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Foundation In Business

FPBS 1014


Assignment Name: Healthcare. Sdn.Bhd

Tutorial Group: Group 4

Group Member List: 1. Koh Jia Xuan ( ID: 2004392 )

2. Lim You Kang ( 2004264)
3. Soon Kok Keong (2004318)
4. Tay Swee Shin (2004709)
5. Kieran Kam Ka Kien (2004686)


Submission Date: 8 March 2021




Semester: __3______________ Course Code & Title: __FPBS 1014 Business Environment_


I/We confirm that I/we have read and shall comply with all the terms and conditions of TAR University
College’s plagiarism policy.

I/We declare that this assignment if free from all forms of plagiarism and for all intents and purposes if
my/our own properly derived work.

I/We further confirm that the same work, where appropriate, have been verified by antiplagiarism

No Signature
. Student's name Student's ID No
1  Koh Jia Xuan  20WPF04392  
2  Lim You Kang  20WPF04264  
3  Soon Kok Keong  20WPF04318  
4  Tay Swee Shin  20WPF04709  
5  Kieran Kam Ka Kien  20WPF04686  

Date: ___7/3/2021___


Program/ Semester: Foundation of Business & Sem 3 Course: FPBS1014 Business Environment

Assessment Criteria (i)

Class: ……FBU1306…… Task 1: Group Assignment (50%)

Name of Students and ID No: 1) ………Koh Jia Xuan……………… (ID: 20WPF04392 ) 4) ………Tay Swee Shin……………… (ID: 20WPF04709 )

2) ………Lim You Kang…………….. (ID: 20WPF04264 ) 5) ………Kieran Kam Ka Kien…………………(ID: 20WPF04686 )

3) ………Soon Kok Keong………… (ID: 20WPF04318 )

No Criteria (Weight)   Marks     Score
    9 - 10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1 -2  
    Excellent Good Average Weak Poor  
1 Ideas / Contents Exceptionally Clear, focused, Evident main Purpose and Lacks central  
clear, focused, interesting ideas idea with some main idea may idea;
engaging with with appropriate support which be unclear and development is
relevant, strong details. may be general cluttered by minimal or non-
supporting or limited irrelevant detail existent

2 Organisation Effectively Strong order and Organisation is Lack of Lack of  

organised in structure; appropriate but structure, coherence,
logical and inviting conventional; disorganised; confusing; no
creative introduction and attempt at missing or weak identifiable
manner; satisfying closure introduction and introduction and introduction and
creative and conclusion conclusion conclusion
introduction and

3 Argument Coherent and Coherent and Fairly coherent Some confusion Missed the point  
completely reasonable well and vagueness completely
organised organised
4 Sources Sourced are Sources are Sources are sources are not Major spelling  
cited correctly generally somewhat relevant or errors: sources
appropriate and relevant missing are incorrect or
support purpose absent in the

5 Quality of the Written No errors in A few writing More than few Many careless Major spelling  
Assignment spelling, and spelling writing and writing and errors; Wrong
grammar and errors but none spelling errors spelling errors font size;
alignment that are critical that may that impede alignments are
for impede comprehension; not justified
comprehension: comprehension; Many errors in
font size and More than few font size used
alignment errors errors in font and alignment
size and not in
alignment appropriate

            Total: /50

Comments by tutor:

Program/ Semester: Foundation of Business and Sem 3 Course: FPBS1014 Business Environment

Assessment Criteria (ii)

Name of Students and ID No: ………Koh Jia Xuan………… (ID: 20WPF04392) Class: ……………FBU1306………………
Task 2: Group Presentation (50%)


9 - 10 7-8 4-6 1-3 Score

Visual Appeal There are no errors in There are some errors in There are many errors in There are many errors in  
spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and
punctuation. Information is punctuation. Too much punctuation. Too much punctuation. The slides were
clear and concise on each information on two or information was contained on difficult to read and too much
slide. more slides. many slides. information had been copied
onto them.
Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make
slides appealing or too much No visual appeal.
going on.

