Archimedes School Kiểm Tra Khảo Sát Chuyên 5

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Họ và tên ____________________
Lớp ____________
Môn: Tiếng Anh 7
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

TOTAL SCORE: ….... /100

MARKER: ……………………
I. You will hear five short extracts in which people talk about habits they find difficult to
For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) the habit each person has. Use the letters only
once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. eating unhealthy food
В. doing too much exercise
C. buying unnecessary items
D. watching too much television
E. spending too much time online
F. oversleeping
G. working too hard
H. arriving late for everything
1. Speaker 1 _____
2. Speaker 2 _____
3. Speaker 3 _____
4. Speaker 4 _____
5. Speaker 5 _____
Score: .............../5
II. Read the article about a court case.
Some good news about the climate
We all know about the climate crisis and the type of action that needs to be taken to stop
global warming, but we don’t often hear positive news about the progress that has been made
to reduce carbon emissions. The use of fossil fuel power is in decline across large parts of the
world, and several countries now produce all or nearly all of their power from renewable
sources. 1 _____
Paraguay has achieved this mainly through hydroelectric power, created from water flowing
through the Rivers Paran and Acaray. Just two hydroelectric plants provide 98% of Paraguay’s
electricity generation: the Itaip Dam, jointly owned with Brazil, and the Yacyret Dam, owned
in partnership with Argentina. The Itaip Dam is currently the largest power plant in the world.
2 _____
In Iceland too, water is an important electricity source, and hydroelectric plants use glaciers
and rivers to produce 75% of the country’s electricity. The rest comes from geothermal
sources – energy from the internal heat of the earth. Iceland is volcanically very active, with
200 volcanoes and 600 hot springs. Hot water from the underground springs can be pumped
directly into homes and used for heating and to supply hot water from the tap. 3 _____. The

hot water is also used to heat greenhouses that grow the island’s fruit and vegetables, and to
warm city streets so they do not become icy and slippery in winter. The potential source of
energy below the surface of Iceland is enormous, but unfortunately, the country’s remote
location means there is no way for them to export the energy to other countries. Instead,
they aim to attract more industries to the country to exploit the supply of cheap energy.
Solar power provides a large part of new electricity production around the world, with China,
Japan and the US being some of the leading countries in solar power production. The largest
solar farm in the world is currently the Bhadla Solar Park in the north of India, covering an
area of 15 square miles (39 km2). The region is so hot and dry, it is almost impossible for
humans to live there, with summer temperatures reaching as high as 51oC (124oF).
4 _____ For the same reason, many of China’s solar power plants are located in the Gobi
desert. Australia also plans to build a gigantic solar farm in the hot, dry Northern Territory. It
will cover around 20,000 football fields and be visible from space, and the energy produced
will be exported to Singapore through cables under the sea.
Wind has been used for thousands of years as a source of energy and is increasingly
considered to be a valuable resource. 5 _____With its long coastline, the UK has a particularly
high offshore wind production, with six of the ten biggest offshore wind projects in the world.
Leaders in wind energy production include China, the US and Germany.
In other areas, every day brings new scientific progress that can help us turn climate change
around. 6 _____. Of course, the move from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources needs to
continue, but progress is being made every day.

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A–G the one
which fits each gap (1–6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A. In fact, 90% of Iceland’s homes are heated in this way.
B. Power from the movement of air is captured by wind turbines, sometimes on land, but
often out to sea (referred to as ‘offshore’ wind farms) where the wind speeds are usually
higher than on land.
C. In fact, Paraguay produces far more power than it needs, and much of it is exported to
Argentina and Brazil, making Paraguay the fourth largest exporter of electricity in the world.
D. Recent technology news includes developments that might allow planes to be fuelled using
carbon dioxide from the air, and a revolution in technology allowing electric car batteries to
be recharged in only five minutes.
E. At the head of this list are Iceland and the Republic of Paraguay, who already produce 100%
of their electricity from renewables, significantly reducing their carbon emissions.
F. However, there are currently no countries which have been able to make effective use of
G. Using the sun’s energy in this area is a good way to make use of the land.
Score: .............../6

III. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that climate (1) ______ is one of the most urgent problems
that we are currently facing. With each passing year, it seems that time is running out to (2)
______ the problem.
More and more of us feel that we need to (3) ______ our bit to help solve the issue. But in
reality, the problem comes from the top. It is the world’s richest people who (4) ______ the
biggest part in contributing to global warming. According to one study, it is the richest 10% of

people who create around half of the world’s fossil (5) ______ emissions. Not only that, but
the richest 1% of people in the world (6) ______ half of the world’s greenhouse gases from
plane journeys. Most people in the world do not, in fact, travel by plane at all.
If we are going to (7) ______ action to protect our environment, then perhaps we need to
focus our attention on the top of society and the people who are (8) ______ most to the
1 A development B change C warming D difference
2 A win B push C tackle D take
3 A make B play C show D do
4 A play B create C do D have
5 A material B food C fuel D energy
6 A generate B build C bring D begin
7 A make B do C give D take
8 A putting B adding C counting D belonging

Score: .............../8

IV. Read the article about the Stele of Hammurabi.

Ancient laws
In 1901, while excavating an ancient archaeological site in the Middle East, a French
Egyptologist found a large carved black stone, broken into three pieces. Called the Stele of
Hammurabi, language experts soon found that the stone, dating from around 1754 BCE,
recorded what was then the earliest known example of a written legal system. It was, in fact,
one of the oldest pieces of writing of any length in the world. It consisted of 282 laws which
established standards for business transactions and set out fines and punishments in an early
justice system.
The laws had been carved into a single piece of basalt, a very hard stone, that has preserved
the writing for nearly 4,000 years. The stone was the work of King Hammurabi, who reigned
in Babylon (in modern-day Iraq) from 1792 to 1750 BCE. Displayed in a public place, so
everyone could see the laws and nobody could claim ignorance of them, most of the seven-
foot-five-inch (2.2-metre) monument is covered with cuneiform script, setting out the laws in
clearly organised groups. At the top of the stone is a two-and-a-half-foot carving of
Hammurabi, standing to receive the law – symbolised by a measuring stick.
The laws are remarkably sophisticated and show a detailed justice system. Many of them
relate to business, for example, setting out prices for goods and wages for different
professions, including a sort of ancient ‘minimum wage’ for manual labourers. Other sections
address crimes like assault or theft, or issues relating to family relationships, such as adoption,
marriage or divorce.
The laws include many legal concepts that we consider to be at the foundation of modern
society. It is one of the earliest examples of the idea that people are innocent until proved
guilty, and that the accuser needs to provide evidence to prove the guilt of the accused. Some
of the best-known laws from Hammurabi’s code are an early example of the type of justice
we often refer to as ‘an eye for an eye’: If a man destroys the eye of another man, they shall
destroy his eye. If one break a man’s bone, they shall break his bone. Some of these attitudes
seem brutal to modern eyes.
The laws also show that Babylonian society did not consider all people to be equal.
Punishments varied according to the gender and social status of the person committing the

crime, as well as the victim. In addition, the payments set out for services also depended on
income and social status, so a doctor’s fee for treating a wound would be either ten, five or
two units of currency depending on the status of the patient.
In the 120 years since the discovery of the stele, older evidence of similar legal systems has
been discovered, in particular, two Sumerian legal documents dating back to 2100 and 1930
BCE, suggesting that the Hammurabi code may in fact have come from an earlier source,
rather than being an original set of ideas. Some people believe that Hammurabi sent out
representatives to collect existing laws, which he then put together to create his own legal
framework. Whatever the truth, the Hammurabi stele remains the most comprehensive
overview we have of laws and social attitudes in this ancient period of history and in this part
of the world.
cuneiform (n): relating to a writing system used in ancient times in the Middle East
assault (n): the crime of attacking someone physically
For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to
the text.
1. The Stele of Hammurabi is special because
A. it was the oldest object ever found in an archaeological site.
B. it shows us the rules people created thousands of years ago.
C. it is longer than any other piece of ancient writing.
D. it contained more ancient laws than anything else discovered.
2. Originally, the single stone showed
A. King Hammurabi dictating his laws.
B. the place where it used to be displayed.
C. a list of business transactions in cuneiform script.
D. official regulations, arranged in a clear way.
3. The article says that the Stele included legal information on
A. what to do if it was ever stolen.
B. how to train people in different jobs.
C. ending a marriage.
D. where people could safely put their money.
4. The Stele shows us that ancient societies had modern-seeming ideas, including the idea
A. people who are accused of a crime are not necessarily criminals.
B. if someone is guilty of a crime, then they should be punished.
C. we should avoid harming people, whether or not they have harmed us.
D. treating someone in a very strict or severe way is wrong.
5. From studying the Stele, it seems that Babylonian society
A. did not respect doctors.
B. did not deal with all criminals in the same way.
C. thought that some people should not pay for services.
D. used more than one currency.
6. According to the final paragraph, the Stele of Hammurabi
A. may not show what people really did in ancient times.
B. was widely copied by other societies.
C. is unlikely to be the oldest set of laws ever created.
D. was first written created in another form by King Hammurabi.

