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relevance of the research in academe world

Research is indeed important in the academic world for some reasons. I

believe that there are three major groups who will be the first beneficiary
of the research which are the researcher, the professors in charge of them,
and the students of the next generation

For Students:

Research will help students gain skills in grammar, vocabulary,

thought organization in a simplest and formal way of presenting facts and
information. I myself realized the difference between looking for
information through google and the real essence of research. For the
references, students will learn the proper citations, comprehension for the
related literature and interpreting the data rather than copy paste and
taking the ownership of a certain author available in the websites.


Professors in charge or the research subject adviser will have up-to-date knowledge in
every topic of the students. In the process, I also believed it will turns every
professors into better teachers

Schools and universities

The finished product or the research already published has made

its long-term impact on schools once they put in a library until they
used by other students as a reference, and possibly it can be used by
other schools as well.

3 EXample of Topics:

In a globalized world, the role of research in an academic institution is

significant for its sustainability and development, and it is imperative to have
knowledge-driven growth based on innovation. The quest for knowledge is the
basic principle behind research. The quality of research work directly
translates to the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom, thereby
benefiting the students, the society and the country. The promotion of
research in a huge and diverse country like India will help the nation evolve as
a knowledge reservoir in the international arena.
Our education system faces a number of constraints and challenges—quality
research is one of them. Barring few prestigious institutes, most display a
dismal picture in terms of quality and quantity research. Not many institutes
have mandatory research goals for individual faculty, and most do not have
adequate systems or infrastructure for quality research.
It is well-accepted that academic research has contributed enormously to
find solutions to many problems faced by our society and industries. There
have been multiple instances when industries have turned to academics for
finding solutions to vital issues. The need for sharing knowledge between
research institutions and industry has become increasingly evident. The
emerging importance of interdisciplinary fields has given rise to institutional
collaborations that allow knowledge to be pooled together. Often, it is industry
which is the ultimate beneficiary. Research provides basic inputs that can be
used for planning and policy decision-making. Needless to say, academic
research is an integral part of global development.

Why Is Research Important?

The main purpose of research is to inform action, to prove a theory, and
contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. This article will highlight
the significance of research with the following points:

1. A Tool for Building Knowledge and for Facilitating Learning

2. Means to Understand Various Issues and Increase Public Awareness
3. An Aid to Business Success
4. A Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths
5. Means to Find, Gauge, and Seize Opportunities
6. A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing, and Sharing Valuable
7. Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind
Finding reasons why research is important seems like a no-brainer, but many
people avoid getting involved in research. The lazy (if not mentally-drained)
student is probably thinking - "Oh, no. Not again," while a disinterested
academic could just be doing it for to secure job tenure and/or a promotion.
Yet, for those who like to learn, whether they are members of a learning
institution or not, doing research is not just an imperative, but a need.

What reasons may drive one to appreciate research and to engage in it?

1. A Tool for Building Knowledge

and for Facilitating Learning
Research is required not just for students and academics, but for all
professionals and nonprofessionals alike. It is also important for budding and
veteran writers, both offline and online.

For nonprofessionals who value learning, doing research equips them with
knowledge about the world and skills to survive and improve their lives.
Among professionals and scribes, on the other hand, finding an interesting
topic to discuss and/or to write about should go beyond personal experience.
Determining either what the general public may want to know or what
researchers want others to realize or to think about can serve as a reason to
do research. Thus, research is an essential component in generating
knowledge and vice-versa.

"Knowledge" basically pertains to facts based on objective insights and/or

study findings processed by the human brain. It can be acquired through
various ways, such as reading books and online articles, listening to experts,
watching documentaries or investigative shows, conducting scientific
experiments, and interacting with other people, among others. These facts
can be checked to ensure truthfulness and accuracy.

In epistemology, Yale University's David Truncellito (n.d.) identifies three

kinds of knowledge: procedural (competence or know-
how), acquaintance (familiarity), and propositional (description of "a fact or
a state of affairs"). A factual proposition is commonly used to define

Why Educators Use Research:

Fits their context- First and foremost, we use research when it fits our
context. If we love an idea and want to get better at it, then we will most likely
do action research or some sort of independent research to find something
that will help us improve. 