Extensive knowledge of Most showed a good Presenter showed good Presenter didn’t understand
topic. understanding of topic. understanding of some parts topic.
Comprehension of topic.
Presenter showed complete Presenter able to answer Majority of questions answered
understanding of most of audience Presenter accurately answered by the presenter or majority of
assignment. Accurately questions. questions. information incorrect.
answered all questions

Presentation Regular/constant eye Presenter spoke to Presenter focused on only part Minimal eye contact by  
contact, The audience was majority of audience; of audience. presenter focusing on small part
Skills engaged, and presenter steady eye contact. of audience.
held the audience’s The audience was engaged Sporadic eye contact by
attention. by the presentation.
presenter. The audience was not engaged.
Appropriate speaking Presenter spoke at a
volume & body language. suitable volume. The audience was distracted. Presenter spoke too quickly or
quietly making it difficult to
Some fidgeting by Presenter could be heard by understand.
presenter. only half of the audience.
Inappropriate/disinterested body
Body language was distracting. language.

Content The presentation was a The presentation was a The presentation was The presentation was a brief look  
concise summary of the good summary of the informative but several at the topic but many questions
topic with all questions topic. elements went unanswered. were left unanswered.
answered. Comprehensive
and complete coverage of Most important Much of the information Majority of information
information. information covered; little irrelevant; coverage of some of irrelevant and significant points
irrelevant info. major points. left out.

All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or
information, participated presenter. Members members with one minimally tension resulting from over-
equally, and helped each helped each other. contributing. helping.
other as needed.
Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with Multiple group members not
Extremely prepared and some dependence on just participating.
rehearsed. reading off slides.
Group Dynamics
Evident lack of
Dependence on slides.

        Total /50

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Program/ Semester: Foundation of Business and Sem 3 Course: FPBS1014 Business Environment
Name of Students and ID No: ……Lim You Kang… ………… (ID: 20WPF04264) Class: ………FBU1306………
Task 2: Group Presentation (50%)


9 - 10 7-8 4-6 1-3 Score

Visual Appeal There are no errors in There are some errors in There are many errors in There are many errors in  
spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and
punctuation. Information is punctuation. Too much punctuation. Too much punctuation. The slides were
clear and concise on each information on two or information was contained on difficult to read and too much
slide. more slides. many slides. information had been copied
onto them.
Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make
slides appealing or too much No visual appeal.
going on.

Extensive knowledge of Most showed a good Presenter showed good Presenter didn’t understand
topic. understanding of topic. understanding of some parts topic.
Comprehension of topic.
Presenter showed complete Presenter able to answer Majority of questions answered
understanding of most of audience Presenter accurately answered by the presenter or majority of
assignment. Accurately questions. questions. information incorrect.
answered all questions

Presentation Regular/constant eye Presenter spoke to Presenter focused on only part Minimal eye contact by  
contact, The audience was majority of audience; of audience. presenter focusing on small part
Skills engaged, and presenter steady eye contact. of audience.
held the audience’s The audience was engaged Sporadic eye contact by
attention. by the presentation. presenter. The audience was not engaged.

Appropriate speaking Presenter spoke at a The audience was distracted. Presenter spoke too quickly or
volume & body language. quietly making it difficult to
suitable volume. Presenter could be heard by understand.
only half of the audience.
Some fidgeting by Inappropriate/disinterested body
presenter. Body language was distracting. language.

Content The presentation was a The presentation was a The presentation was The presentation was a brief look  
concise summary of the good summary of the informative but several at the topic but many questions
topic with all questions topic. elements went unanswered. were left unanswered.
answered. Comprehensive
and complete coverage of Most important Much of the information Majority of information
information. information covered; little irrelevant; coverage of some of irrelevant and significant points
irrelevant info. major points. left out.

All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or
information, participated presenter. Members members with one minimally tension resulting from over-
equally, and helped each helped each other. contributing. helping.
other as needed.
Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with Multiple group members not
Extremely prepared and some dependence on just participating.
rehearsed. reading off slides.
Group Dynamics
Evident lack of
Dependence on slides.

