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Name:Gherman Larisa
School: Scoala gimnaziala nr 179
Grade: 8th
Title of lesson: First Conditional
Level: intermediate
Skills: speaking, reading, writing
Time: 45 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss
Strategies: conversation, brainstorming, scanning, explanation, reflection
Materials:textbook(Limba moderna 1 engleza, Clasa a VII a, artklett),
Aims: To activate students’ vocabulary
To encourage students to work as a team
To stimulate students’ interest in the topic
Objectives: By the end of the activity, the students will be able to provide
logical examples using the first conditional

The stages Didactic Inter Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Time

of the strategies actio
lesson n
1.Warm up Conversation T-Ss The teacher greets the The students get 5
students, asks about the ready for the lesson min
missing students and and answer teacher’s
verifies the homework. questions.
2. Lead in Reflection Ss- The teacher gives The students have to 10
Ss students worksheets and solve Farmer’s min
divides the classroom in dilemma.

2.Pre- Reflection T-Ss The teacher writes First Students have to 10

writing Conditional on the complete the Min
blackboard. Then she sentences in exercise
asks students to read the 3 and write the
first sentence from examples on the
exercise 3. The teacher board.
writes in on the board
and explains that if
introduces a condition
and the future tense
introduces a result.
The teacher writes the
structure on the
board(if+present simple,
future simple).
The teacher asks students
to complete the sentences
in exercise 3.

3. While- Reflection T-Ss Teacher gives another In exercise 1, students 10

writing worksheets with Groovy have to make min
Granny. sentences following
I explain the unknown the example.
In exercise 2, students
have to complete the

In exercise 3, students
have to complete the
the sentences.

4.Post Reflection T- The teacher gives another Students have to 5

writing Scanning Ss worksheet. match the numbers min
The first sentence is If with the letters. Then,
you heat water to 100 they have to finish the
degrees, it boils. The sentences in other
teacher asks if this is an ways.
example of the first
conditional. The teacher
explains that this is an
example of Zero
conditional. It expresses
facts and general truths.
Present simple is used in
both parts of the

5. Close Conversation -I announce the -The students write 5

the activity Explanation homework. down their homework min
-I appreciate students’
behaviour during the
class and I thank them
for their participation

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