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Sl.No. Progress Total cases

01 FIR Registered In the month -

02 Total No. of UI Cases 05

03 Total No.of NTF Cases 07

04 Total No.of PT Cases 43

05 Total No.of UI,NTF and PT Cases 55

06 Total CSR issued Up to the month 55

07 CSR pending Up to the month 03

08 Total No.of cases Disposal during this month 03

09 Case charged during this month. 01

10 No.of Cases taken on file during this month 01


Sl. Head of
No. Crimes
In the month of 03/2023 UP the month 28/02/2023

Rep con PT NTF UI Ref/ Rep con PT NTF UI Ref/

pra/ pra/AD
1. Rape
- - - - - - - - - - - -
2. Dowry Death
- - - - - - - - - - - -
3. Dowry Harassment
- - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Molestation
- - - - - - - - - - - -
5. Women Harassment
1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 -
6. Sexual Harassment
- - - - - - - - - - - -
7. Cruelty by Husband
- - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Kidnapping &
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Abduction of
9. Abetment of suicide
- - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Eve-teasing - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. ITP Act - - - - - - - - - - - -
12. Girl missing - - - - - - - - - - - -
13. POCSO Act - - - - - - - - - - - - -

14. SC/ST Act - - - - - - - - - - - -

15. Bigamy - - - - - - - - - - - -
16. Cheating - - - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 -


Under Investigation Cases for the Month of March -03/2023

S.No. Cr.No. Sec.of law Reason for UI

1. 01/2021 417,376 IPC,@ 4,6 of POCSO Act 2012 DDP Opinion

2. 04/2022 450, 376(3), 376(2) (n), 313, 294(b), A2 Not arrest.

506(ii), 323 IPC and 4,6, 17 of POCSO
Act 2012 r/w 4 of TNWH Act
3. 05/2022 5(l), 5(j)(ii) & 6 of POCSO Act 2012 Victim and Accused
07/2022 498(A), 494, 506(i) IPC Want of 2nd marrage ceretificate
5. 01/2023 498(A),342,323,506(i)IPC & 4 OF Accused Not Arrest.

01) Cr.No.01/2021 u/s 417,376 IPC, @ 4 & 6 of POCSO Act 2012. DO:
Between 2019 to 24.02.2021. DR:24.02.2021 – 16.45 hrs. PO:Marilla Child
Hostel.Vayalur village, ComP:Geetha,aged/20 D/O Moorthy. Marilla Child
Hostel, Vayalur village, Victim:- Geetha,aged/20 D/O Moorthy. Marilla
Child Hostel, Vayalur village, Accused:- 1)Charles. 2)James both are Marilla
Child Hostel, Vayalur village, Gist of the case:- ghjpf;fg;gl;l ngz; Nkw;fz;l
rpWth; tpLjpapy; jq;fp gbj;J te;jjhfTk;> vjphpfs; tYf;fl;lhakhf clYwT nfhz;L
fw;gkhf;fp 1 tajpy; Mz; Foe;ij ,Ug;gjhf Gfhh;. vjphp 2 .I 27.02.2021 e; Njjp ifJ
nra;ag;gl;lJ.Nkw;gb tof;fpy; 01.10.2021 e; Njjp rl;lg;gphpT 417>376 ,.j.r vd;gij
gphpT 4 & 6 of POCSO Act 2012. vd rl;lg;gpupT khw;wk; nra;ag;gl;L vjphp-1 I fle;j
14.09.2022-k; Njjp ifJ nra;ag;gl;L ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl;L DNA gupNrhjid
Kbf;fg;gl;L tof;F tprhuiz Kbf;fg;gl;L DDP Opinion ngw Ntz;b tof;F Gyd;;tprhuizapy;

02).All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.04/2022 u/s 450,

376(3), 376(2) (n), 313, 294(b), 506(ii), 323 IPC and 4,6, 17 of POCSO Act 2012 r/w 4 of
TNWH Act Do: 2020 Mk; Mz;L nrg;lk;gu; khjj;jpypUe;J DR: 14.03.2022 at 15.30 hrs Po:
No-850, Vinayagar Koil street, Melperumcheri village, complaintant house. Com:
Bhavanishwari (18) w/o Pachiyappan, No-850, Vinayagar koil street,
Vengambakkam village(Victim) Accused: 1.Vinoth @ Mageshkumar s/o Elumalai. 2.
Vadivel. Gist of Case:- thjpahdtu; 2020 Mk; Mz;L tPl;by; jdpahf ,Ue;j NghJ thjpapd;
tPl;bw;F vjpu; tPl;by; trpf;Fk; vjpup-1 thjpf;F mz;zd; cwTKiw Mthu;. thjpahdtu; nfhNuhdh
njhw;W fhuzkhf gs;spf;F nry;ykhy; tPl;by; ,Ue;j NghJ vjpup-1 thjpia fhjypg;gjhfTk;>
thjpaplk; nrhd;d NghJ thjp eP vdf;F mz;zd; Kiw vd; nrhd;djw;F vjpup-1 thjpia ghu;j;J eP vd;d
vd; $lth gpwe;jha; vd;W nrhy;yp thjpia tYf;fl;lhakhf fl;bgpbj;jjhfTk;> jpUkzk; nra;tjhf $wp
thjpia fl;lhag;gLj;jp clYwT nfhz;ljhfTk;> ,ijg;gw;wp cd; mk;khtplk; nrhd;dhy; FLk;gj;ij fhyp
nra;J tpLNtd; vd kpul;bajhfTk;> gpd;du; ,J gw;wp rk;gtjd;W kNf\;Fkhu; ,Uf;Fk; tPl;bw;F
nrd;W mq;F ,Ue;J vjpup-2 tbNtYtplk; Nfl;l NghJ thjpapd; mk;khit vjpup-2 Mdthu; khu;G kPJ
ifahy; Fj;jp kpul;btpl;ljhf Gfhu;. ,t;tof;fpy; Victim f;F Medical test Kbf;fg;gl;lJ. 164(5)
CRPC Statement Kbf;fg;gl;lJ. Reason for UI A2 ifJ nra;a Ntz;b UI apy; cs;sJ.

03). All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.05/2022 u/s

5(l), 5(j)(ii), 6 of POCSO Act 2012 Do: 11.09.2021 at 18.30 hrs DR: 18.04.2022 at
15.45 hrs Po: No-thjpapd; tPl;b d; vjpupy; cs;s Mw;wq;fiuapy; rpd;d vilahj;J}u 6/14
mq;fhsk;kd; Nfhapy; njU> rpd;d vilahj;J}u; fpuhkk;> jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; jhYf;fh>
nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;.Accused:tp[p. Gist ofCase:-thjpahd ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWkp ghz;^u;
murpdu; Nky;epiyg;gs;spapy; 9Mk; tFg;G gbj;J tUtjhfTk;. Nkw;gb ghjpf;fg;gl;l
rpWkpapd; tPl;bw;F gf;fj;jpy; trpf;Fk; ghz;b vd;gtuJ cwtpduhd tp[p vd;gtu; Nkw;gb
rpWkpaplk; Ngrp gofp fhjypj;J te;jjhfTk; thjpahd rpWkpia fl;lhag;gLj;jp vjpup tp[p
gyKiw clYwT nfhz;ljhfTk; jw;NghJ tof;F gjpT nra;agl;l epiyapy thjpAk; vjpupAk;
jiykiwthf cs;s epiyapy; vjphpia ifJ nra;aNtz;bAk; tof;F Gyd;tprhuizapy; cs;sJ.

04). All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.07/2022 u/s 498(A),

494, 506(i) IPC. DO:08.04.2021 TO 05.06.2022. DR: 17.06.2022– 14.00 hrs. CSR.NO:
101/2022- Date: 11.06.2022 at 12.00 hrs. PO:kzik rptuh[Guk;,Rkhu; 6 fp.kP. ComP.jpyftjp
t/23> f/ng ntq;fNlrd;> ff;fd; njU> kzik rptuh[Guk;> jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; jhYf;fh> nrq;fy;gl;L
khtl;lk;. Accused: A1- ntq;fNlrd; t/30> j/ng jhe;Njhzp> vz; 252/2 Nrupak;kd;;Nfhapy;
njU>Fd;dj;Jhu; fpuhkk;>jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; jhYf;fh> nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;;>A2- uhN[\; t/35
j/ng jhe;Njhzp>A3- ,yf;fpah f/ng uhN[\;>A4- kyu; f/ng Njtjh];>A5- kQ;Rsh f/ng
MjpNfrtd;>A6- yy;yp f/ng gpufh\;. A1 Accused Arrested on. 17.06.2022 at 16.15 hrs and
sent to remand by JM/TKM Court. A2 to A6 Not Arrested. All are Bail by Court. Gist of the
case:A1 vjpupf;F> A2 to A6 vjpupahdtu;fs; ,uz;lhtjhf jpUkzk; nra;J itj;jjhfTk; thjpf;F
vjpup ,uz;lhtjhf jpUkzk; nra;J nfhz;l jfty; mwpe;J Nfl;l NghJ vjpup thjpia mrpq;fkhd
thu;j;ijfshy; Ngrp nfhiy kpul;ly; nra;jjhf Gfhu;> ,t;tof;fpy; A1-apd; ,uz;lhtJ jpUkz Fwpj;J
rhd;W ngw Ntz;b ,t;tof;fhdJ UI -y; cs;sJ.