Score: .............../6

V. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap.
The traditional of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought that there (1)
……………….……. a special danger from evil spirits, so friends and family came together to bring
good thoughts and wishes and even presents. At one time, only kings had birthday parties but
as time went (2) ……………….……., children and then adults began to have their (3)
……………….…….. birthday celebrations. There are some traditions - (4) ……………….……. as
sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the ‘Happy
Birthday’ song, that you can find (5) ……………….……. anywhere, any time.
In China, everyone celebrates their birthday on New Year’s Day: they become one year (6)
…………. on that day. On a child’s second birthday, family members put a variety of objects on
the floor around the child. (7) ……………….…….. to Chinese tradition, the first object that the
child picks up tells you what profession the child will choose (8) ……………….…….. in life.
In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the
cake (9) ……………….……. is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young
person is now old (10) ……………….……. to leave and enter the family home at any time they
want to!
Score: .............../5

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
1. Investigators believe an _______________ set the wildfires that burned 20,000 acres of
land. ARSON
2. She is a persistent _______________ and has been arrested five times this year for
shoplifting. OFFENCE
3. This work is extremely _______________- you'll have to do it again. ADEQUACY
4. He found it very hard teaching a class full of _______________ teenagers. DIFFER
5. They have been _______________ enemies ever since Mark stole Greg's girlfriend. DEAD
6. The profit from this kind of fraud goes directly to ____________________ crime.
7. The farmers were encouraged to share their problems, and most of them mentioned loss
of seeds and seedlings owing to ____________________ rain. TORRENT
8. She was ____________________ from the list of contributors to the report. OMISSION
9. We must improve our response to ____________________ natural disasters. SCALE
10. The effects of global warming are ____________________ spread across the globe. EVEN
Score: .............../10

VII. Complete each sentence using a verb from A in the correct form and a particle from B.
Some participles in B may be used more than once. Change the forms of the verbs if needed.
take / do / get / give / own / see / whip / over / forward / down /away with / up /
blow / wear / come through / away / up to
1. He was trying to _______________ some enthusiasm for the project.
2. If I thought I could ________________ it, I wouldn't pay my taxes at all.
3. We hope that this crisis will soon _______________.
4. The gunman __________ himself __________ to the police.

5. They were very friendly, but it didn't take long to ________________ them.
6. Computerization has enabled us to ________________ a lot of paperwork.
7. The leather is starting to _______________ at the seams after so many years.
8. The police appealed for witnesses to _________________ with information.
9. He was too frightened to _______________ his mistake.
10. Can I just __________ some details ___________?
Score: .............../10
VIII. Choose the best answer.
1. I can’t tell Peter and Paul apart; they are ______ twins.
A. similar B. alike C. resemblance D. identical
2. According to my ______, we should have enough money for the rest of the month.
A. estimates B. calculations C. suspicions D. expectations
3. Owing to various advances in modern medicine, certain diseases that were seemingly
incurable now ______ treatment.
A. yield to B. consist of C. interfere with D. stem from
4. Books are no longer the only ______ of stories and information.
A. source B. style C. basis D. site
5. The accident was caused by a taxi driver ______ the traffic lights.
A. jumping B. rushing C. missing D. crossing
6. I couldn’t tell what time it was because workmen had removed the ______ of the clock.
A. hands B. pointers C. arms D. fingers
7. Since ______ has been so poor, the class has been closed.
A. attendance B. attendant C. attending D. attendee
8. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shop usually ______.
A. drops B. lowers C. sinks D. reduces
9. The school was closed for a month because of serious ______ of fever.
A. outcome B. outburst C. outbreak D. outset
10. ______ his advice, I would never have got a job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
11. The question of late payment of bills was ______ at the board meeting.
A. risen B. raised C. bought D. taken
12. Modern buildings should ______ with the surrounding area.
A. suit B. fit C. blend D. join
13. There was nothing special about his clothes ______ from his flowery tie.
A. but B. except C. other D. apart
14. He is a typical ______, always looking on the bright side of everything.
A. pessimist B. introvert C. extrovert D. optimist
15. He carried a(n) ______ driving license.
A. artificial B. unfaithful C. untrue D. false
16. You would look up a word in a dictionary if you didn’t know what it ______.
A. signified B. meant C. showed D. talked
17. As the drug took ______, the patient became quieter.
A. effect B. force C. influence D. action
18. His answer was so confusing that it hardly made ______.
A. meaning B. interpretation C. intelligibility D. sense
19. My father sometimes ______ the washing up after dinner.
A. washes B. takes C. makes D. does

