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1. List and define the decisional managerial leadership roles.

2. List and define the leadership theory paradigms. (c4)
3. Which personality traits are more closely related to ethical and unethical
4. Describe the components of emotional intelligence. (c2)
5. State the major differences among content, process, and reinforcement theories.
6. Discuss the differences among legitimate, reward, coercive, and referent power.
7. Define the five conflict management styles. (c6)
8. Describe the inherent bias of LMX theory and how it can lead to unintended
9. Describe the two subgroups that can form under Vertical Dyadic Linkage
10. What are the benefits of using cross-functional teams?
11. In Chapter 5, different types of power - legitimate, reward, coercive, referent,
expert, connection, and information power - and influencing tactics were
discussed. What type of power is the charismatic leader most likely to be
associated with and why? (c5 + c9)
12. Describe four key behaviors characteristic of transformational and charismatic

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