05) Cr.No: 01/2023 U/S.498(A),342,323,506(i) IPC&4 OF TNPHW Act.DO:05-01-2020

Njjpf;F Kd;ghf dr:11-02-2023 AT 15.00 HRS PO:NO-6/90 Nkl;LnjU fUf;fhkiy fpuhkk;.
COMP: V. uhrhj;jp t/25 f/ng tre;juh[;NO-6/90 Nkl;LnjU fUf;fhkiy fpuhkk; nra;Au; jhYfh
nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Accused:A1 tre;juh[; A2 fdpnkhop a3- Kdpak;khs; NO-6/90 Nkl;LnjU
fUf;fhkiy fpuhkk; nra;Au; jhYfh nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. GIST OF THE CASE : thjpf;F jpUkzkhfp
Rkhu;; 7 tUlq;fs; Md epiyapy; Rkhu; 5 tajpy; xU Mz; kfd; cs;sjhfTk; jw;NghJ thjpapd; fztuhd
A1 vjpup A2- vjpupAld; Nru;e;J nfhz;L thjpia jdp miwapy; milj;J itj;J Jd;GWj;JtJld;
kpul;bajhfTk; mjw;F thjpapd; khkpahuhd A3 vjpup cWJidahf ,Ug;gjhfTk; jf;f eltlbf;if vLf;f
Ntz;b Gfhu;.Nkw;glb ,t;tof;fhdJ vjpupfis ifJ nraa Ntz;lb UI y; cs;sJ.


Sl.No. Cr.No. Sec.of law Reason for UI Station

1 618/2021 Girl M,issing @ 366. 366(A), DDP Opinion E1 PS
376(i) IPC r/w 4, of POCSO
Act 2012.
2 135/2022 Girl M,issing @ 363, 366 IPC DDP Opinion E2 PS
& Sec 6,r/w 5(l) of POCSO
Act 2012.
3 154/2022 294(b), 354(A)(1)(i) IPC & 8, DDP Opinion E2 PS
9(f), 10,11(1), 11(4), 12, 17 of
POCSO Act 2012.
4 560/2022 5(j)(ii),5(l),r/w 6 0f POCSO DNA Test Pending E2 PS
Act 2012
5 131/2023 ACCIDENTAL FIRE @ Medical Test E2 PS
5(K)5(j)(ii) 6 0f POCSO Act Pending

1). E1. Mamallapuram PS Cr.No. 618/2021 u/s Girl Missing @ 366,366(A),

376(i) IPC r/w 4 of POCSO Act & 9 of prohibition of child marriage act.
DO:19.11.2021 – 11.00 hrs.DR:20.11.2021 – 10.00 hrs. PO.Mamallapuram raod.Eachur
village. Thirukalukundram Taluk. ComP:N.Boobalan, No.1-2. Mamallapuram
road.Eachur village. Thirukalukundram Taluk. Victim: Asvini,aged/17 s/o
Boopalan. No.1/88.Mamallapuram road, Eachur village. Thirukalukundram Taluk.
Accused: Karthick,aged/26 s/o Sambath. Muthumariyamman koil
Street.karumbakkam village. Thiruporur Taluk. Gist of the Case:-thjpapd; %d;whtJ
kfs; m];tpdp.taJ/17 vd;gth; jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; kfsph; Nky; epiygs;spapy; 12 Mk; tFg;G
gbj;Jtpl;L fle;j 8 khjkhf Nfsk;ghf;fj;jpy; cs;s POCY Hose jdpahh; fk;ngdpapy; gzpGhpe;J
te;jjhfTk;> 19.11.2021 e; Njjp fhiy 10.00 kzpf;F fk;ngdpf;F;.gzk; thq;fptUtjhf nrd;wth;
fhztpy;iy vd;W thjp khky;yGuk; fhty; epiyaj;jpy; nfhLj;j Gfhhpd; kPJ Fw;w vz;-618/2021y;
tof;F gjpT nra;ag;gl;lJ. rpWkp m];tpdp vd;gtUf;F taJ 17 vd;gjhy; mtiu Mir thh;j;ij $wp
jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhz;l vjphp fhh;j;jpf; vd;gtiu ifJ nra;J ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F
mDg;gpitf;fg;gl;lJ.,t;tof;fhdJ DDP Opinion ngw Ntz;lpUI –y; cs;sJ.

2). E2 Thirukazhukundram PS Cr.No. 135/2022 u/Girl M,issing @ 363, 366

IPC & Sec 6,r/w 5(l) of POCSO Act 2012. DO.18.02 2022 at 23.00 DR: 21.02.2022 at
13.00 hrs. PO: Nlq;f; njU tPuhGuk; fhyzp. Com: mKy; t/40 f/ng VOkiy>Nlq;f; njU
tPuhGuk; fhyzp. nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Victim: nrt;tp. Xtpah t/17 j/ng VOkiy>Nlq;f; njU
tPuhGuk; fhyzp nrq;;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Accused: FkNurd; t/29 j/ng Rg;gpukzp> ne. 146/4
fUkhug;ghf;fk; fpuhkk;> nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;.Gist of the case:-thjpahdtupd; kfs; Xtpah t/15
vd;gtu; gj;jhk; tFg;G gbj;J tpl;L tPl;by; ,Ue;J te;j epiyapy; 18.02.2022-w; Njjp ,uT 11.00
kzpastpy; jd; kfis fhztpy;iy vd mf;fk; gf;fj;jpy; NjbAk; jd; kfis fhztpy;iy vd;W fz;Lgpbj;J
jUkhWk; 21.02.2022-w; Njjp 13.00 kzpf;F jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; fhty; epiyaj;jpy; nfhLj;j Gfhu;
kPJ Fw;w vz; 135/2022 y; tof;F gjpT nra;ag;gl;lJ. rpWkp Xtpah vd;gtUf;F taJ 15 vd;gjhy;
mtiu Mir thh;j;ij $wp jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhz;l vjphp FkNurd;; vd;gtiu ifJ nra;J ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F
mDg;gpitf;fg;gl;lJ. .,t;tof;fhdJ DDP Opinion ngw Ntz;lpUI –y; cs;sJ.

3). E2 Thirukazhukundram PS Cr.No. 154/2022 u/s 294(b), 354(A)(1)(i) IPC & 8, 9(f),
10,11(1), 11(4), 12, 17 of POCSO Act 2012.. DO.03.03.2022. before in 3 months DR:
04.03.2022at 06.00 hrs. PO: ghz;^u; fpuhk muR Nky;epiyg;gs;sp Com: nry;tp. ngdpl;lh t/22 j/ng
[hd; iry;L iyd; 1098 cWg;gpdu; nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Victim: nrt;tp. R[pj;juh t/11 j/ng ehfuh[;> ne.
240 fq;ifak;kd; Nfhapy; njU> tpyhfk;> jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; jhYf;fh > nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;.Accused:
ju;kuh[; t/44 j/ng fNzrd; ne. 6 Nuh]; fhu;ld; 2 tJ njU> ,Uk;GypAu;> ngUq;fsj;J}u;> nrd;id-59. Gist of
the case:-kDjhuu; iry;L iyd; 1098 cWg;gpduhf Ntiy nra;jjhfTk; 04.03.2022-e; Njjp
jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; fhty; epiyaj;jpy; ghz;^u; fpuhk muR Nky;epiyg;gs;spapy; gbf;Fk; 6> 7 > 8
Mk; tFg;G gbf;Fk; khztpfis mioj;J ghypay; uPjpahd nfhLikfs; Foe;ij jpUkzk; gw;wp
tpopg;Gzu;T nfhLj;jTld; khztpfSf;F Ngg;gu; nfhLj;J cq;fs; kdjpy; cs;s Mir Nfhgk;> gpur;rid
vOJq;fs; vd nrhd;djw;F Mwhk; tFg;G gbf;Fk; R[pj;juh kw;Wk; mtuJ Njhop rpNdfh ,UtUk;
Kd;te;J mtu; gs;spapy; Mq;fpy ghlk; vLf;Fk; Mrpupau; ju;kuh[; bad touch nra;jjhf vOjp
nfhLj;jjhy; Mq;fpy Mrpupau; ju;kuh[; kPJ rl;lgb eltbf;if vLf;Fk; gb nfhLj;j Gfhu; kPJ
jpUf;fOf;Fd;wk; Fw;w vz; 054/2022 y; tof;F gjpT nra;ag;gl;lJ. vjphp ju;kuh[; vd;gtiu ifJ nra;J
ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F mDg;gpitf;fg;gl;lJ. .,t;tof;fhdJ DDP Opinion ngw Ntz;lpUI –y; cs;sJ.