        Total /50

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Program/ Semester: Foundation of Business and Sem 3 Course: FPBS1014 Business Environment

Name of Students and ID No: ……Soon Kok Keong… ………… (ID: 20WPF04318) Class: ……FBU1306…… ……
Task 2: Group Presentation (50%)


9 - 10 7-8 4-6 1-3 Score

Visual Appeal There are no errors in There are some errors in There are many errors in There are many errors in  
spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and
punctuation. Information is punctuation. Too much punctuation. Too much punctuation. The slides were
clear and concise on each information on two or information was contained on difficult to read and too much
slide. more slides. many slides. information had been copied
onto them.
Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make
slides appealing or too much No visual appeal.
going on.

Extensive knowledge of Most showed a good Presenter showed good Presenter didn’t understand
topic. understanding of topic. understanding of some parts topic.
Comprehension of topic.
Presenter showed complete Presenter able to answer Majority of questions answered
understanding of most of audience Presenter accurately answered by the presenter or majority of
assignment. Accurately questions. questions. information incorrect.
answered all questions

Presentation Regular/constant eye Presenter spoke to Presenter focused on only part Minimal eye contact by  
contact, The audience was majority of audience; of audience. presenter focusing on small part
Skills engaged, and presenter steady eye contact. of audience.
held the audience’s The audience was engaged Sporadic eye contact by
attention. by the presentation. presenter. The audience was not engaged.

Appropriate speaking Presenter spoke at a The audience was distracted. Presenter spoke too quickly or
volume & body language. quietly making it difficult to
suitable volume. Presenter could be heard by understand.
only half of the audience.
Some fidgeting by Inappropriate/disinterested body
presenter. Body language was distracting. language.

Content The presentation was a The presentation was a The presentation was The presentation was a brief look  
concise summary of the good summary of the informative but several at the topic but many questions
topic with all questions topic. elements went unanswered. were left unanswered.
answered. Comprehensive
and complete coverage of Most important Much of the information Majority of information
information. information covered; little irrelevant; coverage of some of irrelevant and significant points
irrelevant info. major points. left out.

All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or
information, participated presenter. Members members with one minimally tension resulting from over-
equally, and helped each helped each other. contributing. helping.
other as needed.
Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with Multiple group members not
Extremely prepared and some dependence on just participating.
rehearsed. reading off slides.
Group Dynamics
Evident lack of
Dependence on slides.

        Total /50

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Program/ Semester: Foundation of Business and Sem 3 Course: FPBS1014 Business Environment

Name of Students and ID No: ……Tay Swee Shin… …… (ID: 20WPF04709) Class: ……FBU1306…… ………………
Task 2: Group Presentation (50%)


9 - 10 7-8 4-6 1-3 Score

Visual Appeal There are no errors in There are some errors in There are many errors in There are many errors in  
spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and
punctuation. Information is punctuation. Too much punctuation. Too much punctuation. The slides were
clear and concise on each information on two or information was contained on difficult to read and too much
slide. more slides. many slides. information had been copied
onto them.
Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make
slides appealing or too much No visual appeal.
going on.

Extensive knowledge of Most showed a good Presenter showed good Presenter didn’t understand
topic. understanding of topic. understanding of some parts topic.
Comprehension of topic.
Presenter showed complete Presenter able to answer Majority of questions answered
understanding of most of audience Presenter accurately answered by the presenter or majority of
assignment. Accurately questions. questions. information incorrect.
answered all questions

Presentation Regular/constant eye Presenter spoke to Presenter focused on only part Minimal eye contact by  
contact, The audience was majority of audience; of audience. presenter focusing on small part
Skills engaged, and presenter steady eye contact. of audience.
held the audience’s The audience was engaged Sporadic eye contact by
attention. by the presentation. presenter. The audience was not engaged.

Appropriate speaking Presenter spoke at a The audience was distracted. Presenter spoke too quickly or
volume & body language. suitable volume. quietly making it difficult to
Presenter could be heard by understand.
Some fidgeting by only half of the audience.
presenter. Inappropriate/disinterested body
Body language was distracting. language.

Content The presentation was a The presentation was a The presentation was The presentation was a brief look  
concise summary of the good summary of the informative but several at the topic but many questions
topic with all questions topic. elements went unanswered. were left unanswered.
answered. Comprehensive
and complete coverage of Most important Much of the information Majority of information
information. information covered; little irrelevant; coverage of some of irrelevant and significant points
irrelevant info. major points. left out.