Social media- Those educators we follow Tweet about it. My principal is

talking about it at the faculty meeting, and my favorite colleague just bought
the book. I have major FOMO, so I really need to check this out!

Easy to put into practice- We read about it in a journal that a friend sent,
and it seems easy to put into practice. 

District makes them- The district says this is extremely important, or they
want to "pilot it," which means we will have to do it next year, so I'm going to
jump on board now. 

The Reasons We Don't:

Too complicated- Why do researchers have to use so many numbers and
educational words? I'm actually not being flippant here. I seriously wonder
why researchers do that, because it often means we can't get past Page 1. I
find that there are times that I can't figure out the point of the study much less
use it with my students. 

Not relevant- Not sure where this fits in with my reality. 

You do it well already- I've mastered this already. Time to move on.
Sometimes, however, if we don't collect evidence to actually understand our
impact, a confirmation bias may be at play here. 

Not enough time- I have PLC meetings, faculty meetings, district-required

meetings, and grades to do. I simply don't have time to take something else
on. Plus, the district didn't say we have to read this, so I'm not sure it's worth
the little time I have. 
Why Researchers and Educators Don't Always Communicate
Sometimes it's hard to communicate when you aren't in the same venue.
Friends who are researchers have said that their universities do not always
offer an incentive to publish in teacher and leader education journals like
Educational Leadership or Education Week. They say their universities
pressure them to publish in peer-reviewed research journals that others
researchers read. You know, the ones that make their way around the
university-professor crowd. 

Unfortunately, that's like preaching to the choir instead of going to a new

church that may do something with the research they read. Researchers,
although they may lack the guidance from their universities, need to publish in
media that teachers and leaders actually read. After all, if teachers and
leaders do not know research exists because they are not reading those
journals, what's the point of doing the research? 

It's the difference between a teacher that expects their students to go to them,
as opposed to teachers who know how to go to their students. 

In the End
Teachers often have most of their day planned for them, as they plan for
student learning, PLCs, faculty meetings, and other duties as assigned. It's
not that many do not want to read the latest research, but it's that they don't
have time to do so. Researchers need to do a better job of making their
research practical for those that they hope to use it, regardless of if that's what
their university wants. As we know, the WHY is important. Why did
researchers do their research in the first place? Hopefully, because they
wanted to get it into the hands of teachers and have an impact on students.

Research today is a skill that is taught to students as part of

information literacy units; however, I don’t think students understand
the difference between “Googling” a topic and researching it. Yes, a
lot of information is publicly available, however; a lot of peer-reviewed
research, published in academic journals, is not. Writing a research
paper used to involve going (yes a verb) to the library, researching a
topic, taking notes from resources you were usually not able to sign
out of the library and then assembling those notes into a coherent
paper, with an argument, and proper citations.

Writing research papers today is still easier than it used to be. Most
schools subscribe to electronic databases students can access
online. We need to teach students how to do research electronically
and how to avoid copy and paste disasters. Educators should stop
accepting the excuse that students don’t understand in-text citations;
letting students off if they have a reference page.

Great resource from Dartmouth – What is an academic paper?

1. Academic writing is writing done by scholars for other scholars.

2. Academic writing is devoted to topics and questions that are of
interest to the academic community.
3. This brings us to our final point: Academic writing should present the
reader with an informed argument.
Another advantage of being an active researcher is engagement with
current tools and technology. Students graduating from college today
have available physical tools, such as tablet computers, and new
software that was unheard of only a few years ago, much less a
decade ago. In less than a decade popular software may evolve
through several generations, changing the look, applications, and
abilities. Professors who are active researchers must engage these
new tools and learn this new software in order to keep up with
younger researchers and get published in good journals. This means
that they can bring that hands-on experience into the classroom and
share it with their students.

It’s important point out that it is not only theoretical, academic

research that improves student learning. Professors who work with
industry, either as consultants or in research partnerships, also
contribute to improving student learning. Industry holds research to
different standards than academic journals, primarily the standard of
return on investment. Exposing students to this research process
gives them a different perspective than simply presenting theories
from textbooks, or even research from academic journals. Even
better, involving classes or student projects in industry research
exposes students to real world environments and expectations.