20. Waste paper can be used again after being ______.
A. produced B. recycled C. wasted D. preserved
21. She ______ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a
A. has worked B. has been working C. was working D. had been working
22. The new manager explained ______ new procedures to save time and money.
A. with the staff that he hoped to establish B. to the staff that he hopes to establish
C. to the staff that he hoped to establish D. with the staff that he hopes to establish
23. When reaching the top of the hill, ______.
A. we suddenly caught sight of the sea B. it was the sea that extended below us
C. we extended the sea below us D. the sea came into view
24. Yesterday my mother bought ______.
A. beautiful Italian some cotton hats B. Italian some beautiful cotton hats
C. some beautiful Italian cotton hats D. some hats beautiful Italian cotton
25. You ______ the washing-up. I could have done it for you.
A. needn’t have done B. hadn’t to do
C. couldn’t have done D. mustn’t have done
26. - “Mary didn’t understand it.” - “______.”
A. So did I B. I did too C. I did either D. Me neither
27. Hurry up, or they ______ serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant.
A. stopped B. will have stopped C. are stopping D. would stop
28. - “Have you read his new book?”
- “Yes, it’s ______ interesting than his first four books.”
A. the most B. very much C. a lot more D. the more
29. He prefers to read newspapers ______ talk to his wife.
A. to B. than C. rather than D. rather
30. _____________you had to find a new job, what would you like to do?
A. Provided B. Supposing C. So D. Though
Score: .............../30

IX. Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. ________
a. She never stops talking about healthy eating - she's got a real ...................... in her
bonnet about it.
b. She's as busy as a ......................, always going to meetings and organizing parties.
c. At parties he always makes a ......................-line for the prettiest woman in the room.
2. ________
a. The big bodyguard pushed the people waiting outside the hotel out of the
...................... to make room for the star.
b. When the loggers arrived, the forest was forced to give ................... to the vast open
c. A massive reconstruction process is well under ................... . Its results will soon be
3. ________
a. In her new environment Lora was feeling like a .................. out of water. She soon
realized they had almost nothing in common with her.

b. Lewis, you don't really have to ..................... for compliments. I do respect you for who
you are.
c. The explorers looked in awe at the shoals of tropical ...................... surrounding the
beautiful reef.
4. ________
a. Michael looks much younger than he really is and that's why he decided to
..................... a beard.
b. The children might be a bit suspicious of each other, but hey, give them some time
and they'll .................... to like each other.
c. As a single mother Jane used to ................... their own produce and sell it on the
market to sustain her family of four.
5. ________
a. Shortly after the university offered its first online service, other educational
institutions followed ................... to remain competitive.
b. At our hotel we are doing our best to ................... every taste imaginable.
c. Don't buy this ................ . The sleeves are a bit too long and the lapels are too big.

Score: .............../5

X. Put the verbs given in the brackets into their appropriate tenses or forms.
1. (come) __________________________ what may, we will go ahead.
2. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour, but Tom is driving at 50. He (not drive)
__________________________ like that.
3. It is highly desirable that every effort (be) __________________________ made to reduce
4. Suppose every word of this (be) __________________________true, what action would
the committee wish to take.
5-6. If I (own) __________________________ a car, I (pick) __________________________
you up from the airport yesterday.
7-8. As our new furniture (deliver) __________________________ on Monday morning, I ‘ll
have to stay at home to check that it (not damage) __________________________.
9-10. It (announce) __________________________ that the new office block (not/build)
__________________________ because of the current economic situation.
Score: .............../5

XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given.
1. It is said that he was born in Segovia.
2. He …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it was so late.
Sorry, I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. I didn’t work hard, so I am poor now.

If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. If she hadn’t interfered, there would have been no problems.
Without her …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. The way John talks to his employees will make them rebel against him eventually. 

The way John talks to his employees ………………………………………………………………………………
6. Marie said that she was very sorry that she had made such a silly mistake. 

Marie ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. If you come to the party tonight, I promise I’ll help you study for your exam over the

I promise to help you study for your exam over the weekend …………………………………………
8. He could not conceal his excitement. 

He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… was.
9. While the bus roared across the plains, she managed for a moment to see the ocean in
the distance.

While the bus roared across the plains, she ………………………………………………………………………
10. In the end, I concluded I should do it by myself. 

In the end, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Score: .../10


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