Sl.No. Cr.No. Sec.of law Charged

1. 11/2015 498(A),406,354,420,506(i) IPC 25.07.2018
2 04/2018 417,506(i)IPC 11.02.2019
3 05/2019 417,376,294(b),506(i)IPC,r/w 4 of 29.06.2021
4 12/2019 365, 366,376 (1), 376(2)(n),312,506(ii), 25.05.2020
417,384 IPC, 420 r/w 4 of DP Act.
5 07/2020 366,376,417 IPC 25.10.2021
6 08/2022 354(D),363,365,366,376(1),376(2)(n)IPC.4(1), 24.02.2023
6(1),17 of POCSO Act 2012.
7 09/2022 7 r/w 8 of POCSO Act 2012 & 506 (i) IPC 29.03.2023

01). All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.11/2015 u/s 498(A),

406,354,420,506(i) IPC. DO: Prior to 23.01.2013 . DR:23.11.2015 – 13.00 hrs. PO:
Mettu Street, D.M.Pettai.T.K,.kundram. Comp:Sivasankari,aged/27 w/o Janarthanam,
No.418.Seeyamangalampettai.Dimmarajampettai.Kanchipuram. Victim:-
Sivasankari,aged/27 w/o Janarthanam, No.418.
Accused:-Janarthanam,aged/30 s/o Ramalingam,. 2)Ramalingam s/o Kanniappan,
3)Rani,age/55 w/o Ramalingam all are Mettu Street, T.K.Kundram. Gist of the case:-
thjpia fzthpd; FLk;gj;jhh;fs; nfhLikgLj;jpajhf Gfhh;. vjphpfs; ePjpkd;wj;jpy; rud;lh;
MfpAs;shh;fs;. ,e;j tof;fpy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ngz;Zf;F DNA ghpNrhjid vLf;f Ntz;b
ePjpkd;wj;jpy; ,Ue;J fpilf;fg;ngw;w cj;jpuTg;gb ngz;Zf;F DNA ghpNrhjid vLf;f FTA
fhh;L ngw 30.12.2018 md;W ePjpkd;wj;jpw;F mwpf;if mDg;gpitf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. tof;fpy;
Gyz;tprhuiz Kbj;J 25.07.2018 e; Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpif jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ. NTF.

02). Cr.No.04/2018 u/s 417, 506(i) IPC. DO: Between. P.S.Nagar,

T.K.Kundram. ComP:-Selvi.Jumuna,aged/29 D/O Vethachalam. No.14.Nehru
Street.P.S.Nagar,. T.K.kundram. Victim:- Selvi.Jumuna,aged/29 D/O
Vethachalam. Accusewd:- 1)Haridinesh,aged/28 s/o Kanniappan.
2)Chandra,a/50 W/O Kanniappan. 3_)Manjuperiya,a/35 w/o Kumar.
4)Sekar,a/40 s/o Elumalai, all are Gandhi Street, P.S.Nagar. T.K.kundram. Gist
of the case:- thjpia vjphp mhpjpNd\; vd;gth; jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhs;tjhf fhjypj;J
Vkhw;wpajhy; mjid Nfl;ljpw;F vjphpfs; midtUk; thjpapd; FLk;gj;jhiu
kpul;bahf Gfhh;>vjphp mhpjpNdi\ 28.11.2018 e;Njjp ifJ nra;ag;gl;lJ.
kw;wth;fs; ePjpkd;wj;jpy; ruz;lh; MfpAs;shh;fs;. tof;fpd; vjphpfs; kPJ
11.02.2019 e; Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpif jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ. NTF.

03). Cr.No.05/2019 u/s 417,376,294(b), 506(i) IPC r/w 4 of W.H.Act.

DO:02.06.2019 – 06.00 hrs. DR:02.06.2019 – 11.30 hrs. PO:Pudupattinam
village. ComP:Velliyan,aged/55 s/o Raghavan. Mettu Street, Pudupattinam
Kuppam. Victim:Suganya,aged/24 w/o Velliyan, Mettu Street, Pudupattinam
kuppam. Accused:-1)Sudhakar.aged/27 s/o Sambath. 2)Sambath, 3)Anjalai
w/o Sambath. 4)Vathachalam all are Ooyalikuppam. Pudupattinam.Gist of
the case:-vjphpahdth; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltiu jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhs;tjhf Mir thh;j;ij nrhy;yp
clYwTf;nfhz;L fl;lhag;gLj;jp flj;jpr;nrd;wjhf Gfhh;. tof;fpd; vjphpfs; kPJ 29.06.2021
e; Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpif jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ. NTF.
04). Cr.No.12/2019 u/s 417,376 IPC. DO:02.04.2018. DR:18.12.2019-
16.30 hrs. PO: Sri Guest House, Mamallapuram. ComP:- Parkavi, aged/22
D/O Govindan. No.32/34. Pachaikal Veerasamy Street, Jointed Office
Ayanavaram Chennai,. Victim:- Parkavi, aged/22 D/ O Govindan. Accused:-
Vijayalakshmi, aged/24 s/o Karunakaran. No.36, SS Param. A.Block, 12 th
Street, Otteri, Chennai. Gist of the Case :-thjpia vjphp fhjypj;J ,U tPl;lhh; epr;rak;
nra;j epiyapy; clYwT nfhz;Ltpl;l gpwF jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhs;s kWg;gjhf Gfhh;.
Gyz;tprhuiz Kbj;J vjphpkPJ 23.10.2021 e; Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpif jhf;fy;
nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ. NTF.

05). Cr.No.07/2020 u/s 366,376,417 IPC,DO:16.11.2020 – 14.00 hrs.

DR:18.11.2020 22.00 hrs. PO:Star Sky Guest House, Othavadai Street, mamalla
pouram.ComP:P.Vanitha,aged/22 D/O Prakash, No.1/75. Main Road,
Arunkundram, Manambathi. Victim:- P.Vanitha,aged/22 D/O Prakash, No.1/75.
MainRoad,Arunkundram, Manambathi. Accused:Sathishkumar,aged/24 s/o
Gankatharan. No.32/3. Mettu Street,Pooncheri village. Gist of the case:-
vjphpahdth; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltiu jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhs;tjhf Mir thh;j;ij nrhy;yp
clYwTf;nfhz;L jpUkzk; nra;Jf;nfhs;s kWj;jjhf Gfhh;. vjphpia ifJ nra;J
ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F mDg;gg;gl;lJ. tof;F muR tof;fwpQh; mth;fspd; khjphp
Fw;wg;gj;jphpif jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;lJ tof;fpy; Gyd; tprhuiz Kbj;J vjphp kPJ
25.10.2021 Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpf;if jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;lJ. NTF

06). All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.08/2022 u/s 354(D),

363, 365, 366, 376(1), 376(2)(n)IPC 4(1), 6(1), 17 of POCSO Act 2012.DO: %d;W
khjj;jpw;F Kd;G 22.03.2022 f;F gpwF. DR: 22.06.2022– 15.00 hrs. PO:thaY}u; fhiuj;jpl;L
fpuhkj;jpy; cs;s fUf;Fj;Njhg;G, ComP.Krishnan a/45, D/O Chinnappan, No: 298,
Gangaimuthalamman Koil St, Karaithittu Village Thirukazhukundram TK,
Chengalpattu Dist, Victim: Jothilakshmi A/16, F/O Krishnan, Gangaimuthalamman
Koil St, Karaithittu Villagee. Accused: Vikraman A/25 D/o Vijayan Karaithittu
Village Thirukazhukundram TK, Chengalpattu Dist, Gist of the case: thjpapd; kfshd
ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWkp N[hjpyl;Rkp t/16 vd;gtu; thaY}u; muR Nky;epiyg;gs;spapy; gj;jhk;
tFg;G gbj;J tUtjhfTk; Nkw;gb ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWkpapd; Ciur; Nru;e;j tpf;ukd; t /25 j/ng
tp[pad; vd;gtu; rpWkpia fhjypg;gjhf Mir thu;j;ij $wp Vkhw;wp fl;lhag;gLj;jp> gy Kiw clYwT
nfhz;ljhfTk; jw;NghJ thjpapd; kfshd ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWkp %d;W khj fu;g;gpzpahf ,Ug;gjhfTk;
Gfhu;> tof;fpy; Gyd; tprhuiz Kbj;J vjphp kPJ 24.02.2023 k; Njjp
Fw;wg;gj;jphpf;if jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;lJ. NTF
07) Cr.No.09/2022 u/s 7 r/w 8 of POCSO Act 2012 & 506(i) IPC. DO: fle;j 3 thuq;fshf.
DR: 12.08.2022 at 16.00 hrs. PO: nrtj;Nl ml;ntd;bu];l; gs;sp GJg;gl;bdk;, ComP: fy;gdh t/32
f/ng Nr\hj;up> vz;: 248 Nl;Lj; njU> ca;ahypFg;gk;> fy;ghf;fk; mQ;ry;> nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;.
Victim:-1). rQ;rdh t/13 j/ng Nr\hj;up> 2). uh[&gpdp t/15 j/ng Nltpl; rhKNty;> 3). \u;gpah
t/13 j/ng N\f;mg;Jy;yh> GJg;gl;bdk;> Accused:- kzpkhwd; t/49 j/ng cj;jpuhlk;> vz;:
124/7 fpof;F njU> flYhu; fpuhkk;> nra;A+u; jhYf;fh> nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;.Gist of the case:-
thjpapd; kfshd 1). rQ;rdh t/13 j/ng Nr\hj;up kw;Wk; mtUld; ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWkpfs;
2).uh[&gpdp Vd;fpw nku;ypd; t/13 j/ng Nltpl; 3). \u;gpah t/13 j/ng N\f;mg;Jy;yh vd;w
%tUk; GJg;gl;bdj;jpy; cs;s nrtj;Nl ml;ntd;bu];l; gs;spapy; vl;lhk; tFg;G gbj;J tUtjhfTk;. Me;j
gs;spapy; jkpo;; Mrpupauhf gzpGupAk; kzpkhwd; t/49 j/ng cj;jpuhlk; vd;gtu; rpWkpfSf;F
ghypay; njhy;iy nfhLj;jjhf Gfhu;. Nkw;gb tof;fpy; vjpupia 12.08.2022-k; Njjp ifJ nra;J
ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. tof;fpy; Gyd; tprhuiz Kbj;J vjphp kPJ 29.03.2023 k;
Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpf;if jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;lJ. NTF



