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DepEd and CHED accepted and implemented the flexible blended learning model, despite the risk of

open courses due to Covid-19. Distance learning includes learning modality and online classes.

For people who live in rural or provincial locations with sparse internet access, modular distance
learning is used. Modular remote learning is the use of tasks and activities designed by teachers that
are based on core learning skills. Despite the fact that there are both technical and non-technical
issues with their teaching in distance learning, the implementation of modular distance learning or
remote education led to a significant improvement in the students' knowledge of the particular topic
covered. Independent study is encouraged by the usage of modules. The improvement of students'
self-study or learning skills is one advantage of employing modules for instruction.

There are actually lessons which are not found in the modules but the students learn this in
pandemic. These are the values of making an effort, time management, discipline and
experimentation. However, not all students learned through modular due to the low comprehension
and understanding.

MODULE. Some are not doing their modules wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, many students said
that they actually never learn from the modules.

As one form of flexible learning widely used right now, online classes in the Philippines are courses
held on the internet. Because of the pandemic, mobile learning is the way to go to continue learning.
Either student attends online class or modular style.

In line with the new normal, the Department of Education established the Basic Education – Learning
Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) as a response to protect the health and safety of the students, educators,
and personnel from the ongoing pandemic. This aims to provide quality distance learning with the
use of self-learning modules in digital form, radio, television, and the internet.

•Online class is convenient because students can reach their teachers and classmates online within
the day.
•This arrangement offers flexibility because students can study anytime and teachers can teach from
the comforts of their own homes, without having to stress what to wear and how to travel from
home to school.

•It is the safest way to study right now because they don’t have to leave the house and worry about
getting sick or catching the virus.

•Students can spend more time and catch up frequently with their families.

However, despite of these benefits as mentioned above, there are also disadvantages of the online
classes which are:

•Lack of mobile gadgets to use for online classes hampers a student’s education.

•Time can be hard to manage properly. There is an expectation for students to juggle studies and
help with household chores the entire day.

•Just to avoid catching the virus, both students and teachers struggle mentally and physically as they
try to adjust to this mobile learning and teaching.

•Students who live in the rural areas lack internet connection. Others have to climb mountains, cross
rivers, and walk for miles just to get signal or connect to free Wi-Fi to attend online class or
download modules.

•The bills for electrical and internet connection double, as students stay at home and manage their
studies. This also leaves out street children who have no means of paying for their families’ basic

As online classes in the Philippines take off, children are the ones having the hardest time adjusting
to the new norm. Especially now that the educational system is focused on technology based

As stated by the Department of Education to ensure educational continuity amidst the challenges
born out of this COVID-19 Pandemic, that Education must continue to give hope and stability,
contribute to the normalization of activities in the country, facilitate development of our learners
and bring normalcy of utmost importance and must be protected at all times (Dep.Ed Order No. 007.
series of 2020). In the present, most schools implemented Blended Learning already. Holy Name
University shared the same commitment and assurance of continuing its avowed vision to trail blaze
academic excellence.
With the possibility that controlling the spread of COVID-19 might take a longer time we foresee a
more prolonged period when we have to strictly observe the protocols and other safety measures
set forth by the government agencies for our safety .

Adhering to these guidelines. Holy Name University, Basic Education Department has made
innovations in the teaching-learning process in order to maintain excellence in instruction by
instituting Blended Learning with the following learning modalities.

Such as Face to Face learning in the classroom wherein classes will be conducted by several shifts
with limited number of students where physical distancing will be observed and safety & sanitary
precautions will be strictly adhered. Large gatherings in school will be strictly avoided. Another
option is Flexible Learning in which this is a combination of Home-Based online/offline learning and
face to face learning. This will be done through staggered class schedule. This would also serve as an
intervention to whatever possible situation which might not be captured in the two learning
modalities mentioned above. These options will give students the assurance of educational
continuity even to those who have insufficient access to the internet and the unavailability of other
gadgets since hard copies of the learning activities (learning kits) will be provided aside from the
textbooks that they will still be using.

As mentioned above, Holy Name University is not just the school that implements Blended Learning.
There are a lot more schools that follows the same learning modality and according to teachers, it is
more effective this way in which teachers can teach and discuss face-face at least twice or thrice in a
week. This is also in advantage to students since they can interact with their classmates and has the
chance to clarify the teachers about some parts of the lesson.

As a conclusion to what we have discussed above, Blended Face to Face Learning is better and more
effective to both teachers and students. It's efficiency can be supported by the performance of
students in this time of limited Face to Face than the implementation of the Modular and Online
Learning modality before. In this case, we can see the difference between the Education System
before and today. We, as a student can justify and support to that in which aside from having a
better learning, we can also immerse ourselves in socializing and interacting with our classmates and
teachers which is also helpful to one self’s mental health. In this time of New Normal, teachers can
also impart their knowledge better through face to face discussion and physical participation.
Therefore, we conclude that the New Normal Blended Face to Face Learning modality is better and
way more efficient learning tool. According to our Philippine National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal he quoted
his famous saying "Ang Kabataan ang Pag-Asa ng Bayan" and we can spark that Hope (pag-asa) by
having a better and effective learning.

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