It’s also not uncommon to find that theories or processes learned in

the laboratory, the field, or the marketplace are directly applicable to
the classroom. For example, research on consumer/brand
relationships, which tells us how to measure and promote
relationships between brands and consumers, also tells us how to
build great professor/student relationships and motivate student
learning. Even something like observing graduate students in an
engineering lab, how and what they learn from the experiment,
translates into better student learning at the undergraduate level.

Perhaps the most important contribution of professors doing research

is that it creates (or at least enforces) lifelong learners, learning that
involves making mistakes while pursuing the joy of discovery. These
professors can understand and empathize with their students, who
are sharing a similar learning process. Students who learn from
lifelong learners may even be more likely to discover their own innate
thirst for knowledge. So, when students and parents ask why
teaching professors are required to do research, I tell them it’s
because great learners make the best teachers.

Benefits of university research for students

It means teachers have up-to-date knowledge

Firstly, teaching staff who take part in university research will be

participating actively in their field. This means that they will gain
valuable insight into their particular subject area.
In fact, being at the cutting edge of research in a particular subject
can filter through to students. Though projects can sometimes take
years, or even decades, to complete, the research is applicable in the
classroom right away.

This is true for undergraduate students as well as postgraduate

students. If you study a master’s degree then you may be more
directly involved in important university research. But, undergraduate
students also benefit from up-to-date knowledge, and being close to
developments in their subject.

It’s hugely valuable to know that teaching staff won’t fall behind the
times when it comes to knowing their subject and sector. Being
involved in research helps ensure that lecturers are actually engaged
in what they are teaching.

It turns professors into better teachers

Secondly, cutting-edge research can help keep your lecturers

stimulated and challenged. It ensures that they themselves continue
to learn. As researcher and professor Dr John Story wrote in a
2012 Huffington Post article, this can turn professors into better
teachers because they can empathise with their students.

University research helps your teachers to be ‘lifelong learners’.

This is the idea that, no matter how old you are, or how many
qualifications you have, you can always learn more.

It encourages investment

There are also more tangible benefits. University research usually

requires investment in state-of-the-art facilities. This means that
research-intensive universities need better laboratories, bigger
libraries and specialist equipment.

Universities need to ensure that they have the resources they need
to carry out their research. So, governments and businesses often
provide grants and funding for appropriate equipment. These facilities
are in turn often made available to students and, as a result, their
study experience is enhanced.

It informs textbooks and resources

Finally, university research has a valuable long-term impact on

students. No matter which subject you study, your textbooks and
resources are usually informed by research carried out by

And, what’s more, even after you graduate, you’ll benefit from
university research. You’ll use products, take medicine and learn
from knowledge that’s all been made possible by research.

How to learn about a university’s research

In the UK, one way to see how much emphasis a university places on
research is by checking the Research Excellence Framework.

This shows the quality, quantity and influence of a university’s

research. It might be something you want to take into account
when choosing a study destination.

You can also check out university websites and learn about their past
and current research projects. From climate change to mental health,
universities are truly leading the way into the future with their

It answeRs the questions of a given problem, and I recalled not only in

research but, in real life situation, “ Problem well defined, is a problem
half-solved. “

Every research has different dEsigns that will complement the problem,
types of research and the …
Research is like a science that is syStematic in a way that it was not easy
to accomplish but I believed it’s worth studying for.

The research with right limitations will have a good impact on

completing the tasks. ScopE will fall in these limitations and specificity.

GoAls from what I’ve learned must have a deadline. If not, it’s just a
dream. And the dream seems far from reality. Research then, also aside
from having deadline, having goals as well will lighten the load.
for research requires discipline and determination to reach.

Research must have a better puRpose aside from it was a requirement for
graduation. Personally speaking, knowing the why’s of the research itself
will be a good help to lessen the load of completing every parts of it.

In every parts of research, especially in conclusion, a lot of DisCovery

will be encounter by the researcher. Some information gathered with
basis, dealing with respondents and tabulating the results will give an
additional information and learnings.

The researcher must identify the right MetHod that will suit the given

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