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Chapter 1 – Introduction to SE

1. Generic and Bespoke

Generic Bespoke
Produced for the open market Developed for a particular customer or a
Used by large number of users(public) Used by limited number of users
Developed to sell to a market of users Commissioned by individual users with
specific needs
The development agency controls the Controlled by the client to decide what to do
software. with the software
Usually affordable price, cheaper than Cost a lot as the customer will get a unique
bespoke product
The application is available immediately as it Might take years to developed.
has already available in the market
Low training cost, as it is a generic public Will need to train a new staff to use it as it is
open software. not public opened
Usually have customer or software support Do not have external support as the product
from the development team is owned by the customer

2. Software is the instructions that control the operation of a computer system. Computer
hardware are unable to perform tasks without software. (OS)

3. Function of software
a. Intermediary – Act as an intermediary between organizations and stored information
b. Manage resources– Manage the resources of the organization
c. Provide tools – Provide tools for human to take advantages of the resources

4. Characteristic of Software
a. Developed or Engineered
b. Does not “wear out”, do not have a limited supply.
c. Continues to be custom built, each software version is a custom build

5. Types of Software
a. Application Software – Software that is designed to be used by the users, MS Word,
Excel etc.
b. System Software – An interface between the system and the application software,
operation system like Linux, Windows

6. Attributes of Good Software

a. Availability – Available for 24/7, the time of that system remains operational under
normal circumstances to serve its purpose.
b. Reliable – The ability of a system to perform its functions under normal conditions for a
specific period. (The system will work normal unless under some special condition like
virus or hacked)
c. Functional – System is able to perform its desired purpose
d. Efficient – System performs functions efficiently in terms of time and resources
e. Economical – running cost is low
f. Secure – Protected against error and loss of data
g. Safety – Won’t explode, do not have high risk of using the system
h. Manageable – Easy to estimate work
i. Flexible – Capable to adapt to new platforms, new users
j. Buildable – Design is not complex for developers to implement
k. General – General purpose and portable
l. Maintainable – Easy for maintenance programmer to understand the designer intention
m. Usable – Gives user satisfying experience
n. Reusable – Elements can be reuse on other system

7. Software engineering is a engineering discipline which concern about all aspect of software
production. Applying tools, theory and methods in appropriate way to discover solutions

8. Software engineering is a layered technology which consists of –

a. Quality focus – The continuous process improvement principles of software

b. Process – A set of key process area that must be done for effective delivery of software
c. Methods – Organized ways of producing software. Such as suggestion, notations, rules
and guidelines
d. Tools – Provides auto or semi-auto support for the process and the methods

9. Importance of Software Engineering

a. Software Engineering is an engineering discipline which goal is cost-effective
development of software system.
b. Problems that might be face
i. Unreliable product
ii. Behind schedule
iii. User needs
iv. Over budget
v. Poorly perform
vi. Difficult to maintain

10. Key challenge of software engineering

a. Delivery – The challenge to shorten the delivery time (time to complete the software)
without compromising/reduce the system quality.
b. Legacy – The challenge to maintain and update legacy software/old software which
excessive cost are avoided and services continue to be delivered.
c. Heterogeneity – The challenge of developing techniques to build dependable software
that is capable to cope with different types of computer and systems

11. System Engineering are a field that focus on how complex engineering projects should be
designed and managed. Consists of –
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Database
d. Network
e. People

12. System Engineering deals with process and tools to handle projects, and all aspect of computer-
based development.

13. Software Engineering is a part of System Engineering. System Engineering identify hardware,
software, people, database and network that involved with the system that is going to develop.
Software Engineering is to tell the facts of developing and delivering useful softwares

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