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I. Objectives: at the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 75% level of
proficiency must have:

a. to define the difference between the two types of mixture.

b. to demonstrate the homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture.
c. to appreciate the use of mixture in every activity.

II. Subject matter

a. Topic: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixture
b. Reference: Science 1, Quarter 1, Module 2 pp. 8-10
c. Material used: Laptop and projector, Cups, rock and salt
d. Teaching strategy: The teacher will show a picture and video about
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture to the learners.
e. Values formation: Obedience, Respect and cooperation.

III. Procedure/Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer

Everybody stands for our prayer. Let’s bow down our

head, close our eyes and let us pray in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, come be with us today, fill our hearts

Heavenly Father, come be with us today, fill our
with joy, fill our minds with learning, fill our
hearts with joy, fill our minds with learning, fill
classroom with peace in the mighty name of Jesus.
our classroom with peace in the mighty name of
Jesus. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good morning ma’am!
Good morning class! We’re good ma’am
How are you today?

Good to hear that, before you take your sit kindly

arrange your chairs and pick up pieces of papers.

3. Checking of attendance

Say present if your name is called okay? Yes ma’am

Okay very good everyone is present let us give ourself
a fireworks clap. 1,2,3 Go (clapped their hands)

4. Energizer

Kindly take your seat. Okay now, I would like to go

through ground rules in this classroom as I often
remind you, pay attention to your teacher when he or Yes ma’am
she is speaking in front of the class, raise your hands if
you want to ask or answer a question. Am I clear?

5. Review

Who can give me the topic that we have tackled

yesterday? (Jay raised his hand)
We tackled about Solar System ma’am
Yes Jay?
(clapped their hands)
Very good let’s give Jay a fireworks clap.
1,2,3 go
8 planets ma’am
How many planets in our solar system? Mercury, Venus, Earth , Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
What are those Planets? Uranus and Neptune.

6. Motivation

To start our lesson I will be showing you a picture.

Yes ma’am
What can you see? It is literally a mixture of many ingredients
Have you eaten/drank because halo-halo means mix.
Why do you think it is called halo-halo?

How about this one?


Me ma’am

What can you

Who among you here drank coffee this morning? None ma’am
Raise your hands

Do you have any idea about our lesson for today?

Okay so our topic for today is about mixture.

B. Discussion

Before we proceed to the discusson, I’m going to show

you a video about homogeneous and heterogeneous

So what is mixture?
Mixture is a combination of two or more substances
and it has two type called homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixture.

What is homogeneous?
The word ‘homo’ Is same. A mixture which has
The salt dissolve in water.
uniform composition throughout its mass.
Example: Water + Salt = Homogeneous mixture
(Teacher demonstration)
Set up one glass of water.
Add salt to the water and stir.

What have you notice to the salt?

Very good! The rocks sank at the bottom of the glass. The
water and rocks are mixed but they are still
Another one. separated after the water is stirred.
(Teacher demonstration)
Set up one glass of water
Add rocks to the water and stir.

What have you observe?

Okay very good your observations are true.

What happened to the two glasses represents the two

types of mixture.
In the first glass, the salt eventually disappeared
because they dissolve in it. As a result the salt and
water became a mixture and it is called homogeneous
because they have the same appearance.

While on the second glass you have observed that the Yes ma’am
rocks sank into the bottom of the glass. The mixture
didn’t completely mix and we can still identify the two
substances which are mix together this is what we The two type of mixture are the heterogeneous
called heterogeneous. and homogeneous.

Do you understand class? A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture where the

mixed particles can be separated of identified from
C. Generalization the mixture while a homogeneous mixture is a
mixture where the components that make up the
What are the two types of mixture? mixture are uniformly distributed throughout it.

What are the characteristics of the two mixtures?

( the students do the activity)

D. Practice

So now I will group you into two groups and you are
going to do an activity with your group.

Direction: Each group will be given 2 cups of water,

sugar, powdered juice, rice grains and oil. Each group
shall 1 mixture of heterogeneous and homogeneous.
The first group to make 1 mixture of heterogeneous
and homogeneous earns higher points.
*checking of activity*

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify whether the following mixture is a homogeneous or a heterogeneous mixture.

Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. Vinegar
2. Bowl of colored candies
3. Dishwashing detergent
4. Cereal in milk
5. Vegetable soup
6. Pizza
7. Gravel and sand
8. Alcoholic drinks
9. Salad
10. Hot coffee

V. Assignment

Direction: Answer this in your science notebook.

What is solution and solvent?

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