All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or
information, participated presenter. Members members with one minimally tension resulting from over-
equally, and helped each helped each other. contributing. helping.
other as needed.
Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with Multiple group members not
Extremely prepared and some dependence on just participating.
rehearsed. reading off slides.
Group Dynamics
Evident lack of
Dependence on slides.

        Total /50

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Program/ Semester: Foundation of Business and Sem 3 Course: FPBS1014 Business Environment

Name of Students and ID No: ……Kieran Kam Ka Kien… ……(ID: 20WPF04392) Class: …FBU1306………
Task 2: Group Presentation (50%)


9 - 10 7-8 4-6 1-3 Score

Visual Appeal There are no errors in There are some errors in There are many errors in There are many errors in  
spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and
punctuation. Information is punctuation. Too much punctuation. Too much punctuation. The slides were
clear and concise on each information on two or information was contained on difficult to read and too much
slide. more slides. many slides. information had been copied
onto them.
Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make
slides appealing or too much No visual appeal.
going on.

Extensive knowledge of Most showed a good Presenter showed good Presenter didn’t understand
topic. understanding of topic. understanding of some parts topic.
Comprehension of topic.
Presenter showed complete Presenter able to answer Majority of questions answered
understanding of most of audience Presenter accurately answered by the presenter or majority of
assignment. Accurately questions. questions. information incorrect.
answered all questions

Presentation Regular/constant eye Presenter spoke to Presenter focused on only part Minimal eye contact by  
contact, The audience was majority of audience; of audience. presenter focusing on small part
Skills engaged, and presenter steady eye contact. of audience.
held the audience’s The audience was engaged Sporadic eye contact by
attention. by the presentation. presenter. The audience was not engaged.

Appropriate speaking Presenter spoke at a The audience was distracted. Presenter spoke too quickly or
volume & body language. suitable volume. quietly making it difficult to
Presenter could be heard by understand.
Some fidgeting by only half of the audience.
presenter. Inappropriate/disinterested body
Body language was distracting. language.

Content The presentation was a The presentation was a The presentation was The presentation was a brief look  
concise summary of the good summary of the informative but several at the topic but many questions
topic with all questions topic. elements went unanswered. were left unanswered.
answered. Comprehensive
and complete coverage of Most important Much of the information Majority of information
information. information covered; little irrelevant; coverage of some of irrelevant and significant points
irrelevant info. major points. left out.

All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or
information, participated presenter. Members members with one minimally tension resulting from over-
equally, and helped each helped each other. contributing. helping.
other as needed.
Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with Multiple group members not
Extremely prepared and some dependence on just participating.
rehearsed. reading off slides.
Group Dynamics
Evident lack of
Dependence on slides.

        Total /50

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Bil Content No. Page

1. Cover 1

2. Plagiarism Form 2

3. Assessment Criteria(i) 3-4

4. Assessment Criteria(ii) 5-14

5. Turnitin report 15-16

6. Introduction 18-19

7. Online Selling Platform 20

8. Problems which might face 21-22

your business
9. Solution 23-24

10. Corporate Social Responsibility 25-26

11. Concept of adding value 27-28

12. Bibliography 29

A) Introduction

Our company name is HealthCare Sdn.Bhd. Our company is the private limited
company. First, the reason of select the company as the private limited company are every
shareholder has limited liabilities, it means that the shareholders invest RM 10,000, if
company loss, the shareholders will lose their invest amount only which is RM 10,000.
Second reason of choosing the company as private limited company is separate legal
personality which means that whatever happening in the business, does not affect
shareholders personal assets and their reputation. The third reason can raise capital easily as
start-up company from sales of shares to family, friends, and employee. The last reason is
continuity in event of death of shareholder. This mean that if one of the company shareholder
death, the company also can operate as usual.