Sl.No. Cr.No. Sec.of law Stage of the case

01. 08/2008 498(A),494 and 506(ii) IPC Case stands posted to

20.04.2023 Summon for LW1
02. 01/2009 498(A),494 ,294(b), IPC Case stands posted to
21.04.2023 for execution.
(Velu of Kilapakkam)
03. 04/2011 498(A),494 and 506(ii) IPC Case stands posted to
20.04.2023 for LW 4 and 6.
04. 05/2011 498(A), 494,506(ii) IPC. r/w 4 of Case stands posted to
Women Harassment Act. 18.05.2023
For NBW.
05. 09/2011 498(A), 506(i) IPC Case stands posted to
21.04.2023for NBW.
01/2012 498(A)IPC Case stands posted to
06. 21.04.2023 for LW 1 to LW 4.
07. 02/2012 498(A),494,506(ii) IPC. Case stands posted to
20.04.2023 for LW- 5 and 6
08. 09/2013 498(A),494 IPC Case stands posted to
02.06.2023 for execution of
09. 05/2014 363,366,376(2) IPC Case stands posted to
15.04.2023for NBW
10. 10/2014 498(A),323,354 IPC Case stands posted to
04.05.2023for LW- 03and 04
11. 01/2015 354(B),376(1)IPC and Sec. 4 of Case stands posted to
POCSO Act. 17.04.2023
12. 03/2015 417,376(1),506(i)IPC Case stands posted to
03.04.2023 for LW- 06 to 10
13. 06/2015 498(A),406,506(i)IPC Case stands posted to
22.05.2023 for LW- 01 and 02
14. 10/2015 366(A),376(i)IPC r/w 4&6 of Case stands posted to
POCSO Act, and 3(1)(i)SC/ST 12.04.2023 for LW 1 F/S
Act. Summon
15. 01/2016 294(b),IPC and Sec. 4 of TNWH Case stands posted to
Act 21.04.2023 for accused
16. 03/2016 498(A),294(B),323,506(I) IPC r/w Case stands posted to
4 of TNWH Act 21.04.2023 for LW- 01 to 03.
17. 04/2016 498(A),294(b),323,406,506(i)IPC Case stands posted to
r/w 4 of W.H.Act. 27.04.2023 for LW- 01 to 03.

18. 08/2016 376(i)IPC and 4 & 6 of POCSO Case stands posted to

Act 19.04.2023 for examining IO
19. 09/2016 495,294(b),506(i)IPC Case stands posted to
03.04.2023 for LW1 to LW3
20. 01/2017 417,376,294(b),506(i) IPC. 4 of DP Case stands posted to
Act. 10.04.2023 for accused
21. 05/2017 498(A),494,406,420 IPC Case stands posted to
27.04.2023 for accused
22. 09/2017 498(A),506(i) IPC,4 of Dowry Case stands posted to
Prohibition act-1961 28.04.2023 for NBW
23 10/2017 8 and 12 of POCSO Act Case stands posted to
06.04.2023 IO Stage
24. 11/2017 363,354(B)r/w 5(j)(i),5(1(s) r/w Case stands posted to
6.7.8 of POCSO Act 20.04.2023 for victim
25. 12/2017 376,506(i) IPC 6 of POCSO Act. Case stands posted to
21.02.2023 LW-1 to LW-3
Fresh Summon
26. 14/2017 6, 5(m), 3(b) of POCSO Act 2012. Case stands posted to
24.04.2023 for Victim
27. 15/2017 363,365,366,376(2)IPC 9 of Case stands posted to
Prohibition of Child marriage act 24.04.2023 for NBW.
and 4,6, of POCSO Act.
28. 01/2018 498(A),3 & 4 of DP Act Case stands posted to
08.02.2023 for victim
29. 02/2018 354(A)IPC 4 & 12 of POCSO Act Case stands posted to
25.04.2023 for LW-5 to LW-6
30. 03/2018 341,366,376 r/w 511IPC r/w 34 Case stands posted to
IPC 3(2)(v) of SC/ST Prevention 27.04.2023 for A1 ( NBW).
of ataractics amendment act 2015
r/w 34 IPC
31. 05/2018 5(1)(n)r/w 6 of POCSO Act and Case stands posted to
312,313,506(i)IPC 13.04.2023 for LW-3 to LW-5
32. 02/2019 7 & 8 of POCSO Act and SC/ST Case stands posted to
Act 05.04.2023 for victim
33. 06/2019 498(A)506(i)IPC 4 of women Case stands posted to
H.Act 11.05.2023 for LW1 to LW3.
34. 01/2020 363,366,376(2) IPC 4,6,8,14(1) of Case stands posted to
POCSO Act. 18.04.2023 for LW 1 TO 3
35. 02/2020 376(2)(n),363,376,376(3)IPC & Case stands posted to
4,6,of POCSO Act 10.04.2023for LWs 1 Cross
36. 03/2020 4,6,14(1) 15 of POCSO Act, r/w Case stands posted to
506 (ii) IPC & 6,7.(B) (a) IT Act 05.04.2023 For LW1 & LW2.
37. 04/2020 354 IPC, r/w 8 (2 Counts) 10 (2 Case stands posted to
counts) of POCSO Act: 20.04.2023 For NBWs
38. 02/2021 450.376(3).376(2) (r). 292(A) IPC Case stands posted to
4(2) & 6 of POCSO Act 2012. 28.04.2023 For Apperance
39. 07/2021 352, 354(B), 376AB IPC and 3 r/w Case stands posted to
4, 5(i), 5(m), r/w 6, 7 r/w 8, 9(i), 13.04.2023 For Apperance
9(m), r/w 10 of POCSO Act 2012
40. 03/2022 4 r/w 3 of POCSO Act 2012 Case stands posted to
18.04.2023 For Apperance
41. 02/2022 4 r/w 3 of POCSO Act 2012. Case stands posted to
Accused F/S 25.04.2023
42. 06/2022 498(A), 406, 506(i) IPC Accused copies issued case
stands posted to 24.04.2023
43 08/2021 417,498(A),323 IPC Case stands posted to
Accused F/S 25.04.2023

01) All Women Police station. Mamallapuram

Cr.No.08/2008u/s 498(A),494 and 506(ii) IPC :- DO:24.09.2008 – 07.30
hrs. DR:24.-09.2008 – 07.00 hrs. PO:Paranamkani village.
ComP:Danalakshmi,34 w/o Ravi @ Selvaraj of Kadalur village, Victim:
Danalakshmi,34 w/o Ravi @ Selvaraj of Kadalur
village,Accused:1)Ravi @ Selvaraj,a/40 s/o Madurai, 2)Kanaka,a/24w/o
Ravi paramankani village. Gist of the case:- Harassment. Accused
arrested on 24.09.2008 sent to remand. Case taken on file in
CC.No.192/2008. Case stands posted to 20.04.2023 for LW1 Summon.

02) Cr.No.01/2009 u/s 498(A),494 ,294(b), IPC :- DO: Prior to

11.02.2009. DR:11.02.2009 – 09.00 hrs. PO.Malaiadivaram T.K.M.
ComP:Nirmala,aged/31 w/o Velu. Malaiadivaram.Thirukalukundram.
Victim:Nirmala. Accused. Velu,a/35 w/o Manavalam of Kilapakkam
village.Pandur Post. Gist of the case.Harassment. Accused arrested on
11.02.2009. Case charged on 22.10.2009.Taken on file in CC.No.14/2010.
Case stands posted to 21.04.2023 for execution of (Velu of Kilapakkam)

03) Cr.No. 04/2011 u/s 498(A),494 and 506(ii) IPC :- DO: Prior to
21.06.2006. DR:1005.2011 – 19.00 hrs. PO: Kadalur village. ComP:
Amulu,a/13 D/O Velu of Cuddalur village. Victiom.Amulu of
Cuddalur village. Accused:1)Velu,a/26 s/o Pikiri. 2)Kanngi,a/45 w/o
Pikiri. 3)Ratha,a40 w/o Arumugam.4)Cho9ckammal w/o Murugan.
6)Suresh s/o Eagambaram 7)narosha w/o Pannerselvam all are
cuddalur village. Accused surrender before court. Only A4 arrested on
03.11.2011. Case charged on 11.06.2012. –Case taken on file in
CC.No.45/2013. by JN-TKM. Case stands posted to 20.04.2023 for LW 4
to 6.
04) Cr.No. 05/2011 u/s 498(A),494 and 506(ii) IPC 4 of W.H.Act.:-
DO: Prior to 06.05.2007. DR: 25.07.2011 – 10.00 hrs. PO.Pandur village.
Com: Sobana, age/23 D/O Srinivasan. of Semmencheri,Chennai.
Accused:1)Jayavel,a/26 s/o Nataraj. 2)Kokila.a/21 s/o Subramani.
3)Nataraj,age/70 s/o Kadumbadi, 4)Pattamal,age/50 w/o Nataraj, all
are pandur village, 5)Thulasi w/o Sekar, 7)Sekar s/o Subramani of
Pattikadu village. Gist of the case: Harassment. Case charged
on10.11.2011. and taken on file in CC.No.108/2011. by JM-TKM.Case
stands posted to 15.05.2023 for execution of A1.NBW.

