EHT Basic Concepts of Heat Transfer

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mrotecube may D0 : ae, ee 7 Basic Con Heat - he enugy in drawl torbdet Pia e thle Avistoth wes qf te opinion’ oak Han iar One Of form primary clemeks | Plate thouget thot tha took tht gort f motien o% porticles ; acedchinghy tore ase for thectcet g haat. Ary tmedty hould be abk to explain the feck ges be lew é) bhewever CH i am exdonge of boat, heat “% Corsmusd (tHeot Dest bog hot body Us ehucay, eyscl to heat 5 we eld body) ii) the fat phon foxer plac gre higher cy Joe fre ii) The substances expand os Pade te CPOs Blots of body Avon a i Yquid a Liga +> gas pucttrout Dig in Pomp, ee ret ttt yd ’ D hie & Ledy,'s, rated a Cooled a ee vot chong? Acoding 2° De mode ot dynomatced crecty of heat a yet ua feu! dletbgy-~ "hone a nena orale) motion The meow KE por ruolecule PROM art in P' as, a a tee pobshana % pepe to ak alosptute terp.- consin& oxetion, Troe “Om etary A> moto "HY. ~~! afows depoodi ae nai fe gy. 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Ge Beicrus ts o, A aualogeur to dt ead R is amalo- gor fo Rr qeorkIS Cae qortly de colted ne kA erect Conduction tee hea OCD eel Je CC 5 ae eu spr 09 Kj ve rent semintane UY Colted Rauce ped aot, Sulu fw Combate eletrecal ces and porollel app'y equc tly wie +o cok Uxeuwol Condu % may aauetorces 40 trek nom sto tkat Proms by Grverkon wre Soke equoken bY Convertur het fraxshex 5 an adjowut xuid uw prtaceed bye a aie and ae Newtons lao 4 oo hae) rok § Govertvg| 4-T aed too T freon O>p' +g. Ftuid temp. at Comedian HT =e - er 2 wile fh’ cos eC fr The @efticbk a F ee omout dled Peatr Tad aaa aE oh Aeshate Jn Unik Fines - Bie valek i, ' Clapencts ores ee Sai) bee = Thermodynamic ond geo pepe § (og —viceaily, dowly, gp, teat oft) _ Nobare! cg plud plo ae Geowalry QQ te Auafact ug Duosot’ Omnditos whe wucheuiton q coeliac 70 ee gigas daportont pros — Prtvei to “te Chouger os & baling ond “2 Flas Free reas $e +5 = eoty —__ ee AG. 0) Physical con figuration 4 & Gna) 3 Givelak 4 tg-4y a patty cale- fs sonster® CRa Yeo. 0 Bee tte Dy pear a X Convection woe! nt Heat Trouife by Kadiaten @e GW, foo 1 ot stots colt tae bergtr x Copehpording te tan MOK. MOG, we invest poops ioral te ton absolele dep T Gg wm Dot body . 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Go we Crnvedu2 heal A Guess teas Sa an to (ona a sok ¢ tot taupe a-efpicik 2o}rey oft iain: of ts plete expoed 4p deck bowler, 2 sees ee plate susgae Aaspoatioe, te = Era aa co ty > 22c- ie cet , bee [re > 2oxl-s (20- 20) oo ee Probus » rs E DRS A hie “eS enim an thio. ook TSO Sirs dong bu submoyged dm wela of abun, prouse- Aq cleButc C199. ie posed earoug tee da and & inosand prod bol of Jose. Undew one Cortition 5 Conve tue dock Banshee @-eppenl & Gsoo Wfrvic fend new te clout pose mudd be auppliad to Ys Line Ap atuladn aan WDE Bre ot tape Gb Dia A tad Nae , hong & we Woe , Casper or 4 pst S20? | RAL > RRO Cony ONS = F-06€ X (olen oy de 5mm = 040015 tL = 1s0m™m™ £ 0b5m we We Cerpoted HT) yt Surface Youp, ts j2oe° wale pepo > ee Govedwe tack tousts~ Ge-ehpeont, N= G 002m Eladvic Or do te Supplied = Total Conveboo torr (2) Bez (ts-44) cs ys 4,068 * tei (120-109) 63-6 on An = tye AS = 300 ¢ 273 = SASK ee ae ee yor 242 Saas K f= 0-5 tend Lett by oe aaa as conc 2) Biota. 5677 NORE Cos ai) Loser set nef [Een ayy Dice. 5 Yas 4. Vebue <5 toanwol soactance 1 Reda a oe (Rm rod a+ 1 a 434s > 0-059 “cf we \the eqptiveadont comedian Co ef Rutt I Qe es Gh)

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