To register a company, we need comply to the memorandum and article of a private

limited company. The memorandum and article of private limited company is restricting the
right to transfer its shares subject to the approval of its directors. Besides, the number of its
members are limited, which is requires minimum 2 natural person and not more than 50
persons. It also allows another company to wholly own 100% of its issued shares. Next, it
does not allow any invitation to the public to subscribe for any share debentures of the
company. Other than that, it prohibits any invitation to the public to deposit money with the
company for fixed periods or payable at call, with or without interest. In our company, we
have 5 shareholder and 10 workers. Each of the shareholder invest RM 10,000 in the
company. The total investment amount is RM50,000. We also have a director in the
company. The director is recruited by the shareholder which is to manage the company and
ensure business to achieve objective.

The HealthCare Sdn.Bhd is our company which is providing the health care product
such as vitamin or some medical good such as mask, bandage, and medical gauze. Our
product normally sells at physical shop but during the pandemic we change our business
operation to online. It can reduce the cost of business and some expenses of business such as
rental, air and electrical. The main product of our company is vitamin. The vitamin is
producing by own company which is HealthCare Sdn.Bhd. There are some several type of
vitamin for customer. As an example, there are many vitamins consists different nutrient
which are we have vitamin A, vitamin C. Our vitamin does not have artificial colours,

flavours or preservatives added. It is providing nutrient to customer to stronger their immune

Moreover, we also have provided the delivery services to customer. We provided the
free delivery fees nearby our shop in area 10km and out of area 10km we will charge the RM
5 as delivery fees. By doing this, it can be easier and more convenience to customer who
want to purchase our product. The delivery services that we provided also can reduce the time
of people went out from home and reduce the rate of infection of pandemic.

The objective of our business is to provide good quality product and healthy lifestyle
to customers. As the pandemic is getting worse, the body health become a common problem
faced by the people, thus we improve the quality of people life which is provide the vitamin
to them and to stronger their immune system to prevent getting sick in pandemic period.
Other than that, we aim to produce more healthier product to fulfil customer need and wants.
We also plan to enlarge our company to other country to make other people in other country
can enjoy our product. We will invest some money to do research and development, we will
participate in the skill exchange program with developed country such as Amerika and China
to acquire skill and applied to our product. It will benefit to our customer who use our

B) Online Selling Platform

The online selling platform and it also known as eCommerce now and online platform
allows our company to sell and promote our new products or introduce the new service as
online. Besides, online selling platform also made more convenience between buyer and

In this technological age, many companies are using the official website to promote their
products on the website. Therefore, our company decided to create a website and so our
customers can watch the goods display on our official website. The website is called Our company basic information such as company’s background,
contact number and the detail of our products will be shown on the website. On the website,
there will show the price, quantity of a bar of vitamin, and the service which we will
provided. There will be designed as very easy to control or use by our customers. Thus, our
company website can used by the customers who are not so proficient in technology such as
old people or some housewife. Thence, our customer will have a wonderful buying
experiences when our website makes the buying process simple and easier. It will also
improve customer satisfaction and increase the chance of having repeating order for our

Furthermore, there are many different online selling platforms such Lazada, and the
social media also became an online platform now such as Facebook or Instagram. There are
many users are using the social media for convenience. Thus, for maintain our sales, our
company will create an official Facebook page for doing more advisement of our products
and service on Facebook. We also use our company logo to become the profile picture and
this can help customers to identify our official page. In FB page, we will often upload the
product’s picture and inform our customers if have any promotion. This will become more
convenience and more quickly to know the latest information for our customers.

Besides that, we will post a lot of photo of the products, video and activities which are
doing by our company recently. When posting the image, we will also provide a clear
description or how to use the products, so that customer will have a good understanding of
the product’s function and will not use it wrongly. We will often post the photo or video
when our company held some activities such as talk about healthcare and this will attract

more people to give the attention to our healthcare company. When people interest in the
healthcare product, they can buy products in our FB profile or our website. Besides, we can
through the FB post’s likes and shares to know the customers’ needs and wants.

C) Problems which might face your business

The first problem is the creation of our business plan. Like all businesses we must
have a business plan so that we can earn a profit out of this and to be motivated in conducting
this business. However, this will prove a challenge as selling products online is not the same
as selling it in person. This is because of the use of technology to sell our products online, the
inability to physically interact with the customer to effectively build customer loyalty at a
faster rate and internet connectivity. Therefore, we need to create business plan for an online
selling platform that is effective and reliable when it is put into action so that everyone who is
associated with the business will not be confused, will understand the process of thing and
know that what they are doing benefit the entire business.