05) Cr.No. 09/2011 u/s 498(A) 506(ii) IPC DO: Prior to 2004. DR:
17.11.2011-15.00 hrs. PO:Sundaravinayagar koil. Vadapattinam village.
Com:Saritha,age/25 w/o Saravanan of Vadapattinam.
Accused.Saravanan,age/27 s/o Selvaraj of Vadapattinam. Gist of the
case: Harassment. Case charged on 08.02.2012. taken of file on
18.04.2022 taken on file in CC.No.07/2012. Case stands posted to
21.04.2023 for NBW.

06) Cr.No. 01/2012 u/s 498(A) IPC.DO: Prior to 14.05.2011. DR:

24.11.2012 – 18.00 hrs. PO.Kandigai village, ComP:Roslin vimala,age/29
w/o Johnjagades. No.3/149.Anna Nagar.Pudupakkam.
Accused:JohnJagadesh,age/30 s/o Ganajothy.Madurai village,Parasur
post.Cheyyyar TK.Thiruvannamalai Dt., Case charged on 28.01.2012.
Case taken on file on 26.07.2012.inCC.No.33/2013 by JM-TKM. Case
stands posted to 21.04.2023 for execution of A1. LW1 to LW4.

07) Cr.No. 02/2012 u/s 498(A) 494,506(i) IPC.DO: Prior to 02.02.2010.

DR:04.06.2012-10.00 hrs. PO.Kammaiyapuram, Puliyur village. ComP:-
Varathaperiya,age/20 w/o Jajaparakash, of kattankolathur,Chengalpattu,
Accused:1)Jayaprakash,age/28 s/o Devaraj, 2)Davaraj s/o Ranganathan.
3)Mallika,age/56 w/o Dewvaraj of Kamaiyapuram, 4)Jayanthi ,age/28 w/o
Sankar, Katankolathur. 5)Parameswari,age/33 w/o Krishnamoorthy of
Mambakkam. 7)Ranuga,age/25 w/o Jayapraksah. Case charged on 05.09.2012.
Taken on file in CC.No.234/ JM-TKM. Case stands posted to
20.04.2023 for LW- 5 and 6 Summon.

08) Cr.No. 09/2013 u/s 498(A),494 IPC. DO: Prior to 23.05.2012 to

14.11.2013. DR:14.11.2013 – 08.00 hrss. PO.Kodur village.
Comp;Mekala,age/17 w/o Parkunan fo Karikamalai.Kodur village.
Accused.:L.Parkunanage/22 s/o Kasu.2)Sarkunavathy,age/19
w/oParkunamn, School Street, Karikjamalai. Kodur.Gist of the case;
Harassment. Case charged on 04.05.2014. CC.No.140/2014 by JM TKM.
Case stands posted to 02.06.2023 for execution of A2.

09) Cr.No. 05/2014 u/s 363,366,376(2) IPC DO:Before 22.05.2014.

DR: 22.05.2014 – 12.30 hrs.PO: vadanemmeli, Savukkuthoppu, ComP:-
Soniya,age/21 D/O Raja of Mathakoil street, Mutukadu, Accused:Sarath
@ Sathishkumar of Vadanemmeli village. Gist of the case:Love affaiyers
and false promise ohe hed sexual intercourse. then refused to marriage .
Case charged on 06.11.2015. taken on file on 19.05.2022 PRC No.71/2015
Add Mahila Court. Case stands posted to 15.04.2023 for execution of A1.

10) Cr.No. 10/2014 u/s 498(A),323,354 IPC DO:Before 27.08.2014. .

DR:19.09.2014 – 18.15 hrs. PO.Pooncheri village. ComP:Mahalaksamui,age
/29 w/o Manikandan of Five ratha street,Mamallapuram. Accused:-
1)Manimkandan s/o Menakshidevar, 2)Isikiammal,a w/o Menakshi devar.
3)Meenachidevar s/o Arumugadevar of Poncheri village. Gist of the
case:Harassment. Case charged on20.11.2014. Taken on file in CC.No.11/2015
by JM –TKM court. Case stands posted to 04`05.2023 for LW- 03and 04.

11) Cr.No 01/2015 u/s 354(B), 376(1) IPC and Sec. 4 Of POCSO
Act. Do: Before 21.01.2015 DR; 21.01.2015 Hrs, Po: Vedeswarar Koil
street, Thirukalukundram. Comp: Depika age/18 D/O Sankar of
Dimmur Village, Accused Sarathbabu, age 19 s/o Thirumalai of
Dimmur Village, Accused arrested. Case was Charged on 16.08.2018.
Case taken on file in SPL No.106/2019, Mahila Court.Chengalpattu.
Case stand posted to 17.04.2023 for NBW

12) Cr.No. 03/2015 u/s 417,376(1),506(i)IPC. DO: Before

15.05.2015. DR: 29.05.2015 – 20.00 hrss. Accused: Vijayakanth, age/22
s/o Parasuraman of Koman nagar. Gist of the case: Rape and refuse to
marry her complainant. Accused arrested on 09.10.2015. Case charged
on 09.11.2015. Taken on file in PRC No.01/2006. Mahila court
SC.No.64/2016. Case stands posted to 03.04.2023 for LW- 06 to 10
13) Cr.No. 06/2015 u/s 498(A),406,506(i) IPC DO: 19.12.2014 DR:
05.09.2015 at 17.30 hrs. PO:RMI Nagar.Pudupattinam.
ComP:SAthiya,age/27 w/o Vethageri. RMI Nagar,Pudupattinam,
Accused:Vethageri s/o Veeraraghavan of Irumbuliur. Gist of the
case:harassment. Case was chaged on 31.10.2015. Taken on file on CC.No.247/2015. Case stands posted to 22.05.2023 for
LW- 1 and 2 Summon.

14) Cr.No. 10/2015 u/s 323,376 IPC DO: 18.11.2015 – 15.30 hrs.
DR: 21.11.2015 – 23.30 hrs. PO.Mamallapuram. ComP:SAnthi,aged/34
w/o Arjunan, Mettu street,Kalavakkam, Accused: Velu,aged/19 s/o
Sababathy age/7, No.1/60. Pillaiyar koikl Street,Pandithameodu village.
Victim: Vanaja,aged/15 D/O Arjunan. Kalavakkam. Accused arrested
on 22.05.2015. Case charged on 09.03.2022 taken on file in SC
No.11/2020. Case stands posted to 12.04.2023 for LW1 F/S.

15) Cr.No. 01/2016 u/s 294(b) IPC and 4 of TNWH Act DO:
11.12.2015 DR:16.03.2016 – 16.00 hrs. PO:Land in Park.M.R.Ratha Main
road,Sirucheri. Comp:Parkavimohan,aged/39 D/O Mohan. Po: Land in
park.sirucheri. Accused:Saravanan sethuraman, s/o Sethuraman.Land
in park apartment. 2)Menakshi w/o Sethuraman. Sirucheri, Case
charged on 04.07.2014. taken on file in CC.No.26/2016. Case stands
posted to 21.04.2023 for accused appearance.

16) Cr.No. 03/2016 u/s 498(A),294(B),323,506(I) IPC r/w 4 of

TNWH Act DO: 03.02.2016 – 10/.30 hrs. DR:30.05.2016 – 17.00 hrs.
PO:Gangai amman koil Street,Kelambakkam. ComP: Lakshmiperiya,
age/28 w/o Selvam of Pandiyan apartment,Srinivasan Street,
T.Nagar.Accused:1)Narayanasamy,a/38 s/o Sethu. 2)Thankachiammal,
age/65 w/o Sethui. 3)Balasubramani s/o Chellakannu, 5)Saghnthala
w/o Babu. 6)Meena w/o Muthukumar. 7)Muthukumar, age/50 s/o
Kanthasamy. Gist of the case.Dowry harassment. Case charged
on26.11.2016. case taken on file in CC.No.23/2017. Case stands posted
to 21.04.2023 for LW- 01 to 03.

17) Cr.No. 04/2016 u/s 498(A),294(b),323,406,506(i)IPC r/w 4 of

W.H.Act. DO: 10.09.2006. 10.00 hrs. DR:15.06.2016 – 11.00 hrs.
PO.Sachinanthapuram.Thalambur. ComP:Sarmila,aged/35 w/o
Kameshraj, No.195. Sachithananthapuram.Thalambur. Accused: 1)
Muthumalai,age/60 s/o Kalimuithu, 2)Kameshraj,aged/36 s/o
Muthumalai, 3)Vijayakumari, w/o Muthumalai. 4)Sasi,aged/40 w/o
Ashokumar. all are Ragamalai block,Medavakkam.Case charged on
02.01.2017. Case taken on file in CC No.06/2017.taken on 15.02.2017.
Case stands posted to 27.04.2023 for LW- 01 to 03.

