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Question 1: YOUR TEAM & YOUR CONTRIBUTION........................................................................................... 2

Question 2: YOUR STRENGTHS.................................................................................................................................. 2
Question 3: YOUR WEAKNESSES............................................................................................................................... 2
Question 4: TEAMWORK (POSITIVE)........................................................................................................................ 3
Question 5: TEAMWORK (TO BE IMPROVED)....................................................................................................... 3

By keeping track of the time, my group transitioned successfully. As a result, we were able to
cover all of the topics as scheduled, and we had the opportunity to explore additional
information from online sources. This enabled us to compare the lecture slides and online
resources which aided us in understanding the topic better.

1. Key Area 1: Explanation and justification.

Shared ideas: I shared what I had learned in the time that we were given to prepare for the
presentation. In doing so I also explained the concepts that were also relevant to the other
presenter's topics, this helped in not only getting what I wanted to share across but also
aiding other members in their presentation.
2. Key Area 2: Explanation and justification.
Asked Questions: When the concepts were not clear, I asked questions to the other
members to clarify on what they were talking about. This helped in clearing any doubts or
misconceptions that any of us might have had which also made the group become more
engaged in the discussion. 


Active participation: in the discussion allowed me to address any doubts I had about the topic
and gain a deeper understanding of the material presented during the class. Through my
involvement, I was able to acquire more knowledge than I typically do. As a result, I recognize
the importance of actively participating in future classes to enhance my learning experience.
Preparedness: Prior to the class, I reviewed the reading materials, which proved useful during
the discussion as it made recalling the important points easier. As a result, I actively participated
in the group and contributed to its progress.
Prior to the flipped class I prepared not only from the resources uploaded in the VLE but also
from other websites and youtube videos from which I got a clear understanding of the topics
that we were going to learn. This aided me in presenting my ideas to the other members as I
was confident about what I had learnt.

Making notes: From the reading materials aided me in retaining the information and
understanding the key points. This experience has highlighted the significance of note-taking,
which not only engages me with the content but also facilitates my ability to recall important
information when discussing with my team members.
Referring other sources: Aided me in retaining the information and understanding the key
points. This experience has highlighted the significance of searching from other sources also,
which not only engages me with the content but also facilitates other view of the topic from
various sources.


Ineffective Communication: Although I participated in the discussions, I struggled to
effectively communicate my ideas and found myself having to repeat my points to ensure they
were understood by the other group members. This issue not only wastes my own time but also
that of my fellow group members. To address this weakness, I need to focus on being clear and
concise when expressing my thoughts, so that my ideas can be easily understood by others
without the need for repetition.
During the presentation of my group's topic, I struggled with confidence and was unable to
effectively communicate the ideas I had prepared. Despite having a solid understanding of the
material, I found myself nervous and unable to deliver my presentation as expected. As a result,
my delivery fell below my own expectations.
Inability to articulate thoughts clearly: I had difficulty putting my thoughts into words
which limited my ability to better explain the concepts to the other members, this affected
my delivery and I had to repeat certain phrases so that it could be understood by the others.
This can be worked on by speaking more fluently and mentally preparing myself before I
present anything to an audience making notes of what I want to say.

Lack of knowledge or expertise: If someone is not well-informed or lacks expertise on a

particular topic, they may struggle to contribute meaningfully to discussions.
Participation: Each member of the team had an equal opportunity to participate in the
discussion, resulting in equal contributions from all team members. This equal participation not
only ensured that the workload was evenly distributed but also facilitated the timely completion
of the task.
The assigned roles were completed smoothly by each member, including those who did not
have specific roles. The distribution of roles was conducted in a fair manner, providing
individuals who had not fulfilled a role in a previous flipped class with an opportunity to do so.
As a result, there were no disagreements about the distribution of roles.

Points that could be used for both 4 & 5

Preparation: A well-prepared team is likely to do well in discussion and presentations. This
includes researching the topic thoroughly, gathering relevant information, and developing a
clear agenda or outline for the discussion or presentation.

Communication: Effective communication is critical for successful discussion and presentations.

This includes active listening, asking questions to clarify understanding, and clearly articulating
ideas and thoughts.

Collaboration: A team that works well together and collaborates effectively is likely to do well in
discussion and presentations. This includes building trust and respect, valuing diverse
perspectives and opinions, and working towards a common goal.

Organization: A well-organized team is likely to do well in discussion and presentations. This

includes structuring the discussion or presentation in a logical and coherent manner, using
visual aids or other supporting materials effectively, and managing time well.

Flexibility: A team that is flexible and adaptable is likely to do well in discussion and
presentations. This includes being able to adjust to unexpected challenges or changes, and
being open to new ideas and perspectives.

Confidence: A team that is confident in their abilities and ideas is likely to do well in discussion
and presentations. This includes practicing the presentation or discussion beforehand, being
prepared to answer questions or respond to challenges, and projecting a positive and confident

Active Listening: Encourage members to pay attention and give the speaker their full attention.
This means avoiding interruptions, avoiding multitasking, and showing nonverbal cues like
nodding, eye contact, and facial expressions.

Respectful Communication: Respectful communication means not attacking others, not

interrupting, and being willing to listen to others' perspectives. This also involves using
appropriate language and tone of voice, avoiding sarcasm and negative comments, and being
aware of cultural differences.

Staying on Topic: The discussion should stay on topic and not get sidetracked. Members should
avoid bringing up unrelated topics or getting distracted by tangents. If the discussion goes off-
topic, the facilitator should bring the group back to the main issue.

Encourage Participation: Members should feel comfortable and confident to speak up and
participate. This can be achieved by giving everyone an equal opportunity to speak, and by
asking for input from everyone. The facilitator should also ensure that quieter members are
included in the discussion.

Open-mindedness: Members should be open-minded to others' viewpoints and be willing to

consider different perspectives. This means being willing to change their own opinions, being
respectful of others' opinions, and not getting defensive or dismissive.

Constructive Feedback: Constructive feedback involves giving feedback that is specific,

actionable, and respectful. Members should avoid criticizing others personally, and instead focus
on constructive feedback that can help improve the discussion.

Clear Communication: Members should communicate clearly and concisely to avoid confusion
and misunderstandings. This involves using clear language, avoiding jargon, and asking for
clarification when needed.

Timeliness: The discussion should be held at an appropriate time and should not be rushed or
dragged on for too long. The facilitator should set clear expectations for the length of the
discussion and stick to the schedule.

Inclusivity: Members should be inclusive of all participants regardless of race, gender, age, or
any other characteristic. The facilitator should set ground rules for respectful behavior and
enforce those rules throughout the discussion.


Conflicting Ideas: Despite active participation from all members during a group discussion,
conflicting information emerged on a certain topic due to differing interpretations or sources of
information. This discrepancy created confusion within the group and hindered the overall
progress of the discussion. To prevent such situations in the future, it is important to clarify the
specific requirements of a question or task before attempting to solve it, ensuring that all group
members are working from the same information and minimizing misunderstandings.
Prior to sharing their individual views on a topic, it is important for the team members to ensure
that everyone is aligned and has a shared understanding of the subject matter. This approach
can prevent discrepancies between members' points of view and foster a more fluid discussion,
without interruptions to verify information. This practice can benefit the team's overall
effectiveness and lead to a more productive discussion.

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