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Nirma University

Institute of Technologr
Semester End Examination (IR/RPR), December - 2019
B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Semester-V
EC506 Digital Signal Processing
Rol1 / Supervisor's
Exam initial with
No. date
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 1OO

Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions.

2. Figures to right indicate full marks.
3. Draw neat sketches wherever necessarJr.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and clearly indicate it.

Q.l Answer the following questions. [181
tAt Write answer in short. ll,2l
CO2, (i) DFT s5rmmetry property and its application
BL2 (ii) Why 8 point DFT on 1O samples of discrete signal should not be
(iii) Butterlly structure of FFT algorithm
(i") Write down condition for BIBO stability using Z-transform
(v) Show example of the sequences having the same Z-transform but
different ROC.
(vi) What is the ROC of frnite sequence and why?
IBI What is finite word length effect? How to reduce the effect of it? Compare t06l
co3, various quantization methods and their effects in filter design.
[B] and
Give reasoning: "The causal FIR filters obtained by simply truncating tO6I
CO3, right-shifting the impulse response of the ideal filters exhibit an
BL2 osciliatory behavior in their respective magnitude response." Also how
can oscillatory behavior be reduced?

Q.2 Answer the following questions. t16I

IAI It is required to compute DFT of a signal which contains unknown t06l
CO2, sinusoidal signal on1y. There is always a possibility that the unknown
BL3 frequency is missed in calculating the DFT. For example, the unknown
signal is at c:: O.25n, however, the DFT is calculated at points o: .....,
O.24n, O.26n, O.28n, .... etc points so that the unknown signal could not
be detected. Even if we increase the DFT points, the computed DFT may
miss the frequency of sinusoid as it could be anywhere. What can be done
to detect the sinusoidal signal using DFT? Hint: Use moduiation property
of DFT.
tf{ Apply the concepts of (i) Evatuating DTFT frorn Z-transform and, (1i\ Z- t06l
CO2, transform of exponential sequence o"u(n) to lind out the DTFT of the unit
BL3 step signal.

y'e.Y | o1.

IBI Let X(k) be a 12-point DFT of a length-l2 real seguence x(n) with first 7 [06]
CO2, samples of X(k) given as { 1t, B-j2,1-jt2,6+j3, -3+j2,2+j, 1S}. Find the
BLs remaining samples of ,(U);,Also, evaluate following without computing
IDFT: (a) x(o) (t) !x(n) (c) !x(n11'z
n=0 n4

ICI DFT involves circular shift and circular convolution. What is the kick for [O4l
CO2, the DFT-based implementation of the linear convolution of two finite
BLs length sequences x(n) which is the input signal and h(n) which a unit-
impulse response?

Q.3 Answer the following questions. [16]

tAI Let x(n): be the sequence with the po1.e at z: r/2, arrd two zeros dt z1 : 2+jn/2 [06]
CO2, and zz sin/2. Sketch the pole-zero plot for:
Bw (i) v(n) : (1/2)" x(n)
(ii) w(n) : x(n)cos(xn/21
lBl Determine the zeros for the following systems and indicate whether the [06]
co3, system is minirnum phase, maximum phase, or mixed phase.
BL3 (i) Hr(z) :6+z-1 -z-2
(ii) Hr(z) :1-z-1 -612
tC] Obtain Direct Form I and Direct Form II of [O4]
CO3, H(zl:3 [( 1 +O.22'tl(L+z-r1]/ t( 1+0.52-r )(1-0.+z-t;1

Q.4 Answer the following questions. [181
tA] (i) Design an FIR linear phase digital band pass fllter to pass digital [1OI
COs, frequencies in the rarrge from ocr : L.2 to clcz = 2.3 radians/sampie using
BL6 the window method. The filter length should be M : 5 (i.e. order: 4), and
the Hanning window function is wHexr,r(n) : 0.5 - O.Scos[2nn/(M - 1)l; O <
n < M - 1. (ii) Plot the magnitude response of the filter you have designed
(iii) if you are asked to implement this filter using delays, adders and
multipliers, draw the block diagram of the hardware.
tB] Derive Type - III FIR filter equation and explain pole zero location IOSI
CO3, constrain for all four types of FIR filter and its application in the form of
BL4 filter constrains.

Q.5 Answer the iollowing questions. [16]

lA1 Design arr IIR lowpass Butterworth digital filter using Bilinear t12l
CO1, Transformation method satisfying following specifications: (i) 0.9<lH(w)l<l
:99, for 0<w<z/z (ii) la(rr,)l<0.2 for 3r/4<w<n Assume T: 1 sec and the
Irequencies w as given are digital frequencies.
1A1 Design an IIR lowpass Butterworth digital filter using impulse invariance [12]
co 1, method satisfying the specifications
cos, O.BB99 < lHlei';l< 1, 0 < lr,r l< 0.25n,
BL6 lH(ei"; l< O.lB77,0.35n < lo l< n.
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[BI Echoes are simply generated by delay units in audio signal processing [O4]
COS, applications. For example, the direct sound and a single echo appearing R
BL3 sampling periods later can be simply generated by the FIR filter y(n) = x(n)
+ ox(n-R), lo l. t. Write tJle system transfer function H(zl, and draw its
unit impulse response and the magnitude response lH(ro )1. What kind of
filter (LPF/HPF/BPF/APF/Comb) is this?

Q.6 Answer the following questions. [16]

iAI Why multirate signal processing required? Explain with clear reason that [O8]
CO4, antialiasing filter is used before or after downsampler or upsampler?
tBI By proper placement of pole and zero, design an FIR notch filter that will [OBl
COs, reject a very strong 6O Hz interference from the power supply line
BL6 contaminating the 2OO Hz useful signal in an ECG recording application.
The filter should not attenuate or emphasize the useful signal al2OO Hz.
Sampling frequency F" is 480 samples/s. (Convert analog frequencies to
digital first.)

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