18) Cr.No.08/2016 u/s 376(i)IPC and 4 & 6 of POCSO Act. DO:

23.08.2016 –15.00 hrs. DR: 17.11.2016–00.45 hrs. PO:Mamallapuiram See
shoreComP:RAnuka,a/17 D/O Saravanan, Pudu street,Vadal
village,Melparamanallur.Kanchipuram, Accused:Ashok @ Ashokumar.
Age/17 s/o Selvam,No.18.Mariamman koil Street,Nelvoy.
Karikely.Maduranthagam. Case charged on 31.08.2018. taken of file Spl
No.04/2019. Case stands posted to 19.04.2023 for examining IO

19) Cr.No.09/2016 u/s 495,294(b),506(i) IPC DO: 11.11.2016 –

before. DR:23.12.2016 – 14.00 hrs. PO.Ponpathirkudam village.
ComP:Hamalatha, age/22 D/O Moorthy. Muthumariamman koil Street,
Thirukalukundram. Accused:Mohanaprasanth,age/23 s/o Nagalingam
of Dr.Ambathkar Street,T,K.Kundram.Case charged. taken on file in
CC.No.194/2019. dated.23.09.2020. Case stands posted to 03.04.2023
for LW1 to LW3.

20) Cr.No.01/2017 u/s 417, 376,294(b), 506(ii) IPC. DO:01.01.2010

– 08.00 hrs to 10.01.2017 –12.00 hrs.DR: 02.02.2017 - 20.00 hrs. PO: No.28.
Mariyamman koil Street, Nerumbur village. ComP:- Sathiya,aged/20
D/O Sekar, No.28. Mariyamman koil Street, Nerumbur village.Victim:-
Sathiya, aged/20 D/O Sekar, Accused:- Durai @ Duraikannu. s/o
Ananthan, No.28.Mariyamman koil Street, Nerumbur, Case charged.
Case taken on file in PRC No: 15/2021 dated 19.08.2021 case stands
posted to 10.04.2023 foraccused appearance.

21) Cr.No. 05/2017 u/s 498(A),494,406,420 IPC DO:08.06.2016 –

09.00 hrs. DR:17.03.2017 – 11.00 hrs. PO:Thaiyur village.
ComP:Tmt.Deepavishnu,age/37 w/o Vishnu,No.28/29. Anantham
Avenue, Thaiyur village.Kelambakkam.Accused:K.G.Vishnu,age/40 s/o
Gopalakrishnan. 2)Gopalakrishnan s/o Ramasamy. 3)Suthamani w/o
Gopalakrishnan, All are Karunkal palayam,Erode. Case charged
on25.08.2018. Case taken on file in CC.No.207/2019.dated.12.03.2019.
Case stands posted to 27.04.2023 for accused questioning.

22) Cr.No.09/2017 u/s 498(A), 506(i) IPC and 4 of Dowry

Prohibition act 1961. DO: 02.02.2014. DR:13.04.2017 – 10.00 hrs. PO:Kolla
Colony,Ayapakkam village.ComP:Suganthi. aged/24 W/O Punniyakoti.
No.25. Kollai colony Ayapakkam. Victim:- Suganthi, aged/24 W/O
Punniyakoti. Ayapakkam. Accused:-1) Punniyakoti, age/32 s/o Pakkiri,
2) Buvaneswari, age/45 w/o Pakkiri. 3)Pakkiri age/50 s/o Thangavelu
all are Kolla colony, Ayapakkam. Case charged. Case taken on file in CC
No: 63/2021 dated 19.08.2021 case stands posted to 28.04.2023 for NBW.

23) Cr.No. 10/2017 u/s 8 and 12 of POCSO Act DO:22.04.2017 –

15.00 hrs. DR:23.04.2017 – 13.00 hrs. PO:119. Kanni koil
street,Arunkundram.ComP:Velan,age/40 s/o Murugan.Kunnukadu
village. Accused:Arasan,age/52 s/o Gandhi, Narikuravar colony
Perunagar.Uthiramerur.Case charged on26.08.2018. Case taken on file
Spl SC No.159/2019. Case stands posted to 06.04.2023 for IO Stage.

24) Cr.No.11/2017 u/s 363,354(B) r/w 5(j)(i) 5(1) r/w 6,7,8 of

POCSO Act DO:-23.03.2017 - 20.00 hrs. DR:24.05.2017 – 10.00 hrs. PO:-
Kanni koil Street, Vellipuram village. ComP:Deenadayalan,age/51 s/o
Subramani, No.685. Kanni koil Street, Vallipuram village, Victim:-
Savithiri,aged/17 D/O Deenadayalan. Accused:- Lakshmanan @
Selvam,aged/23 s/o Kumar. No,37.Kanni koil Street, Vellipuram. Case
Charged on 25.08.2018 and Case Taken on file in Spl SC No.46/2021
dated.15.07.2021. Case stands posted to 20.04.2023.

25).Cr.No.12/2017 u/s 376,506(i) IPC 6 of POCSO Act. DO:

05.01.2017 – 13.00 hrs. DR: 03.06.2017 – 10.00 hrs. PO: Jaibem Nagar,
Navalur main road, Thalambur. ComP: Munusamy, aged/45 s/o
Kannan, No.2/220. Jei bim Nagar.Navalur. Victim:- Raoj, aged/17 D/O
Munusamy Navalur village. Accused:- Murugan, aged/42 s/o
Samikannu of Jaibim Nagar, Navalur village. Case Charged . Case taken
on file in SPL/SC.NO. 72/2021 Dated: 15.09.2021 Case stand posted
21.02.2023 LW-1to LW-3 Fresh Summon.
26) 14/2017 u/s 6,5(m),3(b) pocso act DO.27.08.2017 at 17.00
Hrs DR.30.08.2017 at 07.00 hrs PO .vjpupapd; kspif filapy; COM.Santhi
a/32 w/o gupendhiran no1/20 sivan kovil street padur kelambakkam
kancheepuram district ACCUSED. Mukthar a/48 s/o mugamadhu saiyadh
thiruvalluvar street padur village VICTIM .1. kiruba sri a/8 s/o
gupebdhiran 2. Dharuni varshini a/6 s/o manimaran padur village
accused arrested on 30.08.2017 at 11.00 hrs Charged date 20.09.2018 Case
taken on file in SPL Case No.32/2020. 09.06.2022 Case stands posted to
20.04.2023 for Victim produced.

27) Cr.No. 15/2017 u/s 363,365,366,376(2)IPC 9 of Prohibition of

Child marriage act and 4,6 of POCSO Act. DO:06.02.2017.
DR.25.09.2017. PO:Thandarai village,ComP:Murali,age/38 s/o
Arumugam, No.50. Malikai veethi.Thirunermalai.Chennai. Accused:
Veramuthu, aged/25s/oKuppan. Neheru Street, Thirunermalai.
Victim:Prabavathi, age/17,D/OMuruali.Thirunermalai.Case chared on
25.05.2020. Case taken on file in SPL Case No.64/2020. Case stands
posted to 24.04.2023.

28)Cr.No.01/2018 u/s 498(A), 3 & 4 of DP Act.DO:- Between 8

years. DR:28.07.2018 – 17.00 hrs. PO.School Street. Meiyur Sadras.
ComP:-Tmt.Vithiya Sethuraman,aged/35 w/o Sethuraman, No.16-
3rdStreet, Mylapure, Chennai. Accused:- 1)Ramsankar,aged/36 s/o
Sankaran sethuraman, 2)Sankaran sethuraman, 3)Rathasankaran.
4)Vithiya sankaran. 5)Balansethuraman all are Government School
Street,Sadras.Case Charged. Case taken on file in CC.NO. 45/2021
Dated: 12.08.2021 Case posted to 08.02.2023 for victim summon.

29) Cr.No. 02/2018 u/s 354(A)IPC 4 & 12 of POCSO Act.

DO:18.08.2018 – 17.00 hrs. DR:07.09.2018 – 14.45 hrs. PO:Thalambedeu
village, T.K.Kundram. ComP:kathavarayan,a//38 s/o Chinnapaiyan,
Thulukanathaman koil Street,Thalambedu. Accused.Saravanan,aged/33
s/o Parasuraman of Thalambedu village. Victim:Arathi,aged/16 D/O
Kathavarayan.Case charged on 10.03.2020. case taken on file Spl
CC.No.33/2020.dated 24.03.2020. Case stands posted to25.04.2023 for
LW 5 to LW 6 F/S
30) Cr.No. 03/2018 u/s 354341,366,376 r/w 511IPC r/w 34 IPC 3(2)(v)
of SC/ST Prevention of ataractics amendment act 2015 r/w 34 IPC
DO:11.10.2018. DR:12.10.2018 – 15.30 hrs. PO:Bommarajapuram,
ComP:Tmt.Devi,aged/22 w/o Karthick,Periyapalayathamman koil
street,Bomarajapuram. Accised:1) Rajkumar, age/20 s/o Ravisasnkar,
2)Sathish,age/20 s/o Manju. Both are Bommarajapuram. Case charged. Case
taken on file in SC No.75/2020 dated 16.12.2020. Case stands posted to
27.04.2023 for A1, A2,(NBW).

