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Course Title Contemporary World Course Number Contem_W

Credit Units 3 Pre-requisite None
Course Description This course introduces the students to the contemporary world by examining aspects of globalization. It
emphasizes the demonstration of globalization strategies and transactional experiences including integration of
online activities, practices and skills through individual and cooperative activities. For this purpose the students
will be exposed to global happenings in different aspects such as political, economical, social, cultural and
technoligical. Through lectures, readings and actual online practices, students are expected to directly relate to
contemporary world practices.
Course Intended Students are expected to:
Learning Outcomes
(CILO) 1. Exhibit leadership skills that can be used in work related situation.
2. Exhibit a level of ethical conviction that respect other ethical standards without fundamentalism and bigotry.
3. Express concern for the underpriviliedged by utilizing student’s knowledge from their profession in generating
measures and programs to address the concerns and need of the former.
4. Exhibit a deep understanding of global issues confronting the nation-states in relation to the Philippines by
utilizing the student’s knowledge on the phenomenon of globalization.
5. Actively participate in research and knowledge generation related to national and local development.

Institutional Outcomes Thomasian Graduate Attributes Essential Questions


1. Manifest leadership abilities to promote advocacies for life, 1. What is globalization?

freedom, justice, and solidarity in the service of the family, the 2. How am I a part of this phenomenon?
local and global communities, the Church and the environ- 3. What advantage/disadvantage can I derive from it?
ment. 4. Why is there globalization?
2. Exemplify values-driven leadership in the professional con- 5. What role does the Philippines play in globalization?
duct of the communication practice 6. Why do I need to study something which I am part of?
3. Implement relevant projects and activities that show respect
for the human person, regardless of race, religion, age, and
4. Express myself clearly, correctly, and confidently in various en-
vironments, contexts, and technologies of human interaction.
Week Content Essential Learning Intended Learning Method/Activities Student Outcomes
Standards Declarative Functional Outcomes/ILO Assessment and
Knowledge Knowledge Criteria
 Knowing the  Concept, defi-  Experience  Students must be 1. Pick a global 10 POINTS
1 value of globaliza- nition and impor- virtual platform able to actively happening. No
tion and its ef- tance of State for broadcast participate in group’s exact topic 4 points
fects. globalization. should be alike. Co- Content
 Nature of ordinate with your (Substance)
 Compare ad- Globalization. classmates. It could
vantages and dis- be the same topic 2 points
advantages of but different per- Presentation
globalization. spective. Example: (Visual and sound
one group may dis- Effects)
cuss about Kobe
Bryant’s Death, the 4 points
other group could Completeness
be about his NBA (4 requirements)

2. Prepare a pre-
sentation in class to
talk, discuss or ex-
plain the (1) prob-
lem/situation that
you chose, (2) pro-
vide at least two di-
vergent sides on the
matter (opposing
mates), (3) relate
that to your per-
sonal situations and
(4) provide a possi-
ble solution. These
four (4) are known
as requirements for

2  Know the  Global eco-  Experience  Experience virtual 1. Perform any -same-
value of global nomic forces digital payment monetary transaction online monetary
economy. portal/account transaction (could
 The Global for virtual trans- be buying, selling or
Economy. actions paying bills) using
virtual currency
(debit, credit or
crypto). Look for a
place or country
where online trans-
actions are not yet

2. Prepare a pre-
sentation in class to
talk, discuss or ex-
plain the (1) online
transaction that
you chose and the
reason behind it,
(2) what conve-
nience did it afford
you and why, (3)
what place did you
choose and why is
there no online
transaction there,
and (4) what dan-
niences did occu-
pants there experi-
ence due to lack of
online transactions.
These four (4) are
known as require-
ments for discus-

3  Differentiate  Different inter-  Experience  Students must be 1. Divide the class -same-
international gov- national govern- communication able to know the into two groups:
erning bodies ing bodies with an functions and student numbers
with international  Extent of their international powers of ending in odd ver-
organizations powers governing body international sus even. Odd num-
 Global governing bodies bers take the stand
Interstate System of “UN Failed”, even
numbers take the
stand of “UN Suc-

2. Write down the

group members.
Class division
should be more or
less equal. Members
may switch but
once listed, there
will be no more

3. You may freely

choose the role of
each member: de-
bater, replier, rebut
or conclude.

4  Determine if  Who are mem-  Determinatio  Students should 1. Individually, -same-

indeed there is bers of the per- n of racial be able to determine pick one country
global divide ceived global discrimination in the consequences of from Global North
south and global movies and the global divide and one country
north media portrayal from Global South.
 Global Divides:
North and South. 2. Discuss and
identify (1) two
countries and
their individual
characteristics (2)
point out the cul-
tural similarities,
(3) point out the
cultural difference
(4) Why are they
in different divide.
These four (4) are
known as require-
ments for discus-

5  Know the ad-  Regionalism in  Engagement  Experience virtual 1. Pick a regional -same-
vantage and dis- General in virtual regionalism organization.
advantage of be- knowledge
longing to a re-  Asian forum 2. Discuss and iden-
gion. Regionalism tify (1) what is the
 Know major purpose of the orga-
regional organiza- nization (2) what
tions similarities and dif-
ferences the mem-
ber countries have
(3) what are the no-
table projects and
achievements as
well as failures of
the organization
and (4) why did it
succeed and fail in
those projects.
These four (4) are
known as require-
ments for discus-

6  Appreciate the  Different me-  Creation of  Awareness of 1. Pick a program -same-

Role of Media in dia outfits social media emerging role of (CNN news, Ellen
the world and in a  Concept of Cy- platform and social media Show, Keeping Up
country berLibel analysis of its with the Kar-
 Power of pen reach and dashian, etc.).
and tongue consequence
 Global Media 2. Discuss (1) the
Culture point of interest of
the program, (2)
who are its audi-
ence (3) how it con-
nects to the audi-
ence and (4) how its
audience responds
to the campaign of
the media outfit
These four (4) are
known as require-
ments for discus-
7 a. Awareness of  Globalization  Discussion on  Understanding re- 1. Choose a reli- -same-
the role of reli- of Religion. religious origins ligious stereotype gion.
gion in globaliza- and peculiar and preventing reli-
tion. practices. gious hate 2. Discuss (1) the
egy/steps how the
religion spread, (2)
purpose of the reli-
gion (3) the early
problems and ex-
periences of the
founders/first be-
lievers and (4) the
extent of spread.


First Major Exam (Prelims):

To be announced.

Final Exam
To be announced.


See Rubrics provided in the Exam


1. Observe professional decorum. Avoid unnecessary activity or INACTIVITY that might disrupt the class.

2. It falls under your responsibility to make amends for any deficiency arising out of your absences (if applicable even for blended or on-
line learning set-up).
3. As a general rule, student handbook stipulations governing conduct and other requirements are in effect. Effects that disrupt class ac-
tivity are not allowed.

4. Attendance: A student who has over-cut or automatically gets a final grade of FA upon the eleventh hour (if applicable even for
blended or online learning set-up).

5. Late submission of requirements: Late submission of class requirement will incur 3-point deduction for every day it is late.

6. Intellectual and academic honesty is expected of everyone. Acknowledge all sources of information used in your works.

Per grading period:

Class standing (class activities) 60%

Comprehensive Exam/Activity 40%

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