The second problem to the lack of trust between the business and the public. Since we
are a new business, customers are unsure whether to trust us and the product we sell. Trust is
our biggest expense; it takes years to build it and only a few seconds to lose it. Without trust
transactions cannot occur because no one is willing to spend money on our product as they do
not trust it. We will have a lack of influence to expand our business and branch out to other
areas in the market. Our business will lose workers due to the poor sales of the product and
how badly the business is doing, causing them to be demotivated and leave to find a new job
that is bigger and better than ours. Salespeople will lose sales since the product is not selling
well. Therefore, it is very important that we earn the trust of the public if the business is to
succeed and become a large influence in the market in order for the us to grow in size and

The third problem that the business will face is the transportation of the products that
the customers will buy. When a customer buys the product, it becomes their property and has
the right to have it. When we are selling online the customers purchase our product from their

homes, which means we have to deliver it to them. Therefore, we must have an effective and
efficient transportation system that makes sure that our customers receive what they
purchased in an unspoiled condition. Planning our transportation system will prove difficult
as it requires a lot of logistics, vehicles and coordination when the plan is put into motion.

The fourth problem is the packaging of the product. As mentioned earlier we have to
deliver our product to our customers in an unspoiled condition. We must make sure that the
package containing the product does not cause it to break or fall out of it. If this is to happen,
the product will be damaged and can no longer be used which will be a waste of resources,
time and effort put into the making of that product. This will also cause our reputation to be
wounded as we failed to deliver the product in an undamaged state as the customer that was
supposed to receive the product will very likely write a negative review or a direct complaint
to the business.

The fifth problem is the competition we will face in the market. We are not the only
ones selling the type of product we sell online, there are larger businesses that have loyal
customers that do not hesitate to purchase their products on a daily basis, a larger variety of
products to choose from so that it caters to all areas of their customers’ desires and a positive
reputation that constantly draws in new customers from the public. These competitors will
reduce our chances of earning a profit as we are new to the market and lack the tools and
influence that they have to rival them., overshadowing us and not giving us the opportunity to
attract a reasonable number of customers for the business to survive its first few days of being

The last problem the need for online identity verification, it is a process that checks a
person's identity and confirms whether they really are who they say they are by using
computer technology. When a visitor goes to our online app and signs up, we need to be sure
whether this is a real person who is here to buy our products and not just an online bot or a
fake account which could result in revenue losses when it comes to Cash-On-Delivery

(COD). By having an online identity verification, we increase our app’s security and its
trustworthiness. It also reduces the chances of us wasting time, effort and resources on fake
accounts and bots.

D) Solutions

Firstly, the solution that can overcome the creation of our business plan is getting
started. The hardest part about planning a business plan is getting it started. We need to
understand the industry outlook and our targeting market. It is important to do the market
analysis. Doing these researches will let us know what other businesses are doing and what
their strengths and weaknesses are. People nowadays are buying the essentials online instead
of going out to the mall buying the essentials. Therefore, we also need to hire some
professionals to create and design an attractive website and application to sell our products to
the customers.

Secondly, the solution that can overcome the lack of trust between the business and
the public is to use social media. Social media is a powerful tool to promote our business and
gain potential customers. It allows us to build relationships with customers and encourage
them to refer customers to you. This will give us more opportunities to get more work and
build our customer base. We can invest time to build our network and identify trends that
appeal to our target market. Therefore, more customers will trust our products if we have a
strong relationship with the customer base.

Thirdly, the solution that can overcome the transportation of the products that
customers will buy is to hire drivers. But we need to hire drivers that are responsible so that
our products won’t be damaged. Also, Recruitment for drivers that from no study
backgrounds would be cheaper and less stressful for them. This can also reduce the
employment rate in Malaysia. The drivers that we hire can deliver the products to the
customers for us and also collect our products from the supplier. We can save more time from
hiring drivers. Therefore, we can invest the time that we saved to improve our business.