31) Cr.No. 05/2018 u/s 5(1)(n)r/w 6 of POCSO Act and

312,313,506(i)IPC DO:Between 10.04.2014 – 10.00 hrs. DR:10.09.2018 –
15.00 hrs. PO:Rajivi Gandhi Nagar,Malakotaiyur village, ComP:
Keerthana,age/18 D/O Gandhi, Rajivi Gandhi Nagar,Malakotaiyur
village. Accused:Gandhi,age/45 s/o Chellapan of Melakotaiyur.Case
charged on 09.03.2020. Case taken on file in Spl SC No.31/2020 dated
20.03.2020. Case stands posted to 13.04.2023 for LW-3 to LW-5 F/S.

32) Cr.No.02/2019 u/s 7& 8 of POCSO Act. DO: 06.02.2019 – 15.45

hrs. DR:13.02.2019 - 17.00 hrs. PO:Kovalam. ComP: Saiperiya, aged/16
M/O Kanagi. No:4/40. Pillaiyar koil Street, Kovalam. Victim:Saiperiya.
aged/16. M/O Kanagi. No:4/40. Pillaiyar koil Street, Kovalam.
Accused:Asarap @ Asarapgan.aged/30 s/o Ropcon. Padavattamman
koil Street,Kovalam. Case Charged. Case taken on file in Spl SC No-
61/2021 dated 18/08/2021 Case stands posted to 05.04.2023 for victim

33) Cr.No. 06/2019 u/sV498(A)506(i)IPC 4 of W. H.Act

DO:01.12.2008 to 03.08.2019. DR:03.08.2019 – 11.00 hrs. PO.Kanakoil
pettail,T.K.kundram.ComP:Vanaja,aged/35 w/o GAjendran, Vadaku
pattu road. Kanakoil pettai, Accused: Gajendran, aged/35 s/o Elumalai
of Vadakupattu road.T.K.Kundram.l Case Charged on 31.08.2019. Case
taken on file in CC.No.193/2019. Case stands posted to 11.05.2023 for
LW1 to LW3.

34) Cr.No.01/2020 u/s 363,366,376(2) IPC 4,6,8,14(1) of POCSO

Act. DO: Prior to 28.01.2020. DR:28.01.2020 – 20.00 hrs. PO.Pattikadu
village. ComP:- Magalakshmi, aged/35 w/o Arumugam, No.8/97.
Thiruvallur Street, Pattikadu village. Victim:-Abirami/aged/10 D/O
Arumugam. Thiruvallur Street, Pattikadu village. Accused:-Saratyh @
Sarathkumar, aged/24 M/o Sarasu, No.115/97. Thiruvallur Street,
Pattikadu village. This case was cherage on 25.08.2021 Case taken on file
in spl SC No: 78/2021 dated 21.10.2021 case stands posted to 18.04.2023
for LW-1 to LW-3 F/S

35) Cr.No.02/2020 u/s 376(2)(n),363,376,376(3)IPC & 4, 6 of

POCSO Act 2012.DO:Prior to 17.06.2019. DR:17.02.2020 – 14.00 hrs.
PO.Manthoppu, Nedumaram village. ComP:-Jothika,aged/16 D/O
Subramanian of Pudupalayan Street,Manthoppu. Nedumaram village
Cheyyur Taluk. Victim:- Jothika,aged/16D/O Subramanian of
Pudupalayan Street,Manthoppu. Nedumaram village. Accused:-
Suresh,aged/29 s/o Cinnakanan, Pudupalayam Street, Manthoppu,
Nedumaram village. Case charged. Case taken on file in spl SC No:
60/2021 dated 18.08.2021 case stands posted to 10.04.2023 for LW-1

36).Cr.No.03/2020 u/s 4,6,14(1) 15 of POCSO Act, r/w 506 (ii)

IPC & 6,7.(B) (a) IT Act 2008. DO:28.08.2020 - 16.00 hrs. DR:
30.08,.2020.12.30 hrs. PO. Rise mill Street, Neikuppi village, ComP:
Gajalakshmi, aged/33 w/o Gopal. No.142. Rise mill Street, Neikuppi
village, Thirukalukundram Taluk. Victim:- Kaviya, aged/14 D/O Gopal
Rise mill street. Neikupi village. Accused:- Sathiya, aged/30 s/o
Pandurangan, @ Panderi, Rise mill street,Neikuppi village, Case
Charged. Case Taken on file in spl SC No: 33/2022 dated 20.03.2023 case
stands posted to 05.04.2023 for victim produced

37) Cr.No.04/2020 u/s 354 IPC r/w 8 (2 Counts) 10(2 counts) of

POCSO Act:- DO:30.08.2020 – 12.30 hrs. DR: 31.08.2020 – 14.30 hrs. PO:
Mariyamman koil Street, Thaiyur village. ComP:- Ravi,aged/32 s/o
Kanniyappan of Thaiyur village. Victim:- 1)Lakshya,aged/8. D/O Ravi.
2) Kamesh,age/6. s/o Ravi. Mariyamman koil Street, Thaiyur village.
Accused:- Sriban,aged/33 s/o Govindasamy Pillaiyar koil Street, Kovil
manyam, Thaiyur village Case charged. Case taken on file in spl SC No:
63/2021 dated 28.10.2021 case stands posted to 20.04.2023 for NBW.

38) Cr.No.02/2021 u/s 450.376(3).376(2) (r). 292(A) IPC 4(2) & 6 of

POCSO Act 2012. DO: Prior to 4 months of 2021. DR:26.03.2021 at 10.00
hrs.PO.Indira Nasgar, Sembakkam village. Comp.Tmt.Vanitha,aged/33
w/o Kalaijothi, No.5/145.Indiara Nagar.Sembakkam village, Thiruporur
Taluk.Chengalpattu District.Victim Girl.Pulora, aged/16 M/O
Tmt.Vanitha. D.B.03.07.2005. (SC-Christen) Accused: Jun.Appu @
Ilayaparathi,aged/17 s/o Pavadai. Mariyamman koil Street,
Eamappur.Vilupuram District. 607203. Case charged on 25.08.2021, Case
taken on file in JJ No: 120/2021 dated 28.12.2021 case stands posted to
28.04.2023 forappearance.

39).All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.07/2021

u/s 352, 354(B), 376AB IPC and 3 r/w 4, 5(i), 5(m), r/w 6, 7 r/w 8, 9(i),
9(m), r/w 10 of POCSO Act 2012. DO:02.09.2021 at 16.00 Hrs. DR:
03.09.2021 at 22.00 hrs. PO:ntq;fNsup fpuhkk,; thjpapd; tPl;bd; mUfpYs;s
ghoile;j Nkhl;lhu; nrl,; Rkhu; 12 fp.kP tlf;F. Comp: ghyKUfd; t/37 j/ng Re;juk;
ne. 2/144 fq;ifak;kd; Nfhapy; njU ntq;fNsup fpuhkk; Myj;Jhu; Ngh];l;
jpUg;NghUu; jhYf;fh nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Victim: ,yf;fpah t/09 j/ng ghyKUfd;
ne. 2/144 fq;ifak;kd; Nfhapy; njU ntq;fNsup fpuhkk; Myj;Jhu; Ngh];l;
jpUg;NghUu; jhYf;fh nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. (vjpup) ,sQ;rpwhu;: rhujp t /14 j/ng
VOkiy fq;ifak;kd; Nfhapy; njU, ntq;fNsup fpuhkk; Myj;Jhu; Ngh];l;
jpUg;NghUu; jhYf;fh nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Case charged on 15.07.2021, Case
taken on file in JJ No: 50/2022 dated 15.07.2022 case stands posted to
13.04.2023 for appearance.

40)All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.02/2022 u/s 4

r/w 3 of POCSO Act 2012. Do: 18.01.2022 at 15.00 hrs DR; 19.01.2022 at 12.30
hrs Po: Consilar Thanpal house Near Anusakthi Nagar, Mullikolathur village
20 KM South west. Comp: M.Gajalaxhmi age 34 w/o Murali, No-116,
Gangaiyamman koil street, Mullikolathur village, Thirukalukundram taluk.
Victim:- Uthayasri(6) D/O Murali, No-116, Gangaiyamman koil street,
Mullikolathur village, Thirukalukundram taluk. Accused: Babu A/ S/o
Sandhiyappan , Mullikolathur village, Thirukalukundram taluk.Gist of the
Case: thjpapd; kfshd ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWkpia rk;gt ,lj;jpy; vjpupahdtu; ghypay; rPz;ly;
nra;jjhf Gfhu;. ,t;tof;fpy; vjpupia 31.01.2022 ifJ nra;J ePjpkd;w fhtYf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl;lJ.
Charge Date: 25.04.2023 NTF

41) All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.03/2022

u/s 4 r/w 3 of POCSO Act 2012. Do: 03.02.2022 at 22.00 hrs DR:
11.02.2022 at 08.15 hrs Po: thjpapd; tPl;by; fhkuh[u; efu; eLtf;fiu fpuhkk;
njd;Nkw;F Rkhu; 18-KM. Comp: Lalitha aged 36 w/o Kumar, No-116/4,
3rd street, Kamarajar nagar, Naduvakkarai Village, Thirukalukundram
taluk. Victim- Saraswathi aged 14 D/o Kumar, Kamarajar nagar,
Naduvakkarai Village, Thirukalukundram taluk. Accused: Velu aged 16
s/o Sekar, No-15, Mettu Street, Nelvoy Village, Maduranthagam taluk.
Case charged on 15.07.2021, Case taken on file in JJ No: 54/2022 dated
18.04.2022 case stands posted to 06.02.2023 for appearance.

