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1. a.What is trade? b. What is globalisation?

2. Research the UK’s Trade partners.

Who are the UK’s trade partners?

Who are the main Export partners?

Who are the main Import partners?

What products do they trade?

What is the value of the UK trade?

What is the EU and the UK Trade volumes?

What trade deals has the UK made for after Brexit?

3. List 3 benefits and 3 costs of International Free Trade and

Balance of Payments-accounts

1. What is the Balance of Payments?

2. What is the Current/trade Account?

3. What is a FinancialAccount?

4. Give 3 examples of items in the visible account

5. Give 3 examples of items in the invisible account

Compare the current/trade accounts below:

7. Research the U.K. Trade balance now. What is the situation?

8. Calculate the overall UK current or trade account balance:

Visible account/goods
Exports 306 765
Imports 419 364
Balance ?
Invisible account/services
Exports 209 127
Imports 130 261
Balance ?
Investment Income
Credits 157 675
Debits 172 632
Balance ?
Transfer Income
Credits 19 296
Debits 46 458
Balance ?
UK Current Account Balance ?

9. What is a deficit in the current/trade account?

10. What each of the above deficits/surpluses mean?

Exchange Rates

Do you know your currencies?

Name the currency of these countries:

1. Singapore
2. Denmark
3. India
4. Italy
5. South Korea
6. Vietnam
7. Which of these countries does not use the ‘dollar’ as its currency:
Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, Australia, Barbados or Chile?
8. Which country does not use the ‘peso’ as its currency: Argentina,
Brazil, Columbia,Mexico or Philippines?
9. Which country does not use the ‘pound’ as its currency: Egypt, Syria,
Lebanon, Gibraltar or Nigeria?

1. What is the Exchange rate of the pound to the euro and the
dollar now? How has this changed last year?

2. How will a depreciation of the pound benefit the U.K.

Economy? How will the current/trade account be affected?

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