Fourthly, the solution that can overcome packaging of the products is to increase the
quality of the packaging. However, poor packaging products can lead to lower sales. A
packaging that has quality will not break easily. With dealing with the delivering boxes, we
want a package that maintains brand recognition without damaging it. The packaging must
first protect the goods inside. Therefore, it will leave a good impression to the customers so
that they will buy again.

Fifthly, the solution that can overcome the competition that we will face in the market
is to know our competition. This will let us know what our competitors are doing and what
their strengths and weaknesses are. If we know for sure a competitor is going in or out of our
business, we can allude to it. Besides that, we can set competitive pricing. We can beat our
competitors by offering more affordable pricing of our products. However, lowering our
products prices isn’t the best strategy. We can also provide great customer service. They are
the one who raise the level of customer satisfaction. Providing good customer service is a
great way to build loyalty among customers and differentiate us from the competitors.

Lastly, the solution that can overcome the need for online identity verification is to
add new features like ID and face verification on our website and application. When it comes
to things like new account openings or high-risk transactions, one of the most essential
factors is knowing who we are dealing with. Because it is possible to get a fake identity and
claim to be someone else. An online identity verification can help us to know who to trust
and our customers knows to trust us.

E) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility is a type of international private business self-

regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals by engaging in or supporting volunteering
or ethically oriented practices. By practicing CSR, companies can be conscious of the kind of
impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and
environmental. There is some corporate responsibility which might be conducted in our
company business.

The first CSR that might be conducted in our company is our company will give
discount to the customers. Our business has created an online selling platform during the
pandemic and have own an official website that sells the new products and services. Besides
that, our company also have official Facebook page that introduce and sell our products and
services. Therefore, our company will give discount on our products. The discount will be
given for specific times for examples when Chinese New Year, Singles Day, which is Double
11, “Hari Raya Aidilfitri”, Happy Diwali, Christmas and others. In this specific time, the
price of our products will have a discount 50%. This is because our company want to make
sure that all of the people can afford the price to buy our products especially the low-income
peoples. After the discount given, all of the peoples can buy our new products to keep their
healthy during pandemic. Other than that, people can also buy our products for examples
mask, bandage and medical gauze during promotion. It will be cheaper compared with the
normal day.

The second CSR that might be conducted in our company is organize online activities.
Because of the pandemic Covid-19, our company have changed our business operation to
online. Therefore, our products and services will sell online. The examples of online activities
corporate social responsibility are we will give free gifts to the persons who participate to our
online activities and qualified to win the activities. Our products will be the free gifts in the
online activities. We will organize some event in our official Facebook page. For example, all
the users of Facebook can participate our online activities with terms and conditions. The
participants will only win and receive the free gifts after they qualified. The most requirement
to win the free gifts is helps to promote our company in their media social. For example,
sharing our Facebook page in their own media social or share to their friends then they are
qualified to win our free gifts. Through this online activity, there will be a type of corporate

social responsibility that can benefits peoples and also benefits for our company. This is
because, when our company is giving out our products, people need to promote our
company’s products to their media social. Thus, our company will save money to advertise
our products.

The third CSR is donating and sponsor. Our company will donate to the people they
need. For example, our company will donate a percentage of our earning profits to local
charities. Therefore, the local charities will have more capital to do charities. Other than that,
our company will also donate our products such as vitamin, bandages, masks and other to
nursing home and orphanage. This is because, the antibiotic that kids and old mans have in
their body is too weak to prevent them from getting sicks. Therefore, kids and old mans will
be more necessary to having the vitamins during the pandemic. There is a big cost to
everyone in the nursing home and orphanage having the epidemic prevention without
donation. People in the nursing home and orphanage will be having lower chance to getting
Covid-19 after they received and use the products that we sponsor to them. Thus, there will
be lesser people from getting Covid-19 and can prevent the Covid-19 separate in their
surrounding area. More people will be stay safe in that area.

F) Concept of Adding Value

Before we sell our products and services, we need to add value on product and service so
can let people spend money to buy our product and service. We need to add value for our
product because the added value can help to increase our business profit and it also can help
our business to attract more customers. The purpose for our business is produced consumer
goods and services that meet the needs and wants of customers.