42). All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.08/2021 u/s

417, 498(A), 323 IPC. DO:12.08.2021 at 19.00 Hrs. DR: 21.09.2021 at 14.45 hrs.
PO: No: 08 TKMrhiy khky;yGuk; vjpupapd; tPl;bw;F Kd;G. Comp: Gy;Gy;khyh t/24
j/ng jq;fJiu ne. 88 gpupah efu; $LthQ;Nrup >nrd;id. Accused: A1- iraj; fhGy;
md;rhup j/ng gRYjpd; A2- gRYjpd; A3- n[fgu; ehr;rpahy f/ng gRYjpd; %tUk; No:
08 TKM rhiy khky;yGuk; Accused not Arrest Gist:thjpAk; vjpupAk; Free fire
tpisahl;bd; %yk; mwpKfkhfp fhjypj;J te;jjhfTk; thjpia vjpup fle;j 06.02.2021 k; Njjp
nfhLj;j Gfhupy; kD vz; 203/2021 d; gb fhty; epiyak; mUfpy; jpUkzk; nra;J nfhz;L
vjpupapd; jq;iff;F jpUkzk; Kbe;j gpd;G Nru;e;J thOtjhf 6 khjk; fhy mtfhrk; Nfl;L
nrd;wtu; jw;NghJ Nru;e;J tho kWg;gjhf Gfhu;. ,t;tof;fpy; Gyd;tprhuiz Kbj;J
rk;ke;jg;gl;l vjpupfs; A1 to A3 MfpNahu; kPJ 02.06.2022e; Njjp JM- TKM
ePjpkd;wj;jpy; Fw;wg;gj;jphpf;if jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;lJ. NTF.

43). All Women Police station. Mamallapuram Cr.No.06/2022 u/s

498(A), 406, 506(i) IPC. DO: jpUkzkhfp xU tUlfhykhfDR: 23.04.2022 at 18.30 hrs.
PO: 418 Nkl;L njU> igaD}u; fpuhkk;> Rkhu; 5KM, tlNkw;F. Com: T.gpNukh t/31
j/ng jpUNtq;flk;> ne. 418 Nkl;L njU> igaD}u; fpuhkk;> jpUg;Ngh&u; jhYf;fh>
nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;.Accused:A1- VNdhf;uh[h j/ng NtyhAjghzp> Gypae;Njhg;G
nrd;id, A2- R. fyhtjp f/ng uhkfpU\;zd;> igaD}u; fpuhkk;> nrq;fy;gl;L khtl;lk;. Gistof
Case:-thjpia vjpup fle;j 10.09.2020 Mk; tUlk; jpUkzk; nra;J nfhz;ljhfTk; vjpupahdtu;
igaD}u; fpuhkj;jpy; cs;s ,NaRtpd; md;gpd; jpUr;rig jiyik Nghjfuhf cs;sjhfTk;. thjpapd;
eiffis vjpupAld; fs;sj;njhlu;gpy; ,Uf;Fk; ngz;zplk; nfhLj;J tpl;ljhfTk;. Mij Nfl;ljw;F
thjpia rz;il Nghl;L mtuJ jha; tPl;bw;F mDg;gp tpLNtd; vd;W kpul;bajhfTk;
fUTw;wpUe;j thjpf;F mtuJ fztUld; fs;sj;njhlu;gpy; ,Uf;Fk; ngz; kUe;J nfhLj;J fUit
fiyj;J tpl;ljhf Gfhu;. ;,t;tof;fpy; Gyd;tprhuiz Kbj;J A1 TO A2 vjpupfs; kPJ 01.11.2022
k; Njjp Fw;wg;gj;jphpif jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;L 23.12.2022-k; Njjp ePjpkd;w Nfhg;gpw;F
vLf;fg;gl;L CC NO. 172/22 nfhLf;fg;gl;L vjpupfSf;F Fw;w efy; toq;f N/H


Name of the No.of UI Cases Total Case charged Total No.of
PS cases Reported Other wise UI cases end
beginning of During this disposed of the Month
the month month during this 31.03.2023
01.03.2023 month /
AWPS 06 - - 3 5


Name of the 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL

AWPS - - - - - - 1 1


Sl.No Cr.No. Sec.of law Remarks

1 09/2022 7 r/w 8 of POCSO Act 2012 & 506 29.03.2023
(i) IPC


Name of 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 TOTAL
the PS
AWPS/ - - - - - 1 3 1 5


Name of No.of NTF cases Cases Charged Total No.of cases Total No.of
the PS beginning of the During this Taken on file in NTF cases
month month during this end of the
01.03.2023 month Month
AWPS/ 6 1 7 1 7


Name of 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL
the PS
AWPS/ 1 - - 1 2 1 - 2 7


Name of 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL
the PS
AWPS - - - - - - - 1 -


Sl.No Cr.No. Sec.of law Remarks

1 08/21 417,498(A),323 IPC 27.03.2023


Name of No.of pt cases Taken on file Total No.of cases Total No.of
the PS beginning of the During this Disposal PT cases end
month month during this of the Month
01.03.2023 month 31.03.2023
AWPS/ 42 1 43 2 43

Disposal Case Details – March 2023

S.No Cr.No Section of Law Remarks
1 04|2019 11(1), 11(2),r|w 12 of 27.03.2023
2 10|2019 5(n), 6 of POCSO Act r|w 27.03.2023
366,(A), 323, 120(b) IPC Crpc 235(i)



01 2008 1 - - - - 1

02 2009 1 - - - - 1

03 2010 - - - - - -

04 2011 3 - - - - 3

05 2012 2 - - - - 2

06 2013 1 - - - - 1

07 2014 2 - - - - 2

08 2015 4 - 1 - - 5

09 2016 5 - - - 5

2017 8 - - - 8
11 2018 4 - 1 - - 5

12 2019 2 - 2 1 1 6

13 2020 4 - 1 - - 5

14 2021 3 1 1 - - 5
15 2022 3 5 - - - 8

16 2023 - 1 - - - 1

TOTAL 43 6 8 1 1 58


Pending at the Received Disposal Received Up to Disposal Pending at the

end the last during this during this the month Up to the end of this
month month 03/23 month month month
28.02.2022 03/23 31.04.2023
- 22 19 55 52 03


Sl.No. Head of Offence No.of petition No.of petion Pending end of

received disposed this month

01 Cheating by false - - -
promise of marriage

02 Bigamy - - -

03 Deserting Married - - -

04 Breach of Betrothal - -

05 Breach of Marriage 1 - -

06 Return of Sheridana 1 1 -

07 Beating of drunken 2 2 -

08 Complaining against - - -

09 Hurt case against - - -


10 Other type of 6 4 2
11 Dowry Harassment - - -

12 Family quarrel 12 12 -

TOTAL 22 19 03


Last month Received Received Disposal Disposal Pending for

pending during this Up to the during this Up to the the month
month month month month
2 15 10 13 08 03


Pending at Received Received Up Disposal Disposal Up Pending for

the beginning during othid to the month during this to the month the month
of the month month month
02 02 02 - - 04


SNo. Date Village

- - -


MARCH 03/2023

SNo. Date Village

- - -


OF MARCH 03/2023
SNo. Date Village

01 02.03.2023 Maiyur village

02 05.03.2023 Neykuppy Village

03 14.03.2023 Kelapakkam Village


Sl.No. Year PT UI NTF Con/ FAD PT/UI

Acq /MF Transfer
01 2008 1 - - - - - 1
02 2009 1 - - - - - 1
03 2010 - - - - - - -
04 2011 3 - - - - - 3
05 2012 2 - - - - - 2
06 2013 1 - - - - - 1
07 2014 2 - - 1 - - 2
08 2015 4 - 1 1 - - 5
09 2016 5 - - - - 5
10 2017 8 - - - - 8
11 2018 4 - 1 - - - 5
12 2019 2 - 2 1 1 1 5
13 2020 4 - 1 - - - 5
14 2021 3 1 1 - - - 5
15 2022 3 5 - - - 1 9
16 2023 - 1 - - - - 1

TOTAL 43 6 8 3 1 2 60

Inspector of Police
All women Police station




2008 - - 01 (8) 1

2009 - - 01 (1) 1
2011 - - 03 (4,5,9) 3

2012 - - 02 (1,2) 2

2013 - - 01 (9) 1

2014 - - 02(5,10) 2

2015 - 01 (11) 04 (1,3,6,10) 5

2016 - - 05 (1,3,4,8,9) 5

2017 - - 08(1,5,9,10,11,12,14,15) 8

2018 - 01 (4) 04 (1,2,3,5) 5

2019 - 02 (5,12) 04 (2,4,6,10) 6

2020 - 01 (7) 04(1,2,3,4) 5

2021 01 (1) - 03 (2,7,8) 4

2022 03 (4,5,7,) 2(8,9) 01 (3) 6

2023 01 (1) - - 1

TOTAL 05 07 42 55

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