids ran off again.

-Marjorie Liu, who wrote both the sequel series NYX: No Way Home and X-23, had them
reappear one last time, mostly to explain what they were up to- this was a 2008 book and
Laura went solo again in 2010, and this was the last time those kids were seen.

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