First and foremost, our company can add value in the packaging of our products. As the
information, our company’s main product is healthcare products such as various type of
vitamins, masks and herbal supplements. Thus, our company can add the instruction that how
to use this healthcare products and which age to which age suitable to take the healthcare
products in the perspective of medicine. Besides the instruction also will show to the people
of the taking time and frequency in one day. By this adding value, customers will clearer to
the products and will not take the product in wrong way or wrong time. This will also attract
more customers to buy our products because the instruction will make people feel more
convenience in taking the medicine.

Furthermore, we can apply a customer service in our company’s website to reply

customer’s message and solve the problem faced by customers when taking the healthcare
products or buying in our website. We can add a section for customers click a button called
‘contact us’ in our website. This will very convenience to customers and it also can provide a
good service to them. This is because a good service can help to expand our business life
span and create business reputation or brand. We can gain the competitive advantage in the
market by provided the special service. Besides, we will also pick some employees who are
good in communication to form a customer service team and provide training to them every 6
months. We will provide training about the knowledge in medical and this will make sure that
they can solve the medical problem which are faced by customers. We will also request the
customer service team should be able to communicate with two or more languages. This is
because this can make sure they able to communicate with using the language that the
customer using smoothly and can teach customers to take the products or medicine clearer
when faced the customers of different race. We also will add value in every employee to
make some new medical knowledge by attend some medical classes. This can make sure they

will not transmit wrong information to our customers and make a more serious problem such
as customers taking the wrong medicine.

Beside that, we will provide a new delivery service for our customers. This will more
convenience for our customers and the other state of customers also can buy our products
although they cannot buy in our physical shop. Therefore, when customers buy in our online
officially website, they can choose whether they take in our shop or they can choose our
delivery service. When we deliver products that order by customer, we will make sure the
package is tightly wrapped and this can avoid the products be damaged. Our company will
cooperate with delivery company and thus the delivery fee for customers will cheaper than
other companies. Therefore, our customers can enjoy the delivery with cheaper and faster and
no need go out to buy vitamins and other health products. For the pandemic Covid-19 now,
there is a safer and convenience method for our customers.

For our company’s officially website, we will add value in provide multi language to
customers. Customers can choose the language that they familiar with before they start to
browse our website. Malay, Chinese or Indian customers can choose whatever they want for
showing on the website. Therefore, this will attract more different races customers and will
not caused language barrier and reduce customer’s quantity. For our website, we will show
the product’s ingredients clearly for our customers to avoid the customers purchase wrong
products. For example, we will show the vitamin which it is more appropriate to take it from
a few years old to a few years old and this can avoid customers purchase wrong products.

Furthermore, our company will design a member card for customers to collect points.
Customers can gain point with purchase any products whether in our physical shop or online
officially website. For example, they can get 1 point when they spend RM10 and if collected
100points they can choose whatever one product that selling in our shop with free. The
register fee for a member is RM10 for one year time. The benefit for the registered members
is special discounts will be given, there is when they spend RM150 – RM199 they will get a
10% discount, while they can get 20% discount when they spend more than RM250. When
they spend money for purchasing products as online, they also can get the points after they
insert the member’s series number that show on member card in specified bracket.

In conclusion, the suitable strategy for adding value to our business can help business to
earn more profit, create opportunities. The online shopping is one of the good ways for

purchasing during the pandemic. The good services and products provided are the
opportunity to let business to compete with other competitors. Thus, business can apply the
strategy of adding value to keep business operating good in the future.

G) Bibliography

Laduram Vishnoi (CEO, Published on November 9, 2016 Problem & solution URC:

Blog, Onfido. Digital identity 27 September 2019, Digital Identity Verification

By JASON FERNANDO Reviewed By GORDON SCOTT Updated Feb 2, 2021 Corporate Social
Responsibility <>

Small Business | Advertising & Marketing| Sales Promotions By Audra Bianca Corporate Social

By Scott Thompson, Upstream and Downstream Activities for a Marketing Director

October 1, 1997 / Fourth Quarter 1997 / Issue 9 (originally published by Booz & Company) by Adam
M. Branden burger and Barry Nalebuff (The Added-Value Theory of Business)


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